Maxim Yakovlev. Small stories and poems in prose

Frescoes are when they paint directly on fresh plaster; on a fresh basis that absorbs the image... according to fresh memory, for memory is the source of all art: the painter puts a spot or line on the canvas always from memory; the composer is in a hurry to record in musical notation the melody that he retains in memory; Likewise, a writer, being a part of speech, is unthinkable without memory.

Frescoes are when the whole is painted in parts: now here, now there...

You must try to write quickly, while everything is alive.


There are dogs in the world. And not just dogs, but dogs...

To this day it’s a mystery to me: why did we like each other? She is from a pack of beggar dogs, white, with thick sheep's wool, in a word, Belyanka. At first I did not mark any of them, and if possible, I gave them equal parts of crackers. One day, out of all this brethren, she alone stood up on hind legs and reached out not for the treat (which I didn’t have that time), but for me. I stroked her... And from then on she became my Belyanka. As soon as she sees me, she rushes towards me, and it is impossible to describe how she first runs forward and lowers her muzzle low, begins to wag her body, looking in the manner of a village coquette, but then, unable to bear it, she nevertheless gets up on her paws and is already caressing with all her heart. However, I am no less happy.

Over time, I became convinced that she was driven precisely by affection for me, and not by a feeling of hunger. We walk about twenty or thirty meters together, then she politely lags behind, and how grateful I am to her for this: I don’t have the opportunity to take her into my house. Sometimes I go much later than usual, all the same - he will meet me and see me off. Such a dog. The day before yesterday she suddenly didn’t poke at me, but ran away cautiously. I see blood dried on her head. All day I worried and thought that that person, in her eyes, was the same as me. And he hit. Today, thank God, our relationship has been restored! There must be at least one soul in the world who waits for you every day. (And why don’t we have love without anxiety? Will we see each other tomorrow?)


In the morning, everyone in the carriage was talking about how they miraculously managed to avoid an accident during the night. He went out to smoke in the vestibule and was horrified, imagining what could have happened to him and his family last night, in the cold, far from the city... and pushed these thoughts away from himself. Taking a deep breath, he sighed and smiled, looking at the sparkling snow, and said to himself: “Thank God.”

And then he remembered that yesterday afternoon he had also stood here and seen through the window a station, people waiting for the train, and among them a figure hunched over from the cold. A tramp or a drunk, he thought then. And he turned to their train, and (he saw it clearly) crossed the carriages several times, dousing him with snow dust... He still looked at this weirdo and grinned to himself and shook his head, it happens... Now all these events were somehow naturally connected between themselves. ‘Thank God,’ he said again. And once again unexpectedly loudly: ‘Thank God!’


My friend Nikolai Mikhailovich said: ‘Yesterday I was on the train with the ‘new Nozdryov’. Just as restless, noisy and covered in beer bottles. Well, I think I'm lucky. He drinks one after another, and of course talks about how we ourselves are to blame for not being able to live ‘like people’, in our own style, in general. And of course he found his grateful listener in me. I get up to go out, and he feels sorry for losing such a listener, he began to regret it, and I said: ‘If you don’t mind, let me pick up your empty bottles?’ After all, three of them is half a loaf of bread! They don't lie on the road. He gave it without making a sound, just winced: ‘So that’s what you needed...’ “Upset, you know, a man,” laughs Nikolai Mikhailovich, who lost his wife and son this year, is himself a patient, a philologist, a specialist in Slavic literature.


It was snowing in the morning. Incredibly white and smooth. How long, it turns out, she had been waiting for this, how she presented her exhausted body to him... We all forgot that she was alive, but now we can’t help but hear her drawn-out exhalation: “Go away, people! Put away your stupid cars, planes and trains... Stay somewhere, at least for a couple of hours, at least for half an hour... I have no strength!”

Quiet and clean, like a hospital room. I went out to buy bread and immediately realized that we were superfluous here. It turns out there are moments when a person is not a master, not a king, not a god. It's better for him to stay at home. Amen.


We have a strict father. On Sundays he confesses before the liturgy and everyone waits for the last one to finally get his turn. This time the last one was the old lady. Almost completely deaf.

- Are you going to confession? - the priest asks loudly.

“Yes, I’ve come,” he answers to the whole temple, “otherwise you’ll die...

- Are there any sins?

Yes, a lot, son, and she swore and all sorts of things happened. I am very sinful. I then sent the baby away, they lived in Kruglovo...

Father quickly looks at us. But everyone stands with their heads down.

- What’s your name? - he shouts.

Yes, I don’t know the name, he wasn’t born, a baby. I him…

- Yours, how are you?

- My? I also stole frozen potatoes with my sister. From the collective farm...

- The name of? Not my sister, how are you?

- Antonina, I... what, they won’t forgive me?

Father doesn’t know what to answer.

– I’m very sinful... during the war too...

He hastily covers her with the stole and she quiets down, but not completely, she can be heard listing something else. It’s convenient for her to stand bent, that’s how she walks.

- Lord, have mercy on her! - someone burst out.


Opposite me on the train are two pretty girls, especially the red-haired one. They discuss their friends. I see a fat, blond guy creeping up behind them with a huge bouquet and a box in his hand. He's having a lot of fun, he winks at me and puts his finger to his lips. I turn away and look out the window. He’s clearly preparing a “surprise”, I even know who the red-haired one is, he’s already over her... She says to her friend:

- But Pashka is not a man at all, he’s a disgusting licker, he treats me like a little girl and every time he comes up with some kind of gift, can you imagine?..

It's about him. He stands purple, with eyes full of tears. I don't know where to go. A second later, the guy flies out of the car, just for his “luck”, the stop. The train starts moving, the red-haired girl exclaims:

- Oh, Pashka!

- Where? Is this him?

– Do you think it’s not him?

“He,” I say.

- How do you know?

I know one cat. He knows me too. We have a special relationship. For some reason, he believes that the area under my window up to the neighbor’s fence belongs to him. I don't agree with this. Firstly, I live here, true, so does he, but I put a table on the property, dug in a bench, arranged it, none of the neighbors object and in general... This cat climbs onto the table with dirty feet, and will also fall apart demonstratively in plain sight, not enough Moreover, he yells in the evenings right under the window, without any need or justification, and besides, he has gotten into the habit of climbing into the underground through a hole under the porch, which I am still planning to repair. Several times I managed to hit him with an apple core, but that’s all I can boast about for now. All winter, he certainly leaves a “couple of lines” of footprints on the site, not being lazy about imprinting them after each snowfall, as a kind of “written” confirmation of the right to this place.

And then I return home, I see the bastard sitting on my porch, facing the door, most importantly, as if he had come to visit. I found a dead rod, I sneaked up behind him, swung it... And he turned like that, looked like “come on”... I stood there with my hand raised and sat down next to him. To be honest, I wasn’t in the best mood either. We sat for a while. What a warm evening... Yes, spring is coming...


Every time I read it I see the scorching sky. So they go with Him to the sea, through the ‘decapolis’. On the hot earth, on the white stones, no one knows why. He knows. Black round shadows on my feet, grass brushing my sandals, a straight path all day long. They are met from afar, you can see how they come out to the road, how they hurry across from the villages. The crowd grows and stops Him from pushing through. It’s noisy, like in a market, crying, it seems like you can’t breathe, a nightmare, suddenly they scream, they part… What’s there? They brought someone, they said, not to miss the miracle. ‘They brought to Him a deaf man who was tongue-tied and asked Him to lay His hand on him. Jesus, taking him aside from the people, put His fingers into his ears and, spitting, touched his tongue. And looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him: “Ephphatha,” that is, “open.” (Who can say how much is in this “sigh”? God Himself “sighed” humanly!).

‘And immediately his ears were opened, and the bonds of his tongue were loosed, and he began to speak clearly.’ (Again, shouting, jostling. Miracle! Miracle!! - Look, just as he says, it’s a miracle! Well, say it again...)

‘And they marveled exceedingly and said, “He does everything well—he makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.”

Still, I can’t come to my senses: how did He ‘sigh’?

I really love this Gospel of Mark.


The day ended as usual: a friend gave him a ride to the metro and they parted cheerfully, then he took the metro to the station, then rode the train, sitting in the corner by the window, then went out to “Kraskovo” and walked for a long time through the shifting, greasy snow to his an empty home and, as always, he didn’t think about her, he didn’t think about anything like that and didn’t remember and didn’t regret it at all, he was tired, he had to cook dinner or at least tea, but that somehow passed unnoticed and quickly, satiety lingered to bed, but he still had to pray, and he forced himself to stand in front of the lamp. He sighed and said: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Our Father...” And then he heard within himself a stunningly quiet Voice: “What, son?..” He could no longer utter a word of prayer. He stood and cried and could not stop.

In the morning he woke up and remembered this. And he didn’t believe it: how could God be so close, so fatherly close... to him?! He got up, washed, dried himself quickly, and prayer was about to begin. He came up and stood in front of the lamp...

"Frescoes". M., And the building of the Church of the Three Saints on Kulishki together with the Thomas Center, 2002

