What year is it according to the Russian calendar? Slavic calendar kolyada dar

The patron planet of the Gemini zodiac sign is Mercury. This planet received its name in honor of the winged God of Rome. Thanks to the influence of this planet, people become more flexible and adapt to any environment and to any situation.

People ruled by Mercury know exactly how to find a way out of a given situation. They can easily adjust their own affairs and coordinate themselves in any environment. Moreover, they are capable of changing ideals and morals.

They adapt to all changes in the outside world and feel quite comfortable. The influence of this planet is quite strong. If it happens on the negative side, then people become restless and it is difficult to calm them down and stop them if they are planning something wrong.

It is very difficult to stop or calm such individuals. Mercury, in literally words, rules people. It has quite a strong influence on their mind. The planet imparts intelligence to people and makes them wise. The character of such individuals is very complex. This applies to both men and women.

Mercury is the planet of communications, along with it comes science, trade, wanderlust, way of thinking and excessive curiosity. People under the influence of this planet never stop there. They strive to conquer new heights and discover completely new, previously unexplored horizons.

For them there is nothing difficult about change. They are very easy and simple to adapt to environment and feel quite comfortable in it. It is these individuals who are inclined to defend new beginnings; they are capable of violating all previously established conservative opinions. They are the ones who are establishing entirely new paths to invention.

The main elements that have a close connection with Mercury are lilies and azaleas, hazelnuts and walnuts, carrots and celery, beautiful monkeys, colorful parrots, chic and luxurious foxes and greyhounds. The closest metal to this planet is considered to be mercury.

The stones of this beautiful planet are agate, topaz and beautiful aquamarine. The happiest and most successful day for people ruled by this planet is Wednesday. The lucky flowers are considered to be the color of saffron, bright yellow and beautiful, indescribably beautiful azure.

People whose horoscope is closely related to the control of Mercury are very extraordinary individuals. It's hard to imagine what representatives of this sign will do next time. The fact that they strive to reach new heights is simply wonderful, but given the fact that they very quickly adapt to a new environment and new people, it is somewhat alarming. Now they are on your side, and tomorrow they will be on your competitor’s side.

These are very purposeful individuals who do not pay any attention to the opinions of others. They absolutely do not care what others say about them, since in their understanding, they always do what is right and honest. At beneficial influence Mercury these individuals are very interesting interlocutors and they are a pleasure to deal with.

There are scientists who still have not given up hope of finding at least some confirmation that they live on Mars. However, space exploration is not limited to this issue. People are trying to penetrate deep into the Universe, and in its study they are constantly moving forward. As a result of long searches, scientists discovered planets whose structure is very similar to the Earth. These rotate at an acceptable distance from their stars, which allows us to express an opinion about the water reserves available on them. Consequently, the theory about the existence of life on such planets may also have a right to exist.

Double hiding behind the Sun?

Relatively recently, a Russian astronomer and physicist put forward a sensational hypothesis. He suggested that there was a twin planet of the Earth on the other side of the Sun. The scientist named this celestial body Gloria. In his opinion, it has the same size and period of revolution as the Earth. Why is Gloria invisible to us? The fact is that it is hidden by the Sun, projected onto the side of the earth’s orbit opposite to us. Because of heavenly body we are not able to see significant areas corresponding to 600 diameters of our planet. At this distance there may well be a twin planet of the Earth.

This is the hypothesis expressed by Kirill Butusov. What do other scientists say about this? There is no direct proof of the fact that there really is a twin planet of the Earth behind the Sun. However, no one undertakes to refute this opinion either.

Double in the knowledge of ancient people

The Egyptians have always believed that every person at birth is endowed not only with a soul, but also with a second copy. The double is a kind of patron. He is spiritual in nature, but at the same time is invisible to human eyes.

The ancient Egyptians were also convinced that after a person dies, his soul and twin are separated from him. In this case, the double can be resurrected. To do this, he needs support in the form of a body or its image in the form of a statue, bas-relief or painting.

