Krasinets Mikhail Yurievich. Automotive Museum in Chernousovo (68 photos)


Finally, we were able to fully open the motorcycle season by taking a ride with my brother to the Krasinets Museum in Chernousovo, in Tula region(traditionally, driving to/from work is not considered the opening of the season:)) The weather was wonderful, the museum itself turned out to be very interesting place, so there will be a lot of photos in the report.

The Krasinets Museum is not exactly a museum... It’s almost like a garbage dump, a cemetery of old cars that rot in the open air in the wilderness of the Tula region. This of course only makes it more interesting! 🙂 I’ve been planning to go there for probably a year and a half, but I didn’t have time, the weather didn’t allow it, and sometimes it’s lazy to drive almost 600 kilometers there and back. Finally got there!

Krasinets is a very ambiguous character. The dude worked for AZLK until the mid-1990s as a racer and mechanic for the factory team. Then, when the plant began to go bankrupt and Krasinets was sent into retirement, something apparently shifted in his head, and he began collecting old cars of varying degrees of disrepair, mostly Muscovites. In Moscow, there was obviously nowhere to put all this stuff, and Krasinets moved to Chernousovo with his entire collection. The collection is gradually being replenished, although judging by the condition of the cars, there will soon be a change in the exhibition due to the loss of exhibits.

In short, the wheelbarrows are rotting among the fields, and Krasinets is drinking heavily. Therefore, if you want to go to the Krasinets Museum, do not delay, because the owner of the museum can at any moment be completely destroyed by the Green Serpent, and then obviously the entire car cemetery will quickly be taken away for scrap metal. And the place is very interesting! I highly recommend going!

The road to the Krasinets Museum in Chernousovo.

From Moscow we leave along Varshavka and go through Tula to Oryol. We reach Cherni, in Cherni itself we turn left onto Efremov. The turn is not very noticeable, so you need to focus on the bridge. We drove across the Chern River bridge - that’s it! This means you missed the turn and are going the wrong way! 🙂
At the exit from Cherny there will be a garbage dump on the right. There will be an old concrete road leading to Bortnoye right in the middle of the trash heap. Let's go there. The concrete road will then turn right onto Bortnoye, then end and turn into a normal dirt road running among the fields. If you drive along it, sooner or later you will come across a museum.

There is also a more hardcore road, it is shorter, but, as jeepers usually say, “don’t mess around with pussies.” It leads directly through the Land, it’s a lot of fun and enduring, but not everyone will reach the finish line! 🙂

But let's start in order!

We left a little late, but the summer residents had all left the day before, so we didn’t have to push around with our trunks in traffic jams. The road is generally ok. There are potholes in places, repairs, but this is all in the Tula region, you can fly along the Moscow region for your pleasure.

Already flying May beetles. This one survived 🙂 I caught a couple more in the helmet with fatal results.

The mob turned out to be a pleasant place. Geographical names in general quite often form incorrect associations. Agree that the same Chekhov or Serpukhov a priori seem much better than Cherny :) Cherny turned out to be a very quiet and green village with cows grazing on the roadsides and chickens scattering away from the roar of direct flows. And for some reason I thought that we would see some kind of factory there))

The thrill begins from the concrete road to Bortnoye! 🙂 We take off our helmets, then there will be no cops, but only other transport, and very soon the road will disappear too :)

Of course we went through Ugod :)

Basically, in dry weather this the road will pass almost any motorcycle, except choppers and sports. But with one condition: no second number. If you are traveling with a friend, it is better to turn immediately onto Bortnoye, otherwise the passenger will have to walk. In the village of Ugod itself there is a rather difficult descent and ascent. After rain it’s generally scary to go there; in dry weather everything is passable. Then, after the climb, the fields begin, and there are no more problems there. The photo is very good road for that area. Then the bad thing started, and there was no time to take pictures :)

We flew out into the fields, and there was such beauty there!