Poems in prose (Senilia). Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Village Last day of June; for a thousand miles around Russia is our native land. The whole sky is filled with an even blue; There is only one cloud on it - either floating or melting. Calm, warm... the air is fresh milk! The larks are ringing; goofy pigeons coo; swallows soar silently; horses snort and chew; the dogs do not bark and stand quietly wagging their tails. And it smells like smoke, and grass, and a little tar, and a little leather. The hemp plants have already entered into force and are releasing their heavy but pleasant spirit. A deep but gentle ravine. On the sides, in several rows, are big-headed, fissured willows at the bottom. A stream runs through the ravine; at the bottom of it, small pebbles seem to tremble through light ripples. In the distance, at the end-edge of earth and sky, there is the bluish line of a large river. Along the ravine - on one side there are neat barns, cubicles with tightly closed doors; on the other side there are five or six pine huts with plank roofs. Above each roof is a tall birdhouse pole; above each porch there is a carved iron steeply maned ridge. The uneven glass of the windows shimmers with the colors of the rainbow. Jugs with bouquets are painted on the shutters. In front of each hut there is a decorative bench; on the rubble the cats curled up in a ball, their transparent ears pricked up; beyond the high rapids the vestibule darkens coolly. I am lying at the very edge of the ravine on a spread blanket; There are whole heaps of freshly mown, languidly fragrant hay all around. The clever owners scattered the hay in front of the huts: let it dry a little more in the hot sun, and then go to the barn! It will be nice to sleep on it! Curly children's heads stick out from every heap; tufted hens look for midges and insects in the hay; a white-lipped puppy flounders in tangled blades of grass. Fair-haired guys, in clean, low-belted shirts, in heavy boots with trim, exchange glib words, leaning their chests on an unharnessed cart, and grin at each other. A chubby young woman looks out of the window; Laughs either at their words or at the fuss of the guys in the piled hay. Another pullet with strong hands drags a large wet bucket from the well... The bucket trembles and swings on the rope, dropping long fiery drops. The old housewife stands in front of me in a new checkered pane, in new cats. Large blown beads in three rows wrapped around her dark, thin neck; the gray head is tied with a yellow scarf with red specks; he hung low over the dimmed eyes. But the old eyes smile welcomingly; The whole wrinkled face smiles. Tea, the old lady is reaching her seventh decade... and even now you can see: she was a beauty in her time! Spreading out the tanned fingers of her right hand, she holds a pot of cold, unskimmed milk, straight from the cellar; the walls of the pot are covered with dewdrops, like beads. In the palm of her left hand, the old woman brings me a large slice of still warm bread. “Eat to your health, visiting guest!” The rooster suddenly crowed and busily flapped its wings; the locked calf mooed in response, slowly. - Oh yes oats! - the voice of my coachman is heard. Oh, contentment, peace, excess of the Russian free village! Oh, peace and grace! And I think: why do we need the cross on the dome of Hagia Sophia in Tsar-Grad and everything that we, city people, are striving for? February, 1878 Conversation Neither the Jungfrau nor the Finsteraarhorn had ever seen a human foot. The peaks of the Alps... A whole chain of steep ledges... The very core of the mountains. Above the mountains there is a pale green, light, silent sky. Strong, hard frost; hard, sparkling snow; Harsh blocks of icy, weather-beaten rocks stick out from under the snow. Two communities; two giants rise on both sides of the sky: Jungfrau and Finsteraarhorn. And Jungfrau says to his neighbor: “What’s new to say?” You know best. What's down there? Several thousand years pass - one minute. And Finsteraargorn rumbles in response: - Solid clouds cover the earth... Wait! Another millennium passes - one minute. - Well, what now? – asks Jungfrau. - Now I see; Down there everything is the same: colorful, small. The waters turn blue; the forests turn black; piles of crowded stones turn gray. The boogers are still swarming around them, you know, you two-legged creatures that have never yet been able to defile either you or me. - People? - Yes; People. Thousands of years pass - one minute. - Well, what now? – asks Jungfrau. “It’s like we’re seeing fewer boogers,” Finsteraarhorn thunders. - It became clearer below; the waters narrowed; Thin out the forests. Another thousand years passed - one minute. - What do you see? - says Jungfrau. “Near us, close by, it seems to have cleared up,” answers Finsteraargorn, “well, but there, in the distance, in the valleys there are still spots and something is moving.” - And now? - Jungfrau asks, after another thousand years - one minute. “Now it’s good,” answers Finsteraargorn, “it’s become neat everywhere, it’s completely white, wherever you look... Our snow is everywhere, even snow and ice.” Everything froze. Okay now, calm down. “Okay,” said Jungfrau. “However, you and I have had quite a chat, old man.” Time to take a nap. - It's time. Huge mountains sleep; The green bright sky sleeps over the forever silent earth. February, 1878 Old Woman I was walking across a wide field, alone. And suddenly I thought I felt light, cautious steps behind my back... Someone was following my trail. I looked around and saw a small, hunched old woman, all wrapped in gray rags. The old woman's face alone was visible from under them: a yellow, wrinkled, pointed-nosed, toothless face. I approached her... She stopped. - Who are you? What do you need? Are you poor? Are you waiting for alms? The old woman did not answer. I leaned towards her and noticed that both her eyes were covered with a translucent, whitish membrane, or hymen, such as is found in other birds: they protect their eyes with it from too bright light. But the old woman’s hymen did not move and did not open her pupils... from which I concluded that she was blind. - Do you want alms? – I repeated my question. - Why are you following me? “But the old woman still did not answer, but only shrank a little. I turned away from her and went my way. And now again I hear behind me the same light, measured, as if creeping steps. “This woman again! – I thought. - Why did she pester me? “But I immediately added mentally: “She probably blindly lost her way, and is now following my steps by ear, so that together with me she can go out to a residential area.” Yes Yes; This is true". But a strange uneasiness gradually took over my thoughts: it began to seem to me that the old woman was not only following me, but that she was guiding me, that she was pushing me now to the right, now to the left, and that I was involuntarily obeying her. However, I continue to walk... But ahead, on my very road, something turns black and widens... some kind of hole... “Grave! – flashed in my head. “That’s where she’s pushing me!” I turn sharply back... The old woman is in front of me again... but she sees! She looks at me with large, angry, sinister eyes... the eyes of a bird of prey... I move towards her face, towards her eyes... Again the same dull hymen, the same blind and stupid appearance. "Oh! – I think... – this old woman is my destiny. That fate from which a person cannot escape!” “Don’t leave! don't leave! What kind of madness is this?... We have to try.” And I rush to the side, in a different direction. I walk quickly... But light steps still rustle behind me, close, close... And the pit darkens again ahead. I again turn in the other direction... And again the same rustling from behind and the same menacing spot in front. And wherever I rush, like a hare on the run... everything is the same, the same! “Stop! - I think. - I’ll deceive her! I’m not going anywhere!” – and I instantly sit down on the ground. The old woman is standing behind me, two steps away from me. I can't hear her, but I feel that she is here. And suddenly I see: that spot that was black in the distance is floating, crawling towards me! God! I look back... The old woman looks straight at me - and her toothless mouth is twisted into a grin... - You won’t leave! February, 1878 Dog There are two of us in the room: my dog ​​and me. A terrible, furious storm is howling outside. The dog sits in front of me and looks me straight in the eyes. And I also look into her eyes. It's like she wants to tell me something. She is mute, she is without words, she does not understand herself - but I understand her. I understand that at this moment the same feeling lives in both her and me, that there is no difference between us. We are solemn; The same quivering light burns and glows in each of us. Death will swoop down, wave its cold wide wing at him... And the end! Who will then figure out what kind of fire was burning in each of us? No! this is not an animal or a person exchanging glances... These are two pairs of identical eyes looking at each other. And in each of these pairs, in animals and in humans, one and the same life fearfully presses against the other. February, 1878 Rival I had a comrade - a rival; not for occupation, not for service or love; but our views did not agree on anything, and whenever we met, endless disputes arose between us. We argued about everything: about art, about religion, about science, about earthly and afterlife - especially about afterlife. He was a believer and enthusiastic man. One day he told me: “You laugh at everyone; but if I die before you, then I will appear to you from the other world... We’ll see if you laugh then? And he, for sure, died before me, while still in his young years; but years passed - and I forgot about his promise, about his threat. Once, at night, I was lying in bed - and could not, and did not want to fall asleep. The room was neither dark nor light; I began to look into the gray twilight. And suddenly it seemed to me that my rival was standing between two windows, quietly and sadly shaking his head from top to bottom. I wasn’t afraid - I wasn’t even surprised... but, raising myself slightly and leaning on my elbow, I began to look even more intently at the unexpectedly appeared figure. He continued to shake his head. - What? – I finally said. -Are you triumphant? or do you regret it? What is this: a warning or a reproach?... Or do you want to let me know that you were wrong? that we're both wrong? What are you experiencing? Is it the torment of hell? Is heaven bliss? Say a word? But my opponent did not make a single sound - and only shook his head sadly and submissively - from top to bottom. I laughed... he disappeared. February, 1878 Beggar I was walking down the street... I was stopped by a beggar, a decrepit old man. Inflamed, tearful eyes, blue lips, rough rags, unclean wounds... Oh, how hideously poverty has gnawed at this unfortunate creature! He extended his red, swollen, dirty hand to me... He moaned, he bellowed for help. I started rummaging through all my pockets... Not a wallet, not a watch, not even a handkerchief... I didn’t take anything with me. And the beggar waited... and his outstretched hand weakly swayed and trembled. Lost, embarrassed, I firmly shook this dirty, trembling hand... - Don’t blame me, brother; I have nothing, brother. The beggar stared at me with his bloodshot eyes; his blue lips grinned - and he, in turn, squeezed my cold fingers. “Well, brother,” he mumbled, “and thank you for that.” This is also alms, brother. I realized that I also received alms from my brother. February, 1878 “You will hear the judgment of a fool...” Pushkin You always spoke the truth, our great singer; you said it this time too. “The judgment of a fool and the laughter of the crowd”... Who has not experienced both? All this can – and should – be tolerated; and whoever is able, let him despise! But there are blows that hit the heart more painfully. The man did everything he could; he worked hard, lovingly, honestly... And honest souls disgustingly turn away from him; honest faces light up with indignation at his name. - Get out! Get out! - honest young voices shout to him. “We don’t need you or your work; you desecrate our home - you don’t know us and don’t understand us... You are our enemy! What then should this person do? Continue to work, don’t try to make excuses - and don’t even wait for a fairer assessment. Once upon a time, farmers cursed the traveler who brought them potatoes, a substitute for bread, the daily food of the poor. They knocked the precious gift out of the hands extended to them, threw it into the mud, and trampled it underfoot. Now they feed on it - and do not even know the name of their benefactor. Let it go! What do they need his name for? He, and the nameless one, saves them from hunger. We will only try to ensure that what we bring is truly healthy food. A wrongful reproach in the mouths of people you love is bitter... But you can bear this too... “Beat me! but listen!” - said the Athenian leader to the Spartans. “Beat me - but be healthy and well-fed!” - we must say. February, 1878 A satisfied man A young man is skipping along the streets of the capital. His movements are cheerful, brisk; the eyes are shining, the lips are grinning, the tender face is pleasantly red... He is all contentment and joy. What happened to him? Did he get an inheritance? Has he been promoted? Is he in a hurry for a love date? Or did he simply have a good breakfast - and a feeling of health, a feeling of well-fed strength surged through all his limbs? Wouldn’t they have placed your beautiful octagonal cross on his neck, O Polish King Stanislaw! No. He composed a slander against an acquaintance, spread it carefully, heard it, this same slander, from the lips of another acquaintance - and he himself believed it. Oh, how pleased, how kind even this sweet, promising young man is at this moment! February, 1878 Everyday rule “If you want to really annoy and even harm your enemy,” one old scoundrel told me, “then reproach him for the very shortcoming or vice that you feel in yourself.” Be indignant... and reproach! Firstly, it will make others think that you do not have this vice. Secondly, your indignation may even be sincere... You can take advantage of the reproaches of your own conscience. If you, for example, are a renegade, reproach your opponent for having no convictions! If you yourself are a lackey at heart, tell him reproachfully that he is a lackey... a lackey of civilization, Europe, socialism! – You could even say: lackey of lackeys! – I noticed. “And this is possible,” said the rascal. February, 1878 End of the World Dream It seemed to me that I was somewhere in Russia, in the wilderness, in a simple village house. The room is large, low, with three windows; the walls are smeared with white paint; no furniture. In front of the house there is a bare plain; gradually lowering, it goes into the distance; the gray, monochromatic sky hangs above her like a canopy. I'm not alone; about ten people are in the room with me. The people are all simple, simply dressed; they walk up and down, silently, as if sneaking. They avoid each other - and, however, constantly exchange anxious glances. No one knows why he came to this house and what kind of people are with him? There is anxiety and despondency on everyone’s faces... everyone takes turns going to the windows and looking around carefully, as if expecting something from the outside. Then they begin to wander up and down again. A small boy is hovering between us; from time to time he squeaks in a thin, monotonous voice: “Daddy, I’m afraid!” “I feel sick to my heart from this squeaking - and I, too, am beginning to be afraid of... what? I don't know myself. Only I feel; A big, big disaster is coming and coming. But the boy, no, no, let him squeak. Oh, how to get out of here! How stuffy! How languid! How hard!... But it’s impossible to leave. This sky is like a shroud. And there is no wind... The air has died, or what? Suddenly the boy jumped to the window and shouted in the same plaintive voice: “Look!” look! the ground has collapsed! - How? failed?! Exactly: before there was a plain in front of the house, but now it stands on the top of a terrible mountain! The sky fell, went down, and from the house itself an almost vertical, as if dug up, black steep slope descends. We all crowded at the windows... Horror freezes our hearts. - Here it is... here it is! - my neighbor whispers. And then along the entire distant edge of the earth something began to move, some small round tubercles began to rise and fall. "This is the Sea! – we all thought at the same moment. “It’s about to flood us all... But how can it grow and rise up?” Up this steep slope? And yet, it grows, grows enormously... These are no longer individual tubercles rushing in the distance... One continuous monstrous wave engulfs the entire circle of the sky. She's flying, flying towards us! She rushes like a frosty whirlwind, spinning in pitch darkness. Everything around shook - and there, in this flying mass, there was a crash, and thunder, and a thousand-throated, iron bark... Ha! What a roar and howl! It was the earth howling with fear... It's the end of it! The end of everything! The boy squeaked again... I wanted to grab onto my comrades, but we were all already crushed, buried, drowned, carried away by that ink-black, icy, roaring wave! Darkness... eternal darkness! Barely catching my breath, I woke up. March, 1878 Masha Living - many years ago - in St. Petersburg, every time I happened to hire a cab driver, I entered into a conversation with him. I especially loved talking with night cab drivers, poor suburban peasants who arrived in the capital with shaggy-dyed sleighs and a bad nag - in the hope of feeding themselves and collecting rent for the masters. One day I hired such a cab driver... A guy of about twenty, tall, stately, a fine fellow; blue eyes, rosy cheeks; Brown hair curls in ringlets from under a patched cap pulled down just above her eyebrows. And as soon as this torn army coat fit on these heroic shoulders! However, the cab driver’s handsome, beardless face seemed sad and gloomy. I talked to him. And there was sadness in his voice. - What, brother? – I asked him. - Why aren’t you cheerful? Is there any grief? The guy didn't answer me right away. “Yes, master, yes,” he said at last. - Yes, and such that there is no need to be better. My wife died. - Did you love her... your wife? The guy didn't turn to me; I just tilted my head a little. - Loved you, master. The eighth month has passed... but I can’t forget. My heart is gnawing at me... and well! And why did she have to die? Young! healthy!... One day the cholera was gone. - And was she kind to you? - Oh, master! – the poor man sighed heavily. - And how friendly we lived with her! She died without me. When I found out here that she had already been buried, I now hurried to the village and home. I arrived and it was already past midnight. I entered my hut, stopped in the middle and said quietly: “Masha! and Masha!” Only the cricket cracks. I started crying here, sat down on the hut floor, and slammed my palm onto the ground! “Insatiable, I say, womb!... You devoured it... devour me too! Ah, Masha! - Masha! - he added in a suddenly falling voice. And, without letting go of the rope reins, he squeezed a tear out of his eyes with his mitten, shook it off, threw it to the side, rolled his shoulders - and didn’t say another word. Getting off the sleigh, I gave him an extra five-altyn. He bowed low to me, holding his hat with both hands, and trudged along the snowy tablecloth of the deserted street, bathed in the gray fog of the January frost. April, 1878 Fool Once upon a time there was a fool in the world. For a long time he lived happily; but little by little rumors began to reach him that he was considered everywhere to be a brainless scoundrel. The fool became embarrassed and began to grieve about how to stop those unpleasant rumors? A sudden thought finally illuminated his dark little mind... And he, without any hesitation, brought it into execution. He met an acquaintance on the street - and began to praise the famous painter... - For mercy! - exclaimed the fool. – This painter was archived a long time ago... You don’t know this? I didn’t expect this from you... You are a backward person. The acquaintance was frightened - and immediately agreed with the fool. – What a wonderful book I read today! - another friend told him. - Have mercy! - exclaimed the fool. - Shame on you? This book is no good; everyone gave up on her long ago. Don't you know this? You are a retarded person. And this acquaintance got scared - and agreed with the fool. - What a wonderful person my friend N. N. is! - the third acquaintance said to the fool. - This is a truly noble creature! - Have mercy! - exclaimed the fool. – N.N. is a notorious scoundrel! He robbed all his relatives. Who doesn't know this? You are a retarded person! The third acquaintance was also frightened - and agreed with the fool, retreated from his friend. And no matter who, no matter what they praised in front of a fool, he had one rebuke for everything. Does he sometimes add reproachfully: “Do you still believe in authorities?” - Vicious! Bileweed! - his friends began to talk about the fool. - But what a head! - And what a language! - others added. - Oh, he's talented! It ended with the publisher of one newspaper offering the fool to head his critical department. And the fool began to criticize everything and everyone, without changing at all either his manner or his exclamations. Now he, who once shouted against the authorities, is the authority himself - and the young men revere and fear him. And what should they do, poor young men? Although, generally speaking, one should not be in awe... but here, go ahead, don’t be in awe - you end up among the backward people! A life for fools between cowards. April, 1878 Eastern legend Who in Baghdad does not know the great Jiaffar, the sun of the universe? Once, many years ago, when he was still a young man, Jiaffar was walking in the outskirts of Baghdad. Suddenly a hoarse cry reached his ears: someone was desperately calling for help. Giaffar differed among