An instrument whose ancestor was a hunting horn. Brass musical instrument

German Waldhorn - forest horn. That's how literal translation the name of this instrument. The ancestor of the horn was hunting horn, which was blown when it was necessary to give a signal during a hunt or some special event, to announce the gathering of troops. In order for the sound to be heard over a long distance, they began to lengthen the horn, and to make it more convenient to play, they adapted to “twist” it. A second and a third were added to one turn. This is how the French horn came into being. In 1664 French composer Jean Baptiste Lully first introduced the horn into the opera orchestra, and then it entered the symphony orchestra.

The horn belongs to the group of brass instruments. She plays in the orchestra very important role. Its sound is soft and noble. The horn can convey both sad and solemn moods well, and it can also sound mocking and sarcastic. Its range is very wide: from B counter octave to F second octave.

Horn - orchestral instrument, although there is also special, solo literature for it. IN orchestral works French horns are often given important solo roles. Listen to the melodious, soulful melody that sounds at the beginning of the second movement of Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony. The horns open Schubert's Symphony in C major. In the Manfred symphony, Tchaikovsky entrusted the four horns playing ffff to carry out the main theme song characterizing the hero of the symphony. And in the “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from “The Nutcracker,” the horn quartet sounds soft and melodious. Soviet composer R. M. Glier wrote a concerto for horn and orchestra, the first performer of which was the wonderful horn player V. Polech. However, most often horns (there are usually four of them in an orchestra) perform accompanying parts in orchestral works.

L. V. Mikheeva

The timbre of this instrument is usually recognizable by its combination of strength and softness, with special emotional poignancy. The very sound of the word “horn” seems to vibrate in a large space. And not by chance. Its second half (horn, corno means hunting horn. The first comes from the German word Wald - forest. Horn, horn - ancient instrument. Gradually improved, in the middle of the 17th century it became part of the French court orchestra. Long and hard way done by the masters different eras And different countries, so that it becomes possible to extract wonderful sounds from this long tube rolled into a circle with a very wide bell. The horn is an indispensable participant in wind and symphony orchestras. The sounds of the horns give the chords density and power. The solo horn adorns scores with its unsurpassed melodiousness.

M. G. Rytsareva

German Waldhorn - forest horn. This is the literal translation of the name of this instrument. The ancestor of the horn was the hunting horn, which was blown when it was necessary to give a signal during a hunt or some special event, to announce the gathering of troops. In order for the sound to be heard over a long distance, they began to lengthen the horn, and to make it more convenient to play, they adapted to “twist” it. A second and a third were added to one turn. This is how the French horn came into being. In 1664, the French composer Jean Baptiste Lully first introduced the horn into the opera orchestra, and then it entered the symphony orchestra. The horn belongs to the group of brass instruments. She plays a very important role in the orchestra. Its sound is soft and noble. The horn can convey both sad and solemn moods well, and it can also sound mocking and sarcastic. Its range is very wide: from B counter octave to F second octave. The horn is an orchestral instrument, although there is also special, solo literature for it. In orchestral works, horns are often assigned important solo episodes. Listen to the melodious, soulful melody that sounds at the beginning of the second movement of Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony. The horns open Schubert's Symphony in C major. In the “Man-Fred” symphony, Tchaikovsky entrusted the four horns playing ffff with the main musical theme that characterizes the hero of the symphony. And in the “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from “The Nutcracker,” the horn quartet sounds soft and melodious. The Soviet composer R. M. Glier wrote a concerto for horn and orchestra, the first performer of which was the wonderful horn player V. Polech. However, most often horns (there are usually four of them in an orchestra) perform accompanying parts in orchestral works.

  • - German Waldhorn - forest horn. This is the literal translation of the name of this instrument...

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  • - brass musical instrument. Appeared at the end of the 17th century. as a result of the improvement of the rough-sounding copper hunting horn...

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  • - or horn - a musical brass instrument whose conical tube is bent. The horn is of very ancient origin...

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  • - Borrowing. in the Petrine era from Polish. language, in which waltorna is German. Waldhorn, spelled Wald "forest" and Horn "horn". The original meaning is “hunting horn”. Wed. horn...