Strike me with thunder! This is the only surviving pirate cemetery. For her

If you ever get the idea of ​​watching whales surfacing, then best place, than the island of Nosy-Boraha off the east coast of Madagascar, you cannot find it. They say this is an extremely idyllic place. However, three hundred years ago, woe was the traveler who approached the island (it was then called Sainte-Marie) within a cannon shot. He would have been robbed to the skin in an instant and best case scenario would be sent to the open sea by boat.

Legend has it that in the 18th century the pirate state of Libertalia flourished here. Scientists doubt it, but there were definitely plenty of sea cutthroats here. This is evidenced by the only pirate cemetery that has survived to this day.

(Total 14 photos)

Located exactly on the route of merchant ships traveling from the East Indies to Europe, Sainte-Marie was an ideal stronghold for robberies. Pirate colonization of the island began when fugitive Adam Baldrige established a base here in 1685 and began patrolling the coastal waters. TO early XVIII century, when gentlemen of fortune began to be actively smoked out of Caribbean Sea, many of them moved to the Indian Ocean.

This is how a real pirate city grew up on Sainte-Marie. Over a thousand corsairs called this place their home. Most of them were venerable bandits who lived out their lives here. There were rumors that the commune had the beginnings of statehood: some semblance of a constitution and a common treasury. The pirate idyll, however, did not last long. The French, who arrived in Madagascar, quickly established their order.

A reminder of those times is the pirate cemetery, perhaps the only one in the world preserved in good condition. At low tide you can get to it along a narrow stone path, and at high tide you will have to use a pirogue, which will be provided for a reasonable fee by the Magalisians, the indigenous inhabitants of the island.

Severe tropical rains have washed away the inscriptions from the tombstones for centuries, but names, nicknames, and dates can still be read on some of the three dozen slabs.

Here lies a female pirate. When her husband died, she herself became the captain of the ship.

In this grave, according to the inscription, a pirate was buried, killed by his comrades for theft. “We ask passers-by to pray for his soul,” is inscribed on the tombstone.

A large black tomb stands out in the center of the cemetery. Locals claim that this is the resting place of the legendary Captain William Kidd. If you tell them that Kidd was executed in London, the natives will put forward another version: having learned about the death of the storm of the seas, his comrades erected a monument on Sainte-Marie.

The island's pirate past still reminds us of itself. A few years ago, archaeologist John de Bry discovered a 1733 map that referred to the land as "Pirate Island." Using this map, it was possible to identify the remains of three sunken ships.

And in 2015, a metal ingot weighing 50 kilograms was found off the coast. There were mysterious symbols on it, and ardent minds had already sharpened their picks, deciding that this was an indication of Captain Kidd's treasure, which had not yet been discovered. But then it turned out that this was just a fragment of a port structure.

The morning was cloudy. Clouds, blacker than night, hung over the awakening city. Swollen, ready to burst and flood the whole world with water. Alice's mood was the same. The day before, she had a huge quarrel with her boss, for which he fired her. And then he came home and said that it was not for a husband and wife to work in the same department. And in general, so that she ends her career and gives birth to children. To which she, of course, threw a scandal at him. In general, she, like the clouds, wanted to burst with anger and pour rain. A heavy downpour began. My husband has already left for work. Here it is, the first weekday morning when Alice stayed at home. How often did she wake up with the desire to smash the alarm clock and continue to sleep sweetly. But that morning she didn’t feel like sleeping at all. A feeling of contradiction seethed within her. WITH early childhood she had her own different view on everything. Her parents always tried to listen to her opinion and find meaning in her words. But often it seemed to them that her credo was not to agree with anything. The hardest thing for her was at school, where, alas, no one takes into account the child’s opinion. And even more so when a child tries to prove that a long-proven theorem is not true.

But I’ll take it and go for a walk in the rain! - Alice said out loud. The cat, who was basking on the pillow next to him, raised his muzzle and meowed, with some kind of questioning intonation. Apparently he asked if she was crazy.

What, what else should I do? Should I go wash the pots? I'm not some kind of housewife! – The cat put his head on his paws again and seemed to grumble something.

I'm like that myself.

She quickly got dressed and left the house. The downpour with the weight of all the troubles of the world fell on her fragile shoulders. The cat was right. But it was not in her rules to retreat, and she snorted towards the park. All the people she met on her way were noticeably in a hurry to get off the streets. Some were hiding under an umbrella and walking quickly, others were running, covering their heads with a bag. The park turned out to be deserted. Well, who else would even think of measuring their strength against the elements? Alice sat down on the wet bench. The trees in the park were touched by the gold of autumn.

