Love battle. Director - Sergey Potapov

Performance “Lullaby for Sophia”
Minusinsk Drama Theater

Based on the story by Evgeny Zamyatin / The Story of a Family
Director - Alexey Pesegov

Childless Sophia suffers from spiritual emptiness, and in order to appease her, she and her husband decide to adopt Ganka, the daughter of a deceased neighbor-carpenter. But is it possible to love someone other than your own daughter, especially since Ganka is no longer a child, but a girl? Sophia is overwhelmed by jealousy, which leads to tragedy...
Alexey Pesegov solves the family drama as a dramatic ballet - there are almost no dialogues, direct speech, but the psychological tension is enhanced by music and choreography.

Leading theater critics called this performance an event, as evidenced by five nominations for National Award"Golden Mask".

Photo by Larisa Tretyakova.

When: May 19, starts at 19.00.
Where: .
Ticket price: 250–600 rubles.
Age restrictions: 18+

Performance "Front-line girl"
Russian Drama Theater named after. N. A. Bestuzheva, Ulan-Ude

Anna Baturina / Drama
Director - Sergey Levitsky

“Wait for me, and I will return,” sings Maria Nebylitsa, but no one returns from the war the same and the same.

At the center of the story is the fate of a 24-year-old front-line soldier who returned victorious from the war, where she found her love. However " future husband“I’m not at all happy about my lover with “dirty nails.” And a new battle begins - with the mark of war, betrayal, fear, loneliness. The battle is in peacetime - in the name of life, youth and dreams.

"Frontovichka" - a story told by a new theatrical language, where the viewer is invited to act as a co-author of the performance, taking advantage of personal sensory experience, his fantasy and imagination.

Photo by Sergei Primakov.

When: May 20, starts at 15.00.
Where: Big stage of the Globe Theater.
Ticket price: 300–450 rubles.
Age restrictions: 16+

Performance "Werewolf"
R.A.A.A.M. Theatre, Tallinn, Estonia

Festival guest
August Kitzberg

Director - Sergey Potapov

Near the church, a young woman is brutally killed, considering her a witch. Her little daughter Tiina is taken in by the owner of the Tammaru farm. The family lives together for several years until the children grow up. The adopted daughter Marie is in love with the owner's son Margus, but he is crazy about Tiina. And then Marie accuses her sister of turning into a werewolf and bullying cattle. What will your loved ones do?

The production does not suggest an answer-slogan, what is meant by a werewolf - the freedom that Tiina brings, or the closed survival that the residents of the Tammaru farm emphasize and believe in?

Photo courtesy of the theater.

The performance is performed with a translation into Russian.

When: May 20, starts at 19.00.
Where: Big stage of the Red Torch Theater.
Ticket price: 350–850 rubles.
Age restrictions: 16+

Performance "Lord Golovlyov"
Novokuznetsk Drama Theater

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin / Drama in three acts
Director - Pyotr Shereshevsky

Play big style in modern theatrical language it tells about the death of the Golovlev family clan.

The Golovlev House is no longer manor house, is a fictional planet, the noose is gradually tightening on its inhabitants. An uncontrollable passion for hoarding, hypertrophied greed, undisguised hypocrisy, multiplied by a lack of love and understanding, lead to reckless loneliness, moral and physical mutual destruction. And the Golovlevs live in endless misunderstanding, play with feelings, deafness and despotism to the sounds of Chinawoman, Amy Winehouse, BG and RAMMSTEIN.

Photo courtesy of the theater.

When: May 21, starts at 19.00.
Where: Big stage of the Red Torch Theater.
Ticket price: 250–600 rubles.
Age restrictions: 16+

Performance “Crazy Muklay”
Khakass Theater of Drama and Ethnic Music "CHITIGEN", Abakan

Platon Oyunsky / Drama in one act
Director - Sergey Potapov

The drama “Crazy Muklay” is a biographical testimony about the perception of the events of the civil war and the “cry” of the soul of a person faced with insoluble moral contradictions.
The production is based on the fate of a defenseless man, the crazy Muklay, who fell into the millstones of the era of change, which ground his life, leaving him only ashes.