The grass has just broken through, so you can simply burn across the field in any direction! Another question is that with different results :)

And then in the distance something appeared that looked like a cemetery for infected equipment in... We realized that we had arrived :)

Krasinets Retro Car Museum in Chernousovo.

There are a lot of cars, mostly Muscovites.

In fact, after the road through the Land, this museum is perceived as a sperm whale crashing in the desert. The first thought is “Oh my! How did they get it all here!?”

Krasinets himself had already celebrated Victory Day by the time we arrived, so it’s not like he could no longer stand on his feet to conduct an excursion :) A certain lady came out of the house to us, either his wife or his partner, I don’t know, and said that the museum was free, and we can walk and look, just don’t unscrew anything from the cars and smoke away. They live there modestly...

We modestly parked on the outskirts of the museum and went to climb through the exhibits.

Museum caretaker.

Here words will be superfluous. And you can clearly see the state in which everything is.

A big plus is that you can sit everywhere and climb under the hoods. Do what you want!

In general, you understand the general vector. A bunch of old broken down cars. But the atmosphere there is simply mind-blowing! You’re walking like this through the territory of the “museum”, dodging a guard dog, tripping over a leaky bucket, and then bam! Do you see this!

And you kick the bucket, stand and admire for a few seconds, then slowly aim the lens. Click! 🙂
It's not even about old rusty cars. If they were in the city, it would be just a landfill. It's about contrasts!

I'll still add a ton of photos.

And so we wander, wander around the museum, and here in Once again Krasinets' wife appears. And he says, guys, did you play firemen? We looked at each other, I said that I don’t understand what we’re talking about. She says, I’ll give you wet rags now, let’s go put out the fire in the field :) Putting out the fire in the local fields was not part of our plans, because, not only did we have to move to Tula, but we also didn’t want to wash our equipment.

The lady was persistent and said that she was very nervous because of the fires and that this was causing her teeth to fall out :) We didn’t tell her what actually caused her teeth to fall out, although the answer was on the surface. Her face was puffy from drinking, plus she probably smoked half a pack of cigarettes in front of us.

In the end, we shamefully paid off. Before the trip, of course, I read that they don’t sell tickets at the Krasinets Museum, and that everyone simply gives thanks as they see fit. We thanked them with money (the lady beamed!), jumped on our motorcycles and went to Tula a different way, through Bortnoye.

And some couple came after us, so I think there was someone there to play firemen 😉

The way back through Bortnoye passes through fields, there is a very pleasant and beautiful road, where in some places you can safely maintain 70-80 km/h.


I had been to Tula many years ago, and I didn’t remember anything about the city. On way back We decided to spend the night there simply because there was nothing to do. We checked into the cheapest hotel "Tula" with hot water from both taps (how do they do this? :))

Tula is somehow without any zest at all. We left there, but I didn’t remember anything, I didn’t even take out my camera. Well, there are a lot of guns everywhere and all sorts of equipment standing on the streets as monuments, well, the Kremlin is there, as usual, but everything is somehow not interesting. There are few good establishments, the girls are mostly ugly. Yes, and they got caught by a motorized battalion, unknowingly turning them under a brick. They gave us a fine))

As a result, the Krasinets Museum is a very cool place! The nature is amazing, there is plenty of climbing in the museum itself, and the road is a blast! I recommend!
But you don’t have to go to Tula, there’s nothing to do there.

Almost the final point of our three-day Voronezh travel On May 9, 2015 there was a very popular and unique automobile museum under open skies. Mikhail Krasinets Museum. Hundreds of domestic cars are parked in an ordinary Russian field. Washed by all the rains, blown by all the winds.

No one can tell you better about this place, and about Krasinets itself, than Lurkmorje.

