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Scrambled eggs for breakfast are the perfect start to the day. And all because this dish is not only very tasty, but also healthy, thanks to the high content of vitamins and minerals, and is also very nutritious, satisfying hunger for a long time and saturating the body with energy. Especially if you complement the scrambled eggs with toast and fresh vegetables or herbs.

This dish is easy to prepare, which is why it is so popular in many countries, being a classic breakfast option. In my recipes, I will tell you how to cook fried eggs in a frying pan and in the microwave, and how to make it very tasty and healthy.

Recipe for classic fried eggs in a frying pan

Bowl, cutting board, frying pan, sharp knife, plate.

When choosing eggs, pay attention to their freshness - the fresher the eggs, the tastier the scrambled eggs will be. Manufacturers are required to indicate the production date and shelf life on the packaging. Also, high-quality eggs must be crack-free, clean (no feathers or droppings), and approximately the same size.

If you put a fresh egg to your ear and shake it, there should be no sound. To test eggs at home, place them in very hot water. salt water(50 g of salt per 0.5 liter of water). A fresh egg will sink to the bottom, while a rotten egg will float to the surface.

Did you know? Brown eggs have stronger shells than white eggs.

Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for cooking fried eggs in a frying pan

From this video you will learn how to prepare delicious fried eggs in a few minutes. I recommend watching!

  • Scrambled eggs will be even tastier if you fry them in butter. Just do this on low heat so that the oil does not start to burn.
  • To prevent white spots from forming on the yolk, it is better not to salt it, but only pepper it. For more flavor, use freshly ground pepper.
  • Stores sell a wide variety of silicone molds for making scrambled eggs. With their help, you can prepare fried eggs in the shape of a heart or a flower.

Microwave scrambled eggs recipe

Cooking time: 3 min.
Number of servings: 1.
Calories: 134 kcal.
Kitchen appliances and supplies: microwave, microwave cover, oven mitt, plate.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for cooking fried eggs in the microwave

To quickly and easily prepare delicious fried eggs in the microwave without a drop of fat, I advise you to watch this video.

The simplest everyday dish is scrambled eggs. It is prepared for breakfast, lunch and dinner. To make the dish tasty, you need to follow some simple rules.

How to cook scrambled eggs correctly

The most important secrets:

  • For scrambled eggs, take the freshest eggs, they are called diet eggs. Fresh eggs have a slightly sweet taste.
  • Pour the eggs only into a frying pan that is very hot with oil - the scrambled eggs will not stick to the bottom.
  • For scrambled eggs, use a medium-sized frying pan with a thick bottom.
  • Salt the fried eggs at the very end. If you do this earlier, the yolk will begin to spread over the white and the dish will not look very appetizing.
  • Serve scrambled eggs piping hot - they taste the best that way.

How to cook fried eggs

Wash the eggs and dry them well with a napkin. Pour 1 tbsp into the pan. vegetable oil and put 1 tbsp. butter When the butter is completely melted and hot, pour the eggs over it, one at a time. Reduce heat to medium. When the white becomes completely dense and the yolk is covered with a barely perceptible film, add salt to the dish. Place the scrambled eggs on a plate using a flat spatula so that the yolk is not damaged.

How to cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes

For this dish, choose tomatoes with very dense pulp.

  • Heat a frying pan and pour some oil into it.
  • Place tomato slices into hot oil and let them fry on the bottom.
  • Turn the tomatoes over and salt them.
  • Release the eggs onto the tomatoes and reduce the heat.
  • Fry the eggs and tomatoes for 2-3 minutes, and then salt and pepper them.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and keep the scrambled eggs on the stove for a couple more minutes.
  • When serving, sprinkle the scrambled eggs with green onions.

How to cook scrambled eggs

Drop the eggs into a bowl and add a little milk to them. Two tablespoons of liquid is enough for two eggs. Mix the eggs and milk with a whisk and add a little salt. Pour the egg mixture into a frying pan with melted butter and begin to quickly stir it with a spatula. When you are happy with the consistency, turn off the heat under the pan.

Scrambled eggs can also be cooked in the microwave. To do this, grease a plate with oil and pour eggs onto it. Pierce very carefully wooden stick film over the yolks. Place the plate in the oven and set the power to medium. Cooking time – 2-3 minutes.

What to cook for breakfast

how to cook scrambled eggs

15 minutes

215 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Every person has moments when he wants to eat, but at the same time, does not bother with preparing any dish. And it makes absolutely no difference why: from the absence personal experience in cooking, or due to lack of time, but in this situation, absolutely everyone will have the idea of ​​cooking scrambled eggs in the very first place among other dishes.

We offer you three recipes for making scrambled eggs, from the simplest to the most sophisticated and presentable. You will understand that scrambled eggs can be very different, even ones that you are not ashamed to serve to your guests.

How to cook regular scrambled eggs

This recipe is the simplest. If you just want to learn how to cook regular scrambled eggs in a frying pan without any fuss or hassle, then this recipe is for you.

Kitchen utensils and appliances: stove, frying pan.

Let's start cooking scrambled eggs

  1. Place the frying pan on medium heat and wait until it warms up.

    One of the most common mistakes people who start cooking scrambled eggs - they heat the pan very hot. It is better not to do this, because when driving an egg into a hot frying pan, the bottom layer of the egg will fry very quickly, but the top layer will be very liquid. If you hear a very loud crinkling sound when you add the egg, it means you overheated the pan a little. It can be left to cool for 15-20 seconds and then returned to the heat again.

  2. As soon as your frying pan is hot, pour a little refined oil into it. But not too much, we don’t want the scrambled eggs to float in oil.

