Dmitry Zheleznyak is dating someone else. Elena Bushina and Mitya Zheleznyak celebrated their anniversary of marriage

Added: 16-02-2017, 18:45

On February 12, ex-star of “House-2” Elena Bushina celebrated seven years of marriage with her husband Mitya Zheleznyak. In an exclusive interview, the couple talked about quarrels and reconciliations, raising children, and how they divide the family budget. Lena claims that she often tries to surprise her husband, and Mitya pleases her beloved with gifts.

Mitya, you recently released your own song “I imagined”, which came as a surprise to many. Why did you decide to sing?

Mitya Zheleznyak: This is not such a surprise - I’ve been singing for a long time, but I decided to reach a new level only now. Thanks to my family and loved ones for supporting me. Of course, I want to collect stadiums, a new song, a video will be released soon, and then an album, which is currently in full swing.

You have already been dubbed the new Stas Mikhailov. How do you feel about this comparison?

Mitya Zheleznyak: I like it. It’s nice to be compared to a person who himself created a truly grandiose project.

Elena Bushina: But we would like Mitya not to be compared with Stas Mikhailov, but to be perceived as a separate, full-fledged musician. Now there is a new generation of young artists, I want Mitya to take his place in this niche. By the way, the girls immediately notice that he is different from other performers. My husband has a certain charm and his own trick: his voice sinks into the very heart.

Aren’t you jealous of these very girls of your husband?

Elena Bushina: It happens! I really feel somewhat jealous about this, but at that moment when I supported him in his creativity, I understood what I was doing. I am aware that he is an aspiring artist and, of course, attention from women is inevitable. Today is our anniversary – 7 years. And, if at the beginning of the relationship I doubted a lot, now I trust my husband one hundred percent.

But at the same time you are still jealous. What could be the reason: lipstick on a shirt, the smell of a woman’s perfume?

Mitya Zheleznyak: Yes, there’s no need to give her any reason, she can be jealous of anything, it’s not even justified! But we accept each other.

Is music your first priority now or do you earn money from something else at the same time?

Mitya Zheleznyak: On the first one, but no one canceled the work. Now I’m preparing an album, I write all the lyrics myself, a friend helps with the arrangements.

Elena Bushina: Yes, he is engaged in the construction business, but now he is completely devoted to creativity. This requires a lot of energy and great strength. I believe that a man should first achieve everything, and only then do something for the soul. That’s why I’m doubly proud of Mitya.

Mitya, something special must have inspired you to write an entire album. Where did you get so much inspiration from?

Mitya Zheleznyak: My wife, parents and children inspire me. It is to them that I dedicate my future album.

Do you quarrel often?

Mitya Zheleznyak: Not often, but it happens, as, in fact, with everyone. The reason can be completely different. Most often, Lena shows her femininity and wisdom and is the first to make peace. Well, I can also come up if I was wrong, but usually she is wrong. I'm an Aries, so it can be difficult with me - stubborn.

Elena Bushina: Yes! It’s very difficult with Aries husbands! You constantly have to be more flexible and pliable. With a man you need to be a woman, be able to smooth out corners. But everything comes with experience. At the beginning of the relationship, any little thing in everyday life could quarrel between us.

Mitya Zheleznyak: Cancer wives are also very, very difficult!

When was the last time you quarreled?

Elena Bushina: Yes, yesterday, for example, Mitya did not want to move my car in the morning. We argue about this all the time in the morning. If it’s very cold, then, of course, he goes himself, but it can be difficult to come to an agreement.

Mitya Zheleznyak: Truth is born in a dispute.

Elena Bushina: Mitya can take a very long time to leave, but I can usually say a lot of things when I’m emotional, but I also leave faster. And he rarely swears; usually two or three firm words from him are enough for them to stick in your head for a long time.

Mitya Zheleznyak: We don’t have this: “Sorry, I won’t do it again.” We’ll just ask something casually, start a conversation and that’s it.

At “House-2,” Lena had a lot of showdowns. Were the children told that their mother participated in such a show?

Elena Bushina: Yes, the children know. Mark sometimes asks something. We rarely watch TV, and the younger ones only watch children's programs.

Mitya Zheleznyak: I don’t blame either the participants or the project itself - this is also a certain amount of work. But I don’t want to be associated with Dom-2.

