Vetlitskaya and her daughter Ulyana. Love affairs and novels of Natalia Vetlitskaya


“That evening, after the play “Juno and Avos,” we, a group of musicians, were planning to go to our friend for dumplings. His wife had been making them all day, preparing for our visit. When we met at the service entrance, the friend, nodding towards the young girl, said : “Well, I was hanging out alone on Tverskaya, eating ice cream. I took her with me." When the car started moving, it suddenly dawned on him that he was taking some underage girl home to his wife. What should I do? It’s inconvenient. “Listen,” he tells her, “decide for yourself, whose girl will you be - Pashina or Yurina? Just not mine.” No one pulled her tongue, she answered: “Fashina.” We arrived at a friend’s house. The friend’s wife, a cunning woman, was watching us all the time: she thought it was suspicious that I was not paying attention to my girlfriend. Seizing the moment, when we went out to smoke on the balcony, she suddenly unexpectedly asks: “Pasha, who will accompany her?” Remembering that this is “my girlfriend,” I answer: “Of course, me!” “Where does she live?” - she does not let up “In Chertanovo,” I blurted out without thinking, and only because I lived there myself. A friend’s wife, it turns out, then asked Natasha to be sure: they say, where do you live? She answered: “In Chertanovo.” This is such a wonderful thing. coincidence! While we were driving in the car, I found out everything about her. Her name is Natasha, seventeen years old. She graduated from school, doesn’t study anywhere and doesn’t intend to. In her head there are only ballroom dancing. I took her through, fortunately we live in the same area. That’s how our relationship began. The girl was young, not yet very spoiled, I was young and free."

“I caused a shock in this family. Although we made no secret of our relationship and there were traditional viewings. I introduced her to my parents, Natalya introduced me to hers. Her mother didn’t like me right away - I really don’t look like a diplomat. Neither you have a tuxedo, no bow tie. Just jeans and a beard. I felt that war had been declared on me on the very first day! Once her parents even came to my house at night. They knocked on the door, made a row in the whole entrance, threatened me with prison for I live with a young girl. When I finally opened the door, her mother began shouting from the threshold: “You’ll see, you’ll be in prison for exactly as long as she’s old!” I will put you in prison for molestation!" By the way, if she wanted, my mother-in-law could really put me in prison - the laws at that time were harsh. But, we must give her credit, she did not do this, although she hated me fiercely. Even when we got married, my mother-in-law solemnly swore that she would lay down her life to separate us.”

“Of course, Natasha was not any kind of wife. She was a spoiled mother’s daughter. She didn’t know how to cook anything, for which she received it from time to time. She raised her, it was the case... She could give a slap on the head if once again the cutlet was fried to the point of a sole. Or, I remember, for several days in a row she cooked me exclusively scrambled eggs - I took it and threw the plate against the wall. Well, how long can you eat the same thing?! Natasha, naturally, did not like this method of education. And yet science did not work for the future - Natasha never learned to cook ".

“What more! What debauchery! She’ll get up and drink coffee on her own. She’s not small. Women are like that: if you put them on their necks, they’ll just sit there, their legs dangling. They’ll never get off. The New Testament says: “Let a wife fear her husband.” !"

“Once, when they were recording a song from “Mary Poppins...” (“Bad Weather.” – Ed.), I dragged her into the studio and asked her to sing the chorus: “Nowhere, nowhere...” That’s where it all started. She was very pressed. , sang poorly. The first video in our country was shot for this song. In it, Natasha looked out from behind a tree with an umbrella."

“So much time has passed. I don’t know if her character has changed. They say she has become a very tough person. This probably helps her in her career. Yura Titov, her godfather, told me the story. It was eight years ago. He’s great in life he was in a bad mood, he even got into some kind of sect, and when he returned to Moscow, he lost his qualifications as a drummer, he didn’t know what to do. So he turned to Vetlitskaya for help. And she got him a job in her studio... as a commandant. I remember everything complained: “Natalya makes me wipe the dust off the flowers. And he checks it every time - runs his finger. If he suddenly discovers dust, he starts screaming!”

