What is the name of the museum on Poklonnaya Hill? Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

Dedicated to the largest military operations of the Great Patriotic War, created by famous masters of the Studio of Military Artists named after. M.B.Grekova.

2. I invite you to look at fragments of the dioramas of the Museum of the Great Patriotic War.

3. “Counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow in December 1941.”
The plot of the diorama “Counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow in December 1941” is based on the plot. (author - People's Artist of the Russian Federation E.I. Danilevsky) based on the events that took place in November - December 1941, 60-70 km northwest of Moscow, in the area of ​​​​the city of Yakhroma, Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow and Ural units, which arrived to replenish the 1st th Shock Army of the Western Front.

4. As a result of the winter counter-offensive of the Red Army, the plan of the Hitlerite command to capture Moscow from the north-western direction was thwarted, the enemy was driven back from Moscow 100-250 km. The direct threat of capturing the capital was eliminated.

5. “Siege of Leningrad”
This diorama (author - laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, artist E.A. Korneev) is fundamentally different from others: there are no battles, soldiers, tanks, or gunpowder smoke. The viewer sees a panorama of the Neva, the spit of Vasilievsky Island, the Peter and Paul Fortress, on the right - the Griboyedov Canal, the Bank Bridge. This view does not correspond to the actual topography, but is deliberately cropped to create an image of the Great City, which is perceived as a symbol of the fortitude and heroism of the people who defended it, enduring 900 days of grueling siege.

6. In a mortal battle with a cruel enemy, having overcome the most difficult difficulties of the blockade, the Leningraders survived and won.



9. On January 27, 1944, the sky above the wide snow-covered Neva was lit up with colored fireworks in honor of the complete lifting of the blockade of Leningrad.

10. “Battle of Stalingrad. Connecting Fronts"
The plot of the diorama (authors: People's Artist of the Russian Federation M.I. Samsonov, Honored Artist A.M. Samsonov) is based on a historical event - the unification of the troops of the South-Western and Stalingrad fronts on November 23, 1942 in the area of ​​​​Kalach and the village of Sovetsky.


12. The artists showed the climax of the meeting between tankers of the 45th and 69th tank brigades of the 4th tank corps (commander Major General A.G. Kravchenko) with soldiers of the 36th mechanized brigade of the 4th mechanized corps (commander Major General V.T. Volsky).

13. The Battle of Stalingrad, in which more than 2 million people participated on both sides, took place on an area of ​​100,000 square meters. km and lasted 200 days and nights. The Battle of Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical change in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. in favor of the USSR and its allies.

14. “Battle of Kursk”
The plot of the diorama (author - People's Artist of the Russian Federation N.S. Prisekin) is based on the historical events of the summer of 1943, which completed a radical turning point in the course of the Great Patriotic War - the defeat of selected Nazi troops on the Kursk Bulge.

15. Dedicating his work to the strategic operation on the Kursk Bulge, the author takes only one day of it - July 12, 1943, when two tank armadas met in a head-on battle in the Prokhorovka area. There were up to 1,200 tanks and self-propelled artillery units on both sides.

16. This was one of the largest tank encounters of World War II. According to the artist himself, he sought to reproduce “a gigantic fiery cauldron on the red-red earth, like hot metal.”

17. The battle of Prokhorovka was won by Soviet troops. The enemy was exhausted and bleeding, and his retreat began throughout the Kursk ledge.

18. On August 5, in honor of the liberation of Orel and Belgorod, the first fireworks display was fired in Moscow. The Battle of Kursk ended on August 23, 1943 with the capture of Kharkov.

19. “Forcing of the Dnieper”
The plot of the diorama (author - People's Artist of the Russian Federation V.K. Dmitrievsky) is based on the crossing of the Dnieper River in September - October 1943 in the Kiev direction. Having reached the Dnieper, Soviet troops immediately began crossing the mighty river. Using any available means, overcoming the fierce resistance of the enemy, units of the Red Army crossed the Dnieper and captured bridgeheads on its right bank.

20. There is a life-and-death battle for every inch of land. The author of the diorama, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, considers this crossing a generalized image of all Dnieper crossings.

21. It pays tribute to the memory and respect of those who fought, were wounded or fell in the battle of crossing the great and mighty river.

22. "Storm of Berlin"
The north-eastern part of Tiergarten Park with the Reichstag was chosen as the main compositional center of the diorama (author - People's Artist of the Russian Federation V.M. Sibirsky).

23. Here on April 29, 1945, having broken the resistance of the Nazi troops, the advanced units of the 79th Rifle Corps of the 3rd Shock Army - the 150th Rifle Division of Major General V.M. Shatilov and the 171st Rifle Division of Colonel A.I. Bad things.