Elena Bushina: This is a good project! Wonderful! I even called him to the perimeter when we were just starting to communicate, but he immediately said: “I won’t participate!” Now I don’t follow the show, but I communicate with Ksyusha Borodina - she is Mark’s godmother, Natasha Varvina and several other people who are doing the project.

Aren't you afraid that the children will grow up and won't like the way their mother behaved?

Elena Bushina: I was on the project for three years and not a single day I lived there did I feel ashamed! I behaved correctly there. Exactly the same as in ordinary life. She is what she is – open and honest.

I heard you recently finished redecorating Mark's room. What happened there?

Elena Bushina: He is six now, and this year he will already go to school. I wanted to make him his own spacious place. Together with the designer, we tried to realize everything that he came up with in his head: superheroes, a luminous ceiling reminiscent of a flying saucer. Only small items and some furniture remained.

What kind of room does Laura have?

Elena Bushina: She is only 2.5 years old, so she has not yet decided what she likes. For now everything is decorated in a classic style, but soon we’ll probably renovate her place too - we’ll come up with something more girly. Of course, now she likes everything that Mark likes, and at the same time she also likes “Masha and the Bear”, “Peppa Pig”, “Hello Kitty” and everything else.

But I remember that just a few years ago you didn’t have such opportunities. How did you manage to achieve this and not break up?

Mitya Zheleznyak: You just need to be real, listen to each other. Do not expose your personal life. It's simple. There must be a good, obedient wife.

Elena Bushina: Like me?

Mitya Zheleznyak: Well, this one will do too.

Elena Bushina: Mitya! In general, the main thing is to maintain faith in each other, give hope, and support always and in everything. No one gave us anything or gave us anything, no one told us how to do it. We didn’t count on anyone, we did everything ourselves. I was 22, Mitya was 21. I wanted a lot, there were times when I didn’t have enough money, it was difficult, but Mitya always said: “You have to believe in me. This will give me strength." And I believed. Aries is a stubborn sign, so he always tried, tried, tried and one day it worked. Everything is brick by brick. There have been very difficult times, but there have also been ups and downs.

Very wise. However, your popularity should still have helped you, shouldn't it?

Elena Bushina: I also somehow spun, as I do now, but a man cannot stand competition with a woman. Next to him, the girl should be weak and at the same time his support. Yes, people recognized me and still do, and often ask me to take a photo. But at that moment it didn’t help and the main thing was not to give up. They say correctly: if you close the door, go out the window.

Do you have a joint budget now or does everyone have their own?

Mitya Zheleznyak: Sometimes you have to hide money from her in a sock. Kidding. We have no such division. The money is in a place accessible to both of us, so everyone can take it if they need it. Well, of course, if Lena wants to buy something expensive, then first we will discuss it together.

Elena Bushina: If, for example, a dress is from Gucci, then you need to coordinate it, but if you need some household items, then I just buy it. Sometimes I give my husband gifts myself - I always want to please him. But it’s very difficult to please him. I remember that when I was young, my mother once gave my dad shaving gel, and he was so happy for several days afterwards! With Mitya it is more difficult in this regard. She gave me an Apple computer and recently bought Zanotti boots... However, he said that he wouldn’t wear them. But he himself is also very generous. All expensive gifts are his merit.

Do you share household responsibilities?

Elena Bushina: The nanny and cleaning lady who live with us in the house help me with this, but when necessary, I can do it too. But Mitya is our boss in the kitchen – he cooks incredibly delicious food. I can do it too, but I don’t really like it and I don’t do it as well as he does. We had just left the table - Mitya was preparing burgers with marbled beef. But then I spent another two hours cleaning the kitchen. After the man cooks, the woman has to clean up for a very long time.

How do you relax?

Mitya Zheleznyak: We used to often have dinner at a restaurant, but now less often - work, and music is very important to me now.

Elena Bushina: You won’t believe it, but we rarely go anywhere now – we don’t have enough time for anything. We rarely even see our parents. And once upon a time we loved to sing karaoke with our friends.

Tell us about the children: what do they do, what are their personalities?

