Riddles about stationery. Lesson notes for the "iso-thread" club

Riddles about stationery:

for preschoolers 5-6 years old and children of primary school age.

T. Lavrova

My friend, although small,
But he works with his soul.
All the mistakes, squiggles,
What does a pen write in a notebook?
It will clean in one sitting.
He even “eats” blots too!
How good, chewy -
Soft light school...( eraser)

Still life, landscape, portrait
I've been drawing for hundreds of years.
I'm very good with paints
I also serve artists.
Soft like a pussy
Thin...( tassel)

I'm friends with objects
I'll tell you everything about them.
I measure height, length,
Width and depth.
Although the price is a trifle, a penny,
I'm great...( ruler)

What is this strange box?
It contains a ruler, pens, and a stopper.
Simple pencil, toffee,
Last year's note.
Well, guys, did you guess it?
Everything lies in mine..( pencil case)

L. Kusturova

I open the doors to the house.
I check if it contains:
pen, eraser, pencil.
I am your master now.(Pencil case)

N. Afromeeva

I have a cube in my pencil case
Pink colour.
But this is not chewing gum at all,
this is not candy.
The pencil suddenly drew a letter,
like a tadpole.
That's when I'll need it
my helper...( eraser)

G. Puntusova

A familiar thing to everyone -
Simply a wonderful dancer!
Performing a pirouette
Leaves a blue trail:
Letter, letter, squiggle...
“Hello everyone! Yours....( Pen).

S. Neversky

On paper it’s not in vain
you write out the words in paste.
It was more common before
pump ink into it.
Children, what is this thing?!
Come on, together...(Pen)

It's like a magician's wand
just turn your gaze
on cardboard and paper
draw your own pattern.
This Friend in the pencil case is ours.
Children, let's say...(Pencil)

It is of different colors, flexible,
We are not afraid of mistakes.
Everything is in his power to fix.
Children, let's say this is...(Eraser)

We will get our paints -
"oil", watercolor, gouache.
The leaf immediately turned green.
And they will paint it...(Brushes)

She will make it faster
any pencil is sharper.
Multi-colored girlfriend
shavings come out of it.
We say: "What are you, what are you,
You’ll get tired from work!”
She responds with a grin!
Children, this is...(Sharpener)

N. Gubskaya

Without her, I will say,
Straight line
You can't draw a single one
You can't measure the length either.
Answer me quickly!
It's called...( ruler)

We write in her notebook
Letters in order.
Something we really need,
And it’s simply called...( pen)

N. Kechatova

The pencil puffed and scribbled,
He created a long and long line...
Suddenly he wrote in the wrong place - hello!
Come on, where is our nimble...( eraser)

Don't get lost in a bunch
Eraser, pencil and pen,
Buttons, compasses - everything assembled
Loving order...( pencil case)!

To make the circle even,
A faithful friend will help us,
True, a small hole
It will be left on the piece of paper...( compass)!

V. Tunnikov

House for pens and pencils.
It is locked with a padlock for kids.
His schoolchildren take him to school
And they put it in the backpack along with the notebooks.
(Pencil case)

M. Blinnikova

Draw exactly the lines
We don't know how. How to be?
Line like a snake?
Here we need...( ruler)

You can get into the paint with your finger,
only better way There is.
The colors are very tired,
Well, when will you take it...( brush)

A. Chugunnikov

I don't read books at all
And without them I know a lot
I never say
And I create without a voice,
You just have to take it in your hand
And write the words by me.
I'm the goose's granddaughter
And what is my name? ( Pen).

D. Loginov

Two sheets together
He will fasten it, open the cap.
You can smear it, don’t be sorry.
And everyone calls him...?( glue)

Bent wire hook
Connects sheets into a lock
And it holds the leaf very tightly.
We call her... ?( clip).

S. Podgorskaya

The pencil is my best friend
I'll erase the excess around.

T. Efimova

It will crawl across the paper,
It will clean everything up, it will lick everything off,
Like a little toothy one!
Well, of course it is?!

The vase suddenly broke! Oh!
How to cope with trouble here?!
Don't worry and hurry up
Scrape again to super

Guess what kind of miracle?!
I will glue it with this film!
Could easily help
Even glue a book together!?

Collecting a briefcase using this will be very exciting for you and your future first graders. Children will enjoy these school riddles during developmental classes in preparation for school.

In a snowy field along the road
My one-legged horse is rushing
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

If you sharpen it,
You can draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this?..

Black Ivashka –
Wooden shirt,
Where he leads his nose,
He puts a note there.

There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench guides both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

Students are sitting behind her
There are textbooks on it,
Notebooks, pens, map-
Not just a table, but a (desk)

Talk to her more often
You will become four times smarter

Although not a hat, but with a brim,
Not a flower, but with a root,
Talking to us
With a patient tongue.

In black and white
They write every now and then.
Rub with a rag -
Blank page.

Who am I if I'm straight
My main trait?

magic wand
I have friends
With this stick
I can build
Tower, house and plane
And a huge ship!

He confessed to the knife:
- I'm without work.
Give me a whack, my friend.
So that I can work.

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line.
Be able to write about them!

Its leaves are white and white,
They don't fall from branches.
I make mistakes on them
Among the stripes and cells.

For me, brothers, the rubber band is a fierce enemy!
I can't get along with her in any way.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - no cat!
With her nice picture don't create!
So I cursed the rubber band out loud...

Huddle in a narrow house
Multi-colored kids.
Just let it go -
Where was the emptiness
There, look, there is beauty!
(Colour pencils)

If you give her a job -
The pencil was in vain.

In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, quills, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul.
(Pencil case)

Ten on the six
Smart circles sat down
And they count out loud
All you can hear is knock and knock!

Your braid without fear
She dips it in paint.
Then with a dyed braid
In the album he leads along the page.

Multicolored sisters
Bored without water.
Uncle, long and thin,
He carries water with his beard.
And his sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke.
(Brush and paints)

Dirty, mischievous
Suddenly she sat down on the page.
Because of this mistress
I received one.

White hare in a black field
Jumped, ran, did loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare?...

The white pebble has melted
He left marks on the board.

Students write to them,
Answering at the board.

Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles.

I carry a new house in my hand,
The house door is locked.
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important.

You are a colored pencil
Color all the drawings.
To correct them later,
It will be very useful...

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
Today I am the ruler -
I have...(Plasticine)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my backpack...

I'm ready for training starts,
I'll be sitting down soon...

I draw corners and squares
I'm in class...

And every schoolchild understands
What I really need...

Straight line, come on,
Draw it yourself!
It's complicated science!
Will come in handy here...

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Schoolboy, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am...
(Pencil case)

Glue together a ship, a soldier,
Steam locomotive, car, sword.
And it will help you guys

How boring it is, brothers,
Ride on someone else's back!
Someone would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run on my own. (Knapsack)

In strict order -
Forty names
In a thick notebook.
To their right
Lined cells
So as not to run away
Your marks. (Cool magazine)

Topic No. 1Familiarity with safety precautions when working with basic tools (needle, scissors, compass).


Introduce children to safety precautions when working with the tools necessary for practicing isothread.

Progress of the lesson
The rules of this game are as follows: I will tell you a riddle. If you guess it correctly, I take out from the chest the corresponding tool that we will use in class, and tell you what rules you need to follow so as not to quarrel with this tool.
Riddles about the needle

I'm looking for a way with my nose,
I'm dragging my tail behind me.
A steel horse with a flaxen tail.
There is only one ear on the whole body.
The pig is running - golden bristles.
The toe is steel and the tail is linen.
Rules for using a needle

5. The thread should not be bitten off with your teeth.
Riddles about scissors
Experienced tool -
Not big, not small.
He has a lot of worries:
He both cuts and shears.
Look, we have opened our mouths -
You can put paper in it,
Paper in our mouth
Will split into parts.
Rules for using scissors

2. You can pass scissors to each other only with the rings facing forward.
The pencil riddle
Smart Ivashka,
Wooden shirt,
It will pass and touch the sheet,
The trace remains there.
Rules for using a pencil
2. The pencil should not be dropped on the floor, as it will often break.
Ruler riddle
Who am I if I'm straight
My main trait? (V. Berestov)
Rules for using the ruler

Riddle about the compasses
My circus performer, dashing circus performer
Draws a circle with one foot
And the other pierced the paper,
I clung on and didn't take a step. (V. Berestov)
Rules for using a compass This is a special tool. It has a needle at one end and a pencil at the other. You must use it carefully so as not to prick yourself or break the pencil lead.



Progress of the lesson Educator: Guys, today we will learn how to perform one of the main elements of isothread - filling the corner. Look at your cardboards. An angle is drawn on them. On the sides of the corner you can see pierced holes-dots. There is a number next to each dot. Note the order in which the points are numbered. (The teacher shows on the demonstration material the order in which the points are numbered.) Please take a needle and thread and let’s get to work. Let's stick a needle into the point under? 1 on one side of the corner (shown). Now we find the point? 1 on the other side of the corner, insert the needle into this point from the front side, bring the needle to the wrong side of the cardboard. Now we find the point? 2 near the point from where the thread was pulled. Let's stick the needle into this point. Next, draw the needle to the point? 2 on the other side of the corner - from the front side to the wrong side. Now we find the point? 3 near the point from where the thread was pulled. (As the children complete the task, I help those who find it difficult.) Is everyone finished? Check out how Sharik and Murka work. Which one of them starts the job right? (The teacher shows the children pictures of Sharik and Murka embroidering.) Well done! You have well mastered the basic technique of isothread - filling the corner.

Topic No. 3. Fungus.


1. Introduce the isothread technique.

2. Teach children to distinguish the front and back sides of products, to perform an acute angle pattern (show that the threads intersect on the front side, and only stitches are visible on the back side).

3. Reinforce the concepts of angle, vertex of an angle, left and right sides of an angle.

4. Train children to thread a needle and secure it on the wrong side with tape.

5. Teach how to complete the image after embroidering the corner.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator - Children, how can you depict an object? (Draw, sculpt, make an applique or craft.)

And I depicted him like this.

What object did I depict? (Fungus)

Why did you guess so quickly? The hat is depicted, the leg and grass are drawn.)

I depicted this mushroom using a technique unfamiliar to you. The technique is called “Isothread”.

Why do you think it is called that? (The item is depicted with threads.)

This technique can be used to depict not only a fungus, but also other objects. (Exhibit samples.)