"IN real life Krasinets looks like a classic degenerate drunk and does not stand out in anything special. But in fact, Mikhail Yuryevich managed to be a racing driver and at the same time a mechanic in the team of the AZLK plant. However, Krasinets’ exceptionally high skills and talents are already very widely known in the circles of auto restorers.
In the nineties, Krasinets was asked to leave the failing Moskvich JSC, and from about then on, Krasinets, who suddenly became unemployed, began collecting various Soviet cars in the courtyard of his house in Moscow. different years production and factories. However, the residents of the house did not really like the yard completely cluttered with Krasinets’ cars, and after a while, several of his cars were even cut down with the help of life-giving fire. But Krasinets was not at a loss, sold his apartment in Moscow and with the proceeds bought a house in the village™, moved his entire dump there and was like that.”

We were the only visitors that evening, and Mikhail didn’t even let us wander through the rusty history of the Soviet automobile industry. He immediately “pounced” on us and began telling his story. Show and talk about cars. It was impossible to refuse, such a hospitable host.

Yandex shows at the parking lot locality Milonnaya, although everywhere they write that the museum is located in Chernousovo (the neighboring settlement on the map). This is not surprising, there is not even an asphalt road there, there is a remote place of several houses in the middle of fields. Actually, Yandex led us there with such potholes that I would not recommend this path, especially if the ground is damp. There is an alternative. There is no need to go through the village Coal, in which you will have to cross the Ugot and Panin rivers on dead bridges. There is an alternative right next door Kozhinka(GPS 53.393764, 36.996892 ). This is what awaits you in the village of Ugot. In Kozhinka, take an ordinary grader (along the road rolled across the field nearby, it will even be traditionally smoother), at the point with coordinates 53.375958, 36.95947, just turn right into the field towards Chernousovo. General map of the place. What's the best way to get there?

However, after the P-147 road from Efremov in this direction, Ugot will seem like a normal route. Like after the bombing.

And the place is unique. This atmosphere, time frozen in the fields. There is no traffic around. None. Where the influence of time is felt.

GPS: 51.123888, 39.213663

A chic museum in Chernousovo, with light hand geocachers better known as the "Avtopastoral" cache.
For those for whom this place is not a “accordion”: Automobile Plant named after Lenin Komsomol,
having begun its history in 1929, by the end of the 20th century it ceased to exist as an automaker.
However, there were people who were connected with the plant in one capacity or another...

One of them, Mikhail Krasinets, is a tester, an athlete (a car mechanic for the Avtoexport-Moskvich racing team, a rally driver for Moscow club teams, who competed in Moskvich cars from 1982 to 1991, and began collecting his collection of cars near his home in Moscow under the name “Historical Auto Club RETRO- MOSKVICH". However, the exhibits of the collection began to be subject to acts of vandalism. To avoid losses, Mikhail took his cars to the village of Chernousovo, Tula region, standing on the steep bank of the Chern River...

Over time, Krasinets achieved that his collection was recognized state museum- it became a branch of Chernsky local history museum, and the collector is the director of his own museum. The museum-collection changed its name several times, but in general it can be characterized as a collection of cars that Soviet people drove and worked on from 1946 to 1991. At the same time, the products of the AZLK, GAZ, and ZIL plants stand out...

Today, Mikhail's collection includes about 300 samples of automotive equipment...

Seeing the guests arrive, Mikhail himself came out to us. It was noticeable that despite early hour old man very happy about our visit - according to him, we are the first here since November last year. Without hesitation, he began to give us a tour of his museum, telling us in great detail and interestingly about each exhibit - what it was, how he got it, all sorts of interesting historical details associated with each specific car...

Krasinets does not live alone. He has assistants who, just like him, are slowly restoring the cars and together with him they are making plans about how great and beautiful a museum can be set up here, which will become much more famous than it is now...

But all of Krasinets’ plans rest on financial issue. Nobody is interested in his museum. The entire budget is the museum director's salary of 5,700 rubles + pension. Although, being a bore and a cheapskate, I logically remembered another apartment in the center of Moscow, which is probably for rent, but these are just my assumptions and I’m not used to counting money in someone else’s pocket...

Most of collections - very rare (or even existing in a single copy) cars. For example, this is not a Pobeda, but an all-wheel drive GAZ-M-72 - a vehicle on the chassis of the GAZ-69 army jeep. It can be considered one of the world's first comfortable SUVs...

