Answer the literature test questions. Quiz "in the literary drawing room"

The role of intonation in acting obvious, as well as in oratory. The correctness of the selection of words in speech, their sound and effect on the public, has long been studied and is undeniable. Let's try to understand in more detail what intonation is, what it is, where it is used, etc.

What is the intonation in Russian? Types of intonation.

The means of phonetic organization of speech (intonation) is divided into three types:

  1. Narrative;
  2. Interrogative;
  3. Exclamation.

The first type is characterized by smooth and, accordingly, calm pronunciation of speech. The story flows smoothly, periodically slightly raising the voice (intonation peak) and lowering it (intonation decrease). This method is usually not used constantly. In any case, the speaker or actor has to use the second and third types of phonetic organization. Question intonation is characterized by a rise in the tone of voice at the beginning, and a decrease in tone towards the end of the phrase. In general, the name clearly reflects the essence of this species.

For exclamatory intonation, the opposite state of affairs is more typical: the tone rises towards the end of the utterance. A pronounced emotional color easily attracts the attention of the public. Obviously, neither method is used independently.

Actors, like speakers, are characterized by a transition or gradual alternation of one type with another. Correct intonation should be developed during classes with teachers. You can also achieve development at home. To do this, you can use a method such as reading aloud. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the punctuation marks placed at the end of the sentence. Comprehension is impossible without developing the correct intonation.

Correct intonation: what is this?

The pace of the story is also important. Or more precisely, the speed of reproduction of the monologue. Fast pace characteristic of excited speech. But the slow one is for the solemn occasion. Smooth transition from one speed to another is often used in various fields. Of course, intonation in Russian is impossible without intensity (voice strength). This is an opportunity to either add an emotional color to the story, or vice versa – to slow down the momentum. The first case is observed when expressing emotions such as fear or joy. But a decrease in the strength of the voice is typical for expressing sad feelings, loss of loved ones, etc. Correct intonation is not possible without logical pauses, which are simply necessary for the public to comprehend what the speaker or actor has said. And lastly, to express your emotions qualitatively by various means and types of intonation - good diction is important. Without her, no performance is possible. In general, it involves many components, both theoretical preparation and practice. Of course, speech should be distinguished by logical expressiveness, but emotional expressiveness is no less important. A thought that the speaker has not felt will not touch the viewer, no matter how well the technical intonation of the voice is worked out.

Only under the condition of proper mental assessment and expression of a personal attitude towards the spoken text can the listener be interested. Indeed, in this case, such components of intonation as emotional stress and thoughtful pauses, determined by both the mood and feelings of the speaker, are clearly manifested.

There is no doubt that punctuation and intonation are closely interconnected. Once you forget about punctuation marks, speech immediately becomes monotonous, turns into a lifeless gray monolith that can only make the listener yawn. But the main functions of intonation are aimed at increasing interest in the story, breaking it down into semantic pieces (so-called syntagms). Some experts contrast intonation with prosody. It is enough for the average person to know that, unlike intonation that operates with phrases, prosody is based on syllables. To the basic elements of intonation usually include: 1. Accents. 2. Pauses. 3. Timbre. 4. Melodics. 5. Temp. However, in reality, all elements of intonation exist in unity. Only science can consider individual components for its own purposes. It is worth pointing out negative examples of intonation. So to typical mistakes usually include both monotony of speech and too high (low) tone of the entire text of the speech, rising intonation at the end of narrative sentences and insufficient expressiveness of speech. You need to work hard on such shortcomings every day, especially if constant performances are expected.

School textbooks distinguish these types of sentences by intonation: non-exclamatory and exclamatory. The second type is characterized by the expression of strong feelings.

Many people mistakenly believe that intonation sentences are interrogative, exclamatory and declarative. However, this division is carried out not on the basis of intonation, but on the purpose of the speaker’s statement. The famous researcher of the great and powerful language, Vsevolodsky-Gerngross, in his works, on the question of what intonations are, identifies at least 16 types of intonation. Among them: invitational and comparative, imperative and vocative, persuasive and enumerative, pleading and affirmative, etc. Describing the definition of intonation, this scientist notes that it is the most ephemeral component of colorful oral speech. At the same time, the most important acoustic characteristics intonation are melody, duration and intensity.