This is how the theory of immortality arose, which resulted in the construction of a huge number of tombs. The Egyptians believed that the one who experienced himself in his double had the right to continue earthly life even in the next world.

Somewhat later, the same idea about the world was expressed by the neo-Pythagorean Philolaus. This sage said that the center of the universe does not exist on Earth, but in the so-called Hestna, which is the central fire. Philolaus was the founder of the theory of cosmogony. According to the ideas of this science, all planets revolve around a central fire. These even include the Sun, which does not shine, but plays the role of a mirror, reflecting the brilliance of Hestna. At the same time, Philolaus argued that there is a twin planet of the Earth. This celestial body moves in the same orbit, but it is located behind Hesna. Philolaus called this planet Anti-Earth. Apparently, according to his ideas, a world of human doubles existed there.

The opinion of modern astronomy

Modern scientists can neither prove nor disprove the fact that there is a twin planet of the Earth. Modern ones also do not answer the question. space stations. After all, their field of view is very small, and besides, these devices are installed to observe specific celestial bodies.

The American astronauts who landed on the Moon did not help in this matter either. Their viewing angle did not allow them to “look” beyond the Sun. In order to prove that there is a twin planet Earth behind our star, it was necessary to fly much further, covering a distance 10-15 times greater.

Modern astronomy suggests that accumulations of a certain substance are possible in the orbit of our planet. Moreover, their location is very likely at certain points, called dibrational points (one of them is located behind the Sun). But, according to scientists, the position of the bodies in these places is extremely unstable.

Existing analogues

In order to understand whether there is a twin of the planet Earth, it is necessary to recall the Saturn system. She is like the Sun. And at the same time we observe two satellites located in an orbit that corresponds to the earth’s. These are Janus and Epimetheus. Once every four years, these celestial bodies approach each other and “change” their orbits. Such “games” occur due to the gravitational interaction of the planets. So, at first Epimetheus moves at a higher speed in the inner orbit. Janus is somewhat behind him. This planet moves in an outer orbit. Then Epimetheus “catch up” with Janus, but no collision occurs. The planets change orbits and move away from each other.

Scientists suggest that “meetings” between Earth and Gloria occur in a similar way. It just happens much less often.

Evidence in favor of Butusov's theory

There are some considerations that lead to the conclusion that there is, after all, such a planet Gloria - a twin of the Earth. The first of these concerns discussions about the orbit of our planet. According to some of its characteristics, it has peculiarities. And the reason for this may be a body hidden from our eyes, which increases the total orbital mass by approximately two times.

Another fact suggests that there is a twin of planet Earth. In the 17th century, an unknown object was discovered near Venus by the director of the Paris Observatory, D. Cassini. This celestial body had a crescent shape, that is, it was not a star. Venus herself looked the same at that moment. That is why Cassini assumed that he had discovered a satellite of this planet. The same object was observed in 1740 by Short, and 19 years later by Mayer. It was seen by Montaigne in 1761 and Rotkier in 1764. No one else saw this celestial body. It has disappeared somewhere. This fact indicates that planets located behind the Sun can be observed very rarely, and only in those cases when they emerge from behind the star.

Life on Gloria

If we assume that Earth’s twin planet really exists, then this fact would be very interesting for humanity. The fact is that this celestial body is at the same distance from the Sun, that is, it receives the same amount of energy from it. This gives reason to say that the existence of civilization is possible on Gloria. You can go further in your reasoning. It is quite possible to host a base civilization on Gloria. At the same time, the land is a kind of “settlement”. In support of this fact, numerous examples can be cited of UFOs showing increased interest in the events that are taking place on our planet. For example, they were seen over the sites of nuclear explosions in Hiroshima, Chernobyl and Fukushima within an hour after the tragedy.

