What is a love affair? The meaning of the word intrigue

She excites, ignites, guides, inspires. There is intrigue in the flight of Icarus, the smile of Mona Lisa, the mystery of the Grail, and Malevich’s “Black Square.” Only mystery is stationary, and intrigue motivates action, otherwise there is no point in it. This action is “in spite of” and not “for”, which is why it is attractive. This is a delusional desire, which, once born, may never become reality and remain only the author’s intention, but may gain strength as a result of non-random circumstances and people who find themselves in right time and in in the right place. This is a human invention, not an abstract invention.” higher powers“, so intrigue makes a person stronger.

Intrigue is an attribute of palace coups

What is intrigue? This is an indispensable attribute palace coups. Thirty-four years of conspiracies, denunciations, gestation secret plans, the ups and downs of great people - that’s what it’s like to be involved in intrigue. Could Marta Skavronskaya, being a markitanka (the French version of a washerwoman on a wagon train) at the beginning of the Northern War, have imagined that she would ascend to the throne of one of the great empires that Russia became at the end of this war?
Generalissimo Alexander Danilovich Menshikov, who called Peter the Great in his own way “min herts”, who actually ruled the country under Catherine I, could not imagine even in nightmares that he would die in a small village with the modest name of Berezov in complete poverty, having survived the death of his wife and then his beloved eldest daughter on the way from St. Petersburg to the place of exile.


Intrigue is a cruel weapon that radically changes the situation, and the most disgusting, ageless one. remained in history, but even today you can get a sneaky stab in the back from intriguers who were jealous of a new car, wife (husband), apartment, friendly relations with the boss, and just what is good people on the ground.

Intrigue and love

Intrigue elevates. Love is born from flirting. Insight: “I love this person!” - sometimes comes like a flash. Why him or her? Unclear. Most often, they fall in love with people they don’t know well, rewarding them in their minds with those qualities that seem most beneficial to the hero-lover or the mysterious stranger. As long as intrigue lives, love lives. They say that marriages are broken due to everyday problems. Or maybe the reluctance to create new intrigues is to blame? It envelops you in mystery and forces you to act, achieve your goal, sacrifice something - this is the meaning love relationship. Great love with high thoughts, in which there is sacrifice, is called a love affair. Vulgar love, aimed at satisfying immediate needs, is a love affair. If you fall out of love or fall out of love, it means that the love object has become accessible, has lost its mystery, and has ceased to excite. What is intrigue? Something that can rekindle faded feelings.


Intrigue destroys. And not only the fate of people, but also entire states and religions. Ancient Rome had a whole pantheon of gods, their rule seemed unshakable, like the greatness of Rome. In one of the messianic sects of Judaism, the idea of ​​the coming of the Messiah, the messenger of God, who would save the oppressed and dispossessed who inhabited not only one Roman province, but also the vast Roman Empire, appeared. The intrigue lay in the kindness of heaven that came from nowhere, which always threatened people with punishment and fire. There is an idea, there are followers, there are actions. The first Christians fell victims to mass spectacular torture, creating intrigue: it means that their God is so strong if they go to death for him. were crushed by Christianity. The state itself collapsed. The Jews did not recognize the Messiah, but the intrigue remained, because people all over the world are expecting today the second coming of Christ, who will pay tribute to the righteous and punish the wicked.

So what is intrigue? The meaning of the word “intrigue” according to Ushakov: hidden actions to achieve a goal; the plot of a drama or novel around which the action or love relationship develops. Thus, intrigue is a secret, as the beginning of subsequent activity, which is characteristic only of the human mind.

Tying love intrigue On the side you can destroy not only your marriage, but also lose your life. Having a secret lover outside of marriage leads to... chances of developing migraines, and a small percentage have experienced fatal aneurysms. Therefore, the professor advises unfaithful spouses to “take a break from love intrigue and conduct a brain examination.” Pinessi also recommends that cheaters prone to headaches should "avoid the Kama Sutra and practice normal sexual intercourse" to avoid...


But also understand their shortcomings that prevent them from achieving personal happiness. It's time to talk about why Zodiac Signs can be lonely. Love Compatibility isn't everything. A lot depends on how a person behaves towards other people. [ ... it is always pleasant to communicate with them, but sometimes they are simply unbearable, which is why they remain alone. Taurus B love Taurus occupies a special place in the horoscope, because they are one of the the best masters flirting. That's the problem - flirting all the time...


Intrigue, intrigue, intrigue,
Yesterday's friend will become an enemy.
Having crossed out a line in the Book of Life,
What the two of us wrote together.

Intrigue, intrigue, intrigue,
Evil gossip and laughter behind your back.
The two-faced God of Fate is cunning,
He will push people together.



For some reason, the consequences of which are not written about in books on practical magic. Beware of practicing magic, especially love, since naive belief in miracles and curiosity can lead to unpredictable results. The essence magical rituals... the world Same. Here specific example. One young girl was passionate about love spells and various attributes love of magic. After several love spells on young people she liked, she admitted that she did not feel a sense of satisfaction...


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May last for a long time. However, not everything in our life is ideal, and this even applies to love relationships. The main disadvantage of Taurus is excessive frugality. They don't like to waste money and carefully... with their partner. Gemini - Gemini These representatives of the zodiac circle always have a thirst for adventure, especially loving. Typically, Geminis do not like to pay attention to only one partner and do not refuse the opportunity to flirt with someone...


Will work a miracle. But maybe this only happens in fairy tales? No! And the most amazing thing is that this loving a talisman can be one of the most ordinary items that you use every day: a comb, a mirror, jewelry. )