What does the expression guts mean? Gut is thin

My throat is dry and my breathing is clogged. My legs were tired and felt like they were filled with lead. In your ears, headphones with your favorite music, which always maintains energy in the body. You run automatically, not attaching importance to every step. After the finish there was great relief and satisfaction. You feel so light, as if you are about to take off. Breathing gradually returns to normal, becomes even and measured.

Anyone who has ever done long-distance running experiences approximately these conditions. Although "big" is flexible concept. For some, running even 1 km will be a feat. But we are now talking about distances of 10, 15 and 20 kilometers. It is in such races that you need good endurance.

But the very peak, which beckons with its unattainability, is the length of the marathon distance. This is the line that many recreational runners want to get closer to. But due to the serious preparation that is needed to overcome such a race, not everyone will be able to complete it. But still, how long is the marathon distance? It is 42 km and 195 m. This is exactly the distance that athletes run in order to then bear the honorary name of a marathon runner all their lives.

Where did this length come from?

To answer the question “what is the length of the marathon distance,” you need to turn to historical information. So, in 490 BC, a battle took place between the Greek army and the Persians. It happened near ancient city Marathon. To notify Athens that the Greeks had won, a messenger Pheidippides was sent, who ran a distance of 42 km and 195 m. He conveyed the good news and fell dead from exhaustion.

After a long time, the length of the distance was changed and adjusted several times. But in 1921 this particular figure was established and recorded international federation amateur athletics. For many years, marathon races have been organized all over the planet, in which several thousand people participate at a time.

The sport of running is very popular among people. They are practiced for health purposes and to maintain tone in the body. It is accessible to every person who can move.

What does it take to run a marathon?

Before running a marathon, everyone must pass great amount training. In addition, you will need a strong desire and iron endurance. You need to run at least 10 km every day and, depending on your body, choose the right nutrition.

As a rule, preparing for a race is a whole system that is compiled individually for everyone. It includes:

  • Diet and its quality. Meals should be time-controlled. Also, a separate system can be a diet, which implies a certain amount of substances for the body. Products are specially selected and the quantity of their intake is controlled.
  • Training mode. He must effectively combine rest with load. The regime is one of the main components for proper preparation.
  • Development plan. This is a schedule according to which the load is gradually increased in the form of an increase in distance.

Beginner mistakes

Many of those for whom the marathon distance has become a goal for the near future are starting to train. And, in order to improve their shape, they try to gain it too quickly. Such accelerations are very dangerous for health and can drive the body into a dead end. To prevent this from happening, you should remember the rule that all loads should be gradual. In no case should you force your training and try to run too long a distance without appropriate preliminary preparation. It is better to divide everything into stages and move from one small goal to another. Such planning will help an unprepared body adapt and withstand the load.

There are also many drugs and various stimulants that help the body activate energy reserves and increase endurance and strength. But abuse of such drugs is fraught with consequences on the body in the form of damage to the liver and other organs that suffer primarily from the drugs. They must be taken very carefully, under the supervision of an experienced physician. You should not hope that you know everything in this matter; you cannot rely only on yourself. An extra consultation never hurts.

Training program

If you are already used to training regularly, then the length of the marathon distance will no longer seem as scary as it might seem. But to conquer it you need to start intensive training in 3-4 months. You can use annual events V big cities when the race takes place on a certain date, and prepare for them. Such organized races help athletes meet and communicate with each other. In addition, there are medals and certificates of commendation for participants that can be kept as souvenirs.

To start a targeted workout, you can use the “3+1” principle. In this case, you should run for 3 days in a row and rest for one day. Next, you need to increase the amount as you get into shape up to 5+1 or even 6+1.

The distance during each workout also needs to be increased gradually. It should be from 10 to 25 km. Also, not every day you need to run the same number of kilometers. You can increase within one cycle. For example, on the first day the distance is 10 km, the second - 15, the third - 20, the fourth - 25 and the fifth - 30 km. With such wave-like training, endurance is gradually developed. Also, the program must include acceleration training. In this case, the runner covers 1-3 km in acceleration, and then runs from 0.5 to 2 km at an average speed. This is necessary in order to have strength at a distance when there is an ascent along the route.