24. The artist reproduces not only the final stage of the war, but also individual heroic exploits of Soviet soldiers.

25. In total, Soviet soldiers installed more than 50 banners and flags at the Reichstag.

26. In the trench we see Colonel F.M. Zinchenko with Sergeant M.A. Egorov and junior sergeant M.V. Kantaria, in the hands of one of them is the Victory Banner, which in the early evening of April 30 will be armed on the roof of the Reichstag.

27. On May 1, 1945, units of the 3rd Shock and 8th Guards armies stormed the Reichstag. On May 2, by 3 p.m., enemy resistance had completely ceased, and the remnants of the Berlin garrison surrendered. On the night of May 9, in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst, the act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed.

The Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill is part of the Victory Park complex, being the central building of the memorial. On June 22, 2017, the museum received a new abbreviated official name - Victory Museum. Before that it was called the Museum of the Great Patriotic War.

The exhibitions are located on four floors. The museum offers organized guided tours, but private tours are also available. In addition to samples of authentic weapons and military equipment, symbols and uniforms of battle participants, the museum’s distinguishing feature are dioramas of the greatest battles of the Great Patriotic War.

A visit to the Victory Museum expands your understanding of a significant historical period and introduces you to authentic evidence of military events and their direct participants. The eternal flame and sentries at the entrance emphasize the special status of the memorial and its significance.

At the entrance to the Victory Museum there are display cases and stands with exhibits - personal belongings, documents and awards of military leaders and ordinary soldiers. Presented are authentic samples of weapons and uniforms of soldiers and officers of various branches of the armies of the anti-Hitler coalition and our opponents. The massive staircase to the next floor takes up a significant amount of space.

In the center of the room on the first floor is the Hall of Memory and Sorrow, with a sculptural group by Kerbel corresponding to its name.

Dioramas illuminate paintings depicting battle scenes from the decisive battles of the greatest war, which claimed the lives of more than 60 million people from different countries, including 27 million of our compatriots.

The next floor of the museum houses the bulk of the exhibits. The Hall of Fame, located in the central part, represents the names of all Heroes of the Soviet Union who received high awards for their exploits during the last war. Cities are also listed - heroes that were awarded an honorary name in memory of their contribution to the victory over fascism. In the center there is a sculptural image of a soldier of Victory (by Znob), at the entrance there are busts of pilots Pokryshkin and Kozhedub, each awarded the Hero’s star three times.

The upper floor of the museum has a representative hall for thematic exhibitions organized for memorable dates of memorable historical events or dedicated to types and branches of troops and individual types of weapons. There are also portraits and busts of marshals and generals, as well as holders of the main military order of Victory. A colorful image of this order is placed at the inner top of the dome crowning the museum building.

Hall of Memory and Sorrow

After the “introductory” exhibitions, visitors to the Victory Museum move into a spacious hall, along the walls of which volumes of the Book of Memory are solemnly placed. This place is dedicated to the memory of millions who gave their lives for peace on earth.

Subdued lighting and crystal drops flowing like tears from the ceiling symbolize the dead and create an atmosphere befitting this place.

Dioramas of the Victory Museum

Many visitors say the museum's most impressive exhibits are the dioramas of great battles. Unlike circular ones (panoramas), they are made on concave surfaces, which also create the impression of perspective. The background of the dioramas is done purely in a painterly technique; the front one sometimes includes convex elements - high reliefs and bas-reliefs (the difference is in the degree of relief), as well as sculptural images.

The defense and counter-offensive near Moscow are the events of the first war year. The surprise of the German attack, J.V. Stalin’s disbelief in intelligence about the date of the attack allowed the enemy troops to develop the offensive; Hitler set the task of capturing Moscow before the onset of frost.

The defense was held by the retreating troops; they were urgently reinforced by the reserves of the Headquarters and units of other fronts. Militia divisions formed from numerous volunteers also occupied positions. Residents unfit for service participated in the construction of defensive lines and joined the air defense forces to neutralize incendiary bombs.

The most fierce fighting broke out in November, but on November 7 a parade took place, from which the troops marched to combat positions. By the beginning of December, the enemy's offensive impulse began to fizzle out. The preconditions appeared for active retaliatory strikes by the Red Army, and the counteroffensive was planned and carried out.

The counter-offensive of the 3 defending fronts was led by the future famous commanders Zhukov, Konev and Timoshenko. Many enemy tank and infantry formations were defeated, and other units were forced to retreat.

The plan for a lightning war - blitzkrieg - was thwarted, which strengthened the morale and self-confidence of our army. The invincibility of the German army was refuted for the first time.

