Don't be born beautiful: famous beauties and their most ordinary husbands. Family secrets of the Sarkozy brothers

Mary-Kate Olsen/Carla Bruni. Photo: Rex Features/

Family secrets Sarkozy brothers

Men from the family of the ex-president of France prefer those who are hotter. From whom did Carla Bruni give birth to her first child and how many lovers does Mary-Kate Olsen have?

It would seem that a more inappropriate pair would be difficult to find. She's frivolous Hollywood starlet, more than once or twice noticed in connections and actions that discredit her. He is a serious businessman, one of the managers of the Carlyle group and the half-brother of the former, but still the president of the largest European power. She, despite her proud title of designer, allows herself to go out with a dirty head and in baggy clothes that are not the first freshness. He is the epitome of respectability, always dressed exquisitely and elegantly. She's twenty-seven. He is seventeen years older. Even in height, they absolutely do not suit each other: she is about forty centimeters shorter than him, which is why many confuse her with her lover’s daughter. And yet they are together. Mary-Kate Olsen and Olivier Sarkozy recently announced their engagement and are in full swing preparing for the wedding.
Recently, Olivier purchased a luxurious mansion in New York for more than six million dollars: it is there, apparently, that the newlyweds are going to live. In the meantime, while lists of guests for the upcoming celebration are being compiled, journalists are reminding the public about other lists. Everyone is pulled out into the light of day cupid connections future bride and groom. And also guesses are being made: what will Ashley Olsen, Mary-Kate’s twin sister, with whom she was previously practically inseparable, do now...

Double punch
The story of twin sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley Fuller Soviet times would be in demand among political speakers - as a clear example how child labor is exploited in the world of capitalism. At a very young age they began acting as a couple in the series “ Full house" They were only nine months old then. The sisters played one role for two there, because in fact in America the child labor law is strictly observed, strictly regulating how many hours a day a child can work. That’s why, in order not to stop the process, the girls were changed during filming. For eight whole years - from 1987 to 1995 - they did not leave the screens, however, for a long time the audience had no idea that there were two babies at once. Even in the credits they were listed as one character under the name Mary-Kate Ashley Olsen, and only in last season the secret was revealed.
During the filming of the series, the sisters managed to shine in several more projects (interestingly, one of their first appearances on big screen became a film called “Passport to Paris”). At six years old, Olsen was already listed as the youngest producer in the history of Hollywood cinema. At ten, we entered the millionaires' club.
So it is not surprising that by the end of school both were already quite wealthy (and accomplished) girls. Therefore, plans to go to New York University after college were quickly forgotten (Ashley, however, even studied there for a couple of months, after which she lost interest in education forever). Instead, the sisters began to have a blast, disappearing into restaurants and nightclubs. And, of course, each of them had affairs left and right. Moreover, Mary-Kate usually led in the number of suitors. Here are just the ones who lingered in her bed (and perhaps in her heart) for more than a couple of months.
So, from 2002 to 2004, Mary-Kate dated Max Winkler, the son of actor and producer Henry Winkler. Then she had a relationship with the director, screenwriter and producer David Katzenberg, and a little later with the founder and creative director of Genetic Denim Ali Fatureshi. In 2005, she announced her engagement to one of the world's richest heirs, Stavros Niarchos III, the grandson of a Greek tycoon. True, to her misfortune, she introduced her chosen one to best friend— Paris Hilton, who immediately stole the money Greek from Mary-Kate.
Having become a little sad, Olsen switched to representatives of the creative workshop. Whole year she dated Maxwell Snow, younger brother famous American artist Dasha Snow. Then six months with artist Nate Lowman.
In 2008, Mary-Kate's name hit the press in connection with tragic death actor Heath Ledger. As is known, new Joker died due to a drug overdose. So, the masseuse who found his body first began to call not the rescue service at all, but for some reason one of the Olsen sisters. According to one version, it was Mary-Kate who supplied Ledger with illegal drugs. According to another, they were connected by an amorous relationship. The actress herself answered all questions that she and Heath were just good friends.
In any case, by the time she met Nicolas Sarkozy’s brother, this young millionaire had had plenty of fun.
But Olivier Sarkozy, despite being almost twenty years older, could not boast of such a track record. His biography only lists his marriage to children's writer Charlotte Bernard, with whom he has two children - son Julien and daughter Margot. And after the divorce - a long-term relationship with actress Stella Schnabel, the daughter of director Julian Schnabel (he is known, for example, for the film “Before Night Falls” with Javier Bardem and Johnny Depp).