his peers in his prudence and thoughtfulness; but he had a compassionate heart - and he relied on his own strength. He ran towards the cry and saw a decrepit old man pressed against the city wall by two robbers who were robbing him. Giaffar drew his saber and attacked the villains: he killed one and drove away the other. The freed old man fell at the feet of his deliverer and, kissing the hem of his robe, exclaimed: “Brave young man, your generosity will not go unrewarded.” I look like a wretched beggar; but only in appearance. I'm not a simple person. Come early tomorrow morning to the main bazaar; I will wait for you at the fountain - and you will be convinced of the truth of my words. Giaffar thought: “This man looks like a beggar, for sure; however, anything can happen. Why not try? - and answered: “Okay, my father; I'll come. The old man looked him in the eyes and walked away. The next morning, as soon as it was light, Giaffar went to the market. The old man was already waiting for him, leaning on the marble bowl of the fountain. Silently he took Giaffar by the hand and led him into a small garden, surrounded on all sides by high walls. In the very middle of this garden, on a green lawn, grew a tree of an extraordinary appearance. It looked like a cypress tree; only the foliage on it was azure in color. Three fruits - three apples - hung on thin, upwardly curved branches; one of medium size, oblong, milky white; another large, round, bright red; the third is small, wrinkled, yellowish. The whole tree made a faint noise, although there was no wind. It rang thinly and pitifully, like glass; it seemed to sense Giaffar's approach. - Young man! - said the old man. – Pick any of these fruits and know: if you pick and eat the white one, you will be smarter than all people; pick and eat the red one - you will be rich, like the Jew Rothschild; If you pick and eat the yellow one, old women will like you. Make up your mind!... and don’t hesitate. In an hour, the fruits will wither, and the tree itself will go into the silent depths of the earth! Giaffar lowered his head and thought. - What should I do here? - he said in a low voice, as if reasoning with himself. “If you become too smart, you probably won’t want to live; If you become richer than all people, everyone will envy you; I’d rather pick and eat the third, wrinkled apple! He did just that; and the old man laughed with a toothless laugh and said: “O wisest young man!” You have chosen the good part! What do you need a white apple for? You're already smarter than Solomon. You don’t need a red apple either... And without it you will be rich. Only no one will envy your wealth. “Tell me, elder,” said Jiaffar, perking up, “where does the venerable mother of our God-saved caliph live?” The old man bowed to the ground and showed the young man the way. Who in Baghdad does not know the sun of the universe, the great, famous Jiaffar? April, 1878 Two quatrains There once was a city whose inhabitants loved poetry so passionately that if several weeks passed without new beautiful poems appearing, they considered such a poetic failure a social disaster. They then put on their worst clothes, sprinkled ashes on their heads - and, gathering in crowds in the squares, shed tears and grumbled bitterly at the muse who had abandoned them. On one such ill-fated day, the young poet Junius appeared in a square crowded with mourning people. With nimble steps he climbed onto the specially arranged pulpit - and gave a sign that he wanted to recite a poem. The lictors immediately waved their wands. - Silence! attention! - they shouted loudly - and the crowd fell silent, waiting. - Friends! Comrades! - Junius began in a loud, but not entirely firm voice: Friends! Comrades! Poetry lovers! Fans of everything that is slim and beautiful! Don’t let a moment of dark sadness bother you! The desired moment will come... and the light will dispel the darkness! Junius fell silent... and in response to him, from all corners of the square, a din, whistling, and laughter arose. All the faces turned to him glowed with indignation, all the eyes sparkled with anger, all the hands raised, threatened, clenched into fists! - What did you think of surprising! - angry voices roared. - Away from the pulpit with the mediocre rhymer! Out there fool! Rotten apples, rotten eggs of the pea jester! Give me some stones! Stones here! Junius rolled head over heels from the pulpit... but before he had time to run to his home, peals of enthusiastic applause, exclamations of praise and shouts reached his ears. Filled with bewilderment, trying, however, not to be noticed (for it is dangerous to irritate an angry beast), Junius returned to the square. And what did he see? High above the crowd, above its shoulders, on a golden flat shield, clothed in a purple robe, with a laurel wreath on his rising curls, stood his rival, the young poet Julius... And the people screamed all around: “Glory!” Glory! Glory to the immortal Julius! He consoled us in our sadness, in our great grief! He gave us poetry sweeter than honey , more sonorous than a cymbal, more fragrant than a rose, purer than the blue of heaven! Carry him in triumph, bathe his inspired head with a soft wave of incense, cool his forehead with the rhythmic vibrations of palm branches, scatter at his feet all the incense of Arabian myrrh! Glory! Junius approached one of the praisers. - Tell me, oh my fellow citizen! What poems did Julius make you happy with? Alas! I was not in the square when he said them! Repeat them, if you remember them, do me a favor! – Poems like this – can’t you remember? – the questioner answered zealously. -Who do you take me for? Listen - and rejoice, rejoice with us! "Poetry lovers!" - this is how the divine Julius began... Lovers of poetry! Comrades! Friends! Fans of everything that is harmonious, sonorous, gentle! May the moment of grave sorrow not disturb you! The desired moment will come - and the day will drive away the night! - What is it like? - Have mercy! - Junius cried, - yes, these are my poems! Julius must have been in the crowd when I said them - he heard and repeated them, barely changing them - and certainly not for the better - a few expressions! - Yeah! Now I recognize you... You are Junius,” the citizen he stopped objected, frowning. - Envious or stupid!... Just think of one thing, unfortunate one! Julius so sublimely says: “And the day will drive away the night!...” And you have some kind of nonsense: “And the light will dispel the darkness”?! What light?! What darkness?! “But isn’t this all one?” began Junius... “Add another word,” the citizen interrupted him, “I will shout to the people... and they will tear you to pieces!” Junius wisely fell silent, and the gray-haired old man who heard his conversation with the citizen approached the poor poet and, putting his hand on his shoulder, said: “Junius!” You said your thing - but at the wrong time; but he said something wrong - but on time. Therefore, he is right - and you are left with the consolations of your own conscience. But while conscience - as best it could and as it could... rather poorly, to tell the truth - consoled Junius, who was clinging to the side, - in the distance, amid the thunder and splash of rejoicing, in the golden dust of the all-victorious sun, shining with purple, darkening with laurel through the wavy streams of abundant incense, with a majestic slowly, like a king marching to his kingdom, the proudly straightened figure of Julius smoothly moved... and the long branches of palm trees alternately bowed before him, as if expressing with their quiet uplifting, their submissive inclination - the incessantly renewed adoration that filled the hearts of his fellow citizens enchanted by him! April, 1878 Sparrow I was returning from hunting and walking along the garden alley. The dog ran ahead of me. Suddenly she slowed down her steps and began to sneak, as if sensing game in front of her. I looked along the alley and saw a young sparrow with yellowness around its beak and down on its head. He fell from the nest (the wind strongly shook the birch trees of the alley) and sat motionless, helplessly spreading his barely sprouted wings. My dog ​​was slowly approaching him, when suddenly, falling from a nearby tree, an old black-breasted sparrow fell like a stone in front of her muzzle - and all disheveled, distorted, with a desperate and pitiful squeak, he jumped a couple of times in the direction of the toothy open mouth. He rushed to save, he shielded his brainchild... but his whole small body trembled with horror, his voice grew wild and hoarse, he froze, he sacrificed himself! What a huge monster the dog must have seemed to him! And yet he could not sit on his high, safe branch... A force stronger than his will threw him out of there. My Trezor stopped, backed away... Apparently, he recognized this power. I hastened to call the embarrassed dog back and left in awe. Yes; do not laugh. I was in awe of that little heroic bird, of her loving impulse. Love, I thought, is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move. April, 1878 Skulls Luxurious, lavishly illuminated hall; many gentlemen and ladies. All faces are animated, speeches are brisk... There is a chattering conversation about one famous singer. They call her divine, immortal... Oh, how well she let out her last trill yesterday! And suddenly - as if by the delusion of a magic wand - a thin husk of skin fell off from all the heads and from all the faces and instantly the deathly whiteness of the skulls came out, the bare gums and cheekbones were covered with bluish tin. I watched with horror how these gums and cheekbones moved and moved, how these knobby, bone balls turned, shiny, in the light of lamps and candles, and how other, smaller balls spun in them - balls of meaningless eyes. I didn’t dare touch my own face, I didn’t dare look at myself in the mirror. And the skulls turned as before... And with the same crackling sound, flashing red shreds from behind bared teeth, nimble tongues babbled about how amazing, how inimitably immortal... yes, the immortal singer let out her last trill! April, 1878 Laborer and white-handed woman Conversation Laborer Why are you bothering us? What do you want? You are not ours... Go away! Beloruchka I am yours, brothers! Laborer No matter how! Our! What did you make up? Just look at my hands. Do you see how dirty they are? And they smell like manure and tar - and your hands are white. And what do they smell like? White Hand (giving her hands) Smell. Laborer (smelling his hands) What kind of parable? It's like they give off iron. Beloruchka is Iron. For six whole years I wore shackles on them. Laborer And what is this for? Beloruchka And because I cared about your good, I wanted to free you, gray ones, dark people, rebelled against your oppressors, rebelled... Well, they imprisoned me. Laborer Planted? You were free to rebel! Two years later The same laborer (to another) Do you hear, Petra?!... Do you remember, the summer before last, one such white-handed guy talked to you? Another laborer I remember... so what? First laborer He will be hanged today, hear; such an order came out. Second laborer Still rebelling? The first laborer continued to rebel. Second laborer Yes... Well, that's it, brother Mitryai; Is it possible for us to get the very same rope on which they will hang him; They say there is great happiness in the house from this! First Laborer You're right. Should we try, brother Peter? April, 1878 Rose Last days August... Autumn has already arrived. The sun was setting. A sudden gusty downpour, without thunder and without lightning, had just rushed over our wide plain. The garden in front of the house was burning and smoking, all flooded with the fire of dawn and the deluge of rain. She was sitting at the table in the living room and looking into the garden through the half-open door with persistent thoughtfulness. I knew what was happening in her soul then; I knew that after a short, albeit painful, struggle, at that very moment she surrendered to a feeling with which she could no longer cope. Suddenly she got up, quickly went out into the garden and disappeared. An hour has struck... another has struck; she didn't return. Then I got up and, leaving the house, went along the alley, along which - I had no doubt - she also went. Everything went dark around; the night has already come. But on the damp sand of the path, shining brightly even through the diffuse darkness, a roundish object could be seen. I bent down... It was a young, slightly blossoming rose. Two hours ago I saw this very rose on her chest. I carefully picked up the flower that had fallen into the dirt and, returning to the living room, placed it on the table in front of her chair. So she finally returned - and, walking across the room with light steps, she sat down at the table. Her face turned pale and came to life; the lowered, like diminished eyes ran around quickly, with cheerful embarrassment. She saw a rose, grabbed it, looked at its crumpled, stained petals, looked at me - and her eyes, suddenly stopping, shone with tears. -What are you crying about? – I asked. - Yes, about this rose. Look what happened to her. Here I decided to show my thoughtfulness. “Your tears will wash away this dirt,” I said with a significant expression. “Tears don’t wash, tears burn,” she answered and, turning to the fireplace, threw a flower into the dying flame. “Fire will burn even better than tears,” she exclaimed, not without boldness, “and the crossed eyes, still sparkling with tears, laughed boldly and happily. I realized that she too had been burned. April 1878 In memory of Yu. P. Vrevskaya In the mud, on stinking damp straw, under the canopy of a dilapidated barn, hastily turned into a camp military hospital, in a devastated Bulgarian village - she was dying of typhus for more than two weeks. She was unconscious - and not a single doctor even looked at her; the sick soldiers, whom she nursed while she could still stand, rose one by one from their infected lairs to bring to her parched lips a few drops of water in the shard of a broken pot. She was young, beautiful; high society knew her; Even dignitaries inquired about it. Ladies envied her, men followed her... two or three people secretly and deeply loved her. Life smiled on her; but there are smiles worse than tears. A tender, meek heart... and such strength, such a thirst for sacrifice! Helping those in need of help... she didn’t know any other happiness... she didn’t know - and never knew. All other happiness passed by. But she came to terms with this long ago - and all, burning with the fire of unquenchable faith, she devoted herself to serving her neighbors. No one ever knew what treasures she buried there, in the depths of her soul, in her very hiding place - and now, of course, no one will know. And why? The sacrifice has been made... the deed is done. But it’s sad to think that no one said thank you even to her corpse - even though she herself was ashamed and shunned all thanks. Let not her sweet shadow be offended by this late flower, which I dare to lay on her grave! September, 1878 Last date We were once short, close friends... But an unkind moment came - and we parted like enemies. Many years passed... And then, having stopped by the city where he lived, I found out that he was hopelessly ill - and wanted to see me. I went to him, entered his room... Our eyes met. I barely recognized him. God! What did the disease do to him? Yellow, withered, with a bald head all over his head, with a narrow gray beard, he sat in only a shirt that was deliberately cut up... He could not bear the pressure of himself light dress . He impulsively extended his terribly thin hand to me, as if it had been gnawed, and intensely whispered a few indistinct words - whether it was a greeting or a reproach, who knows? His exhausted chest began to sway and two meager, suffering tears rolled down onto the shrunken pupils of his glowing eyes. My heart sank... I sat down on a chair next to him - and, involuntarily lowering my gaze in front of that horror and ugliness, I also extended my hand. But it seemed to me that it was not his hand that took mine. It seemed to me that a tall, quiet, white woman was sitting between us. A long cover envelops her from head to toe. Her deep pale eyes do not look anywhere; her pale, stern lips say nothing... This woman joined our hands... She reconciled us forever. Yes... Death reconciled us. April, 1878 Threshold I see a huge building. In the front wall a narrow door is wide open, behind the door there is a gloomy darkness. A girl stands in front of a high threshold... A Russian girl. That impenetrable darkness breathes with frost, and along with the chilling stream a slow, dull voice is carried out from the depths of the building. “Oh, you who want to cross this threshold, do you know what awaits you?” “I know,” the girl answers. - Cold, hunger, hatred, ridicule, contempt, resentment, prison, illness and death itself? - I know. – Complete alienation, loneliness? - I know. I'm ready. I will endure all the suffering, all the blows. – Not only from enemies, but also from relatives and friends? - Yes... and from them. - Okay... Are you ready to make a sacrifice? - Yes. - To an unnamed victim? You will die - and no one... no one will even know whose memory to honor! “I don’t need gratitude or regret.” I don't need a name. – Are you ready for a crime? The girl lowered her head. “And I’m ready for a crime.” The voice did not immediately resume its questions. Do you know,” he finally spoke, “that you can lose faith in what you believe now, you can understand that you were deceived and ruined your young life for nothing? - I know that too. And yet I want to enter. - Come in! The girl crossed the threshold - and a heavy curtain fell behind her. - Stupid! – someone rasped from behind. - Holy! - came the answer from somewhere. May, 1878 Visit I was sitting at the open window... in the morning, early morning on the first of May. Dawn had not yet broken; but the dark, warm night was already turning pale, already growing cold. The fog did not rise, the breeze did not wander, everything was monochromatic and silent... but one could feel the proximity of awakening - and the thinning air smelled of the harsh dampness of dew. Suddenly, through the open window, a large bird flew into my room, ringing and rustling lightly. I shuddered and took a closer look... It wasn’t a bird, it was a winged little woman, dressed in a tight, long, wavy dress. She was all gray, pearl-colored; only the inner side of her wings was red with the delicate scarlet of a blooming rose; a wreath of lilies of the valley covered the scattered curls of the round head - and, like the antennae of a butterfly, two peacock feathers swayed amusingly above the beautiful, convex forehead. It flashed around the ceiling a couple of times; her tiny face laughed; Huge, black, light eyes also laughed. The cheerful agility of the whimsical flight crushed their diamond rays. She was holding in her hand a long stem of a steppe flower: the Russian people call it the “royal staff”, and even then it looks like a scepter. Swiftly flying over me, she touched my head with that flower. I rushed towards her... But she had already fluttered out of the window and rushed away. In the garden, in the wilderness of lilac bushes, the turtle dove greeted her with her first coo - and where she hid, the milky-white sky quietly turned red. I recognized you, goddess of fantasy! You visited me by chance - you flew to the young poets. O poetry! Youth! Feminine, virgin beauty! You can only shine in front of me for a moment - early in the morning early spring! May, 1878 Necessitas, vis, libertas Bas-relief A tall, bony old woman with an iron face and a motionless, dull gaze walks with long steps and, with a hand as dry as a stick, pushes another woman in front of her. This woman enormous growth, powerful, plump, with muscles like Hercules, with a tiny head on a bull’s neck - and blind - in turn pushes a small, thin girl. This one girl has seeing eyes; she rests, turns back, raises thin, beautiful hands; her lively face expresses impatience and courage... She does not want to obey, she does not want to go where she is being pushed... and yet she must obey and go. Necessitas, Vis, Libertas. Let anyone translate. May, 1878 Alms Close big city , an old, sick man was walking along a wide road. He staggered as he walked; his emaciated legs, tangling, dragging and stumbling, walked heavily and weakly, as if they were strangers; his clothes hung in rags; his bare head fell onto his chest... He was exhausted. He sat down on a roadside stone, leaned forward, leaned on his elbows, covered his face with both hands - and through his crooked fingers, tears dripped onto the dry, gray dust. He remembered... He remembered how he, too, was once healthy and rich - and how he spent his health, and distributed his wealth to others, friends and enemies... And now he does not have a piece of bread - and everyone left him, friends even before enemies... Really? Should he stoop to begging? And he felt bitter and ashamed in his heart. And the tears kept dripping and dripping, dappling the gray dust. Suddenly he heard someone calling his name; he raised his tired head and saw a stranger in front of him. The face is calm and important, but not stern; the eyes are not radiant, but light; the gaze is piercing, but not evil. “You gave away all your wealth,” an even voice was heard... “But you don’t regret doing good?” “I don’t regret it,” the old man answered with a sigh, “only now I’m dying.” “And if there were no beggars in the world who stretched out their hands to you,” the stranger continued, “there would be no one for you to show your virtue over; could you not practice it?” The old man did not answer anything - and thought. “So don’t be proud now, poor man,” the stranger spoke again, “go, extend your hand, give other good people the opportunity to show in practice that they are kind.” The old man started, raised his eyes... but the stranger had already disappeared; and in the distance a passer-by appeared on the road. The old man approached him and extended his hand. This passerby turned away with a stern expression and did not give anything. But another followed him - and he gave the old man a small