Properties and qualities of the frequency 432 hertz. Creative association for everyone

The world is one and complete, and each part of it is a fragmentary reflection of everything common in the small. The frequency of 432 Hz is an alternative tuning that is in accordance with the harmonics of the Universe.
432 Hz based music has beneficial healing energy because it is the pure tone of nature's mathematical foundation.

The archaic Egyptian instruments that have been discovered so far have mostly been tuned to 432 Hz. In Ancient Greece musical instruments were predominantly tuned to 432 Hz. In the archaic Greek mysteries, Orpheus was the god of music, death and rebirth, as well as the guardian of Ambrosia and the music of transformation (his instruments were tuned to 432 Hz). And this is no coincidence; the ancients knew more about the unity of the Universe than their contemporaries.

The current 440Hz based music tuning is not in harmony with us on any level and does not match cosmic movement, rhythm or natural vibration.

Who did this and why will become clear if we take into account the following.

When did the 440 hertz system appear? Why and who needed to establish mental control over the masses through this frequency?

The first attempt to massively change the waves occurred in 1884, but through the efforts of G. Verdi they retained the previous system, after which the setting “A” = 432 hertz began to be called the “Verdi system”. Later, J.C. Digen, serving in the US Navy and a student of the physicist Hermann Helmholtz, in 1910 convinced the American Federation of Musicians at its annual meeting to adopt A=440hz as the standard universal tuning for orchestras and musical groups. He was a professional in the field of astronomy, geology, chemistry, and studied many branches of physics, especially the theory of light and sound. His opinion was fundamental in the study of musical acoustics. J.C. Digen designed the 440 hertz military chime, which was used for propaganda news during World War II.

Also, shortly before World War II, in 1936, the minister of the Nazi movement and secret leader in the control of the masses, P. J. Goebbels, revised the standard to 440 hertz. The frequency that has the strongest effect on the human brain and can be used to control large numbers of people and promote Nazism. This was explained by the fact that if the human body is deprived of its natural tuning and the natural tone is raised a little higher, the brain will regularly receive irritation. In addition, people will stop developing, many mental disorders, the person will begin to close in on himself, and it will become much easier to lead him. This was the main reason why the Nazis adopted the new frequency of the note "A".

Around 1940, US authorities introduced the 440 Hz setting worldwide, and it finally became an ISO 16 standard in 1953. The replacement of the 432 Hz frequency with 440 Hz is explained by the Cult of Musical Control: the Rockefeller Foundation's war on mind control by replacing and superimposing the 440 Hz frequency instead standard setting.

440 Hz is an unnatural tuning standard, and music at 440 Hz conflicts with human energy centers. Music industry uses the introduction of this frequency to influence the population to achieve more aggression, psycho-social agitation and emotional distress, leading people to physical illness. Such music can also generate unhealthy effects or antisocial behavior, discord in a person's mind.

The science of Cymatics (the study of visualizing sound and vibration) proves that frequency and vibration are the master keys and organizational basis to create all matter and life on this planet. When sound waves move on a physical medium (sand, air, water, etc.) the frequency of the waves has a direct bearing on the formation of the structures that are created sound waves, when they pass through a certain medium, such as, for example, human body, which consists of more than 70% water!

Special operation to change the classical frequency 432 to 440

What do we know about the note “A” 432 hertz? I think not so much, because since “ International Organization according to Standardization (ISO)" adopted the "A" tuning of 440 hertz as the main one - concert, 58 years have passed. Nobody plays the 432 hertz scale anymore. Musicians performing works of the Baroque era prefer “A” - 415 hertz, which was most often used before the era of classicism. Modern musicians often use 440-442 hertz, and sometimes higher, as the most familiar and convenient tuning. But for a long period musical history It was the note “A” with a frequency of 432 hertz that was used.

Even after the adoption of the standard, in 1953, 23 thousand musicians from France held a referendum in support of the “Verdi” tuning of 432 hertz, but were politely ignored.

Where did “A” 440 hertz come from, and why did it replace the similar note 432 hertz that had existed for so long?

System 432 existed back in ancient Greece, starting from Plato, Hippocrates, Aristotle, Pythagoras and other great thinkers and philosophers of antiquity, who, as is known, possessed invaluable knowledge about the healing effects of music on humans and cured many people precisely with the power of music!
What note does the classical scale begin with? From the note “C”, right!? So, the note “C” in this scale will be equal to 512 hertz, an octave lower than 256 hertz, even lower - 128-64-32-16-8-4-2-1. Those. the lowest note will be equal to one vibration per second, accordingly this is the first note of the scale!

