Full interview with Svetlana Bodrovaya and Ekaterina Gordon. Sergey Bodrov - I am a fatalist

During the collapse of the Kolka glacier in the Kardamon Gorge in 2002, Sergei Bodrov and his film crew. The actor is survived by his wife Svetlana and two children. All this time, the widow of Bodrov Jr. did not communicate with journalists and only 15 years after the tragedy made an exception.

On September 20, 2002, by chance, 30-year-old Sergei Bodrov was among those caught in a glacier collapse. The tragedy occurred in the Karmadon Gorge, where the entire film crew of the film “The Messenger” was located. Rescue efforts lasted several months, and volunteers and relatives of the missing continued searching for another two years. More than a hundred people are still missing, including Sergei, whose remains have never been found. The actor and TV presenter is survived by his wife Svetlana and two children: daughter Olga and son Alexander.

A well-known journalist, familiar to many from the “Wait for Me” program, Svetlana Bodrova did not communicate with journalists for 15 long years, but more recently she made an exception. She gave the portal Colta.ru great interview, where she talked about meeting Sergei, family life and much more. It turned out that Svetlana and Sergei met during a joint business trip to Cuba. The woman was planning to fly on vacation, but her management suddenly changed their mind, and she ended up on the same plane with the team of the Vzglyad program (Bodrov Jr. for a long time was the host of the program - editor's note).

“When I boarded the plane, I hated Vzglyad and all these people with whom I would somehow have to spend my vacation. Well, they didn’t like me,” the woman recalls and adds that she already started talking with Kushnerev on the plane, best friend which turned out to be Bodrov Jr.

“We suddenly started talking to him... For some reason I remember this moment very well: we got hooked on each other in Hemingway’s house. And then they talked and talked, without ceasing: about themselves, about me, about him. He later wrote to me in one letter: “You and I are like two twin brothers who were separated thirty years ago.” You know, we were kind of stuck with each other, so to speak? They spoke to each other as if they had been silent all their lives before,” Svetlana recalls about meeting her husband.

Actor and TV presenter who has played in films such as " Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Brother", "Brother 2" and others, died a month after the birth of his son Sasha. Sergei’s wife admits that raising two children was not easy for her, and even after 15 years she still misses her husband.

“We could give so much to our children together. I can't do this alone. This makes it very difficult for me. It’s hard that I don’t have these daily hours in the kitchen with him, when we could talk, talk, talk until the morning. They could have remained silent in the same way. Drive in the car and be silent. Or stay at home and remain silent. We had an internal dialogue with each other.<…>. I can see it right now: he gets into his beloved huge Land Rover Defender and says: “I’m coming straight from the airport to you.” This is his last sentence. And I'll see him off. You know, he flew into my life like a bird and flew away,” Svetlana recalled the circumstances of that day.

In the early morning of September 20, 2002, the Kolka glacier descended in the Karmadon Gorge, under which the film crew of Sergei Bodrov’s film “The Messenger” was buried alive. A year ago, 15 years later, the widow of the actor Svetlana Bodrova spoke about what he was like and how her life changed with his departure. Today he would have turned 47, and on this occasion we remember the most touching quotes from that heartbreaking interview.

For some reason, I remember this moment very well: we got hooked on each other in Hemingway’s house. And then they talked and talked, without ceasing: about themselves, about me, about him. He later wrote to me in one letter: “You and I are like two twin brothers who were separated thirty years ago.” You know, we were kind of stuck with each other, so to speak? They spoke to each other as if they had been silent all their lives before.

Once my Seryoga and I had a big fight at Kushnerev’s in Valentinovka. This was the very beginning: he has a difficult character, and I also don’t have the most flexible character. I slammed the door, jumped into the car - I’m a cool guy: show business, car, mobile phone. And I was blown away by them! - got lost. Serezha later told me how Kushnerev sat and said: “Seryozha, would you like to marry Sveta?” And Bodrov replies: “I would like to very much.” She does not want".

I have always liked everything my Seryozha does. You see, he and I, of course, were on the same wavelength, I supported him in all of this. And I was always proud of him in everything. I remember when he defended his dissertation, I came out and told him: “I’m proud of you as my homeland, Seryoga!” And there in the commission they tell him: “Your wife looked at you like that! Incredible...” And I just understood every second what happiness I had: how incredibly deep and talented person next to me.

And I’m also proud that he always told me: “If it weren’t for you, I might not have filmed it, I wouldn’t have written it.” Yes, of course, I encouraged him to do his own thing. And, having completed the script for “The Messenger,” he said: “I’ll film it in such a way that I won’t be ashamed in front of you.”