The diorama illustrating the Battle of Stalingrad is one of the most expressive in the exhibition. The battle was prepared by the Nazis as a response to the unsuccessful assault on Moscow; the goal was access to the Volga and establishing control over the most important transport artery of our country. Therefore, the advancing German units had superiority in numbers and military equipment, which allowed them to get close to the river and Stalingrad.

Stalingrad became a front-line city and was subjected to massive artillery shelling and air bombing. By the end of August 1942, the enemy entered the outskirts and stubborn street fighting ensued. They fought for neighborhoods and houses, factory territories; objects changed hands several times. The courage and valor of the soldiers managed to defend Stalingrad.

November 1942 was marked by a brilliant counterattack operation by the Red Army. The offensive launched on November 20 led to the encirclement of the German group of Field Marshal Paulus of 330 thousand people. The confrontation continued until February 1943; the German command did not accept proposals to end the resistance.

The Don Front was given the command to destroy; During the operation, more than 90 thousand German soldiers and officers led by Paulus were captured. And yet the act of surrender was signed; The Germans suffered a painful defeat that affected the entire course of the war.

The Battle of Kursk, to which the following diorama is dedicated, largely influenced the entire course of the war on a global scale; The battle took place in the summer of 1943, when after the Stalingrad victory the initiative was in the hands of the Soviet troops. Germany again tried to use blitzkrieg tactics, gathering the shock fist of the army groups South and Center.

With a force of almost a million soldiers and 2,700 tanks, it was planned to encircle and destroy the Red Army troops, closing the Kursk salient of the front line. The encirclement did not work out - the command of our troops introduced reserves in advance, ensuring superiority in manpower and armored vehicles.

In bloody battles, the German armies lost more than 120 thousand soldiers, a large number of tanks and suffered a crushing defeat. The victory of the Red Army was largely ensured by intelligence data about enemy plans. The use of the latest powerful Tiger and Panther tanks did not help the Germans - the fire from Katyusha rocket mortars turned out to be more powerful.

The largest tank battle in history at Prokhorovka, which ended in victory for the Soviet troops, made it possible to develop a strategic offensive.

Soon Orel and Kharkov were taken. Prospects for a successful development of events in the war as a whole appeared.

The museum's exhibition features six dioramas dedicated to the largest military operations of the Great Patriotic War, created by famous masters of the Studio of Military Artists named after. M.B.Grekova.

"Counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow in December 1941."

The plot of the diorama "Counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow in December 1941" is based on the plot. (author - People's Artist of the Russian Federation E.I. Danilevsky) based on the events that took place in November - December 1941, 60-70 km northwest of Moscow, in the area of ​​​​the city of Yakhroma, Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow and Ural units, which arrived to replenish the 1st th Shock Army of the Western Front.

As a result of the winter counter-offensive of the Red Army, the plan of the Hitlerite command to capture Moscow from the north-western direction was thwarted, the enemy was driven back from Moscow 100-250 km. The direct threat of capturing the capital was eliminated.

The antechamber of the diorama is decorated with a painting by E.I. Danilevsky "Moscow. November 1941", complementing the theme of the battle for Moscow.

"Battle of Stalingrad. Union of fronts"

The plot of the diorama (authors: People's Artist of the Russian Federation M.I. Samsonov, Honored Artist A.M. Samsonov) is based on a historical event - the unification of the troops of the South-Western and Stalingrad fronts on November 23, 1942 in the area of ​​​​Kalach and the village of Sovetsky. The artists showed the climax of the meeting between tankers of the 45th and 69th tank brigades of the 4th Tank Corps (commander Major General A.G. Kravchenko) with soldiers of the 36th mechanized brigade of the 4th Mechanized Corps (commander Major General V. T. Volsky). In the foreground is a German soldier with a machine gun, who found himself in the location of Soviet units - on his face there is mortal fatigue from long battles.

The Battle of Stalingrad, in which more than 2 million people participated on both sides, took place on an area of ​​100,000 square meters. km and lasted 200 days and nights. The Battle of Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical change in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. in favor of the USSR and its allies.

"Leningrad blockade"

This diorama (author - laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, artist E.A. Korneev) is fundamentally different from others: there are no battles, soldiers, tanks, or gunpowder smoke. The viewer sees a panorama of the Neva, the spit of Vasilievsky Island, the Peter and Paul Fortress, on the right - the Griboyedov Canal, the Bank Bridge. This view does not correspond to the actual topography, it is deliberately cropped to create an image of the Great City, which is perceived as a symbol of the fortitude and heroism of the people who defended it, enduring 900 days of grueling siege.

On the side walls of the diorama hall there are depictions of Leningraders who heroically defended their city. Among them are the poetess Olga Bergolts, composer Dmitry Shostakovich, and writer Alexander Kron.