Greatest violin maker of all times - Antonio Stradivari (the secret of whose mastery of creating instruments has not yet been revealed), created his masterpieces precisely in the tuning of 432 hertz!

The sound of 432 is much calmer, warmer and closer. You feel it with all your heart.

Plato's code or why it is impossible to hide the secrets of the divine frequency 432

Despite the control established by the GP since the time of Helmholtz and the Nazi Goebbels, by replacing the frequency of 432 with 440, musicians continue to play in an independent setting at a frequency of 432 Because there is a decrease in stretch along the strings. The drummer thus loosens the skin of the drum a little. It is easier for the keyboard player to tune in to control. Goebbels knew that the frequency 432 has perfect harmonic balance. This is the only frequency that evokes the Pythagorean musical spiral, which contains the famous and unsolved PLATO CODE. True, recently the American mathematician and science historian Jay Kennedy, who works at the University of Manchester in the UK, announced that he had hacked secret code, hidden in the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.

According to Kennedy, Plato shared the Pythagorean ideas about the music of the spheres - the inaudible musical harmony the universe - and built his works according to the laws of musical harmony.
“One of Plato’s most famous dialogues, The Republic, is divided into twelve parts, according to the number of sounds in the chromatic musical scale, which the ancient Greeks had ideas about. Moreover, at each junction there are phrases that in one way or another relate to music or sounds,” said the researcher.

What are the ancient solfeggio frequencies? These are the original sound frequencies used in ancient Gregorian chants, such as the great hymn of St. John the Baptist. Many of them, according to church authorities, were lost (and kept in the Vatican archives) many centuries ago.

These powerful frequencies were discovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo, as described in the book " Healing codes For biological apocalypse» Dr. Leonard Horowitz.

Here they are:
Up to – 396 Hz – Release from guilt and fear
Re - 417 Hz - Neutralizing situations and promoting change
Mi - 528 Hz - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
Fa - 639 Hz - Connection and Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
A - 852 Hz - Return to spiritual order »

Frequency 432 is obtained in an interesting way 700:PHI = 432.624
Or 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds = 864 | 000
864 / 2 = 432

Thus, the music around us not only distracts our consciousness, but also, bypassing it, is loaded directly into the subconscious, transforming the information hidden in it in such a way that people can be controlled.

Each adult remembers and knows one or two lullabies that his parents or other people sang to him in childhood. Even if not the whole text, even the very beginning of these songs, even if at least the melody, they remember. The same lullaby that begins with the words “Bay-bayushki-bayu, don’t lie on the edge...”.

These songs have penetrated so deeply into our essence that we can forget tens of thousands of events that have happened to us, but we remember lullabies.

Everything is explained by the fact that with lullabies, extremely important things for him are introduced into the consciousness and subconscious of the child. nervous system and self-awareness of feelings of universal love and tranquility. It is this basic urge that Russian lullabies carry, but not only, reports the Pravotnosheniya website.

It is well known and confirmed by history that the culture of the Russian people has very deep roots, long ahead of the Christianization of Rus'. The wisdom and knowledge of society was passed down from generation to generation not only in written form, but also in oral form. And along with knowledge and experience, additional information that is no longer entirely verbal is transmitted orally.

After their birth, the smallest people begin to receive information about the world around them and about themselves from mom, dad or close relatives: grandparents, brothers and sisters, etc.

One of the ways to convey information to the baby is folk songs, including lullabies, which resonate with the child’s body and have a beneficial effect on it.

Scientists have discovered an amazing phenomenon. They found that the very first cry of a newborn baby, regardless of his race, nationality and social status of its parents occurs at a frequency of 432 Hz with a difference of 3%, that is, 432 vibrations per second (this is how the note “A” of the first octave sounded before it was transferred to the new standard of 440 Hz, but more on that a little later). Further research showed that this phenomenon has its own explanation.

You just need to call on the knowledge of some physical processes to help. First, you need to understand which wave frequencies are closest and most favorable in terms of their effect on the human body.

There is such a thing as resonant isomorphism. Its essence is as follows: if a body corresponds to half the wavelength, then it is a half-wave vibrator: it both absorbs and emits it. If it’s a quarter wavelength, then a quarter wavelength only emits.

