Children ask. Questions about items

Riddles about stationery:

for preschoolers 5-6 years old and children of primary school age.

T. Lavrova

My friend, although small,
But he works with his soul.
All the mistakes, squiggles,
What does a pen write in a notebook?
It will clean in one sitting.
He even “eats” blots too!
How good, chewy -
Soft light school...( eraser)

Still life, landscape, portrait
I've been drawing for hundreds of years.
I'm very good with paints
I also serve artists.
Soft like a pussy
Thin...( tassel)

I'm friends with objects
I'll tell you everything about them.
I measure height, length,
Width and depth.
Although the price is a trifle, a penny,
I'm great...( ruler)

What is this strange box?
It contains a ruler, pens, and a stopper.
Simple pencil, toffee,
Last year's note.
Well, guys, did you guess it?
Everything lies in mine..( pencil case)

L. Kusturova

I open the doors to the house.
I check if it contains:
pen, eraser, pencil.
I am your master now.(Pencil case)

N. Afromeeva

I have a cube in my pencil case
Pink colour.
But this is not chewing gum at all,
this is not candy.
The pencil suddenly drew a letter,
like a tadpole.
That's when I'll need it
my helper...( eraser)

G. Puntusova

A familiar thing to everyone -
Simply a wonderful dancer!
Performing a pirouette
Leaves a blue trail:
Letter, letter, squiggle...
“Hello everyone! Yours....( Pen).

S. Neversky

On paper it’s not in vain
you write out the words in paste.
It was more common before
pump ink into it.
Children, what is this thing?!
Come on, together...(Pen)

It's like a magician's wand
just turn your gaze
on cardboard and paper
draw your own pattern.
This Friend in the pencil case is ours.
Children, let's say...(Pencil)

It is of different colors, flexible,
We are not afraid of mistakes.
Everything is in his power to fix.
Children, let's say this is...(Eraser)

We will get our paints -
"oil", watercolor, gouache.
The leaf immediately turned green.
And they will paint it...(Brushes)

She will make it faster
any pencil is sharper.
Multi-colored girlfriend
shavings come out of it.
We say: "What are you, what are you,
You’ll get tired from work!”
She responds with a grin!
Children, this is...(Sharpener)

N. Gubskaya

Without her, I will say,
Straight line
You can't draw a single one
You can't measure the length either.
Answer me quickly!
It's called...( ruler)

We write in her notebook
Letters in order.
Something we really need,
And it’s simply called...( pen)

N. Kechatova

The pencil puffed and scribbled,
He created a long and long line...
Suddenly he wrote in the wrong place - hello!
Come on, where is our nimble...( eraser)

Don't get lost in a bunch
Eraser, pencil and pen,
Buttons, compasses - everything assembled
Loving order...( pencil case)!

To make the circle even,
A faithful friend will help us,
True, a small hole
It will be left on the piece of paper...( compass)!

V. Tunnikov

House for pens and pencils.
It is locked with a padlock for kids.
His schoolchildren take him to school
And they put it in the backpack along with the notebooks.
(Pencil case)

M. Blinnikova

Draw exactly the lines
We don't know how. How to be?
Line like a snake?
Here we need...( ruler)

You can get into the paint with your finger,
only better way There is.
The colors are very tired,
Well, when will you take it...( brush)

A. Chugunnikov

I don't read books at all
And without them I know a lot
I never say
And I create without a voice,
You just have to take it in your hand
And write the words by me.
I'm the goose's granddaughter
And what is my name? ( Pen).

D. Loginov

Two sheets together
He will fasten it, open the cap.
You can smear it, don’t be sorry.
And everyone calls him...?( glue)

Bent wire hook
Connects sheets into a lock
And it holds the leaf very tightly.
We call her... ?( clip).

S. Podgorskaya

The pencil is my best friend
I'll erase the excess around.

T. Efimova

It will crawl across the paper,
It will clean everything up, it will lick everything off,
Like a little toothy one!
Well, of course it is?!