Autumn, she thought, I don’t like her. All nature is preparing for suspended animation. And I want to go into my capsule with her until spring.

Lightning flashed. Alice closed her eyes and began to count to ten, waiting for thunder. But, having counted to five, she felt a blow to her head, lost consciousness and fell into a puddle. She woke up there because someone was licking her palm. Opening her eyes, she saw the hefty face of a friendly St. Bernard.

Mishka come to me, come to me! Oh, honey, why are you in a puddle? – the old woman, who was hurrying towards her, was puzzled by Alisa’s situation.

The girl remembered about the blow and began to feel her head in search of a huge lump. But strangely enough, she found nothing there except water and yellow leaves stuck to her hair. And in general she didn’t have a headache and she felt very good. She quickly got up and jumped out of the puddle. The bear wagged its tail happily.

It seems that someone hit me on the head and I fell,” she justified herself to her grandmother.

It was the thunder that struck you, - the grandmother joked and hobbled away, and Mishka rushed in the same direction.

What a strange thing, a man was hit, maybe robbed, but she’s joking, Alice thought and began to rummage through her pockets. But she didn’t take anything with her except the keys, and they remained where they were.

Alice didn’t know how long she had been lying in the dirty rainwater, but the weather had changed dramatically during that time. Bright sun reflected in the puddles, the sky was almost clear, the foliage on the trees glistened from a recent ablution.

It’s somehow strange, thought Alice, all my grievances have disappeared somewhere. I even want to say thank you to the one who hit me on the head. For knocking out of me all the anger that had been accumulating for years. - The girl felt light and calm in her soul. She wanted to smile at everyone and everything around her. But people did not respond to her smile, but somehow looked at her in surprise, some even with condemnation, and the girl with the stroller completely shied away from her.

Apparently, I smile very widely,” Alice was surprised, “but no, that’s not why,” she remembered her adventure and guessed about her unpleasant appearance. The joy diminished a little, and she hurried home, where the first thing she did was run to the shower.

A huge rose bush in a clay pot was waiting for her at home. And a note from my husband:

“Don't sulk, it will be better for our family. Love you".

Alice's husband knew that she did not like cut, dead, as she said, flowers. But she had a passion for the living. All the horizontal surfaces of the apartment were filled with pots and bowls with completely different plants, purchased or brought from the park, forest and brought from travel. She knew with some inner instinct that if one of them was torn off the bore and simply thrown into the ground, he would find his own way to life, but the other needed help. But sometimes, nevertheless, she had to turn to the great Google for advice. There was also some kind of extraordinary connection with animals. Wherever she was, she constantly came across wounded or hungry animals. It was as if they were looking for her, knowing that she would help. She also saved her cat three years ago from boys who were bullying him. Then he was a blind, barely moving lump and fit in her palm. Now it was a huge, fluffy, gray cat with amber eyes.

She put the note aside and began to admire the roses. Coral color, five blossoms and several buds. Alice ran her fingers over the delicate petals, over the rough leaves. And she said out loud:

How beautiful you are! I wish I could become a butterfly and fly above you.

At that same moment, everything around became one big mosaic. Everything became huge, and the flower pot was so far away that you could only fly to it. And Alice flew away.

What a wonderful dream I have today, otherwise there are only nightmares in Lately, - she thought, - and how great it is to know that you are sleeping, you can do whatever you want. These flowers are so huge, I can’t see you like that, I want to be myself again! – and at that very moment she became a girl again. She so wanted to dance, she turned on the song “Helium” by Sia on her phone and began to spin around the kitchen. Then she went back to the roses and touched the thorn.

Ay! - she exclaimed in pain and surprise, licking her pricked finger, - somehow I feel very real. I remember you don’t feel pain in your sleep, maybe it’s a hallucination? She probably caught a cold while she was lying in a puddle in the rain. Well, okay, I'll take advantage of the moment. I want to become super-slim, so that my legs are from my ears, and my hair is lush, beautiful, reaching to the floor... and breasts, I want my breasts to be about the size of a third! - suddenly Alice felt somehow uncomfortable in her body, and a cascade of her red hair fell to the floor, - mommies, - the girl whispered, feeling herself, - I want to see this, - and somehow trudged towards the mirror. The creature reflected there resembled an animated character from Pablo Picasso’s paintings. The girl burst out laughing.

Now let's have antlers like a deer! - and at the same moment branchy horns spread out on Alice’s head, “this is how I will meet my husband,” the girl did not stop laughing.