This technique is very interesting and entertaining, but it requires patience, perseverance and perseverance. I hope that you are persistent, patient, diligent and attentive in everything you do. (Hand out the blanks.)

Children look at the teacher's samples.

Educator. – Each product has a front and a back side. How do you understand what the front side is?

What is the wrong side?

Where are the front and back sides of this product? How did you determine? (Children's answers.)

What is the difference between the placement of threads on the front and back sides? (On the front side they intersect, but on the back side there are only stitches.)

How can you say this differently? (Trace after trace, in a row, in a string. The entire fungus is on the front drawing, and only the corner is drawn on the wrong side.)

Examination of blanks.

Pick up your cardboard. What colour is he? (White) The cardboard is white on one side and gray on the other.

Where do you think the front side of your cardboard will be? Look closely at your cardboard from the front and back. What is the difference? (on the front side there are only holes, and on the wrong side there is a corner and holes.)

Looking at the corner from the inside out...

Who can explain what an angle is? Draw an angle using your hands.

Now in the picture indicate the left and right sides of the corner. Find the top.

Count the holes - the holes on both sides of the corner. How many are there?

Where does the count start?

What can be concluded? (Wherever we start counting from, it will still be 12. Both sides have the same number of holes, there are 12.)

To make your work easier, I drew a corner on the wrong side in advance and punched holes. You will need to embroider this corner yourself.

Now attention! You will do the work with me.

Topic No. 4. House.


1. Continue training in the isothread technique, teach how to perform an obtuse angle (roof of a house).

2 Continue to consolidate knowledge of the rules of working with isothread.

3. Learn to select thread colors.


For the teacher - finished sample. For a child - a blank - a picture with a drawn rectangle - a house wall, threads, scissors, a needle.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. – Today we continue to engage in isothreading. And we will work... guess what. (Shows the workpiece.)

Did you guess it? What does it look like? Explain why you think so?

The wall is ready, but the roof needs to be covered with tiles. Who knows what tiles are?

What does the word shard mean? This is a large piece from a broken clay pot; they were not thrown away, but collected and stored, so that later they could cover the roof with shards.

Later they learned to make special clay plates, called them tiles and began to use them to cover roofs, because clay does not allow water to pass through.

You will draw the wall of the house, whichever one you want, but we will make the roof using the needlework technique. Like this.

Choose the thread color. Before we begin, let's remember the rules for working with a needle.
1. Store the needle only in a needle bed and with thread.

4. Do not stick the needle into clothing or keep it in your mouth.

The children do the work, and the teacher helps the children.

Children can finish drawing in their free time from classes.

Subject №5. "Carrot"


1Introduce the isothread technique.

2. Teach children to distinguish the front side and the back side of products, to perform an acute angle pattern (show that the threads intersect on the front side, and only stitches are visible on the back side)

3.Reinforce the concepts: angle, vertex of an angle, left and right sides of an angle.

4. Practice threading a needle and tying a knot.

5.Teach how to complete the image after embroidering the corner.


For the teacher - a ready-made sample. For a child - a blank - a picture with a drawn acute angle, threads, scissors, a needle, felt-tip pens.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Children, remember what the plants growing in the garden are called?

If the children list, ask: - name them in one word.

Vegetables have different shapes, size and color. Which vegetable can be depicted with isothread, and why? Look at the carrot and tell me how I did it?

Children look at the sample, talk about the sequence of work, answering the teacher’s questions.

Where did I start and where did I end? After the story, the children do the work.

Where did I start?

What angle do you see?

Why is it called spicy?

You are right, children. This angle is really sharp. To ensure that the sides of the corner were even, I drew them along the ruler... like this.

What did I do next?

That's right, I pierced holes - holes.

When performing work, do not forget about the safety rules and use of tools.

Finally, the children finish drawing the carrot.

Topic 7. Pattern on the stripe


1. Reinforce the ability to make two corners with isothread on a strip of colored cardboard.

2. Repeat the rules of isothread embroidery.


For the teacher - a model.

For children - narrow strips of colored cardboard (15x5 cm) with holes marked on them, the distance between the holes is 0.7 cm; needles, colored threads, scissors, rectangular triangles-rulers.

Progress of the lesson


Children, look at the drawing on the reverse side of the cardboard. How many angles do you see? (Four).

Show them. (Children show angles on their blanks).

Can they be called straight? (No).

What are they like? (Sharp and blunt). How did you determine this? (Attached triangles).

How many sharp corners? (Two). Where are they located? (Up and down).

Explain how you got these angles? (Two straight lines intersected).

What do all four corners have in common? (Vertex).

Where is it located, can you show me? (In the middle, where all the lines intersect).

Notice that all the angles are facing each other.

How can you say it differently? (Angles are located opposite each other - acute against acute, obtuse against obtuse).

What else, besides the vertex, do the angles have in common? (Parties). Show them and explain between which angles they are common? (Between blunt and acute).

Children, common sides can also be called adjacent. Today we will only do sharp corners. The front side should have a pattern like this. (Shows a sample).

Look carefully, where is the bend directed? (Towards the top).

Now let’s be patient, pick up the guide threads and get to work.

Independent work of children

As the work progresses, the teacher asks the question: where should the work begin, how to fasten the thread from the back side.

Topic No. 8. Pattern on the bookmark


1. Make a pattern consisting of three corners on the narrow side of the cardboard.

2. Determine the direction of the angles.

3. Determine the number of holes on the side of the corner.

4. Strengthen the ability to independently select the color of threads.


For the teacher - a strip with three corners.

For children - strips of colored cardboard measuring 15x5 cm with marked corners and holes - 0.7 cm; for each child a ruler, colored threads three colors, needle, scissors.

Progress of the lesson


How is this bookmark different from the bookmark we made before? (It has three corners).

What features of these angles did you notice? (They are the same; all sharp; different in color; their tops point in the same direction).

What do you think I used to make this bookmark? (Needle, awl, thread, ruler).

Next comes independent work children on embroidering corners with isothread. The teacher helps them using different techniques approval, asks questions about the rules for making corners,, if necessary, provides an individual demonstration, gives advice, etc.

Topic No. 9: “Goldfish”


Continue teaching children the isothread technique.

Strengthen angle skills.

Train children in the ability to thread a needle, choose the color of the thread themselves, and complete the image after embroidery.

To develop a sense of color, neatness and independence.


For each child - a colored cardboard with a corner drawn on the reverse side, holes made, a needle with a wide eye, thread, scissors, felt-tip pens, and tape.

Preliminary work:

Reading the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, the Russian folk tale “Po pike command" Watching the video “At the Command of the Pike” and “Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish.”

Embroidery corners

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Do you want to be in a fairy tale? (children's answers) Go to the carpet, sit down and close your eyes.

(music turns on and a fish appears, reads an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

Can you guess who it is? And from what fairy tale did it come to us? gold fish? Who wrote this fairy tale?

Children: A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

Educator: In what other fairy tales can we meet a fish? Children: In Russian folk tale"By magic"

Educator: Now Zhenya will ask you a riddle:

Glass house on the window

With clear water
With rocks and sand at the bottom

And with a golden fish.

Children: Aquarium

Educator: That's right, well done! I also have a magical aquarium, but there are no fish in it. How can you make fish?

Children: You can sculpt, make applique, draw, embroider

Fish: That's right, well done! I want you to embroider for me

fish friends using the isothread technique.

Educator: Okay, we’ll embroider the fish on cardboard with colored threads. We will work with a needle and scissors. Let's remember the rules for using a needle.

Children: Store the needle only in a pincushion and with thread.

Do not drop the needle on the floor.

Pass the needle to each other only with the blunt end first.

Do not stick the needle into clothing or keep it in your mouth.

The thread should not be bitten off with your teeth.

Do not hold scissors with the sharp ends facing up.

You can pass scissors to each other only in rings

Educator: And now we begin to work. Take the needles and thread and thread the needle. Choose the color of the thread yourself according to your wishes. And secure the thread with tape. (I help as needed)

Take some cardboard and let’s start working with me.

(They got down to business boldly, with a smile and diligence)

(If you do it hastily, you’ll do it out of laughter)

We begin to embroider the tail of the fish (corner).

First, insert the needle from the wrong side into the number 1 (red), pull the thread to the front side and insert the needle into the top of the corner

From the inside out, insert the needle into number 1 (blue),

Then to number 2 (red)

And so we reach the last hole on both sides of the corner.

(On the front side the threads intersect, on the wrong side the stitches go down on one side and up on the other).

We fasten the thread.

Educator: Now, with the help of felt-tip pens, let’s draw the fish’s body, eyes, mouth and fins. We cut out with scissors.

You haven't forgotten that our aquarium is magical. The fish will feel good in it if you launch them with your desire.

(Children stick fish in the aquarium and say their wish)

Fish: Oh, how I liked my girlfriends. In parting, I want to treat you guys to a treat. (The fish gives the children a treat)

Topic 10. “Christmas tree”


1. Using stencil triangles, place one triangle under the other (herringbone).

2. Practice punching holes using a stencil.

3. Improve the ability to work with isothread.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - 15x10 cm cardboard, with a straight line and two limiting lines marked on the back side in the center, an envelope with stencils, a pencil, a ruler, a set of green threads different shades, needle, scissors, lining.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher shows the children a sample and asks them to think about what needs to be done to depict such a Christmas tree, and establishes a sequence of actions.

What should you do first? (Apply the drawing to reverse side cardboards).

How to use stencils? (Put on top of each other).

Is it possible to use an angle? (Can).

Why are the lines applied? vertical line and two side ones?

What will we do after we draw the corners along the stencil? (Children's answers).

What rule do you need to remember? (The number of holes should be the same on both sides of the corner).

What are the rules for working with an awl?

Do you think the upper branches of the spruce tree are lighter than the lower branches?

Explain the selection of threads.


1. Continue teaching children the ability to analyze the pattern on the wrong side of the workpiece (compare the length of the sides of the corner, the number of holes on the sides, etc.).

2. Exercise children in making sharp angles directed in opposite directions.


For the teacher - a model.

For children - narrow strips measuring 15x5 cm with marked corner lines and pierced holes (the short side of the corner has eight holes with a distance of 0.5 cm between them, the length of the side is 4 cm, the long side also has eight holes with a distance of 1 cm between them, the length its 8 cm); needle, thread, scissors.

Progress of the lesson


Children, look at the drawing on the reverse side of the workpiece. How many angles do you see? (Two).

Do they have a common vertex? (No). Why did you come to this conclusion? What can be said about the features of these angles? What can you say about the length of the sides? (one is longer than the other).

