Why did Svidrigailov let Dunya go? Essay “The Last Meeting of Svidrigailov and Dunya”

IN harsh days Soviet republic Mayakovsky's poem " Good attitude to horses,” written in an alliterative style that shocked fans of this style. The writer took as a basis the moment when an old horse fell, which thus aroused great curiosity among the people around him, as well as the laughter of the surrounding onlookers. That is why the alliteration used helped convey the sounds of the clopping hooves of a nag.

It should be noted that imitating the sounds of an animal’s heavy walking, at the same moment, carry a semantic connotation. In the same way, the ringing laughter of onlookers is conveyed, “to flare Kuznetsky’s pants,” merging into a joint howl, reminiscent of a wolf, when they are in a pack. At this moment, our hero comes up, not “interfering his voice into the howl,” sympathizing with the horse, which not only stumbled and fell, but “crashed” hard, and because he saw “the horse’s eyes.” In them, the hero saw longing for people’s participation and crying, which others were not allowed to see: “Drops roll down the face and hide in the fur.” The hero sympathized with the animal so much that he himself felt a certain melancholy. This is what gave him the impetus to announce: “Baby, we are all horses, but each of us in our own way.” And it’s true, after all, everyone has encountered such a day when in every undertaking things failed. Wasn't there a desire to give up everything? And some, due to failures, even had a desire to commit suicide. In such a situation, only comforting words can help the problem. Pronouncing his encouraging words, he guesses that “maybe she doesn’t need a nanny,” because it’s not a pleasant fate that someone saw your failure, but you would like to hide it from the eyes of others. But then the hero, with his words, had a miraculous effect on the animal, watching as she “got to her feet and walked.” And feeling full of strength, the “red-haired child” began to wag her tail.

Mayakovsky ended his poem with the conclusion: “It was worth living and it was worth working,” which made us understand the title of the poem in a completely different form: you need to show a good attitude towards all people.

Historical and biographical material - Mayakovsky’s poem “Good attitude towards horses” was written in 1918.

The leading theme is that animals should be treated the same as people, meaning not to humiliate them and the like. And also the phrase “We are all a little bit of a horse,” that is, a person and a horse are similar - a person plows like a horse, his life can be just as difficult.

The lyrical plot is that a horse falls, those around them begin to laugh, all except one young man.

He tries to console the horse. And then the phrase “We are all a little horse” appears, uttered as I understand it by a horse, which means the phrase I mentioned above.

The prevailing mood and its changes - the mood throughout the poem is sad, compassionate.

The main images are the image of a horse, laughing people, a young man.

Visual means-metaphors: laughter started, melancholy left, the street overturned. Neologisms: opita, flare, flare, tinkled, behind the drops of the drops.

Alliteration - mushroom, rob, coffin.

Rhyming lines - red child, foal.

Opita is wearing shoes. Behind the onlooker there is an onlooker. Hooves.

Problems - people mocked and actually humiliated the animal, although they themselves could well have ended up in the same situation.

Size - the size of Vladimir Mayakovsky's poem is quite difficult to determine, but I tried to do it. Since the stress falls on the first syllable, we can assume that this is a dactyl.

And today, reading Dostoevsky, we continue to be amazed at the power of his artistic insight. What is the extraordinary appeal of Dostoevsky’s work? Every line of his books is dedicated to a person. At the center of the writer’s creativity is man and eternal questions human existence, questions of good and evil that he tries to answer. Dostoevsky saw the main task of his work as looking for man in man.

The point of the last meeting between Svidrigailov and Dunya is that Svidrigailov already at the beginning of the chapter hinted to Raskolnikov that he had overheard his conversation with Sonya. And he very clearly formulated his ideology, responding to Raskolnikov’s reproach: “If you are convinced that you can’t eavesdrop at the door, and you can peel old women with anything, for your pleasure, then go somewhere as soon as possible to America. Run, young man! After this scene, the reader is not surprised by Svidrigailov’s behavior with Dunya, his harassment, blackmail, and threats of violence.

The novel “Crime and Punishment” was written during the “difficult times” of the late 60s, when Russia was in a state of economic and social crisis. The peasant reform of 1861 not only did not smooth out, but even further aggravated social contradictions. A spiritual crisis was growing in society. Connections with age-old traditions were lost, ideas about good and evil were confused. Where to go? What to look for? What truths should we hold on to? Nobody believes in anything. The masters of the situation are the law of force and the power of money, the cynical owners of the Svidri-Gailovs and Luzhins. Most of the people sink to the level of poverty. A person who is unable to adapt to the new laws of the bourgeois world finds himself left out of life and becomes part of an impoverished people. But every person is unique and unique in his destiny. A person who thinks suffers, suffers. Such are the Marmeladov family, Dunya, Raskolnikov, the deceived girl on the boulevard, the drowned woman.

What’s especially offensive is that the Svidrigailovs always get away with it. It’s even difficult to kill them, the bullet only scratches them, and the gun misfires. “Dunya raised the revolver and, deathly pale, with a white, trembling lower lip, with large black eyes sparkling like fire, looked at him, making up her mind, measuring and waiting for the first movement on his part...”

Dostoevsky, a humanist writer, shows what a tragedy the new social reorganization of society turns into for common man. The desire to live honestly leads to the collapse of the Marmeladovs. In order to somehow feed her family, Sonya is forced to sacrifice herself. The fate of Raskolnikov’s beloved sister Dunya is similar. For the sake of her brother's future, she is ready to marry the soulless businessman Luzhin. Small man turns out to be unprotected from the inhuman laws of society.