What is the reason for such close attention? In danger for Gloria. After all, our two planets are located in the same orbit at unstable dibrational points. Nuclear explosions, causing powerful tremors, are capable of moving the Earth and throwing it towards Gloria. And this threatens a monstrous catastrophe simultaneously for two planets.

If we assume that Gloria’s civilization is ahead of the earth’s in its development, then, undoubtedly, it will take all possible measures to own safety. On this moment one cannot talk about significant interference in human affairs. But this does not mean that such neutrality will last forever.

NASA Research

In 2009, the US Space Administration launched an astronomical satellite called Kepler. By the beginning of 2015, he had found more than four thousand planets, the existence of almost a quarter of which was officially confirmed. The specialists conducting the research officially announced their discovery of eight cosmic rocky eco-planets. According to scientists, foundlings are nothing more than twins of the Earth.

Active learning outer space continues. And there is a possibility that the list of Earth twins will subsequently increase. However, a detailed study of such objects is a very difficult task. The reason for this lies in the distance of the planets. The fact is that their distance from Earth is several hundred light years. But humanity's desire to find habitable planets continues unabated. In 2017, it is planned to launch a new satellite that will explore the surface and study the trajectories of the “twins”.

Amazing discovery

Just recently, scientists announced that they had found Earth’s twin planet. And the Kepler space satellite helped them with this. This celestial body is somewhat larger than our planet and colder. Based on these characteristics, it can be called cousin our Earth. However, today the planet Kepler-186 f is a twin of the Earth, already discovered by astronomers. The diameter of this celestial body is 14,000 kilometers. This is slightly more (10%) than that of the Earth. Orbit new planet is in the “Goldilocks zone” (as the star Kepler is called)

Scientists believe that planet Kepler-186 f is Earth's twin due to its temperature conditions. The fact that it is not too hot and not very cold there allows for the presence of water on the surface. This conclusion suggests the presence of life on the planet.

The reason to assume that the planet Kepler is a twin of the Earth is given by the distance at which it is located from its star. It is similar to the distance from our planet to the Sun. Researchers also believe that Kepler-186 f consists of water, rocks and iron. That is, from the same materials as the Earth. Kepler's gravity is also similar to ours.

However, this twin planet of the Earth (see photo below) is not an absolute copy of our planet. The sun around which Kepler revolves can be called a red dwarf, since it is much cooler than ours. In addition, a year on this planet lasts only 130 days. Because Kepler-186f is located on the edge of the Goldilocks Zone, a layer of permafrost most likely covers its surface.

On the other hand, Kepler has a large mass. This most likely led to the creation of denser layers of the atmosphere than on Earth. This structure of air masses should compensate for the lack of heat. In addition, red dwarfs emit light, mainly in the infrared, which helps melt the ice.


In the morning and evening hours, you can observe the planet in the sky, which in ancient times was named after the Roman goddess of beauty and love. In earlier times, astronomers mistook Venus for two separate cosmic bodies. At the same time, they gave them the names Heperus and Phosphorus.

For a long time it was believed that the Earth's twin planet was Venus. However, modern scientists believe that its surface is very dry and hot, and this does not allow water to exist here in liquid form. In addition, Venus is constantly covered by dense clouds consisting of sulfuric acid. They do not allow the rays of the Sun to reach the surface of the planet.


Back in 1982, NASA announced the likelihood of the existence of another planet in our solar system. This message was confirmed a year later, when the launched infrared artificial satellite managed to detect a very large celestial body. This was the Earth's twin planet - Nibiru. This space object has many different names. This is the 12th Planet, and Planet X, as well as the Horned and Winged Disc.

This celestial body has a very large Nibiru, five times larger than the earth's. Planet X revolves around a star, called by astronomers a Dark Dwarf, moving simultaneously with the Sun and at a certain distance from it. At the same time, Nibiru periodically makes jerks to one luminary, then to another, being a definite connecting link between two different worlds.

Behind this huge celestial body followed by its moons, as well as a tail made of a huge mass of fragments. This is a kind of planetary debris that brings destruction to everything that comes in its path.