What is the conclusion? (The sides are different in length: one is longer than the other).

What about the number of holes on each side? (It is the same, there are 8 holes on each side).

What feature did you notice? (The distances between the holes are different, but the number of holes is the same.)

The teacher’s conclusion: “This means that the number of holes does not depend on the distance.”

Now let’s try to depict each corner with isothread. You already know how to do this. Select the threads for each corner yourself.

The teacher shows his example. When the children finish their work, the teacher invites them to compare their work with the model.


1. Reinforce the concept of acute and obtuse angles.

2. Continue training in the ability to analyze samples.

3. Use isothread to make obtuse corners.

4. Practice securing knots on the wrong side.


For the teacher - a model.

For children - narrow strips measuring 15x5 cm with printed lines and holes, the distance between the holes is 0.7 cm; needles, scissors, right triangles.

The lesson is conducted similarly to the lesson on topic 11.

Topic 13. Right angles


1. Analysis of the pattern on the reverse side of the workpiece.

2. Determining angles from a rectangle.

3. Side comparison.

4. Repetition of the rules for making corners.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child – a colored strip of cardboard measuring 15x5 cm, a stencil right angle; needle, colored threads, scissors.

Progress of the lesson


Children, look at this sample from the front side. How many angles do you see? Where do the vertices point? Where does the concave side of the figure point?

What can you say about the other two sides of a triangle-like figure?

Now look at your blanks from the wrong side. How to determine which angles are shown in the picture? (attach stencil)

Show the angles on the triangle stencil and name them. (This angle is acute, this one is also acute, and this one is straight).

How many holes are there on the short side?

How much is on the long side?

Where did you start counting? (some from the top of the corner, some from the end of the side).

What conclusion can be drawn? (The number of holes is the same on the short and long sides).

What shape does the embroidered pattern on the stripe look like? (On a rectangle).

Now try to make such a bookmark yourself. Choose the threads yourself.

As the work progresses, the teacher asks the children to remember the sequence of making right angles and asks them about the choice of threads.

At the end of the work, the teacher asks the children questions:

Children, if you accidentally made a mistake and noticed an error in your work, what would you do? Will you correct it or leave the work with an error?

What mistakes can be made when working with isothread? (Children list).

How to fix them?

What needs to be done to prevent mistakes at work?

I'll learn how to draw a drawing,

Perform using isothread.

I'll learn to see mistakes

I'll learn how to fix them!

Topic 14. “Cap cap”


1. Teach children to work with a stencil, select the right angle for the drawing. (The drawing was made by the children the day before).

2. Teach how to poke holes in cardboard with an awl according to the marks on the stencil.

3. Further consolidation of knowledge of the rules of working with isothread.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child:

1. Envelope with triangle stencils. It is better to make stencils from thick cardboard; divisions should be applied with a fountain pen. The number of divisions on both sides should be the same.

2. An awl with a short needle.

3. Foam plate.

4. Colored cardboard with a drawn object, which must be supplemented with an image of a corner.

5. Threads (colored), needle, scissors, simple pencil.

Progress of the lesson


Children, yesterday we drew the head of a funny little man. At home I “put” a pointed cap on his head, it turned out to be Parsley. Maybe you would like to depict Parsley's cap with isothread and put it on your little man's head?

Let's see what we have in the envelopes? What are these figures called? (Triangles). What's special about them? (They are all different. There are dashes on both sides - serifs).

Use your hand to show any vertex of the angle and the sides emanating from the vertex. (Children show the corners and run their fingers along one side and the other).

These triangular shapes are called stencils. They will help you apply the angle and pierce the holes. Look how I do it. First I select the right stencil: this one is small and doesn’t fit, this one is big and doesn’t fit either, but this one does!

Then I press the stencil firmly against the design and trace the corner with a pencil. What should be done after this? (Poke holes).

For this we need what? (awl).

And so as not to damage the table with an awl, I prepared foam pads. I line the foam and pierce the holes with an awl.

To ensure that the distances between the holes are the same, we will pierce the holes with an awl near the marks on the stencil.

Now let's start working on our own. First, select the desired angle and outline it with a pencil. Did everyone do this?

The teacher distributes awls and foam plates to the children.

Place the design on the foam, press the stencil tightly against the design with your hand so that it does not move, and carefully pierce the cards with an awl near the divisions on the stencil.

After the children finish working with the awl, it must be taken away from them immediately.

Don't forget to count the holes on the sides; there should be the same number of them. (Children check the number of holes. Since each child has his own stencil, the number of holes may be different: one child has 17, another has 18, a third has 20, etc.)

Now let’s select the threads of the desired color and make a corner using the isothread technique. You already know how to do this.

Completed works are reviewed by the children and then put away in folders.

Umbrella theme

First you need to select an obtuse angle for the umbrella using a stencil, then pierce the holes and make the angle. At the end of the work, children draw those who are hiding under the umbrella.

Vase theme

First you need to draw the leg of the vase, then, using a stencil, make a bowl that looks like a triangle using isothread. At the end of the work, each child draws what might be in the vase.

Theme "Sail"

First, a boat is drawn, then the children select a right angle using a stencil, pierce holes and work with isothread.

Theme "Bird"

Children draw a bird and make a tail using a stencil.

In these classes, the stencil is applied to the front side; in subsequent classes, the angle pattern is applied to the back side.

Classes on these topics are conducted similarly to lesson 11.


1. By analyzing an object, show that it can consist of several triangles. Invite children to compare triangles.

2. Continue practicing making holes using a ruler.

3. Teach children to determine the distance in centimeters on a ruler.


For the teacher - a model.

For children - colored cardboard measuring 15x5 cm with lines on the wrong side (the lines are drawn in advance by the teacher), an awl, a foam lining, threads, a needle, scissors.

Progress of the lesson


Children, what is shown here? (Children's answers vary.)

I depicted a TV tower. What is the shape of the TV tower like? (On the triangle).

How many triangles did I model the TV tower from? (Out of three). Tell us about the arrangement of these triangles. (Left, right, below). Are there any identical triangles? How are they similar? (Two triangles each have an obtuse angle, one long side and the other short).

Let's look at the lines on the wrong side. Turn your pieces over. What do you see? (Three corners).

What do all angles have in common? (Vertexes and sides).

Where is the peak located?

What should you use when piercing? (With polystyrene foam and an awl).

While you're laying down the foam, I'll hand you out the awls. Pierce along the marked holes.

At the end of the work, the teacher invites the children to make up a riddle about the TV tower.

Topic 20. “Maple Leaf”


1. Continue teaching children how to depict objects (in in this case Maple Leaf; the image consists of five corners).

2. Analysis of samples.

3. Exercise children in piercing holes with an awl and independently choosing the color of the threads.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - 15x10 cm colored cardboard with lines drawn on the reverse side, an awl, threads, a needle, scissors, lining.

Progress of the lesson


Children, you know how to draw different leaves. Which leaf is more difficult to draw? (Maple).

Here's how a maple leaf can be depicted with isothread. (Shows a sample). How many triangles does it consist of? (Out of five).

Explain how each triangle is positioned? (Children explain in detail the location of each triangle).

Are there any identical triangles? Where are they located?

Where are all the triangles pointing?

Show what they have in common (Children's answers).

What color of thread can I choose for the image? (Red, dark red, orange, yellow, green, brown).

Take the blank. Let's look at the reverse side. How many angles do you see? (five).

What should you get on the front side if you make one corner? (One part maple leaf- one triangle).

How many triangles do you need to complete to get the entire sheet? (Five).

Are the sheets the same size? Show where the sharp angles are and where the obtuse ones are. (Children show the named angles).

Place the piece on the backing and punch the holes marked on the sides of all corners. (Gives each child an awl, which is taken away as soon as the work with it is completed). You need to start punctures from the common top.

Children place a foam pad under the cardboard. The teacher reminds them how to hold the awl.

What should you do to avoid injecting a friend, and not injecting yourself? (Children answer).

Children choose their own thread color. To complete the entire maple leaf, you can choose three colors: orange, yellow, red.

Topic 21. “Snowflake”


1. Make a snowflake from six triangles.

2. Analyze the sample.

3. Determine the direction of the angles.

4. Independent work with an awl.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - cardboard 15x10 cm, with intersecting lines of the same length (4-6 cm); awl, needle, white thread, scissors, ruler, lining.

The lesson is conducted in the same way as lesson 20.

Section two. Circles.

Topic 1. “Swallow”


For the teacher - a model.

Progress of the lesson

Children, how can you convey the image of a bird using stencils of corners and circles? (Pick up corners for the tail and beak, a circle for the head, put them on top of each other and embroider with isothread).

Now find the triangles for the tail and beak. Lay them down to make a bird. Check if the head and beak are large, and if the tail is small?

Topic No. 2 Pattern on a strip


1. Create a pattern of corners and circles by overlapping each other.

2. Improving skills in working with isothread technique.


For the teacher - a model.

Progress of the lesson


Now take a suitable circle stencil and place it on the center of the intersected lines so that the outer lines are equally distant from the circle. First pierce the holes along the stencil circle along the notches on the circle, then pierce the corners along the ruler, starting from the top (the distance between the holes is 0.5 cm). Make the pattern using the isothread technique. You need to start with a circle. Once the circle is completed, start making the corners.

Topic No. 3. "Flashlight"


1. Continue teaching children how to use a stencil and pierce holes themselves.

2. Exercise children in working with an awl.

3. Consolidate knowledge of the spatial arrangement of angles.


For each child - cardboard measuring 15x10 cm (lines are marked on the reverse side), an awl, foam lining, threads different color, needle, scissors.

Don't give a sample.

Progress of the lesson


Children, look at the back of your cardboard cards. How many angles do you see? (Four).

How are they located? (Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right).

What do they have in common? (Top, sides). Show adjacent sides, tell us about them.

What are the features of angles? (One side is short, the other is long, all angles are right).

How to get these angles? (When two lines intersect).

On the long side of the corner we will pierce holes with a distance of 1 cm. The first puncture is at the top.

The teacher distributes sewing to the children. Children pierce the long side, then the short one with a distance of 0.5 cm between the holes, determine the number of holes on the sides of the corner.

After the children pierce the holes, you need to immediately remove the awl.

The teacher suggests using threads of different colors.

After finishing the work, the children are asked to come up with a name for the resulting pattern. (You can call it a flashlight).