In a mortal battle with a cruel enemy, having overcome the most difficult difficulties of the blockade, the Leningraders survived and won. On January 27, 1944, the sky over the wide snow-covered Neva was lit up with colored fireworks in honor of the complete lifting of the siege of Leningrad. This episode is depicted on the diorama's antechamber wall.

"Battle of Kursk"

The plot of the diorama (author - People's Artist of the Russian Federation N.S. Prisekin) is based on the historical events of the summer of 1943, which completed a radical turning point in the course of the Great Patriotic War - the defeat of selected Nazi troops on the Kursk Bulge.

Dedicating his work to the strategic operation on the Kursk Bulge, the author takes only one day of it - July 12, 1943, when two tank armadas met in a head-on battle in the Prokhorovka area. There were up to 1,200 tanks and self-propelled artillery units on both sides. This was one of the largest tank encounters of World War II. According to the artist himself, he sought to reproduce “a gigantic fiery cauldron on the red-red earth, like hot metal.”

The battle of Prokhorovka was won by Soviet troops. The enemy was exhausted and bleeding, and his retreat began throughout the Kursk ledge. On August 5, in honor of the liberation of Orel and Belgorod, the first fireworks display was fired in Moscow. The Battle of Kursk ended on August 23, 1943 with the capture of Kharkov.

"Forcing of the Dnieper"

The plot of the diorama (author - People's Artist of the Russian Federation V.K. Dmitrievsky) is based on the crossing of the Dnieper River in September - October 1943 in the Kiev direction. Having reached the Dnieper, Soviet troops immediately began crossing the mighty river. Using any available means, overcoming the fierce resistance of the enemy, units of the Red Army crossed the Dnieper and captured bridgeheads on its right bank.

By the wide expanse of the majestic Dnieper, the diorama seems to be divided into two parts. On the left, illuminated by bright sunlight, the Dnieper distances are depicted. From there, from the east, comes the light of hope of liberation. But the closer to the west, the darker the tones become. Pictures of life and death are mixed up: there is a life-and-death battle for every inch of land. The author of the diorama, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, considers this crossing a generalized image of all Dnieper crossings. It pays tribute to the memory and respect of those who fought, were wounded or died in the battle of crossing the great and mighty river.

"Storm of Berlin"

The north-eastern part of Tiergarten Park with the Reichstag was chosen as the main compositional center of the diorama (author - People's Artist of the Russian Federation V.M. Sibirsky). Here on April 29, 1945, having broken the resistance of the Nazi troops, the advanced units of the 79th Rifle Corps of the 3rd Shock Army - the 150th Rifle Division of Major General V.M. Shatilov and the 171st Rifle Division of Colonel A.I. Bad things. The artist reproduces not only the final stage of the war, but also individual heroic deeds of Soviet soldiers. In the trench we see Colonel F.M. Zinchenko with Sergeant M.A. Egorov and junior sergeant M.V. Kantaria, in the hands of one of them is the Victory Banner, which in the early evening of April 30 will be armed on the roof of the Reichstag. In total, Soviet soldiers installed more than 50 banners and flags on the Reichstag.

On May 1, 1945, units of the 3rd Shock and 8th Guards armies stormed the Reichstag. On May 2, by 3 p.m., enemy resistance had completely ceased, and the remnants of the Berlin garrison surrendered. On the night of May 9, in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst, the act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed.

Among all the many attractions of Moscow, one can highlight Poklonnaya Hill. It reminds everyone of the feat that people accomplished during the Second World War. We are talking about which is located between Minskaya Street and Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

The residents of the capital immediately fell in love with

The metropolitan public does not have much trust in those museums that are characterized by pomp and officiality. In addition, such establishments are not capable of arousing love in people. But the central WWII museum on Poklonnaya Hill managed to become a pleasant exception (together with the memorial complex that surrounds it). Festive celebrations and simply pleasant walks - all this has become characteristic of the complex. This place has become a favorite place for Muscovites. In addition, this museum is a great opportunity to introduce children to the history of their country.

First thoughts on the construction of a memorial

If a competition were held in the world to identify the monument that has the longest history, the memorial could take first place. In principle, the WWII Museum on Poklonnaya Hill is a real work of art. The need for a monument of this kind first arose at a time when the war was in full swing. Namely in 1942. It was during this period that the Union of Architects decided to announce a competition, during which the best design of a monument in honor of the Victory was to be chosen. However, the competition never ended, since everyone had more important things to do in 1942.