You know, I now understand that we could give so much to our children together. I can't do this alone. This makes it very difficult for me. It’s hard that I don’t have these daily hours in the kitchen with him, when we could talk, talk, talk until the morning. They could have remained silent in the same way. Drive in the car and be silent. Or stay at home and remain silent. Sometimes I see how people don’t know how to remain silent with each other, but he and I could.

And our son Sasha is the same, very similar in character to Seryozha. Very. Even in his movements sometimes: when he starts to grimace or dance, I get an electric shock because I see Seryozha.

I remember well how we were driving in the car from the maternity hospital and Kushnerev called: “Congratulations, Svetka!” And then he says to Seryoga: “Well, when will we meet?” Bodrov replies: “Listen, I’m now leaving for filming in North Ossetia. As soon as I return from Vladikavkaz, we’ll meet.” This was their last conversation. After Sasha was born, we stayed at home for two weeks. Then Seryoga took us to the dacha and left for this filming. I can see it right now - he gets into his beloved huge Land Rover Defender and says: “I’m coming straight from the airport to you.” This is his last sentence. And I'll see him off. You know, he flew into my life like a bird and flew away.

There, when the situation arose that they were about to disperse everyone, there was no equipment, there was no support and the phone was silent - this is also very scary, when the phone went silent, that’s it, no one believes, no one says anything... Generally silence. You know, somehow everything was on the edge. And Seryozhka Kushnerev says to me: “You should probably call Ernst. Only he can have a way to the top.” To the level of the presidents of the republics, who could give the command to continue searching - which of us could get out? Seryozhka got me a phone number and I called Kostya Ernst. I called in some kind of oblivion, in despair, completely unable to discern what day of the week it was, what time it was. I told him, sobbing, into the phone: “I ask you as a woman, as a wife, as a mother. I beg you, help!” And Kostya, we must give him his due, says: “Sveta, I’ll help. Now is the holidays, they will end, and I will do everything in my power.” Then it turned out that I called him on the evening of December 31st. But I didn’t really understand it then.

It was impossible to believe it. Very painful. You know, when we brought his personal belongings back from Ossetia, I sorted them out. And in the bag there was a completely tattered note that I wrote to him back in St. Petersburg, when he was filming “Sisters.” We didn’t have Sasha yet, we only had Olechka. There at the end it was written: “Remember that two people on this Earth truly love you: me and Olechka.” And I found this note in his bag, it was impossible to take it out.

When he left, for example, for “East - West,” I wrote letters to him every day and he wrote letters to me every day. And we changed when he came. It's impossible to read now. At first it was impossible to even take them out of the boxes. And I still can’t read.

In my life Seryozha is last man, which was, and no one else appeared in my life, either mentally, physically, or in any way. No matter what they wrote about me in the newspapers, no matter how much they wanted to receive some news. This cannot be understood by someone who did not know what it was like to have such a man in your life. This is a happiness that, I think, many women do not experience in their entire lives, which I lived in this short period. And if you had this, then you will carry it through your whole life, you will keep it.

I am responsible for my hero and do not refuse a single word or action, although the director came up with all this. Maybe I attach too much importance to work in general. I always and everywhere say: I am not an artist, I am not an artist, I am not an artist. And to me: “Nooooo, you’re an artist!” And I: an artist is completely different. These are different people, a different constitution. [...] a role for me is not a profession. This is an action that you perform.

The director generally has such a profession. He must be able to choke. So bad, but required quality. A director is like a captain on a submarine. You should always understand that you can argue with the captain, but already on shore. These are the conditions of the game, this is the order.

Sergey, you are an actor. Talented...

SB: God knows. It’s like with drugs: the main thing is to get off in time. As soon as you start to think about it: how organic I am, how organically I looked, how organically I bent - and everything will immediately, instantly, in one second, collapse like House of cards. As soon as you start treating this as a profession, as acting, everything will disappear. It’s enough just to be an organic person and not be afraid of the camera.

SB: I don’t know if everything turned out so well, but the first time it happened was in my first film - “Prisoner of the Caucasus”. I found out that I was offered this role three days before filming. And here is the first day. Military registration and enlistment office. Everyone is naked. Well, I think the movie has started. It's not that I was scared by all this. But I feel like I was thrown into some other reality. AND the only way protection from this aggressive reality - to remain yourself. The surest way. Because you know yourself. I am me. The table is somehow different, the chair is soft, the glass is of a different shape. And I caught myself - like on a tram handrail.

