Battle of the strongest psychics Victoria Ridos. Alexander Sheps and Victoria Rydos staged a battle of the fittest

People have long been interested in what lies beyond. human mind. Mystic, paranormal activity, supernatural events, witchcraft, magic, drumming, brownies, telekinesis and others that cannot be controlled scientific explanation things probably still have a right to exist. After all, legends, fairy tales and myths do not appear out of nowhere. And most importantly, among people there are those individuals who have in themselves something that allows them to look beyond reality. See what to an ordinary person invisible and unknown. They hear the voices of those who have already left the earth and gone to another world and can call their souls for conversations. Such people can find anything and anyone.
It used to be, in ancient times, such people were anathematized, burned at the stake and drowned because of ignorance and fear. Now these people are called psychics and they are in great demand because of their supernatural abilities.

The TNT channel in 2007 launched a project with the participation of such outstanding people who stand out from the rest. As part of the “Battle of Psychics” program, the program’s heroes were investigating criminal cases, searching for missing people, etc., etc. In order to take part in the program, applicants had to pass several tests using their extraordinary abilities. Find out what is behind a completely impenetrable screen or in a box covered with fabric; Find a person hidden in any object (car, chest, locker, etc.); Complete qualifying tasks. The best move on to the next round of the show.

For several years now (with a short break) the project “Psychics Are Investigating: Battle of the Strongest” has been going on and a variety of “hereditary witches”, sorcerers in the sixth or seventh generation, shamans and telepaths took part in it. But they continue to surprise and inspire hope in those who turn to them for help. Now the program involves the strongest, most powerful psychics and clairvoyants, whom people who are desperate to find the truth believe and expect to participate in their troubles. Only these people can stand as a wall between mystical evil forces and defenseless people.

The tenth season of “Battle of the Strongest” became the most emotionally powerful and the most mystical among all that had been released before. Our heroes will or will not be able to unravel the mysteries and secrets of those who have already passed on to another world. Although our heroes also have their weaknesses, especially if otherworldly forces are activated and prevent psychics from acting.

This happened when in Belgorod, clairvoyants were not allowed onto the threshold of a “bad” apartment by an unknown force. Alexander Sheps, for example, could not get out of bed, let alone come to the filming of the program; Nadezhda Shevchenko arrived, but seriously injured her leg before entering the entrance; Zulia Radjabova felt unwell when she flew to this filming that seemed to be cursed by someone.

Our psychics will also visit Khanty-Mansiysk, where they will try to help the relatives of the deceased teenagers who burned alive in a bathhouse. And Victoria Rydos, who is considered the strongest among all, will fall into a real panic when she takes part in the investigation at the graveyard. Well, what else awaits our heroes, you can find out if you watch online the 10th season of the most mystical and mysterious show “Psychics: Battle of the Strongest”.

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4 months after the wedding, the young wife became a widow, her husband hanged himself. Why did he do this? After all, it seemed that the young family was happy, and an idyll reigned in the house. And how to protect his wife from a fatal step, she dreams of repeating the act of her husband. After all, she is only 22 years old, and instead of family happiness, she only has daily trips to the cemetery, and the realization that […]

Look online Psychics are investigating the Battle of the Strongest 08/27/2016 on the TNT channel. Watch online Psychics are investigating the Battle of the Strongest 08/27/2016 on the TNT channel. Black, scorched bricks, rain-drenched floors and basement, empty window sockets - this house is like a terrible symbol of trouble in the village of Kulpino near Moscow, and it’s hard to believe that just recently reigned here family happiness and children's voices sounded. Three wonderful children, the eldest son, 10-year-old Maxim, the middle one, Seryozha, and little daughter Natusya. They were the main wealth and happiness of the family of Masha and Denis Mudrik; the parents loved and spoiled their little ones. For the new year 2016, we bought gifts, had a party and couldn’t even imagine that the very next morning they happy world will cease to exist.