Topic No. 4 “Bookmark-gift for mom”


1. Practice the skills of making two corners on a narrow strip of cardboard.

2.Continue to strengthen the thread on the back side of the bookmark.

3. Determine the direction of the angles.

4. Strengthen the ability to independently select the color of threads.

5.Practice securing knots on the wrong side.


An example of a teacher.

Strip 15x10 cm, awl, foam padding, threads of different colors, needle, scissors.


Children, what is the name of the product I made? (Bookmark).

How is this bookmark different from the bookmark we made before? (It has two angles and a circle).

What features of these angles did you notice? (They are the same; all sharp; different in color; their tops point in the same direction). And the circle is between the corners.

What do you think I used to make this bookmark? (Needle, awl, thread, ruler, stencil).

Now let’s think about what weavings can be selected for this pattern. (Children’s answers can be very different: the two extreme corners - left and right - can be one color, and the central one another; they can be the same color, but different in tone, for example, dark, light, lightest; they can be different colors),

Why shouldn't the color of the thread match the color of the cardboard? (Because they will not be visible against its background).

This means that you need to take threads that would clearly stand out against the background of the cardboard.

Next comes the children’s independent work on embroidering corners and circles with isothread. The teacher helps them using various methods of approval, asks questions about the rules for making corners,, if necessary, provides individual demonstrations, gives advice, etc.

Topic 5. “House”


1. Create an image of a house using the isothread technique by placing corners on top of each other.

2. Continue analyzing the sample.

3. Teach children to create a drawing using reference points on the reverse side of the cardboard and pierce holes using a ruler.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - 15x10 cm cardboard, on the back of which there are reference points (by connecting them, the children will receive an image of a house); threads, awl, needle, pencil, scissors, ruler, lining.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher shows a picture of a house.

Children, guess how I depicted the house? (Children's answers).

How many corners did I have to do? (Five).

What is special about a square wall? (The four corners are superimposed on each other.) Where are the vertices of these angles? (At the corners of the square).

Look at the back of your cardboard, there are dots on it. What do you think they are for? How can they help you? (By connecting the dots we will help to depict the house).

Let's draw dots on the board in the same arrangement. Let's connect the dots to make a house. (One of the children connects the dots on the board.)

Children use a pencil and a ruler to connect the dots on their cardboard to create the outline of a house.

The teacher distributes awls. Children pierce holes along lines with a distance of 0.5 cm, starting from the top of the corner, after which they check the number of holes on both sides of the corner (it should be the same) and start working with isothread.

Ready-made houses can be used as a tool for further lessons with children.

Topic 6. “Riddle”


1. Strengthen the ability to analyze a sample, both from the front and back sides.

2. Exercise children in coordinating hand movements when piercing holes at a distance of 0.5 cm. Check visual acuity.

3. Repeat the rules for working with isothread.

4. Come up with a name for the pattern obtained on the front side of the product.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - colored cardboard 15x5 cm, with lines drawn on the wrong side by the teacher (the length of the corner side is 3.5 cm); awl, lining, thread, needle, scissors.

Progress of the lesson


Children, what does this pattern look like? (Children's answers may be different: net, crown, waves).

How many angles does it consist of?

How many angles are directed upward? How much down?

What do these angles have in common? (Parties).

Children, look at your preparations.

Now make the holes, starting from the top of the corner.

Take threads of two colors. First, embroider all the upper corners with one color, and then all the lower corners with another color.

After finishing the work, you can come up with a name for the pattern and make a riddle about it.


1. By connecting different angles of the circle, create the image of a person in long clothes.

2. Improve skills in performing corners and circles using the isothreading technique.

3. Cultivate diligence.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - a cardboard with images drawn on the back, threads, an awl, a needle, a ruler, scissors, and a lining.

Progress of the lesson

The work can be done in two stages (two classes): piercing and embroidery. First, the image on the back of the workpiece is analyzed.


What does this image look like? Why did you decide so?

How many angles does it have? How many circles?

What does each angle mean? (Children's answers).

Sequence of work: first, a large angle is performed (long clothes), then a circle (head), medium angles (sleeves), and small angles (patterns on the hem and sleeves).

Topic 8. “Christmas ball”


1. Teach children to make circles using the isothread technique using stencils.

2. Introduce the rules and sequence of working with circles.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - colored cardboard 10x15 cm, an envelope with stencils of circles, a simple pencil, thread, an awl, a needle, a pencil, scissors, lining.

Progress of the lesson


Children, you have learned how to make corners using isothread, today we will learn how to draw circles.

Shows a sample.

What does it look like? (For a ball, hoop, wheel, Christmas ball).

Let it be a Christmas ball. On the front side of the cardboard, the threads come out of one hole and enter another; on the wrong side (turns the sample over), the threads form stitches.

Take the cardboard mugs out of the envelopes and examine them. Now let’s determine together the sequence of working with stencils.

Place the colored cardstock on the foam pad, wrong side up. We will draw circles on the wrong side. The design is always applied on the wrong side.

Take a circle of the required size and place it on the cardboard, pressing it tightly with your fingers. Trace the circle with a pencil and punch holes on the cardboard with an awl along the divisions on the stencil. (The teacher accompanies his explanation with a demonstration.)

Let's insert a needle and thread from the inside into hole 1. The thread goes along the front side and goes into hole 6. Remember the number 6. This is very important for further work. On the wrong side we insert the needle into hole 7. On the front side we insert the needle into hole 2. From the wrong side we insert the needle into hole 3. On the front side we insert the needle into hole 8, etc.

On the wrong side, the stitches go in a circle in one direction; they may or may not coincide with each other. There should be no intersection of threads on the wrong side. The top thread on the front side is always the last one. The very first thread is the bottom one.

As the work progresses, the teacher helps the children. When the threads on the front side form a corner near the hole, this makes the work easier: you can focus on them, they should be around the entire circumference. There is no need to rush the children. It is important that they understand the principle of embroidery: back and forth in a circle, moving along the wrong side one hole forward.

On the front side, the threads, intersecting each other, form a circle. The longer the chord, the wider the embroidery stripe. At the end of the work, you can ask the children how they embroidered, analyze finished works, note mistakes, praise good performance.

Lesson No. 9 “Sun”


1. Continue teaching children isothread.

2. Consolidate knowledge of the front and back sides of the work. Know which side you need to attach the thread on, which hand the needle should be in.

3. Continue to select thread colors according to the color of the cardboard.


For the teacher - a ready-made sample.

For each child, the preparation is the same as that of the teacher; threads of 2-3 colors of choice, needle, tape, scissors.

Progress of the lesson.


Children today we will continue to learn how to draw circles.

Shows a sample.

What does it look like? (For a ball, hoop, wheel, Christmas ball, sun).

Let it be the sun. On the front side of the cardboard, the threads come out of one hole and enter another; on the wrong side (turns the sample over), the threads form stitches.

Take the cardboard mugs out of the envelopes and examine them. Now let’s determine together the sequence of working with stencils. I perform the task by analogy. (see lesson No. 8).


1. Learn to create a pattern from circles of different sizes.

2. Exercise children in making circles using the isothread technique


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - colored cardboard 10x15 cm, an envelope with stencils of circles, a simple pencil, an awl, a needle, scissors, a foam pad, white thread.

Progress of the lesson

Children look at the sample.


What parts does a snowman consist of? What are the shape and size of its parts?

Determine the location of the circles on the plane of the sheet. (Bottom, middle, top).

Select stencils according to size and distribute them on cardboard. Trace the stencils with a pencil and punch holes.

A chord is a line connecting two points on a circle. (Points to the board). It can be long or short. The longer the chord, the smaller the circle inside the circle will be, made using the isothread technique. The shorter the chord, the larger the circle embroidered inside the circle will be. (Shows on the board with a thread).

Children are invited to perform a circle using the isothread technique. The teacher reminds you that you need to remember the number of holes between the two ends of the chord and that on the front side the threads go forward and backward, intersecting, and on the back side the stitches follow one after another in a circle.


3. Creating a pattern of corners and circles by overlapping each other.

4. Improving skills in working with isothread technique.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - a cardboard 10x15 cm with printed on the reverse side reference points, envelope with circle stencils, pencil, ruler, thread, awl, needle, pencil, scissors, lining.

Progress of the lesson


Children, look at the back of the cardboard and think about how you can connect the dots to get four corners with one common vertex?

The proposed answer options are discussed, and during the discussion the correct answer option is determined. Children connect the dots by drawing pencil lines along a ruler on their cardboard.

Now take a suitable circle stencil and place it on the center of the intersected lines so that the outer lines are equally distant from the circle. First pierce the holes in a stencil circle along the notches on the circle and corners. Make the pattern using the isothread technique. You need to start with a circle. Once the circle is completed, start making the corners.

Choose threads so that the corners lying opposite each other are made in the same color.

At the end of the work, the whole group examines the finished patterns and analyzes the choice of threads. In order to improve the technique of performing circles, the teacher conducts two more classes with children according to a single plan. Children practice working with stencils, develop their eye, and the teacher reinforces their concept of the chord.


1. Teach children to make a circle with two or three chords of different lengths.

2. Consolidate the acquired skills of working with isothread using stencils.


For each child - colored cardboard 10x15 cm, a stencil - a circle with divisions, a simple pencil, thread, an awl, a needle, a pencil, scissors, lining, tape.

Progress of the lesson


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - colored cardboard 10x15 cm, an envelope with stencils of circles and corners, a simple pencil, colored threads, an awl, a needle, a pencil, scissors, lining.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher (shows a sample):

Children, how can you convey the image of a chick using stencils of corners and circles? (Pick up corners for the tail and beak, a circle for the head, put them on top of each other and embroider with isothread).

Select a circle of the required size for your head. (Children choose the desired circle from the envelope).

Now find the triangles for the tail and beak. Layer them together to create a chick. Check if the head and beak are large, and if the tail is small?

The teacher checks the proportions of the applied stencils.

Start tracing the tail corner. Place the circle-head so that the top of the corner of the tail is in the center of the circle, then outline the beak.

Children perform stencil piercing on their own. The teacher reminds the children to press the stencil more tightly and make a puncture exactly opposite the division marks, determines the number of holes between the ends of the chord. Children choose the color of the thread themselves.

Topic 15. “Pattern in a circle”


3. Teach children to make a circle with two or three chords of different lengths.

4. Consolidate the acquired skills of working with isothread using stencils.


For each child - colored cardboard 10x15 cm, a stencil - a circle with divisions, a simple pencil, thread, an awl, a needle, a pencil, scissors, lining.