Later, in the novel “Demons,” Dostoevsky developed the theme of an “ugly crime” - there it is committed by Stavrogin, a character related to Svidrigailov. And it is very important that Svidrigailov, before shooting himself, tries to atone for his sins: he helps Katerina Ivanovna’s children, gives money to his fiancee’s parents, and lets Dunya go. Svidrigailov's suicide completely convinces Raskolnikov that his super idea, his path, is wrong.

And today, reading Dostoevsky, we continue to be amazed at the power of his artistic insight. What is the extraordinary appeal of this author’s work? Every line of his books is dedicated to a person. At the center of the writer’s work is man and the eternal questions of human existence, questions of good and evil, to which he tries to answer. Dostoevsky saw the main task of his work as looking for man in man.
The point of the last meeting between Svidrigailov and Dunya is that Svidrigailov had already hinted to Raskolnikov that he had overheard his conversation with Sonya. And he very clearly formulated his ideology, responding to Raskolnikov’s reproach: “If you are convinced that you can’t eavesdrop at the door, and you can piss off old women with anything you like, for your own pleasure, then go somewhere as quickly as possible to America. Run, young man!”
After this scene, the reader is not surprised by Svidrigailov’s behavior with Dunya, his harassment, blackmail, and threats of violence.
The novel "Crime and Punishment" was written during the "difficult times" of the late 60s, when Russia was in a state of economic and social crisis. The peasant reform of 1861 not only did not smooth out, but further aggravated social contradictions. A spiritual crisis was growing in society. Connections with age-old traditions were lost, ideas about good and evil were confused. Where to go? What to look for? What truths should we hold on to? Nobody believes in anything. The masters of the situation are the law of force and the power of money, the cynical owners Svidrigailovs and Luzhins. The majority of the people fall to the level of poverty. A person who is unable to adapt to the new laws of the bourgeois world finds himself left out of life and becomes part of an impoverished people. But every person is unique and unique in his destiny. A person who thinks suffers and suffers. Such are the Marmeladov family, Dunya, Raskolnikov, the deceived girl on the boulevard, the drowned woman.
What’s especially offensive is that the Svidrigailovs always get away with it. It’s even difficult to kill them, the bullet only scratches them, and the gun misfires.
“Dunya raised the revolver and, deathly pale, with a white, trembling lower lip, with large black eyes sparkling like fire, looked at him, making up her mind, measuring and waiting for the first movement on his part...”
Dostoevsky, a humanist writer, shows what a tragedy the new social reorganization of society turns out to be for the common man. The desire to live honestly leads to the collapse of the Marmeladovs. In order to somehow feed her family, Sonya is forced to sacrifice herself. The fate of Raskolnikov’s beloved sister, Dunya, is similar. For the sake of her brother's future, she is ready to marry the soulless businessman Luzhin. The little man is not protected from the inhuman laws of society.
Later, in the novel “Demons,” Dostoevsky developed the theme of an “ugly crime” - there it is committed by Stavrogin, a character related to Svidrigailov. And it is very important that Svidrigailov, before shooting himself, tries to atone for his sins: he helps the children of Katerina Ivanovna, gives money to the parents of his bride; releases Dunya from himself. Svidrigailov's suicide completely convinces Raskolnikov that his super idea, his path, is wrong.

Analysis of an episode from the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Svidrigailov and Dunya".

The explanation of Dunya and Svidrigailov that occurred in this episode is the latter and is of decisive importance both for their relationship and for the fate of Svidrigailov.

Returning from the restaurant where he dined with Raskolnikov, Svidrigailov meets Dunya on the bridge and invites him to his place for a conversation. At first she is afraid to go to him, since a decent girl cannot alone enter the apartment of a lonely man, who also has such a reputation. But the curiosity awakened by Svidrigailov’s letter overpowers, and Dunya wants to prove that she is not at all afraid of him.

At the very beginning of the conversation, Dunya behaves very insecurely, violently expresses her distrust of all Svidrigailov’s words (exclams of “I don’t believe it!”, “Lies!” occur two or three times in a row), but her indignation is too strong to be sincere. Most likely, she already suspects something, and her fears are confirmed by Svidrigailov’s words. Clinging to any opportunity to refute them, she demands evidence and in her protests one can literally hear a plea: “She definitely belittled Svidrigailov; she forgot all her fear.” However, Svidrigailov did not start this conversation so that Dunya would find out the truth, and not even in order to offer his help in saving Raskolnikov - this is just an excuse, the last opportunity to change his life - with the help of Dunya, since Svidrigailov himself does not have enough mental strength on this. Dunya for him could play the same role as Sonya for Raskolnikov. The fate of Svidrigailov is possible variant Raskolnikov's fate if Sonya had not met on his way. But the last hope collapsed with Dunya’s final and firm refusal:

“So you don’t love me? .. And you can’t? Never?

- Never!"

After this, Svidrigailov makes a huge effort on himself - it’s not easy to give up the only hope - and lets Dunya go. Perhaps he had thoughts of violence; it was not for nothing that the very fire “that once frightened Dounia so much” broke through his ostentatious calm. But he was never able to fulfill it - after all, he really loves Dunya, although his love is very peculiar. But he loves as best he can, but Dunya cannot love him, and therefore his chance is lost. He is doomed to die, and it is just a matter of time.

There is a connection with the previous and subsequent episodes - in a conversation with Raskolnikov, Svidrigailov tells him about his whole life and all the abominations that he committed - that is, the need for changes in life is affirmed. But since Svidrigailov is not able to implement it on his own, he needs the help of the person he loves - Dunya.