Elena Bushina: They are very different. Mark is absolutely daddy's boy. Mitya doesn’t babysit with him, talks seriously, lays down the right masculine concepts. In this regard, he is so ahead of his peers that sometimes our friends even ask him: “Where did you get such concepts and upbringing at the age of six?” No one can make him a real man better than Mitya; I completely trust him with this matter. Of course, I myself also correct some things with maternal love.

Mitya Zheleznyak: Laura is different in this regard. She's a twin and she's not that easy. She can be a good girl, and then, out of the blue, start fighting with Mark, throwing things around, fooling around.

Elena Bushina: After Mark was born, I thought that I would give birth again and again. After Laura there is no such feeling anymore. It is very difficult to negotiate with her. They are both very creative. Mark is very musical, dances all the time, goes to English, swimming, drama school, and is preparing for first grade. By the way, he didn’t go to kindergarten.

Is there a system of rewards and punishments?

Mitya Zheleznyak: As soon as dad returns home from work, Mark is already at the door: “What did you buy?” Since childhood, I spoiled him with all sorts of soldiers and kinders. It seems like a small thing, but he still enjoys it. Now I’ve taught my sister too.

Elena Bushina: I’m emotional, I can shout if they don’t listen, Mark and I often quarrel. For him, the authority is dad.

Mitya Zheleznyak: Usually one glance is enough for him to stop doing what is not necessary. Mark always looks at my reaction, and if he sees that I am unhappy, he immediately stops.

Elena Bushina: Yes... And if dad is offended, then Mark will be like silk. A minute later he comes up to him: “Dad, are you offended?” And I manipulate more, probably. I say: “Well, don’t you feel sorry for your mother?” Sometimes, like everyone else: “No sweets” or “You won’t get an iPad.” But we will never beat children! We have never even spanked them lightly in our lives and we don’t intend to!

Do they have a daily routine?

Elena Bushina: Right now we have to bathe and put Laura to bed, so Mitya will go get water, and I’ll tell you about it. She eats porridge, soups, vegetables, and sleeps during the day. We don’t eat any sausages, soda, etc. I also try to limit my sweets.

And yourself? How, by the way, do you manage to stay in such great shape?

Elena Bushina: Yes, and myself. I've never been fat. Many people saw me after the project and said: “Oh, Lena, how you’ve lost weight!” And it’s just that the camera adds seven kilograms, and I’m the same. With a height of 170 centimeters, I weigh 53 kilograms. I'm pretty skinny. Plus, I limit myself to junk food, try to eat healthy, I don’t even eat bread, I do light sports, although I don’t really like it. It’s like that in my family – a woman only gets prettier over the years.

Many people write that you just had plastic surgery...

Elena Bushina: You know, living in the modern world, I don’t get hung up on old concepts. If there is an opportunity and desire to have plastic surgery, then I am for doing it. But I myself am so afraid of operations that I have not done anything to myself except light interventions such as injections, hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy, and so on. Everyone is talking about rhinoplasty, I know. When I lived under cameras filmed from above, my facial features seemed much larger than they were. My nose is mine. I didn't do anything with him.

I noticed that you dye your hair very often. Psychologists say that this is due to complexes and the search for oneself, what do you think?

Elena Bushina: This is a common desire for change. I want to change for myself and for my husband. Either I’ll cut off my bangs, then I’ll dye my roots, or I’ll choose a different color altogether. While Mitya is gone, I’ll say that many women make a big mistake: they get married and stop taking care of themselves, stop surprising their man. But they always want something new and interesting. That's how I found myself again in a fashionable cold blonde. Both Mitya and I really like it.


Since childhood, Lena was a very restless child. She constantly destroyed something, didn’t show up at home from early morning until night, disappeared on the street, walked around with broken knees and painted her dolls with her mother’s elite cosmetics.

Elena Bushina's family is quite wealthy. Mom works in the government of Yekaterinburg, and father works in the construction business.

Lena Bushina herself calls herself an idle waster of life. In her third year, she left the university, where she studied at the Faculty of Economics, specializing in banking. She decided to do this for the sake of her beloved man, after whom she left. However, in between the madness, the girl managed to do yoga and play tennis. By the way, in the future Elena Bushina plans to receive a higher education in psychology.

House 2

Elena Bushina ended up on the TNT channel’s television project “House 2” completely by accident. Friends introduced her to reality show veteran Stepan Menshikov. After this, the girl wanted to see the project from the inside with her own eyes.