alms. And the old man bought himself some bread with the given pennies - and the piece he begged for seemed sweet to him - and there was no shame in his heart, but on the contrary: a quiet joy dawned on him. May, 1878 Insect I dreamed that about twenty of us were sitting in a large room with open windows. Between us are women, children, old people... We are all talking about some very well-known subject - we are talking noisily and indistinctly. Suddenly, with a dry crack, a large insect, two inches long, flew into the room... flew in, circled and landed on the wall. It looked like a fly or a wasp. The body is dirty brown in color; flat, hard wings of the same color; splayed shaggy legs and a head angular and large, like a rocker; and this head and paws are bright red, as if bloody. This strange insect constantly turned its head down, up, right, left, moved its legs... then suddenly fell off the wall, flew around the room with a crash - and sat down again, again moved terribly and disgustingly, without moving from its place. In all of us it aroused disgust, fear, even horror... None of us had seen anything like it, everyone shouted: “Get that monster out!”, everyone waved their handkerchiefs from afar... for no one dared to approach... and when the insect took off, everyone involuntarily stood aside . Only one of our interlocutors, a young, pale-faced man, looked at us all in bewilderment. He shrugged his shoulders, he smiled, he absolutely could not understand what had happened to us and why were we so worried? He himself did not see any insect - he did not hear the ominous crack of its wings. Suddenly the insect seemed to be staring at him, flew up and, clinging to his head, stung him on the forehead above the eyes... The young man gasped weakly - and fell dead. The terrible fly immediately flew away... Only then did we realize what kind of guest it was. May, 1878 Cabbage soup A widow woman's only twenty-year-old son, the first worker in the village, died. The lady, the landowner of that same village, having learned about the woman’s grief, went to visit her on the very day of the funeral. She found her at home. Standing in the middle of the hut, in front of the table, she, slowly, with an even movement of her right hand (the left one hung like a whip), scooped up empty cabbage soup from the bottom of a smoky pot and swallowed spoon after spoon. The woman's face became haggard and darkened; her eyes were red and swollen... but she behaved earnestly and upright, as in church. "God! - thought the lady. “She can eat at such a moment... However, what rude feelings they all have!” And then the lady remembered how, having lost her nine-month-old daughter several years ago, out of grief she refused to rent a beautiful dacha near St. Petersburg and lived the whole summer in the city! And the woman continued to slurp the cabbage soup. The lady finally could not stand it. - Tatiana! - she said. - Have mercy! I am surprised! Didn't you really love your son? How did you not lose your appetite? How can you eat these cabbage soup! “My Vasya is dead,” the woman said quietly, and painful tears again ran down her sunken cheeks. “That means my end has come: they took my head off alive.” And the cabbage soup shouldn’t go to waste: after all, it’s salted. The lady just shrugged her shoulders and walked away. She got salt cheaply. May, 1878 Azure Kingdom O Azure Kingdom! O kingdom of azure, light, youth and happiness! I saw you... in a dream. There were several of us on a beautiful, dismantled boat. A white sail rose like a swan's chest under the frisky pennants. I did not know who my comrades were; but I felt with all my being that they were just as young, cheerful and happy as I was! Yes, I didn’t even notice them. I saw all around me one boundless azure sea, all covered with small ripples of golden scales, and above my head the same boundless, the same azure sky - and across it, triumphant and as if laughing, the gentle sun rolled. And from time to time, loud and joyful laughter rose between us, like the laughter of the gods! Otherwise, suddenly words and poems would fly from someone’s lips, filled with wondrous beauty and inspired power... It seemed as if the very sky was sounding in response to them - and all around the sea trembled sympathetically... And there again a blissful silence fell. Our fast boat sailed gently through the soft waves. She was not moved by the wind; it was ruled by our own playing hearts. Where we wanted, she rushed there, obediently, as if alive. We came across islands, magical, translucent islands with shimmers of precious stones, yachts and emeralds. Delightful incense drifted from the rounded banks; some of these islands showered us with a shower of white roses and lilies of the valley; from others, iridescent long-winged birds suddenly rose up. Birds circled above us, lilies of the valley and roses melted into the pearly foam that slid along the smooth sides of our boat. Together with flowers and birds, sweet, sweet sounds flew in... Women's voices seemed to be in them... And everything around: the sky, the sea, the fluttering of the sail in the heights, the murmur of the stream behind the stern - everything spoke of love, of blissful love! And the one whom each of us loved - she was here... invisible and close. Another moment - and then her eyes will shine, her smile will bloom... Her hand will take your hand - and take you with her to an unfading paradise! O azure kingdom! I saw you... in a dream. June, 1878 Two rich men When in my presence they extol the rich man Rothschild, who devotes thousands of his enormous income to raising children, to treating the sick, to caring for the elderly - I praise and am touched. But, while praising and being touched, I cannot help but remember one wretched peasant family who accepted an orphan niece into their ruined little house. “We’ll take Katka,” the woman said, “our last pennies will go towards her, there won’t be enough salt to get salt for the stew...” “And we’ll take her... and not salted,” answered the man, her husband. Rothschild is nowhere near this guy! July, 1878 Old Man Dark, difficult days have come... Your illnesses, the illnesses of dear people, the cold and darkness of old age... Everything that you loved, to which you devoted yourself irrevocably, is withered and destroyed. The road went downhill. What to do? Mourn? Grieve? You won't help yourself or others with this. On a drying, warped tree, the leaves are smaller and sparser - but its greenness is the same. Shrink yourself too, go into yourself, into your memories - and there, deep, deep, at the very bottom of your concentrated soul, your former life, accessible to you alone, will flash before you with its fragrant, still fresh greenery and the caress and power of spring! But be careful... don't look ahead, poor old man! July, 1878 Correspondent Two friends are sitting at the table and drinking tea. A sudden noise arose in the street. You can hear pitiful moans, furious curses, and bursts of malicious laughter. “Someone is being beaten,” one of the friends noted, looking out of the window. - A criminal? The killer? – asked another. “Listen, no matter who he is, we can’t allow extrajudicial execution.” Let's go stand up for him. - Yes, it’s not the murderer who is being beaten. - Not a murderer? So a thief? Anyway, let's go take it away from the crowd. - And not a thief. - Not a thief? So a cashier, a railroad worker, a military supplier, a Russian philanthropist, a lawyer, a well-intentioned editor, a public donor?... Still, let's go help him! – No... it’s a correspondent being beaten. - A correspondent? Well, you know what: let’s finish a glass of tea first. July, 1878 Two brothers It was a vision... Two angels appeared before me... two geniuses. I say: angels... geniuses - because both of them had no clothes on their naked bodies and strong, long wings rose behind each of their shoulders. Both are young men. One is somewhat plump, smooth-skinned, with black hair. The eyes are brown, glazed, with thick eyelashes; the look is insinuating, cheerful and greedy. The face is lovely, captivating, a little daring, a little evil. The scarlet plump lips quiver slightly. The young man smiles as if he has power - self-confidently and lazily; lush flower wreath rests lightly on shiny hair, almost touching velvet eyebrows. The motley skin of a leopard, intercepted by a golden arrow, hung easily from a rounded shoulder onto an arched hip. The feathers of the wings are cast pink ; their ends are bright red, as if soaked in crimson, fresh blood. From time to time they flutter quickly, with a pleasant silvery noise, the sound of spring rain. The other was thin and yellowish in body. The ribs were faintly visible with each inhalation. Hair is blond, thin, straight; huge, round, pale gray eyes... a restless and strangely bright look. All facial features are pointed; a small half-open mouth with fish teeth; a compressed, aquiline nose, a prominent chin, covered with whitish down. Those dry lips never, ever smiled. It was a true, terrible, merciless face! (However, the first one, a handsome man, had a face that, although cute and sweet, did not express pity either.) Around the head of the second one, several empty broken ears of corn, intertwined with a faded blade of grass, were caught. Rough gray fabric wrapped around his loins; the wings behind his back, dark blue, matte in color, moved quietly and menacingly. Both young men seemed inseparable comrades. Each of them leaned on the other's shoulder. The soft hand of the first lay like a bunch of grapes on the dry collarbone of the second; the narrow hand of the second with long thin fingers stretched like a snake along the effeminate chest of the first. And I heard a voice... This is what he said: “Before you, Love and Hunger are two brothers, two fundamental foundations of all living things. Everything that lives moves to feed; and feeds to reproduce. Love and Hunger - their goal is the same: it is necessary that life does not stop, one’s own and others’ – still the same, universal life.” August, 1878 Egoist He had everything he needed to become the scourge of his family. He was born healthy; was born rich - and throughout his long life, remaining rich and healthy, he did not commit a single offense, did not fall into a single mistake, did not say a word and did not miss even once. He was impeccably honest!... And, proud of the consciousness of his honesty, he crushed everyone with it: relatives, friends, acquaintances. Honesty was his capital... and he charged usurious interest on it. Honesty gave him the right to be ruthless and not do unspecified good; and he was merciless - and did not do good... because good by decree is not good. He never cared about anyone except his own - so exemplary! - person, and was sincerely indignant if others did not take care of her just as diligently! And at the same time, he did not consider himself an egoist - and most of all he condemned and persecuted egoists and selfishness! Still would! Someone else's egoism interfered with his own. Not knowing the slightest weakness, he did not understand, did not allow anyone’s weakness. He didn’t understand anyone or anything at all, because he was completely surrounded by himself on all sides, below and above, behind and in front. He didn’t even understand: what does it mean to forgive? He didn’t have to forgive himself... Why on earth would he forgive others? Before the judgment of his own conscience, in the face of his own God - did he, this miracle, this monster of virtue, raise his eyes to grief? and in a firm and clear voice said: “Yes, I am worthy, I moral person ! He will repeat these words on his deathbed - and even then nothing will tremble in his heart of stone, in this heart without a spot or a crack. O ugliness of self-satisfied, inflexible, cheaply acquired virtue, you are almost more disgusting than the outright ugliness of vice! December, 1878 Feast at the Supreme Being One day the Supreme Being decided to hold a great feast in his azure palaces. All the virtues were invited to visit them. Only virtues... he did not invite men... only ladies. There were a lot of them - great and small. Small virtues were more pleasant and amiable than great ones; but everyone seemed happy and talked politely among themselves, as befits close relatives and acquaintances. But then the Supreme Being noticed two beautiful ladies who seemed not to know each other at all. The owner took one of these ladies by the hand and led her to the other. "Charity!" - he said, pointing to the first one. "Gratitude!" – he added, pointing to the second. Both virtues were indescribably surprised: since the world stood - and it stood for a long time - they met for the first time! December, 1878 Sphinx Yellow-gray, loose on top, hard underneath, squeaky sand... endless sand, wherever you look! And above this sandy desert, above this sea of ​​dead dust, rises the huge head of the Egyptian Sphinx. What do these large, protruding lips, these motionless, widened, upturned nostrils - and these eyes, these long, half-asleep, half-attentive eyes under the double arch of high eyebrows want to say? But they want to say something! They even speak - but only Oedipus can solve the riddle and understand their silent speech. Bah! Yes, I recognize these features... there is nothing Egyptian in them anymore. A white low forehead, prominent cheekbones, a short and straight nose, a beautiful white-toothed mouth, a soft mustache and a curly beard - and these wide-set small eyes... and on the head there is a cap of hair, parted... Yes, it’s you, Karp, Sidor, Semyon, Yaroslavl, Ryazan peasant, my compatriot, Russian bone! How long ago did you end up in the sphinxes? Or do you also want to say something? Yes, and you too are a sphinx. And your eyes - these colorless, but deep eyes also speak... And their speeches are just as silent and mysterious. But where is your Oedipus? Alas! It’s not enough to put on a murmur to become your Oedipus, O All-Russian sphinx! December, 1878 Nymphs I stood in front of a chain of beautiful mountains, spread out in a semicircle; a young green forest covered them from top to bottom. The southern sky was transparent blue above them; the sun played with its rays from above; Below, half-hidden by grass, flowing streams flowed. And I remembered an ancient legend about how, in the first century after the birth of Christ, a Greek ship sailed across the Aegean Sea. It was midday... The weather was calm. And suddenly, in the heights, above the helmsman’s head, someone clearly said: “When you sail past the island, call out in a loud voice: “The Great Pan has died!” The helmsman was surprised... scared. But when the ship ran past the island, he obeyed, he cried out: “The Great Pan has died!” And immediately, in response to his cry, loud sobs, groans, drawn-out, pitiful exclamations were heard along the entire length of the coast (and the island was uninhabited): “He’s dead!” The Great Pan has died! I remembered this legend... and a strange thought came to me. “What if I shout the call too?” But in view of the jubilation that surrounded me, I could not think about death - and with all the strength I had in me I shouted: “Risen!” The Great Pan has risen! And immediately - lo and behold! - in response to my exclamation, friendly laughter rang out across the entire wide semicircle of green mountains, joyful chatter and splashing arose. “He is risen! Pan is risen!" - young voices roared. Everything up ahead suddenly laughed, brighter than the sun above, more playful than the streams flowing under the grass. The hasty tramp of light steps was heard, the marble whiteness of wavy tunics, the living scarlet of naked bodies flashed through the green thicket... Then nymphs, nymphs, dryads, bacchantes fled from the heights to the plain... They appeared at once along all the edges. Curls curl over the divine heads, slender hands raise wreaths and tympanums - and laughter, sparkling, Olympian laughter runs and rolls along with them... The goddess rushes ahead. She is taller and more beautiful than everyone else - a quiver over her shoulders, a bow in her hands, a silvery crescent of the moon on her raised curls... Diana, is that you? But suddenly the goddess stopped... and immediately, after her, all the nymphs stopped. The ringing laughter died away. I saw how the face of the suddenly numb goddess became deathly pale; I saw how her hands dropped and hung, how her legs turned to stone, how inexpressible horror opened her lips, widened her eyes, looking into the distance... What did she see? Where was she looking? I turned in the direction where she was looking... At the very edge of the sky, beyond the low line of the fields, a golden cross was burning like a fiery point on the white bell tower of a Christian church... The goddess saw this cross. I heard behind me an uneven, long sigh, like the flutter of a broken string, and when I turned around again, there was no trace left of the nymphs... The wide forest was still green, and only in places, through the dense network of branches, shreds of something could be seen, melting white. Whether they were tunics of nymphs, whether steam rose from the bottom of the valleys, I don’t know. But how sorry I was for the disappeared goddesses! December, 1878 Enemy and Friend A prisoner condemned to eternal imprisonment broke out of prison and began to run headlong... A chase was hot on his heels. He ran with all his might... His pursuers began to fall behind. But here in front of him is a river with steep banks, a narrow but deep river... And he doesn’t know how to swim! A thin rotten board is thrown from one bank to the other. The fugitive had already raised his foot to her... But it so happened that right there near the river stood: his best friend and his most cruel enemy. The enemy said nothing and only crossed his arms; but the friend shouted at the top of his lungs: “Have mercy!” What are you doing? Come to your senses, you madman! Don't you see that the board is completely rotten? She will break under your weight - and you will inevitably die! - But there is no other crossing... but can you hear the chase? – the unfortunate man groaned desperately and stepped on the board. - I won’t allow it!... No, I won’t allow you to die! - the zealous friend cried out and snatched the board from under the fugitive’s feet. He instantly fell into the stormy waves and drowned. The enemy laughed smugly - and walked away; and the friend sat down on the bank - and began to cry bitterly for his poor... poor friend! However, he did not think of blaming himself for his death... not for a moment. – Didn’t listen to me! Didn't listen! – he whispered sadly. - But by the way! – he said finally. - After all, he had to languish in a terrible prison all his life! At least he's not suffering now! Now he feels better! You know, such a lot has befallen him! - But it’s still a pity, for humanity! And the kind soul continued to weep inconsolably for her ill-fated friend. December, 1878 Christ I saw myself as a youth, almost a boy, in a low village church. Thin wax candles glowed like red spots in front of the ancient images. A rainbow halo surrounded each small flame. It was dark and dim in the church... But there were a lot of people standing in front of me. All fair-haired, peasant heads. From time to time they began to sway, fall, rise again, like ripe ears of corn when the summer wind runs through them in a slow wave. Suddenly a man came up from behind and stood next to me. I did not turn to him, but I immediately felt that this man was Christ. Tenderness, curiosity, and fear took possession of me all at once. I made an effort... and looked at my neighbor. A face like everyone else - a face like everyone else human faces. The eyes look a little upward, carefully and quietly. The lips are closed, but not compressed: the upper lip seems to rest on the lower. The small beard is forked. The hands are folded and do not move. And he wears clothes like everyone else. “What kind of Christ is this! – I thought. - Such a simple, simple person! It can not be!" I turned away. But I didn’t have time to take my eyes off that common man, as it seemed to me again that it was Christ standing next to me. I again made an effort... And again I saw the same face, similar to all human faces, the same ordinary, albeit unfamiliar, features. And I suddenly felt terrified - and I came to my senses. Only then did I understand that it was precisely such a face - a face similar to all human faces - that it was the face of Christ. December, 1878 Stone Have you seen the old one? gray stone on the sea coast, when, at the hour of high tide, on a sunny cheerful day, living waves hit him from all sides - beat and play and caress towards him - and douse his mossy head with crumbly pearls of shiny foam? The stone remains the same stone - but bright colors emerge from its gloomy surface. They testify to that distant time when molten granite was just beginning to harden and was burning with fiery colors. So my old heart has recently been flooded with new ones from all sides. women's souls - and under their caressing touch it began to glow with colors that had long since faded, traces of seasoned fire! The waves have subsided... but the colors have not yet faded - although the sharp wind dries them. May, 1879 Pigeons I stood on the top of a gentle hill; in front of me - now a golden, now a silvered sea - ripe rye spread out and was colorful. But there were no swells running through this sea; the stuffy air did not flow: a great thunderstorm was brewing. The sun was still shining near me - hot and dim; but there, behind the rye, not too far away, a dark blue cloud lay in a heavy bulk on the entire half of the sky. Everything hid... everything languished under the ominous shine of the last rays of the sun. Not to hear, not to see a single bird; Even the sparrows hid. Only somewhere nearby a single large burdock leaf persistently whispered and clapped. How strongly the wormwood smells on the borders! I looked at the blue mass... and my soul was confused. Well, hurry up, hurry up! - I thought, - sparkle, golden snake, tremble, thunder! move, roll, spill, evil cloud, stop the melancholy languor! But the cloud did not move. She still crushed the silent earth... and only seemed to swell and darken. And then