Nibiru moves against the movement of all the planets in the solar system. Astronomers call this a retrograde orbit. When such an object appears in solar system not far from Earth, our planet cannot avoid problems. Most likely, such a rapprochement has already taken place more than once. This can explain glacial period and the death of the dinosaurs, bible stories and traces of intelligent life at the bottom of the seas.

Ancient people also knew about this planet. They believed that gods called Anunaki lived on Nibiru. They were described as humanoids, similar to people, with a height of three meters. It was believed that the Anunaki built the pyramids using humans as slaves. According to legend, these Gods needed earthly gold, the dust of which was used to retain heat in the atmosphere of Nibiru. There is an opinion that the pyramids themselves were used by humanoids for interplanetary communication. This hypothesis is confirmed by the absence of burial rooms in some of these structures, that is, the premises for which it was believed that all this was erected.

GEMINI May 22-June 21
IN Greek mythology The Gemini zodiac sign is associated with the myth of Castor and Pollux, twin demigods born by Leda from Jupiter, who descended from Olympus in the guise of a swan. Actually, according to legend, initially only one of the brothers was a demigod - Pollux (or Polydeuces), who possessed immortality; Castor was mortal.

Ruling planet of Gemini: Mercury.
As children, the brothers were raised by Mercury (by the way, the patron planet of this sign). Castor and Pollux accomplished many feats together: together with Jason they participated in the campaign for the Golden Fleece, they defeated Theseus, the conqueror of the Minotaur. Finally they fell in love beautiful princesses and, joining forces, stole them from the suitors. The ridiculed suitors pursued and overtook the brothers. As a result of a fierce battle, Castor died. The shocked Pollux begs Jupiter to grant his unfortunate brother immortality, and he shares eternal life for two equally: alternately living and dying, each of the brothers spends 6 months in the underworld and 6 on Olympus. Therefore they never appear together in the company of the gods - just as of the two the most important stars The constellation Gemini, one disappears behind the horizon as soon as the other rises.


Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure.

Sapphire - stone of wisdom

Agate – stimulant of spiritual awakening

Jasper - stone of life

Garnet is a stone that brings good luck in love and friendship.

Rock crystal - a stone of clairvoyants

Beryl - a stone of peace of mind

Topaz - a stone of inner enlightenment

Amber - the magical resin of the ancient forest




It opens shortly after sunrise, which is why it is nicknamed “the eye of the day.” In Greek, daisy means pearl. European knights regarded a bouquet of daisies sent to their beloved as consent to marriage. Louis IX ordered the flower to be depicted on national flag and on the royal ring in honor of his wife Margarita. For many peoples, the daisy is an image of kindness and restraint.

Where did it come from? Russian name This flower is not known for certain. True, some beautiful varieties really look a little like the eye. According to others, pansies represent the face of an angry stepmother. Still others, seeing a face in them, do not find anything evil in its expression, but only curiosity, and say that it belongs to a woman who seemed to have been turned into this flower because, out of curiosity, she looked into places where she was forbidden. Three-colored pansies are rightfully considered a symbol of reviving nature: the snow has not yet melted, and they are already winking slyly from the flower beds. White color their corolla represents hope, yellow petals - surprise, purple - sadness. The Hellenes considered pansies a sign love triangle, and the French and English, on the contrary, presented their lovers with a simple bouquet, wanting to declare their love.

The first mentions of fragrant jasmine were found in ancient Egyptian papyri. The Hellenes believed that jasmine was given to people by the goddess of wisdom Athena. In France, pipes and flutes were made from its trunks. Jasmine flowers are honey-bearing, and young leaves are a good seasoning for salads. Scientists have noticed that the scent of jasmine tones and stimulates brain functions.

The legend of the narcissistic Narcissus is probably known to everyone. The name of the flower comes from the Greek word “narkao” - intoxicating. The refined white-yellow narcissus has a pungent, truly intoxicating scent.

