We always only remember the meaning of happiness. And you, and you, daguerreotypes, The features of long-faded faces, And the darkness from the hundred-year-old linden tree, And the creaking of rotten floorboards

On your birthday, at forty-nine, I really want to wish,
So that all problems can be removed at once.

To wake up in the morning with a pure, bright soul,
So that everyone can smile and nod their heads.

At work, so that your colleagues respect you more than anyone else.
Well, most importantly - health and family happy laughter.

Here the sprouts have sprouted,
What I managed to sow.
There's something to talk about
In the glorious 49.

I want to wish you good fortune,
Family joy.
For happiness and prosperity
There certainly were.

Happy birthday. It’s not an anniversary yet, but just preparation. And at your 49 years old, I wish not to be inferior in successful achievements to the younger generation, not to let go without realizing a single dream. Let the body and soul be in harmony, let the picture of life please the eye and heart.

We wish you a lot of happiness,
So that there is no bad weather in life,
Fate saved me from troubles,
At a wonderful forty-nine years old.

Let it bloom like a flower
Our humble congratulations in my heart,
They put soul and joy into it,
And the flame that didn't go out.

Years, years... God be with them. Live without looking back at the past, except perhaps with gratitude for the experience. May you always be accompanied by faith in the Almighty, hope for a better future and love for your family and friends. I wish your conscience to be clear, your mind to be bright, your heart to be sincere, and your soul to be calm.

Almost an anniversary, and almost fifty,
“Almost” - forty-nine today.
Congratulations from loved ones are flying to you,
There are many of them, so diverse.
And my congratulations go there,
To bring back your joy,
On your holiday, get ready to receive at the table
All those who will come so quickly.

You're forty-nine - you're still a year away from the golden mean. I wish that during this year you manage to become the most happy man so that there are no disappointments. Let everything be, and nothing for you. And great happiness to your family! Happy birthday!

We sincerely wish you inspiration, harmony, smiles and flowers!
Let every moment in life give you luck, pleasure, love!
The mood will be wonderful and we give this congratulations,
So that the magic fire in the soul burns without dying out!
Today is a fun day! Say “Yes” to luck!
May everything be wonderful at forty-nine, and always.

To a woman

Let all the flowers be at your feet,
From guys, friends, your family.
I wish you happiness in being married,
Remain the best woman you can be!

Forty-nine years came so quickly
Stay healthy forever.
May all the stars in the sky shine for you,
Start every day with a smile.

To a man

Forty-nine crept up barely audibly
And they knock on your door with a bouquet.
All the relatives have gathered today
Happy Birthday now.

Everyone wishes you to live without sadness,
Without despondency, without hassle, worries,
In a year the holiday will come again,
The fiftieth anniversary will come.

Be a brave, courageous man,
And fun will burst through the doors!

Please accept this birthday greeting,
So that I could please you with a scattering of desires.
First, he wishes you good health for the next year,
So that the body of the owner never betrays!

And secondly, he wants family warmth,
And so that there will always be bridges between loved ones!
And thirdly, so that the “fifty dollar” is greeted having fun,
How do you meet these forty-nine now!

Birthdays happen only once a year, so every birthday person expects pleasant congratulations, wishes and flattering words addressed to him. If you want to please your friend with a good and kind congratulation, then prepare for it in advance by choosing the right words and designs. 49 years is a respectable age, which you should not only be proud of, but also love. When congratulating the birthday person on this important anniversary in his life, do not forget to prepare for him greeting card, in which you can write all the warmest and most pleasant wishes for the hero of the occasion. In good words You can not only cheer up a person, but give him strength, energy and good spirits! Be sure that pleasant congratulations spoken or written will greatly please your friend or relative. Here you will find the most beautiful congratulations for 49 years happy birthday.

You've turned 49,
This is a very solemn date,
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you joy, good luck, peace and love.
Always be in great shape
May fate be favorable to you,
May every day make you happy,
Let your cherished dream come true.