It does not require proof that all tuning forks absorb and emit one note - “A”, since everything is explained by the length of the sound wave. The wavelength is calculated by the formula: the speed of its movement is divided by the frequency. Since the speed of sound in air is 343 m/sec, dividing by the frequency of 432 Hz we obtain the wavelength of the sound “A”: 343/432 Hz = 0.79398 m.

Then the fun begins. A half-wave vibrator, in relation to it, should be approximately 78 cm in size. Approximately exactly this is average length the spine of an adult, and therefore a person is a tuning fork for himself, those around him and simply by himself. Moreover, his chest, again according to average statistical data, is equal to half the length of this wave, and the distance between the ears is a quarter! In a word, a person, without going into anatomical details, simply has three parameters in plain sight that confirm that he, like a vibrator, is tuned to the note “A”.

Accordingly, from the very first cry of a newborn, this sound remains fundamental for the rest of its life. As a person grows, the length of the spine increases, but by the end of its formation at approximately 21 years of age, the vocal range has also been established, expanding to two octaves (4/1).

Resonance of oscillatory systems is a long-studied process. If one sounding tuning fork at a frequency of 432 hertz is brought closer to a second one that is not sounding, then the second one will begin to produce sounds at the same frequency. The same applies to biological objects.

When an adult sings folk songs to a child, a mutual resonance of organisms occurs, that is, the transfer of mood, meaning of songs and other information contained in words and expressions. Everything comes from the fact that sounds are generated by our body, in a global sense by the body of the Russian people, and are intended to connect the child’s consciousness and subconscious to the big Russian world.

Almost the same thing happens with other nations and nationalities that have not yet forgotten their roots. However, it is very difficult for a mother of one nationality to convey the transmitted information to a child of another nationality. And this is objective.

It all comes from the fact that in Pushkin’s fairy tales, in his words and expressions, there are such complex sound vibrations, the effect of which is beneficial on the body not only of a child, but also of an adult, but has not yet been fully studied.

This result did not arise on its own. His nanny, Arina Rodionovna, had a huge influence on the formation of the future poet’s worldview. Being a bearer of Russian folklore, she told little Sasha endlessly great amount ancient Russian fairy tales, legends, tales, songs, proverbs and sayings. The impact on the young poet of this richest world gave its result. Pushkin became a kind of successor of Russian cultural, language, linguistic, literary and musical traditions. In principle, it could not have been any other way.

Fighting the wavelength of the note “A” and changing the generally accepted frequency from 432 Hz to 440 Hz

Only professional musicians know that almost 58 years ago the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) changed the tuning of A from 432 Hz to 440 Hz, establishing it as the main or concert standard. Today, no one plays 432 Hz anymore. Those who play works from the Baroque era consider the best “A” to be 415 Hz, which was previously used before the time of classicism.

Modern musicians often use 440-442 Hz, and sometimes higher, as the most familiar and convenient tuning. But long time V musical life The note “A” was used with a frequency of 432 Hz, explains Indigo.

After the standard was changed in 1953, French musicians protested against the change and even held a referendum, casting almost 23,000 votes in support of the “Verdi” 432 Hz system, but who would listen to them.

The question arises: why and for what purpose were the frequencies of the note “A” globally changed from 432 Hz to 440 Hz?

Let's start with the fact that one of the grandmasters - violin maker of all times, Antonio Stradivari, created his violins in the 432 Hz tuning. This was considered the standard of musical excellence for many centuries to come. Until the moment when the need and opportunity arose to control the inhabitants of the planet through changing the sound frequency.

The very first attempt to change the waves was made in 1884, but thanks to G. Verdi it was repulsed. It was after this that the “A” tuning in the 432 Hz range began to be called the “Verdi tuning”.

Through the efforts of J.C. Digen in 1910, the US Federation of Musicians changed the note "A" from 432 Hz to 440 Hz, as the standard for orchestras and bands.

Already in 1936, the German Minister of Propaganda Goebbels took advantage of this and also changed the standard, adopting the same 440 Hz. As it turned out, the frequency of 440 Hz has the most powerful effect on the human brain and can be used to control a large number of people. Propaganda programs at this frequency are introduced into people's consciousness with maximum effect at minimum cost.

Experts explained it this way. The sound of 432 Hz is much calmer, warmer and closer to humans. You feel it with all your heart.

But, if you deprive the human body of its natural tuning and raise the natural tone a little higher, then the brain will regularly receive irritation. In addition, people will stop developing, many mental disorders will appear, a person will begin to withdraw into himself, and it will become much easier for him to lead and manage.