Appearance of a park with a memorial stone

Poklonnaya Hill, namely the memorial that was to be located on it, aroused the interest of the government in 1955. This year, Marshal Zhukov sent a note to recall the long-standing idea of ​​​​creating a memorial. But it was only in 1958 that the final decision was made to install a memorial stone. Three years later, a park was laid, in which the memorial complex subsequently appeared.

New adjustments that prevented the emergence of the memorial complex

The decision to build a WWII museum on Poklonnaya Hill was made only in 1986 by the Ministry of Culture. And it seemed that soon all the ideas would be implemented. However, the opening date was postponed again. Due to perestroika and the collapse of the USSR, certain adjustments were made. For example, in order to create a memorial complex, it was planned to attract the funds that were received thanks to communist subbotniks. But subbotniks will soon become a thing of the past.

Opening of a new complex on the 50th anniversary of the Victory

But it was still necessary to build a WWII museum on Poklonnaya Hill. Problems on this issue were resolved only by 1995. The 50th anniversary of the Victory was marked for Muscovites by the opening of a memorial complex. In addition to the museum, on its territory there is simply a huge monument dedicated to the Victory. A chapel was also built, the Holocaust Museum, which is located in the synagogue, a mosque and many other monuments and exhibitions - Poklonnaya Gora can boast of all this today.

Favorite place for walks and entertainment

From the moment the memorial complex appeared, many people began to choose this place for their walks. But this is understandable, since the views from the mountain are simply amazing. And the huge territory provides the opportunity to walk even on days when holidays are held. Rollerbladers and cyclists can use special paths, and parents will be able to find everything they need to entertain their children.

Poklonnaya Hill has acquired another good tradition. Numerous weddings are held there. The newlyweds will be able to not only walk around the memorial complex, but also sign their names in the registry office building. And there is hope that over time the traditions of this great place will only strengthen and multiply.

What can you see in the museum building?

The museum itself on Poklonnaya Hill is able to satisfy the thirst for knowledge of both schoolchildren and accomplished adults. For example, everyone will be able to hold a weapon of war during one of the excursions. Even visit the dugout and try on a military uniform. There are simply a huge number of opportunities and options for excursions and exhibitions that everyone will be delighted with.

On the territory of the museum you can see four permanent exhibitions. We are talking about military history, dioramas, art galleries and military equipment. You can get quite a strong impression from audiovisual complexes. They will be able to show newsreels from war periods.

Absolutely all military equipment of World War II, collected together

All military equipment, which can be seen when visiting the museum on Poklonnaya Hill, is located in an open area in one of the pavilions. Next to it is an exhibition called “Motors of War”. There are cars here that were used during the war years. Among all the presented models you can see both famous equipment and rare ones.

The Museum of Technology on Poklonnaya Gora can demonstrate absolutely all facets of Tanks, aircraft, railway transport, artillery and military vessels - all this and much more can be examined in the most careful way. Among the exhibits on display there is also equipment used by the allies of the Soviet Union. There are also trophies that the museum of military equipment can demonstrate to everyone. Poklonnaya Gora has more than three hundred specimens. In addition, there is a technique that can be considered unique. For example, a night bomber that can still take off today. Naturally, there is also one of the best tanks, which became a hero of World War II. We are talking about the famous T-34.

The Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill will be able to attract the attention of many people, young and old, with the help of the Kranovostochnik armored train, which was built back in 1917. The platforms of this transport were transported to the memorial complex directly from the Central Museum dedicated to the Armed Forces. This model has quite a rich history, since it fought not only with the Nazis, but also with the Basmachi.

The track destroyer called “Hook” is quite interesting. The War Museum on Poklonnaya Hill has a copy of such equipment. Its production was carried out by the Krupa plant. In 1943, the equipment was used during retreats.

Many will be interested in looking at installations that can be used to fire directly from railway tracks. In this case, the fire sector was equal to 360 degrees. In order not to suffer from return fire after a salvo, the installation could be transported some distance.

A wonderful exhibition can delight you with its unsurpassed view

The organizers spent a considerable amount of time and effort preparing exhibits for the exhibition called “Motors of War.” A large number of cars were transported to the museum thanks to private collectors. All these actions have led to the fact that today everyone will be able to look at an excellent exhibition, which is characterized not only by wheeled or tracked types of equipment, but by other elements that were used during the war years.

Thanks to restoration work, all equipment was brought into working condition. In the modern world, the memorial complex is a huge developed system, which presents both artistic and thematic projects. The museum constantly hosts exhibitions, both stationary and traveling. The museum is available to visitors almost every day. Only Monday is a day off.


The museum dedicated to the war years (from 1941 to 1945) and Victory Park is a whole complex in which the monument is considered the main element. Its height reaches 142 meters. In appearance it resembles a bayonet with a victory figure. The monument is decorated with bas-reliefs made of materials such as bronze.