The girl came to the television project “House 2” on October 19, 2007 and stayed on the perimeter for a long time. Elena immediately established herself as a scandalous person. The girl didn’t have to put her words into her pocket at all.

“I am a very controversial person, but despite this, I undoubtedly have a very big heart. But I know how to hide it behind the mask of a bitch. This is because I have often been betrayed, and I rarely show what I am inside. Now I give the impression of a sharp girl who you shouldn’t put your finger in her mouth. However, yes, I am very capricious, and lately I have become whiny. But I am not a hypocrite and I do not betray! My mind tells me one thing, my feelings are completely different. But I will learn to balance them. I understand, otherwise you can do a lot of stupid things in life. As for a man, the main thing is that the man does not cheat and appreciates my actions for his sake,” says Elena Bushina.

On the television project “House 2” Lena Bushina met accordion player Semyon Frolov. The romance between the two participants broke out instantly.

“When we saw each other, we froze in place! Previously, Semyon met with Olya the Sun, but for him she was more likely not a girl, but a creative person. For him, I’m not just a beautiful girl, but a person with a wide inner world,” says Bushina.

There was constant noise and quarrels between lovers. However, Lena and Semyon managed to “scatter in the corners”, so they did not bring their relationship to a break. The romance, to everyone's surprise, lasted quite a long time. However, he still reached a dead end. Lena, together with the team, began to put pressure on Semyon and humiliate him. As a result, the young man could not stand it and left the reality show on December 11, 2008. At the same time, Lena stayed and began to look for her love further.

After the breakup, Lena Bushina was depressed for a long time and began to seek solace in work. So, as part of the television project “House 2”, the group “Istra Witches” appeared. In addition to Lena Bushina, Natalya Varvina and Alexandra Kharitonova appeared on stage. The soloists often told Elena that she had absolutely no sense of rhythm. This caused many scandals.

Life outside the perimeter

Unexpectedly for everyone, Lena Bushina began to disappear from the television project and devote a lot of time to her life “beyond the perimeter.” The reason for the periodic disappearances was a 22-year-old young and very promising man named Dmitry Zheleznyak. The man was the owner of a car dealership.

“I practically live with Mitya. During the day you can see me at the TV set, but in the evening I go to see him. While on the project, I went on vacation with him for two weeks. And most of the time we are together. We tested our relationship several times. It’s very interesting with Mitya, no matter where we are. Even if we move to a desert island, we will not be bored. In general, our lifestyle is not a party one, but a family one,” Elena Bushina later said.

But in the fall of 2009, Elena Bushina became a bride and began preparing for the wedding. After the participant announced that she had found her love, the show thought about the correctness of having a girl on the project. After all, she has already found her soul mate.

However, Elena herself did not want to leave “House 2”, citing the fact that she needed to pursue a solo career. The girl herself suffered for a long time whether it was worth leaving the reality show for the sake of the groom (Dmitry did not want to come to the television project and build a relationship with Lena in front of the television cameras). Therefore, the wedding was postponed indefinitely, however, until Elena’s pregnancy became known. Bushina decided to leave “House 2”, but agreed that she would sometimes come to visit and take part in the broadcasts.

In February 2010, Elena Bushina and Dmitry Zheleznyak formalized their relationship in one of the capital's registry offices. And on August 4, 2010, the couple had a son. The boy was named Mark.

Elena Bushina about family

By the way, Lena Bushina became the second participant who became pregnant while on the project. The first was Rita Kuzina, although she and the father of her child, Evgeniy, remained on the project after the birth of the child and began to raise the baby in front of the whole country. But Lena left the show in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Bushina's plastic surgery

By the way, after Lena Bushina became a mother, she was incredibly transformed. This applies primarily to appearance. The girl had rhinoplasty. Now her nose fits harmoniously with her face, making her more feminine and sweet. Elena herself, however, does not give any comments on this matter.


After leaving the television project, the scandalous participant began to triple her “fun” life in the family. This explosive character has already been seen by dozens of Muscovites on the city streets. Bushina caused a scandal to her husband on the way to a nude photo shoot. The young man brought his wife to the wrong area of ​​Moscow, simply by mixing up the address. When Bushina realized this, she attacked Mitya screaming. The family drama was seen by dozens of passersby as it was during the evening rush hour.