You are the hero of the occasion today,
49 years - it's time for a holiday,
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations,
May you always be in a great mood.
May fortune smile on you
May everything be fine in your destiny,
May every moment make you happy,
Let there be only a white streak in life.

You are 49 years old today,
But you look much younger, it’s no secret
May all your wishes come true,
All the best to you, good luck, joy, love.
Live longer, don’t get sick,
Look at life more cheerfully
Never stop there,
Let the guiding star illuminate the road.

49 years old is a wonderful age,
A lot has been achieved, and a lot of plans lie ahead,
May your path be bright
May all good things come your way.
Please accept my congratulations with all my heart,
May you always be in a great mood,
I wish you a long and beautiful life,
And fate is the happiest.

Everyone lies that at forty-nine years old
Birthdays are of no use!
After all, on this day what is most needed
Good friendly advice!
Just another year will pass,
But a lot will happen.
So be healthy and cheerful,
All year and next hundred years!

Your birthday is a bright day,
Let lilac bloom in your soul,
Congratulations on your 49th birthday from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish that all your cherished dreams come true.
We wish you happy, long days,
Don't count your years
May God grant happiness in your home,
Settled forever.

Happy 49th birthday,
We sincerely wish you all the best,
Good health, joy, goodness,
Let your dream come true.
We wish you to forget about sorrows, adversity,
We wish you good luck for many years to come,
So that fate bestows you in full,
May spring always live in your heart.

You are forty-nine!
No trace of years.
Are you living in health?
And always happiness.
It's easy in the world of light
Fly and circle
Sing songs, work,
Love and be friends.
Let them wait in fate
You from us
Wonderful feelings
Good luck...

Your joy, happiness,
Health and light!

At forty-nine years old, of course,
It's impossible to guess
What will happen in eternity
Or in about five years.
But we know for sure
What's wrong with your character?
We defeat every enemy,
We will overcome any crisis!
Be rich and successful
And a little tight-fisted
Energetic and, of course,
Be kind and cheerful!

We congratulate you today
Happy holiday now
Forty-nine is the date
This date is just great!
We wish you good luck,
And health and goodness
May you always be happy
Joy to you for many years to come.

You are forty-nine! No trace of years.
You always live in health and happiness.
It's easy to fly and circle in the world of light,
Sing songs, work, love and make friends.
Let fate wait for you at our suggestion
Great feelings, great luck...
Bring us another hundred righteous years
Your joy, happiness, health and light!!!

You are forty-six today,
And there is something to drink and eat,
Gave birth to children
He created a family, and everything is okay in the house!
A model for everyone at work,
An exemplary husband and father,
So let me raise my glass
From all your friends!
Let the skies frown,
Believe, my friend, in miracles!
Come on, well, at least for half an hour,
Get away from the bustle!
Smiles, laughter, sparkling eyes -
Our hopes will not deceive us,
The clock will strike twelve times
And dreams will come true!

Your birthday, forty-six,
We would like to celebrate with you, our friend!
And we can’t count our wishes,
Yes, everyone is kind, let me notice!

We wish you sunshine in a clear sky,
May all your dreams come true!
And in your house, so beautiful,
There was plenty of kindness!

Our friend has walked forty-six years,
And time flew by unnoticed, suddenly.
We wish you on your birthday
Only the best mood.

Let the inexorable clock slow down,
Let the stars stop the endless race.
We wish your dreams come true,
And more kindness in the world.

Forty-six is ​​a beautiful age,
Everyone was jealous
How is it possible for fifty dollars
Always be in such beauty?
Don't look at the sycophants
And I don't care about envy.
Congratulations: you are like a raspberry,
C'mon, don't fight off the men!

You are forty six
Turning years old!
I don’t have the strength to take my eyes off -
You radiate light
Mind and kindness, beauty, purity
Walk until the morning:
The best in the world is you!
We wish you success and good luck,
Healthy laughter
And happiness in fate!

Happy Birthday - forty-six,
Oh, there are so many more - I can’t count them.
We congratulate you with all our hearts
Always keep your nose up
We wish you good luck,
Have a long journey
So that there is a sea of ​​health,
Always go through life with joy!