Having tried on a couple more ridiculous images and laughing heartily, Alice became wary:

Why haven't I woken up yet? - she began to pinch herself, it hurt, but it didn’t help her wake up, then touch everything around and look at it, the furnishings of her apartment did not differ from the real one even in the smallest detail - this doesn’t happen in a dream. Enough is enough, I want to wake up, I want to wake up! – the girl screamed in despair.

“You’re not even sleeping,” a pleasant male voice rang out.

Who are you? Where are you? - said Alice, paralyzed with fear, she wanted to scream and run, but neither her voice nor her body obeyed.

Look down, I'm here.

Alice looked down, but saw no one except the cat, and did not dare ask again.

This is me talking to you, your cat, with the stupid name “Baby.” The entire magical community shakes with laughter at my appearance—there was contempt in the look of the huge, fat cat, but to be honest, he had never seen any other emotions.

If I don’t sleep, and I’m sure I don’t sleep, it means I’ve gone crazy, - panic horror Alice no longer felt it, but it was replaced by a feeling of universal misfortune. -What will Pashka say? – She came closer to the mirror and began to look at her pupils. “He’s already angry with me,” not seeing anything in the mirror, she began fiddling with her hair, she always did this when she was nervous, “he’ll throw me in a mental hospital, and even worse, he’ll tell his mom, then she’ll definitely force him to get a divorce.” , - on weak legs she reached the nearest wall and flowed down it onto the floor.

Let’s go, we have exactly an hour before your husband arrives,” said the Kid and headed towards the bathroom.

Alice stood up and, as if under hypnosis, trudged after the cat.

“Take me in your arms and get into the bath,” the cat ordered.

For what? - Alice woke up.

You'll see.

Should I undress? – the girl asked, giggling and smiling stupidly.

We're not going to wash, take me already and get into the fucking bath!

Okay, okay, whatever you say,” Alice took the cat in her arms and climbed into the bath.

Now listen to me carefully! Now you must turn us into water, we will only need to stay in this state for ten seconds so as not to think about anything and turn into something else, count to ten.

What will happen if I turn into an elephant? – Alice asked, continuing to giggle stupidly.

You'll ruin your Italian bathtub. Pull yourself together and concentrate! Otherwise I'll bite you! - the cat threatened.

“Oh-oh, how scary,” his owner began, “Oh, why are you biting, you furry monster!?” Alice seemed to wake up, “what are we doing in the bathroom, damn it, all sorts of weird things, we have to get out of..

Stand! - the Kid yelled, and Alice stood rooted to the spot, looking at the cat, - turn into water!

It didn’t seem like it,” Alice whispered, “how to transform?”

As before you turned into a butterfly and a stuffed animal with tits, think that you want to become water, and don’t forget to count to ten,” Alice began to imagine how she was spreading across the bath and flowing into the sewer, and a moment later they were caught by a whirlpool. Before the girl had time to understand anything, they found themselves on a beautiful wooden floor with carved patterns.

“Back,” the cat commanded, and they became themselves again, finding themselves in a spacious room, the design of which was thought out to the smallest detail. One wall of the room was hidden by long, dark burgundy curtains from the ceiling to the floor, and on the opposite wall, painted peach, there were many different paintings. In the center of the room lay a carpet that matched the curtains, and at the far end there was a blazing fireplace, in front of it stood two large burgundy armchairs and a coffee table, whose glass top was supported by legs in the shape of seahorses made of red bronze. Someone was sitting in one of the chairs, wrapped in a blanket.

“Sit down, Mrs. Levitskaya, why are you standing there,” someone in a chair broke the silence. Alice stood in the same place where she and the cat “splashed down”, looked around the room and periodically pinched herself, still hoping to wake up, but the cat had already collapsed on the carpet. The stranger's voice brought her out of her stupor, and she obediently went to the chair.

Good afternoon, Alice. My name is German Genrikhovich, but you can simply call me by my name.

“Hello,” the girl answered timidly, staring at the gray-haired man. There were practically no wrinkles on his clean-shaven, attractive face, he stood straight in his chair, and only in his eyes - black and deep - was his advanced age visible.

How do you feel? I understand that all this seems like a dream to you,” German inquired.

To some extent, yes, I help recruits become comfortable with their gift, accept it and learn to control it.

“I-ah..uh,” was all Alice could squeeze out.

“I see,” said Herman, took a bell from the table and rang it. A door opened next to the fireplace, which Alice had not noticed before, and a thin woman of about fifty, dressed in black, entered the room. formal dress. Her dark hair, without a single gray thread, were gathered into a tight bun, and an ugly scar adorned his sunken cheek.