The main role in intonation is played by melody, and the main intonation means are tonal means.

The reader's eyes are stricter judges than the listener's ears. Voltaire

Intonation is the rhythmic and melodic aspect of speech, which serves in a sentence as a means of expressing syntactic meanings and emotional and expressive coloring. Intonation is a mandatory feature of oral speech. In writing, it is conveyed to a certain extent by punctuation marks.

Intonation is primarily a means of delimiting syntactic units, so it is discussed in more detail in syntax. In the Russian language, there are six main types of intonation structures, each of which has its own center - a syllable on which the bar, phrasal or logical stress falls, as well as pre-central and post-central parts, which in some cases may be absent. Of the many types of intonation, the intonations of narration, question and exclamation stand out especially.

What is intonation? Types of intonation

The tempo of speech is its speed. A fast pace is usually characteristic of excited speech, and a slow pace is characteristic of solemn speech.

IN in the narrow sense intonation is understood as “movement of vocal tone” and coincides with the concept of speech melody. IN in a broad sense the term “intonation” denotes a complex phenomenon that is a combination of the melody of speech (i.e., raising or lowering the fundamental tone within the utterance), intensity, tempo of speech and pauses. Additional components of intonation are the timbre of speech (when expressing irony, doubt, inspiration, etc.) and rhythm.

Pauses are breaks in speech of varying duration. Pauses serve not only to divide speech into phrases and beats, but also to express the speaker’s emotions. In the absence of pauses between speech beats, intonation is the main means of combining phonetic words into speech beats. In combination with the movement of the vocal tone, pauses often serve to distinguish the meaning of statements: Execute cannot / cannot be pardoned and Execute / cannot be pardoned.

Skripnik Ya. N., Smolenskaya T. M.

Exclamatory intonation, on the contrary, is expressed by raising the tone towards the end of the sentence: What a night! How she sings!

Phonetics of the modern Russian language, 2010.

The melody of speech serves not only to organize the phrase, but also to differentiate meaning. Statements consisting of the same words can have different grammatical (syntactic) meanings depending on their melodic side, that is, by raising and lowering the fundamental tone of the voice, different purposes of the statement are expressed: message, encouragement to action, question, exclamation, request, reproach, etc. For example, Be silent! (an energetic, brief pronunciation of a stressed vowel and a sharp drop in tone expresses a categorical order) and Keep quiet?! (prolongation of a stressed vowel in combination with a rise in vocal tone expresses a threat; intonation in this case interacts with emphatic stress).

Narrative intonation is characterized by a calm, even pronunciation of the entire statement: The grass is turning green. The sun is shining. A swallow with spring in the canopy is flying towards us.

What is intonation? Types of intonation

Thus, intonation distinguishes sentences different types, reflects a neutral and subjective attitude to the content of the statement, conveys various shades of emotions. Timbre means of intonation are different qualities of the voice, determined by the state vocal cords: neutral voice, with - breathing, hoarse, tense, creaky, relaxed, tense, etc. Quantitative-dynamic means include: increasing or decreasing the volume and changing the tempo of pronouncing individual speech beats.

Interrogative intonation is expressed by raising the tone at the beginning and lowering it towards the end of the statement: When will you be back? Has your child done his homework?

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Intonation and its components.

    The concept of intonation; intonation and prosody.

    Components of intonation.

    Functions of intonation.

1. The concept of intonation.

According to the definition of Lev Rafailovich Zinder, intonation is a rhythmic and melodic pattern of speech, a complex unity of 1) speech melody (movement of the fundamental tone), 2) rhythm (the ratio of strong and weak, long and short syllables), 3) tempo (intensity), 4) timbre of speech, 5) phrasal and logical stress, 6) pauses (pauses are required in intonation).

So, we see that most researchers consider the components of intonation to be changes in pitch, phrasal stress, rhythm, tempo and timbre. D. Jones, L.V. Shcherba, R. Lado and C. Friz consider only one or two elements as components of intonation: a change in the pitch of the fundamental tone and phrasal stress or a change in the pitch of the fundamental tone and rhythm. Thus, all researchers consider the change in the pitch of the fundamental tone to be the most important component of intonation, which fully corresponds to the original meaning of the term “intonation” and cannot cause any objections.