Happy Birthday greetings to a friend

It's your birthday today
Today you are especially sweet
And we hasten to voice our congratulations,
Which you may not have expected!
We want to wish you good luck,
Definitely go and have a rest,
Well, the seller will give you the change
Let him give it a little at the happiness store.

You got dressed up in the morning,
I combed my hair, put on perfume,
I bought treats
She invited us all to the table.

Everyone hugs you together,
We wish you good health.
I'm also standing next to you,
I'm just waiting for my turn.

Now let's raise our glasses,
Let's pour wine to the brim,
For your birthday we
Let's drink while standing and to the bottom!

On your birthday I want to wish you
So that happiness flows like honey!
In life, everything should be within your reach!
May you remain loved forever!

So that the heart is like a star.
May love shine upon us like the sun!
Even tears are fast water -
Not from troubles, but from joy!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Keep the youth of your heart for people.
Illuminating with your gentle gaze,
Warm the soul with the atmosphere!
What you give to people will respond,
And it won’t sink into distant distances,
Will return seven times with love,
And any sorrows will pass!

Always be healthy and sweet,
Kind, friendly and beautiful,
Joyful, unique,
Forever desired and forever loved!

Birthday greetings for a friend

Let this day not be a noisy holiday,
Not a red day on the calendar,
But he is happy and wonderful -
You appeared on earth.
And we sincerely congratulate you
Happy such a wonderful day to you
And we wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Health and joy in everything!

Birthday - water from the well.
It is so cool, and fresh, and clean!
And fragments of the autumn sun
Decorate the yellowing leaf!

I congratulate you, oh friend,
Happy this day, I will give you a poem.
Out of fun with you, like out of a circle,
We can't escape, I say.

I wish you everything possible
what can you wish for!
So that the path is always bright and uncomplicated,
don't walk on it so you can fly!

So that your eyes never become sad,
so that coral attracts everyone’s lips,
so that everyone in the world loves you.
And let's raise a glass to that!

Today you will be happy with everyone,
You are forty-seven today,
Good luck, joy, patience,
We wish on this day.

You are like the most beautiful flower
Please accept my congratulations,
May it bring you happiness
And not a sip of earthly love.

Forty-seven is not an age, a fairy tale!
Isn't it a miracle to call:
The birthday girl is beautiful
What am I ready to say in a toast:
I’ve been preparing my congratulations for a long time
And I forgot a little
But the words from the heart beat:
I have always loved you, beauty!

Turned forty seven -
Isn't this a holiday?
It needs to be remembered
A sea of ​​different jokes
Congratulations from everyone
Remained in memory
And on a sweet note
The New Year has begun.

You turned forty-seven today,
Or maybe, at least in appearance you are cheerful,

And there winter will come white - white.

Or maybe you don’t think about it,
You have a lot of worries.
May God give you a great Indian summer,
And winter won’t come at all.

Today, on your birthday,
We wish with our hearts and soul:
Health, vigor and laughter,
Success in all your endeavors!

We wish you happiness and health,
And so that there is enough strength for everything.
So that every day you with love
He only brought joy to life.

Suddenly the birthday crept up,
Forty-seven is very little.
Don't think that life has already been lived,
She gave you many more years.
Just look in the mirror and accept yourself
Go through life with a smile again.
May your optimism and constant enthusiasm
Always repels any enemies.

You are forty-seven today!
How quickly the years fly by -
Like a fast train, like a rocket -
Don't be upset.
Look to the future
And you will take away the light of the sun,
We wish everything from the bottom of our hearts
Live at least a hundred years!
We also wish you
Health, vigor and happiness,
Let bad weather pass by!
We wish you to meet good friend,
Smiles on your face,
Trouble and joy on the way
The two of you shared peacefully.

There are many different birthdays -
Round dates and not quite.
But, by God, the main holiday,
It's still forty-seven!
Life is interesting in its own way
And simple in its own way.
And, admit it, it’s nice
The fact that this is not half a hundred!
Eh, Seryoga! Damn the years!
Learn to appreciate, loving,
Every year is like a gift from nature!
Happy Birthday to You!