This was the main reason why the Nazis adopted the new frequency of the note "A".

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The world is one and complete, and each part of it is a fragmentary reflection of everything common in the small.

The frequency of 432 Hz is an alternative setting that is in accordance with the harmonics of the Universe.

432 Hz based music has beneficial healing energy because it is the pure tone of nature's mathematical foundation.

The archaic Egyptian instruments that have been discovered so far have mostly been tuned to 432 Hz.

In Ancient Greece, musical instruments were predominantly tuned to 432 Hz. In the archaic Greek mysteries, Orpheus was the god of music, death and rebirth, as well as the guardian of Ambrosia and the music of transformation (his instruments were tuned to 432 Hz). And this is no coincidence; the ancients knew more about the unity of the Universe than their contemporaries.

The current 440Hz based music tuning is not harmonious on any level and does not match the cosmic movement, rhythm or natural vibration.

When did the frequency change from 432 Hz to 440 Hz occur?

The first attempt to massively change the waves occurred in 1884, but through the efforts of G. Verdi they retained the previous system, after which the setting “A” = 432 Hz began to be called “Verdi scale”.

Later, J.C. Digen, serving in the US Navy and a student of physicist Herman Helmholtz, convinced the American Federation of Musicians at its annual meeting in 1910 to adopt A=440 Hz as the standard universal tuning for orchestras and bands. He was a professional in the field of astronomy, geology, chemistry, and studied many branches of physics, especially the theory of light and sound. His opinion was fundamental in the study of musical acoustics. J.C. Digen designed the 440 Hz military chime, which was used for propaganda news during World War II.

Also, shortly before World War II, in 1936, the minister of the Nazi movement and the secret leader in controlling the masses, P. J. Goebbels, revised the standard to 440 Hz - the frequency that has the strongest effect on the human brain and can be used to control large numbers of people. people and Nazi propaganda. This was explained by the fact that if the human body is deprived of its natural tuning and the natural tone is raised a little higher, the brain will regularly receive irritation. In addition, people will stop developing, many mental abnormalities will appear, a person will begin to withdraw into himself, and it will become much easier for him to lead. This was the main reason why the Nazis adopted the new frequency of the note "A".

Around 1940 US authorities introduced a 440 Hz setting worldwide, and it finally became an ISO 16 standard in 1953. The change from 432 Hz to 440 Hz is due to the Rockefeller Foundation's war on mind control by replacing and superimposing the 440 Hz frequency instead of the standard tuning.

440 Hz is an unnatural tuning standard, and music at 440 Hz conflicts with . The music industry uses the introduction of this frequency to influence the population to create more aggression, psycho-social agitation and emotional distress leading to physical illness. Such music can also generate unhealthy effects or antisocial behavior, discord in a person's mind.

The science of cymatics (the study of the visualization of sound and vibration) proves that frequency and vibration are the master keys and organizing basis for the creation of all matter and life on this planet. When sound waves travel through a physical medium (sand, air, water, etc.), the frequency of the waves has a direct bearing on the formation of structures that are created by the sound waves as they pass through a specific medium, such as the human body, which consists of more than 70% water!

The frequency comparison can be seen in the picture.

Special operation to change the classical music frequency 432 to 440

What do we know about the note “A” 432 Hz? I think not so much, because 58 years have passed since the “International Organization for Standardization (ISO)” adopted the “A” tuning of 440 Hz as the main one for concerts.

Nobody plays at 432 Hz anymore.

Musicians performing works from the Baroque era prefer “A” - 415 Hz, which was most often used before the Classical era. Modern musicians often use 440-442 Hz, and sometimes higher, as the most familiar and convenient tuning. But for a long period in musical history, it was the note “A” with a frequency of 432 Hz that was used.

Even after the adoption of the standard, in 1953, 23 thousand musicians from France held a referendum in support of the “Verdi” 432 Hertz tuning, but were politely ignored. Where did “A” 440 Hz come from, and why did it replace the similar note 432 Hz that had existed for so long?

System 432 existed in Ancient Greece, starting from Plato, Hippocrates, Aristotle, Pythagoras and other great thinkers and philosophers of antiquity, who, as we know, possessed invaluable knowledge about the healing effects of music on humans and cured many people precisely with the power of music!

What note does the classical scale begin with? From the note “C”, isn’t it!? So, the note “C” in this scale will be equal to 512 Hz, an octave lower than 256 Hz, even lower - 128-64-32-16-8-4-2-1. Those. the lowest note will be equal to one vibration per second, accordingly, this is the first note of the scale!