Intonation and prosody.

The term "prosody" is used as common name for suprasegmental properties of speech: pitch, duration, volume.

Prosody has acoustic, perceptual and linguistic (functional) aspects.

All aspects interact and can be viewed as different sides one phenomenon. There is a special terminology to designate the prosodic units of each aspect. When considering the acoustic aspect, frequency, intensity, and time are highlighted. To designate prosodic units of the perceptual aspect, the terms pitch, volume, and duration are used. The functional aspect has the concept of multi-component intonation.

2. Consider the components of intonation.

Phrase stress– highlighting a word against the background of other words. This is achieved by pronouncing stressed words with a greater expiratory impulse and muscular tension than unstressed ones, as well as by changing the tone and increasing the duration of stressed syllables in the word of a sentence. It exists in a phrase in several forms: syntactic– the core of the phrase is the syllable where the voice moves up or down, it shows the communicative type of utterance (command, question, statement, request) gravitates towards the end of the phrase;

logical– appears in a phrase due to the prevailing role of meaning;

emphatic– connected with the emotional side of speech (we invest not reason, but emotions). Achieved through the power of volume.

Pace(duration) - the speed of pronunciation of certain segments of speech, which depends on the individual characteristics of the speaker and pronunciation style. Tempo, like other components of intonation, plays an important role in conveying information:

Plays a structural role in the formation of speech units (syntagmas, phrases, superphrasal units, lines, stanzas). The beginning and end of speech units are usually characterized by slowing of speech.

Using tempo (usually slow), the most important parts of the utterance are highlighted.

Conveys emotional and modal information. Emotional speech is characterized by a deviation in tempo towards speeding up or slowing down. For example, the expression of grief, fear, and indifference is characterized by greater speed than the expression of sadness and contempt. Statements expressing restrained emotions tend to slow down, while unrestrained ones tend to speed up.

Rhythm(closely related to tempo) - repetition of stressed syllables at more or less equal intervals of time. Tempo and rhythm are temporal components of intonation. Rhythm is achieved by the fact that the accented syllables of words highlighted by meaning appear in speech at relatively equal time intervals, isolating rhythmic groups, performing, i.e. the function of organizing rhythm in a speech context. The organizing function of rhythm is manifested not only in its ability to split the time continuum into relatively equal time periods, but also in the fact that it is able to combine smaller units of rhythm (rhythmic groups) into larger ones → into syntagms, syntagms → into phrases, phrases into superphrasal unities, superphrasal unities in → the whole speech context.

Timbre– special coloring of the voice, emotional and expressive attitude of the speaker. From a physical point of view, timbre is vibrations of different frequencies that form a set of overtones. In speech, timbre performs two functions: it makes it possible to distinguish speakers by their voices and acts as an indicator of the emotional state of the speaker, thanks to which the statement acquires the necessary emotional coloring.

Pause– acoustic zero, cessation of articulation, can be a sharp change in melody. Our speech is a coherent sound stream, divided by pauses into larger or smaller segments. A pause can be made only after some group of words or one word has been pronounced, representing semantic unity, and at the same time syntactic unity, that is, united general meaning and syntactic connection.

The components of intonation manifest themselves in two aspects:

    Communicative– intonation tells whether the statement is complete or unfinished, whether it contains a question or an answer, a request or a command; represents communicative types of statements: narrative, exclamatory, interrogative, incentive. Characteristic of the Russian intonation system.

    Emotional- any intonation necessarily contains a certain emotion, speaker's attitude towards the utterance is a modality. Intonation is always modal. Characteristic of the English intonation system.

3. Functions of intonation.

1) The main function of intonation is function organization and division of speech flow.

Let's imagine a sequence of words devoid of intonation indicators (pauses, melody, and other indicators). Peter said brother is ill today we must send for the doctor. (the absence of punctuation marks emphasizes the absence of intonation as a supersegmental means).

This sequence sounds unnatural and is of little use for understanding, since it contains a number of interpretations associated with different understandings.