Progress of the lesson

Work begins with a longer chord, then work on the same circle along a short chord.

Children trace a circle using a stencil and pierce holes along the divisions on the circle, select threads (of the same color, but different tones - dark and light), work along a long chord with a dark-colored thread and along a short chord with a light-colored thread.

Topic No. 16 Dandelions


1. Teach children to create story compositions using circles of different sizes.

2. Improving the skills of securing the thread on the wrong side. Ability to use a needle correctly and identify the front and back sides of cardboard.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - colored cardboard, an envelope with stencils, and accessories necessary for working with isothread.

Progress of the lesson

Children look at the sample.


Children, what name can you give this work and why? What is the image composed (modeled) of?

How many colors did I use?

Compose the image yourself using stencils. Which side of the cardboard will you apply the stencils to?

Start punching holes from the top of the corner. Holes in a circle according to the stencil, without missing a single division. And start embroidering.

Give praise upon completion of work.

Topic 17. Feather of the Firebird


1. Further improvement of skills in working with isothread.

2. Mastering the curl technique.

3. Development of the eye.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - colored cardboard 10x15 cm, a simple pencil, an eraser, an awl, a needle, a pencil, scissors, lining, threads: yellow, orange, red, crimson, dark red.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher shows an image of a curl on cardboard. Children draw a curl by hand with a pencil, straighten the irregularities using a ruler, mark points on the line for holes (their number is arbitrary). This work must be done slowly, trying to place the points at the same distance from each other. The teacher checks that the distances between the points are the same, and only after that the children begin to pierce holes at the points on the curl. You can start from any end of the curl, remembering the desired number, for example 15. Having brought the thread from the zero mark (from the first point), the needle is inserted into the fifteenth hole, and then in a circle. Moving forward along the curl, children constantly count down the 15th hole along the front side. Only the stitches remain on the reverse side.

To give the curl (“feather”) a picturesque look, take short threads; as soon as the thread of one color runs out, continue working with a thread of a different color. At the end of the work, the children analyze the images on the cardboard.

Topic 18. “Wave”

The lesson is carried out similarly to lesson 17. Instead of a stencil for drawing, you can use a figured ruler or draw a wave “by hand”. The dots are drawn along the line with a pencil and holes are pierced along them.

You can start work from any end, but always with a long chord (more holes between the ends of the chord), the second time you can embroider with a smaller chord (fewer number of holes). It is better to take threads of a cold tone, changing them, as in topic 17.

Topic No. 19 Napkin


1. Create independent patterns from circles of different sizes.

2. Exercise children in making circles and angles using the isothread technique.

3. Develop color perception.


Colored cardboard/, accessories for working with isothread.

When children master the isothread technique, you can give them complete independence in choosing a plot and executing it. This technique can be successfully mastered by both children and adults.



Topic No. 1 Introduction to safety precautions when working with basic tools (needle, scissors, compass).


Introduce children with safety precautions when working with tools necessary for isothreading classes.

scissors, needle, compass, ruler, pencil, illustrations, chest.
Progress of the lesson
Educator: Guys, today we will play a game called “Magic Chest”.
The rules of this game are as follows: I will tell you a riddle. If you guess it correctly, I take out from the chest the corresponding tool that we will use in class, and tell you what rules you need to follow so as not to quarrel with this tool.

Riddles about the needle
Vertically challenged I, Thin and sharp,
I'm looking for a way with my nose,
I'm dragging my tail behind me.
A steel horse with a flaxen tail.
There is only one ear on the whole body.
A golden bristle pig is running.
The toe is steel and the tail is linen.
Rules for using a needle
1. Store the needle only in a needle bed and with thread.
2. Do not drop the needle on the floor.
3. Pass to each other only with the blunt end first.
4. Do not stick the needle into clothing or keep it in your mouth.
5. The thread should not be bitten off with your teeth.
Riddles about scissors
Experienced tool -
Not big, not small.
He has a lot of worries:
He both cuts and shears.
Look, we have opened our mouths -
You can put paper in it,
Paper in our mouth
Will split into parts.

Rules for using scissors
1. Do not hold scissors with their sharp ends facing up.
2. You can pass scissors to each other only with the rings facing forward.
The pencil riddle
Smart Ivashka,
Wooden shirt,
It will pass and touch the sheet,
The trace remains there.
Rules for using a pencil
1. With a pencil we mark the points that we will pierce in the future.
2. The pencil should not be dropped on the floor, as it will often break.
Ruler riddle
Who am I if I'm straight
My main trait? (V. Berestov)
Rules for using the ruler
With the help of a ruler we will learn to draw lines.
Riddle about the compasses
My circus performer, dashing circus performer
Draws a circle with one foot
And the other pierced the paper,
I clung on and didn't take a step. (V. Berestov)
Rules for using a compass
This is a special tool. It has a needle at one end and a pencil at the other. You must use it carefully so as not to prick yourself or break the pencil lead.

Topic No. 2 Filling a corner with thread.

Introduce children to performing one of the main elements of isothread - filling a corner; strengthen the ability to use a needle and scissors.

demonstration material; tools for working in the isothread technique; on the sheets of cardboard on which the children will work, a corner is drawn and points for embroidery are marked (each point is numbered).
Progress of the lesson
Educator: Guys, today we will learn how to perform one of the main elements of isothread - filling the corner. Look at your cardboards. An angle is drawn on them. On the sides of the corner you can see pierced holes-dots. There is a number next to each dot. Note the order in which the points are numbered. (The teacher shows on the demonstration material the order in which the points are numbered.) Please take a needle and thread and let’s get to work. Let's stick a needle into the point under? 1 on one side of the corner (shown). Now we find the point? 1 on the other side of the corner, insert the needle into this point from the front side, bring the needle to the wrong side of the cardboard. Now we find the point? 2 near the point from where the thread was pulled. Let's stick the needle into this point. Next, draw the needle to the point? 2 on the other side of the corner - from the front side to the wrong side. Now we find the point? 3 near the point from where the thread was pulled. (As the children complete the task, I help those who find it difficult.) Is everyone finished? Check out how Sharik and Murka work. Which one of them starts the job right? (The teacher shows the children pictures of Sharik and Murka embroidering.) Well done! You have well mastered the basic technique of isothread - filling the corner.

Topic No. 3. Fungus.


1. Introduce the isothread technique.

2. Teach children to distinguish the front and back sides of products, to perform an acute angle pattern (show that the threads intersect on the front side, and only stitches are visible on the back side).

3. Reinforce the concepts of angle, vertex of an angle, left and right sides of an angle.

4. Train children to thread a needle and secure it on the wrong side with tape.

5. Teach how to complete the image after embroidering the corner.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator - Children, how can you depict an object? (Draw, sculpt, make an applique or craft.)

And I depicted him like this.

What object did I depict? (Fungus)

Why did you guess so quickly? The hat is depicted, the leg and grass are drawn.)

I depicted this mushroom using a technique unfamiliar to you. The technique is called “Isothread”.

Why do you think it is called that? (The item is depicted with threads.)

This technique can be used to depict not only a fungus, but also other objects. (Exhibit samples.)

This technique is very interesting and entertaining, but it requires patience, perseverance and perseverance. I hope that you are persistent, patient, diligent and attentive in everything you do. (Hand out the blanks.)

Children look at the teacher's samples.

Educator. – Each product has a front and a back side. How do you understand what the front side is?

What is the wrong side?

Where are the front and back sides of this product? How did you determine? (Children's answers.)

What is the difference between the placement of threads on the front and back sides? (On the front side they intersect, but on the back side there are only stitches.)

How can you say this differently? (Trace after trace, in a row, in a string. The entire fungus is on the front drawing, and only the corner is drawn on the wrong side.)

Examination of blanks.

Pick up your cardboard. What colour is he? (White) The cardboard is white on one side and gray on the other.

Where do you think the front side of your cardboard will be? Look closely at your cardboard from the front and back. What is the difference? (on the front side there are only holes, and on the wrong side there is a corner and holes.)

Looking at the corner from the inside out...

Who can explain what an angle is? Draw an angle using your hands.

Now in the picture indicate the left and right sides of the corner. Find the top.

Count the holes - the holes on both sides of the corner. How many are there?

Where does the count start?

What can be concluded? (Wherever we start counting from, it will still be 12. Both sides have the same number of holes, there are 12.)

To make your work easier, I drew a corner on the wrong side in advance and punched holes. You will need to embroider this corner yourself.

Now attention! You will do the work with me.

Topic No. 4. House.


1. Continue training in the isothread technique, teach how to perform an obtuse angle (roof of a house).

2 Continue to consolidate knowledge of the rules of working with isothread.

3. Learn to select thread colors.


For the teacher - a ready-made sample. For a child - a blank - a picture with a drawn rectangle - a house wall, threads, scissors, a needle.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. – Today we continue to engage in isothreading. And we will work... guess what. (Shows the workpiece.)

Did you guess it? What does it look like? Explain why you think so?

The wall is ready, but the roof needs to be covered with tiles. Who knows what tiles are?

What does the word shard mean? This is a large piece from a broken clay pot; they were not thrown away, but collected and stored, so that later they could cover the roof with shards.

Later they learned to make special clay plates, called them tiles and began to use them to cover roofs, because clay does not allow water to pass through.

You will draw the wall of the house, whichever one you want, but we will make the roof using the needlework technique. Like this.

Choose the thread color. Before we begin, let's remember the rules for working with a needle.
1. Store the needle only in a needle bed and with thread.
2. Do not drop the needle on the floor.
3. Pass to each other only with the blunt end first.
4. Do not stick the needle into clothing or keep it in your mouth.

The children do the work, and the teacher helps the children.

Children can finish drawing in their free time from classes.

Topic No. 5. "Carrot"


1Introduce the isothread technique.

2. Teach children to distinguish the front side and the back side of products, to perform an acute angle pattern (show that the threads intersect on the front side, and only stitches are visible on the back side)

3.Reinforce the concepts: angle, vertex of an angle, left and right sides of an angle.

4. Practice threading a needle and tying a knot.

5.Teach how to complete the image after embroidering the corner.


For the teacher - a ready-made sample. For a child - a blank - a picture with a drawn acute angle, threads, scissors, a needle, felt-tip pens.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Children, remember what the plants growing in the garden are called?

If the children list, ask: - name them in one word.

Vegetables have different shapes, sizes and colors. Which vegetable can be depicted with isothread, and why? Look at the carrot and tell me how I did it?