Agata, some tea, please,” Herman ordered. Agatha nodded and quickly disappeared through the door. Alice looked in fascination at the fire in the fireplace and remained silent, what was happening did not fit into her head.

Alice, you are not asleep and have not gone crazy, all this is actually happening,” Herman tried to pause after each phrase, “You have been awarded the gift of reincarnation, you must treat it carefully, not waste it, but use it only for its intended purpose.”

Who awarded it and for what other purpose, some kind of nonsense, where am I? “Alice seems to have come to her senses,” I think I guess, “you kidnapped me and drugged me with some kind of drugs, right?” “Alice felt fear again, it even seemed to her that she was tied up, but when she began to break free, she was very surprised that nothing was hindering her movements. Then she jumped out of her chair and began to look around in search of doors, but did not see any. She ran to the curtains and began to mercilessly throw them aside. But there were no windows behind them, only a blank wall. Alice began to choke from the onslaught of despair; she turned towards the fireplace, remembering the door from which the maid was coming out, but there was no door there either. Herman rose from his chair, threw off the blanket, carefully folded it and laid it on the back. At this time, Alice was trying to assess her chances of salvation if this stately and far from decrepit old man decided to attack her. Having finished with the blanket, Herman leaned his hand on the back of the chair and looked at Alice.

Alice, calm down and come to me,” he said in a commanding tone.

“I won’t think so,” Alice answered, grabbing the curtains, resisting the strange desire to obey.

Don't resist, the sooner you calm down and listen to my instructions, the sooner you will go home.

Any other instructions, who are you? – moving further away, Alice hissed.

“I warned you that it wouldn’t be easy with her,” said the cat, who was still lying on the carpet.

Alice looked in his direction, and suddenly everything that had happened emerged as a clear picture in her memory, her legs began to give way, and everything around began to get dark, and she felt that she was falling. At that same moment, someone picked her up and prevented Alice from having a grand encounter with the hard floor, and someone else grabbed her head with his hands and lightly pressed her temples. Alice felt so calm, easy and good.

You gave me a new dose, right? – without opening her eyes, she asked.

“Alice, open your eyes,” someone nearby said irritably. And Alice obeyed. She found herself in the arms of young man. He carefully picked her up and carried her to the chair. Alice realized that he was a very tall and strong guy; there was no point in trying to break free, and she didn’t want to. The man sat her in a chair, and he sat on the floor; Herman came up and covered her with a blanket. The door by the fireplace opened again and Agatha entered with a tray.

Thank you Agatha, I’ll pour it myself,” said Herman and Agatha again disappeared behind the door, which a moment later also disappeared.

Miracles! – the girl said and rubbed her eyes, and then looked at the guy sitting at her feet – dark blond hair, light brown eyes, “you remind me of someone,” thought Alice.

Haven't we met before? - she asked the stranger. But he did not answer, but only looked at her with some anger, then got up from the floor and headed to the far corner of the room. Alice watched him go, then turned to German:

Is he on anabolic steroids? Well, hands on! Where did he come from at such a good time? And why is he so angry?

Here, have a drink,” instead of answering, Herman handed her a beautiful cup with bright scarlet liquid.

Is this unicorn blood? - Alice giggled and began to drink.

This is raspberry tea, it will calm you down and put your nerves in order,” Herman answered and sat down in his chair. Alice drank the entire contents of the cup, which turned out to be very pleasant to the taste. “Alice,” Herman called, “are you ready to listen?”

I don’t understand anything, this whole situation, I should be afraid, but I feel so calm, everything is so real.

Everything is real, the situation is truly unusual for you, but you must listen to me, so I had to slightly influence your condition and suppress your fears.

“You didn’t kidnap me, I “flowed” to you myself,” Alice recalled recent events, “but how is this possible?

I already said, you were endowed with the gift of transformation. You can become anyone and anything. But this must be done by adhering to strict rules, otherwise you may cause harm to yourself or others.

Who and why rewarded me with such “happiness”? – Alice was still surprised at her calmness and the absurdity of what was happening.

Nature, Universe, Higher power, God – you can call it whatever you want, we don’t know for sure. Everyone in our magical community was in your place, and every young fighter was explained everything that was happening by the elders. No angels descended from heaven to anyone and told them about their gift and purpose.

So what is my purpose? – Alice was puzzled.

But you will have to find out this yourself.

The way back home seemed somewhat prosaic to Alice for the current situation. After Herman gave her basic instructions, she was escorted to front door, which appeared at the far end of the room, and behind it was the landing of her own entrance.