The museum, like the entire memorial complex, is rightfully considered the main attraction. A huge amount of time and effort was used to create it. However, everything was not done in vain. And today the complex pleases all residents of the capital and other cities of the country with its excellent view and plenty of entertainment.

Poklonnaya Hill - according to the decision of the USSR Ministry of Culture (03/04/1986), the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War was formed. On May 9, 1995, ceremonial events and the opening of the museum took place. The top officials of 55 countries who attended the ceremony personally wrote down memorable reviews and wishes on the pages of the Book of Honored Guests.

Interesting fact. President of the United States of America Bill Clinton noted the greatness of the Russian people, their heroism, and emphasized the importance of the Museum on Poklonnaya Hill as historical evidence, as a source of Russian wisdom.

Sights of Poklonnaya Gora

The memorial historical ensemble Poklonnaya Gora (another name for Victory Park) perpetuates the memory of those who died or went missing in 1941-1945.

Interesting fact. The gentle hill between the beds of the Setun and Filka rivers was known as a place where travelers stopped to take in the panorama of the capital of the Russian state, as well as to worship the church domes of Moscow. This is where the origin of the name “Poklonnaya” comes from. Here they welcomed welcome guests: high-ranking ambassadors and princes. The enemies were driven away.

In 1812, Napoleon, standing on the mountain, did not receive the keys from the residents of Moscow.

In 1941-1945, after casting a farewell glance from Poklonnaya Hill, the defenders of the Motherland left to fight the fascists. Thus, a historically significant place became the symbolic beginning of the heroic liberation from the invaders.

Triumphal Arch on Poklonnaya Hill

The triumphal gate opens the way for visitors walking towards Victory Park. The original version of the arch, made of wood (1814), was created after the victorious end of the war with Napoleonic troops in 1812. The location of the Arch was Tverskaya Zastava Square.

In 1936, the architectural structure was dismantled.

1966-1968. A copy of the neoclassical style arch was built and occupies its historical place.

Alleys of the park complex

Along the Central Alley leading to the main Monument, there are granite slabs. Each plate is dedicated to a specific year of the war period. On the left side stands a bronze colonnade of 15 steles, symbolizing 10 front lines, 3 flotillas, the partisan movement, and the feat of home front workers.

On the right is a fountain composition consisting of 5 hydrocascades. The mechanism of each fountain shoots water upward in 45 directions. Their total number of 225 reflects the weekly duration of the war period. In the evenings, the red lighting of the fountains enhances the drama, associating with the blood of fallen soldiers.

Alleys radiate away from the Square. Their names (alleys of Tankers, Signalmen, Artillerymen, Sailors, Military Engineers, etc.) correspond to representatives of various branches of the military.

The park network of roads is complemented by alleys dedicated to war, labor exploits, peace, young heroes and veterans.

Victory Monument on Poklonnaya Hill

The central part of the historical memorial, Victory Square, is decorated with the Victory Monument (1995). This steel obelisk depicts a triangular bayonet, a symbol of battle. The surface of the Monument is covered with bronze bas-reliefs depicting military scenes. The names of the hero cities are depicted in golden letters.

Interesting fact. The creators of the memorial ensemble attached great importance to historical figures, reflecting them according to the architectural design: 141.8 meters in height of the monument, 1418 fountains in the park area correspond to the number of days during which the Great Patriotic War lasted.

The creators of the obelisk were architects L.V. Vavakin, V. M. Budaev. The sculptural parts were made by Zurab Tsereteli.

A sculptural ensemble made of bronze weighing 25 tons is attached to the stele at a height of 104 meters. The composition depicts the divine Nike with a crown in her hands. Winged cupids on the sides trumpet victorious marches.

At the pedestal of the monument, the sculpture of St. George the Victorious symbolizes the destruction of evil forces, depicted by the appearance of a snake pierced by a spear.

Museum of the Great Patriotic War Memorial Poklonnaya Gora

The memorial museum located on the square has 50 collections and 50,000 exhibits. Among the historical sites:

  • samples of military weapons and technical means of the war period;
  • orders, medals, other awards;
  • personal belongings of famous military commanders;
  • belongings of privates and officers;
  • trophy specimens;
  • letters from those who defended the Fatherland;
  • uniform items;
  • collection of monetary occupation signs.

Interesting fact. The museum is the storage place for a symbolic relic that represents the triumphant event, the banner that Soviet soldiers hoisted over the Reichstag building on April 30, 1945.