“And at that time I was just in the monastery. There is an expression: “If you go to the monastery, you die for the world.” One day I was convinced of this myself. One day I drove up to the “A Thousand Little Things” store. I parked the car and showed the valet the cover of my license “Lenkom". And for some reason he froze and didn’t move – he stared at me as if I were an alien. I came back, and he knocked on my window: “You look so much like one artist, Pavel Smeyan.” Are you a relative by any chance? True, he is already dead...” - “Has he been dead for a long time?” - “Yes, two years ago.” I opened my ID. He remained standing on the sidewalk with his mouth open.”
("Caravan of Stories", December 2006)

Natalya Vetlitskaya is a popular Russian singer, former lead singer of the Mirage group. The girl was married as many as 4 times, not including civil marriages.

First husband of Natalia Vetlitskaya

Her first husband was musician Pavel Smeyan. She performed with him before she joined the Mirage group. This man was able to see the potential of a good singer in the young girl. Natasha entered into her first marriage very young, at 17 years old. Their divorce surprised few people.

Natalya Vetlitskaya with her husband Pavel

Rumor has it that he drank and beat his wife. From the very first days, he showed the young girl all his cruelty and rudeness. Their scandals often ended only with the arrival of the police. The singer did not last long and divorced her unlucky husband.

Dmitry Malikov

Immediately she met the man of her dreams - Dmitry Malikov, who fell unconsciously in love with Natalya. They lived together for 3 years, but never got married. By the way, Dima was 7 years younger than his chosen one, but this did not interfere with the relationship. They broke up because the singer left for another man.

Natalya Vetlitskaya with Evgeny Belousov

This lucky person was Zhenya Belousov. He became her second husband. For her sake, Evgeny left his wife and child, expecting eternal love and family comfort from Natalya. But the singer literally left him a week later and left her husband. He found out about this after returning from regular concerts.

Natalya Vetlitskaya and Vlad Stashevsky

Later, the girl met with producer Pavel Vashchekin, Vlad Stashevsky, businessman Mikhail Topalov and Suleiman Kerimov. They were all very wealthy and showered the girl with luxurious gifts. But none of them could marry Natalya.

Natalya Vetlitskaya and Suleiman Kerimov

The singer’s third husband was Kirill Kirin, but their marriage did not last long.

Natalia Vetlitskaya

Natalya's next husband was Alexey, her yoga trainer. She left businessman Topalov for him as soon as she became pregnant. Many thought that the child was from Mikhail, but Natalya confirmed that her daughter Ulyana was born from Alexei, her last husband. It was this man who gave Natalia happiness and calmed the singer down.

Becoming at the end of the fiery 80s soloist of the group "Mirage", Natalya Vetlitskaya won the hearts of millions. In the 90s, her songs were heard from all radios. The bright, flexible blonde instantly became a sex symbol of the time. But where did she go at the peak of her popularity in 2004 and why does she attract such interest from journalists?

In one of her posts on social networks, Natalya stated that she did not want to return to her homeland and only wanted peace. Editorial "So simple!" I decided to find out what happened to the talented singer and what made her leave the country.

Natalya Vetlitskaya and her daughter

Star Vetlitskaya's career began back in 1983, when she took part in recording songs for the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye.” In 1985, the film “Train Off Schedule” appeared on the screens, in which a song performed by Natalya sounds. In 1988, the artist became one of the soloists of the Mirage group, with which she toured almost the entire USSR. The songs of this group are still listened to and sung to this day.

The singer also pursued a solo career. She released 8 albums, sang with many celebrities, and also starred in several films. By the way, her first solo video was directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk himself. She set trends in haircuts, young girls imitated her, her songs sounded everywhere. But in 2004, she suddenly left the stage, although she was at the peak of her popularity.

Vetlitskaya decided to radically change her life at the age of 40 - she became a mother. True, at first she did not want to give birth, but producer Viktor Yudin persuaded her to keep the child. However, Vetlitskaya has not announced the name of her daughter’s father to this day.