Eyewitnesses who immediately recognized her said that she behaved with her husband in the same way as on the television project. The girl was simply furious. She threatened to break the windows in the car and said that she no longer wanted to be the wife of such a loser. Entertainment on the project

At the beginning of 2011, information appeared that Elena Bushina was on the verge of divorce. In addition to the scandals, Dmitry Zheleznyak’s parents began to put pressure on the girl. They demanded a paternity test because they suspected that Mitya’s child was not his own. In response, Elena officially filed for divorce. According to rumors, after a divorce from Dmitry Zheleznyak, Elena Bushina plans to return to the “House 2” project.

The "House 2" project is a reality show that has won the hearts of many television viewers. One of its most prominent participants was Lena Bushina. A beautiful and smart girl tried to find her love there. However, Lena Bushina found it outside the project perimeter. That's why I left the show.

Lena Bushina: early childhood

But first things first. Lena Bushina was born in 1986 in Yekaterinburg into a wealthy family. My father worked in a construction company. Mother is in government structures.

From an early age, the girl began to demonstrate an explosive and eccentric character. She grew up as a spoiled child. She was allowed a lot and was never punished for anything. Over time, the girl began to disappear on the street until late in the evening.

School years

Having matured a little, Lena Bushin did not save her parents from the troubles and problems. She couldn’t please them with good grades. And I didn’t always do my homework either.

The girl herself admits that she was a so-called “playgirl.” The only thing Lena enjoyed spending her time on was sports. Tennis and yoga allowed her to constantly keep herself in shape.

Higher education

The biography of Lena Bushina is full of various events. Having entered the Faculty of Banking and Economics on the advice of her parents, the girl did not stay there for long. After finishing her second year, she dropped out of school, leaving Yekaterinburg with her beloved man. True, Lena made a promise to herself that she would definitely receive a diploma. She is interested in psychology.

On the project

Lena Bushina ended up in “House 2” absolutely by accident. Friends introduced her to the star of the project, Stepan Menshchikov. The girl wanted to try herself as a star and see the popular show from the inside.

She came to the project in the fall of 2007. Thus opened one of the brightest chapters in her life. From the very first days of her appearance in “House 2,” Lena began to demonstrate to others her difficult character. She did not mince words and quickly put in their place those who in any way tried to infringe on her rights, in her own opinion. Bushina very quickly became a reality show star. A rapidly growing army of fans watched her life with interest.

To ill-wishers who reproached Lena for her scandalous and quarrelsome character, the girl once admitted that her personality was in fact full of contradictions. However, she has a huge kind heart. Elena needs a mask only to protect herself from potential traitors and offenders, whom she has had to deal with more than once in her life.

Semyon Frolov

At the project, the capricious beauty immediately stated that, first of all, she values ​​fidelity in men. Initially, Lena turned her attention to accordion player Semyon Frolov, who was in a romantic relationship with a girl under the pseudonym Sun. Bushina says that their acquaintance overwhelmed her with a sea of ​​emotions. The sun quickly faded into the background. Well, viewers were able to watch a new flaring romance between the participants of the reality show.

However, the guys’ relationship was not cloudless. Lena and Semyon started arguing almost immediately. Nevertheless, a lot of time passed before their complete breakup. Every quarrel was followed by reconciliation. True, not for long.

Semyon, as a result, could not stand the intensity of passions and the persecution of the participants who supported Lena during the scandals. At the end of 2008, he left the project. But Bushina remained in the hope of meeting her soul mate. The next contender for her heart was another bright participant in the show - Gleb Zhemchugov.

"Istra Witches"

After breaking up with Frolov, the girl found a hobby. She became a member of a musical group called “Istra Witches”. Lena absolutely loved singing. However, other members of the group - Natalya Varvina and Alexandra Kharitonova - did not appreciate her vocal abilities, often reproaching the girl for lacking a sense of rhythm and hearing. The girl, as usual, made a scandal, trying to prove that she was right. Now Lena Bushina has completely cooled down to vocal activity. Later, a new love appeared in her life.

Dmitry Zheleznyak

The affair with Gleb Zhemchugov did not last long. Lena has a new interest - the twenty-two-year-old owner of a car dealership, Dmitry Zheleznyak. It was because of him that the girl began to mysteriously disappear from time to time from the view of television viewers.