Marathon records

The world marathon record was set in 2014 by Kenyan Dennis Kimetto. He ran the distance in 2 hours 2 minutes and 57 seconds. He managed to beat Wilson Kipsang's marathon distance record by a whopping 26 seconds. Every year, new records begin to differ by only a few tens of seconds. This is due to the maximum capabilities of the human body.

Olympic Games

Marathon distance Olympic Games ah is one of the cult events that usually ends the entire event. The race was one of the first to be included in the list of competitions. Often the marathon finish takes place at the stadium in honor of the closing of the Olympic Games. This has become a kind of tradition, which is supported at every event.

There is a special commission to certify the route along which the marathon takes place. According to the rules, there should be no lifts that exceed the maximum permissible deviations. There should also be no significant excess or shortfall of the distance.

Since the number of marathon runners is large, which makes it very difficult to record the start and finish, special electronic chips are used that are issued to each participant for his registration.

Organization of competitions at the Olympic Games

Race organizers usually use routes that are certified by the association. For this purpose, start and finish points are installed and equipped. Every 5 km of the run, toilets and bases with prepared water and food for marathon runners are installed, since covering such a distance is a serious test for the body. This is necessary to maintain water balance and replenish energy for athletes. There are also special workers who keep order; ambulances are on duty along the entire distance for emergencies.

Amateur competitions

There is also commercial organizations who organize marathons. All participants register and make a monetary contribution. At the same time they are given serial number. Results at such competitions may not be ratified. international organization, since the number of meters of the marathon distance may differ from the established one. Among the popular races, unofficial ones are Los Angeles and which use a course with violations.


Conquering such a peak as the marathon distance is one of the goals of many amateur runners. And not every athlete succeeds in this. To do this you need to train a lot and have good strength will. There are many communities and fan clubs in the world that disseminate information and gather marathon participants from all over the world.

The marathon distance, whose history began in 490 BC, is not conquered by everyone, as already mentioned. But those who overcome it prove by their example how resilient a person can be.

That’s probably all there is to it regarding the length of the marathon distance. But you should not think that 42 km and 195 m are the distance that is the maximum length. Human possibilities are truly limitless.

Marathons are not uncommon among large quantity sports competitions. Both professional and experienced athletes, as well as amateur athletes, take part in them. How did the marathon distance appear and how many days in a row can you complete it?

What is the history of the marathon, which is more than 42 kilometers long, and what are the current ones for women and men? Who are the ten fastest marathon runners and what are they? Interesting Facts about a 42-kilometer marathon? Read this article for tips on preparing for and completing a marathon.

History of the 42-kilometer marathon

The marathon is an Olympic track and field discipline and the length of the marathon is 42 kilometers, 195 meters (or 26 miles, 395 yards). Men have competed in this discipline at the Olympic Games since 1896, and women since 1984.

As a rule, marathons are held on the highway, although sometimes this word means competitions in running over long distances over rough terrain, as well as in extreme conditions (sometimes the distances can be different). Another popular running distance is the half marathon.


As the legend goes, Pheidippides, a warrior from Greece, in 490 BC, after the end of the Battle of Marathon, ran non-stop to Athens in order to notify his fellow tribesmen of the victory.

When he reached Athens, he fell dead, but still managed to shout: “Rejoice, Athenians, we have won!” This legend was first described by Plutarch in his work “The Glory of Athens,” more than half a millennium after the actual events.

According to another version (Herodotus tells about it), Pheidippides was a messenger. He was sent by the Athenians to the Spartans for reinforcements, and ran more than 230 kilometers in two days. However, his marathon was unsuccessful...


Frenchman Michel Breal came up with the idea of ​​organizing a marathon race. He dreamed that this distance would be included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1896 in Athens - the first in modern times. The Frenchman's idea was liked by Pierre de Coubertin, who was the founder of the modern Olympic Games.

The first qualifying marathon was eventually held in Greece, with the winner being Charilaos Vasilakos, who completed the distance in three hours and eighteen minutes. And the Greek Spyridon Louis became the Olympic champion, completing the marathon distance in two hours, fifty-eight minutes and fifty seconds. Interestingly, on the way he stopped to have a glass of wine with his uncle.

Women's participation in the marathon during the Olympic Games took place for the first time at the games in Los Angeles (USA) - this was in 1984.