On January 1, before dawn, the head of the family Denis left for work, and then two brothers Seryozha and Maxim woke up. The boys decided to play while no one was looking - they set fire to an egg carton and, out of fear, threw it behind the microwave. Going downstairs, their mother saw small flashes of fire and without hesitation ran with the child to get a fire extinguisher into the basement, but when they went upstairs again, the fire flared up so much that Maria could no longer break through the flames to the second floor where they remained two other small children - Seryozha and Natasha. Masha ran out into the street, desperate tears choked her, because all she could do was watch how they were dying in terrible fire her relatives, beloved children. 3-year-old Natasha and her 6-year-old brother Seryozha suffocated from smoke and died. That terrible day changed the life of this family forever. Every day, an inconsolable mother, looking at the ruins of her house, is tormented by the same thought: could she have saved the lives of her babies? Why was fate so cruel to this family? Who is to blame for the fact that two innocent children died so horribly and absurdly? These questions eat away at the souls of grieving parents and prevent them from moving on. Maria and Denis hope that maybe those who are able to penetrate the world of the dead, people with superpowers, will help them find answers and console souls. Two people are sent to help this family. the strongest psychics medium

The new series of “Battle of the Strongest” will take place with the participation of Victoria Raidos, Alexander Sheps and Nicole Kuznetsova. What will they feel in a mysterious apartment whose owners have lost peace and sleep?

Psychics are investigating a dangerous case involving... ghosts in the apartment. A young family with children from the city of Pushkin moved into an apartment in an old 18th century house, and after some time their life went out of its usual rut. The children complained that they saw strangers. The owner of the apartment, Yana, and her husband Mikhail despaired and called the strongest psychics for help. The house, which should be their fortress and symbol of comfort, has become a place of scandals and strife. At night, residents of the mysterious apartment hear footsteps, stomping, doorbells, and also see silhouettes of people in their peripheral vision.

Psychics have no idea what awaits them. Their ordeal begins in St. Petersburg, where they are blindfolded and then driven to a nearby city.

Nicole Kuznetsova

First to pass the clairvoyant test Nicole Kuznetsova. She looked around the apartment, then one by one approached family friends, told the details of their lives and answered unspoken questions.

The clairvoyant decided that the problem with the family was in themselves. Their family conflict has outgrown all boundaries, and the family is on the verge of divorce. Nicole offered her help to restore the fading relationship. However, according to those present, she failed to cope with the task.

Victoria Rydos

Victoria Raidos I immediately identified the owner of the apartment and began working with him. She called upon the souls of deceased relatives, and realized that they were worried about their living relative and were trying to help. Then she walked throughout the apartment, noting the places where the owners had seen the deceased. Suddenly the witch was attracted by the window sill, on which she saw a ghost elderly woman. Victoria jumped out the window and followed her. The deceased led the medium to an old ruined building. It turned out to be a chapel in which the dead were buried. The house whose family invited psychics used to be a military hospital, and there were many deaths in it. Victoria realized that the mother, desperate with grief, was looking for her son’s grave, and decided to wait for Alexander Sheps in order to help the ghost find peace with him.

Alexander Sheps

Medium Alexander Sheps also approached the owner of the apartment and told many details from his life. He surprised the guests too, paying attention to everyone and highlighting key points their lives.

He felt the powerful energy of death and also saw the ghosts of deceased people who were not related to the family living in the apartment. Alexander spent ritual of protection using the 4 elements: water, earth, fire and air.

Later, approaching the hostess Yana, he sorted out his feelings and amazed everyone present with another revelation. It turns out that Yana has the beginnings of a medium’s abilities, but she did not take advantage of her grandmother’s offer in time and did not pay attention to strange dreams. Her late grandmother Lida came to her wearing them and asked her to take something from her old house. Alexander warned that the woman was a guide from world of the dead. However, not being able to decipher the requests of the dead, she could not help either them or her family. Sheps invited Yana to think and decide whether she should develop the gift or break off this connection.

Collaboration between Victoria and Alexander

Together with Victoria Rydos, they decided to find the grave of a guy who died in a hospital more than 100 years ago. They tuned in to each other, and Alexander clearly saw the name of the deceased - Peter, and the date of his burial - 1916. They decided to look for Peter and help the ghost of their inconsolable mother in the cemetery. Victoria showed her the way there book of the dead. There was no grave in the cemetery itself, and the ghost of the guy who appeared to Alexander led him to a vacant lot.

This place is the very first cemetery where those killed in the First World War were buried. However, it had long been razed to the ground, so it was not possible to find the grave.

Psychics decided to conduct a ritual that would reunite the souls of mother and son. To do this, they were left alone, saying that the ritual negatively affects the energy of living people. The decision was up to Yana, the owner of the apartment, whether she was ready to accept or reject her dormant powers. Victoria suggested choosing a family and not taking the path of a medium.

Stunning and supernatural psychic abilities continue to shock everyone who watches the program, and also makes the participants in the experiments believe in a miracle. Every day, exciting investigations open our eyes to what is happening around us. Whether you believe in it or not is everyone’s business, but think about it, have there been any inexplicable things in your life? We wish you happiness and good luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and