The vase suddenly broke! Oh!
How to cope with trouble here?!
Don't worry and hurry up
Scrape again to super

Guess what kind of miracle?!
I will glue it with this film!
Could easily help
Even glue a book together!?

How did the eraser appear?

In the last issue we told the guys about how pencils appeared. The one who draws with them, and especially with a simple pencil, knows: you can’t do without an eraser. It is especially necessary for those kids who are just learning to draw.

So when did eraser appear? Judging by her modern composition, relatively recently, but people have been drawing for thousands of years. But it turns out that the eraser was born... before a simple pencil! The eraser dates back to the 1700s, and the first graphite pencil was patented (that is, its authorship was recorded) in 1802.

Of course, eraser used to look completely different. To erase inscriptions made with charcoal or a bread pencil, they used... bread crumb! But from 1736 to 1746, one astronomer, surveyor and traveler Charles Marie de la Condamine was in South America. There he saw how the Indians extracted rubber from plants. The scientist brought samples of this substance to Europe. For a long time they didn’t know what to do with it, until one day another scientist, Jean-Hyacinthe de Magellan, accidentally tried to erase what he had written in pencil with it. So “Indian rubber” began to be used everywhere. However, natural rubber is sticky and deteriorates quickly when separated from plants. In 1844, Charles Goodyear figured out how to make rubber artificial so that it would not age. This is how a technological process appeared under the complex name “vulcanization”. Later, another American inventor, Hyman Lipman, was the first to come up with the idea of ​​combining a pencil and an eraser.

How does an eraser work? It turns out that in the process of rubbing the rubber band on the paper, electrostatic voltage appears. Very small graphite particles, separating from the paper, stick to the eraser particles. In addition, the eraser polishes the paper, making it smooth. A dirty piece of eraser crumbles together with adhered pencil particles - thus the eraser also cleans itself.

Riddles about the eraser

You are a colored pencil

Color all the drawings.

To correct them later,

It will be very useful...


All the drawings will be erased in an instant,

If she goes ahead.


If you give her a job,

The pencil was in vain.


What is plasticine made from?

Before the invention of plasticine, people sculpted from clay. Professional sculptors still use it today. However, plasticine is convenient for kids - there is no need to fuss with water to soften the clay. You can always knead it and mold something again, but clay dries out, and in order to mold it again, you need to place it in water. In addition, plasticine can be bright colors, which cannot but attract the attention of children. What is plasticine made from? It consists of crushed and purified clay powder, only wax, animal fats and substances are added there that prevent it from drying out. The very word “plasticine” comes from the Italian word plastilina, and it comes from the ancient Greek plastos, which means “molded, plastic.” Two people claimed authorship for the invention of plasticine: the German pharmacist Franz Kolb in 1880 and the English art school teacher William Harbutt in 1899. Moreover, both patents for inventions represented a non-drying material that could be used repeatedly. At first there was plasticine gray, like clay, but then, seeing how children were happily modeling from it, Villas Harbutt began adding pigments (dyes) of plant origin to it.

Riddles about plasticine

I will blind anyone:

A wolf, a doll in a fashionable dress.

In class we create.

Much needed...


I made a bun,

Flattened it slightly.

It turned out to be a pancake.

Very soft...


I'm ready to blind the whole world:

House, car, two cats.

Today I am the ruler -

I have...


Who came up with the line?

A ruler is a very important item. Kids in kindergarten they learn to draw straight lines along it, schoolchildren use it to build figures and measure their length and width, and for drafting engineers and architects it is generally a working tool.

Where did the line come from? During excavations ancient city Pompeii archaeologists found carefully planed planks. Scientists decided that ancient people drew straight lines on them. Later, in the Middle Ages, monks were considered the most literate people; they used thin plates of hard metal– lead.

People used all sorts of objects to draw straight lines, even iron rods! Remember yourself, parents: when there is no ruler at hand, we draw... using the cover of another notebook, a plastic card, even mobile phone! This was the case in ancient times.