Brotherly welcome
Although the press constantly emphasizes the close relationship of Olivier Sarkozy with the ex-president of France, in fact they are not siblings. Olivier and Nicolas have a common father, a native of Budapest, Pal Nagy-Bocsa Sarkesi, who, after emigrating to France, gained more sonorous name Paul Sarkozy. But Nicolas was born in the emigrant’s first marriage with law student Andre Mallat. And Olivier is in his second marriage - with Christine de Ganay.
Although their father’s second union did not last long (Olivier was eventually raised by his stepfather, American diplomat Frank Wisner), the brothers met constantly and often spent school holidays together. True, Olivier later moved abroad with his mother and stepfather, and their time together was forgotten for a long time. long years. And the brothers met, having already become adults and accomplished people. Both reached noticeable heights: one, Olivier, in business, the other, Nicolas, in politics. Moreover, each of them came to the top along their own path.
If Olivier Sarkozy and his stepfather, a diplomat, were never denied anything, then Nicolas, who lived in Paris with his mother and two brothers - Guillaume and Francois - eked out an almost beggarly existence. The mother was exhausted, trying to raise her three sons alone. Later, Nicolas admits that it was the fact that he spent his entire childhood and youth in poverty that greatly influenced his desire to achieve a lot in this life. After school, he went to university, then worked as a lawyer, specializing in real estate.
He married for the first time at the age of twenty-seven - to the Corsican Marie-Dominique Cuglioli, the daughter of a pharmacist. The couple had two sons, but Nicolas could not devote enough time to his children: all his energy was spent on his career. And also a love affair on the side: a year before the birth of his eldest son, he met Cecilia Martin, the wife of TV presenter and owner of a small provincial television channel, Jacques Martin. Moreover, Nicolas, who at that time already held the position of mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine, presided over their wedding ceremony. He later admitted that he fell in love with Cecilia when he saw her in a wedding dress.
Surprisingly, Nicolas and Cecilia's romance, which lasted for many years, ended in marriage. But before that there was a very difficult divorce from his first wife, which took a lot of money and nerves from him.
He lived with Cecilia, with whom Nicolas had a son, Louis, for a little over ten years. The couple's problems began long before the official divorce. Back in 2005, when Sarkozy was the Minister of Internal Affairs of France, it suddenly became known about his wife’s relationship with the famous political PR specialist, the permanent organizer of the Davos Forum, Richard Attias. Then Nicolas, in response to the betrayal, started an affair with the political commentator of the Le Figaro newspaper, Ann Fulda.
Everyone was expecting an inevitable divorce, but suddenly Nicolas and Cecilia announced that they were back together and still loved each other. Perhaps the reconciliation took place solely for the sake of getting to the Elysee Palace: is it not right for the President of France to remain without the First Lady? In any case, Cecilia actively participated in the presidential elections, helping her husband with advice and support. True, she spent only a short time in the role of the First Lady of France - from May to October 2007. And then she filed for divorce.
After breaking up with her second husband, Cecilia pretty soon married again - all to the same Richard Attias. And Nicolas surprised the whole world by choosing the beautiful model Carla Bruni as his wife. Frenchwoman Italian origin, she called mixed reaction from fellow citizens. Because her life before meeting Nicolas was not even stormy, but at times simply shocking.