something flashed evenly and smoothly across its monochromatic blue; neither give nor take a white handkerchief or a snowball. Then a white dove flew from the direction of the village. It flew and flew - straight, straight... and sank behind the forest. Several moments passed - there was the same cruel silence... But look! Already two scarves are flashing, two lumps are rushing back: then two white doves are flying home in an even flight. And then, finally, the storm broke - and the fun began! I barely made it home. The wind is screeching, rushing like mad, red, low clouds are rushing, as if torn to shreds, everything is spinning, mixed up, overwhelmed, zealous downpour is swaying in sheer columns, lightning is blinding with fiery green, abrupt thunder shoots like from a cannon, there is a smell of sulfur... But under the canopy of the roof , on the very edge of the dormer window, two white doves are sitting side by side - the one who flew after his comrade, and the one whom he brought and, perhaps, saved. Both are ruffled - and each feels the wing of his neighbor with his wing... Good for them! And I feel good, looking at them... Even though I’m alone... alone, as always. May, 1879 Tomorrow! Tomorrow! How empty, and lethargic, and insignificant almost every day is! How few traces he leaves behind! How senselessly and stupidly those hours passed after hours! And yet man wants to exist; he values ​​life, he hopes for it, for himself, for the future... Oh, what blessings he expects from the future! But why does he imagine that other, future days will not be similar to this day just lived? Yes, he doesn’t even imagine this. He doesn’t like to think at all – and he does it well. “Tomorrow, tomorrow!” - he consoles himself until this “tomorrow” puts him in his grave. Well, once you’re in the grave, you’ll inevitably stop thinking. May, 1879 Nature I dreamed that I entered a huge underground temple with high arches. She was completely filled with some kind of underground, even light. In the very middle of the temple sat a stately woman in wavy green clothes. With her head resting on her hand, she seemed lost in deep thought. I immediately realized that this woman was Nature herself, and with an instant chill a reverent fear penetrated my soul. I approached the sitting woman and, giving a respectful bow: “Oh, our common mother!” – I exclaimed. -What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about the future destinies of humanity? Is it not about how he can achieve possible perfection and happiness? The woman slowly turned her dark, menacing eyes towards me. Her lips moved and a loud voice was heard, like the clanging of iron. “I’m thinking about how to give more strength to the muscles of the flea’s legs, so that it would be more convenient for it to escape from its enemies.” The balance of attack and resistance has been disrupted... It must be restored. - How? – I stammered in response. – Is this what you’re thinking about? But aren't we humans your beloved children? The woman wrinkled her eyebrows slightly: “All creatures are my children,” she said, “and I care about them equally – and I destroy them equally.” “But goodness... reason... justice...” I stammered again. “These are human words,” said an iron voice. - I know neither good nor evil... Reason is not my law - and what is justice? I gave you life - I will take it away and give it to others, worms or people... I don’t care... In the meantime, defend yourself - and don’t bother me! I wanted to object... but the earth around me groaned dully and trembled - and I woke up. August, 1879 “Hang him!” “It happened in 1805,” my old acquaintance began, “not long before Austerlitz.” The regiment in which I served as an officer was stationed in quarters in Moravia. We were strictly forbidden to disturb or harass the inhabitants; They already looked at us askance, even though we were considered allies. I had an orderly, my mother’s former serf, named Yegor. He was an honest and humble man; I knew him since childhood and treated him as a friend. One day, in the house where I lived, scolding cries and screams arose: two chickens were stolen from the landlady, and she blamed my orderly for this theft. He made excuses, called me as a witness... “He, Yegor Avtamonov, will steal! “I assured the hostess of Yegor’s honesty, but she didn’t want to listen to anything. Suddenly, a friendly horse tramp was heard along the street: the commander-in-chief himself was passing with his headquarters. He walked at a walk, fat, flabby, with his head down and epaulets hanging down his chest. The hostess saw him - and, rushing across his horse, fell to her knees - and all torn to pieces, bare-haired, she began to loudly complain about my orderly, pointing at him with her hand. - Mister General! - she shouted, “your excellency!” Judge! Help! Save! This soldier robbed me! Yegor stood on the threshold of the house, standing at attention, with a hat in his hand, he even stuck out his chest and moved his legs together, like a sentry - and not even a word! Was he embarrassed by all this generals stopped in the middle of the street, was he petrified before the approaching disaster - my Egor just stood there and blinked his eyes - and he himself was white as clay! The commander-in-chief cast an absent-minded and gloomy look at him and muttered angrily: “Well?... Yegor stands there like a statue and bares his teeth!” From the outside looking in, it looks like a person is laughing. Then the commander-in-chief said abruptly: “Hang him!” – he pushed the horse’s sides and moved on – first again at a walk, and then at a brisk trot. The entire headquarters rushed after him; Only the adjutant, turning in the saddle, glanced briefly at Yegor. It was impossible to disobey... Yegor was immediately captured and taken to execution. Then he completely froze - and only once or twice exclaimed with difficulty: “Fathers!” Fathers! - and then in a low voice: - God knows - not me! He cried bitterly, bitterly, saying goodbye to me. I was desperate. - Egor! Egor! – I shouted, “how come you didn’t say anything to the general!” “God knows, it’s not me,” the poor man repeated, sobbing. The hostess herself was horrified. She never expected such a terrible decision and in turn burst into tears! She began to beg everyone for mercy, assured that her chickens had been found, that she herself was ready to explain everything... Of course, all this did not serve anything. Military, sir, order! Discipline! The hostess sobbed louder and louder. Egor, whom the priest had already confessed and given communion, turned to me: “Tell her, your honor, not to kill herself... After all, I forgave her.” My acquaintance repeated these last words of his servant and whispered: “Egorushka, my dear, righteous!” - and tears dripped down his old cheeks. August, 1879 What will I think? What will I think when I have to die - if only I will be able to think then? Will I think that I made bad use of life, slept through it, dozed off, failed to partake of its gifts? "How? Is this already death? So soon? Impossible! After all, I haven’t had time to do anything yet... I was just about to do it!” Will I remember the past, dwell in thought on the few bright moments I have lived, on expensive images and faces? Will my bad deeds appear in my memory and the burning melancholy of late repentance come upon my soul? Will I think about what awaits me beyond the grave... and will there be anything waiting for me there? No... it seems to me that I will try not to think - and will forcibly engage in some nonsense, just to distract my own attention from the menacing darkness darkening ahead. In front of me, one dying man kept complaining that they didn’t want to let him chew roasted nuts... and only there, in the depths of his dull eyes, was something beating and fluttering, like the broken wing of a mortally wounded bird. August, 1879 “How beautiful, how fresh the roses were...” Somewhere, once upon a time, a long, long time ago, I read a poem. I soon forgot it... but the first verse remained in my memory: How beautiful, how fresh the roses were... Now it’s winter; frost covered the window panes; One candle is burning in a dark room. I sit huddled in a corner; and in my head everything rings and rings: How beautiful, how fresh the roses were... And I see myself in front of the low window of a Russian country house. The summer evening quietly melts and turns into night, the warm air smells of mignonette and linden; and on the window, leaning on her straightened arm and bowing her head to her shoulder, a girl sits - and silently and intently looks at the sky, as if waiting for the first stars to appear. How innocently inspired are the pensive eyes, how touchingly innocent are the open, questioning lips, how evenly does the not yet fully blossomed, not yet agitated chest breathe, how pure and gentle is the appearance of the young face! I do not dare to speak to her - but how dear she is to me, how my heart beats! How beautiful, how fresh the roses were... And the room kept getting darker and darker... The burnt candle crackled, fugitive shadows wavered on the low ceiling, the frost creaked and grew angry behind the wall - and one could imagine a boring, senile whisper... How beautiful, how fresh the roses were... They get up before me are other images... I can hear the cheerful noise of family village life. Two fair-haired heads, leaning against each other, look briskly at me with their bright eyes, scarlet cheeks tremble with restrained laughter, hands are affectionately intertwined, young, kind voices sound interchangeably; and a little further, in the depths of the cozy room, other, also young hands run, tangling their fingers, across the keys of an old piano - and Lanner’s waltz cannot drown out the grumbling of the patriarchal samovar... How beautiful, how fresh the roses were... The candle fades and goes out... Who is coughing? Is it so hoarse and dull there? Curled up in a ball, the old dog, my only comrade, huddles and shudders at my feet... I’m cold... I’m chilly... And they all died... died... How beautiful, how fresh the roses were... September, 1879 Sea voyage I sailed from Hamburg to London on small steamer. There were two of us passengers: myself and a small monkey, a female of the Uistiti breed, which a Hamburg merchant sent as a gift to his English companion. She was tied with a thin chain to one of the benches on the deck and darted and squeaked pitifully, like a bird. Every time I passed by, she extended her black, cold hand to me - and looked at me with her sad, almost human eyes. I took her hand and she stopped squeaking and thrashing about. It was completely calm. The sea stretched out all around like a motionless lead-colored tablecloth. It seemed small; a thick fog lay on it, covering the very ends of the masts, and blinded and tired the eye with its soft darkness. The sun hung like a dull red spot in this darkness; and before evening she would all light up and turn red in a mysterious and strange way. Long straight folds, similar to the folds of heavy silk fabrics, ran one after another from the bow of the steamer and, ever widening, wrinkled and widened, finally smoothed out, swayed, and disappeared. Whipped foam swirled under the monotonously tramping wheels; turning milky white and hissing weakly, it broke into serpentine streams - and there it merged and disappeared, too, swallowed up in the darkness. A small bell at the stern tinkled incessantly and plaintively, no worse than the squeak of a monkey. From time to time a seal surfaced and, having tumbled steeply, went under the barely disturbed surface. And the captain, a silent man with a tanned, gloomy face, smoked a short pipe and angrily spat into the frozen sea. He answered all my questions with a curt grunt; involuntarily I had to turn to my only companion - the monkey. I sat down next to her; she stopped squeaking and again extended her hand to me. The motionless fog enveloped both of us with a soporific dampness; and immersed in the same, unconscious thought, we stayed next to each other, like family. I smile now... but then I had a different feeling. We are all children of the same mother - and I was pleased that the poor animal calmed down so trustingly and leaned against me as if it were my own. November, 1879 N.N. You walk harmoniously and quietly along the path of life, without tears and without a smile, barely enlivened by indifferent attention. You are kind and smart... and everything is alien to you - and you don’t need anyone. You are beautiful - and no one will say: do you value your beauty or not? You are indifferent yourself - and do not require participation. Your gaze is deep and not thoughtful; empty in this bright depth. Thus, in the Champs Elysees - to the important sounds of Gluck's melodies - slender shadows pass carelessly and joylessly. November, 1879 Stop! Stop! How I see you now - remain forever like this in my memory! The last inspired sound escaped your lips - your eyes do not shine and do not sparkle - they fade, burdened with happiness, the blissful consciousness of the beauty that you managed to express, that beauty, in the wake of which you seem to stretch out your triumphant, your exhausted arms! What light, thinner and purer sunlight , spilled over all your members, over the slightest folds of your clothes? Which god with his gentle breath swept back your scattered curls? His kiss burns on your pale brow like marble! Here it is - an open secret, the secret of poetry, life, love! Here it is, here it is, immortality! There is no other immortality - and there is no need. In this moment you are immortal. It will pass - and you are again a pinch of ashes, a woman, a child... But what does it matter to you! In this moment, you have become higher, you have become beyond everything transient and temporary. This moment of yours will never end. Stop! And let me be a participant in your immortality, drop the reflection of your eternity into my soul! November, 1879 Monk I knew a monk, a hermit, a saint. He lived only on the sweetness of prayer - and, reveling in it, he stood for so long on the cold floor of the church that his legs, below the knees, swelled and became like pillars. He didn’t feel them, he stood there and prayed. I understood him - I, perhaps, envied him - but let him understand me and not judge me - me, who is inaccessible to his joys. He achieved that he destroyed himself, his hated self; but I, too, don’t pray out of pride. My self is perhaps even more painful and disgusting to me than his is to him. He found something to forget himself about... but I do, too, although not so constantly. He doesn't lie... but I don't lie either. November, 1879 We will fight again! What an insignificant little thing can sometimes transform the whole person! Full of thought, I was walking along the high road one day. Heavy forebodings oppressed my chest; despondency took possession of me. I raised my head... In front of me, between two rows of tall poplars, the road stretched into the distance like an arrow. And across it, across this very road, ten steps from me, all gilded by the bright summer sun, a whole family of sparrows was jumping in single file, jumping briskly, funny, arrogantly! One of them, in particular, kept pushing himself sideways, sideways, with his goiter bulging and chirping impudently, as if the devil were not his brother! Conqueror - and that's it! Meanwhile, high in the sky a hawk was circling, which, perhaps, was destined to devour this very conqueror. I looked, laughed, shook myself - and the sad thoughts immediately flew away: I felt courage, daring, a desire for life. And let my hawk circle above me... - We will still fight, damn it! November, 1879 Prayer Whatever a person prays for, he prays for a miracle. Every prayer boils down to the following: “Great God, make sure that two and two do not become four!” Only such prayer is real prayer - from face to face. Praying to the universal spirit, the supreme being, the Cantonese, Hegelian, purified, ugly god is impossible and unthinkable. But can even a personal, living, figurative God prevent two and two from being four? Every believer is obliged to answer: he can - and is obliged to convince himself of this. But what if his mind rebels against such nonsense? Here Shakespeare will come to his aid: “There are many things in the world, friend Horatio...”, etc. And if they begin to object to him in the name of truth, he should repeat the famous question: “What is truth?” And therefore: let's drink and have fun - and pray. June, 1881 Russian language In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how can one not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people! June, 1882 Meeting Dream I dreamed: I was walking along a wide, bare steppe, dotted with large angular stones, under a black, low sky. A path wound between the stones... I walked along it, not knowing where or why... Suddenly, on the narrow edge of the path, something like a thin cloud appeared in front of me... I began to peer: the cloud became a woman, slender and tall, in a white dress, with a narrow light belt around the camp. She hurried away from me with nimble steps. I didn’t see her face, I didn’t even see her hair: it was covered with wavy fabric; but my whole heart rushed after her. She seemed beautiful, dear and sweet to me... I definitely wanted to catch up with her, I wanted to look into her face... into her eyes... Oh yes! I wanted to see, I had to see those eyes. However, no matter how I hurried, she moved even more quickly than me - and I could not overtake her. But then a flat, wide stone appeared across the path... It blocked her path. The woman stopped in front of him... and I ran up, trembling with joy and anticipation, not without fear. I didn’t say anything... But she quietly turned to me... And I still didn’t see her eyes. They were closed. Her face was white... white, like her clothes; his bare arms hung motionless. She seemed completely petrified; with her whole body, with every feature of her face, this woman resembled a marble statue. Slowly, without bending a single limb, she leaned back and sank onto that flat slab. And now I’m lying next to her, lying on my back, all outstretched, like a tombstone statue, my hands folded prayerfully on my chest, and I feel that I, too, have turned to stone. Several moments passed... The woman suddenly stood up and walked away. I wanted to rush after her, but I could not move, I could not unclench my folded hands - and I just looked after her, with unspeakable melancholy. Then she suddenly turned around - and I saw bright, radiant eyes on a lively, moving face. She directed them at me and laughed with just her lips... without a sound. Get up and come to me! But I still couldn’t move. Then she laughed again and quickly left, shaking her head cheerfully, on which a wreath of small roses suddenly turned bright red. And I remained motionless and silent on my gravestone. February, 1878 I'm sorry... I'm sorry for myself, others, all people, animals, birds... everything that lives. I feel sorry for children and old people, unhappy and happy... happy more than unhappy. I feel sorry for the victorious, triumphant leaders, great artists, thinkers, poets. I feel sorry for the murderer and his victim, the ugliness and the beauty, the oppressed and the oppressors. How can I free myself from this pity? She doesn’t let me live... She’s just bored. Oh boredom, boredom, all dissolved in pity! A person cannot go lower. It would be better if I were jealous, really! Yes, I envy the stones. February, 1878 Curse I read Byron's "Manfred" ... When I reached the place where the spirit of the woman destroyed by Manfred casts her mysterious spell over him, I felt some trepidation. Remember: “May your nights be sleepless, may your evil soul forever feel my invisible persistent presence, may it become its own hell”... But then I remembered something else... Once, in Russia, I witnessed a fierce feud between two peasants, my father and son. The son ended up inflicting an intolerable insult on his father. - Curse him, Vasilich, curse the accursed one! – the old man’s wife shouted. “If you please, Petrovna,” the old man answered in a dull voice and crossed himself widely: “Let him wait for his son, who, in front of his mother’s eyes, will spit on his father’s face.” gray beard ! The son opened his mouth, but swayed on his feet, turned green in the face - and walked out. This curse seemed to me more terrible than Manfred’s. February, 1878 Twins I saw two twins arguing. Like two drops of water, they resembled each other in everything: facial features, their expression, hair color, height, body type, and they hated each other irreconcilably. They were equally writhing with rage. The strangely similar faces, pressed close to each other, glowed equally; similar eyes sparkled and threatened equally; the same swear words, uttered in the same voice, burst from identically twisted lips. I couldn’t stand it, I took one by the hand, led him to the mirror and told him: “It’s better to swear here, in front of this mirror... It won’t make any difference for you... but it won’t be so scary for me.” February, 1878 Drozd I I was lying on the bed - but I couldn’t sleep. Care was gnawing at me; heavy, tiresomely monotonous thoughts slowly passed through my mind, like a continuous chain of foggy clouds crawling non-stop on a stormy day along the tops of damp hills. Oh! I loved then with a hopeless, sorrowful love, the kind that can only be loved under the snow and cold of the years, when the heart, untouched by life, remained... not young! no... but unnecessary and in vain for the youthful. The ghost of a window stood before me like a whitish blur; all the objects in the room were dimly visible: they seemed even more motionless and quiet in the smoky half-light of the early summer morning. I looked at my watch: it was a quarter to three o'clock. And behind the walls of the house one could feel the same stillness... And dew, a whole sea of ​​dew! And in this dew, in the garden, right under my window, a blackbird was already singing, whistling, squealing - silently, loudly, self-confidently. Iridescent sounds penetrated my quiet room, filled it all, filled my ears, my head, weighed down by the dryness of insomnia, the bitterness of painful thoughts. They breathed