You are forty-seven today,
You have become absolutely beautiful!
I want to wish you
So that life is like the surface of the sea,
May all your dreams come true,
So that you become the happiest of all,
And may they always go with you
Hope, faith and love!

Well, a year has passed again,
And we hasten to congratulate you,
To give pleasure
You. So that there are no troubles
We still want to wish
Always have friends walking nearby
The whole family was healthy
And at forty-seven you were loved!

I want it to stop urgently

And congratulations on this holiday, as always
Must be special

Happy birthday,
We wish you joy, love,
To have less troubles,
At your forty-eight years.

And accept this modest gift,
Our verbal congratulations,
With best wishes,
And an earthly sip of love.

Congratulations on your forty-eighth birthday
And I wish from pure heart,
So that children respect, and children respect them
You would be loved from early childhood.
Reading out congratulations is a pride for me,
Accept, birthday boy, a gift.
It is important how much fire is in the blood and in the heart,
Not what your passport shows!

Birthday at forty-eight...
We would like to wish you on this joyful day
So that the deer from the fairy tale brings you happiness.
So that joy can be given by two faithful wings.
May love always be with you.
So that there is more good in fate.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

You are forty-eight today!
There is steel in the muscles,
And in the eyes there is heat,
The autumn of life is not coming soon
It will cover you with whiteness.
So stay with this miracle
In health, happiness, no pain,
Love! Then we will meet with you
Another centenary anniversary!!!

Forty-eight is a special date.
This holiday cannot be compared with anything.
Someone wise once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.
The joy of meeting, fun, smiles,
Wishes of health and strength.
So that happiness is cloudless,
May success come every day.

The anniversary has already arrived without two years,
But it’s too early to celebrate until fifty dollars,
I want it to stop urgently
Our birthday boy is sad and despondent.
After all, forty-eight is cool, great,
Congratulations on this holiday, as always
Must be special
One that has never been given before!

You turned forty-eight today,
Or maybe, at least it looks cheerful,
You think sadly: autumn is coming,
And there winter will come white - white,
Or maybe you don’t think about it -
You have a lot of worries.
May God give you a great Indian summer
And winter won’t come at all.

Forty-eighth birthday! Today
We send you my gift on this holiday!
Nowadays it is very fashionable to desire wealth,
But without health, what good will it do?
So let the liver, and the heart, and the kidneys
They will be fine and not act up!
May it never be in your full barrel,
Sweet, sorrows will not spoil.
In general: do not give up in the face of difficulties
And stay in good spirits until you are a hundred years old!

Forty eight
We won’t ask anyone at all.
Let's just set the table quickly,
Let's tune in to your favorite music.
And now with complete readiness
We'll knock on your door.
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you happiness and love.
And we want our surprise gift
It would become very bright.

Forty eight years
Fulfills you
I raised a glass to you,
May it always be in your destiny
There will be happiness and good luck,
Let your dreams come true
The rest means little
Only you mean a lot!

At forty-eight years old, of course,
It's impossible to guess
What will happen in eternity
Or in about five years.

But we know for sure
What's wrong with your character?
We defeat every enemy,
We will overcome any crisis!

Be rich and successful
And a little tight-fisted
Energetic and, of course,
Be kind and cheerful!

You are forty-eight today!
So what if there’s already gray hair at the temples?
The soul remains young!
Let it always be like this!

We wish you happiness and love,
God bless you!
So that everything in life is Okay!
And faithful, loving friends!

Turned forty years old
Plus a nine from above
And the glass was filled
Hops. Let the surface
The tablecloths are filled
Festive dishes,
All eyes are turned
On you, both!

We sincerely wish you inspiration, harmony, smiles and flowers!
Let every moment in life give you luck, pleasure, love!
The mood will be wonderful and we give this congratulations,
So that the magic fire in the soul burns without dying out!
Today is a fun day! Say “Yes” to luck!
May everything be wonderful at forty-nine, and always.