The mountain nymph Echo fell in love with the young man Narcissus, to whom she was predicted long life, unless he never sees his face. The arrogant young man remained indifferent to the nymph, and the gods, seeing her torment, punished the proud man: wanting to drink from the stream, he bent over the water and saw himself... And after a while he withered away from love for himself. But the gods took pity and turned him into beautiful flower. “A creation of beauty, immeasurable delight,” Cyrus the Great said about him. In ancient times, yellow daffodils were used to greet triumphants returning to their homeland with victory. For the Chinese, narcissus is a New Year's flower.

Depending on the decade of birth, you can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.

May 22-31 - CHAMOMILE. The character contains the traditional: loves - does not love. She is difficult to understand, although she beckons. Despite her attractive appearance, she tries to sit on her opponent’s job for the sake of a career or just for sport.

June 1-11 - BELL. Conservative. Any change frightens and plunges into despair. Bluebell Rescue - good family, good home. My favorite means of transportation, if I'm suddenly sent on a business trip, is a train. Fears of air travel.

June 12-21 - DASY. He is not distinguished by romanticism and courage. Quiet, homebody, reinsurer, observer. Most often he participates in events as a collector of gossip. However, in life he will always achieve his goal.


ASH May 25-June 3
Ash is strong and beautiful, slender and elegant, his movements are free. He has a lively personality and laughs at life's difficulties, which is why he may seem like an irresponsible creature to others. However, in fact, those born at this time know very well what they want, and even better - what they don’t want. Ash is proud and strives to ensure that those around him take care of him, think and live the way he likes best, prefers to do only what he wants.

Men. Their mind is based primarily on intuition, and they are characterized by special insight. This ability gives rise to the desire to predict the future. However, Yasen always plays a little with fate, which, however, does not prevent him from being very lucky.

Women. They are extremely selfish, but will generously share everything they have. In pursuit of their own happiness, they are so energetic that they can trample everything that gets in their way.

Love and marriage. Being capricious by nature, in love Ash is surprisingly prudent and constant. He rarely makes mistakes and makes a lot of efforts to improve life together, which he succeeds in doing. His marriage for love can at the same time be a marriage of convenience, but this does not mean that they will be unhappy with him.

GRAB June 4-June 13
Stately, even handsome in his youth, he loses his former charm over time. As a true esthete, Hornbeam treats the world around him with condescension. It is the form rather than the content that attracts his attention. He is ambitious, dreams of awards and honors, yearns for admiration from others. However, he likes to live in accordance with the established order of things, he rarely takes initiative, and is wary of new ideas.

Men. How great is their desire for discipline! They love to obey: the existing order of things, established norms, the authorities, and finally. However, they require "insignia".

Women. They don't like to back down accepted standards and rules and are rather reserved about all sorts of innovations. In love, people take more care of themselves.

Love and marriage. In love, Hornbeam is distinguished by decency, he can be pleasant and sweet, but he can treat feelings rationally: if life offers him a choice between love and duty, he, as a rule, chooses the second.

FIG June 14-June 23
Figs are not always beautiful, but they have expressive features. He is impressionable, often suffers from an inferiority complex, does not feel good everywhere, does not tolerate difficulties well and needs a comfortable and warm living space. He needs stability, despite the fact that he himself is in many ways fickle. Distinctive features Fig's character is emotional and condescending.

Men. Active and enterprising realists, they are constantly busy with work, although by nature they are very lazy. They are impulsive and full of good intentions, but are constantly forced to struggle with their own weaknesses.

Women. Being attached to family and relatives, they need constant communication with them. Affectionate and emotional, they give to others good mood and a shining smile.

Love and marriage. Simple feelings Figs value more than romantic fantasies; they need to be understood and accepted for who they are. He is very vulnerable, so you need to be gentle and attentive with Figs.


Sunny orange

Pale yellow






LUCKY NUMBERS: 3, 5, 12, 18.