Soon she was practically living together with Dmitry Zheleznyak. He even took her on vacation for two weeks. A few months later it became absolutely clear that the girl was seriously in love. Lena claimed that she was never bored with Dmitry. Therefore, she would have fun with him, even if she found herself on a desert island. Although the guy, according to her own words, is absolutely not a party person.

The curators of “House 2” doubted whether the girl should remain in the project. After all, she built her love outside its perimeter. Lena didn’t want to leave the show. But I still had to decide. Dmitry refused to live in “House 2” in front of the cameras. The question was posed bluntly. Relationship or project? Bushina chose relationships. And this is not surprising.

After the project

Lena left the project in the last months of pregnancy. In 2010, she married her chosen one. Natalya Varvina was invited as a witness.

Lena Bushina and her husband did not manage to build a happy family right away. For some time, the couple experienced a painful period of grinding in their characters. The girl even managed to make scandals with her husband right on the street, not paying attention to passers-by. And for no particular reason. For example, one day Dmitry mixed up the address and took his wife to the wrong area of ​​Moscow, which is why she was late for a photo shoot. Most likely, she decided that he did it on purpose. And maybe that's how it was. After all, the photo shoot was going to be in nude style. Of course, Dima was against the appearance of candid photographs of his wife in glossy publications. They say that the couple was even planning to divorce. The girl refused to give in to her husband, because she wanted her photographs to also be published in magazines, like the earlier erotic photos of Ksyusha Borodina, Ksenia Sobchak, Olga Buzova and Alena Vodonaeva.

Today, all the scandals and storms in the family are far behind us. The children of Lena Bushina and Dima Zheleznyak brought happiness to the couple’s home. In 2010, son Mark was born. And in 2014 - daughter Laura. Lena regularly posts photos of her happy family on social networks.

The family life of the charismatic participant in “House 2” benefited her. From a quarrelsome brawler, she turned into a gentle, calm woman and a kind, caring mother.

At the same time, leaving the project did not prevent Bushina from remaining in the spotlight. Without hesitation, she agrees to participate in various entertainment projects and talk shows. Her fans saw her, for example, in a well-known program called “Let's Get Married.”

In addition, Lena was also able to find herself in business. Today she owns an online clothing store.

With the advent of children, Lena’s appearance also changed. There are rumors that the girl had rhinoplasty, deciding to change the shape of her nose. However, Bushina herself refutes them, claiming that changing her appearance has never brought happiness to anyone. And she doesn’t see the need to change anything about her face.

In February 2017, the girl shared with her fans the news that her husband was preparing to release his first music album. Lena is incredibly proud of Dima's talent. He had been singing for quite a long time. But I decided to reach a new level only now. The support of his family and loved ones helped him, for which he is very grateful. Dmitry dreams of gathering entire stadiums. Bushina's husband is periodically compared to Stas Mikhailov. He's pleased. But Elena did not like this comparison. She dreams that Dima will be perceived as a full-fledged individual musician. I would like Zheleznyak to take his place in the niche of the new generation of young artists.

Of course, Dmitry is not deprived of female attention. Lena is jealous, but understands that she supported him in his work. That is, she understood what she was getting into. After all, recognition from the fair sex is inevitable for a beginning artist. The couple has been happily married for seven years. And if at the beginning of the relationship Lena could still doubt Dima, today she completely trusts him.

Gossip has appeared on social networks regarding who the real father of Mark (son of Elena Bushina) is. Dmitry Zheleznyak’s father secretly took tests from his grandson and conducted a genetic examination. The test showed that Mitya is not the father of the child. Zheleznyak and Bushina are getting divorced. Details below:

Zheleznyak, lawyer. With whom I communicate. There's nothing to do with the connection. I’ve just known one lawyer for a hundred years, worked with him on several cases (as a representative of the press), and this lawyer knows Zheleznyak that a divorce is being prepared, I know directly from Zheleznyak himself. I'm not kidding. And the child is not Mitin. And they haven't lived together since about October. After the last fight with her mother-in-law, Bushka was asked to leave the house. And Mitya did not follow her.