The greatest violin maker of all time, Antonio Stradivari (the secret of his mastery of creating instruments has not yet been revealed), created his masterpieces precisely in the 432 Hz setting! The sound of 432 is much calmer, warmer and closer. You feel it with all your heart.

Prohibited frequency 432 Hz

Despite the control imposed by the Illuminati since the time of Helmholtz and the Nazi Goebbels regarding the replacement of the frequency 432 with 440, musicians continue to play in an independent setting at the frequency 432. Because there is a decrease in stretch along the strings, the drummer thus weakens the drum skin a little, the keyboard player It’s easier to tune in to control.

Goebbels knew that frequency 432 had perfect harmonic balance. This is the only frequency that evokes the Pythagorean musical spiral containing the famous and unsolved PLATO CODE.

True, recently the American mathematician and science historian Jay Kennedy, who works at the University of Manchester in the UK, announced that he had cracked a secret code hidden in the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. According to Kennedy, Plato shared the Pythagorean ideas about the music of the spheres - the inaudible musical harmony of the universe - and built his works according to the laws of musical harmony.

« One of Plato’s most famous dialogues, “The Republic,” is divided into twelve parts, according to the number of sounds in the chromatic musical scale, which the ancient Greeks had ideas about. Moreover, at each junction there are phrases that in one way or another relate to music or sounds", stated the researcher.

What are the ancient solfeggio frequencies? These are the original sound frequencies used in ancient Gregorian chants, such as the great hymn of St. John the Baptist. Many of them, according to church authorities, were lost centuries ago.

These powerful frequencies were discovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo. This is described in the book “Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse” by Dr. Leonard Horowitz.

  • Up to - 396 Hz - Release from guilt and fear
  • Re - 417 Hz - Neutralizing situations and promoting change
  • Mi - 528 Hz - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
  • Fa - 639 Hz - Connection and Relationships
  • Salt - 741 Hz - Awakening Intuition
  • A - 852 Hz - Return to spiritual order.

Frequency 432 turns out in an interesting way 700: PHI = 432.624 Or so 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds = 864 | 000 864 / 2 = 432

The music around us not only distracts our consciousness, but also, bypassing it, is loaded directly into the subconscious, transforming the information hidden in it in such a way that people can be controlled.

Ecology of life. Cognitive: The world is one and complete, and each part of it is a fragmentary reflection of everything common in a small...

The world is one and complete, and each part of it is a fragmentary reflection of everything common in the small.

The frequency of 432 Hz is an alternative tuning that is in accordance with the harmonics of the Universe.

432 Hz based music has beneficial healing energy because it is the pure tone of nature's mathematical foundation.

Archaic Egyptian instruments, which have been discovered so far have mostly been tuned to 432 Hz.

Musical instruments in ancient Greece were predominantly tuned to 432 Hz. In the archaic Greek mysteries, Orpheus was the god of music, death and rebirth, as well as the guardian of Ambrosia and the music of transformation (his instruments were tuned to 432 Hz). And this is no coincidence; the ancients knew more about the unity of the Universe than their contemporaries.

The current 440Hz based music tuning is not in harmony with us on any level and does not match cosmic movement, rhythm or natural vibration.

Who did this and why will become clear if we take into account the following.

When did the 440 hertz system appear? Why and who needed to establish mental control over the masses through this frequency?

The first attempt to massively change the waves occurred in 1884, but through the efforts of G. Verdi, they preserved the previous system, after which the setting “A” = 432 hertz began to be called the “Verdi system”.

Later, J.C. Digen, serving in the US Navy and a student of the physicist Herman Helmholtz, convinced the American Federation of Musicians at its annual meeting in 1910 to adopt A=440hz as the standard universal tuning for orchestras and bands. He was a professional in the field of astronomy, geology, chemistry, and studied many branches of physics, especially the theory of light and sound. His opinion was fundamental in the study of musical acoustics. J.C. Digen designed the 440 hertz military chime, which was used for propaganda news during World War II.

Also, shortly before World War II, in 1936, the minister of the Nazi movement and secret leader in the control of the masses, P. J. Goebbels, revised the standard for 440 hertz. The frequency that has the strongest effect on the human brain and can be used to control large numbers of people and promote Nazism. This was explained by the fact that if the human body is deprived of its natural tuning and the natural tone is raised a little higher, the brain will regularly receive irritation.