Children look at the sample, talk about the sequence of work, answering the teacher’s questions.

Where did I start and where did I end? After the story, the children do the work.

Where did I start?

What angle do you see?

Why is it called spicy?

You are right, children. This angle is really sharp. To ensure that the sides of the corner were even, I drew them along the ruler... like this.

What did I do next?

That's right, I pierced holes - holes.

When performing work, do not forget about the safety rules and use of tools.

Finally, the children finish drawing the carrot.

Topic 7. Pattern on the stripe


  1. Reinforce the ability to make two corners with isothread on a strip of colored cardboard.
  2. Repeat the rules of isothread embroidery.


For the teacher - a model.

For children - narrow strips of colored cardboard (15x5 cm) with holes marked on them, the distance between the holes is 0.7 cm; needles, colored threads, scissors, rectangular triangles-rulers.

Progress of the lesson


Children, look at the drawing on the reverse side of the cardboard. How many angles do you see? (Four).

Show them. (Children show angles on their blanks).

Can they be called straight? (No).

What are they like? (Sharp and blunt). How did you determine this? (Attached triangles).

How many sharp corners? (Two). Where are they located? (Up and down).

Explain how you got these angles? (Two straight lines intersected).

What do all four corners have in common? (Vertex).

Where is it located, can you show me? (In the middle, where all the lines intersect).

Notice that all the angles are facing each other.

How can you say it differently? (Angles are located opposite each other - acute against acute, obtuse against obtuse).

What else, besides the vertex, do the angles have in common? (Parties). Show them and explain between which angles they are common? (Between blunt and acute).

Children, common sides can also be called adjacent. Today we will only do sharp corners. The front side should have a pattern like this. (Shows a sample).

Look carefully, where is the bend directed? (Towards the top).

Now let’s be patient, pick up the guide threads and get to work.

Independent work of children

As the work progresses, the teacher asks the question: where should the work begin, how to fasten the thread from the back side.

Topic No. 8. Pattern on the bookmark


  1. Make a pattern consisting of three corners on the narrow side of the cardboard.
  2. Determine the number of holes on the side of the corner.
  3. Strengthen the ability to independently select the color of threads.


For the teacher - a strip with three corners.

For children - strips of colored cardboard measuring 15x5 cm with marked corners and holes - 0.7 cm; For each child, a ruler, colored threads of three colors, a needle, scissors.

Progress of the lesson


How is this bookmark different from the bookmark we made before? (It has three corners).

What features of these angles did you notice? (They are the same; all sharp; different in color; their tops point in the same direction).

What do you think I used to make this bookmark? (Needle, awl, thread, ruler).

Next comes the children’s independent work on embroidering corners with isothread. The teacher helps them using various methods of approval, asks questions about the rules for making corners,, if necessary, provides individual demonstrations, gives advice, etc.

Topic No. 9: “Goldfish”


Continue teaching children the isothread technique.

Strengthen angle skills.

Train children in the ability to thread a needle, choose the color of the thread themselves, and complete the image after embroidery.

To develop a sense of color, neatness and independence.


For each child - a colored cardboard with a corner drawn on the reverse side, holes made, a needle with a wide eye, thread, scissors, felt-tip pens, and tape.

Preliminary work:

Reading the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, the Russian folk tale “At the Command of the Pike”. Watching the video “At the Command of the Pike” and “Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish.”

Embroidery corners

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Do you want to be in a fairy tale? (children's answers) Go to the carpet, sit down and close your eyes.

(music turns on and a fish appears, reads an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

Can you guess who it is? And from what fairy tale did the goldfish come to us? Who wrote this fairy tale?

Children: A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

Educator: In what other fairy tales can we meet a fish? Children: In the Russian folk tale “At the command of the pike”

Educator: Now Zhenya will ask you a riddle:

Glass house on the window

With clear water
With rocks and sand at the bottom

And with a golden fish.

Children: Aquarium

Educator: That's right, well done! I also have a magical aquarium, but there are no fish in it. How can you make fish?

Children: You can sculpt, make applique, draw, embroider

Fish: That's right, well done! I want you to embroider for me

fish friends using the isothread technique.

Educator: Okay, we’ll embroider the fish on cardboard with colored threads. We will work with a needle and scissors. Let's remember the rules for using a needle.

Children: Store the needle only in a pincushion and with thread.

Do not drop the needle on the floor.

Pass the needle to each other only with the blunt end first.

Do not stick the needle into clothing or keep it in your mouth.

The thread should not be bitten off with your teeth.

Do not hold scissors with the sharp ends facing up.

You can pass scissors to each other only in rings


Educator: And now we begin to work. Take the needles and thread and thread the needle. Choose the color of the thread yourself according to your wishes. And secure the thread with tape. (I help as needed)

Take some cardboard and let’s start working with me.

(They got down to business boldly, with a smile and diligence)

(If you do it hastily, you’ll do it out of laughter)

We begin to embroider the tail of the fish (corner).

First, insert the needle from the wrong side into the number 1 (red), pull the thread to the front side and insert the needle into the top of the corner

From the inside out, insert the needle into number 1 (blue),

Then to number 2 (red)

And so we reach the last hole on both sides of the corner.

(On the front side the threads intersect, on the wrong side the stitches go down on one side and up on the other).

We fasten the thread.

Educator: Now, with the help of felt-tip pens, let’s draw the fish’s body, eyes, mouth and fins. We cut out with scissors.

You haven't forgotten that our aquarium is magical. The fish will feel good in it if you launch them with your desire.

(Children stick fish in the aquarium and say their wish)

Fish: Oh, how I liked my girlfriends. In parting, I want to treat you guys to a treat. (The fish gives the children a treat)

Topic 10. “Christmas tree”


  1. Using stencil triangles, place one triangle under the other (herringbone).
  2. Practice punching holes using a stencil.
  3. Improve your ability to work with isothread.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - 15x10 cm cardboard, with a straight line and two limiting lines marked on the reverse side in the center, an envelope with stencils, a pencil, a ruler, a set of green threads of different shades, a needle, scissors, lining.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher shows the children a sample and asks them to think about what needs to be done to depict such a Christmas tree, and establishes a sequence of actions.

What should you do first? (Apply the design to the back of the cardboard).

How to use stencils? (Put on top of each other).

Is it possible to use an angle? (Can).

Why are there a straight vertical line and two side ones?

What will we do after we draw the corners along the stencil? (Children's answers).

What rule do you need to remember? (The number of holes should be the same on both sides of the corner).

What are the rules for working with an awl?

Do you think the upper branches of the spruce tree are lighter than the lower branches?

Explain the selection of threads.

Topic No. 11 Bookmark with two corners


  1. Continue teaching children the ability to analyze the pattern on the wrong side of the workpiece (compare the length of the sides of the corner, the number of holes on the sides, etc.).
  2. Exercise children in making sharp angles directed in opposite directions.


For the teacher - a model.

For children - narrow strips measuring 15x5 cm with marked corner lines and pierced holes (the short side of the corner has eight holes with a distance of 0.5 cm between them, the length of the side is 4 cm, the long side also has eight holes with a distance of 1 cm between them, the length its 8 cm); needle, thread, scissors.

Progress of the lesson


Children, look at the drawing on the reverse side of the workpiece. How many angles do you see? (Two).

Do they have a common vertex? (No). Why did you come to this conclusion? What can be said about the features of these angles? What can you say about the length of the sides? (one is longer than the other).

What is the conclusion? (The sides are different in length: one is longer than the other).

What about the number of holes on each side? (It is the same, there are 8 holes on each side).

What feature did you notice? (The distances between the holes are different, but the number of holes is the same.)

The teacher’s conclusion: “This means that the number of holes does not depend on the distance.”

Now let’s try to depict each corner with isothread. You already know how to do this. Select the threads for each corner yourself.

The teacher shows his example. When the children finish their work, the teacher invites them to compare their work with the model.

Topic 12. Bookmark with two obtuse angles


  1. Reinforce the concept of acute and obtuse angles.
  2. Continue learning how to analyze samples.
  3. Use isothread to make obtuse corners.
  4. Practice securing knots on the wrong side.


For the teacher - a model.

For children - narrow strips measuring 15x5 cm with printed lines and holes, the distance between the holes is 0.7 cm; needles, scissors, right triangles.

The lesson is conducted similarly to the lesson on topic 11.

Topic 13. Right angles


  1. Analysis of the pattern on the reverse side of the workpiece.
  2. Determining angles from a rectangle.
  3. Side comparison.
  4. Repetition of the rules for making corners.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child – a colored strip of cardboard measuring 15x5 cm, a right angle stencil; needle, colored threads, scissors.

Progress of the lesson


Children, look at this sample from the front side. How many angles do you see? Where do the vertices point? Where does the concave side of the figure point?

What can you say about the other two sides of a triangle-like figure?

Now look at your blanks from the wrong side. How to determine which angles are shown in the picture? (attach stencil)

Show the angles on the triangle stencil and name them. (This angle is acute, this one is also acute, and this one is straight).

How many holes are there on the short side?

How much is on the long side?

Where did you start counting? (some from the top of the corner, some from the end of the side).

What conclusion can be drawn? (The number of holes is the same on the short and long sides).

What shape does the embroidered pattern on the stripe look like? (On a rectangle).

Now try to make such a bookmark yourself. Choose the threads yourself.

As the work progresses, the teacher asks the children to remember the sequence of making right angles and asks them about the choice of threads.

At the end of the work, the teacher asks the children questions:

Children, if you accidentally made a mistake and noticed an error in your work, what would you do? Will you correct it or leave the work with an error?

What mistakes can be made when working with isothread? (Children list).

How to fix them?

What needs to be done to prevent mistakes at work?

I'll learn how to draw a drawing,

Perform using isothread.

I'll learn to see mistakes

I'll learn how to fix them!

Topic 14. “Cap cap”


  1. Teach children to work with a stencil, select the right angle for the drawing. (The drawing was made by the children the day before).
  2. Learn to poke holes in cardboard with an awl according to the marks on the stencil.
  3. Further consolidation of knowledge of the rules of working with isothread.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child:

  1. Envelope with triangle stencils. It is better to make stencils from thick cardboard; divisions should be applied with a fountain pen. The number of divisions on both sides should be the same.
  2. An awl with a short needle.
  3. Foam plate.
  4. Colored cardboard with a drawn object, which must be supplemented with an image of a corner.
  5. Threads (colored), needle, scissors, pencil.