eternity, these sounds - with all the freshness, all the indifference, all the power of eternity. I heard the voice of nature itself in them, that beautiful, unconscious voice that never began - and will never end. He sang, he sang with self-confidence, this blackbird; he knew that soon, in the usual sequence, the unchanging sun would shine; there was nothing of his own or personal in his songs; he was the same blackbird who, a thousand years ago, greeted the same sun and would greet him through another thousand years, when what remains of me, perhaps, will spin like invisible specks of dust around his living, sonorous body, in the airy stream, shocked by his singing. And I, a poor, funny, loving, personal person, say to you: thank you, little bird, thank you for your strong and free song, which so unexpectedly rang under my window at that sad hour. She did not console me - and I did not seek comfort... But my eyes were wet with tears, and a motionless, dead burden stirred in my chest, lifted for a moment. Oh! and that creature - isn’t it as young and fresh as your jubilant sounds, pre-dawn singer! And is it worth grieving, and languishing, and thinking about myself, when those cold waves are already pouring all around, from all sides, which not today - tomorrow will carry me into the boundless ocean? Tears flowed... and my dear blackbird continued, as if nothing had happened, his indifferent, his happy, his eternal song! Oh, what tears the sun finally rose on my flushed cheeks! But during the day I was still smiling. July 8, 1877 Drozd II Again I am lying in bed... again I can’t sleep. The same early summer morning covers me from all sides; and again the blackbird sings under my window - and the same wound burns in my heart. But the song of the bird does not bring me relief - and I do not think about my wound. I am tormented by other, countless, gaping wounds; dear, dear blood flows from them in crimson streams, flowing uselessly, meaninglessly, like rainwater from high roofs onto the dirt and filth of the street. Thousands of my brothers and brothers are now dying there, in the distance, under the impregnable walls of fortresses; thousands of brothers thrown into the gaping jaws of death by inept leaders. They die without a murmur; they are destroyed without repentance; they do not regret themselves; Even those inept leaders do not regret them. There are no right or wrong here: the thresher is shaking sheaves of ears of grain, whether empty or with grain - time will tell. What do my wounds mean? What does my suffering mean? I don't even dare cry. But my head burns and my soul freezes - and like a criminal, I hide my head in the hateful pillows. Hot, heavy drops make their way, slide down my cheeks... slide onto my lips... What is this? Tears... or blood? August, 1877 Without a nest Where should I go? What to do? I am like a lonely bird without a nest... Having ruffled its feathers, it sits on a bare, dry branch. It’s sickening to stay... but where to fly? And so she spreads her wings - and rushes into the distance quickly and straight, like a dove frightened by a hawk. Wouldn't a green, sheltered corner open up somewhere, would it be possible to build at least a temporary nest somewhere? The bird flies and flies and looks down carefully. Beneath it is a yellow desert, silent, motionless, dead. The bird is in a hurry, flying over the desert - and still looking down, attentively and sadly. Below it is the sea, yellow and dead, like a desert. True, it makes noise and moves - but in the endless roar, in the monotonous vibration of its shafts, there is also no life and there is also nowhere to shelter. The poor bird is tired... The flapping of its wings weakens; dives her flight. She would soar to the sky... but she couldn’t build a nest in that bottomless void!... She finally folded her wings... and with a long groan fell into the sea. The wave swallowed it up... and rolled forward, still making a senseless noise. Where should I go? And isn’t it time for me to fall into the sea? January, 1878 Cup It's funny to me... and I'm surprised at myself. My sadness is unfeigned, it’s really hard for me to live, my feelings are sad and joyless. And meanwhile I try to give them shine and beauty, I look for images and comparisons; I round out my speech, amuse myself with the ringing and consonance of words. I, like a sculptor, like a goldsmith, carefully sculpt and carve and decorate in every possible way that cup in which I myself offer poison to myself. January, 1878 Whose fault? She extended her tender, pale hand to me... and I pushed her away with stern rudeness. Bewilderment was expressed on the young, sweet face; young kind eyes look at me reproachfully; The young, pure soul does not understand me. - What is my fault? - her lips whisper. - Your fault? The brightest angel in the most radiant depths of heaven is more likely to be guilty than you. And yet your guilt before me is great. Do you want to know it, this grave guilt that you cannot understand, which I am unable to explain to you? Here it is: you are youth; I am old age. January, 1878 Everyday rule Do you want to be calm? Meet people, but live alone, don't do anything and don't regret anything. Do you want to be happy? Learn to suffer first. April, 1878 Reptile I saw a chopped reptile. Covered in ichor and the mucus of his own eruptions, he still writhed and, convulsively raising his head, exposed his sting... he still threatened... he threatened powerlessly. I read the feuilleton of the disgraced scribbler. Choking on his own saliva, dumped in the pus of his own abominations, he also writhed and grimaced... He mentioned a “barrier” - he proposed to wash his honor with a duel... his honor!!! I remembered that hacked bastard with his powerless sting. May, 1878 Writer and critic The writer was sitting in his room at his desk. Suddenly a critic comes in to see him. - How! - he exclaimed, - do you still continue to scribble, compose, after everything that I wrote against you? after all those large articles, feuilletons, notes, correspondence in which I proved like two times two makes four that you do not have - and never had - any talent, that you have forgotten even your native language, that you have always been distinguished by ignorance, and now completely exhausted, outdated, turned into a rag? The writer calmly addressed the critic. “You have written many articles and feuilletons against me,” he answered, “that is certain; but do you know the fable about the fox and the cat? The fox had many tricks - but she still got caught; The cat had only one: to climb the tree... and the dogs didn’t get it. So am I: in response to all your articles, I brought you out entirely in just one book; put a jester's cap on your rational head - and you will flaunt it in front of posterity. - Before posterity! - the critic burst out laughing, - as if your books will reach posterity?! In forty, many fifty years, no one will read them. “I agree with you,” the writer answered, “but that’s enough for me.” Homer let his Fersit go forever; and for your brother, even half a century behind your back. You don't even deserve clownish immortality. Farewell, sir... Would you like me to call you by name? It’s hardly necessary... everyone will say it without me. June, 1878 Who to argue with... Argue with a person smarter than you: he will defeat you... but you can benefit from your very defeat. Argue with a person of equal intelligence: whoever wins, you will at least experience the pleasure of fighting. Argue with a person of the weakest mind... argue not out of a desire to win; but you can be useful to him. Argue even with a fool; you will gain neither fame nor profit; but why not have fun sometimes? Just don’t argue with Vladimir Stasov! June, 1878 “Oh my youth! Oh my freshness! Gogol “Oh my youth! oh my freshness! – I once exclaimed. But when I uttered this exclamation, I myself was still young and fresh. I just wanted to pamper myself with a sad feeling - to feel sorry for myself openly, to rejoice in secret. Now I am silent and do not lament out loud about those losses... They gnaw at me constantly, with a dull gnawing. “Eh! It’s better not to think!” - the men assure. June, 1878 K*** It’s not a chirping swallow, it’s not a frisky killer whale with a thin strong beak that has hollowed out a nest for itself in a solid rock... It’s then that you’ve gradually gotten used to and settled in with someone else’s cruel family, my patient, clever girl! July, 1878 I walked among the high mountains... I walked among the high mountains, Along bright rivers and through valleys... And everything that my gaze met told me one thing: I was loved! I was loved! I forgot everything else! The sky above me was shining, the leaves were rustling, the birds were singing... And the clouds were flying in a frisky sequence somewhere merrily... Everything around was breathing happiness, But the heart did not need it. I was carried, carried by a wave, Wide as the waves of the sea! There was a silence in my soul Above joy and sorrow... I was barely aware of myself: The whole world belonged to me! Why didn't I die then? Why did we both live then? Years have passed... years have passed - And they didn’t give anything, So that it would be sweeter and clearer Those stupid and blissful days. November, 1878 When I am gone... When I am gone, when everything that was me crumbles to dust - oh you, my only friend, oh you, whom I loved so deeply and so tenderly, you who will probably outlive me, – don’t go to my grave... You have nothing to do there. Don’t forget me... but don’t remember me among your daily worries, pleasures and needs... I don’t want to interfere with your life, I don’t want to complicate its calm flow. But in hours of solitude, when that shy and causeless sadness, so familiar, comes over you kind hearts, take one of our favorite books and find in it those pages, those lines, those words that used to make you - remember? – we both had sweet and silent tears at the same time. Read, close your eyes and extend your hand to me... Extend your hand to an absent friend. I will not be able to shake it with my hand - it will lie motionless under the ground... but now I am pleased to think that perhaps you will feel a light touch on your hand. And my image will appear to you - and from under the closed eyelids of your eyes tears will flow, similar to those tears that we, touched by Beauty, once shed together with you, oh you, my only friend, oh you, whom I loved so deeply and so gently! December, 1878 Hourglass Day after day passes without a trace, monotonously and quickly. Life rushed terribly quickly - quickly and without noise, like a river stirrup before a waterfall. It flows evenly and smoothly, like sand in the watch held in the bony hand of the figure of Death. When I lie in bed and darkness envelops me on all sides, I constantly imagine this faint and continuous rustle of life flowing away. I don’t feel sorry for her, I don’t feel sorry for what else I could have done... I’m terrified. It seems to me: that motionless figure is standing near my bed... In one hand hourglass , she raised the other one over my heart... And my heart shudders and pushes into my chest, as if in a hurry to reach its last beats. December, 1878 I got up at night... I got out of bed at night... It seemed to me that someone called my name... there, outside the dark window. I pressed my face to the glass, pressed my ear, fixed my gaze - and began to wait. But there, outside the window, only the trees rustled - monotonously and vaguely - and solid, smoky clouds, although they moved and changed constantly, remained the same and the same... No stars in the sky, no lights on the ground. It’s boring and languid there... just like here, in my heart. But suddenly, somewhere in the distance, a plaintive sound arose and, gradually intensifying and approaching, rang with a human voice - and, lowering and dying, rushed past. "Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!" – it seemed to me in his freezing. Oh! This is all my past, all my happiness, everything, everything that I cherished and loved - was forever and irrevocably saying goodbye to me! I bowed to my life that had flown away - and lay down in bed, as if in a grave. Oh, to the grave! June, 1879 When I am alone... (Double) When I am alone, completely alone for a long time, it suddenly begins to seem to me that someone else is in the same room, sitting next to me or standing behind me. When I turn around or suddenly direct my eyes to where I imagine that person to be, I, of course, see no one. The very feeling of his closeness disappears... but after a few moments it returns again. Sometimes I take my head in both hands and start thinking about him. Who is he? What he? He is not a stranger to me... he knows me - and I know him... He seems to be akin to me... and there is an abyss between us. I don’t expect a sound or a word from him... He is as mute as he is motionless... And yet, he tells me... he says something unclear, incomprehensible - and familiar. He knows all my secrets. I’m not afraid of him... but I feel awkward around him and I wouldn’t like to have such a witness to my inner life... And with all that, I don’t feel a separate, alien existence in him. Are you my double? Isn't this my past self? And indeed: isn’t there a whole abyss between the person I remember myself and the me I am now? But he does not come at my command - as if he has his own will. It’s not fun, brother, neither for you nor for me - in the hateful silence of loneliness! But wait... When I die, we will merge with you - my former, my present self - and rush off forever into the region of irrevocable shadows. November, 1879 The Path to Love All feelings can lead to love, to passion, everything: hatred, regret, indifference, reverence, friendship, fear, even contempt. Yes, all the feelings... except one: gratitude. Gratitude is a duty; every honest person pays his debts... but love is not money. June, 1881 Phrase I'm afraid, I avoid the phrase; but fear of a phrase is also a claim. So, between these two foreign words, between a claim and a phrase, this is how our complex life rolls and fluctuates. June, 1881 Simplicity Simplicity! simplicity! They call you holy... But holiness is not a human matter. Humility is what it is. It tramples, it conquers pride. But don’t forget: the very feeling of victory already has its own pride. June, 1881 Brahmin A Brahmin repeats the word “Om!”, looking at his navel, and thereby gets closer to the deity. But is there anything in the entire human body less divine, anything more reminiscent of a connection with human frailty, than this particular navel? June, 1881 You cried... You cried for my grief; and I cried out of sympathy for your pity for me. But you also cried about your grief; only you saw it - in me. June, 1881 Love Everyone says: love is the highest, most unearthly feeling. Someone else's self has penetrated into yours: you are expanded - and you are disturbed; have you just now healed “?” and your self is slain. But a person with flesh and blood is outraged by even such a death... Only immortal gods are resurrected... June, 1881 Truth and truth - Why do you value the immortality of the soul so much? – I asked. - Why? Because then I will have the eternal, undoubted Truth... And this, in my opinion, is the highest bliss! – In possession of the Truth? - Certainly. - Allow me; can you imagine the next scene? Several young people have gathered, talking among themselves... And suddenly one of their comrades runs in: his eyes sparkle with an extraordinary brilliance, he is gasping with delight, he can barely speak. "What's happened? What's happened?" - “My friends, listen to what I learned, what truth! The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection! Or here’s another thing: between two points the most shortcut- straight line!" - “Really! oh, what bliss!” - all the young people shout, rushing into each other’s arms with emotion! Are you unable to imagine such a scene? You laugh... That's the point: Truth cannot bring bliss... But Truth can. This is a human, our earthly matter... Truth and Justice! I agree to die for the Truth. All life is built on knowledge of the Truth; but how does it mean to “possess it”? And even find bliss in this? June, 1882 Partridges Lying in bed, tormented by a long and hopeless illness, I thought: what did I do to deserve this? Why am I being punished? me, exactly me? It's not fair, it's not fair! And the following occurred to me... A whole family of young partridges - about twenty of them - crowded together in the thick stubble. They huddle together, dig in the loose soil, and are happy. Suddenly a dog scares them - they take off together; a shot is heard - and one of the partridges, with a broken wing, all wounded, falls - and, with difficulty dragging its legs, hides in a wormwood bush. While the dog is looking for her, the unfortunate partridge may also be thinking: “There were twenty of us just like me... Why was it me, I was shot at and had to die? Why? What did I do to deserve this over the rest of my sisters? It's not fair! Lie down, sick creature, until death finds you. June, 1882 Nessun maggior dolore Blue sky light clouds like feathers, the smell of flowers, the sweet sounds of a young voice, the radiant beauty of great works of art, the smile of happiness on a lovely woman's face and these magical eyes... why, why all this? A spoonful of bad, useless medicine every two hours is what you need. June, 1882 Caught under a wheel - What do these groans mean? – I suffer, I suffer greatly. -Have you heard the splash of the stream when it hits the stones? – I heard... but why this question? - And to the fact that this splashing and moaning of yours are the same sounds, and nothing more. Only perhaps this: the splash of a stream may please other ears, but your groans will not pity anyone. You don’t hold them back, but remember: these are all sounds, sounds like the creaking of a broken tree... sounds - and nothing more. June, 1882 Uh-ah... Uh-ah! I was living in Switzerland at that time... I was very young, very proud - and very lonely. My life was hard - and sad. Having not yet experienced anything, I was already bored, depressed and angry. Everything on earth seemed insignificant and vulgar to me, and, as often happens with very young people, with secret gloating I cherished the thought... of suicide. “I’ll prove it... I’ll take revenge...” - I thought... But what to prove? Why take revenge? I didn’t know this myself. The blood was just fermenting inside me, like wine in a sealed vessel... and it seemed to me that I needed to let this wine pour out and that it was time to break the constricting vessel... Byron was my idol, Manfred my hero. One evening, like Manfred, I decided to go there, on the top of the mountains, above the glaciers, far from people - where there is not even plant life, where only dead rocks are piled up, where every sound freezes, where even the roar of waterfalls is not heard! What I intended to do there... I didn’t know... Perhaps commit suicide?! I set off... I walked for a long time, first along the road, then along the path, rising higher and higher... higher and higher. I have long passed the last houses, the last trees... Stones - just stones all around, - the close, but already invisible snow breathes on me with a sharp cold, - from all sides the night shadows are approaching in black clouds. I finally stopped. What terrible silence! This is the kingdom of Death. And I am here alone, one living person, with all my arrogant grief, and despair, and contempt... A living, conscious person who has left life and does not want to live. Secret horror chilled me - but I imagined myself great!... Manfred - and that’s it! - One! I am alone! - I repeated, - alone face to face with death! Isn't it time? Yes... it's time. Farewell, insignificant world! I push you away with my foot! And suddenly, at that very moment, a strange, not immediately understood by me, but alive... human sound reached me... I shuddered, listened... the sound was repeated... Yes, this... this is the cry of a baby, an infant! ... In this deserted, wild height, where all life seemed to have frozen long ago and forever - the cry of a baby?!! My amazement suddenly gave way to another feeling, a feeling of suffocating joy... And I ran headlong, without discerning the road, straight towards this cry, this weak, pitiful - and saving cry! Soon a quivering light flashed before me. I ran even faster - and after a few moments I saw a low hut. Built of stones with flat roofs, such huts serve as a refuge for Alpine shepherds for weeks at a time. I pushed the half-open door - and just burst into the hut, as if death was chasing me on my heels... Nestled on a bench, a young woman was breastfeeding a child... a shepherd, probably her husband, was sitting next to her. They both stared at me... but I couldn’t say anything... I just smiled and nodded my head... Byron, Manfred, dreams of suicide, my pride and my greatness, where did you all go?... The baby continued to scream - and I blessed him too, and his mother and her husband... Oh, the hot cry of human, newly born life, you saved me, you cured me! November, 1882 My trees I received a letter from a former university friend, a wealthy landowner, an aristocrat. He called me to his estate. I knew that he had been ill for a long time, blind, paralyzed, barely walking... I went to see him. I found him in one of the alleys of his vast park. Wrapped in a fur coat - and it was summer - stunted, crooked, with green umbrellas over his eyes, he sat in a small carriage, which was pushed from behind by two footmen in rich liveries... - I greet you, - he said in a sepulchral voice, - on my ancestral land , under the shade of my ancient trees! A mighty thousand-year-old oak tree stretched like a tent above his head. And I thought: “O thousand-year-old giant, do you hear? The half-dead worm crawling at your roots calls you his tree!” But then the breeze came in a wave and rushed with a light rustle through the continuous foliage of the giant... And it seemed to me that the old oak answered with good-natured and quiet laughter both to my thought and to the boast of the sick man. November, 1882 Notes 1. Necessity, Strength, Freedom (lat.). 2. There is no greater sorrow (Italian).