Muklay is called crazy, but he is simply different, inappropriate and unadapted to the realities of his time, while his soul and consciousness are free.

Crazy Muklay is a seer who lived a short but bright life filled with love and meaning. His words are illuminated by the light of reason - simple in their clarity and wisdom.

Photo courtesy of the theater.

When: May 23, starts at 12.00 and at 18.30.
Where: Small stage of the Red Torch Theater.
Ticket price: 300–350 rubles.
Age restrictions: 14+

Read about other performances participating in the festival.

Marisa Rowland

Love battle

Edith had been swimming for a long time and, although the boat was shrouded in an impenetrable fog, she knew for sure that she was approaching her goal. She saw and heard nothing - light and sounds were drowned in a thick veil. Even the splash of water, disturbed by the oars, came as if from afar. But then a gentle dawn touched her eyelids, as if washing her eyes spring water, and she saw the green hills of the nearby shore. The boat emerged from the fog.

She sighed lightly. There, behind her, her past remained. And it was already being covered with a veil of oblivion. It seemed to her that life was starting over again. And she was ready for this new life, she felt within herself an inhuman strength that was supposed to help her overcome all the future difficulties, the blindness of happiness and the severity of grief.

The girl found a flat spot, moored and easily jumped out of the boat, and then bent down to pull her ashore. Despite her apparent fragility, she was strong and seasoned, and her thin hands, accustomed to hard work, were strong like a man’s. When she bent down, her long dark braids, getting in the way, fell onto her chest. The fog covered them with drops of moisture, and before throwing these heavy and wet ropes behind her back, she began to wring them out.

Help? The boat is too heavy for you. - A sonorous male voice made the girl flinch in surprise.

She turned around, still clutching the scythe in her hands, and froze. The men she had seen so far on her island were short and stocky. That's why the young man standing in front of her seemed like a giant... beautiful, like one of the ancient gods. He was powerful and slender, his long dark hair curled, and the eyes, like blue lakes overgrown with dark reeds along the edges, laughed. It seemed that he had put on simple fishing clothes just for the sake of a joke.

Who are you? - he asked. - You are beautiful, like a fairy. - Because he, too, had so far only seen tall, strong, red-haired women. And this fragile girl with long and dark braids and big eyes, twinkling like stars, seemed to him fairytale beauty.

“I will live here,” she said simply and pointed to the house visible on a high hill. She saw him for the first time in reality, but recognized him immediately.

An old witch lived there, she was buried yesterday,” he said in surprise.

I know. I am her granddaughter... and the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter... - she looked at him closely, checking to see if he was scared. Her grandmother appeared to her in a dream today and told her to come here to continue her work.

It didn't look like the guy was scared. He silently nodded his head, then helped tie the boat and began to climb up the hill with the girl. The path was steep and rocky, and her feet were bare, and she involuntarily cried out when she stepped on a sharp pebble. Then he picked her up easily, as if she were a bird or a kitten, and carried her, carefully pressing her to his chest.

Leaning close to him, she listened to how loudly and powerfully his heart beat. And she already knew that this was her destiny. The one about whom my grandmother said: “You will be the happiest and the most unhappy. Your happiness will be short-lived, but it will last for centuries..."

Looking at the picture in the morning newspaper, Jessica almost choked on a sip of coffee. She clanged the cup onto the saucer. And she groaned with frustration. So, now she has no hope that he will call her. She felt nausea rise in her throat and pushed the plate of Sunday breakfast away from her.

Looking up, Jessica met the questioning gaze of Blanche, who was sitting opposite.

What's happened? New scandal in high society?

Jessica looked at the picture again. There was no doubt, it was him! Tall, broad-shouldered, dressed to the nines. Eyebrows fly apart dark eyes, a finely defined nose line and a heavy jaw. And the same inviting smile on sensual lips.