As you may have guessed, Natalya completely devoted herself to the child. She is also very interested in yoga and makes pilgrimages to India several times a year. The former singer lives with her daughter in a small two-story house in the small Spanish town of Denia. She has a nanny and a gardener. Natalya never got married. In her free time, she decorates and restores houses, and also rents out housing in Spain.

Not long ago, Natalya was invited to appear on television in Moscow. To which she gave a very sharp and bold answer, which she posted on the Internet: “When I needed Channel One, it didn’t need me. And now, when I don’t need him at all, he desperately needs me. There is no justice in life."

Glory must no longer attract her at all, because the other day Vetlitskaya posted a daring and arrogant message to media representatives on a social network: “To everyone interested in my interviews and who wants to get in touch with me through my friends and acquaintances, at all costs I want to say only one thing: leave this hopeless idea.

You can try to hound me in your media as much as you want in an attempt to anger or scare me in order to provoke a response, but the interview will never happen. Because I despise you. Look for another object for your bourgeois curiosity.”

The ex-singer monitors the political and economic situation in her homeland, constantly watches and reads news from Russia. And he speaks quite sharply about life in Moscow, criticizes everything: new laws, roads, changes on television, etc. She has not appeared in the capital for about two years: “For me, Spain is no less dear, but even more so...”

Natalya rarely publishes new photos, but they clearly show that she looks much younger than her 52 years. Apparently, the radical changes in her life only benefited her.

Her first solo album, released in 1992, was called “Look into My Eyes.” Songs from the record were played on almost every radio station in the country. A year later, her first video appeared, which was directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk himself!

The artist has released 8 albums throughout her career, sang with many celebrities, and also starred in several films.

So what happened to the star? Where did the audience's favorite disappear to in 2004? There were a lot of rumors, they were very diverse, including absolutely ridiculous and scandalous.

In fact, the artist became a happy mother! Vetlitskaya decided to radically change her life at the age of 40. At first, Natalya did not want to give birth to a child, but she was persuaded to leave the pregnancy by producer Viktor Yudin, who in recent years became her right-hand man and close friend. The name of the child’s father, Vetlitskaya, has not been made public to this day.

She decided to leave the stage in order to devote herself entirely to raising little Ulyana. In addition, Natalia became seriously interested in yoga.

Currently, the singer temporarily lives in a small two-story house in the small Spanish town of Denia. The journalists also managed to find out that the mother and daughter live alone, and a gardener and nanny help the family take care of the house and surrounding area.

Vetlitskaya leaves her nest only a few times a year to make a pilgrimage to India.

While Vetlitskaya’s child is at school, she works, doing her new favorite thing: restoring and decorating houses. They say that the house next door to her cottage is also owned by the artist and she rents it out; and she received the money to buy real estate thanks to the sale of a house in the Moscow region. The total area of ​​the site on which Vetlitskaya’s mansion is located is 1578 square meters.
The ex-singer monitors the political and economic situation in her homeland, constantly watches and reads news from Russia. And she speaks quite sharply about life in Moscow, criticizes everything: new laws, roads, changes on television, etc.... Vetlitskaya began to criticize life in Russia after she went for permanent residence in Spain. She hasn’t been to the capital for about two years: “For me, Spain is no less dear, and even more so...” writes “TV Program”.

And apparently, such a wise attitude towards life had a beneficial effect on the star’s appearance. Vetlitskaya is 52 years old, but she looks much younger.

Recently, the singer of the hit “And your eyes are the color of whiskey” published several recent photos on her social network page.

Natalia publishes new photos extremely rarely. Stanislav Sadalsky a year and a half ago he explained that she had gained weight and did not want to appear to fans in this form. Perhaps, but if Vetlitskaya was gaining extra pounds, she had already said goodbye to them a long time ago.

Now the singer leads a quiet, measured lifestyle. She doesn’t even think about the stage, she takes her daughter to school and goes to the supermarket for groceries. Still, Natalya’s main concern is raising her daughter. Vetlitskaya is hiding who the father of the child is. Artists who are familiar with Vetlitskaya say that Natalya and her daughter live wonderfully, do not need anything, they even have servants in the house. True, the star of the 90s did not get married in Spain.