In my time there was a planned economy, a totalitarian ideology, and fiction, including modern prose - almost everything was filtered by the system. When the USSR collapsed, not only the economy collapsed, but also fiction, if we exclude a short period when the mass reader was exposed to everything that had accumulated and was previously considered forbidden, although, basically, it was highly artistic.

With the disappearance of the monopoly on ideology and printed materials, with the advent of the Internet, the monopoly on the right to publish evaporated - many new ones appeared, to no one unknown authors, who, together with popular and already recognized masters of words, are, at least formally, modern writers. I was among them, and after this my literary website appeared, where you can read online, as well as short prose: stories, novellas, short stories from my books “The Tale of Burnt Years” and “The Broad-shouldered Angel.”

Short prose. Modern stories

The fate of these books, like the fate of books by most unknown authors, be it romance novels, short stories or novellas, whether on Proza.Ru, on Yandex.Disk, on Litres or somewhere else, by and large, are not much different... Your files may never disappear anywhere, but reading them, most likely they won't. They say there are many reasons for this and, probably, there are even scientific works on this topic that explain them.

But the main reason, in my opinion, is that the so-called mass culture carefully “rolls into asphalt” everything that does not fit into it. Even those who try to somehow fit into it are doomed to vegetate in it en masse. Mass culture, although massive, but this is far from a rubber matrix, but a ruthless system with a very certain number of places and a rigid hierarchy in it. Therefore, so that your soul is not completely dreary from this sad process, when people are simply overwhelmed not only with book books, but even worse - with book little books, you have to write yourself modern romance novels, short stories, novellas and short stories, which, as it turned out, Millions of eccentrics on our planet are now studying... And visitors to this site and similar resources who love fiction can read these books.

TO that’s why he called these years dashing... For a speculator who became an oligarch, or his wife, former model, they may have become so. But in the vast expanses of Russia, for most people, these years without gloss, glamor, exaggerated, empty gibberish and lies turned out to be scorching, because during these years not only the dreams and hopes of many people, but also human lives burned. This is what short stories about simple, ordinary people who, in fact, were deceived and betrayed by those in power are about.

48.00 rub. Read fragment Buy book

An era has arrived, seemingly without ideology, but with market relations... Modern literature, large and small prose, books by modern writers - everything, as before, is filtered, only differently... And many people simply don’t need fiction, books of modern prose.

But commercial reading appeared, and then the global and domestic Internet started breathing loudly. All this together created a kind of “ black hole”, which sucked in everything that was previously called “planned” fiction. And this colossus (I mean its Russian representative) found itself on feet of clay - it could not resist, and if it did not disappear without a trace in this hole, it appeared in a new capacity.

Now we have instead the notorious reading matter, litpops, easy reading, etc. But no matter what you call this phenomenon, the creations of this book market by definition do not pretend to be highly artistic. For them, the most important thing is commercial success.

Small prose. Modern stories and novellas

High artistic quality is now claimed by fairly closed communities of so-called “premium literature”, which, in fact, are concentrated in two capital cities. The largest publishing houses of printed and digital books are now located there, thick literary magazines still somehow survive there, which, out of old memory, still consider themselves VDLH (exhibitions of the achievements of literary economy), although this is no longer the case. All of Russia is now “fed” by Moscow and, partly, St. Petersburg... And a third thing is raging around - the vast ocean of samizdat, the online creativity of millions on the World Wide Web, countless electronic libraries, literary portals and scams.

The average Russian man in the street, who knows how to read and comprehend what he read, has no particular interest in these modern “storehouses” of the literary process. But this, whatever one may say, is also modern prose. However, the average person is content, at best, with the first, and for the few literary gourmets and fashionistas there is already the second.

It is still somehow possible to cover the first and second, albeit roughly. Just look at the ratings of book sales hits, long and short lists of candidates for the most prestigious “literary elephants” in Russia. And if a potential reader, having plunged into the third, into that same vast ocean, can still, figuratively speaking, emerge from there, then new, unknown and unpromoted authors risk simply dissolving and disappearing there.

Now we need modern information technologies, unique pump-filters that will process all these “storehouses” and produce real modern prose and poetry.

In the Russian Federation, something is moving forward on this issue, but too slowly. Therefore, the general reader still has and is fully supplied by that same “commercial well”... And for his money he drinks from this “source” not balm, but, by and large, dregs. How this will affect his spiritual health is not difficult to guess.

Novels about life ordinary people, where in every short, true story from the fussy, amorphous everyday life, at least one person almost always appears, in whose place any of us could be. The author did this only in order to dispel the reader’s deceptive sense of the infinity of existence and the inviolability of the world and so that, finding himself in the place of this character, everyone could, if not understand the essence of human life, then at least guess about the most important thing.

48.00 rub. Read fragment Buy book

The so-called intellectual public is already drinking another dregs from the “barrels” with “premium elephants”, which are helpfully offered to them by their gurus - “water carriers” from the modern literary process, mainly from capital cities.

About the “commercial well” everything is quite obvious, however, with the “water carriers” it is clear to me personally, since among their “barrels” over the past two decades I have not noticed anything sparkling with the “golden ratio” between James Joyce and Erica James.

Actually, books are first lived in a direct and figuratively, and only then they write. Without this, in my opinion, nothing real will happen. Unfortunately, many people forget about this. For the reader, perhaps this is not so important, but when people who write something for them forget this, then the result is the same dregs that I already spoke about.

True, we do not yet know how scientific and technological progress will affect humanity, for example, its attitude towards fiction. But already now, comics, visual novels, graphic novels and similar audiovisual products of mass culture are crowding out traditional fiction not only from gadgets, but from the very lives of many people.

Modern literature, prose, books... But who needs all this?!.. Here even the “water carriers” from “premium literature” are unable to give a clear answer, and the owners of “commercial wells” may turn out to be not only powerless, but even superfluous... Perhaps , I was in a hurry, and they will survive if... if a significant part of people turn with their help into biorobots, continuously chewing “audiovisual popcorn”.

Read a modern novel about Russia

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Humorous sketch on political theme. The story is written based on real events; all coincidences with real people and circumstances should be considered not accidental. This is my first experience in the field of humorous stories and sketches. I strictly ask you not to judge. Is there a video.

Putin has outplayed us all

I recently listened to Vladimir Putin’s messages again, took notes, deleted everything that was not fulfilled, postponed, forgotten... it turned out a little:

2007 – We need everyone to get involved in the work without hesitation.

2012 – Without any further build-up, let’s start working together.

It all started with an old computer, no, if my work laptop had not broken, I would never have reached into the closet and dug up an aging Pentium, probably from the nineteenth century. In any case, a finger-thick layer of earth-like dust convincingly proved that this computer had not been used for twenty years.
Wincing and cursing my work as a blogger, I somehow wiped off the dirty system unit and lo and behold!
The old computer connected the first time, no adapters were even needed.

This story, like many others, was written for Yandex Zen, but they did not appreciate my style or my life observations, so I am publishing unclaimed stories here. Perhaps someone will find them interesting.

Dangerous yard owner

This story could have happened in any yard, but why could it? Surely, hundreds of similar stories happen all the time, of course, with different endings, but one constant conclusion - you can’t live like that.

Then I was still working at the mine, you know, a rapid descent of the cage, a leisurely walk along the illuminated tunnel, a couple of turns and now you are in complete darkness and silence. I worked as a driller, where, due to safety regulations, only two people should work, but often I had to be left alone, like that ill-fated time.

I got to my drilling machine, set up the lighting, started the machine, and it became more fun. Still, when something is working and a twelve-volt light bulb is shining, it’s not so creepy, and there is complete darkness and silence around.

A comic story about the fictional deputy Cheika, I thought about writing a whole series about this parliamentarian, but somehow it didn’t work out yet. However, if there are readers, there will be time to continue...

Genre: story, politics, humor

Meet the brave deputy Cheik

I am the brave deputy Cheik, I lead the full life of an ordinary Russian: I go out into the world, buy real estate abroad, and I also have a hobby - inhuman experiments in the field of legislation, but about that, shh...

I wrote this science fiction story specifically for the “Future Tense” competition, but it was not appreciated, in any case, I did not even make it to the semi-finals. However, I personally like the story and the issues raised in it are quite interesting. I hope there are those who will appreciate it a little better than the competition jury.

To be honest, the issues addressed by the story are so extensive that it would be enough for a decent novel, but according to the rules of the competition, the story must be short, so perhaps it turned out to be too dynamic.

A short comic story about family values. I think that in today’s time it is more relevant than ever, not only for husbands, but also for wives. Oh times, oh morals!


Oleg, in anticipation of pleasure, sat down at the computer. While the screensaver of his favorite “tanks” was loading, he was already mentally immersed in the game, planning where he would go and who he would give the heat to.
Suddenly, like a blow to the head, my wife’s voice came from the kitchen.


It must be strange to see from the outside a man with a shopping bag standing with his graying head buried in a rosehip bush. But what to do if it is not possible to live without it?
People with dogs walking by stop.
“Oh, you’re my good one,” they hear.
A cheerful multitude of small white roses on the sweeping, lush clumps of bushes...
It's hard to say who I would be without him.
Someday they will ask - there: “How? Didn't you know that white rosehip is a gift of pure joy? And you have never touched or breathed it?!”
It will bloom for us for a whole month on the way to the station.


Everything is loved later. When you realize that this won't happen again. The simplest, most unfamous, most banal moments of life, which remained somewhere in the shadow of events, will not be repeated... Oh, this “boring”, “passable”, “killed” “in between times” life, hello, I am guilty before you! Isn’t that why you look like a supersonic plane: you fly by, and the sound comes later...

I know one cat. He knows me too. We have a special relationship. For some reason, he believes that the area under my window up to the neighbor’s fence belongs to him. I don't agree with this. Firstly, I live here, true, so does he, but I put a table on the property, dug in a bench, arranged it, none of the neighbors object and in general... This cat climbs onto the table with dirty feet, and also falls apart demonstratively in plain sight, not enough Moreover, he yells in the evenings right under the window, without any need or justification, and besides, he has gotten into the habit of climbing into the underground through a hole under the porch, which I am still planning to repair. Several times I managed to hit him with an apple core, but that’s all I can boast about for now. All winter, he certainly leaves a “couple of lines” of footprints on the site, not being lazy about imprinting them after each snowfall, as a kind of “written” confirmation of the right to this place.
And then I return home, I see the bastard sitting on my porch, facing the door, most importantly, as if he had come to visit. I found a dead rod, I sneaked up from behind and swung it...
And he turned around and looked like “come on”... I stood there with my hand raised and sat down next to him. To be honest, I wasn’t in the best mood either.
We sat for a while. What a warm evening...
Yes, spring is coming...


In our latitudes, every appearance of the sun is like a revelation that all is not lost. But as soon as it stays a little longer, we become like children, and then we completely lose all caution and are ready to believe only in everything good... It’s good that winter saves our naivety from desecration. We come to our senses, sheathing our fury.
But I see the mark sparkling again, well, hold on! Coming soon...
Coming soon...

Every morning…

Every morning you open your eyes and begin to remember in what order you are supposed to live. You try to somehow continue in all this, but it turns out badly. But you age remarkably slowly, discouragingly from time to time...


We, of course, get upset, just as instruments get upset when they are not played. And we walk around upset. And we are consoled by the fact that they were made not by just anyone, but by “Amati”, “Guarneri”, and some by “Stradivarius”... In general, we can live with this, it’s still easier, because in reality everything is not at all just as it seems to us.
Everything is much more serious when they don’t play against us.

In the vestibule

In the mornings, trains are filled with the most patient people on earth: with heroic impudence, agility and swearing... Some old man hesitated and did not have time to go in to get his people. The doors slammed, he shouted something. At first no one paid attention, everyone swayed together and the train started moving. Then he shouted for the last time. There was nothing special in what he shouted, anyone in his situation could have shouted like that, but when they heard it, everyone somehow strangely froze and did not have time to come to their senses:
- We’ll meet there, there!..

We don't know

Phew, we finally made it to a dry place!
What's going on, we've overcome such a winter! That's it, now everything will go by itself. Grace... There is some kind of blue paradise in the sky.
- Hey there! It's spring again here! Listen!
They are silent. They look and are silent. I think so, they smile and sigh. Or maybe they are crying... They know better what awaits us there. But we don’t know anything, we don’t care, we’re not in a hurry to go home, we walk around unbuttoned... more often in groups.
There will be summer evenings, there will be the air of the passing day, a leisurely, everyday wind... Everything will be, it must be!
I want to love...


It's snowing for the third day... Everyone is waiting to see what will happen. Already higher than the fence. Everything is falling and falling, tightly...
The trees are gone, the houses... he's knocking everything down.
We were left alone: ​​in the snow. The snow is unprecedented, at least swim.
It is not clear where there is more of it, above or here on the ground...
He's everywhere now. That is, everything is now made from it: the sky, the air, and the bottom.
Perhaps there is no sky, it’s all here, everything is snow and light, light and snow, light and light...
This is what happens: we were expecting anything, some kind of emergency, some rubble, but it turns out -
“It has come closer to you...”

When I laugh

Those who left are wiser than those who remained. Even babies. Even villains and crazy people. Four-day-old Lazarus, after his resurrection, never smiled once for the rest of his life, but the Lord loved him that way.
When I laugh, I more and more often remember those with whom I laughed together, whose bones are now rotting in their graves.
I wish I could bring them back to us now for a feast...
Ask around...
The pieces, I think, would get stuck in my throat.