There are many of them, so diverse.
And my congratulations go there,

I sincerely wish you
A year before the anniversary
Live cheerfully and vigorously,
No whining, no pain.
So that sons and grandchildren
They carried you in their arms,
So that for a long, long, long time
You will be in beauty and strength.

You are forty-nine! No trace of years.
You always live in health and happiness.
It's easy to fly and circle in the world of light,
Sing songs, work, love and make friends.
Let fate wait for you at our suggestion
Great feelings, great luck...
Bring us another hundred righteous years
Your joy, happiness, health and light!!!

We congratulate you today
Happy holiday now
Forty-nine is the date
This date is just great!
We wish you good luck,
And health and goodness
May you always be happy
Joy to you for many years to come

Almost an anniversary, and almost fifty,
“Almost” - forty-nine today.
Congratulations from loved ones are flying to you,
There are many of them, so diverse.
My congratulations go there
To bring back your joy,
On your holiday, get ready to receive at the table
All those who will come so quickly.

Please accept this gift of mine on your birthday,
So that I could please you with a scattering of desires.
First, he wishes you good health for the next year,
So that the body of the owner never betrays!
And secondly, he wants family warmth,
And so that there will always be bridges between loved ones!
And thirdly, so that the “fifty dollar” is greeted having fun,
How do you meet these forty-nine now!

At forty-nine years old, of course,
It's impossible to guess
What will happen in eternity
Or in about five years.
But we know for sure
What's wrong with your character?
We defeat every enemy,
We will overcome any crisis!
Be rich and successful
And a little tight-fisted
Energetic and, of course,
Be kind and cheerful!

We wish you a lot of happiness,
So that there is no bad weather in life,
Fate saved me from troubles,
At a wonderful forty-nine years old.
Let it bloom like a flower
In our soul is our humble poem,
They put soul and joy into it,
And the flame that didn't go out.

You are forty nine today
But to be honest, more than
You won't get 45 years,
Still very young
You are thirty-nine today,
But life goes by in steps of days,
And I certainly hope
That only joy will be in her.

Everyone lies that at forty-nine years old
Birthdays are of no use!
After all, on this day what is most needed
Good friendly advice!
Just another year will pass,
But a lot will happen.
So be healthy and cheerful,
All year and next hundred years!

Also in our magazine you can find a bunch of statuses (about 1500 status topics). Since in in social networks There are notifications about friends' birthdays, we have a bunch of Happy Birthday greetings for this! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Congratulations according to calendar dates. All this is in the Congratulations section.

On your birthday, at forty-nine, I really want to wish,
So that all problems can be removed at once.

To wake up in the morning with a pure, bright soul.
And smile at everyone and nod their heads at everyone.

At work, so that your colleagues respect you more than anyone else.
Well, and most importantly - health and family happy laughter.

I'll take this pen now,
I'll write a postcard to the fly.
Let my congratulations fly to you,
He will bring birthday wishes.
You are forty nine today
Today you need to be cared for and cherished.
So let this attitude
It will bring you complete satisfaction.
I wish you only good luck in life,
Solve all the major tasks you have set.

You're forty-nine - you're still a year away from the golden mean. I wish that during this year you manage to become the happiest person, so that there are no disappointments. Let everything be, and nothing for you. And great happiness to your family! Happy birthday!

To a woman

Let all the flowers be at your feet,
From guys, friends, your family.
I wish you happiness in being married,
Remain the best woman you can be!

Forty-nine years came so quickly
Stay healthy forever.
May all the stars in the sky shine for you,
Start every day with a smile.

Almost an anniversary, and almost fifty,
“Almost” - forty-nine today.
Congratulations from loved ones are flying to you,
There are many of them, so diverse.
And my congratulations go there,
To bring back your joy,
On your holiday, get ready to receive at the table
All those who will come so quickly.

We wish you a lot of happiness,
So that there is no bad weather in life,
Fate saved me from troubles,
At a wonderful forty-nine years old.