Let's improve this sequence by using pauses. So that one segment includes words that are most closely related in meaning. By grouping words using pauses in different ways, we will get a different understanding of the example.

′Peter said ׀ Brother is ill today. ׀׀ We must send for the doctor.

′Peter said ׀Brother is ill.׀׀ Today we must send for the doctor

Peter, said brother, is ill today. We must send for the doctor.

2) In natural speech, the connection between adjacent segments may be less or more close. The simplest way to reflect this is to use pauses of different lengths: unit pause, double pause, treble pause) for example: Brother is ill today. // We must send for the doctor.

In the first option, we are dealing with a sequence of two relatively independent sentences. (││) such a pause is dividing. A short pause (│) reflects the close connection between the parts of a complex utterance - connecting.

Differences in the nature of pauses are used by intonation in functions of expressing the degree of connection between units of division.

3) The function of design and contrast of types of utterance. Melodics are used as the main means of arranging sections of speech separated by pauses. It becomes possible to transmit fundamentally different information, in particular information about the type of statement (question, message, motivation, whether the message is completed, etc.).

Brother is leaving. For Moscow.

Brother is leaving. – For Moscow?

With the help of melody, the main communicative types of utterance are expressed.

4) Distinctive function is realized in contrasting identical sequences of words with different intonation patterns. At the level of intonation group, phrase and text. For example: If Mary comes │ let me → know at once.

Several people are expected to come, but the speaker is interested in Mary.

If Mary comes │ let me → know at once. (They are waiting only for Mary and no one else).

So, there are 4 functions of intonation. All of them are related to the semantic structure of a sentence and belong to the field of linguistics.

5) Undoubtedly, intonation is associated with the expression of human emotions, so another function of intonation can be called the function of expressing emotional meanings and shades (modality). The tone “fall + rise” expresses contrast, understatement. Each melodic pattern adds its own shades of meaning.

For example: When did you come? – Now (calmly, impartially)

Now (interested)

Now (conversation)

You are to do it right now. - Now? (very surprised)

Correct intonation: what is this?

Intonation - hallmark oral speech

Intonation: what is this?

5. The importance of intonation for formation expressive speech.

6, basic elements of intonation

Intonation- this is a change in the fundamental tone, intensity and duration of the sounding sentence, which contributes to the division of the flow of speech into separate segments - syntagms, which, in addition to syntactic meaning, also have emotional meaning. With the help of intonation, the speaker expresses his feelings, wishes, expressions of will, etc.

Typically, intonation is understood as whole line means of organizing sounding speech, these are, first of all, melody, dynamics (strength) of the sound of individual words, tempo of speech, timbre of speech and pauses. All of them exist in their totality and unity, and thus, in general, intonation refers to supersegmental elements related either to the whole sentence or to its segments - syntagms.

Intonation is individual, each speaker has his own average tone of speech, which, depending on the situation, can either rise or fall, but in general there are general patterns when using intonation that allows you to highlight the main intonation structures (IC). In modern Russian, as a rule, there are seven main intonation structures.

Each type of IR has its own intonation center (IC), i.e. the syllable on which the main syntagmental or phrasal stress falls; on this syllable the melody of the sentence either decreases or rises; in some cases, a rather complex combined movement of the melody can occur from decrease to increase and vice versa. In addition, as a rule, the so-called precentral part, usually pronounced in the middle tone of the speaker and so called, post-central part, which, depending on the situation, can be pronounced either with a gradually descending melody, or, conversely, at a higher tone than the pre-central part.

The importance of intonation for the formation of expressive speech

When we speak, we set ourselves certain tasks: to convince the interlocutor of something, to report something, to ask about something. In order to better convey your thoughts to the listener, you need to take care of the logical expressiveness of speech.

Intonation has always been recognized the most important element oral verbal communication, a means of forming any word and combination of words in a statement, a means of clarifying its communicative meaning and emotionally expressive shades. The components of intonation are melody, phrase stress, tempo, timbre and pause, which, interacting with each other, perform various functions in speech, the most important of which are communicative, semantically distinctive and emotionally expressive (Bondarko L.V., 1991; Zinder L.R. ., 1979; Svetozarova N.D., 1982).

