The sounds around us. Ecology of sound

Introduction Man lives in a world of sounds. The sounds surrounding him from birth help him adapt to the surrounding conditions. Sounds are important not only for humans, but also for animals, for which good sound detection helps them survive. But sounds can be different, some can be pleasant, and some even cause unpleasant sensations. In my work I examined the nature of sound and some of its influences on humans. Man lives in a world of sounds. The sounds surrounding him from birth help him adapt to the surrounding conditions. Sounds are important not only for humans, but also for animals, for which good sound detection helps them survive. But sounds can be different, some can be pleasant, and some even cause unpleasant sensations. In my work I examined the nature of sound and some of its influences on humans.

What is sound? If you create a nonequilibrium state of the medium in a certain volume, then, due to the elastic properties of the medium, at subsequent moments of time the displacements and velocities of particles in neighboring areas become different from zero: the initial disturbance moves through the area occupied by the medium. The process of propagation of deformation in a medium is called sound wave, or just sound. A wave occurs when a change in state at one point in the medium leads to a change in state at a neighboring point. If you create a nonequilibrium state of the medium in a certain volume, then, due to the elastic properties of the medium, at subsequent moments of time the displacements and velocities of particles in neighboring areas become different from zero: the initial disturbance moves through the area occupied by the medium. The process of propagation of deformation in a medium is called a sound wave, or simply sound. A wave occurs when a change in state at one point in the medium leads to a change in state at a neighboring point. Two types of sound waves can propagate in media: longitudinal and transverse. A longitudinal wave is a wave in which vibrations of the particles of the medium occur in the direction of propagation of the wave. Longitudinal waves are observed in liquids, gases and solids. Transverse waves, in which vibrations of particles of the medium occur in a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave, are observed only in solids. Two types of sound waves can propagate in media: longitudinal and transverse. A longitudinal wave is a wave in which vibrations of the particles of the medium occur in the direction of propagation of the wave. Longitudinal waves are observed in liquids, gases and solids. Transverse waves, in which vibrations of particles of the medium occur in a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave, are observed only in solids.

Sound conductors A sound wave can travel a variety of distances. Gunfire can be heard for a kilometer, the neighing of horses and the barking of dogs - for 2-3 km, and whispers for only a few meters. These sounds are transmitted through the air. But not only air can be a conductor of sound. By placing your ear to the rails, you can hear the sound of an approaching train much earlier and at a greater distance. This means that metal conducts sound faster and better than air. Water also conducts sound well. Having dived into the water, you can clearly hear the stones knocking against each other, the noise of the pebbles during the surf. The property of water - it conducts sound well - is widely used for reconnaissance at sea during war, as well as for measuring sea depths. Prerequisite propagation of sound waves – the presence of a material medium. In a vacuum, sound waves do not propagate, since there are no particles there that transmit the interaction from the source of vibration. Therefore, due to the lack of atmosphere, complete silence reigns on the Moon. Even the fall of a meteorite on its surface is not audible to the observer.