Let it bloom like a flower
Our humble congratulations in my heart,
They put soul and joy into it,
And the flame that didn't go out.

Please accept this birthday greeting,
So that I could please you with a scattering of desires.
First, he wishes you good health for the next year,
So that the body of the owner never betrays!

And secondly, he wants family warmth,
And so that there will always be bridges between loved ones!
And thirdly, so that the “fifty dollar” is greeted having fun,
How do you meet these forty-nine now!

We sincerely wish you inspiration, harmony, smiles and flowers!
Let every moment in life give you luck, pleasure, love!
The mood will be wonderful and we give this congratulations,
So that the magic fire in the soul burns without dying out!
Today is a fun day! Say “Yes” to luck!
May everything be wonderful at forty-nine, and always.

Years, years... God be with them. Live without looking back at the past, except perhaps with gratitude for the experience. May you always be accompanied by faith in the Almighty, hope for a better future and love for your family and friends. I wish your conscience to be clear, your mind to be bright, your heart to be sincere, and your soul to be calm.

There is only a year left until the round date,
And the days are always so rich in events.
May energy be in full swing in the new year,
Let there be a person nearby with whom it is pleasant to be together.

Congratulations to 49th birthday greetings to a woman, man, friend
How to congratulate a woman, man, or friend on her 49th birthday?
text of congratulations for 49th birthday greetings to a woman, man, friend

Happy 49th birthday greetings to a woman, man, friend

We always only remember about happiness.
And happiness is everywhere. Maybe it's -
This autumn garden behind the barn
And clean air flowing through the window.

In the bottomless sky with a light white edge
The cloud rises and shines. For a long time
I'm watching him... We see little, we know,
And happiness is given only to those who know.

The window is open. She squeaked and sat down
There's a bird on the windowsill. And from books
I look away from my tired gaze for a moment.

The day is getting dark, the sky is empty.
The hum of a threshing machine is heard on the threshing floor...
I see, I hear, I am happy. Everything is in me.

Analysis of the poem “Evening” by Bunin

The poetry of I. Bunin is surprisingly lyrical and rich philosophical reflections. The poet and writer had a sensitive soul, open to the perception of all the richness of the surrounding world. Bunin endlessly loved Russian nature and felt his unity with it. At the same time, he remained a very lonely man. He did not allow anyone into his inner world. In 1909, he wrote the poem “Evening,” in which he reflected his thoughts on simple human happiness.

The author analyzes his condition on a calm summer evening. He admits to himself that he experiences incredible lightness and self-sufficiency. This prompts him to think about what real happiness lies in. Many domestic writers noted the mysterious quality of the Russian soul, equally inherent in people from different social strata. Russian people always idealize their past. Their memories are associated only with the most best moments. They consider the present time to be a chain of continuous suffering and failures, and they are even afraid to look into the future.

Bunin draws the reader's attention to what surrounds him. Instead of complaining, you just need to enjoy the present moment. Maybe this is where happiness lies. It is embedded in the most ordinary and familiar everyday things (“autumn garden”, “clean air”). The author notes that a person busy with his own problems is accustomed to not paying attention to his surroundings, considering them not worthy of his attention. You need to change your established belief and realize that the painfully familiar landscape creates a feeling of peace and elusive happiness.

The lyrical hero, busy with mental work, is distracted by a flying bird. He does not feel irritated by a sudden interruption, but, on the contrary, enjoys the break that nature itself gave him. Even the distant “thresher hum” seems to him a wonderful sound, allowing him to understand the value of his existence and feel the joy of the possibility of sensory perception of the world. A person cannot be happy from complex philosophical thoughts about the fate of humanity. He must perceive the world as it is. Every minute you live is priceless, so you need to cherish the very opportunity of life.

The poem “Evening” is prophetic in nature. When Bunin was forced to leave Russia, until the end of his life he returned in his memories and creativity to themes of the distant past. The writer could not be happy in a foreign land, so he tried from memory to create an image of that Russia that was never destined to appear again. He remembered a time when he was happy, but did not fully understand that all this could come to an end.