SB: This is one of the very valuable qualities- the ability to love and be interested in people. I have always been interested in people - in a taxi, on a tram. I love listening to their stories.

- I would like to know about your feeling of age - after all, you are in next year turns thirty years old.

SB: Every day this worries me more and more. Time is one of those things that we cannot influence. The only thing we can do is fill our days, make them longer, wider. And there is only one remedy - love and attention to others. Like a child. His day is very long: he finds a leaf, looks at it for half an hour, and the whole world unfolds before his eyes. Or you can look not at a leaf, but at people. Do as much as possible, write, film. Fill life.

Are you a superstitious person?

SB: Yes. Of course, superstition is a sin, but there is some kind of karmic responsibility. This has been tested thousands of times.

Do you like expensive things?

SB: I like good things, but it always feels like someone is stabbing you. Why should we pay three hundred dollars for a T-shirt if there are some special two letters on it? Who came up with this? I want to wear completely different clothes out of spite. In general, you need to buy abroad - it’s cheaper there.

Why do you have such laconic heroes?

SB: Actually, I prefer listening. This is more interesting to me. When I was on air, I constantly had to fill the time with something. And you feel like a meat grinder into which meat is thrown, and it releases minced meat. Less words. There's more power in that.

Excerpts from an interview with OM magazine, May 2000

Journalist Ekaterina Gordeeva 15 years after tragic death husband in 2002 as a result of an avalanche in the Karmadon Gorge in North Ossetia.

The reason for Bodrova’s revelations was documentary journalist and blogger Yuri Dud, which included fragments of an interview with the actor’s father Sergei Bodrov, the eldest, with his colleague film set Oleg Menshikov, as well as with the host of the “Vzglyad” program Alexander Lyubimov.

It was Lyubimov’s words that outraged Bodrov’s widow. According to her, Alexander Lyubimov has nothing to do with the arrival of her husband in the “Vzglyad” program. She also emphasized that Lyubimov and Bodrov had an adversarial relationship, while he always declares great friendship with her husband.

You know, I good people, of course, they sent Yuri Dudya’s film, in which Alexander Mikhailovich Lyubimov told how he noticed this young artist... I watched the film and heard it all with my own ears. And this outraged me. And Seryozhin’s mother was also outraged by this. Man on blue eye says: “I noticed him, I saw him, I invited him.” No! Lyubimov has nothing to do with Bodrov’s invitation to Vzglyad. They were never friends, they never had a warm relationship. Although he readily participates in all films about Seryozha, introducing himself great friend",

said Svetlana Bodrova.

Bodrov’s wife said that in fact, Bodrov Jr. owed his appearance in “Vzglyad” to Sergei Kushnerev ( Russian journalist and television producer, project creator " Last Hero" and "Wait for me"), who passed away at the age of 55.

First, Sergei Vladimirovich and Seryozha were invited to “Vzglyad” as guests. Right during the broadcast, Kushnerev’s eyes lit up, and he decided to call Seryozha as the host. He somehow felt that Bodrov would become a sip fresh air that he is from a new generation, he is a hero of this generation: this is what Kushnerev saw in him. He had this amazing talent of seeing a person right away,”

said the actor’s widow.

Bodrova also said that Lyubimov tried to take revenge on Bodrov when he left the “Vzglyad” program. Lyubimov was supposed to play a role in the film “Brother 2”, according to the original script of which the guests were supposed to come to the “Vzglyad” program, but in last moment refused. She also accused Lyubimov of raiding “Wait for Me.”

Among other things, Svetlata shared with Gordeeva how she survived the death of her husband. So, at that time she left the TV show “Wait for Me” for the sake of her husband’s film “The Messenger” in order to become a second director. But after his death she returned to the program, without which she simply “would not have survived.”

We still had nothing to live on. Before Seryogin left, we bought an apartment. There were bare walls. Two children. We have to feed them somehow, we have to earn money, we have to live. But I don’t remember these months at all. In my opinion, I didn’t understand anything at all. I didn’t even understand that everything, that I was left with nothing, that it was all over,”

Svetlana said.

Another person who provided support during a difficult time for her was the general director of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, who took an important part in the search for her husband. As it turned out later, she asked Ernst for help on New Year’s Eve, December 31st.