Female praying mantis
Unlike her current husband, Carla, like a true princess, was born in a real castle. Her father Alberto Bruni-Tedeschi purchased an 11th-century fortification located near Turin in 1952, and by 1968, when Carla was born, this house had already turned into a luxurious palace, decorated with Flemish and French tapestries, German porcelain, and Italian bronze.
True, already in mature age Carla Bruni (as well as the entire world community) learned that, in fact, Alberto Bruni-Tedeschi, who raised her with all the love and care, is in fact not her own father. There were rumors that Carla was born from the relationship of her mother, pianist Marisa Borini, with musician Maorizio Remmetta. It was this respected signor, after waiting for the death of Alberto Bruni-Tedeschi and the world fame of Carla herself, who gave a number of interviews on this topic. They say that at one time he did not recognize his daughter, because he was only nineteen, and Karla’s mother was over thirty. It is difficult to say whether Maorizio’s words are true, but the fact that Carla is not at all like, say, her sister Valeria is a fact.
Well, and Karla herself, having already become famous model, added scandal to her biography. When she was thirty-three, she gave birth to her first child, whom she named strange name Aurélien. So, the son appeared as a result love affair with student Raphael Enthoven, who was just over twenty at that time. The piquancy of the situation also lay in the fact that at one time Karla was in a civil marriage with Raphael’s father, the famous critic, philosopher and publisher Jean-Paul Enthoven. And at the time of the birth of his son Aurelien, Raphael was married to Julienne Levy, daughter best friend my father. “In an instant, she took away my son, daughter-in-law and best friend,” her ex-lover, Rafael’s father, threw up his hands. His daughter-in-law, fleeing depression, took revenge on the homewrecker by taking her out in her fashionable novel“Nothing special” in the image of “a female praying mantis with an iron terminator smile.” The book turned out to be very scandalous, and the biting nickname stuck with him for a long time. beautiful Karla. But she, however, was not particularly worried. On the contrary, with her iron terminator smile, she told reporters: “I am only true to myself. Monogamy is boring to me. I prefer polygamy or polyandry.”
That is why she did not hide her novels at all, and almost everyone knew that Carla Bruni different time tied up romantic relationship with Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton, Kevin Costner, Vincent Perez, Donald Trump. And then on her life path Nicolas Sarkozy appeared, who, according to rumors, fell in love at first sight.
Nicolas and Karla found themselves together at a private dinner for a narrow circle of people, where the latter was the girlfriend of the famous lawyer Arno Klarsfeld. But Arnault immediately resigned because Carla accepted the advances of the French President. And soon she was already settling into the presidential palace and was frank with the press: “I didn’t believe in marriage for love, and now I’m lost, but I’m glad about it!”
From the moment Carla married Nicolas, she seemed to have changed even in appearance. From a scandalous model capable of taking home film crew completely naked, she turned into an exquisite lady with whom she is not ashamed to appear at any dinner party. In October 2011, the couple had a daughter, Julia. And only media publications sometimes remind us of Bruni’s turbulent youth.
In any case, it turns out that men from the Sarkozy family prefer those who are hotter. Well, if the polygamous Carla Bruni after her marriage turned into a symbol of integrity, then it is possible that the same metamorphosis will happen to Mary-Kate Olsen.
And while the couple is preparing for the wedding, in social circles they are already joking that Mary-Kate’s sister, Ashley Olsen, has clearly set her sights on yet another Sarkozy. After all, in bohemian circles everyone knows that Ashley never lags behind her sister. And Nikolai and Olivier Sarkozy have two more brothers in reserve. Who's next - Guillaume or Francois?

30992 March 9, 2017, 20:35

Mary-Kate Olsen

The 30-year-old, along with her sister, gave an interview to the publication The Edit, in which she talked about family life and design work. Let us recall that in November 2015, one of the famous twins of a banker and brother former president France Olivier Sarkozy.

My sister and I are very happy. Working hard is a common thing for us. We don’t waste precious time sitting and delving into our thoughts. I have a husband, two adopted children and a life. I have to go home and cook dinner. I run on weekends. I try to look for things that can help me relax. If you don’t have them, then you definitely need to find them, because otherwise your internal resources will dry up and burnout will occur,” Mary-Kate said.

Olivier Sarkozy, 47, has two children, Julien and Margot, from his previous marriage to Charlotte Bernard. His affair with Mary-Kate began in 2012, and two years later the banker proposed to the actress and designer. The wedding took place in an atmosphere of secrecy at the couple's home in Manhattan. Now Olsen still devotes a lot of time to developing her design lines.

When we were younger, appearing in public was part of our work and image, so we tried to stay ahead of fashion and influence trends. We wanted to take adult clothing and shrink it down to our size. WITH youth we began to think about this because we ourselves are very miniature. From time to time you want to change your perfume or hairstyle, choose heels or something else. It's about about the beauty of clothes,” Olsen added about her favorite work.

Source US Weekly


Olivier Sarkozy and Mary-Kate Olsen, whose wedding was a real event secular news, for a long time they walked towards each other. Both have serious romances behind them that ended sadly, but now they are truly happy. Their love story began in 2012. We will tell you about it.

Who is Sarkozy Olivier?

Many people know Nicolas Sarkozy, the former president of France, but very little is known about his brother. Olivier Sarkozy, whose biography is no less interesting than his brother, on this moment is a successful businessman with a multi-billion dollar fortune.

Olivier and Nicolas Sarkozy are not siblings, as many believe, but half-brothers. Olivier was born from his second marriage in 1969 and had little contact with Nicolas. Olivier's mother's second husband was a diplomat and they had to move to another country. The brothers began to communicate closely again when they both had successful careers.

In the personal life of the businessman, everything was also excellent. He was married to a writer for thirteen years. After many years life together the couple realized that they could no longer live together and decided to divorce. From Charlotte Bernard, Olivier Sarkozy has two wonderful children whom he loves immensely.

Almost immediately after the divorce, the businessman began to be often seen with one of the Olsen twins, Mary-Kate. Journalists immediately suggested that it was because of this actress that Olivier’s first marriage broke up. Whether this is true or not is still unknown.

A little about Mary-Kate

Unlike her husband, Mary-Kate has never been married and has no children. But behind her there are very serious relationship, which could have continued, if not for one “but”.

