What is victory over oneself? Essay on the topic: “The biggest victory is victory over yourself

The most difficult victory in life is victory over yourself. It’s so difficult to overcome your fears, your laziness, your greed, your bad habits. A person has to “fight” with himself throughout his life.
I stopped being afraid of the dark as a child and conquered my fear. He conquered his greed and gave his toy to someone to play with. Victory!
I overcame my fear of punishment and hit the offender for the first time in kindergarten. Also a victory over yourself...
I overcame my laziness - I cleaned my room, did my homework, got ready for test work, went to the store through “I DON’T WANT”... Also a small victory...
I'm not even talking about bad habits in later life - such as quitting smoking, drinking, etc. For this you need enormous strength will. Especially for heavy smokers and binge alcoholics....
We can mention various phobias - aerophobia, acrophobia, etc. A person is afraid of flying, heights, etc. How much willpower does it take to conquer your fears!!! This is a huge victory!
From fiction:
"Pantry of the Sun" Prishvin.
Do you remember the orphans Nastya and her brother Mitrasha? How did they collect cranberries in the swamp? Prishvin called them “the golden hen” and “the little man in the bag.”
They went to the Bludovo swamp to collect cranberries. They quarreled and went their separate ways. A lot of things happened there...
But here’s an example for you: Nastya came across a large clearing with cranberries, and from “greed for the sour berry” she forgot about everything in the world, even about her brother... And when she came to her senses, she began to cry. Then she "suffered from her greed." And she conquered her greed noble deed- gave everything free of charge to the evacuated children, who needed these berries more than she did... It was her little victory over herself.

"Dubrovsky" Pushkin.
At the beginning of the work there was a conflict between Kirila Petrovich Troekurov and Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky (senior). At the kennel Dubrovsky Sr. allowed himself to say that Troekurov’s dogs live better than his servants. Troekurov's hound replied that some master could exchange his estate for a dog kennel... Andrei Dubrovsky was offended, went home and wrote a letter to Troekurov demanding punishment for the servant and an apology to himself. Troekurov did not like the tone of the letter - he decides to take away Dubrovsky’s only estate, Kistenevka, and he succeeds..
Dubrovsky is going crazy with grief...
Troekurov has a bunch of vices, he is wasteful, proud, capricious, vengeful, spoiled by power, “allowed himself to excess,” and in his home life he suffers from gluttony and drunkenness.
But Troekurov is not happy with the victory in the trial. Kiril Petrovich is tormented by his conscience; he regrets that he did this to his old comrade. He decides to go to Dubrovsky Sr. to apologize. This behavior is not typical for Kiril Petrovich, who is cruel and indifferent to people.
I think that’s why Pushkin describes the scene of Troekurov’s entrance to Dubrovsky’s house as follows:
..."and opposite feelings filled his soul. Satisfied vengeance and lust for power drowned out to some extent nobler feelings, but the latter finally triumphed. He decided to make peace with his old neighbor, to destroy the traces of the quarrel, returning his property to him. Having relieved his soul with this good intention, Kirila Petrovich set off at a trot to his neighbor’s estate..."
In my opinion, this scene describes Troekurov’s internal struggle with himself, as a vengeful and power-hungry person, and as a noble and noble person (a regretful and conscientious friend). And, albeit temporarily, he conquered his “thirst for revenge and lust for power.” I also won a victory over myself...
That's all for sure now...

An example of a final essay in the direction of “Victory and Defeat.”

“Only the one who has defeated himself wins in this life,” these words from Viktor Suvorov’s book “Aquarium” imply deep meaning. Victories over hordes of the enemy are not as difficult as overcoming one’s own vices.

Demosthenes, the great orator of antiquity, suffered from tongue-tiedness since childhood. However cherished dream- speaking before the public, leading the masses, forced him to tirelessly practice eloquence. Victory over himself was won - legends still circulate about the performances of the brilliant rhetorician, and his name lives on for centuries.

The fate of Demosthenes - good example for those who are convinced that it is useless to fight shortcomings. This is certainly an erroneous judgment. With a strong desire, each of us is capable of much, including victory over our weaknesses: laziness, uncertainty, fears. Another thing is that such desires often remain just desires. But to make a dream come true, you need to make efforts, and sometimes considerable ones. But there is no limit to self-improvement, and if you work hard, the result will definitely come.

Oblomov, the hero of the novel by I.A. Goncharov, was never able to defeat himself. Ilya Ilyich is accustomed to a half-asleep existence; he is lazy and passive. At some point he wanted to correct himself, this was during his romantic relationships with Olga Ilyinskaya. Oblomov tried to defeat himself - and was defeated. Laziness turned out to be stronger - the hero was never able to completely leave his beloved sofa... The reason, in my opinion, is that Oblomov did not know how to work at all: in the estate of his childhood, Oblomovka, this was not accepted. What is the result? Ilya Ilyich’s life passed colorlessly and aimlessly, and the dreams that worried him in his youth remained dreams.