Marathon distance

At the first Olympic Games in 1896, the length of the marathon was forty kilometers (24.85 miles). Then it changed, and since 1924 it became 42.195 kilometers (26.22 miles) - this was established by the International Amateur Athletics Federation (the modern IAAF).

Olympic discipline

The men's marathon has been the final track and field program since the first modern Olympic Games. Marathon runners finished at the main Olympic stadium, either a few hours before the closing of the games, or at the same time as the closing.

Current world records

In men

The world record for men's marathon running belongs to Kenyan athlete Dennis Kimetto.

He ran a distance of 42 kilometers and 195 meters in two hours, two minutes and fifty seconds. This was in 2014.

Among women

The women's world title belongs to British athlete Paula Radcliffe. In 2003, she ran the marathon in two hours, fifteen minutes and twenty-five seconds.

In 2012, Kenyan runner Mary Keitany tried to break this record, but she failed. She ran the marathon slower than Paula Radcliffe by more than three minutes.

Top ten fastest male marathon runners

The favorites here are mainly athletes from Kenya, as well as Ethiopia.

  1. Runner from Kenya Dennis Kimetto. He ran the Berlin Marathon on September 28, 2014 in 2 hours, 2 minutes and 57 seconds.
  2. Runner from Ethiopia's Kenenisa Bekele. He ran the Berlin Marathon on 25 September 2016 in 2 hours 3 minutes 3 seconds.
  3. Kenyan runner Eliud Kipchoge ran the London Marathon on 24 April 2016 in 2 hours 3 minutes and 5 seconds.
  4. Kenyan runner Emmanuel Mutai ran the Berlin Marathon on September 28, 2014 in 2 hours, 3 minutes and 13 seconds.
  5. Kenyan runner Wilson Kipsang ran the Berlin Marathon on September 29, 2013 in 2 hours, 3 minutes and 23 seconds.
  6. Kenyan runner Patrick Makau ran the Berlin Marathon on September 25, 2011 in 2 hours, 3 minutes and 38 seconds.
  7. Kenyan runner Stanley Biwott ran the London Marathon on 24 April 2016 in 2 hours 3 minutes and 51 seconds.
  8. An Ethiopian runner completed the Berlin Marathon in 2 hours, 3 minutes and 59 seconds. September 28, 2008.
  9. Kenyan runner Elihu DKipchoge completed the Berlin Marathon in 2 hours, 4 minutes. September 27, 2015.
  10. Kenyan runner Geoffrey Mutai rounds out the top ten. who completed the Berlin Marathon on September 30, 2012 in 2 hours, 4 minutes and 15 seconds.

Top ten fastest female marathon runners

  1. In 2 hours 15 minutes and 25 seconds, an athlete from Great Britain Paula Radcliffe ran the London Marathon on April 13, 2003.
  2. In 2 hours 18 minutes and 37 seconds, the runner from Kenya Mary Keitany ran the London Marathon on April 22, 2012.
  3. In 2 hours 18 minutes and 47 seconds, the Kenyan runner Catherine Ndereba ran the Chicago Marathon on October 7, 2001.
  4. In 2 hours 18 minutes 58 seconds Ethiopian Tiki Gelana completed the Rotterdam Marathon on April 15, 2012.
  5. In 2 hours 19 minutes 12 seconds Japanese Mizuki Noguchi ran the Berlin Marathon on September 25, 2005
  6. In 2 hours 19 minutes 19 seconds, an athlete from Germany Irina Mikitenko ran the Berlin Marathon on September 28, 2008.
  7. In 2 hours 19 minutes 25 seconds Kenyan Gladys Cherono completed the Berlin Marathon on September 27, 2015.
  8. In 2 hours 19 minutes 31 seconds the runner from Ethiopia Aselefesh Mergia ran the Dubai Marathon on January 27, 2012.
  9. In 2 hours 19 minutes and 34 seconds, a runner from Kenya Lucy Kabuu completed the Dubai Marathon on January 27, 2012.
  10. Rounds out the top ten female marathon runners Dina Kastor from the USA, who ran the London Marathon in 2:19.36 on April 23, 2006.