Why couldn’t we get here the same way? - asked Alice, - and where is my cat?

“He will be later,” Herman answered. “You have to go, your husband will be home any minute.”

How do you know? Are you also a fortune teller?

I know a lot of things, you and I will still have time to talk about everything, goodbye. - Almost pushing the girl out the threshold, the wizard said goodbye.

Yeah, you live for yourself, not suspecting anything, and wizards live on the floor below,” Alice muttered, going up to her apartment. But then it dawned on her that the door was locked, and she didn’t take the key with her, flowing into the water supply, who knew that everything would turn out like this.

“Well, of course, how could it be otherwise,” Alice said out loud and pressed her forehead against the door, not paying attention to the approaching steps.

Alice? What are you doing here?

Alice turned around and smiled at her husband.

They brought the receipts, and the cat jumped out, and I followed him. “I couldn’t find the cat and the door slammed,” Alice thought as she walked.

Well, as always, come to me, my disaster woman,” Pavel smiled affectionately and hugged his wife. Alice buried her face in his chest and inhaled the scent of her beloved eau de toilette and thought how good it was to be with him. And Pasha, hugging Alice with one arm, pulled out a key from his jacket pocket with the other and opened the door.

Where were you at lunchtime and why didn’t you answer your phone all day? Did you lose something? – Pasha inquired, changing into home clothes.

I was walking, and I didn’t even know the phone number,” Alice thought, “I don’t even know.”

I’ll dial now,” Pasha found his wife’s number in the last ones dialed and put the phone to his ear, waiting for the dial tone. The beep sounded and Spleen’s “Mayak” started beeping in the bedroom.

“I found it,” Alice said joyfully.

“It’s already good,” Pasha smiled, “do we have anything to eat?” - Pasha looked at the empty stove, then looked into the refrigerator, - well, it seems like we can sell the refrigerator, nothing happens in it anyway.

Yes, and instead of it we will put another shelf for books and flowers. I'm a bad wife, right? – the girl asked sadly and climbed onto a high stool near the bar counter.

Just terrible,” Pasha answered, still smiling and buried himself in the phone, “sushi or pizza?”

And more of both!

Wow! Haven't eaten anything all day again? How come your flowers haven’t all wilted and your cat hasn’t died yet? “Alice just shrugged, “it’s not surprising that he ran away,” Pasha again went to the refrigerator and began looking for the food delivery numbers written on the stickers glued to it.

Pash, if I went crazy, would you leave me? – Alice folded her hands on the tabletop and lowered her head on them.

“Yes, I married a crazy woman,” the man laughed, “and what are you talking about?” You're so unusually quiet, did something happen? Or are you still sulking at me? - Pasha found desired number and began typing it on his phone.

No, everything is fine and I'm not sulking, you were right. Well, in almost everything,” Alisa got off the chair, walked up to Pasha and hugged him.

Wow, you admitted you were wrong! - Pasha said, hugging back, holding the phone with one hand, waiting for an answer, - and what is this “almost” in which I’m wrong? Let me guess - the fact that you have to stay at home? I agree, I went too far here.

Hello, I would like to place an order,” he said into the phone. And Alice looked at him and thought “how wonderful he is, maybe it’s really time to give birth to a child, he really wants him, hmm, but I want him? How will I look with a belly?” Alice moved a little away from her husband and looked at her belly, which immediately began to grow. “Oh no, back, back.” Alice's thoughts began to get confused, she began to desperately remember all the rules that Herman had told her about. Her belly did not stop growing, Alice freed herself from Pasha’s embrace and took off running towards the bathroom.

Alice, what's wrong with you? “Pasha rushed after his wife, but she managed to run into the bathroom and close the door, turning the lever on the handle.

“I’m feeling sick, I’m going to feel sick right now, don’t worry,” Alice lied.

How can I not worry? – Pasha asked anxiously.

It's okay, I'm almost released, give me five minutes.

“Okay, if you call me for anything,” the man said and sank to the floor, leaning on the wall.

“Okay, calm down,” Alice whispered, looking first at her shaking hands and then at her huge belly, “I need to relax, I want everything to come back,” and the belly immediately disappeared. Alice exhaled with relief, turned to face the exit and reached for the handle, but her gaze stopped at the picture hanging on the door, which depicted an elephant.

Don't think about the elephant, don't think about the elephant, I was just as big as an elephant, I'm slooooon! - Alice almost screamed, and a second later she felt very cramped, her forehead and something huge near her nose were resting against the door, and some object was pressing on her legs, which she really wanted to kick.