Progress of the lesson


Children, yesterday we drew the head of a funny little man. At home I “put” a pointed cap on his head, it turned out to be Parsley. Maybe you would like to depict Parsley's cap with isothread and put it on your little man's head?

Let's see what we have in the envelopes? What are these figures called? (Triangles). What's special about them? (They are all different. There are dashes on both sides - serifs).

Use your hand to show any vertex of the angle and the sides emanating from the vertex. (Children show the corners and run their fingers along one side and the other).

These triangular shapes are called stencils. They will help you apply the angle and pierce the holes. Look how I do it. First I select the right stencil: this one is small and doesn’t fit, this one is big and doesn’t fit either, but this one does!

Then I press the stencil firmly against the design and trace the corner with a pencil. What should be done after this? (Poke holes).

For this we need what? (awl).

And so as not to damage the table with an awl, I prepared foam pads. I line the foam and pierce the holes with an awl.

To ensure that the distances between the holes are the same, we will pierce the holes with an awl near the marks on the stencil.

Now let's start working on our own. First, select the desired angle and outline it with a pencil. Did everyone do this?

The teacher distributes awls and foam plates to the children.

Place the design on the foam, press the stencil tightly against the design with your hand so that it does not move, and carefully pierce the cards with an awl near the divisions on the stencil.

After the children finish working with the awl, it must be taken away from them immediately.

Don't forget to count the holes on the sides; there should be the same number of them. (Children check the number of holes. Since each child has his own stencil, the number of holes may be different: one child has 17, another has 18, a third has 20, etc.)

Now let’s select the threads of the desired color and make a corner using the isothread technique. You already know how to do this.

Completed works are reviewed by the children and then put away in folders.

Topics 15-18. “Umbrella”, “Vase”, “Sail”, “Bird”

Umbrella theme

First you need to select an obtuse angle for the umbrella using a stencil, then pierce the holes and make the angle. At the end of the work, children draw those who are hiding under the umbrella.

Vase theme

First you need to draw the leg of the vase, then, using a stencil, make a bowl that looks like a triangle using isothread. At the end of the work, each child draws what might be in the vase.

Theme "Sail"

First, a boat is drawn, then the children select a right angle using a stencil, pierce holes and work with isothread.

Theme "Bird"

Children draw a bird and make a tail using a stencil.

In these classes, the stencil is applied to the front side; in subsequent classes, the angle pattern is applied to the back side.

Classes on these topics are conducted similarly to lesson 11.

Topic 19. “TV tower”


  1. By analyzing an object, show that it can consist of several triangles. Invite children to compare triangles.
  2. Continue practicing making holes using a ruler.
  3. Teach children to determine the distance in centimeters on a ruler.


For the teacher - a model.

For children - colored cardboard measuring 15x5 cm with lines on the wrong side (the lines are drawn in advance by the teacher), an awl, a foam lining, threads, a needle, scissors.

Progress of the lesson


Children, what is shown here? (Children's answers vary.)

I depicted a TV tower. What is the shape of the TV tower like? (On the triangle).

How many triangles did I model the TV tower from? (Out of three). Tell us about the arrangement of these triangles. (Left, right, below). Are there any identical triangles? How are they similar? (Two triangles each have an obtuse angle, one long side and the other short).

Let's look at the lines on the wrong side. Turn your pieces over. What do you see? (Three corners).

What do all angles have in common? (Vertexes and sides).

Where is the peak located?

What should you use when piercing? (With polystyrene foam and an awl).

While you're laying down the foam, I'll hand you out the awls. Pierce along the marked holes.

At the end of the work, the teacher invites the children to make up a riddle about the TV tower.

Topic 20. “Maple Leaf”


  1. Continue teaching children how to depict objects (in this case, a maple leaf; the image consists of five corners).
  2. Analysis of samples.
  3. Exercise children in piercing holes with an awl and independently choosing the color of the threads.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - 15x10 cm colored cardboard with lines drawn on the reverse side, an awl, threads, a needle, scissors, lining.

Progress of the lesson


Children, you know how to draw different leaves. Which leaf is more difficult to draw? (Maple).

Here's how a maple leaf can be depicted with isothread. (Shows a sample). How many triangles does it consist of? (Out of five).

Explain how each triangle is positioned? (Children explain in detail the location of each triangle).

Are there any identical triangles? Where are they located?

Where are all the triangles pointing?

Show what they have in common (Children's answers).

What color of thread can I choose for the image? (Red, dark red, orange, yellow, green, brown).

Take the blank. Let's look at the reverse side. How many angles do you see? (five).

What should you get on the front side if you make one corner? (One part of a maple leaf is one triangle).

How many triangles do you need to complete to get the entire sheet? (Five).

Are the sheets the same size? Show where the sharp angles are and where the obtuse ones are. (Children show the named angles).

Place the piece on the backing and punch the holes marked on the sides of all corners. (Gives each child an awl, which is taken away as soon as the work with it is completed). You need to start punctures from the common top.

Children place a foam pad under the cardboard. The teacher reminds them how to hold the awl.

What should you do to avoid injecting a friend, and not injecting yourself? (Children answer).

Children choose their own thread color. To complete the entire maple leaf, you can choose three colors: orange, yellow, red.

Topic 21. “Snowflake”


  1. Make a snowflake from six triangles.
  2. Analyze the sample.
  3. Determine the direction of the angles.
  4. Independent work with an awl.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - cardboard 15x10 cm, with intersecting lines of the same length (4-6 cm); awl, needle, white thread, scissors, ruler, lining.

The lesson is conducted in the same way as lesson 20.

Section two. Circles.

Topic 1. “Swallow”


For the teacher - a model.

Progress of the lesson

Children, how can you convey the image of a bird using stencils of corners and circles? (Pick up corners for the tail and beak, a circle for the head, put them on top of each other and embroider with isothread).

Now find the triangles for the tail and beak. Lay them down to make a bird. Check if the head and beak are large, and if the tail is small?

Topic No. 2 Pattern on a strip



For the teacher - a model.

Progress of the lesson


Now take a suitable circle stencil and place it on the center of the intersected lines so that the outer lines are equally distant from the circle. First pierce the holes along the stencil circle along the notches on the circle, then pierce the corners along the ruler, starting from the top (the distance between the holes is 0.5 cm). Make the pattern using the isothread technique. You need to start with a circle. Once the circle is completed, start making the corners.

Topic No. 3. "Flashlight"


  1. Continue teaching children to use a stencil and pierce holes themselves.
  2. Exercise children in working with an awl.
  3. Reinforce knowledge of the spatial arrangement of angles.


For each child - cardboard measuring 15x10 cm (lines are marked on the reverse side), an awl, foam lining, threads of different colors, a needle, scissors.

Don't give a sample.

Progress of the lesson


Children, look at the back of your cardboard cards. How many angles do you see? (Four).

How are they located? (Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right).

What do they have in common? (Top, sides). Show adjacent sides, tell about them.

What are the features of angles? (One side is short, the other is long, all angles are right).

How to get these angles? (When two lines intersect).

On the long side of the corner we will pierce holes with a distance of 1 cm. The first puncture is at the top.

The teacher distributes sewing to the children. Children pierce the long side, then the short one with a distance of 0.5 cm between the holes, determine the number of holes on the sides of the corner.

After the children pierce the holes, you need to immediately remove the awl.

The teacher suggests using threads of different colors.

After finishing the work, the children are asked to come up with a name for the resulting pattern. (You can call it a flashlight).

Topic No. 4 “Bookmark-gift for mom”


1. Practice the skills of making two corners on a narrow strip of cardboard.

2.Continue to strengthen the thread on the back side of the bookmark.

3. Determine the direction of the angles.

4. Strengthen the ability to independently select the color of threads.

5.Practice securing knots on the wrong side.


An example of a teacher.

Strip 15x10 cm, awl, foam padding, threads of different colors, needle, scissors.


Children, what is the name of the product I made? (Bookmark).

How is this bookmark different from the bookmark we made before? (It has two angles and a circle).

What features of these angles did you notice? (They are the same; all sharp; different in color; their tops point in the same direction). And the circle is between the corners.

What do you think I used to make this bookmark? (Needle, awl, thread, ruler, stencil).

Now let’s think about what weavings can be selected for this pattern. (Children’s answers can be very different: the two extreme corners - left and right - can be one color, and the central one another; they can be the same color, but different in tone, for example, dark, light, lightest; they can be different colors),

Why shouldn't the color of the thread match the color of the cardboard? (Because they will not be visible against its background).

This means that you need to take threads that would clearly stand out against the background of the cardboard.

Next comes the children’s independent work on embroidering corners and circles with isothread. The teacher helps them using various methods of approval, asks questions about the rules for making corners,, if necessary, provides individual demonstrations, gives advice, etc.

Topic 5. “House”


  1. Create an image of a house using the isothread technique by placing corners on top of each other.
  2. Continue analyzing the sample.
  3. Teach children to create a drawing using reference points on the reverse side of the cardboard and pierce holes using a ruler.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - 15x10 cm cardboard, on the back of which there are reference points (by connecting them, the children will receive an image of a house); threads, awl, needle, pencil, scissors, ruler, lining.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher shows a picture of a house.

Children, guess how I depicted the house? (Children's answers).

How many corners did I have to do? (Five).

What is special about a square wall? (The four corners are superimposed on each other.) Where are the vertices of these angles? (At the corners of the square).

Look at the back of your cardboard, there are dots on it. What do you think they are for? How can they help you? (By connecting the dots we will help to depict the house).

Let's draw dots on the board in the same arrangement. Let's connect the dots to make a house. (One of the children connects the dots on the board.)

Children use a pencil and a ruler to connect the dots on their cardboard to create the outline of a house.

The teacher distributes awls. Children pierce holes along lines with a distance of 0.5 cm, starting from the top of the corner, after which they check the number of holes on both sides of the corner (it should be the same) and start working with isothread.

Ready-made houses can be used as a tool for further lessons with children.

Topic 6. “Riddle”


  1. Strengthen the ability to analyze a sample, both from the front and back sides.
  2. Exercise children in coordinating hand movements when piercing holes at a distance of 0.5 cm. Check visual acuity.
  3. Repeat the rules for working with isothread.
  4. Come up with a name for the pattern obtained on the front side of the product.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - colored cardboard 15x5 cm, with lines drawn on the wrong side by the teacher (the length of the corner side is 3.5 cm); awl, lining, thread, needle, scissors.

Progress of the lesson


Children, what does this pattern look like? (Children's answers may be different: net, crown, waves).