Proper Use intonation in speech allows not only to accurately convey the meaning of the statement, but also to actively influence the listener emotionally and aesthetically. With the help of intonation, the speaker and listener distinguish the utterance and its semantic parts in the flow of speech. They contrast the statement by purpose (question, narrative, expression of will), express and perceive a subjective attitude towards what was expressed (Bryzgunova E.A., 1963).

The concept of intonation consists of successive changes in pitch (melody), voice strength (sound intensity), intra-phrase pauses (logical and semantic), tempo (accelerated or slow) in the pronunciation of words and phrases, rhythm (combinations of strong and weak, long and short syllables) , timbre (aesthetic coloring) of sound.

Logical expressiveness- the most important condition for any type of speech. This includes the following aspects. Melodics is the alternation of raising and lowering the voice depending on the meaning of the statement (question, statement, exclamation). Each phrase has its own melodic pattern.

Logical stress - highlighting the main meaning of a word in a phrase. Stands out - this means pronounced with greater strength and duration than other words in the sentence. The logical center can be any word in a sentence, depending on what the speaker wants to emphasize.

Logical pause- dividing a phrase into semantic segments. Each speech beat is separated from the other by stops of varying duration and fullness, which in the texts of the exercises are indicated by symbols that, as a rule, coincide with punctuation marks, namely:

A short pause to take in air - a comma sign< , >;
pause between speech beats - slash sign< / >;
longer pause between sentences - double slash sign< // >;
pause to indicate semantic and plot pieces - the “three slashes” sign< /// >.

It is important not only to understand the meaning of pauses, but, most importantly, to accustom yourself to making actual stops. The rhythm of speech is determined to a large extent by the rhythm of breathing. Respiratory movements are rhythmic, uniform, with the correct alternation of phases of the respiratory cycle in duration and depth. In this case, the inhalation is shorter than the exhalation, which is important for speech and voice formation and speaking itself. Changing the rhythm of breathing entails changes in the rhythm of spoken speech. The rhythm of breathing dictates the limit of possible lengthening of exhalation; this limit is determined by the individual vital capacity of the lungs.

Intellectual correction, the predetermined structure of the utterance as a whole usually does not allow the speaker to break with a breath words and phrases connected by a strong semantic-syntactic connection.

Thus, the rhythm of breathing not on its own, but in interaction with the intellectual factor determines and regulates speech rhythm. Individual fluctuations in natural breathing rhythms in different people determine the variety of rhythms of spoken language.

“Letters, syllables and words,” writes K.S. Stanislavsky is musical notes in speech, from which bars, arias, and entire symphonies are created. No wonder good speech called "musical". Calling for compliance tempo and rhythm in speech, he recommends: “Form whole speech beats from phrases, regulate the rhythmic relationship of whole phrases with each other, love correct and clear accentuations (emphasis - I.P.), typical for the feelings experienced.”

Working on intonation is carried out on the material of sounds, words, sentences, small texts, poems.

What is the intonation in Russian? Types of intonation.

The means of phonetic organization of speech (intonation) is divided into three types:

  1. Narrative;
  2. Interrogative;
  3. Exclamation.

The first type is characterized by smooth and, accordingly, calm pronunciation of speech. The story flows smoothly, periodically slightly raising the voice (intonation peak) and lowering it (intonation decrease). This method is usually not used constantly. In any case, the speaker or actor has to use the second and third types of phonetic organization. Question intonation is characterized by a rise in the tone of voice at the beginning, and a decrease in tone towards the end of the phrase. In general, the name clearly reflects the essence of this species.

For exclamatory intonation, the opposite state of affairs is more typical: the tone rises towards the end of the utterance. A pronounced emotional color easily attracts the attention of the public. Obviously, neither method is used independently.

Actors, like speakers, are characterized by a transition or gradual alternation of one type with another. Correct intonation should be developed during classes with teachers. You can also achieve development at home. To do this, you can use a method such as reading aloud. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the punctuation marks placed at the end of the sentence. Understanding the basics of oratory is impossible without developing the correct intonation.