But the modern line begins with French Revolution 1789. Then scientists were given task: invent new system measures Everything old was exchanged for new: the calendar, the names of the months, money. The French Delambre and Mechain first calculated the length of the earth's meridian - 40 thousand kilometers. From this measurement we took the forty-millionth part and got the meter. Later, the meter was divided into centimeters, and the centimeter into millimeters.

At first, meter-sized rulers were used only in academies. Later, students began to use them. Only in early XIX centuries, rulers appeared in ordinary schools and became much smaller in size.

Riddles about the ruler

I love directness
And it's straight.
Make a straight line
I help everyone.


Straight line, come on,
Draw it yourself!
It's complicated science!
Will come in handy here...


Diana Maratova

Like a little bulldozer
The path plows along the paper,
Leaving behind
A blank slate... Well, who is he?

He is the proofreader's great-grandfather,
And he is almost a hundred years old!
He erases it white
All letters are in pencil! (eraser)

Who cleans up
It returns to the sheet
Pristine beauty?
He flutters across the paper,
leaves behind
Clean trail - he knows his stuff!
Who is this neat guy?
Who erases the whole line,
Guess quickly, well?..

If I get down to business,
Pencil - watch out!
I will step boldly
For color painting,
And I'll erase it from the paper,
No matter how hard you work,
Well, I just need
Destroy all traces! (eraser)

I'm a rubber worker
And with me there is white paper,
There are no squiggles on it,
No traces of the blue pen,
I even wash them -
I can handle their affairs!
I'll wipe it here and there,
Without me you have bedlam!

King of beautiful proposals
And unnoticeable corrections,
A blot or an accident
It will be fixed instantly - contact us!

If it weren't for me, the world would be mired
Covered in marks and terrible dirt!
The artist would be like without hands,
After all, I am his friend in art!
With me and a pencil
He goes straight to the goal!
He applies bold strokes,
I am a perfect helper!

Rubs to holes - but not a washcloth,
And he lives in a pencil case,
Who calls him "washer"
But actually (eraser) he is!

Lives in the pencil case, in the preparation room,
And it can live in a pencil!
And at work he does the laundry,
Erases everything, around, everywhere!

Who keeps it clean?
Cleaning a sheet of paper,
Who sacrifices himself like that?
What rubs off the sides
All unnecessary touches
For the sake of this purity,
So that the drawing is beautiful,
And the errors are not visible?

Once upon a time there was a pencil named Rainbow, that’s what dad called him, an old, covered with writing. Simple pencil, because the Rainbow was born cheerful and colorful, and after itself it left a trail of colorful paths. And everything would have been fine if Gray Pencil hadn’t forgotten the name of Rainbow’s friend, without whom he would have a hard time in life. Well, Rainbow himself, on the occasion of his recent birth, still knew absolutely nothing at all - neither about his friends, nor about anyone except himself and his old dad. How excited poor Gray pencil was, he even broke his lead from what scary pictures were drawn in his pencil imagination: as if little Rainbow was drawing, but not that, but there was no one to help, that is, to erase the unnecessary mark and leave the correct line! How can he, poor thing, live and draw correctly, who will help him except forgotten friend? How can you remember the name of this friend? And here to the rescue Gray pencil his friend Inkwell came, even more ancient, it had not been used for a long time, but was left on the table as a rarity. She advised him to write down on a piece of paper all the qualities that each other has. forgotten name and turn to the best, smartest children in the world - they will definitely guess! So (eraser)

Rubs - but not a washcloth,
Rubber - but does not stretch,
Multi-colored - but not a pencil,
Cleans - but not a brush,
Erases - but not a corrector,
An artist needs - but not a brush,
Bouncy - but not a ball,
Flexible - but not a rod,
A student's assistant - but not a pen,
Lives in the preparation room - but not a compass,
Soft - but not cotton wool,
Small - but not pea-sized?

Other riddles:

Picture Eraser