She felt dizzy and her heart was beating fast. She remembered how she felt when he hugged her for the first time. A trembling ran through her, as if again she felt how demandingly his lips were searching for hers... and then his strong, hot hands began to slowly


Nothing happened... nothing, Blanche.

Ha ha! If nothing happened, then you are acting more than strange. Let me take a look.

She leaned over the table and picked up the newspaper. I looked at the photo carefully and read the caption underneath it out loud:

Yesterday evening Mr. Allan Tennyson, known for his extravagant behavior, was seen with Miss Ariadne Carlisle at Felice's Restaurant. Ariadne is the latest in an endless line of attractive young women with whom the capital's most fashionable groom appears in famous night restaurants. Is it possible to assume that in the near future society will witness the most grandiose wedding of this year? All that remains is to wait.

Blanche dropped the newspaper and looked at Jessica silently.

For God's sake, don't tell me you got involved with this scumbag! I shouldn't have gone on vacation and left you here alone.

She sighed sadly.

Come on, my beauty. Lay it all out.

It was difficult for Jessica to admit that she had committed such a frivolous act, and it was even more difficult to tell Blanche about it, who treated her like own daughter.

“I met him two weeks ago,” she began in a trembling voice. - He... he was so charming that before I could blink an eye, I accepted his offer to have dinner with him that same evening...

Well? - Blanche asked impatiently. - What happened then?

Jessica dialed full lungs air and started talking without stopping:

At half past seven he sent a car here for me. And ordered a delicious dinner. Then he took me to a hotel and... there we spent the night in bed.

The young woman looked at Blanche. There was a plea in her eyes to understand her.

He was so kind to me and so sweet...” she continued. “He made me feel that there was no one in the world more dear to him than me.”

She fell silent and with difficulty swallowed the lump stuck in her throat.

When I woke up, he was no longer there. I found a note on the bedside table that said he needed to leave early to catch a plane to Madrid. He promised to call me as soon as he returned. There were twenty pounds right there so I could pay for a taxi home.

Jessica swallowed convulsively again.

I... I actually believed that he would call me when he returned from Spain. And now this...

She pointed to the newspaper with a shaking finger. Blanche shrugged.

So what? At least now you know what type he is. I advise you to forget him. Believe me, it's better to stay away from this scoundrel. You won't expect anything good from him.

Jessica suddenly began to breathe rapidly: apparently, only now the meaning of everything that had happened to her began to truly dawn on her. His gentle whisper, the promises he made, the vows he made eternal love... All this was a shameless lie!

In cold rage, she clenched her hands into fists... Pain pierced her heart. She lost her breath and

Passion is like war. There are experienced strategists who are able to calculate every operation of this war, to foresee the steps that side A (Adam) will take in order to conquer side E (Eve).

At the same time, the main task of side A (Adam) is to achieve side E (Eve), but not to succumb to its charm and charm. Do not lose your freedom or at least maintain neutrality. However, the E side will never be satisfied with a half-victory: its task is to break through Adam's defenses and force him to surrender to the mercy of the beautiful winner.

Side E is well armed: oohs and sighs, tears and sobs, harmless tricks and proven tricks. Everything is set in motion, all the arrows of Cupid fly towards the defenseless Adam, who watches in confusion as his precious freedom melts away by leaps and bounds. But confusion gives way to determination: side A builds defensive fortifications and locks itself in a dugout, where fire beats in the cherished cramped stove and completely non-military thoughts come to mind, for example, about someone’s sweet eyes remaining behind the front line.

For some time, side A sits out in the dugout, but then it becomes bored and sad - even in the company of proven combat friends. The treasured stove in which the fire is beating is no longer comforting, nor are the stories of friends about won love battles and wounds received in these battles. And while the tried-and-true friends in battle are counting the stars on the fuselage (each star represents a won love battle and a conquered woman’s heart), the next Adam, who has succumbed to Eve’s charm, suddenly realizes that love the battle is lost. What do the defeated do? Either they fight to the last bullet, or they surrender.