How many angles does it consist of?

How many angles are directed upward? How much down?

What do these angles have in common? (Parties).

Children, look at your preparations.

Now make the holes, starting from the top of the corner.

Take threads of two colors. First, embroider all the upper corners with one color, and then all the lower corners with another color.

After finishing the work, you can come up with a name for the pattern and make a riddle about it.

Topic No. 7. "Girl in a Sundress"


1. By connecting different angles of the circle, create the image of a person in long clothes.

2. Improve skills in performing corners and circles using the isothreading technique.

3. Cultivate diligence.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - a cardboard with images drawn on the back, threads, an awl, a needle, a ruler, scissors, and a lining.

Progress of the lesson

The work can be done in two stages (two classes): piercing and embroidery. First, the image on the back of the workpiece is analyzed.


What does this image look like? Why did you decide so?

How many angles does it have? How many circles?

What does each angle mean? (Children's answers).

Sequence of work: first, a large angle is performed (long clothes), then a circle (head), medium angles (sleeves), and small angles (patterns on the hem and sleeves).

Topic 8. “Christmas ball”


  1. Teach children to make circles using the isothread technique using stencils.
  2. Introduce the rules and sequence of working with circles.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - colored cardboard 10x15 cm, an envelope with stencils of circles, a simple pencil, thread, an awl, a needle, a pencil, scissors, lining.

Progress of the lesson


Children, you have learned how to make corners using isothread, today we will learn how to draw circles.

Shows a sample.

What does it look like? (For a ball, hoop, wheel, Christmas ball).

Let it be a Christmas ball. On the front side of the cardboard, the threads come out of one hole and enter another; on the wrong side (turns the sample over), the threads form stitches.

Take the cardboard mugs out of the envelopes and examine them. Now let’s determine together the sequence of working with stencils.

Place the colored cardstock on the foam pad, wrong side up. We will draw circles on the wrong side. The design is always applied on the wrong side.

Take a circle of the required size and place it on the cardboard, pressing it tightly with your fingers. Trace the circle with a pencil and punch holes on the cardboard with an awl along the divisions on the stencil. (The teacher accompanies his explanation with a demonstration.)

Let's insert a needle and thread from the inside into hole 1. The thread goes along the front side and goes into hole 6. Remember the number 6. This is very important for further work. On the wrong side we insert the needle into hole 7. On the front side we insert the needle into hole 2. From the wrong side we insert the needle into hole 3. On the front side we insert the needle into hole 8, etc.

On the wrong side, the stitches go in a circle in one direction; they may or may not coincide with each other. There should be no intersection of threads on the wrong side. The top thread on the front side is always the last one. The very first thread is the bottom one.

As the work progresses, the teacher helps the children. When the threads on the front side form a corner near the hole, this makes the work easier: you can focus on them, they should be around the entire circumference. There is no need to rush the children. It is important that they understand the principle of embroidery: back and forth in a circle, moving along the wrong side one hole forward.

On the front side, the threads, intersecting each other, form a circle. The longer the chord, the wider the embroidery stripe. At the end of the work, you can ask the children how they embroidered, analyze the finished work, note mistakes, and praise good execution.

Lesson No. 9 “Sun”


  1. Continue teaching children isothread.
  2. Strengthen knowledge of the front and back sides of the work. Know which side you need to attach the thread on, which hand the needle should be in.
  3. Continue to select thread colors according to the color of the cardboard.


For the teacher - a ready-made sample.

For each child, the preparation is the same as that of the teacher; threads of 2-3 colors of choice, needle, tape, scissors.

Progress of the lesson.


Children today we will continue to learn how to draw circles.

Shows a sample.

What does it look like? (For a ball, hoop, wheel, Christmas ball, sun).

Let it be the sun. On the front side of the cardboard, the threads come out of one hole and enter another; on the wrong side (turns the sample over), the threads form stitches.

Take the cardboard mugs out of the envelopes and examine them. Now let’s determine together the sequence of working with stencils. I perform the task by analogy. (see lesson No. 8).

Topic 10. “Snowman (Tumbler)”


1. Learn to create a pattern from circles of different sizes.

2. Exercise children in making circles using the isothread technique


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - colored cardboard 10x15 cm, an envelope with stencils of circles, a simple pencil, an awl, a needle, scissors, a foam pad, white thread.

Progress of the lesson

Children look at the sample.


What parts does a snowman consist of? What are the shape and size of its parts?

Determine the location of the circles on the plane of the sheet. (Bottom, middle, top).

Select stencils according to size and distribute them on cardboard. Trace the stencils with a pencil and punch holes.

A chord is a line connecting two points on a circle. (Points to the board). It can be long or short. The longer the chord, the smaller the circle inside the circle will be, made using the isothread technique. The shorter the chord, the larger the circle embroidered inside the circle will be. (Shows on the board with a thread).

Children are invited to perform a circle using the isothread technique. The teacher reminds you that you need to remember the number of holes between the two ends of the chord and that on the front side the threads go forward and backward, intersecting, and on the back side the stitches follow one after another in a circle.

Topic 11. Pattern of corners and circles


  1. Create a pattern of corners and circles by overlapping each other.
  2. Improving skills in working with isothread technique.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - a cardboard 10x15 cm with reference points marked on the reverse side, an envelope with stencils of circles, a simple pencil, a ruler, threads, an awl, a needle, a pencil, scissors, a lining.

Progress of the lesson


Children, look at the back of the cardboard and think about how you can connect the dots to get four corners with one common vertex?

The proposed answer options are discussed, and during the discussion the correct answer option is determined. Children connect the dots by drawing pencil lines along a ruler on their cardboard.

Now take a suitable circle stencil and place it on the center of the intersected lines so that the outer lines are equally distant from the circle. First pierce the holes in a stencil circle along the notches on the circle and corners. Make the pattern using the isothread technique. You need to start with a circle. Once the circle is completed, start making the corners.

Choose threads so that the corners lying opposite each other are made in the same color.

At the end of the work, the whole group examines the finished patterns and analyzes the choice of threads. In order to improve the technique of performing circles, the teacher conducts two more classes with children according to a single plan. Children practice working with stencils, develop their eye, and the teacher reinforces their concept of the chord.

Topic 12. “Multi-colored ball”



For each child - colored cardboard 10x15 cm, a stencil - a circle with divisions, a simple pencil, thread, an awl, a needle, a pencil, scissors, lining, tape.

Progress of the lesson

Topic 13,14. "Chick, Chick"


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - colored cardboard 10x15 cm, an envelope with stencils of circles and corners, a simple pencil, colored threads, an awl, a needle, a pencil, scissors, lining.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher (shows a sample):

Children, how can you convey the image of a chick using stencils of corners and circles? (Pick up corners for the tail and beak, a circle for the head, put them on top of each other and embroider with isothread).

Select a circle of the required size for your head. (Children choose the desired circle from the envelope).

Now find the triangles for the tail and beak. Layer them together to create a chick. Check if the head and beak are large, and if the tail is small?

The teacher checks the proportions of the applied stencils.

Start tracing the tail corner. Place the circle-head so that the top of the corner of the tail is in the center of the circle, then outline the beak.

Children perform stencil piercing on their own. The teacher reminds the children to press the stencil more tightly and make a puncture exactly opposite the division marks, determines the number of holes between the ends of the chord. Children choose the color of the thread themselves.

Topic 15. “Pattern in a circle”


  1. Teach children to make a circle with two or three chords of different lengths.
  2. Strengthen the acquired skills of working with isothread using stencils.


For each child - colored cardboard 10x15 cm, a stencil - a circle with divisions, a simple pencil, thread, an awl, a needle, a pencil, scissors, lining.

Progress of the lesson

Work begins with a longer chord, then work on the same circle along a short chord.

Children trace a circle using a stencil and pierce holes along the divisions on the circle, select threads (of the same color, but different tones - dark and light), work along a long chord with a dark-colored thread and along a short chord with a light-colored thread.

Topic No. 16 Dandelions


  1. Teach children to create plot compositions using circles of different sizes.
  2. Improving the skills of securing the thread on the wrong side. Ability to use a needle correctly and identify the front and back sides of cardboard.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - colored cardboard, an envelope with stencils, and accessories necessary for working with isothread.

Progress of the lesson

Children look at the sample.


Children, what name can you give this work and why? What is the image composed (modeled) of?

How many colors did I use?

Compose the image yourself using stencils. Which side of the cardboard will you apply the stencils to?

Start punching holes from the top of the corner. Holes in a circle according to the stencil, without missing a single division. And start embroidering.

Give praise upon completion of work.

Topic 17. Feather of the Firebird


  1. Further improvement of skills in working with isothread.
  2. Mastering the curl technique.
  3. Development of the eye.


For the teacher - a model.

For each child - colored cardboard 10x15 cm, a simple pencil, an eraser, an awl, a needle, a pencil, scissors, lining, threads: yellow, orange, red, crimson, dark red.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher shows an image of a curl on cardboard. Children draw a curl by hand with a pencil, straighten the irregularities using a ruler, mark points on the line for holes (their number is arbitrary). This work must be done slowly, trying to place the points at the same distance from each other. The teacher checks that the distances between the points are the same, and only after that the children begin to pierce holes at the points on the curl. You can start from any end of the curl, remembering the desired number, for example 15. Having brought the thread from the zero mark (from the first point), the needle is inserted into the fifteenth hole, and then in a circle. Moving forward along the curl, children constantly count down the 15th hole along the front side. Only the stitches remain on the reverse side.

To give the curl (“feather”) a picturesque look, take short threads; as soon as the thread of one color runs out, continue working with a thread of a different color. At the end of the work, the children analyze the images on the cardboard.

Topic 18. “Wave”

The lesson is carried out similarly to lesson 17. Instead of a stencil for drawing, you can use a figured ruler or draw a wave “by hand”. The dots are drawn along the line with a pencil and holes are pierced along them.

You can start work from any end, but always with a long chord (more holes between the ends of the chord), the second time you can embroider with a smaller chord (fewer number of holes). It is better to take threads of a cold tone, changing them, as in topic 17.

Topic No. 19 Napkin

(make your own pattern)


  1. Create independent patterns from circles of different sizes.
  2. Exercise children in making circles and angles using the isothread technique.
  3. Develop color perception.


Colored cardboard/, accessories for working with isothread.

* * *

When children master the isothread technique, you can give them complete independence in choosing a plot and executing it. This technique can be successfully mastered by both children and adults.