  • Overcoming a running distance of 42 kilometers 195 meters is the third stage in the Ironman triathlon competition.
  • The marathon distance can be covered both during competitive and amateur races.
  • So, in 2003, Ranulph Fiennes from Great Britain ran seven marathons over seven days on seven different continents and parts of the world.
  • Belgian national Stephaan Engels decided in 2010 that he would run a marathon every day of the year, but he was injured in January, so he started all over again in February.
  • On March 30, the Belgian beat the result of the Spaniard Ricardo Abad Martinez, who ran 150 marathons in the same number of days in 2009. As a result, by February 2011, within a year, 49-year-old Stefan Engels completed the 365th marathon. On average, he spent four hours on the marathon and achieved a best result of two hours and 56 minutes.
  • Johnny Kelly took part in the Boston Marathon more than sixty times from 1928 to 1992, and eventually reached the finish line 58 times and won twice (in 1935 and 1945).
  • On December 31, 2010, 55-year-old Canadian citizen Martin Parnell ran 250 marathons during the year. During this time, he wore out 25 pairs of sneakers. Also, at times he had to run in temperatures below minus thirty degrees.
  • According to scientists from Spain, the bones of marathon runners for a long time in old age, they are not subject to aging and destruction, unlike other people.
  • Russian runner Sergei Burlakov, who has both legs and hands amputated, competed in the New York City Marathon in 2003. He became the world's first marathon runner with a quadruple amputation.
  • Indian citizen Fauja Singh became the world's oldest marathon runner. He entered the Guinness Book of Records when he ran the marathon at the age of 100 in 8:11:06 in 2011. Now the athlete is over a hundred years old.
  • Australian farmer Cliff Young won the ultramarathon in 1961, despite the fact that he participated in it for the first time. The runner covered 875 km in five days, fifteen hours and four minutes. He was moving in at a slow pace, at first fell far behind the rest, but eventually left behind the professional athletes. He succeeded in this because he moved without sleep (this became his habit, since as a farmer he worked for several days in a row - collecting sheep in the pastures).
  • British runner Steve Chalk has raised the largest charity donation in marathon history, two million pounds. This happened during the London Marathon in April 2011.
  • Brian Price, 44, took part in the marathon less than a year after he underwent a heart transplant.
  • Radio operator from Sweden Andree Kelberg covered a marathon distance while moving along the deck of the ship Sotello. In total, he ran 224 laps around the ship, taking four hours and four minutes.
  • American runner Margaret Hagerty took up running at the age of 72. By the age of 81, she had already participated in marathons on all seven continents of the world.
  • British runner Lloyd Scott completed the London Marathon in 202 wearing a diver's suit weighing 55 kilograms. He spent about five days doing this, setting a world record for the slowest marathon run. In 2011, he took part in the marathon dressed as a snail, spending 26 days in the race.
  • Ethiopian athlete Abebe Bakila won the Rome Marathon in 1960. Interestingly, he covered the entire distance barefoot.
  • Typically, a professional marathon runner runs a marathon at a speed of 20 km/h, which is twice as fast as migration occurs. reindeer and saigas.

Marathon running standards

For women

for a marathon with a distance of 42 kilometers 195 meters for women are as follows:

  • Master of Sports of International Class (MSMK) - 2:35.00;
  • Master of Sports (MS) - 2:48.00;
  • Candidate Master of Sports (CMS) - 3:00.00;
  • 1st category – 3:12.00;
  • 2nd category – 3:30.00;
  • 3rd category - Zak.Dist.

For men

The rank standards for running a marathon with a distance of 42 kilometers 195 meters for men are as follows:

  • Master of Sports of International Class (MSMK) - 2:13.30;
  • Master of Sports (MS) - 2:20.00;
  • Candidate Master of Sports (CMS) - 2:28.00;
  • 1st category – 2:37.00;
  • 2nd category – 2:48.00;
  • 3rd category - Zak.Dist.

How to prepare for a marathon in order to run it in the minimum amount of time?

Training mode

The most important thing is regular training, which should begin at least three months before the competition.

If your goal is to run a marathon in three hours, then you need to last month run at least five hundred kilometers. It is advisable to train as follows: three days of training, one day of rest.

Vitamins and diet

The following must be consumed as vitamins and microelements:

  • multivitamins,
  • calcium,
  • magnesium.