Message quote Natalya Igorevna Vetlitskaya (biography, creativity, video)

Natalya Igorevna Vetlitskaya

(born August 17, 1964 in Moscow, eyes: sky blue; hair: blonde, height 1m 68cm).

I think that hardly any readers will dispute the fact that Natalya Vetlitskaya is one of the most charming stars on our pop firmament.


Natalya Igorevna Vetlitskaya was born in Moscow on August 17, 1964. Mother - Evgenia Ivanovna Vetlitskaya, piano teacher. Father - Igor Arsenievich Vetlitsky, nuclear physicist.

At the age of ten, Natasha began to practice ballroom dancing professionally, and then entered a music school to study piano, which she graduated from 1979 with a gold medal.

At the age of 17, Natalya began running a ballroom dancing school on her own. For ten years, starting from 1974 , the future singer repeatedly took part in various ballroom competitions.


After working as a choreographer for about a year in the ballet “Recital”, Natalya moved to a popular group "Rondo" as a choreographer, dancer and backing vocalist, having recorded four solo compositions as a member of the group for the magnetic album “Rondo-86”, released in 1986. Then, for two years, starting in 1986, Natalya performed as a dancer and backing vocalist in two more well-known groups: “Class” and “Idea Fix”. In 1985, the disaster film “ Train out of schedule ", which features a song performed by Natalya Vetlitskaya. And finally, in 1988, Natalya became the lead singer of the super popular group “ Mirage "(All-Union studio " SPM Record "Yu. Chernavsky). As part of this group, she toured almost all the cities of the former USSR. At the end of 1987, Natalya, along with other Soviet pop stars, took part in the recording of the song “ Closing the circle ", which is shown on New Year's television.

After leaving the Mirage group, Natasha begins a solo career. She is trying to record solo in the studio.

Then Natalya Vetlitskaya released her next album, “Slave of Love,” in 1996. One of the peaks of Natalia Vetlitskaya’s creativity was the television clip for the title song of the album “Slave of Love” for the TV show “ Sharman show " Songs from the new album were constantly in rotation on many radio stations. This was followed by the album “Best Songs” - a collection of Natalia Vetlitskaya’s best hits.

Afterwards, in 1997, Natasha played one of the main roles in the musical film “ The newest adventures of Pinocchio " She recorded two musical compositions for the film: “Sleep, Karabas”, and “Taj Mahal” in a duet with Sergei Mazaev , who played the cat Basilio in the film.

In 2003, a musical film was aired on New Year's Eve. Maxim Papernik “The Snow Queen”, where Natalya played the role of the Princess and sang the song “Lanterns” in a duet with Vadim Azarkh. On the eve of the release of Natalia’s new album, fans saw several more fresh video clips: “Halves”, “Eyes the color of whiskey” and “Petals”. The release of the singer’s latest album to date, “My Favorite...”, took place at the beginning of 2004 . During 2004-2009, Natasha Vetlitskaya released new videos for the songs “Bird” and “Everything is for a reason,” and also made numerous performances at various television competitions and festivals. These are duets with Sergei Mazaev with the song “Words That You Won’t Say”, with N. Tumshevits - “Look into My Eyes”, I.Kalninshem — “Vernissage” at a creative evening R.Paulsa and others. All of them were shown more than once on central channels in Russia and neighboring countries. Natalya Vetlitskaya not only sings, but also writes music, composes poetry, fables), studies painting Anddesign . WITH1998 Natalya is studying kriya yoga , attends his master's courses Sri Sri Ravi Shankara VIndia . She loves animals: she keeps several dogs, cats and birds at home. At the moment, Natalya Igorevna is recording two albums in parallel at the studio, one of which will be non-commercial, with a jazz-rock focus. Thus, Natalya is making her long-time dream come true.

She starred in a photo shoot for the cover and article in the December 2009 issue of the magazine inStyle . Gave an extended television interview for the program in 2010 VH1 , for which musicians who took part in her musical career over the years also starred.


In addition to her musical activities, Natalya is also involved in charity work. WITH 1999 she constantly provides financial assistance to children of psychoneurological hospital No. 4, located in the village of Nikolskoye Ruzsky district .