Of course, it is possible to fight until the last bullet: provided that this most cherished cartridge is intended for oneself. But it is difficult to decide on such an extreme measure, and besides, side E offers pleasant conditions of captivity - in this captivity, side A will feel almost at home. Adam throws out the white flag and surrenders to the mercy of side E, but deep down he hopes to escape from captivity in order to embark on the next love battles and earn new stars on the fuselage. And so, in the absence of Eve, Adam approaches the door of the barracks for prisoners of war, called the tower of love. Coming to this door to escape. But, lo and behold! He doesn't want to run at all. Side A is tired of lonely wanderings and passions like a duel. Side A wants a qualitatively new state: peace and quiet. And this new state can be designated as “love-friendship.” Or as “love-harmony”.

When a man calls a woman a friend, she is usually offended. I really want to say: “The Tambov wolf is your comrade!” - and slam the door offendedly. But in the mouth of a man, this must be understood: deep down, Adams are sure that women, with rare exceptions, are snakes and bitches, and therefore, they are simply not capable of high friendship, mutual assistance and support characteristic of men. But a woman who has managed to become for a man not only an object of passion, but an assistant and friend, falls in love completely and irrevocably. Here love war will no longer be required; here the passion-duel transforms into a qualitatively new state - love-friendship. And this friendship may well become an unhypocritical union that will last a lifetime. Otherwise, side A and side E will go back to their trenches and will develop plans for new battles, in which there is so little genuine feeling and so much - tactics and strategy.

If the parties embark on further battles, they will need to choose the type of war. And, as you know, there are positional and maneuver wars. In the case of trench warfare, military actions on both sides are methodical and ineffective, offensive operations are ineffective and even with favorable completion lead to limited results. The main goal of trench warfare is the moral exhaustion of the enemy. In this case, side E persistently and methodically gets on side A's nerves. He whines: “Well, marry me, marry me!”, until side A gives up and throws out the white flag. But marriages resulting from trench warfare are like sand castles. They do not last long and often lead to mutual alienation.

Maneuver warfare, in contrast to positional warfare, is characterized by rapid and abrupt changes in the situation, the frequent occurrence of acute crisis situations, the widespread use of various maneuvers, high dynamism and speed of operations,
the absence of long pauses between combat rounds, the seriousness of the goals and strategic objectives. The maneuvers that side E resorts to are disparaged by side A as tricks. Some of these tricks hit the mark, and Eve achieves a lightning-fast victory from the first blow. But if the maneuver is chosen incorrectly, then one of the sides will face an equally lightning-fast defeat.

What other love wars are there? “Little victorious”: I came, I saw, I conquered. Side E smiles seductively and tenderly, and Side A gives in almost without a fight. This happens, but rarely. “Cold”: both sides exhaust each other, but do not get involved in open battle; the main thing here is to starve the enemy out. “Civilian”: both parties are unusually close to each other, almost like brother and sister, sometimes they are overwhelmed by mutual tenderness, sometimes mutual irritation sets in. In such a war, peacekeepers are needed - for example, family and friends. They are needed to say: there is no need for war, you need each other so much! Then the “civil” war turns into a “cold civil” state - there are no open battles, and then both sides come to the long-awaited peace, that is, to a state of love and friendship.

The “war of all against all” is being waged by misogynists and man-haters. Confirmed bachelors and stubborn Amazons. In such a war, the main thing is to understand that in the opposite camp there are quite pleasant “instances”, to try to soften up and become emotional. But if you continue to persist, you can destroy yourself. More precisely, to forever bind your own heart with a crust of ice. And then it will be difficult to melt this ice.

What do love wars lead to? Of course, to peace. Because, as you know, a bad peace is better than the most victorious war. Party A ceases to fear Party E, and Party E no longer plagues Party A with reproaches and regrets. A fragile harmony emerges, which can be strengthened if both sides forget their military skills and learn to understand each other. For an enemy ceases to be an enemy when they begin to see him as a human being. An enemy becomes a friend when we are able to love him - with all his weaknesses and virtues, victories and defeats. Then we no longer need wars - neither cold nor hot, neither small nor large. Love war is the best of wars because it can end in happiness.