You can also try the popular “protein” diet before the marathon, and a week before the competition, stop eating foods that contain carbohydrates. At the same time, three days before the marathon you need to exclude foods containing proteins and eat foods containing carbohydrates.


  • The main thing is to choose comfortable and lightweight sneakers, the so-called “marathon” ones.
  • Places where friction may occur can be coated with petroleum jelly or baby oil.
  • It is better to give preference to high-quality clothing made from synthetic materials.
  • If the marathon takes place on a sunny day, a hat will be required, as well as protective cream with a filter of at least 20-30. Rating: 4.7 32 votes

Winter this year turned out to be anything but wintery. And instead of sleds and ice cubes, the children brought a soccer ball into the yard. Fathers, without thinking twice, also joined the community chasing a leather friend.

And why sit at home? This won't make it snow, but holidays ends very quickly. So we need to take advantage of the opportunity.

— Tanya, we are missing one player for the team. Will you go? — The young man was addressing a girl dressed in a bright tracksuit.

- I? Kohl, what are you doing? So what's football like in January? “She looked at the almost formed teams, consisting of both children and adults.

- So you won't go? Is your gut thin?

“Uncle Kohl, can I?” a boy of about ten walked down the steps of the entrance.

“Come on,” the young man waved his hand and went to the players.

“Football in January... Madhouse,” the girl looked in surprise at the people running across the field, “How did we offend Mother Nature so much?”

What does this expression mean and where did it come from?

From the meaning it is clear that the young man was trying to tease his interlocutor with this phrase. Like, you're afraid you won't be able to handle it.

Then what does guts have to do with it?

As usual, there are many versions of the origin of this expression. Choose the one that is closest to you.

So, version one, with a medical twist.

With strong physical stress, problems with muscles and ligaments can occur. And as doctors say, internal organs They also suffer very often. Not everyone can achieve such physical records.

Second version.

When there is severe emotional or physical shock, the human body responds differently. The expression “small gut” refers to the fact that in moments of great fear, some people have a very weak bladder. It happens. Some people release the required portion of adrenaline into their body, while others do not.

Version three.

IN Arabic There is an expression "kisak". Probably, it was from him that the pouch and also the case came from. But the most interesting thing is that “kisak” means “your wallet.”

And then our expression literally means “your wallet is thin.” Those. in this case it is no longer indicated physical abilities, and not because of weakness of spirit. Here it is clearly and clearly shown that in financially the person doesn't pull.

But in any case, this expression indicates that some difficulties: physical, emotional or financial put a person in a position where he is unable to do something.

And this phrase usually sounds sarcastically.

The game continued. No one noticed how lonely snowflakes began to fall from the sky. They reached the ground already in the form of raindrops.

Apparently winter really wanted to reign on the earth. She tried to show her presence at least with such a hint.

But as we humans would say, winter had thin guts. We usually say this, without going into details of the reasons for what is happening either in nature or in human lives. We are used to making diagnoses even about things we don’t understand at all.

We are such ordinary people: completely imperfect.

I am always glad to see you on the pages of the site “I want to know everything”

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N.

See what “gut” is in other dictionaries:

Gut is thin- GUTS, and, plural. shki, shock, shkam, w. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Gut is thin- who. Simple Iron. 1. Someone lacks the strength, talent, or ability to do something. “I already know about all your arts,” said Ivan Gerasimovich, walking back and forth around the room. Yes, Philip Ivanovich, your gut is still thin. Not… … Phrasebook Russian literary language

Gut is thin- who. Simple Iron. or Contempt. About the lack of strength, abilities, means to accomplish something. BMS 1998, 262; ZS 1996, 225, 384; SPP 2001, 44 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

Gut is thin- About weakness, inability to accomplish something... Dictionary of folk phraseology

small intestine- simple. , mocked. or contempt. someone has little strength or ability to do anything. The expression is actually Russian: from the idea that when lifting weights you can tear your intestines... Reference book on phraseology

GUTS TONKA- pogov. It won’t work out, it won’t work out... Explanatory dictionary of modern colloquial phraseological units and proverbs

someone's got a gut- There is not enough strength, ability, means... Dictionary of many expressions

The muzzle is fat, but the gut is thin- who. Smol. Joking. iron. About a weak person who gets angry and threatens someone. SRNG 18, 258 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

intestine- noun, f., . Morphology: (no) what? guts, what? gut, (see) what? gut, what? guts, about what? about the gut; pl. What? guts, (no) what? guts, what? guts, (I see) what? guts, what? guts, about what? about the intestines 1. The intestine is a long tube in the body... ...Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

INTESTINE- GUTS, intestines, kind. pl. intestines, female 1. Part of the digestive apparatus of a person or animal in the form of an elastic tube. Small intestine. Rectum. || only plural Digestive apparatus, entrails (colloquial). 2. Rubber or canvas tube... ... Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary

The gut is thin. Or can we do everything?