Or this all-wheel drive Moskvich-402 modification of the M-410...

Police cars are displayed in a separate row in the museum. Mikhail talks about them with special love and respect...

Behind the main exhibits, in the tall thickets of grass and bushes, there is a museum storeroom with cars in very poor condition. At first, Mikhail was very worried that we would only photograph dead, rusty equipment, giving rise to misinterpretation of his collection. Therefore, I will clarify right away - yes, this is not a museum on Rogozhsky Val or a museum of Vadim Zadorozhny with varnished, brand new cars. This is different. This is a historical collection of equipment, 99% of which should have ended its life in a metal processing plant. But it was saved, bought for 1000 rubles, 3000 rubles, 5000 rubles from old grandparents and taken here under its own (!) power. And those who are interested in automotive history can come here and see in person the equipment that our grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers and mothers drove and worked on in the middle of the last century...

Photo for my parents. The same 412th only in a piercing way gray color was once the very first car in our family, given to my mother’s parents for a wedding...

Right-hand drive re-export Moskvich, brought from England. Particularly attentive viewers will notice that the speedometer is calibrated in miles per hour...

Technical vehicle or rally team support vehicle...

And the combat vehicle itself...

Safety cage, mechanical "grandfather" of the co-driver's on-board computer, push-button start, 9-speed gearbox, carbon fiber sports buckets...

Another sports "Moskvich". Krasinets's dream is to prepare several combat "Muscovites", in winter to clear a race track in the fields with a bulldozer and organize rides for those who wish...

Looking at this burgundy stool on wheels, everyone remembers the classic film “Operation Y”...

In addition to domestic cars, Krasinets’ collection includes several foreign cars...

For the most valuable cars (like this “Chaika”), Mikhail himself removed some elements of the interior and exterior decor in order to avoid theft...

And indeed, an entire separate house is the material base of the entire museum. According to Mikhail, there are enough parts and spare parts collected here to restore every car in the collection to “fresh off the assembly line” condition, and there will still be some left over. I fully believe...

And this is what a Moskvich jeep might look like. Only one sample remained from the experimental project, and even that good people burned. when Krasinets kept the collection back in Moscow...

We left this museum with mixed feelings. On the one hand, the collection is impressive - a lot of cars on the move (despite the unpresentable appearance), you realize that they were salvaged from scrap metal and are the object of desire of many other, much wealthier collectors. On the other hand, you understand... not just hopelessness, but let’s say there are low chances of Krasinets’ plans being realized. If suddenly a miracle happens and the collector finds a sponsor, it will be simply wonderful, but it seemed to me that as soon as Mikhail, a fanatic, hopelessly in love with the cars to which he devoted his whole life, ceases to exist, the museum will cease to exist - everything will be stolen, sold and sawn apart.. .

So hurry up. Perhaps in 10 years there will be just a field here.

Lost among the endless fields of the Tula region is the village of Chernousovo, which has the largest number of cars per capita in the world. Because it was here that Mikhail Krasinets, a collector of the Soviet automobile industry, settled. The Internet has a very ambiguous attitude towards Mikhail and his collection, which, by the way, already contains about 300 pieces of equipment. Most people think of him as a car digger who buys cars and stores them in the fields around his home in the middle of nowhere where they rot and rust. Mikhail himself really wants to show people the cars of each model year... but the museum director’s salary is 5000 rubles and not only is there enough money to restore the cars, but it’s also not enough to live on. He says that you need to first collect all the necessary cars (because finding them is becoming more and more difficult), and then start restoring them... so he collects them. He does not sell his copies to car collectors, arguing that then they will forever end up in private garages and no one will see them, but he has a museum... automotive history to the masses...