Personal life

  • First husbandPavel Smeyan
  • Second husbandZhenya Belousov
  • The third husband was a fashion model Kirill Kirin, and later worked as an administrator for Philip Kirkorov .
  • Common-law husbands Dmitry Malikov , Vlad Stashevsky , Suleiman Kerimov , Mikhail Genrikhovich Topalov (1960) businessman and producer, father Vlada Topalova .
  • The fourth husband Alexey is the artist’s personal yoga trainer
  • Daughter Ulyana (August 2004). After her birth, Natalya Vetlitskaya left the creative scene and stopped her creative activities.

Natalia Vetlitskaya’s biography contains facts that she carefully hides. For example, few people know that the singer’s first husband, one of the legendary voices of Soviet cinema, Pavel Smeyan, often beat her, kicked her out of the house, and once almost killed her.

In those days, Natalya Vetlitskaya was a dancer. And Pavel Smeyan is a fairly famous musician. He was one of the founders of the Rock Studio group, participated in the legendary performances of Lenkom "Til", "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta", "Junon Vetlitskaya and Avos". He performed songs for the cult films of that time “The Trust That Broke”, “Mary Poppins, Goodbye!”, “War Romance”, “Island of Lost Ships”, “Fine Weather on Deribasovskaya”.

It was Pavel who forced Natalia to take up singing professionally. As the star herself recalls, Pavel invited her to sing along with him in the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye!” She didn’t want to, she refused, but he insisted. Natalya's knees were shaking from excitement, so she was terribly out of tune.

The singer did not directly talk about the reasons for breaking up with Smeyan, but hinted: “I won’t give a name. This man repented of this a long time ago, then asked for forgiveness. And he is still, in my opinion, paying for it with his life. He beat me, This was his nature - evil, cruel. And alcohol was also a reason. We broke up with him after he almost killed me once. I miraculously escaped, ran out of the apartment. I called the police - for the next and last time. There was no excuse for him. I was a child, I was 18 years old. Why could I be beaten half to death? But I forgave him, I didn’t even put him in prison. Although the investigators gave him a five-year guarantee.”

In addition to Smeyan, Vetlitskaya, according to her, had at least two more official husbands - singer Zhenya Belousov and fashion model Kirill Kirin, who starred in her video “Look into your eyes” and later became the manager of Philip Kirkorov. But the singer called these marriages fictitious.

In particular, she explained her marriage to Kirin by the need to solve the housing problem. As Natalya herself admitted, she needed a separate apartment. To do this, she needed to marry a Muscovite with a small living space.

“A friend suggested this guy to me. I paid him,” Natalya said. “We formalized the marriage. And because it was unnecessary, we didn’t dissolve it for five years. We communicated purely friendly. I lent him money. I trusted him. And he began to use my last name, handling his affairs. Then he went to Kirkorov to work as an administrator. And there he began to continue in the same spirit. He still hasn’t returned the money to me.”

Vetlitskaya allegedly also married Zhenya Belousov out of necessity. "It happened by accident. It was a funny story." He tells me: “There’s a woman there who wants to marry me. But I don’t want to. What should I do?” We thought and thought, and he suddenly said: “Listen, let’s get married!” I say: "Come on!" And they got married.

He and I were such idiots back then, complete idiots. Neither I nor he needed anything from each other. We were like two good friends. We hung out everywhere, went to visit. I loved him as a friend, but for some reason I didn’t perceive him at all as a man. I didn’t have a woman’s love for him.”

In addition to official ones, Vetlitskaya had many civil marriages and just romances, the most high-profile of which, perhaps, were romances with Dmitry Malikov, who encouraged her to start a solo career, and Vlad Stashevsky. Ex-producer Zhenya Belousova, poetess Lyubov Voropaeva, recalls that when Vetlitskaya married Smeyan and got married to him, she was almost 16 years old. She claims that Belousov was deeply in love with Vetlitskaya, but he also had a long-standing affair with Lena Khudik, who later became his official wife and gave birth to his daughter Christina.