I called Kostya Ernst. I called in some kind of oblivion, in despair, completely unable to discern what day of the week it was, what time it was. I told him, sobbing, into the phone: “I ask you as a woman, as a wife, as a mother. I beg you, help!" And Kostya, we must give him credit, says: “Sveta, I will help. Now are the holidays, they will end, and I will do everything in my power. He called me back and says: “January 6th there there will be equipment." And the equipment arrived: excavators, tractors, something that was required. Nobody usually talks about this. And he himself doesn’t talk about it. But that’s how it was,” -

recalls Svetlana.

Let us remind you that Sergei Bodrov died when a glacier disappeared on September 20, 2002 in the Karmadon Gorge in North Ossetia. More than 127 people disappeared due to the disaster. During rescue operation Only 17 bodies were found. Bodrov was 30 years old. Two weeks before his death, his son Alexander Bodrov was born.

Svetlana Bodrova is the widow of Sergei Bodrov Jr., who disappeared 15 years ago in the spring of 2002. On this moment a woman works on Channel One as a director of the television program “Wait for Me.”

Svetlana Bodrova: biography

Bodrov's wife, Svetlana, was born in 1971 in the Moscow region. It is known that before her marriage to Sergei, the woman was married to policeman Mikhailov. However, the relationship did not last long, and the young couple’s marriage cracked. Svetlana left for the capital and entered the Moscow Geodesy and Cartography Faculty of Journalism.

After some time, she met an influential man who helped her become the author of the “Sharks of the Feather” and “Canon” programs. When Svetlana Bodrova (the girl’s photo is indicated in the article) was 26 years old, she met Sergei Bodrov. Their meeting took place in Cuba, where the young journalist went together with the VID television company to cover the festival of youth and students.

Svetlana Bodrova - wife of Sergei Bodrov

The young people began dating, and a year later they got married. In the same 1998, Sergei and Svetlana Bodrova gave birth to a girl, who was named Olga, and a month before Bodrov’s disappearance, the couple gave birth to a boy, Sasha. Not much is known about the relationship with the spouses due to the fact that the married couple preferred to keep their personal life secret from the public.

When Sergei went missing, Svetlana was left alone with two children. The woman loved her husband very much and lived with him for 5 years. happy years. The passing of her husband was a terrible blow for her and for Olya and Sasha.

At the moment, having lived long years Without a strong shoulder, Svetlana Bodrova continues to raise her children on her own. The only thing is that sometimes her mother and mother-in-law help her with this.

According to close people, Bodrov’s widow has a rather secluded lifestyle. Despite the fact that the woman is beautiful and charming, after the death of her husband (the tragedy occurred back in 2002), she never managed to meet a man who could adequately replace Sergei Bodrov.

Memories of a deceased idol

Until my death famous artist, who was remembered by millions thanks to his participation in such films as “Brother” and “Brother-2,” built a good house for his family. To this day, Svetlana and her children often come to that house, but without their beloved husband and father. Before last Svetlana she lived in hope and believed that her husband was alive. But, alas, the facts say the opposite.

It is known that about his future wife- Svetlana Bodrova - Sergei Bodrov has thought a lot since childhood. Russian actor claimed that he always knew what his wife should look like. He thought about it a lot and looked forward to meeting his loved one. And when this happened, Sergei recognized the girl and married her.

When the young people were married, Sergei did not pay the slightest attention to his fans. While away from his beloved wife, he sent his wife incredibly beautiful romantic letters.

Svetlana's children

In one interview, journalist Svetlana Bodrova shared her memories of how happy she was with Sergei Bodrov before his death. The journalist especially noted the time when their daughter Olechka was born into their family. According to Svetlana, now, if her husband Sergei were alive, he would be very proud of his daughter’s successes.

Three years ago, in 2014, the girl graduated from school with a gold medal. After which I entered VGIK in the free department. Now Olya is mastering the specialty of “artist” drama theater and cinema." As it turned out, there was a limited enrollment of 12 people for this specialty; in addition, only 4 places were intended for representatives of the fairer sex.

It was very difficult to get into VGIK. There was a competition of up to 1000 people for one place. However, Olya did not want to talk admissions committee that she is the daughter of the idol of millions - Sergei Bodrov.

The girl passed the Unified State Exam in Russian with excellent marks and did the following: creative tasks, like developing your own script and staging a sketch. Having reached last stage, Olga had to say who her dad was, and only after one of the examiners asked if she was a relative of Sergei Bodrov. The girl mentioned who her father was, but stated that in this regard she did not expect any concessions and wanted to achieve admission to the university thanks only to her personal talent and the efforts made.