Mikhail's cars are quite famous, many of them were featured in films and participated in parades. Here, for example, is the Moskvich M-401, which was used on the set of the series tentatively titled “The Eyes of Olga Korzh,” which, however, was never released

But this police M-407 (pictured in the center) took part in the filming of the series “The Fifth Angel” in 2002

To protect his collection from vandals who set fire and stole cars, Mikhail sold his apartment in Moscow and moved to Chernousovo. All cars reached the field either under their own power or using a rigid hitch.

This Chaika GAZ-13 was purchased in March 1996 with “housing money” at the price of a new VAZ-2106

Mikhail’s collection includes very rare cars, for example, this Volna, the body of which is made of carbon fiber by hand in the basement. There were only two such cars.

Or this export Moskvich M-408P with right-hand drive

Mikhail once worked at AZLK. He was a test driver, a test driver for the Moskvich-Avtoexport racing team, and a professional racing driver. He has several rally cars in his collection.
Here is the Moskvich M-408 London-Sydney, a copy of the London-Sydney rally car, created by Mikhail Yuryevich for the 40th anniversary of this rally

Or here’s another Moskvich M-2140SL Rallye Saturnus, this is a real Moskvich racer Sergei Valerievich Shipilov. True, the coloring is not the same as Shipilov’s (at that time the car was white), but the same as it was on similar machines

And here is the world's only prototype of a Muscovite with an automatic transmission. Moskvich 3-5-6. 2-liter injection engine, Girling disc brakes. There is also a green hatchback in nature, but there is only one sedan.

All-wheel drive Pobeda GAZ-M-72. car on the chassis of an army jeep GAZ-69

Moskvich M-411, all-wheel drive station wagon based on 407-403

Mikhail tries to approach each visitor himself, shows and tells. He says what a wonderful museum he will have as soon as he collects everything and restores it...

Orderly ranks of "Victories"



My opinion on this place? This is a hospice where the souls of cars live. This is better than if the car history was sold for scrap, because these cars have at least some chance of restoration... albeit very slim... Well, the fact that Mikhail does not want to sell his cars is here keyword"their". Is there something you don't like? Come and help, build a shed, restore something...

Museum coordinates

We drove there through Bortnoye (Toyota Surf) - there is no road, only a broken track, we need high ground clearance and all-wheel drive. back through the fields and through Kozhenka. This is a good country road for any car.

It all started with the fact that we once again rebuilt the suspension of our favorite UAZ Patriot SUV. Feeling a sense of legitimate pride in the crazy project of turning a UAZ into a fan car, we took care of organizing rides to properly celebrate new stage improving your favorite car.

Our scent led us to an interesting place.

The world runs on weirdos. Oddballs are inconvenient, sometimes annoying, and have a lot of human flaws, but without oddballs the world would collapse. If you ban the existence of eccentrics, then development will stop, and people with imagination will take a break from boredom. Fortunately, it is impossible to ban eccentrics. We went to visit one of them.

If you are in Moscow and are going to visit a car collector, then be prepared to travel about 600 km there and back in a day. From Moscow you leave along the Simferopol highway and drive to the Tula region to the regional center with the sonorous name Chern. Next, according to the diagram, look for the village of Chernousovo.

Somehow it’s not cool to take a detour in a prepared Patriot, so we chose a shorter and more problematic route. In dry weather, the lowland with a bridge over the Ugod River is passable on any under-drive vehicle. Only required precise work steering wheel, because falling off a narrow road with ruts and difficult terrain is a piece of cake. It is enough for the driver to be distracted either by the beauty of nature or by the charms of a friend nearby. But when the narrow clay path among the steep hills along the edge of the swamps becomes muddy from the rains, it will be fun in any car. We were driving into dry sunny golden autumn and got there easily.

The village of Chernousovo is a typical abandoned Russian village in the Tula region. Most residents have traditionally been divided into three categories: dead, smart and alcoholics. The dead lie in the cemetery and will not go anywhere. The smart ones left for better share. Alcoholics drift like shit in an ice hole, now towards the dead, now towards the smart. For the entire village, one house was discovered, a la cottage with a Russian flag and a family of summer residents in a Chevrolet Niva. The remaining houses and outbuildings are gradually falling into disrepair.