Hall of Generals

This room presents a gallery of sculptural portraits of those awarded the Order of Victory. This award of the highest military level was approved in accordance with the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (11/8/1943). Bronze busts of prominent representatives of the command structure were made by Zurab Tsereteli. Shields with images of orders of war are located around the perimeter of the room.

Among the decoration objects of the hall there is a sword made of valuable steel by Zlatoust masters, a shield, a scabbard inlaid with semi-precious stones of the Ural Mountains.

Hall of Fame

The main hall is dedicated to the Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia. Surnames and names are carved on the white surface of marble supports located along the walls. At the entrance portal there are busts of military pilots A. I. Pokryshkin and I. N. Kozhedub, awarded the title of Hero three times.

The central place is occupied by the sculptural image of the “Victorious Soldier”, 10 meters high (sculptor V.I. Znoba). A sword made by Tula gunsmiths is placed on a granite pedestal.

At the top are bas-relief coats of arms of heroic cities. The ceiling is decorated with the image of the Order of Victory.

Hall of Memory and Sorrow

Memories of almost 27 million who did not return from the war are immortalized by a white marble composition called “Sorrow” (the creator of the sculpture is L. Kerbel).

Wall surfaces and floors are decorated with marble slabs in red and black colors. The inclined platforms are covered with red fabric material.

The ceiling hanging decor, which consists of brass chains decorated with crystals, symbolizes tears for the fallen heroes.

Sadness and mourning are emphasized by the lighting features and minor musical accompaniment: wall lighting fixtures shaped like candles, Mozart’s “Requiem.”

Interesting fact. Under glass are stored 385 volumes of the Book of Memory, containing information about those killed and missing during the battles. Since 1995, an electronic version of the Book of Memory has been formed, containing information at the regional and federal levels. The goals of the departments involved in maintaining the electronic Name Catalog, the All-Russian Book of Memory are to preserve the names of the dead, to assist in searching for information about unknown fates at the request of relatives and organizations.

Museum of Military Equipment on Poklonnaya Gora

The open area of ​​military equipment presents 300 pieces of technical equipment and weapons used during the Second World War. A separate section is devoted to each branch of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Army.

The “Artillery” exposition provides visitors with the opportunity to see the “Katyusha” made famous by the song, and numerous artillery systems.

The “Armored Vehicles” section amazes with the power of tanks, self-propelled artillery and anti-aircraft guns. There are samples of equipment supplied by the Allies under Lend-Lease.

The exhibition part “Railway Equipment” demonstrates unique exhibits - two armored platforms, part of the 1917 “Krasnovostochnik” armored train, an ambulance, freight cars, and the “Destroyed Railway Bridge” installation.

Interesting fact. In the second half of 1943, the Germans, instead of exploding the railway track, used a track destroyer called “Hook”. Its exact copy is contained among the museum exhibits.

The “Military Highway”, located parallel to the “Railway Equipment”, has at its disposal GAZ-AA military vehicles, a Ford GPA amphibian, and a 1939 BMW.

The territory of the “Engineering and fortification structures” sector demonstrates a network of trenches, trenches, dugouts, and dugouts.

Aviation equipment is represented by both genuine copies (Il-4, U-2, La-5, Bell P-63 “Kingcobra”, Hawker “Hurricano”), and full-scale copies (Yak-3, Il-2, I-16, I-15 bis).

The water area of ​​the artificial reservoir is used to demonstrate ship models; ship artillery towers, submarine conning towers, torpedoes, and bombs are installed along the banks. In the pond, viewers can see a model of the TK-131 “Rechnik Angara” torpedo boat.

Interesting fact. The conning tower of the Baltic Fleet submarine Shch-307, which was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for military merits, is on display, and its commander M.S. Kalinin became a Hero of the Soviet Union.

The exhibition on the first floor contains 6 dioramas telling about 6 significant military operations:

  • December 1941, offensive of the Soviet Army near Moscow;
  • Battle of Stalingrad. Joining fronts;
  • Siege Leningrad;
  • Battle of Kursk;
  • Crossing of the Dnieper;
  • Capture of Berlin.

The exhibition specificity is the presence of:

  • originals of rare photographs,
  • military maps, archival documents,
  • audio, video materials that preserved the chronicle of military events.

The Eternal Flame burns between the museum building and the Monument. It was lit in April 2010 in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Great May Events.

Three park attractions are recognized as symbols of the multinationality of the defenders of the Fatherland and their different religions:

  • Church of St. George the Victorious (1993), which houses the relics of the holy great martyr;
  • Memorial Mosque (1997), reminiscent of the feat of warriors who professed Islam;
  • Synagogue (1998), the exhibition of which testifies to the tragedy of the Jewish people;
  • A chapel built in memory of Spanish volunteers who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War (2003).