Once upon a time, Mary-Kate dated a Greek man for a long time - one of the richest heirs in the world. His grandfather made a huge fortune and bequeathed everything to his grandson. The couple was happy and everyone knew that a wedding was planned. Preparations for the celebration were in full swing, but then Olsen introduced the groom to her best friend, actress Paris Hilton. The friend did not disdain the fact that the guy was already engaged, and with the ease of a panther, she dragged the “victim” into her possessions. Mary-Kate was worried about the breakup for a long time until a new love appeared.

Heath Ledger, the actor who died in a hotel from an overdose, was Mary-Kate's boyfriend at that time. Initially, they even wanted to open a criminal case against the girl, since she was suspected of supplying her loved one with drugs, but this assumption was never confirmed.

Then the girl had no novels, at least none worth mentioning. She was absolutely free and ready for a new relationship.

This couple has no future

This is what everyone who learned about the romance between Olivier Sarkozy and Mary-Kate Olsen said. The wedding of these people seemed impossible because they had a huge age difference. The lovers' relationship became the most discussed, many simply ridiculed them, pointing to the years of the businessman. Olivier Sarkozy was forty-four at that time, and Mary-Kate was only twenty-five. No one believed that the relationship would last long.

The couple was often seen at basketball games; they did not hide their love. They constantly held hands, kissed and looked at each other with tenderness.

Expensive gift

Doubts about the seriousness of the businessman’s relationship with the actress began to dissipate when newspapers reported that the couple began to live together. Olivier Sarkozy bought out old mansion, which, according to conservative estimates, cost more than ten million dollars. He chose this particular house because his beloved loves everything old and with history.

The businessman simply stunned everyone with his next gift to his beloved: he invited the girl to become his wife and presented her with a ring with a huge diamond worth eighty thousand dollars!

Friends and relatives were happy for Mary-Kate. They said that the meeting with Olivier - best event in the life of an actress and designer. The upcoming wedding was discussed in in social networks, making guesses about when and where the celebration will take place, on what scale it will be and how many hundreds of guests will be present. But here, too, the lovers surprised everyone.

Mary-Kate and Olivier Sarkozy: a wedding without "tinsel"

The newlyweds decided not to advertise where and when their wedding would take place. They secretly rented a private mansion in Manhattan for the celebration, inviting only their closest relatives. There were about fifty guests at the ceremony: relatives and friends. Before the start of the celebration, the couple warned everyone that they were not allowed to be photographed or filmed. The couple did not want the photos to somehow end up in the press for public discussion.

Some of those present shared their impressions of the party. They said that instead of flowers, the vases contained tobacco products, and the newlyweds did not wear white dresses or tuxedos. Everything happened in a youthful way. The guests danced, drank and ate a lot. It’s a pity that we can’t see this event in photographs, but this is the desire of the newlyweds.

Nicolas Sarkozy and Mary-Kate are a beautiful couple. The girl is very petite and next to her husband she seems completely defenseless. The main thing is that they were able to survive endless discussions about their relationship and remained together to build a happy family!

Mary-Kate Olsen has repeatedly said in interviews that it is the feeling of happiness and harmony in her soul that makes her successful and in demand. The Edit did not set out to find out juicy details family life of the wife of Olivier Sarkozy, a banker and one of the most influential people in France, but they delicately asked how the designer manages to combine the designer’s busy work schedule with his personal life.

My sister and I have been working since childhood, the degree of our involvement in our careers and fashion design is getting stronger and stronger every year. To be honest, we are used to living in a mode of hard work and creative search! We are happy that we are realizing our dream! When we are asked questions about the meaning of life and how we manage to get everything done, I always have a prepared answer: “Don’t waste precious time digging yourself!”

The romance between Mary-Kate Olsen and Olivier Sarkozy began in 2012 and then no one could have imagined that it would develop into a serious relationship and marriage. Two years later, the banker proposed marriage to his young lover. In November 2015, they secretly got married in the USA and, despite the constant gossip around the large age difference, they are still together and happy.

Olsen and Sarkozy live permanently in America, each pursuing their own careers; Mary-Kate is completely absorbed in hers. design work and the development of a women's clothing line.

When my sister and I started working in fashion and design, we were young and inexperienced: we tried to influence trends, in some ways even get ahead of them, and did not miss social events. One of the main ideas of that time was to take “adult” clothes and “shrink” them. The desire for minimalism has been inherent in us for a long time, because we are quite petite girls by nature. Now we are creating a full-fledged image; perfumes, accessories, and shoes have appeared in our brand line. Along with creative experiments, we also change, trying on new hairstyles and scents.