Alice, why are you, you’re not an elephant! Let's get out of there already! – the frightened Pasha jumped up, leaning his ear against the door. But Alisa was afraid to move and didn’t dare answer either, thinking that Pasha hardly knew the elephant’s language. She was bursting with curiosity, but the dressing mirror was right behind her.

“I’ll just take one look and I’ll be myself again,” thought Alice and began to slowly turn around, but her foot immediately stepped into something slippery, she stumbled and crouched down, and a crash and a crash was heard.

Alice, what's going on there, are you okay? Did you fall? – Pasha pounded the door with his palm, “if you don’t answer now, I’ll break down the door!”

“Your left, I’m a stupid chicken!” - thought the fluttering chicken. “Heavenly gods, I want to be myself,” the girl begged.

Yes, Pash, I fell, I’ll open it now,” said Alice, looking at the smoke-filled bathtub, “I’m going to pound,” she added in a whisper and began to open the door, coming up with an excuse for what happened. Pasha pulled the door with force and began to examine Alice for damage. Not finding the slightest scratch on it, he looked at the bathtub and froze in surprise.

Alice, how are you? – that’s all he could say.

“I slipped,” she didn’t lie, “I...

“monster,” Alice wanted to say, but she said:

It is me.

Alice wake up already and feed me! – the cat sat on the girl’s back and screamed in her ear.

You’re magical, conjure some food for yourself,” Alice threw off the cat and turned over to the other side.

I don’t know how to cast magic, and even if I could, I still wouldn’t do it, since it’s contrary to the laws on the use of magic.

Alice opened her eyes and rolled over onto her back, throwing the cat off of her.

You didn’t even give me a chance to think that yesterday was just a stupid dream. What time is it now? Why are you waking me up so early? Has Pasha already left? – Alice reached to the nightstand to take the phone, - wow! It's already noon! So I went to bed, I didn’t even hear him leave, although this is not surprising, considering that I fell asleep only in the morning - the cat sat silently on the bed and looked at her.

Maybe you'll turn away? - Alice was embarrassed.

I'm just a cat, what's changed? “He said calmly, jumped off the bed and, without waiting for an answer, headed towards the kitchen.

It's just cats that don't speak like humans! - flew after him. Alice got out of bed, threw on a silk robe and padded barefoot into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror.

A real witch, red-haired, disheveled, just a cliché, it’s strange that the cat is not black. Cat, maybe we can repaint you? - Alice shouted.

What more! Maybe you’ll stop looking at yourself and cook me some porridge with milk? – the Kid, who was right behind her, was indignant, “what’s wrong with the bathroom?” Have you thought about the elephant yet?

Alice looked at the bath, bit her lower lip and shook her head.

Oh yes, it was an elephant! What were you saying about porridge? You usually eat cat food.

Have you tried it yourself? - the cat asked irritably.

Will there be answers in this dialogue? And anyway, why are you so angry? What did I do wrong to you? I snatched you from the clutches of death, one might say, fed you, went out, scratched you, cut your nails, bathed you, bought toys!

It would be better if you let me die then! - the cat shouted, arching his back, and then slipped out of the bath and disappeared behind the door.

What a grateful creature! - Alice was indignant, then closed the door and began her morning routine. Of course, it was not possible to take a shower; after washing, she went to the kitchen in order to continue the discussion with the cat while preparing breakfast, although, judging by the time, this meal could be considered lunch.

Baby! Hey cat, where are you? “The cat wasn’t in the kitchen, nor in the other rooms, nor behind the sofa, nor in other possible corners of the apartment, “Well, screw you, I’ll eat by myself,” shouted Alice.

“Come on,” the cat muttered, it’s not clear where it came from.

Listen, I liked you much more silently, maybe you could explain the reason for your terrible behavior?

Don’t bother me eating, after breakfast you’re going to see Herman.

Wait, how do you do it, talk and eat at the same time?

“I’m a telepath – it’s my gift, or maybe it’s a curse,” the cat answered without ceasing to chew.

And have you been reading my thoughts all this time?

Did you have any thoughts? You are a hurricane of unbridled emotions.

It’s no use talking to you,” Alice got angry.

So don't talk, please.

What if I throw you in the trash, huh?

I will be grateful. It's time for you.

Is the pipe leaking again? – the girl asked, gritting her teeth with anger.

As you wish, but I would prefer the door,” the cat responded indifferently, licking his lips after eating. Alice looked at him and did not understand how this creature, to whom she had given so much love and care over all these years, could hate her so much, and most importantly, why?

To be continued..