For nature lovers, the largest flower clock according to the Guinness Book of Records is of interest. 8 thousand colors are united by a dial circle with a 10-meter diameter. The time is shown by arrows 3.5 and 4.5 meters long.

How to get to Poklonnaya Gora

Visitors to the memorial complex can use several options to get to Poklonnaya Gora.

  • The Metropolitan is the most convenient option. Take the blue line (Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya) to get to the Park Pobedy station. When exiting, follow the signs. When leaving the station, you need to go left. If you get off at Kutuzovskaya station on the Filevskaya line, you will need to walk about 5 minutes to the Arc de Triomphe.
  • Take bus routes No. 157 and No. 205 to the Poklonnaya Gora stop.
  • An electric train departing from Kievsky Station requires traveling to the Moscow-Sortirovochnaya point.
  • Those wishing to get there by car should drive along Kutuzovsky Prospekt (along the odd side). The park will be visible between General Ermolov and Minsk streets. Free parking on Mosfilmovskaya Street near the mosque.

Those wishing to visit the Central Museum must take into account a number of features:

  • on Mondays the attraction is closed to visitors;
  • open areas and exhibitions are open from 11.00 to 18.30;
  • The ticket office closes and admission to visitors is terminated 30 minutes before the official closing.

Museum opening hours

Purchasing entrance tickets

Important. Free admission is provided to children under 16 years of age.

The official website of the Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill provides the opportunity to purchase a ticket and select an excursion program online.

Sightseeing tours “Great Feat of the People”, “Dioramas”, “Weapons of Victory” last 1 hour 50 minutes.

Thematic excursion programs have been developed:

  • “From Moscow to Berlin” (includes excursions “The Fire of Stalingrad”, “Moscow is behind us”, “Flags over Berlin”, “Dnieper - the River of Heroes”);
  • “History for everyone” (includes topics “Childhood scorched by war”, “Get up, huge country”, “If there is war tomorrow”, “Lend-Lease: opinions, myths, historical truth”, “Crimes of Nazism”, “Russian Orthodox Church” during the war years");
  • “The saved world remembers...” (“Battles that brought victory”).

The cost for groups of 1-4 people is the same as the cost of sightseeing tours. For groups of 5-35 people the cost is as follows:

  • foreign tourists - 500 RUR.,
  • main contingent - 300 RUR.,
  • preferential contingent - 250 RUR.

A wide range of interactive holiday programs are offered to children.

The name of the program Age category Number of persons Duration (hour) Price
Forced march 9+ 15-30 2,5 900 RUR
Dugout, historical journey 8+ 15-30 2 700 RUR
The Legend of Russian Heroes 6+ 10-25 2 400 RUR
Combat vacation 6+ 10-25 3,5 800 RUR
Scouts, quest 6+ 10-30 1,5 400 RUR
Five redoubts. Birthday, holiday quest 7+ 10-30 1,5 1000 RUR
The glory of the Russian bayonet will never fade 12+ 10-30 1,5 400 RUR
We won 6+ 10-30 1,5 400 RUR
Along partisan paths 6+ 10-30 1,5 400 RUR
Our squad 12+ 10-30 1,5 400 RUR

Groups of 1-25 people (category 7+) can take part in excursion programs of the Educational Project “Roads of Victory” (main building) for free.

May 9 on Poklonnaya Hill

Traditionally, the Central Museum of Poklonnaya Gora is one of the main venues for celebrating the anniversary of the victory over the fascist invaders. A number of events are being held:

  • All-Russian action “St. George’s Ribbon”,
  • Excursion program for Suvorov students, cadets, students of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
  • Screening of documentaries, performances,
  • Gala concert “Songs of the Great Victory”,
  • Festival of Patriotic Song “Heirs of the Winners”,
  • Concert of amateur art groups.

Since 2015, on the day of St. George the Victorious (May 6), Poklonnaya Hill has become the venue for a parade of cadets. Every year the parade is dedicated to the Anniversary of the Great Victory, as well as to the development of the cadet movement:

  • 2015 - diversity of forms of cadet education,
  • 2016 - the unity of the cadet movement,
  • 2017 - openness and accessibility of the cadet movement.

45 parade units march in a solemn march, watched by veterans, home front workers, and heroes of the Fatherland among 20 thousand participants. 2.5 thousand cadets, passing in formation, salute and lay flowers in front of the eternal flame of Glory. The final point is the launching of white doves of peace.

Not only on holidays, but every day the park complex is recognized as a favorite vacation spot for adults and children. A virtual cinema has been opened and a racing track is operating. There are special paths throughout the park for cyclists, skateboarders, and roller skaters. Sports equipment rental services are provided. Vacationers can visit a cozy cafe.