I’ve been living in the fall for so long and I can’t get enough of it. I stand and breathe in the garden...
I decided to make a bench for the house: peel potatoes, sit by the stove, but you never know... I love making benches. The board is really good, I picked it up on the street on my way from the temple. We have a temple in the village of the Apostles Peter and Paul.
My last words when I left the temple were:
- Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, bless.
And I uttered the next words about a hundred meters later, though to myself: “Look at the chalkboard lying around!” Slightly grayed by time and rain, but fine, sharp-edged, even rounded on one edge. He put it on his shoulder and went home.
I met a respectable man with a cart, he dumped broken bricks at the trash heap and said:
- Is your board made of oak?
“Pine,” I say.
Apparently he wanted to talk about something, but I didn’t want to. I do not know why.
To be honest, I didn’t have any thoughts about any bench when I picked it up. It wasn't until the last moment.
Today I took her under my arm, grabbed a saw and an ax, and went out into the garden. Also, in general, I had no intention of doing anything like that, but had to finish the first chapter of the novel according to plan. But I went out because it was the third day since the rains of the cyclone that tormented us from the Atlantic passed, and in the evenings now, day by day it is getting colder. I decided (even though it was a pity) to use the board for firewood. He put it on a stump and started sawing...
I have a large elm stump in my garden. I brought him here from the park. He begged a cart from a neighbor who was used to living alone, and all his joy was in his lanky nephew, who came once a year for the holidays. I knew he wouldn't refuse.
And there were a lot of stumps in the park with the burned-out summer theater. Once upon a time, people planted this park and walked through it before performances... They must have been happy people, because they “had honor” and knew the value of human dignity.
For some reason I chose this particular stump, on which I am now sawing this pine board...
It’s a pity for her that she, so good, will go to the kindling. But there is nothing to do, you have to drown it with something, if you haven’t bothered to prepare something more appropriate. The board is clearly made of good pine, you can feel...
I think they brought it from the north, from the great sleeping winter. She fell without a sigh, having repaid her debt to the animals and birds... Now it fell to serve people. They were preparing her for something; Then either no suitable hands were found, or they were already accustomed to living on everything ready-made...
But the elm tree on which I saw it was local. Apparently, he is many years old, has lived on earth, he has heard Chaliapin and Nezhdanova, Surikov walked under him...
I sawed off a piece of board and looked. “No,” I think, “what is this, such a board for firewood!” The hand doesn't rise. Apparently it was not intended for me. Here's another similar piece to cut off, the rest to use for the seat and leg - it will turn out to be an excellent bench!
It somehow became easy right away.
My wife will come home from work, and my bench is ready.
“This is for you,” I’ll say.
Who else? She will praise me and kiss me. It's a completely different matter! And then firewood, firewood...
And you can light a stove with old manuscripts, although they say that “manuscripts don’t burn.” They're burning, they're still burning...
So it will become warm here. The cat will play with the kittens, the stars will appear above the garden, and people will someday understand why we were given this life...
We still need to finish the chapter and have time to pray at night, thank the apostles - Peter and Paul.

From Genesis

There is a passage in the Bible that never fails to move me. Where Abraham planted a grove in Bathsheba, living “like a stranger” with his wife and son - born in his old age according to the promise of the Lord.
This is the place. One day God says to him: “Abraham!”
“He said: here I am”...
“Here I am,” no matter what your hands do, no matter what your thoughts are, “here I am.”
It was as if God bent over him, so close, closer than the rustle of an olive tree, closer than a goat’s canopy overhead...
And then, when he goes to the mountain with the boy - his son, when he does everything as the Lord commanded and takes up the knife - to stab his only and last son...
“But the Angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said: Abraham! Abraham!" (twice, so as not to doubt, so that he has time to come to his senses!)
“He said, here I am.”
This is Abraham’s second “here I am”!.. A fist with a knife tight, like a knot of life, woven from bones, from tendons, from burnt skin, from burnt humility, howling... Through a lump in a withered throat:
"Here I am!"


In summer, you must lie on your back and close your eyes to hear the oncoming noise and rustling. And then a long lowing in the heights of the airplane... And when you open your eyes, they will suffocate from gold: from the sparkle of the sky and leaves, from her gilded shoulders and hair, from the tip of her nose and hot knees... She says something at this time, something like:
-...can you imagine? I tell her: are you crazy, what are you trying to achieve with this, do you want him to completely...
I kiss her temple, such a sweet hollow, and then it is no longer possible to pass her peephole with my lips. It’s very funny because he’s stupid, he twitches and freezes...
- You don't listen to me at all! I’m telling you, I’m telling you, but at least you...,” she says, falling silent.
The wind covers us with the silence of clouds and azure, and then she says really wise things, for example:
- Listen, let’s just lie there with you, huh? Let it stay like this... forever.
- What about in winter? - I ask a childish question.
“Stupid, you don’t understand anything,” she sighs, “you’d better be silent.”
And I am silent. At first, just out of love. And then from shock: after all, this is... ETERNITY...

Place second from the right

They sat next to each other, not talking, not once looking at each other, although in general it was clear: husband and wife. She pressed herself against his shoulder and said:
- Do you know what I'm thinking about? We will definitely have two boys and a daughter...
He looked out the window of the train, without changing his distant and at the same time concerned expression on his face, but it was clear that he heard, smiling slightly inside himself.
-Have you already decided what we will call them? - She followed with her eyes the running line above the doors to the vestibule... and, after a pause, said. - If only you knew how we would wait for you!..
He didn’t answer, but everything in him seemed ready to shout: “I know, I know!”
-... And our children will never have a reason to say that they were not loved...

I don’t remember what else they said and at what stop they got up and got off.
Then another couple took their place. Young, in sports jackets, with headphones from players. He chewed incessantly, twitching to the beat of his music. She wrapped her arm around him and said:
- Do you know what I’m thinking about?..
He was all in a frantic knocking rhythm, but it was felt that he heard her. There is genuine surprise and confusion on her face...
“We will definitely have two boys and a daughter,” she said, unexpectedly for herself.
He threw back his head and laughed:
- I know! Oh, how you will wait for me!..
“Rest station,” came the tired voice of the driver.
The young people jumped up and, jostling merrily, ran out onto the platform...
The fact is that this place - second to the right from the entrance to the carriage - is marked from above. I know this: everyone who sits on it cannot talk about anything else.

Then there was an elderly couple. They were silent for a long time. He was reading a newspaper. She sat with her large, doughy hands folded on top of her shopping bag.
- Do you know what I’m thinking about?..
I tried not to look at them.
- We will definitely have two boys and a daughter... Have you already decided what we will call them?..
He lowered the newspaper, looking ahead excitedly.
“If only you knew...” her voice fell, and she finished the rest with just her lips.
He heard her, but could not turn to her, responding to every word with tremors of his heart...
They left, looking back at the place from which they got up, not understanding what had happened to them: how could something like this break out?..

Ten days later, returning home on a half-empty train, I saw a girl pulling a lanky guy along the carriage. I recognized them as that young couple. They were wearing the same sports jackets.
“Exactly, this is the same carriage, and the same color,” said the girl.
Having quickly looked around, she confidently walked towards the empty seat in front of me.
- What do you want? “At least explain it clearly,” the guy muttered. - We run around the cars like two idiots...
“Right here,” she sat him down by the window and took a breath. - Don’t you remember anything?
It was a mistake. I wanted to shout to them: guys, this is the wrong carriage! This is not the same place at all! But I said nothing.
The guy, not understanding anything, began to look out the window. The girl, clutching his sleeve, waited. She waited tensely, almost painfully listening to herself...
I stood up and headed towards the exit. But before he could step into the vestibule, he caught it with all the nerves of his back:
- Do you know what I'm thinking about? We will definitely have...


And the Lord sent them snow after the warm, lost December. I took pity.
They were happy, but didn’t notice.
Sent another day: quiet, bright, pre-holiday. Sent them children's joy and reconciliation...
They accepted everything with delight and didn’t notice.
He sent someone relief from torment, someone forgiveness...
- I am so grateful that there are no such words! You gave me so much of everything!.. Remember, three years ago, then, on the landing? I smoked my last cigarette. The last one! Understand? You came from somewhere then, came up... If it weren’t for this... You saved me from death that time, do you understand?
“I understand,” he replied.
- You gave me a child... And in general, I’m so proud of you! People believe you! If it weren’t for your performance during the May crisis, disaster would have broken out, you know...
- I know.
- You will reveal so much more to people, you... you...
He took her away from the crib and they kissed. Long and tender.

And He sent and sent...
Sent the moon in the silver sky... frosty sparks... expectation of happiness... Sent gifts...
But then the last car passed; Christmas trees and TVs were flashing, champagne was playing; everyone believed in a miracle...

And He sent them again. Son.


He was numb with pain. For the tenth day now, there have been gray walls, a yellow lamp overhead, the incessant rumble of the wind and the sound of bending wet leaves outside the half-painted window. A foreign city, foreign hospital walls, a foreign endless, unabating howling wind... For her, sitting all day at his head, this wind connected, no, merged with the incessant, unabating hellish pain of her husband. Nobody came to them anymore. They were left...
When the wind picked up the next day, she realized the pain had become unbearable. He howled. He howled with the wind...
- Lord, I can't help it! I can not! I can't!! - her soul screamed.
Two cardboard icons on the windowsill: the face from the shroud and the guardian angel. For some reason, a candle stuck in plasticine flutters all the time... The crying half-animal howl chilled the brain and heart...
And suddenly it broke off. Poem.
She opened her eyes.
“Give me your hand,” he told her. - Tell me, do you love me? Do you love?!
I didn’t immediately understand what he was asking.
“Yes,” she said. - I love.
- If you love, kill me. I’m speaking with the last of my strength, you see, this pain, it’s eating me up... I can’t stand it anymore, I can’t, I ask, I beg you, dear, kill! Kill me, okay?! Somehow, but kill! Kill it, kill it!!
“I can’t... I can’t do anything,” she whispered.
The scream exploded in the throat again, swirled with the wind, and shook the creature, maddened by pain.
- I hate it! Go away! Go away from me! - it hit right through her.
She swayed towards the bed, lay down, clinging to him - her mouth opened, as if in childbirth - and merged with his howl...
Meanwhile, nights and days alternated. Everything lived its own life.
At the other end of the corridor, the doctor lit a cigarette and asked his sister:
- Is everyone howling?

Everyone is singing.
- Do they sing? - he turned and listened... - Look, they really are singing. Well, let's go!..
Two voices rang out. They sang something drawn-out, but not sad, something very familiar. Everyone tiptoed to their doors, eavesdropping...
When everything calmed down - it is unknown on what day - then they opened the door and entered their room.
They lay together, as if vowing to keep some shared secret. Hearing footsteps, she got out of bed, straightened her hair and left.
For some reason, everyone remembered her smile: one to one, that froze on his face. Forever.

Love Train

The train was hopelessly late. Plans collapsed, business and meetings disappeared, destinies were broken... The crowd on the platform reached a boil. They fell into despair at the mere thought that in the upcoming crush, not everyone would be destined to be among the passengers, which means they would have to wait for the next one, and it was still unknown with what outcome...
Finally, the train arrived, greeted with sighs of anxious relief and curses. The assault began, in which no one looked at the children, women, or old people: growls, groans and squeals. But everyone sat down.
They did not yet know which train they were on.
- Where are you going, you bastard!
- Child, let the child in!..
- What are you doing?!..
- Yes, I love you, you bastard..!
Added to everything was the howl of an old woman, the howl of screaming babies and harsh rocking: people were thrown at each other, from wall to wall; someone got hysterical...
But this was not enough.
The train drove onto the bridge and stopped. And stood in the hot metal heat.
Everything was filled with stuffiness. Hot bodies were dripping with sweat... Someone was crying and swearing...
“I don’t care anymore, I’ve already lost everything,” said a sporty-looking guy, “I can’t take it anymore, now I’ll start killing everyone!”
But instead he picked up the fainting woman.
Someone was having a fit in the vestibule.
- Hold it, hold it tight, guys!
- There was another child who became ill.
- Give them here, to the window, at least there’s a little draft here...
And the train just stood and stood.
A doctor was found. We have made room for mothers with children.
A two-liter plastic bottle of mineral water was passed around - everyone had a sip...
Looking at a pregnant woman:
- Well, if he decides to give birth... it will be a song!
- By the way, whose guitar is hanging there?
- My.
- I would play like that. More and more fun...

The train stopped and started moving, but it was a completely different train.

Sounds of the rain

Haunted by the sound of rain... You just have to find yourself in silence, get away from thoughts, and - please. Even in winter, this muffled noise of it seems and takes you to where living during the rain is like dying a little, mourning yourself... Meanwhile, its origin is prayerful, our ancient relatives asked the sky: “Give me! Give it to us!..” Therefore, rain is a passive pleasure.

And now for the umpteenth time he “gives” it to us, and we hide. Ashamed. I stand under the porch canopy, yielding to my eyes and ears: I look and listen to him, as if I had been wandering in the rain forest for a long time... without saying goodbye.

Love believes everything

He is recognized on the streets and on the beach: a lean face with a pleasant smile, a springy torso of a trained man with a blue eagle tattoo on his right shoulder. He is a very famous person in his circle. He became interesting to me not for his achievements, but for the story about his friend and about himself, which I happened to hear from him in moments of frank conversation.
- We have been friends since the army, we finished our training together in Kazan. It turned out that the fellow countrymen agreed on this. Well, by nature, probably, we fought off our grandfathers in the regiment together, that was the case. After the army, Denis graduated from college and got married. And I... And I got carried away, I ended up in a cooperative, “cars” were being driven from overseas, foreign cars. I got in touch with my “brothers”... There was a girl, I also wanted to get married. In general, the dismantling turned out to be steep, I barely carried my legs away, I had to move to another city.
I rarely met Denis, he is in the civil service, and who am I? I was so-so, playing around where there was more luck. Only, it seems, he opened a case - and again it’s a bummer. This time with shots, six months in the hospital... No work, no money. No family.
I remembered a friend, came, told a big lie that the athlete was doing kickboxing. Even before the army, I had a rank in boxing. He listens, he believes. I lie blatantly - he believes! Every word! I say, qualifications are coming soon, we need to prepare for serious fights, but all the equipment is already worn out, there is no money for new ones - it’s expensive. And the coach needs it, and the massage therapist, and for sparring. For now, I have to pay for everything myself, then, if I pass the qualifications, if they get noticed, I’ll join the team, with a contract, I’ll become a professional, it’s already easier there... He listens, worries. “I can help,” he says, “just don’t quit.” You have a talent!" Like this. He gives money, a lot of money... And I have never heard him refuse.
I spent this money, so ask me where it went, and I won’t remember. I'm used to it. A little something - to Denis, gossip about injuries, some trips... He believes! And it helps. He also tells his son about me, his eyes are wide open, well, such a fighter-hero is in front of him! Once I got completely impudent and asked him a large amount: That’s it, they say, it’s necessary! He went, took it out of his account, they were saving for a car, and held it out - take it. I took it and left. “You,” he says, “will definitely break through, I’m sure.” We all believe in you!” And I already seem to have some kind of immunity, it seems, and it’s gnawing, but the main thing is not to think. Don't think and that's it. “Maybe I’ll return it someday,” it flashes. “We’re friends, but if something happened to him, I’m the first... I might also help if I could...” And you’ll calm down...
I remember coming from a nightclub, he calls on his mobile phone, first this and that, how are you... It’s normal, I say. I'm training. “I’m having a bad time with my wife, he says, the birth is difficult... Pray,” he says. The voice is shaking. I say, everything will be fine, she’ll give birth to a second boyfriend, you’ll see!.. Well, he feels better, it seems, he’s relieved. And at the end of the conversation he suddenly says to me: “Andryukh, we catch your name in all the news, and in the newspapers too”...
That's when I said to myself: stop, kid. How much longer are you going to lie to him? It hit me, I almost slammed my pipe on the asphalt.
On the same day, three people accosted me on the train, and I sense that if I can’t fight them off, I’ll be killed. Well, one guy arrived in time, scattered them - he turned out to be a kickboxing trainer. Where did I sit!.. Well, I think you’ll be the last creature, Andryukha, if you don’t grab this straw.
Everything, thank God, happened one by one. I started training with that guy, who worked harder than me in training. It was as if they had woken me up. Within a year I became a leader and didn’t feel sorry for myself. And the training camps, and the sparrings, and the qualifications - everything was now - everything that my friend believed in! And Denis heard my name, and I got into the newspapers more than once...
After the fight, he once called me with his wife, with his boys, and everything in my throat stood like a pillar, I can’t... And with everything that I have, what I have achieved in life, that I didn’t die, didn’t die in a drunken brawl, that I’m alive, that I have a family, I owe it all to him!