Strike (me) thunder Prost. Express I swear, I assure you. - Thunder strike me if I even breathe on him, on my tormentor (for wine that is)! (Chapter Uspensky. Morals of Rasteryaeva Street).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Shatter (me) thunder” in other dictionaries:

    strike me with thunder- adverb, number of synonyms: 4 I’ll be a bastard (27) I’ll give a damn (66) I swear by my mother (39) ... Synonym dictionary

    Strike (strike, crush, kill) me with thunder [at this place]!- Simple. An oath of what. FSRYaa, 356; BTS, 229; Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 111; WWTP, 162; F 2, 213 ...

    thunder- A; ov; m. 1. Rumble, peals accompanying lightning during a thunderstorm. A deafening, rolling, dull, distant city. A close clap of thunder was heard. G. thunders, rumbles. Until the thunder strikes, the man will not cross himself (Last.). 2. Loud noise; roar... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    strike the thunder- Strike (me) with thunder. Form of oath of what... Dictionary of many expressions

    thunder- ah, gen. pl. ov, m. 1. Rumble and crackling noise accompanying a lightning discharge. By eleven o'clock the clouds had gathered over the city itself, lightning flashed in a white zigzag, thunder struck, and torrential rain poured down. Garshin, True story Ensky Zemstvo Assembly.... ... Small academic dictionary

    burst- strike, strike; sov., trans. outdated and simple. ◊ strike (me) with thunder( (or God, Lord))(or) let((or let, yes)) God((or Lord)) strike (me)) are used as oath expressions to confirm one’s words, to assure oneself of something ... Small academic dictionary

    Simple Express Same as Strike (me) with thunder. The teeth of the girls and women flared up. They carry flax, and linens, and yarn... You are the color of our poppies, Uncle Yakov, Don’t be precious! No less, destroy my soul! If you want, take it, but if you don’t want, goodbye! (Nekrasov. Uncle... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    THUNDER- smashing. Arch. Noisy fun, celebration. AOC 10, 75. Thunder struck. 1. Unlock Trouble came, a misfortune happened. BTS, 229; MFS, 29. 2. Discussion. Severe punishment followed. F 1, 129. 3. Jarg. school Joking. The bell rang. VMN 2003, 39. Thunder with... ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    BREAK- BREAK, it; sovereign, whom (what): strike (let thunder strike) me! (simple) oath. Strike me down if I'm lying! Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    GOD- [bokh], god, plural. gods, ov, sound God, husband. 1. In religion: the supreme omnipotent being who rules the world or (in polytheism) one of such beings. Faith in God. Pagan gods. B. war (among the ancient Romans: Mars). Offer prayers to god(s).… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Simple Express I swear, I assure you. - Thunder strike me if I even breathe on him, on my tormentor (for wine that is)! (Chapter Uspensky. Morals of Rasteryaeva Street).

  • - GOD, god, plural. gods, -ov, name. God,...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - KILL ME ON THE PLACE THUNDER. Simple Express An oath about something. Kill me on the spot, Nikolai Vasilyevich, I don’t know anything. KILL ME WITH THUNDER...
  • - KILL ME ON THE PLACE THUNDER. Simple Express An oath about something. , Nikolai Vasilyevich, I don’t know anything. KILL ME WITH THUNDER...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Wed. I'm going on a spree, am I?... Yes, God destroy me in this place, burst my eyes, so that I will fall through the ground, if I do something like that... Goncharov. An ordinary story. 1, 1...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - God destroy me. Wed. I'm going on a spree, am I?... Yes, God destroy me in this place, burst my eyes so that I will fall through the ground, if I do something like that... Goncharov. An ordinary story. 1, 1. See. Hey, hey!.....

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Simple. Express Expression of indignation, dissatisfaction, surprise, etc. - Here you are desperate, but in Moscow you can’t get a word out of you. - No! - Tisha objected. - Our grandfather is so terribly brave...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - They twisted me, twisted me, threw me behind the fence - no burial for the body, no remembrance for the soul...
  • - Bend me, break me; I have a furry hair, the hairy one is smooth, the smooth one is sweet...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See THUNDERSTORM -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See KINDNESS - MERCY -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Undress me, take off my shoes, lay me down, cover me, turn me over, cross me - and then, go, I’ll fall asleep myself. See RANKS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - They cut me, they bind me, they beat me mercilessly, they wheel me around - I will go through fire and water, and my end will be a knife and teeth...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Simple. An exclamation expressing indignation, anger, surprise. FSRYaa, 356; Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 111...
  • - Simple. An oath to smth. FSRYaa, 356; BTS, 229; Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 111; WWTP, 162; F 2, 213...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - God is my witness, by God, God beat me, the true cross, the true thunder, as God is holy, the true God, kill me with thunder, those are the cross, I swear to God, God knows, kill me,...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 4 I’ll be a bastard, I give it to my mother, I swear that I live on one salary...