Winter this year turned out to be anything but wintery. And instead of sleds and ice cubes, the children brought a soccer ball into the yard. Fathers, without thinking twice, also joined the community chasing a leather friend.

And why sit at home? This won't make it snow, and the holidays will end very quickly. So we need to take advantage of the opportunity.

— Tanya, we are missing one player for the team. Will you go? — The young man was addressing a girl dressed in a bright tracksuit.

- I? Kohl, what are you doing? So what's football like in January? “She looked at the almost formed teams, consisting of both children and adults.

- So you won't go? Is your gut thin?

“Uncle Kohl, can I?” a boy of about ten walked down the steps of the entrance.

“Come on,” the young man waved his hand and went to the players.

“Football in January... Madhouse,” the girl looked in surprise at the people running across the field, “How did we offend Mother Nature so much?”

What does this expression mean and where did it come from?

From the meaning it is clear that the young man was trying to tease his interlocutor with this phrase. Like, you're afraid you won't be able to handle it.

Then what does guts have to do with it?

As usual, there are many versions of the origin of this expression. Choose the one that is closest to you.

So, version one, with a medical twist.

With strong physical stress, problems with muscles and ligaments can occur. And according to doctors, internal organs are also very often affected. Not everyone can achieve such physical records.

When there is severe emotional or physical shock, the human body responds differently. The expression “small gut” refers to the fact that in moments of great fear, some people have a very weak bladder. It happens. Some people release the required portion of adrenaline into their body, while others do not.

In Arabic there is an expression "kisak". Probably, it was from him that the pouch and also the case came from. But the most interesting thing is that “kisak” means “your wallet.”

And then our expression literally means “your wallet is thin.” Those. in this case, it is no longer indicated on physical capabilities, nor on weakness of spirit. Here it is clearly and clearly shown that financially the person is not up to the task.

But in any case, this expression indicates that some difficulties: physical, emotional or financial put a person in a position where he is unable to do something.

And this phrase usually sounds sarcastically.

The game continued. No one noticed how lonely snowflakes began to fall from the sky. They reached the ground already in the form of raindrops.

Apparently winter really wanted to reign on the earth. She tried to show her presence at least with such a hint.

But as we humans would say, winter had thin guts. We usually say this, without going into details of the reasons for what is happening either in nature or in human lives. We are used to making diagnoses even about things we don’t understand at all.

We are such ordinary people: completely imperfect.

I am always glad to see you on the pages of the site “I want to know everything”

Clinical picture of small intestinal polyps

Polyps of the small intestine are very rarely diagnosed, clinical picture they're always blurry. For the time being, they do not manifest themselves in any way, so the patient does not suspect the existence of benign growths. Much later, when the polyps in the small intestine grow to large sizes(from 2 to 5 cm), very characteristic symptoms appear. These are intestinal obstruction and traces of blood in the stool during bowel movements. In 30% of cases, benign neoplasms can become malignant, so it is so important not to miss the moment and try to identify the described pathology in time, at initial stages. What should make each of us worry and seek help from specialists? The first hints of the organism itself.

As mentioned above, in the first stages the neoplasms do not manifest themselves in any way; there are symptoms of small intestinal polyps, but they can indicate any other gastrointestinal disease. Patients begin to notice:

  • Severe flatulence in the intestines that occurs during pauses between meals.
  • Mild nausea.
  • Unstable chair.

It is the frequent alternation of constipation with diarrhea, or a long course of mono-disorders, doctors believe, that should force each of us to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Symptoms like these indicate initial stages development of the described pathology.