There are also counter examples in the literature. Alexey Meresyev, the hero of “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy, can be considered a true hero, Person with capital letters. Meresyev's plane, making a combat mission, was shot down by the enemy. Miraculously, the surviving pilot made it to his own people, but doctors were forced to amputate his gangrene-affected legs. Alexey did not lose heart, did not wilt, did not become a burden to his loved ones - he learned to walk again, and then returned to duty and continued to fight the Nazis. Meresyev’s admirable feat is nothing more than a victory over himself - brilliant and grandiose.

F.M. Dostoevsky wrote in the novel “Demons”: “If you want to conquer the whole world, conquer yourself.” It's hard to disagree with the classic. Conquering your weaknesses and shortcomings is not easy. But the one who has won it is able to conquer the world.

Bad habits say more about a person than his Facebook account: smokes - prone to self-destruction and neuroses, drinks - lacks self-control and is weak-willed, eats a lot - goes along with it, easily influenced and selfish. Yes, in many ways demons identify us as individuals, work for uniqueness, but, in the end, “no one has ever died from a glass” is a blatant lie! None of us is without shortcomings, but especially for you we have compiled short plan actions to become better.

Set yourself up for results

You have a long and painful road ahead. Parting with something expensive, convenient and pleasant is the hardest thing, but no pain, no gain - you can become better, and nothing is given for nothing. You will be crippled and broken in the first days, even weeks, but it will pass - after that you won’t even remember it. And self-respect and pride in oneself will replace it. And this will never be taken away. The game is always worth the candle if it changes your life for the better.

Don't doubt yourself

Inside each of us sits a nasty little “couch” analyst who criticizes everything in the world. Kill him, it's legal. Ideally - in the most ruthless way. It is he who whispers that this fuss is unnecessary and you feel good as is. It is he who brings to mind reports and conversations with friends about how painful it is to give up bad things. And thanks to him you still don't do anything: he blocks your perception of yourself. Believe me, he is far from Belinsky: he has 0 values.

Stop communicating with provocateurs

Surely you have a friend who doesn’t see anything terrible in a bottle of beer after work, big box nuggets or criticizes your friend's behavior. He always knows what's best, he needs a companion for self-destruction, and you don't need him at all. Such people provoke conflicts, and deep down they want with all their might for you to be worse than them. And if they need to be better than you and they are interested in your downfall, then do you need it?

Make a clear life schedule

The habit is developed in 20–25 days. This means that all the efforts you made and the restrictions you suffered from will end in less than a month! Your body is an amazing thing and it will adapt to anything. But no one forbade tricks. Pack your schedule to the maximum: workouts, walks, reading on fresh air, theater, bowling - anything to avoid sitting at home and marinating in your own head.

Set taboo topics

If your friends really care about you, they will gladly meet you halfway: from now on, all your bad habits are a taboo topic. Don’t talk about them with anyone, don’t write on thematic forums, and don’t complain to mom and dad over the phone. So you only provoke yourself and drive from empty to empty. No means no. You yourself decided so, which means so be it. Don’t discuss it with your friend either - you’re not trying to get pity and praise, are you?

Your bad habits are influenced not only by conversations, but also by these.

Ask for help

You will find yourself in a difficult situation, but the goal is 100% noble. You will be modified, upgraded - this is only a plus sign, and in such a matter there is no shame in asking for help. Yes, parting is painful, but it is necessary: ​​you yourself will definitely not throw away that hidden jar of chocolate paste or box of pasta, your “last” cigarette will be a new one, and the “well-deserved” beer will be a ritual. And friends and family will rid your den of all provocative content. Just don't attack them because of the pesto sauce - that's not human.

Praise yourself

You will work hard, sacrifice and suffer - this is worthy of praise. Develop a reward system for yourself: for every three days you live without a bad day, buy yourself some nice little thing. Our brains are very receptive to rewards, and very soon you will start working for this reward. The system works, you feel better, and the end of stress is getting closer and closer.

Develop an “if...then” protocol

In life, you can give up destructive things, quit harmful things, don’t think, don’t talk, and clear your house of reminders. But on the street you will encounter your harmful past with 100% probability. Be prepared: develop a model of behavior that will work for such a confluence of events. For example, you might suggest that you eat three cucumbers instead of a muffin, drink a glass of pomegranate juice instead of a glass of wine, or go to a bookstore instead of a pub. “If... then” will help you always know what to do in any unclear situation.

Start a piggy bank

Punish yourself, and more painfully - with a ruble. Get yourself a large transparent jar with a slot for bills and throw 500 wooden ones into it for each breakdown. You can organize the carrot and stick method in your own head, and by the end of the changes you will also have saved up a good amount. Although we hope not.

When all the torment is behind you, you will fall in love with the new “me” - refreshed, fit and confident. You will defeat the most powerful boss in the world - yourself, and Bulat Shalvovich taught us that there is no need to stand behind the price.

Final essay on the topic “The most important victory is victory over oneself”, direction “Victory and defeat”

Introduction (intro):

Victory and defeat are very closely related. These are the two most important components life path every person. Without one, the other cannot exist. To ultimately achieve victory, you need to suffer many failures, which are so common in our lives. When discussing these two concepts, the quote comes in handy: “The most important victory is victory over oneself.”