Here in Chernousovo lives a man whose activities evoke conflicting feelings among people. It comes to a clash of passions and opinions, to the creation of multi-page forums, to mutual insults on the Internet.
Forum Mikhail Krasinets and his museum
Museum website

Let us present our subjective personal version.

Mikhail Yurievich Krasinets is a youthful, cheerful man over 50. Weathered, red-faced, with streaks of blood vessels on his face, he gives the impression of a man who either drinks or has once drunk heavily. A frightening, fresh, chopped wound runs through the left half of the face and eyes (as Mikhail explains, recently, while repairing a car, a metal fan impeller fell off a rotating shaft and, like a samurai sword, struck a vertical blow across the entire face). He is wearing a cap, a la Luzhkov on the beach, fashionable sunglasses, a la a playboy, and old gigantic boots, a la a homeless man. An unforgettable look is complemented by a shabby, holey jacket in the style of a country intellectual. At the sight of Mikhail, nervous young ladies may faint. But then Mikhail spoke - and from that moment on, his soft voice of the boa constrictor Kaa from “Mowgli” does not let you go. And Mikhail can talk endlessly: about cars, about auto racing, about people, about life... This man has something to say, and he does it brilliantly.

Professional auto mechanic, former AZLK racing driver, rally driver Mikhail Krasinets retired from big sport and began collecting old Soviet cars. Currently there are about 300 pieces in his collection! When an entire street in Moscow was already lined with Mikhail’s cars, it became clear that it was impossible to maintain such a number of cars in urban conditions: neighbors were indignant and complained, cars were robbed and set on fire, and one day, on election day, the authorities simply took half of the collection to a landfill. That’s when Mikhail and his wife sold their Moscow apartment in the Frunzenskaya embankment, bought several more rarities with the proceeds, and left with their cars for the village of Chernousovo, Tula region.

Mikhail is active, as if he has a real sports car engine inside him! He was a motorsport instructor in the regional DOSAAF committee. He is one of the founders of the Moscow historical club “Retro-Muscovite”. He worked as a car mechanic and car painter to earn extra money and learn the intricacies of the profession. He worked on rare automotive designs, including four-wheel drives and convertibles. He bought and begged old cars to lay the foundation for his current collection.

Heated discussions are raging around Mikhail's personality and activities. People are partial to things that go against their idea of ​​a “normal” life. Mikhail is considered a devotee who saves old cars from imminent destruction. Mikhail is considered a crazy collector of rusty junk. Mikhail is considered a car killer who collects rarities, but does not care about their safety in the difficult climate of central Russia. Mikhail is considered a cunning swindler who wants to gain popularity and get rich on the automotive topic. It must be said that the image that Mikhail created during our day of communication fully allows for any of these interpretations. But our goal is not to make a “fair verdict”; we are describing a phenomenon that makes life interesting. Without Mikhail, the world would become a little more gray and boring. This is undeniable!

We spent almost the whole day together and talked a lot about cars. Mikhail became interested in our tuned UAZ Patriot SUV and even expressed a desire to make something similar for himself.

To date, Mikhail has managed to register his event as a branch of the Chern State Historical and Local Lore Museum named after M.A. Voznesensky

Mikhail plans not only to increase his collection, but also to build auto repair shops for full restoration, organize races on retro cars, and much more. Unfortunately, these plans are unlikely to be raised by one person, and Mikhail is unlikely to allow strangers to his treasures. While these retro cars are used by photographers to photograph girls in the surroundings. They brought us another tanned, long-legged model. Mikhail is not so much against it, but he is amazed at how the topic of love for old cars has turned out. They are also trying to steal and destroy cars. After all, even individual parts Restorers cost money. A funny detail: a rope strung between vintage cars for a guard dog.

Some cars rust and collapse, others are carefully restored by Mikhail. By what principle he chooses, we do not know. There are examples in the car collection that did not leave us indifferent. We show them to you.

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