Polyps of the small intestine are dangerous because they constantly grow, gradually closing the lumen of the hollow organ. This makes it difficult for chyme to pass through and be absorbed into the intestinal walls. The phenomenon of obstruction is always accompanied by strong rumbling; it seems to the patient that a strong force is running through the intestines. sound wave, its movement becomes audible to all surrounding people. And it's very inconvenient.

Obstruction gives rise to pain, severe, cramping. Its localization depends on where the benign neoplasm is located. When polyps grow to very large sizes, frequent vomiting occurs. At the site of the formation of a pathological neoplasm, a spasm of the wall of a hollow organ often occurs, so obstruction due to intussusception is another symptom of polyps in the small intestine.

Polyps can only be treated radically. They are removed during an endoscopic examination. When a cluster of several growths is detected, resection of the affected wall is performed. Open surgery is also preferable when histology shows traces of malignancy of the tumors.

tube, hose, fire gut, gut, sleeve, pipe, guts

What's happened INTESTINE, INTESTINE this is the meaning of the word INTESTINE, origin (etymology) INTESTINE, synonyms for INTESTINE, paradigm (word forms) INTESTINE in other dictionaries

1) A membranous elastic tube that is part of the digestive canal of a person or animal.

2) decomposition Rubber, canvas tube or hose for supplying water.

GUTS, -and, plural. h. -shki, -shock, -shkam, w.

1. An elastic tube is part of the digestive apparatus of humans and animals. Thin k. Thick k. Straight k.

2. Elastic pipe for water supply (unfolded). Rubber, tarpaulin fire station.

won't stand it who(simple) there is not enough (not enough) strength or ability to do anything.

1. Part of the digestive apparatus of a person or animal in the form of an elastic tube. Small intestine. Rectum.

| only plural Digestive apparatus, internal organs ( · colloquial).

2. Rubber or canvas tube for supplying water; the same as a hose, fire hose ( · colloquial). Water from the gut.

The intestine is thin or weak, or the intestine will not withstand ( vulg., · neglected) - lack of strength and abilities. “I suppose it’s hard to work!” Mayakovsky. Break your guts (with laughter) ( · colloquial femme) - laughing, reach the point of exhaustion. Climb out of the guts ( simple) - try your best. Release the guts ( simple) - kill. Exhaust (all) guts ( simple) - to torment, to lime. Stretch your guts ( simple) - to go, to walk in single file, in a continuous line.

Ukrainian kishka, Polish kiszka “gut; sausage", lab. ko?isa "kidney".

Probably related to ancient Indian. ko?s?t?has “entrails, intestines”, ko?s?as “case, scabbard”, possibly also Greek. ?????? "bladder, bladder, (blacksmith's) bellows", ?????? "female genital organs", Avest. kusra- “hollow”; see Bernecker 1, 679; Janzen ZfslPh 15, 51 et seq.; Matzenauer, LF 9, 177; M.–E. 4, 691. Cf. teeming. Not related to kitty? “wallet”, contrary to Mi. TEl. 2, 109.

An elastic tube that is part of the digestive tract of a person or animal.

Small intestines. Rectum.

Rubber or canvas tube or sleeve for supplying water; hose.

The pulled logs no longer burned, but smoked heavily; the student, working with his gut, directed the stream first at these logs, then at the men. Chekhov, guys.

(intestinum) in general anatomy component names of various parts of the intestine.

Why do the herds need the gifts of freedom?

Restoring meanings

The morning is wiser than the evening

It’s not for nothing that they say that the morning is wiser than the evening. Well, Monday is by definition a hard day. So I missed a post about PACE last night with the wrong title. Was like this: “Spitting on Russia at the PACE winter session in Strasbourg” . The title was obviously made up by a colleague zergulio and was subsequently repeated. We thoughtlessly, we must admit.

Now let’s imagine the situation: you are walking along the fence, and here the dog started barking. So, this is angry, loud and angry. With swearing in doggy style. And what? Would you be offended by a dog? You can get angry at her, be irritated by barking, not notice her - whatever you want, but don’t be offended, don’t feel discriminated against. Because you can only be offended by your equal or the one you love.

Now about the fossils mentioned above. Let's take one of them, Zyuganov. Tell me honestly, what do we need him for? We hoped for him all this liberal time. What about Zyuganov? He makes millions for himself, takes various trips to Europe at government expense, and has been fooling people for a quarter of a century. Actually, he is cunning, this grandfather Zyu. He will never say a bad word about the people, let alone other liberals. This is his role: to tell people good things and lead them off the right path.

  • Council under the President of the Russian Federation for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights;
  • Commission on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe;
  • advisory working group Commission under the President Russian Federation on modernization and technological development of the Russian economy;
  • Ethics Council of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation;
  • public council under the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation;
  • Council for Foreign Economic Activity under the Ministry economic development Russia;
  • public council under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • public council under the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia;
  • public expert council for small and medium-sized businesses under the mayor and the Moscow Government;
  • public advisory council under the Moscow OFAS Russia;
  • Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for the development of private entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses;
  • Chairman of the Commission of the Presidium of the General Council of the Party " United Russia» on tariff policy and monitoring of services in the field of housing and communal services and energy saving
  • Board of the SRO NP “Association of Construction Organizations of Medium and Small Businesses”;
  • the working group of the Coordination Council under the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation on interaction with national associations of self-regulatory organizations in the field of construction;
  • member of expert working groups approved on January 24, 2011. Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to prepare proposals for current problems socio-economic strategy of Russia for the period until 2020 (“Strategy 2020”);
  • Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation from the United Russia faction (from the Orenburg regional branch);
  • First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services;
  • member of the Public Council of the Central Federal District, head of the commission on health care and education healthy image life, development of charity and mercy and ecology;
  • Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the non-profit National Health Development Fund;
  • President of the non-profit partnership National Agency for Low-Rise and Cottage Construction (NAMIX);
  • member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation of the third composition and was the chairman of the commission on social issues and demographic policy;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies.

    The level of workload of the deputy is impressive, isn’t it? Well, that’s not all. In her free time from membership, Elena Leonidovna. raising a daughter! And she darns her husband’s socks. Maybe.

  • There’s not enough gunpowder, it’s too strong, it’s weak, the navel is untied, where he can’t lift it, he can’t do it, he can’t do it, what can he do, the nut is weak, he can’t do it, it’s awkward, his arms are short, he can’t do it, he can’t do it , where can he, incapable, beyond his strength,... ... Synonym dictionary

    Gut is thin- who. Simple Iron. 1. Someone lacks the strength, talent, or ability to do something. “I already know about all your arts,” said Ivan Gerasimovich, walking back and forth around the room. Yes, Philip Ivanovich, your gut is still thin. Not… … Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    Who. Simple Iron. or Contempt. About the lack of strength, abilities, means to accomplish something. BMS 1998, 262; ZS 1996, 225, 384; SPP 2001, 44 ...

    Gut is thin- About weakness, inability to accomplish something... Dictionary of folk phraseology

    small intestine- simple. , mocked. or contempt. someone has little strength or ability to do anything. The expression is actually Russian: from the idea that when lifting weights you can tear your intestines... Phraseology Guide

    GUTS TONKA- pogov. It won't work, it won't work... Explanatory dictionary of modern colloquial phraseological units and proverbs

    someone's got a gut- There is not enough strength, ability, means... Dictionary of many expressions

    Who. Smol. Joking. iron. About a weak person who gets angry and threatens someone. SRNG 18, 258 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Noun, f., ??? Morphology: (no) what? guts, what? gut, (see) what? gut, what? guts, about what? about the gut; pl. What? guts, (no) what? guts, what? guts, (I see) what? guts, what? guts, about what? about the intestines 1. The intestine is a long tube in the body... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    GUTS, intestines, kind. pl. intestines, female 1. Part of the digestive apparatus of a person or animal in the form of an elastic tube. Small intestine. Rectum. || only plural Digestive apparatus, entrails (colloquial). 2. Rubber or canvas tube... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary


    • Flashman at the Edge, Fraser George MacDonald. A glorious meat grinder awaits Flashman in Russia! Crimean War and taking part in a mad charge of the light cavalry. Sir Harry would like to bark right into the ears of his crowned fellow countrymen: “STRAIGHTEN your crown...
    • Flashman on the cutting edge, Fraser J.. A glorious meat grinder awaits Flashman in Russia! The Crimean War and participation in the crazy charge of the light cavalry. Sir Harry would like to bark right into the ears of his crowned countrymen: “STRAIGHTEN your crown...