A comment: the topic is not covered; in the essay the author talks about victory over oneself, but does not explain what, in his opinion, it means to defeat oneself. According to the first criterion, “Compliance with the topic, failure.”

To correct it, you need to write what it means to defeat yourself and why this is the most important victory. The answers to these questions will serve as the thesis.

Argument 1:
The theme of victory and defeat is interesting for writers of different eras, since the heroes literary works very often they try to conquer themselves, their fear, laziness and uncertainty. For example, in Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, the main character Rodion Raskolnikov is a poor but proud student. He has been living in St. Petersburg for several years, since he came to study at the university. But soon, Raskolnikov dropped out of school because his mother stopped sending him money. After this, the main character first comes to the old pawnbroker with the goal of pawning valuable things from her. Then he has the idea to kill the old woman and take possession of her money. Having thought about your intentions, Roskolnikov (RASKOLNIKOV) decides to commit a crime, but he himself does not fully believe in the possibility of its implementation. By killing not only the old woman, but also her pregnant sister, he gained victory over himself and his indecision, as it seemed to him. But soon the thought of the crime he had committed began to weigh and torment him. Rodion realized that he had done something terrible, and his “victory” turned into defeat.

A comment: There is a lot of information written that is not related to the topic. Ultimately, the argument comes down to the fact that Raskolnikov's victory turned out to be a defeat. An excellent argument, but unfortunately it is not suitable for this topic.

Speech errors - this is all right, but train yourself to use past tense verbs in your arguments; you mixed the present tense with the past, which will be regarded as a speech error. And you can do without them.

The proportions of the essay are broken, the argument needs to be shortened a little.

Argument 2:

Next a shining example thoughts about victories and defeats ( logical error- we talk about victory over ourselves), is the novel “Oblomov” by Ivan Alekseevich Goncharov. Main character Ilya Ilyich - Russian landowner, approximately thirty-two or three years old (thirty-two - thirty-three or simply “about thirty”) from birth. Oblomov all the time lying on the sofa and when I started reading, immediately fell asleep. But when getting acquainted (met) with Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya, who awakens (awakens) In the semi-literate Oblomov's interest in literature, the hero firmly decides to change and become worthy of his new acquaintance, with whom he managed to fall in love. But love, which carries within itself the need for action and self-improvement, is doomed in Oblomov’s case. Olga demands too much from Oblomov, but Ilya Ilyich cannot stand such a stressful life and gradually breaks up with her. Ilya Ilyich reflected on the meaning of life, understood that it was impossible to live like this, but still did nothing. Oblomov failed to defeat himself. However, the defeat did not upset him so much. At the end of the novel, we see the hero in a quiet family circle, he is loved and cared for, as he once was in childhood. This is the ideal of his life, this is what he wanted and achieved. Also, however, having won a “victory”, because his life has become the way he wants it to be.

Every person wants to be a winner, wants everything in his life to be successful, happy, so that he can proudly tell others about his successes. But in reality, not everyone and it doesn’t always work out this way. Events often burst into our lives that can turn a person’s whole life upside down: illnesses, accidents, natural disasters, wars. In such situations, it is important to remain human, not to break in the face of danger, to gain victory over yourself, your weaknesses and ailments, and to overcome all obstacles.

When I think about people who have triumphed in difficult life circumstances, I remember “The Tale of a Real Man” by Boris Polevoy. This is the case when life turned out to be more amazing than any fiction, because the author wrote his work about a real person - a Hero Soviet Union pilot Alexei Maresyev. Almost all the facts stated in the work are true.

Polevoy named his hero Alexei Meresyev. During the war, while making a combat mission, Alexey was wounded in the legs. His plane was shot down. For several days he crawled through the snow, trying to get to his own people, and ended up with the partisans. He was taken by plane to the rear and had surgery. The pilot, who madly loved his job, found himself without legs, which were amputated at the knees. The first time after the operation, he was close to suicide: he would not be able to fly, he would not be able to defeat the Germans. Besides, how hard it is for any person, especially a young, healthy man, to feel like a cripple, a helpless invalid. Friends came to the rescue and restored his faith that he could overcome his disability and be able to fly. Human strong will, Alexey began to learn to walk with prostheses. At night he cried in pain, but no one saw his tears. In the sanatorium where he was sent after the hospital, he learns to dance on prosthetics. What pain and blood these dances gave him! But the desire to return to duty was stronger for him than any pain. Before the medical commission, Alexey danced in a squat, and the doctors were amazed by the strength of his spirit. He returned to duty, achieved his goal, conquered himself.

When you read about such people, you begin to be proud that you are human, that there are people who can overcome everything on the way to their goal.

In Vladislav Titov’s story “To Spite All Deaths”, based on real events, the fate of Sergei Petrov is shown. While rescuing his fellow miners during an accident, he suffers hand injuries. They have to be amputated. Sergei had to call upon all his will, determination, and courage to start new life. He also gains victory over himself, and, it seems to me, this is the true victory.

Reading about people who overcame their pain, weakness, fear, uncertainty, you understand how strong the human spirit, will, and determination can be. We are proud of such people, we take them as examples, because they, like light, help us see our path.