  3. Time to crack the eggs into the pan! A knife is best, but the side of a frying pan will also work. Break the egg crosswise, then open the shell directly over the frying pan. If you are completely inexperienced, this may seem difficult at first, and pieces of shell will end up in the pan. But everything is decided with accumulated experience, so we boldly catch pieces of shell from the frying pan and don’t get upset!

  4. Salt and pepper to taste.

    It is worth noting that not everyone knows that salt, pepper, and various spices should be added exclusively to protein. No spices should be added to the yolk. Speaking of spices, feel free to use as many different spices as you like. Most of them go great with this dish and give it a little zest.

  5. Fry the scrambled eggs for about 5-7 minutes on medium, closer to minimum, heat. Rely on the eye; absolutely anyone can tell when scrambled eggs are ready.

  6. Place the cooked eggs on a plate using a spatula.

Video recipe: how to cook simple scrambled eggs

If you have any difficulties or questions about preparing this dish, pay attention to the video. It will help you finally make sure that scrambled eggs are prepared very easily and simply. It clearly shows the same stages of preparing the simplest scrambled eggs.

Recipe for delicious scrambled eggs in the oven

  • Time allotted for cooking scrambled eggs: 20-25 minutes.
  • Number of servings received: 1.
  • Kitchen utensils and appliances: oven, small baking dish, large baking dish, knife, cutting board.

List of ingredients used

Let's start cooking scrambled eggs

  1. First of all, you need to preheat our oven to 180 degrees. By the time it warms up enough, we will have time to prepare all the products and send them to bake.
  2. Take a baking dish and properly grease its walls and bottom with butter, which will prevent the scrambled eggs from burning while in the oven.

  3. On a cutting board, chop the tomatoes into small cubes, then place them in a baking dish.

  4. Peel the onion and chop it on a cutting board, then place it in a small baking dish. Make sure that the quantities of all ingredients are in harmony with each other so that they do not interrupt the taste of the egg.

  5. Pour some green peas into the mold (about 1-2 teaspoons) and pour in one tablespoon of low-fat cream.

  6. Put it into the mold egg, salt and pepper it to taste, then add another tablespoon of cream.

  7. Place the small mold in the large one. Pour hot water into a large one, until about the middle of the mold.

  8. Now you can send the large form with the small one into a preheated oven, where we cook our scrambled eggs. This will take about 15 minutes, but do not forget to periodically look at the dish, because a lot depends on the manufacturer of the oven and its power.

Video recipe: how to cook scrambled eggs in the oven

Everything is described in the video step by step steps When preparing this dish, you can use it as a cheat sheet directly while cooking scrambled eggs in the oven.

Scrambled eggs in the oven

This scrambled egg has a lot of advantages - you can change the filling options to suit every taste and color. You can replace the peas with green onions, and add bacon or ham to the cheese, turning ordinary scrambled eggs into an original, nutritious, very nice-looking healthy breakfast.


2 eggs,
4 tbsp. l. cream,
green pea,
salt and pepper to taste.


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease the molds with butter.

2. Lay out the filling: finely chopped onions, peas, tomatoes, pour a tablespoon of cream on top.

3. Beat in the eggs. Salt and pepper.

4. Add a spoonful of cream again.

5. Place the mold in the baking dish and pour hot water somewhere to the middle of the mold. Place in a preheated oven until done. Look, the main thing is not to dry it out.

6. That's it! Breakfast is ready.

Bon appetit!


Unusual recipe for scrambled eggs for breakfast

This recipe will help you cook scrambled eggs so that your guests will simply be delighted with their appearance, despite the fact that they taste like regular scrambled eggs. The dish is very interestingly designed, and absolutely every girl will be happy to receive such breakfast in bed early in the morning.

  • Time allotted for cooking scrambled eggs: 10-15 minutes.
  • Number of servings received: 1.
  • Kitchen utensils and appliances: stove, frying pan, through-form, whisk, bowl, knife.

List of ingredients used

Let's start cooking scrambled eggs

First stage

Second phase

  1. Turn on the gas to the lowest setting, place the ring-shaped form in the frying pan and put half of the whipped egg whites into it.

  2. We carefully level them in an end-to-end form and make a small depression in the white, where we will place our yolk, on top of which we lay the second half of our whites.

  3. Fry our egg for about a minute, this time will be enough for the whites at the very bottom to fry and the pan can be turned over. Turn our mold over and fry on the other side for another minute or two.

  4. Now you need to remove the egg from this mold. It is quite difficult to ensure that it does not stick to the walls of the mold, so we arm ourselves with a small knife and cut the egg along the walls of the mold.

  5. We put our recently fried toast on a dish, on top of which we put a leaf of lettuce, and then we put a fried egg on the salad.

  6. The fluffy scrambled eggs are ready!

Good day, Dear friends!
In today's video, I invite you to try cooking incredibly fluffy scrambled eggs! Yes, yes, exactly air!
Try to diversify your diet at least once fried eggs🙂 and it seems to me that you will appreciate this dish.

To prepare you need:
A little patience 🙂 as well as eggs, salt and a mold (see how to make a mold here
If desired, you can combine it with toast, herbs and your favorite sauces.

Happy petit everyone!

scrambled eggs, scrambled egg recipe, egg recipes


Well, that's all for me. Be sure to check out the very interesting technique preparations, as well as with. By the way, did you know that this dish is very easy to prepare in a regular microwave? No? Then the recipe will definitely suit your taste.

Share your recommendations and tips for refining and improving the recipes outlined above. Don't be afraid to experiment with cooking techniques by substituting completely different ingredients that you think will bring out the true flavor of the dish. The main thing is to prepare each dish with love and pleasure. These two ingredients should be on every list because they can transform even the most ordinary, simple dish into something delicious and special.