    Synonym dictionary

"Strike (me) with thunder" in books

You say we don't know what love is. What do I feel for you? It caresses my heart, it makes me laugh and cry, it makes me ecstatic, it takes me deep inside. What is this?

From the book Dialogue with the master about truth, goodness and beauty author Rajneesh Bhagwan Shri

You say we don't know what love is. What do I feel for you? It caresses my heart, it makes me laugh and cry, it makes me ecstatic, it takes me deep inside. What is this? This must be the beginning of a great love affair. But remember

7. The thunder thrown by God Vishnu at Black Harapin, and the thunder that stunned Manuel

From the author's book

7. The thunder thrown by God Vishnu on Black Kharapin, and the thunder that deafened Manuel We have already quoted the Bulgarian song, which talks about the thunder thrown by the Almighty on the king of Black Kharapin. Interestingly, Niketas Choniates also reports thunder “thrown upon Manuel.” In his


From the book Tsar of the Slavs author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

7. THE THUNDER THROWED BY GOD ON VISHNU ON THE BLACK KHARAPIN, AND THE THUNDER THAT STUNNED MANUIL We have already quoted the Bulgarian song, which talks about the thunder thrown by the Almighty on the king of the Black Kharapin. Interestingly, Niketas Choniates also reports thunder “thrown upon Manuel.” In his

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 974 (31 2012) author Zavtra Newspaper

“And thunder struck...” “And thunder struck...” Dmitry Vladykin 05/30/2012

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 968 (22 2012) author Zavtra Newspaper


From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 987 (44 2012) author Zavtra Newspaper

Can you hear the thunder yet? Can you hear the thunder yet? Nikolay Konkov 08/01/2012

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 401 (32 2001) author Zavtra Newspaper

44. Jesus cried out and said, “He who believes in Me does not believe in Me, but in Him who sent Me.”

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

44. Jesus cried out and said, “He who believes in Me does not believe in Me, but in Him who sent Me.” See 7:16ff;

author Lopukhin Alexander

7. I acquired servants and maidservants, and members of my household; I also had more large and small livestock than all those who were in Jerusalem before me; Household members, i.e. born from slaves in the house

2. And I made my mouth like a sharp sword; He covered Me with the shadow of His hand, and made Me a sharpened arrow; He kept Me in His quiver;

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

2. And I made my mouth like a sharp sword; He covered Me with the shadow of His hand, and made Me a sharpened arrow; He kept Me in His quiver; And I made my mouth like a sharp sword... like a sharp arrow; Poetic image, often found in other places of the Old and New Testaments,

35. For I was hungry, and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger and you accepted Me; 36. I was naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.

author Lopukhin Alexander

35. For I was hungry, and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger and you accepted Me; 36. I was naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me. The picture suddenly changes, without becoming any less majestic. The king remembers

42. For I was hungry, and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty, and you gave Me no drink; 43. I was a stranger, and they did not accept Me; I was naked, and they did not clothe Me; sick and in prison, and they did not visit Me. 44. Then they too will answer Him: Lord! when we saw You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

42. For I was hungry, and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty, and you gave Me no drink; 43. I was a stranger, and they did not accept Me; I was naked, and they did not clothe Me; sick and in prison, and they did not visit Me. 44. Then they too will answer Him: Lord! when we saw You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked,

30. And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi: You have troubled me, making me hated by (all) the inhabitants of the land, by the Canaanites and the Perizzites. I have few people; they will gather against me and smite me, and I and my house will be destroyed

author Lopukhin Alexander

30. And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi: You have troubled me, making me hated by (all) the inhabitants of the land, by the Canaanites and the Perizzites. I have few people; they will gather against me, they will defeat me, and I and my house will be destroyed. So far, Jacob is drawing their attention to this side of the matter,

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

14. Remember me when it is good for you, and do me a good deed, and mention me to Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house, 15. For I was stolen from the land of the Hebrews; and also here I did nothing to throw me into prison. To his interpretation, in the truth of which Joseph,

For her. I have unique qualities that set me apart from other women. I found my “zest”. I have qualities that make me worth marrying

From the book He is yours, she is yours. Path to awesome family life author Bykova O.

For her. I have unique qualities that set me apart from other women. I found my “zest”. I have qualities that make me worth marrying. In the previous chapter we looked at the tenth quality that a woman who aspires to