In short, it was like this. Almost immediately things didn’t work out for Mitya’s mother and Bushka. First scandals, then fights. Mother was taken to the hospital several times - her nerves were getting better. Both Zheleznyak Sr. and his wife were shocked from the very beginning, but did not want to get involved... Mitya has her own apartment, but the newlyweds were not allowed to live in it, I don’t know with what exhortations. It’s clear why - so that Bushka is visible. When things got really bad, Zheleznyak brainwashed his son and convinced him to get a divorce. Bushka refused to get a divorce. According to the court, it would have been a very long time, and Zheleznyak - don’t ask me how exactly - fussed over the biometric examination. Well, it didn’t coincide.

Bushka just went to Yekaterinburg - either she was looking for a lawyer through her father, or some documents about the rules, or she was taking the child - I don’t know the details. The fact that she came to the photo shoot, where Kolya Solnukh was, in Mitya’s car is a lie. The fact that he and Mitya are getting a divorce was also confirmed by Rustam on Pipka - he has information, I think, directly from Bushina, he is not familiar with the Zheleznyaks. I talked with Zheleznyak Sr. Once. At a corporate drinking party before the New Year. He readily said that all his family’s troubles seemed to be behind them.

“Zheleznyak’s family, if anything, is very good. And he himself is a hammer. A very specific contingent works with him; if anything, they won’t work with just anyone. About “buying a certificate” - this is not for lawyers. Especially people like Zheleznyak. His reputation is more important to him. I think the examination was fair. But the samples were taken, not entirely honestly, Bushka was not informed. But this is a family matter, I’m on the side of the Zheleznyaks here. As for Rustamka’s reliability, he and I gave out the information almost simultaneously (I was a few days earlier, but that’s not the point). He didn't read my information. So he knew. From whom? I think from Bushka.

About “on whose grub”. Lenka has a wealthy family, she had enough for food, I think. And the problem was this: Lenka got pregnant. From whom? Yes, from the one to whom she ran to the perimeter every now and then in the summer heat. I don’t know the details here, I can only speculate. But why would a girl who is pregnant in her last months suddenly drive to the Moscow region in the summer sun? That's it...

And something had to be done about the stray... She had been herding Mitya for a long time, but here she had to intensify her efforts. We remember the photographs of the Zheleznyaks at the wedding: Mitya’s parents were happy and stunned by such happiness - was it just that?.. In general, it served Lenka right, if anything. I rather sympathized with her at House-2, but in this story I felt sincerely sorry for Zheleznyakov. It's good that it all ended this way. Pushcha on Dom-2 is being completed, single mothers are now at a premium there...”

This is not the first time that users have discussed problems in the family of Elena Bushina and Dmitry Zheleznyak. However, this time the story is too reminiscent of the story of Victoria Boni and Alex Smurfit. Bushina also assures that everything is fine with them, but there have been no photos together for a long time, and she herself periodically publishes very depressing posts that prompt followers to certain thoughts.

Over the past few weeks, Elena Bushina has had to constantly publish refutations of the speculations of users who are sure that Dmitry Zheleznyak has already left Elena. She proves that the absence of joint photographs does not mean anything - Dmitry is simply taking his father’s death too hard.

Elena Bushina // Photo: Instagram

However, the whole point is that this is not the first time that users have seen Dmitry Zheleznyak, like Dmitry Tarasov during his still official marriage, with another woman. Moreover, if the same Tarasov just drank coffee in the morning with Kostenko, then Zheleznyak does not hide his feelings.

The problem for Elena is that she, like Victoria Bonya, is an unmarried wife. He has no right to claim anything other than the voluntary generosity of his spouse, including attention. Since they were officially divorced four years ago, Zheleznyak cannot even be accused of treason.

Elena Bushina with children // Photo: Instagram

“Lenka jumped. Well, she can still apply for alimony. If she doesn’t screw up, like Shamaeva”, “Don’t women really understand that they look like fools when a man has been hanging out in pubs with someone else for a long time, and they all smear oil on Insta that everything is fine with them? Have courage - write: yes, we broke up, so what?” users discuss the situation.

Victoria Bonya proved for six months that everything was fine with Smurfit. And in the end she even promised great news from her and Alex. Naive fans believed that this was a second pregnancy and were shocked by the news of the breakup. It looks like Bushina followed the same path.