In addition, people will stop developing, many mental abnormalities will appear, a person will begin to withdraw into himself, and it will become much easier for him to lead. This was the main reason why the Nazis adopted the new frequency of the note "A".

Around 1940, US authorities introduced the 440 Hz setting worldwide, and it finally became an ISO 16 standard in 1953. The change from 432 Hz to 440 Hz is attributed to the Cult of Musical Control: the Rockefeller Foundation's war on mind control by replacing and superimposing the 440 Hz frequency instead of the standard tuning.

The science of Cymatics (the study of the visualization of sound and vibration) proves that frequency and vibration are the master keys and organizing basis for the creation of all matter and life on this planet. When sound waves move on a physical medium (sand, air, water, etc.) the frequency of the waves has a direct bearing on the formation of structures that are created by the sound waves as they pass through a specific medium, such as the human body, which consists of more than 70% water!

The frequency comparison can be seen in the picture.

Special operation to change the classical frequency 432 to 440

What do we know about the note "A" 432 hertz?I think not so much, because 58 years have passed since the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) adopted the “A” tuning of 440 hertz as the main one for concerts. Nobody plays the 432 hertz scale anymore.

Musicians performing works from the Baroque era prefer “A” - 415 hertz, which was most often used before the classic era. Modern musicians often use 440-442 hertz, and sometimes higher, as the most familiar and convenient tuning.

But for a long period in musical history, it was the note “A” with a frequency of 432 hertz that was used.

Even after the adoption of the standard, in 1953, 23 thousand musicians from France held a referendum in support of the "Verdi" tuning of 432 hertz, but were politely ignored.

Where did “A” 440 hertz come from, and why did it replace the similar note 432 hertz that had existed for so long?

System 432 existed in ancient Greece, starting from Plato, Hippocrates, Aristotle, Pythagoras and other great thinkers and philosophers of antiquity, who, as is known, possessed invaluable knowledge about the healing effects of music on humans and cured many people precisely with the power of music!

What note does the classical scale begin with? From the note "C", isn't it!? So, the note “do” in this scale will be equal to 512 hertz, an octave lower than 256 hertz, even lower - 128-64-32-16-8-4-2-1. Those. the lowest note will be equal to one vibration per second, accordingly this is the first note of the scale!

The greatest violin maker of all time, Antonio Stradivari (the secret of his mastery of creating instruments has not yet been revealed), created his masterpieces precisely in tuning 432 hertz!

The sound of 432 is much calmer, warmer and closer. You feel it with all your heart.

Plato's code or why it is impossible to hide the secrets of the divine frequency 432

Despite the control established by the Illuminati since the time of Helmholtz and the Nazi Goebbels, replacing the frequency of 432 with 440, musicians continue to play in an independent setting at the frequency of 432. Because there is a decrease in the stretch along the strings, the drummer thus loosens the drum skin a little, it is easier for the keyboard player to tune in to control .

Goebbels knew that frequency 432 had perfect harmonic balance. This is the only frequency that evokes the Pythagorean musical spiral, which contains the famous and unsolved PLATO CODE.

True, recently the American mathematician and science historian Jay Kennedy, who works at the University of Manchester in the UK, announced that he had cracked a secret code hidden in the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. According to Kennedy, Plato shared the Pythagorean ideas about the music of the spheres - the inaudible musical harmony of the universe - and built his works according to the laws of musical harmony.

“One of the most famous Platonic dialogues, the Republic, is divided into twelve parts, according to the number of sounds in the chromatic musical scale, the ideas of which were among the ancient Greeks. Moreover, at each junction there are phrases that in one way or another relate to music or sounds,”- stated the researcher.

What are the ancient solfeggio frequencies? These are the original sound frequencies used in ancient Gregorian chants, such as the great hymn of St. John the Baptist. Many of them, according to church authorities, were lost centuries ago.

These powerful frequencies were discovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo. This is described in the book "Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse" by Dr. Leonard Horowitz.

Here they are:

  • Before- 396 Hz - Release from guilt and fear
  • Re- 417 Hz - Neutralizing situations and promoting change
  • Mi- 528 Hz - Transformation and miracles (DNA repair)
  • F- 639 Hz - Connection and Relationships
  • SOL- 741 Hz - Awakening Intuition
  • La- 852 Hz - Return to spiritual order"

Frequency 432 is obtained in an interesting way 700: PHI = 432.624
Or 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds = 864 | 000
864 / 2 = 432

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A small comparison of 432hz and 440hz using the example of Andantino de Mozart: