A huge fighting humanoid robot. Heavy Metal: Movies About Giant Robots

This summer marks the 10th anniversary of the premiere of the first feature filmMichael Bayabout Transformers. Over the past time, the story of the war between Autobots and Decepticons has become one of the most popular film franchises, earning about $4 billion and growing to five films, the most recent and, despite the subtitle, probably not the last of which is"Transformers: The Last Knight» — hits screens today.

For this double reason, I decided to recall other most interesting and original films about giant robots.

Plot: the alien Klaatu arrives on Earth, accompanied by a huge robot Gort, with the goal of giving people important message that will change their lives.

The picture was released in difficult times, but interesting times, and therefore bears the imprint of many events and phenomena that have become a symbol of the mid-twentieth century. This is also a powerful anti-war, pacifist message, which is an echo of the recently ended World War II. And ufological themes: the film became one of the first films to reflect the growing interest of viewers in the theme of aliens, which arose as a result of the famous Roswell Incident. And even a religious element is also present in the film: the person of Klaatu, thanks to his wisdom, humanism and sacrifice, is often associated with the figure of Jesus Christ. Thanks to the interweaving of these elements and the curious construction of the narrative, similar to documentaries, the film continues to arouse the interest of new generations of viewers. In 1995, the Library of Congress included the film in its list of films of cultural and cultural significance. historical meaning, and in 2008 a remake of the same name was filmed, in which he played the role of the savior KlaatuKeanu Reeves.

Plot: After an earthquake, a huge robot emerges from a crevice at the foot of Mount Fuji and begins to wreak havoc. The Japanese Self-Defense Forces barely manage to contain him, while a group of scientists makes contact with the aliens. It soon becomes clear that their plans include partial colonization of the Earth, and the deadly robot is their obedient henchman. Not wanting to follow the lead of uninvited guests, earthlings enter into an unequal battle with aliens and their deadly machine.

The film did not involve the presence of mechanical giants and was supposed to focus on the conflict between people and aliens from outer space. Over time, they decided to add a kaiju to the story, which was later replaced by a robot named Mogera. It was so successful that it was later used in another film. The general technical side of the film at one time created a real sensation in the West: the film"Mysterians"such publications as Variety and The New York Times, which noted the impressive visual effects. Regarding the message and storylines, then an interesting detail was discovered here. Film historian and director Alex Cox found a lot in common between Mysterians and the film"Silent Star", filmed in the GDR.

Plot: aliens decide to conquer our planet and send Mechagodzilla to intimidate us. The only obstacle in her path is Godzilla himself, to whose aid another kaiju, King Caesar, comes. The earth becomes a battleground for the titans.

The fourteenth film in the Godzilla series, released by the Japanese studio Toho, which made the very first film about this legendary kaiju in the early '50s. Compared to previous films, the budget for Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla increased significantly, allowing for larger and more expensive special effects. The film, in fact, is made according to the templates of the previously released “King Kong Escape”, in which another huge movie monster collides with its robotic version. The first appearance gives a special flavor to the picture.King Caesar: A kaiju inspired by the Okinawan legend of Shisa, a god-created monster cross between a dog and a lion.

Plot: by 2005, their home planet, Cybertron, becomes the arena of confrontation between transformers. The Decepticons are close to victory, but the Autobots are strengthening their positions on Cybertron's two satellite moons and preparing for a decisive counterattack. The Transformers War reaches its climax.

The film was produced by the same team that made the animated series of the same name. On the one hand, this was a definite plus - at the helm of the project there were people, as they say, “in the know,” and therefore fans did not have to worry about the quality of the film. On the other hand, work on the series did not stop, and the full length had to be drawn under somewhat extreme conditions. This caused a serious increase in the budget: six times more money was spent on the film than on the same length of the series. Besides, in creative process the company intervened regularlyHasbro, which owns the rights to Transformers. According to the recollections of director Nelyosn Shin, the bosses from Hasbro issued direct instructions about which of the heroes should survive and which should die. This was done in order to manipulate the demand for toys. The result was disappointing: despite the large fan base, the film showed extremely weak box office receipts. Over the years, the situation changed and the cartoon began to enjoy great authority among fans of the universe. To a large extent, against the backdrop of the rejection of Michael Bay's work.

By the way, "Transformers: The Movie" became last job legends of world cinemaOrson Welles, who gave his voice to Unicron, the absolute cosmic evil.

Plot: the world was shocked by a nuclear disaster and humanity united around two cents of power - the Pro-American Western Market and the Siberian Confederation. New states abandoned direct usePower struggles and all disputes are resolved through gladiator fights with huge robots.

In an interview, the director of the film, Stuart Gordon, admitted that the main inspiration for the film was Transformers. By the end of the 80s, they firmly occupied the small screen thanks to the super popular animated series, however, have not yet been filmed. Gordon decided to correct this oversight. Having knocked out a small budget for his project, he spent it entirely on filming a single episode, which was supposed to demonstrate the breadth and scope of his project. He showed the footage to the producers: they liked what they saw and the funding was increased to $10 million. Unfortunately, the film failed at the box office, barely recouping a tenth of the money spent. This was due in no small part to creative differences: while screenwriter Joe Haldeman saw the story as a serious, character-focused story, Gordon wanted to emphasize the entertainment side of the film. However, over time, “Robot Jox” gained a lot of admirers and in 2015 was even awarded a collector’s Blu-Ray edition.

Plot: happened in 1993 technological disaster, which left the United States devastated. By 2041, their territory had split into two warring camps - the Western Bloc and the Eastern Alliance, the main trump cards in the confrontation of which were huge robots, nicknamed “megarobots”.

In the VHS era, the film was positioned as a continuation of the film "Robot Jox", although they have nothing in common except a post-apocalyptic future and, in fact, robots. The film's small budget did not allow us to introduce more than two cars into the story, but this omission is compensated by the setting: endless lifeless deserts, ruthless wild gangs - "Robot Wars" have become almost"Mad Max", into which they introduced a fantastic element in the form of giants: a humanoid robot and a scorpion robot. Fans of genre cinema and, especially, horror films will find participation in the film an undeniable advantageBarbara Crampton: one of the scream queens, known for her roles in a series of film adaptations of worksLovecraft, such as "From Outside" And "Reanimator".

Plot: mega-villain Ivan Uz is freed from centuries-old imprisonment. His goal is chaos on Earth and revenge on Zordon, the teacher of the Power Rangers. To stop Ivan's plans, the rangers go to the planet Fidos in order to get great power, which will help them control huge combat robots.

The film became a full-length continuation of the American television series of the same name, which appeared on screens since 1993 and was created under the influence of Japanese television production: TV series"Super Sentai" And "Ninja Squad Kakurangers". Power Rangers missed out on opening weekend"Batman Forever", "Pocahontas" And "Apollo 13", which, in general, was great success. With a budget of $15 million, the film was able to pay for itself four times and earned more than $66 million, although critics were far from favoring the film. 22 years later, a new full-length film adaptation was released, which showed much less modest results: with a huge inflated budget of $100 million, the film managed to earn a little more than 140. He played one of the main roles in the 2017 filmBryan Cranston, who in the '90s participated in the voice acting of several characters in the animated series about the Rangers. By the way, the 1995 film was released not under the usual title, but under the strange “Mighty Morphs: Power Rangers.”

Plot: Touching story friendship between a little boy from the provinces and a huge alien robot, which gets in the way of the bloodthirsty plans of the government and its intelligence services.

An animated film based on work of the same name Ted Hughes, published in the late '60s, and raises many complex but important issues, such as self-identification, the nature of the concept of "friendship", humanism, a sense of community. The film was in development for almost five years and in the year of release it received unequivocal recognition from critics who honored the director’s workBrad Birdnominations for many awards, such as Annie, Bafta, Hugo, Starun and dozens (!) of others. Unfortunately, the production budget of the film turned out to be greatly inflated, and at the box office the cartoon performed poorly and did not even manage to recoup the funds spent on its filming. After its release on video, The Steel Giant became a real hit and ended up in many family movie collections, acquiring almost cult status.

In 2015, a restored version of it was released on Blu-Ray, and he himself briefly appeared on wide screens again.

Plot: at the end of the 1930s, the most prominent scientists begin to disappear around the world. Soon Largest cities world are under attack from huge radio-controlled robots. A persistent journalist and a brave pilot undertake to find out the relationship between these two events.

The film is based on a short film by Kerry Conran, who worked on it for several years, writing the script himself and mixing the footage on his home computer. The finished video was shown to producers, who allocated funds for filming a full-length version of it, appointing Conran as director. The film became one of the first (along with"Sin City"or “Legion” (2004)), which appeared in the mid-2000s and were almost entirely filmed against the backdrop of chromakey. Despite the excellent stylization, the spirit of retro fiction, a large budget and Starship TroopersAngelina Jolie, Jude Law And Gwyneth Paltrow, “Captain” failed at the box office. Over the years, as often happens, the film found its audience and today is revered as an excellent and such a rare example in the rare “dieselpunk” genre.

Plot: a portal opens in a fissure at the bottom of the world's oceans, from which gigantic kaiju monsters penetrate to Earth. To fight some monsters, people created others: huge robots “jaegers” - the last hope of humanity in the unequal struggle for existence.

According to the directorGuillermo del Toro, Pacific Rim was intended to be a film that went against the established tradition of summer blockbusters. He decided to shoot not a serious, gloomy work, but an exciting and colorful adventure with large, beautiful and complex special effects. Bet on continuous action The film had to not only satisfy the widest possible audience, but also draw the attention of its young part to the “kaiju” and “mecha” genres, for which del Toro has a special passion. In keeping with this mission, Frontier pays tribute to its inspirations and is a first-class example of a film that interweaves epic beauty with the operatic grandeur of monsters of flesh and metal.

IN currently A sequel to the film is in production and will premiere in January 2018.

PS:As you can see, the theme of the confrontation between humans and giant robots has not left the screens for more than half a century. Over the past time, films of various genres have been made: from post-apocalyptic action films and humanistic parables, to cute family stories. Unfortunately, they were almost always plagued by box office failures that prevented them from becoming successful franchises. Against their background, Bay’s films look like a strange exception: over and over again his “Transformers” are trashed by critics, they already have five Golden Raspberry anti-awards and about ten nominations, but the stream of viewers (and with it the money) has not dried up for 10 years. Will his film epic stay afloat? Will there be new long-running stories about other robots? As always, time will tell.

HUGE COMBAT HUMAN-LIKE ROBOT (hereinafter referred to as OBHR) - a ground combat vehicle used for border defense Russian Federation. The weight of such machines reaches 243 tons, and the height is 18 and a half meters or more. OBChRs are well armored, maneuverable and very fast, which allows them to be used not only for defensive or reconnaissance purposes, but also to pursue a retreating enemy. OBHRs are capable of jumping and fording water obstacles.

OBHRs may be put to flight a large number of superior forces enemy, holding defensive lines until the main forces arrive. Due to its good armor, as well as its high maneuverability, hovercraft with vertical take-off and landing are practically invulnerable to the enemy. The latest modifications of the OBHR are capable of reaching the first escape velocity within a few minutes and entering low-Earth orbit.

The damaging effect of OBCR is achieved in two ways. In the upper part of the OBHR there are emitters of low-frequency infrasound waves, which cause dizziness, abdominal pain, and a feeling of fear in the enemy, and with more intense and prolonged exposure lead to disruption of work internal organs. In addition, OBChRs have a strong psychological impact - for example, OBChRs with the face of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, during their first appearance on combat duty, put three divisions of Chinese border guards to flight with their appearance.

The only designer of the OBHR in the world is the Russian scientist Zurab Tsereteli. Numerous attempts by the CIA to kidnap this specialist were unsuccessful, but the reactionary militaristic circles of the American military cannot come to terms with the presence of such powerful defensive weapons in the Russian Federation. On July 6, 2006, the reactionary militaristic circles of the American military, fanning the horror of war, organized a flash mob, during which they intended to find out all the secrets directly from the President of Russia. The timely and effective work of our special services, led by the President, made it possible to stop these attempts.

In an interview with NAE experts, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said that in 2007 the state defense order for huge humanoid combat robots was state program weapons will amount to 7.6 billion rubles. By January 1, 20012, it is planned to recruit up to two-thirds of the border troops of the Russian Federation at the expense of OBHRs, who will serve voluntarily on a contract basis.

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Fig.1. OBHR with an anti-pigeon net, installed near the Crimean Bridge in Moscow. This robot serves to prevent Iranian war pigeons from entering the center of the capital.

Fig.2. OBChR designer Zurab Tsereteli is preparing for testing a reduced model of OBHR for the protection of the Gulf of Finland, St. Petersburg.

Fig.3. Secret documentation on the huge humanoid combat robot "Columbus", which the Russian scientist Igor Sutyagin, recruited by the CIA, tried to steal from Zurab Tsereteli.

The film was released in the Soviet Union under the title “Robot Fighters.” The film describes a world after a nuclear disaster, in which wars are forever a thing of the past, and all interstate disputes (in in this case- territorial) are resolved with the help of spectacular battles controlled by robot pilots. The goal of such battles is not to kill the pilot, so they look more like a competition of technologies (including weapons and defense) and take place in a huge arena specifically designed for this purpose.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)

A wonderful film shot in the rare noir genre. The black and white format (the film was shot on black and white film and then colorized on a computer) imitates the cinema of the 30s of the last century. A young journalist investigates the disappearance of scientists. At a certain moment, those same “huge fighting humanoid robots” appear, and the magnificent Angelina Jolie, who played one of the most unusual roles in her career.

Ghost Ship (1969)

It’s impossible to believe, but this picture was filmed back in 1969. I watched it in the 80s back in school years and this one full-length cartoon(we didn’t know the word “anime” yet) left a deep impression. Of course, today he looks too naive, but the beautiful story of a noble captain, a mysterious ship, a greedy capitalist and an equally mysterious huge (well, you get the idea) robot will always appeal to children. Even if they are already 40 years old.

Fighting Robots (1996)

Frankly, this is the only film out of the dozen that I haven’t seen myself, but which was recommended to me, and which I’m going to watch myself, despite conflicting reviews. The film takes place on Earth, which, after a fierce war, has been virtually transformed into a desert. The planet is controlled by certain Teradaxes, and only the robot warrior Gibson of the same size that interests us can resist them.

Living Steel (2011)

Not the largest and not the most combative of all the humanoid robots of this ten. However, one hero of this film is definitely a robot. And he has remarkable fighting qualities. The second hero is Hugh Jackman's character, who is the owner and trainer of combat robots that perform in the arena for the amusement of the public. Beautiful story, not without morals, with the story of the relationship between a father and an 11-year-old son, who, together with their robot, make their way to success.

Evangelion (1995)

Despite the fact that in Japan there is a whole subgenre of anime in which we're talking about about mechs - robots controlled by pilots, it is impossible to ignore the most famous series on this topic. Retelling the plot of Evangelion is an extremely thankless task. I still don’t know if I liked this series or not (probably not). But anime fans are simply delighted with it.

Thor (2011)

Although the film "Thor" has a very indirect relation to robots (he is part of the Marvel comic book universe and is now actively exploited along with other heroes: Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man and the rest of the Avengers team), still a huge combat humanoid robot there is in the film. This is a practically invulnerable robot that spews jets of fire no worse than a dragon. In general, the enemies will not survive. And the film is worth watching not only for this robot.