Basic sound characteristics. 1) Sound tone. Some sounds are said to be low-pitched (the sound created by a large drum), others we call high-pitched sounds (for example, whistling). The ear can easily distinguish them. Simple measurements (oscillation sweep) show that the sounds of low tones are low frequency vibrations in a sound wave. A high-pitched sound corresponds to a high vibration frequency. The frequency of vibration in a sound wave determines the tone of the sound. 1) Sound tone. Some sounds are said to be low-pitched (the sound created by a large drum), others we call high-pitched sounds (for example, whistling). The ear can easily distinguish them. Simple measurements (oscillation sweep) show that sounds of low tones are low frequency vibrations in a sound wave. A high-pitched sound corresponds to a high vibration frequency. The frequency of vibration in a sound wave determines the tone of the sound. 2) Sound volume. The loudness of a sound, determined by its effect on the ear, is a subjective assessment. The greater the flow of energy flowing to the ear, the greater the volume. A convenient measurement is sound intensity - the energy transferred by a wave per unit time through a unit area perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. The intensity of sound increases with increasing amplitude of vibrations and the area of ​​the body performing the vibrations. Decibels (dB) are also used to measure loudness. For example, the sound level of rustling leaves is rated at 10 dB, whispering at 20 dB, street noise at 70 dB, pain threshold at 120 dB, and lethal level at 180 dB. 2) Sound volume. The loudness of a sound, determined by its effect on the ear, is a subjective assessment. The greater the flow of energy flowing to the ear, the greater the volume. A convenient measurement is sound intensity - the energy transferred by a wave per unit time through a unit area perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. The intensity of sound increases with increasing amplitude of vibrations and the area of ​​the body performing the vibrations. Decibels (dB) are also used to measure loudness. For example, the sound level of rustling leaves is rated at 10 dB, whispering at 20 dB, street noise at 70 dB, pain threshold at 120 dB, and lethal level at 180 dB. 3) Sound timbre. The second subjective assessment is timbre. The timbre of a sound is determined by the combination of overtones. The different number of overtones inherent in a particular sound gives it a special coloring - timbre. The difference between one timbre and another is determined not only by the number, but also by the intensity of the overtones accompanying the sound of the fundamental tone. By timbre, we easily distinguish the sounds of a violin and a piano, a guitar and a flute, and recognize the voices of familiar people. 3) Sound timbre. The second subjective assessment is timbre. The timbre of a sound is determined by the combination of overtones. The different number of overtones inherent in a particular sound gives it a special coloring - timbre. The difference between one timbre and another is determined not only by the number, but also by the intensity of the overtones accompanying the sound of the fundamental tone. By timbre, we easily distinguish the sounds of a violin and a piano, a guitar and a flute, and recognize the voices of familiar people.

Organ of hearing. To capture sound, humans and animals have a special organ - the ear. This is an unusually thin device. The ear converts the vibrational motion of a sound wave into certain sensations, which are perceived by our consciousness. To capture sound, humans and animals have a special organ - the ear. This is an unusually thin device. The ear converts the vibrational motion of a sound wave into certain sensations, which are perceived by our consciousness. The hearing organ is divided into three parts: the outer, middle and inner ear. The outer ear is the auricle. From it comes the auditory canal, ending in the eardrum. There are a number of bones in the middle ear. They transmit vibrations to the inner ear. The processes occurring in the inner ear are very complex and some of them are still not understood. The hearing organ is divided into three parts: the outer, middle and inner ear. The outer ear is the auricle. From it comes the auditory canal, ending in the eardrum. There are a number of bones in the middle ear. They transmit vibrations to the inner ear. The processes occurring in the inner ear are very complex and some of them are still not understood. Sound waves entering the ear canal vibrate the eardrum. Vibrations are transmitted to the fluid of the cochlea of ​​the inner ear through the chain of ossicles of the middle ear. The wave-like movement of this fluid entails irritation of the endings of the auditory nerve. That's how Main way sound from its source about our consciousness. But this way is not the only one. Sound vibrations can be transmitted by the bones of the skull. Sound waves entering the ear canal vibrate the eardrum. Vibrations are transmitted to the fluid of the cochlea of ​​the inner ear through the chain of ossicles of the middle ear. The wave-like movement of this fluid entails irritation of the endings of the auditory nerve. This is the main path of sound from its source to our consciousness. But this way is not the only one. Sound vibrations can be transmitted by the bones of the skull.

Audible sound. The human ear is capable of perceiving sound vibrations ranging from 16 to Hz; they correspond to wavelengths from 20 m for low frequencies to 2 cm for high frequencies. Although children can easily perceive sounds with a frequency of up to 22 kHz, and older people only up to 13 - 15 kHz. The human ear is capable of perceiving sound vibrations ranging from 16 to Hz; they correspond to wavelengths from 20 m for low frequencies to 2 cm for high frequencies. Although children can easily perceive sounds with a frequency of up to 22 kHz, and older people only up to 13 - 15 kHz.

Hearing threshold. The hearing threshold, that is, the intensity noticeable to the ear, depends on the frequency. At a frequency of 440 Hz, the hearing threshold is close to W/m2. In this case, the ear perceives an excess pressure of 2x10 -5 Pa, leading to vibrations of air particles with an insignificant amplitude cm, equal to the diameter of the atoms. A conversation conducted in a moderate tone causes air particles to vibrate with a displacement amplitude of the order of several thousandths of a centimeter. The sound intensity in this case is W/m2. The intensity of strong sounds that cause painful sensations in us lies in the range of 1 – 10 W/m -2. The excess pressure is 60 Pa, and the amplitude of vibrations of air particles is ~ 2.5x10 -2 cm. This pressure produces the noise of a jet aircraft at a distance of 50 m. The hearing threshold, that is, the intensity noticeable to the ear, depends on the frequency. At a frequency of 440 Hz, the hearing threshold is close to W/m2. In this case, the ear perceives an excess pressure of 2x10 -5 Pa, leading to vibrations of air particles with an insignificant amplitude cm, equal to the diameter of the atoms. A conversation conducted in a moderate tone causes air particles to vibrate with a displacement amplitude of the order of several thousandths of a centimeter. The sound intensity in this case is W/m2. The intensity of strong sounds that cause painful sensations in us lies in the range of 1 – 10 W/m -2. The excess pressure is 60 Pa, and the amplitude of vibrations of air particles is ~ 2.5x10 -2 cm. Such pressure produces the noise of a jet aircraft at a distance of 50 m.

Shock waves. Audible sound waves in the air are associated with relatively small fluctuations in its pressure: the maximum value of the sound pressure amplitude does not exceed several thousandths of an atmosphere. Therefore, waves of this kind are an example of the propagation of weak disturbances in the air. However, in a number of practically important cases one has to deal with strong disturbances propagating in gases, liquids and solids in the form of so-called shock waves. Strong disturbances arise, for example, during explosions, during detonation combustion, i.e. during a chemical transformation of a substance or mixture of substances, which is accompanied by the release of heat, and the speed of propagation of the transformation is greater than the speed of sound in this environment; when moving in the air of bodies (shells, missiles, modern aircraft) with supersonic speed; during sudden braking of a liquid moving in a pipeline (water hammer), etc. Audible sound waves in the air are associated with relatively small fluctuations in its pressure: the maximum value of the sound pressure amplitude does not exceed several thousandths of an atmosphere. Therefore, waves of this kind are an example of the propagation of weak disturbances in the air. However, in a number of practically important cases one has to deal with strong disturbances propagating in gases, liquids and solids in the form of so-called shock waves. Strong disturbances arise, for example, during explosions, during detonation combustion, i.e. during a chemical transformation of a substance or mixture of substances, which is accompanied by the release of heat, and the speed of propagation of the transformation is greater than the speed of sound in this environment; when moving in the air of bodies (shells, missiles, modern aircraft) with supersonic speed; in case of sudden braking of liquid moving in the pipeline (water hammer), etc.

Ultrasound. Vibrations with frequencies exceeding Hz are called ultrasound. Ultrasound is widely used in science and technology. Vibrations with frequencies exceeding Hz are called ultrasound. Ultrasound is widely used in science and technology. The liquid boils when an ultrasonic wave passes through (cavitation). In this case, water hammer occurs. Ultrasounds can tear pieces off the surface of metal and crush solids. Ultrasound can be used to mix immiscible liquids. This is how emulsions in oil are prepared. Under the influence of ultrasound, saponification of fats occurs. Washing devices are designed on this principle. The liquid boils when an ultrasonic wave passes through (cavitation). In this case, water hammer occurs. Ultrasounds can tear pieces off the surface of metal and crush solids. Ultrasound can be used to mix immiscible liquids. This is how emulsions in oil are prepared. Under the influence of ultrasound, saponification of fats occurs. Washing devices are designed on this principle. The biological effects of ultrasound are interesting. They weaken the vital activity of bacteria, reduce the growth of lactic acid and tuberculosis bacteria. The biological effects of ultrasound are interesting. They weaken the vital activity of bacteria, reduce the growth of lactic acid and tuberculosis bacteria. Ultrasound is widely used in hydroacoustics. Ultrasounds of high frequency are absorbed very weakly by water and can spread over tens of kilometers. If they encounter the bottom, iceberg or other solid body in their path, they are reflected and produce an echo of great power. An ultrasonic echo sounder is designed on this principle. Ultrasound is widely used in hydroacoustics. Ultrasounds of high frequency are absorbed very weakly by water and can spread over tens of kilometers. If they encounter the bottom, iceberg or other solid body in their path, they are reflected and produce an echo of great power. An ultrasonic echo sounder is designed on this principle. Ultrasound propagates in metal with virtually no absorption. Using the ultrasonic location method, it is possible to detect the smallest defects inside a part of large thickness. Ultrasound propagates in metal with virtually no absorption. Using the ultrasonic location method, it is possible to detect the smallest defects inside a part of large thickness. The crushing effect of ultrasound is used to make ultrasonic soldering irons. The crushing effect of ultrasound is used to make ultrasonic soldering irons. Ultrasound is used to capture the smallest particles of soot, in the sulfuric acid industry to deposit sulfuric acid fog. Ultrasound is used to capture the smallest particles of soot, in the sulfuric acid industry to deposit sulfuric acid fog.

Infrasound and its impact on humans. Vibrations with frequencies below 16 Hz are called infrasound. Vibrations with frequencies below 16 Hz are called infrasound. In nature, infrasound occurs due to the vortex movement of air in the atmosphere or as a result of slow vibrations of various bodies. Infrasound is characterized by weak absorption. Therefore, it spreads over long distances. The human body reacts painfully to infrasonic vibrations. In laboratory conditions, it has been established that the average value of the resonant frequency for the whole body is 6 Hz, for the chest - 5-8 Hz, for the head - Hz. Under external influences caused by mechanical vibration or sound waves at frequencies of 4-8 Hz, a person feels the movement of internal organs, and at a frequency of 12 Hz - an attack of seasickness. In nature, infrasound occurs due to the vortex movement of air in the atmosphere or as a result of slow vibrations of various bodies. Infrasound is characterized by weak absorption. Therefore, it spreads over long distances. The human body reacts painfully to infrasonic vibrations. In laboratory conditions, it has been established that the average value of the resonant frequency for the whole body is 6 Hz, for the chest - 5-8 Hz, for the head - Hz. Under external influences caused by mechanical vibration or sound waves at frequencies of 4-8 Hz, a person feels the movement of internal organs, and at a frequency of 12 Hz - an attack of seasickness. It is known that in the area of ​​Bermuda there is an area of ​​one of the main anticyclones (the area high blood pressure) northern hemisphere. It can be assumed that the intensity of low-frequency acoustic waves emanating from zones of active convection increases and therefore the well-being of the crews of the ships located here worsens. It is known that in the area of ​​Bermuda there is an area of ​​one of the main anticyclones (high pressure area) of the northern hemisphere. It can be assumed that the intensity of low-frequency acoustic waves emanating from zones of active convection increases and therefore the well-being of the crews of the ships located here worsens. Even weak infrasounds can have a significant impact on humans if they are prolonged. Some nervous diseases, typical for residents of industrial cities, are caused precisely by infrasounds penetrating through the thickest walls. Even weak infrasounds can have a significant impact on humans if they are prolonged. Some nervous diseases characteristic of residents of industrial cities are caused precisely by infrasounds penetrating through the thickest walls.

Practical part. Research: Research: Determination of hearing acuity for different categories of people. Conclusion: Hearing acuity decreases with age. Conclusion: Hearing acuity decreases with age. Determination of the hearing threshold for different categories of people. Equipment: Sound generator, oscilloscope, connecting wires, several headphones. Equipment: Sound generator, oscilloscope, connecting wires, several headphones. Conclusion: The threshold for dryness is different for different categories of people, but it differs only slightly. Conclusion: The threshold for dryness is different for different categories of people, but it differs only slightly.

IN English language There are many words and expressions that describe sound. Often these words are onomatopoeic, i.e. onomatopoeia (for example, buzz).

In English, these, as a rule, can be both nouns and regular ones. Let's explore them:

E.g. Did you hear that bang? It sounded like a gun.

E.g. I lay there hearing the buzz of a mosquito but I couldn’t see it anywhere.

E.g. to download the new software just click on the “download” icon.


N: crash, crash, crash, crash

V: to rumble, to destroy with a roar, to smash

E.g. I heard the screech of brakes as the driver tried to stop and then a loud crash.


N: squealing, wheezing, grinding (of brakes, doors, etc.)

V: squeal, squeak, grind

E.g. We heard the screeching of tires as Helen’s boyfriend drew up outside her front door.

E.g. The dog was crunching on a bone that a neighbor had given it.

I heard the crunch of their feet walking through the crisp snow.

E.g. Please turn the tap off properly otherwise it’ll drip.

E.g. The cat arched its back and hissed at us as we walked it.

The snake reared its head and gave an angry hiss.

E.g. We could hear the hoot of the crowd in the football stadium from our hotel.

E.g. I don’t remember the words of the song, but I can hum the tune.

E.g. I had to get up and lock the door because it was rattling in the wind.

Every time a bus or lorry goes past, the windows rattle.

E.g. I hate people who roar at me when I slow down at an amber light.

The engine roared into life as he switched it on.

E.g. Please don’t slam the door. Close it gently.

E.g. Don't slurp your soup! Eat it quietly.

E.g. Mark’s got a cold, so he’s been sniffing all day.

Don't sniff! Get a handkerchief and blow your nose.

E.g. I can’t share a room with you if you snore – I won’t be able to sleep.

E.g. There was a splash as he jumped into the swimming pool.

E.g. When I’m nervous I often tap my fingers on the table.

E.g. It was so quiet in the room that you could hear the ticking of the clock.

E.g. Some of the players carried on playing because they hadn’t heard the whistle.

Can I ask you a question? Tell me, what melody is playing in your head right now? Maybe Schubert's Serenade or Vivaldi's The Four Seasons? Although, most likely, it was a simple song that was played near the nearest store?..

Do you always notice what sounds around you? Most people living in cities perceive constant background noise as something completely natural. The amount of sound information we absorb is enormous, but what of this do we perceive, hear, and what do we “pass over our ears”?

But here’s a paradox: whether we pay attention to what sounds around us or not, sounds affect us - our mood, our state. Music can “lift you to heaven,” fill you with life, or it can lead you to deep depression and even suicide. They knew about this in ancient times, then they forgot, but in the second half of the 20th century the connection between music and the psyche was remembered again.

Music is used in psychology and medicine, for example, for rehabilitation or anesthesia, there is “music for relaxation”, “music for production” and so on. At one time, simple recipes appeared: Tchaikovsky - for ulcers, Beethoven - for gastritis... But even if the same medicine affects different people differently, can such an elusive substance as music affect everyone equally? Are we able to determine for ourselves what to listen to and what not, or are we just passive consumers of what is fashionable in our time?

"Ears are the gateway to the world"

Our hearing is our connection with the world, which we always, even unconsciously, strive to restore. The ability to hear can be developed, and it’s not only about physical hearing, but also about our attention, and most importantly, the desire to hear something or someone.

You should also pay more attention to music. How, with what help does it affect us? Its basis, or means of expression, is the same for any time and style:

1) rhythm and tempo;
2) melody and harmony;
3) shape;
4) dynamics, or sound volume.

Rhythm is the basis of everything

Day is night, effort is rest, and listen to the beating of your own heart... Nature cannot be called chaotic, everything is subject to order, the basis of which is rhythm, it sets movement, the energy of life. Put on live rhythmic music in the morning, for example, Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos or your favorite rock and roll, and you’ll get ready for work faster than usual, but Slow music in the morning he can play with you cruel joke. In the evening, a calm melody, such as a romantic piano or light jazz, will help you relax. Everyone, of course, will choose music to suit their taste.

The rhythm is also powerful tool unification, let us remember the magic of the Russian round dance, where there are no soloists, and the rhythm of each is woven into the general rhythm. Perhaps this was a reflection of how the life of each person is intertwined with the single life of nature. Nowadays we think less often about the laws of nature (although no one has abolished them), but it’s so great to feel “in the same rhythm” with someone, we strive for this, not wanting to be alone.

True, an obsessive hard rhythm can become dangerous, and especially dangerous if the scourge of our time is used - excessive sound volume.

“Humanity is stalling!”

How I sometimes want to sit in silence! But this does not seem to threaten us: the urban sound background (the noise of cars, construction vehicles, household appliances) is such that hearing quickly becomes dull. Add to this the development of reproducing technology (“the louder the better”), the usual headphones, and it becomes clear why doctors are sounding the alarm: “Humanity is going deaf!”

At a volume of 65 dB, we begin to react to music regardless of our ethical and aesthetic attitudes: any will cause severe tension, fatigue, and irritability.

Nowadays it is customary to accompany mass events, especially youth events, with loud music with an obsessive rhythm. What a great thing - it brings people together and adds drive! But psychologists warn: this demobilizes mental activity, destroys a person’s ability for personal communication, that is, we do not unite, but become attached to the rhythm of the music, no longer paying attention to those who are nearby. The famous crowd effect arises; outbursts of aggression are not surprising here, and you can instill anything in the crowd.

Do you know how to avoid the crowd effect? Don't hit it! And if you get caught, try not to lose yourself, remain human in any circumstances, the choice always remains.

Psychologists say that a person’s path depends on how he is able to harmonize his individual rhythm with the rhythms of other people. If a group of people, even a small one, achieves such harmony, it can move mountains, because its basis is respect, support, the desire to hear each other, and not suppress, as in the case of a crowd.

Music itself is not dangerous, people make it that way. During a rock concert at London's Heathrow Airport in the early 1980s (quadraphonic systems were just coming into fashion), some speakers were installed on fences from which hundreds of fans were hanging. During the intermission, ambulances rushed to the fence and began to take away the first “victims.” The fact is that the sound from the speakers, reaching 110 dB, fell with all its power on the listeners located dangerously close. (For comparison: the noise of a supersonic fighter taking off is 145 dB, at 165 dB pets die, at 185 dB a person dies.) Together with the destructive effects of the drums, the increased sound pressure introduced the “fence” listeners into a state of trance, which dulls the pain. Some of them beat themselves against the rusty fence in ecstasy, and only when the music died down did the ability to feel pain return and people began to lose consciousness.

Melody and thought

We are all very different, so ready-made recipes from the Internet will not suit everyone. And again I want to say: the choice is always ours. You can absorb simple melodies from TV, but psychologists are not satisfied with our pop culture in this regard either (well, they are picky!). Simple melodies are good for discos, for the “break” that we need from time to time, but if you listen to them often, they make thinking more primitive. They have no depth, no undertones, no time to think. Well, it’s possible so, but then with development creativity it will be more difficult.

Melody, as the musical dictionary explains, is “one of the most ancient and universal manifestations of human creativity.” It’s not for nothing that we say: “find your melody, your note.” There are no miracles - in order to develop, to be creative person, you need to learn this: absorb the experience of others, absorb beauty. Each genre can present its own discoveries, but in the time-tested music of great composers: Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi, Beethoven, Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Fauré and others, there are so many states, images, shades that you can discover it throughout your life. The question is not in the music itself, but in what we can hear and understand in it, and what can pass us by.

“Mozart. Take two hours a day” - Alfred Tomatis, a famous Parisian doctor, prescribed this recipe to Gerard Depardieu. In the mid-60s, the young artist came to conquer Paris and had every chance of doing so, if not for problems with speech and memory. “Before Tomatis,” Depardieu later recalled, “I could not complete a single sentence. He helped complete my thoughts, taught me synthesis and understanding of the thinking process itself.” Scientists in the USA and Bulgaria independently discovered that Mozart’s music enhances our brain activity and increases intelligence. This phenomenon was called the “Mozart effect,” and CDs with the composer’s works immediately became bestsellers

In search of harmony

Harmony - translated from Greek as “consonance”, “proportionality”. Who doesn't dream about her? In music it is a combination of sounds, in communication it is understanding each other. And what happens in our soul, our inner world?

Someone will remember that in early youth He listened to one thing, but now he likes something completely different. We change, and our favorite music changes with us. It can tell a lot about us - either about our desire to streamline life, giving it a stable rhythm, or about the desire to soar above the ordinary, breaking the usual boundaries and mastering the art of improvisation. Maybe now is the time to reconsider your music collection?

At the same time, in our soul there live images and memories too dear to forget, and there are also favorite melodies that excite us throughout our lives. If you don’t have them, please look - both in the depths of your soul and in the vast expanses of music. Such music will bring you out of the deepest depression, return you to yourself, and give you new strength. We can follow different paths - musical and life, try on different genres and fashion trends, but when we hear the first familiar sounds, we involuntarily turn around and remember, restore connection with something very dear.

“Music, with its melody, carries us to the very edge of eternity and gives us the opportunity to comprehend its greatness in a few minutes,” wrote Thomas Carlyle. There are no ready-made recipes, no universal answers, but there is always the opportunity to listen and take a step where there is no longer any place for logic and psychological calculations, but there is only an eternal secret called Music.

Exercises to develop the ability to hear and recognize sounds
  1. "Layered Listening"
    Somewhere in nature, in the forest (a city park is also suitable), stop for a minute, be still and listen. You will first hear the "first layer" of sounds - the loudest or most familiar sounds. A little effort - and you will hear quieter, less noticeable sounds, then even quieter ones. The most difficult thing in this exercise is to silence your thoughts. But if you succeed, you can hear much more than usual.
  2. "Attention"
    Choose two bright sounds: e.g. musical melody and the sound of the sea. Focus on one thing first (follow it), then the other. In our lives, it can be useful, being in the flow of information, to turn our attention to one thing, especially if we're talking about about communicating with other people.

It may seem incredible to many, but not only compositions are created in recording studios musical groups or performers, because besides this we also practice recording ambient sounds(English surround sound recording). Why is this necessary? - you ask. It's simple, sometimes such material is needed to create special effects, film nature and then substitute audio.

Nothing can compare with the feeling of a person as if he is part of nature, the elements. This is exactly the feeling that a skillfully processed composition gives.TopSound

So, let's talk in more detail about why it is necessary to record surrounding sounds. It all again depends on your goals. When shooting a documentary about wildlife, it is not always possible to fully capture the sound using a camera.

Prices for recording services

ServicePayment methodPrice
Voice recordingHourly750 rub/hour
Recording instrumentsHourly750 rub/hour
Creating Drum PartsHourly750 rub/hour
Mixing and masteringHourly750 rub.
RAP minusFixed3000 rub.
RAP minus "Premium" (with additional effects)Fixed4000 rub
Song with minus "Light" (1 hour of recording + processing without tuning)Fixed2500 rub
Song with minus "Premium" (1 hour of recording + processing and deep tuning)Fixed5000 rub
Creating an arrangementFixedfrom 15,000 rub.
Creating a backing trackFixedFrom 15,000 rub.
Rent a studio without a sound engineerHourly700 rub/hour

Video equipment may not be as sensitive to audio frequencies as specialized sound equipment. Everyone has heard the distinct sounds of rustling grass, birds singing, and the growling of wild animals in television programs about wildlife. All these sounds recorded using separate equipment.

In addition, a lot of material is recorded to create effects in the songs. Let's turn to the experience of music lovers. Most likely, you have more than once heard compositions in which, along with a symphonic relaxing melody, you can hear the drumming of rain, the rumble of thunder or the flow of a river. All this adds a specific mood to the melody; one might even say that this is the kind of music that can turn one’s thoughts into one’s thoughts, allowing the listener to concentrate or relax. Nothing can compare with the feeling of a person as if he is part of nature, the elements. This is exactly the feeling gives a skillfully processed composition.

Examples of portfolio with minus (ROCK, POP, REP)


Example 1. ROCK
Group “THE Y” - song “RUN FOR LIFE”


Example 2. ROCK
Group “We’re Burning” - Song “Sochi”


Example 3. POP
Song “More than Love” with minus + mixing


Example 4. POP
The song “Crying” with minus + mixing


Example 5. REP
Song “Give Me” with minus + mixing


Example 6. REP
Song “Propaganda of Truth” with minus + mixing

When else do you need to record sounds?

Recording ambient sounds can be important during all kinds of celebrations. Modern animators (as they used to say - mass entertainers), people working in the field of event organization very often use such audio tracks in their practice, playing out various situations in competitions. They often use sounds such as the roar of motorcycle engines, natural motifs, as well as random sounds such as creaking doors, people's exclamations, chirping birds and others.

The variety of variations in the sounds around us is truly amazing; many of them have long been used to create a wide variety of types of musical accompaniment. But to work on making such a track you need to work hard. After all, it is unlikely that it will be possible to write down required material V short term. This business requires experience, patience and special equipment. (which is exactly available in the TopZvuk company). Come to our studio, we will definitely we will help you find and write down what you need. Recording ambient sounds for us- a common task. You may also be interested in renting a studio at affordable prices. Call us and we will be happy to answer all your questions!