How to make a simple slot machine in Minecraft. How to make a slot machine in Minecraft

We create slot machines in Minecraft without mods

The FRIAZART virtual casino, which is rapidly gaining popularity, is so beloved by some Minecraft fans that they even created several special modifications that allow them to add FRIAZART slot machines to the game. However, not every player will want to install modifications, so we will look at ways to create slot machines in Minecraft without mods. Those who have not yet had time to familiarize themselves with FRIAZART should visit the page in order to better understand what will be discussed in the article.

Before you start assembling a slot machine, you should first stock up on resources. In particular, iron ingots and redstone. It is worth noting that ingots and redstone are not all that is needed to assemble slot machines in Minecraft without mods, but these are the resources you will need the most.

When resources have been collected, you should begin to develop the concept of the future slot machine. If we're talking about about the classic “one-armed bandit”, it is best to use several comparators that react to a particular item randomly falling into the dispenser. The point is this: several items are placed in a special chest, each of which has its own “significance” - like the pictures on the wheel of a slot machine. When the mechanism is activated, items randomly fall from the chest into the dispenser (the greater the number of the same item, the greater the chance of it ending up in the dispenser).

Next, it is necessary to implement a mechanism for comparing the “significance” of items on different dispensers (dispenser in in this case acts as a track on a slot machine). Implementation mechanisms can be very different: redstone repeaters, comporator circuits, sticky blocks - any of these mechanisms are suitable for implementing the intended logical circuit. The main thing is to maintain the following principle: the more identical items that fall in one line, and the higher their “significance”, the greater the winnings.

To make things more interesting, it makes sense to add one unique item to each chest in front of each dispenser. So, if the above-described items appear on all lines in the game, an imitation of winning the jackpot will occur. It is also necessary to consider the mechanism for issuing winnings. One of the simplest ways is to issue the item directly to the player’s inventory through the same distributor. Although, you can place items in a chest to make it easier to sort them later.

Cosmetic improvements

Assembling the mechanism itself is by and large not difficult. It's much more difficult to make it realistic. To preserve the ambience, we recommend that the player not be lazy and create blinking “garlands” of redstone that extend onto sticky pistons glowing blocks and any other " lighting effects“—after all, slot machines have always been famous for their illumination. It would also be advisable to put diamonds, diamonds, gold bars or nuggets, aquamarine stones and other rare minerals from the Minecraft universe into the winning chest. As a jackpot, you can place, for example, a diamond sword, a compass, chipped pants or any other “rarity”.

For those who find the above-described scheme for creating a slot machine in Minecraft without mods too complicated, it is recommended to try the scheme shown as an alternative. In the video, which can be found on YouTube.

Those who found laughing with the video too difficult should still think about installing the appropriate modification that allows you to add a casino to Minecraft.

Today we will talk about how to make a machine gun in Minecraft. Classic weapons quickly become boring. I want some new impressions. The solution that we will now describe will allow you to reach a new level and diversify the usual gameplay.


Let's start with the fact that today you can find and install a special mod for slot machines in Minecraft without much effort. But this path seemed too simple to us, so we decided to do without additions. We will always need ammunition for our firearms. In Minecraft 1.5, as well as newer versions, you can shoot any of the specified items. These are arrows, potions, To solve the problem of how to make a machine gun in Minecraft, we will need: 3 dispensers, 2 repeaters, earth, 5 torches, red dust, stone.


We start making a machine gun by creating a certain engine mechanism, it is needed to launch various projectiles. It's easy to make such a detail. We combine repeaters in a closed circuit. We use the torch to activate the engine. We place six stone blocks next to each other. We install 3 distributors on them. We place the distributors at intervals of one block (stone).

To solve the issue of how to make a machine gun in Minecraft, we place torches on the free sections after construction is completed. We equip the dispensers with a whole set of cartridges. We select them from the list given above.

At the next stage, we combine the already built distributors and the engine. Red dust will help do this. On one side we make a break in the mechanism for its connection. After this, we repeat the activation of the engine using a torch, create contact with the selected distributor through the fracture site, using dust. Once the lighting elements are installed in the stone blocks between the dispensers, real machine gun fire can be observed.

Among the undoubted advantages of this weapon, we highlight the power and force of impact. In addition, defense against enemy ranged attacks is available. Thanks to this, we will be able to defend the territory in the early stages gameplay. Among weaknesses let's mention the non-transportability of the machine gun and the lack of a sight.


You should also pay attention to another important issue in Minecraft: how to make slot machine. Penny Arcade Mod opens up such an opportunity for us. So, we can create 2 In the first option, with accompanying luck, we can win a diamond or coins. Now about the rates. This is represented by gold coins, which we can create from the corresponding nuggets (2 initial elements are required). Such a machine is very expensive to manufacture, since we need glass, an emerald and seven iron ingots.

The second version of the device gives other “prizes”, and it is even more demanding of materials. The bets and prizes here are coins, but if you are very lucky, you can get an emerald. Now you know how to make a slot machine in Minecraft, as well as how to add casino elements to the game.

We welcome crafters of all stripes, and especially those to whom Chance is a comrade, a comrade, and a brother. In this article we will discuss how to make a slot machine in Minecraft. At one time (and not at all by chance, but by the will of the developers), the game became able to win items. Of course, it’s always more useful to do everything yourself. But if you approach everything with a clear head, avoiding stupid excitement, a dose of uncertainty will bring several new colors to the process.

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There are three types of slot machines in Minecraft. But any of them is, if you look at it, a redstone circuit. A little more about two of them.

Slot machine

This is perhaps the most the best option. What made it successful were several types of prizes, more than one combination, and built-in protection against “cheating.” The slot machine is great for use on large servers as it is one hundred percent automatic. Winning combinations, of course, can be different. In this version the combinations are:

“-”,”+”,”+” – iron fell out

“+”,”+”,”-” – iron fell out again

“+”,”-”,”+” – won gold

“+”,”+”,”+” – jackpot: iron, gold and diamond

We have already said a few words about the advantages of the system, but what are the disadvantages? The negative sides are:

  1. This is a resource-intensive option
  2. A slot machine is difficult to build and difficult to understand how it works
  3. Some system glitches

Simple option

This version is based on the Dispenser's ability to "spit out" items with an unspecified force. However, this machine has a serious drawback - each launch is accompanied by a five-minute wait for the item to disappear. There are only two winning combinations: “Jackpot!” and its opposite, “Unlucky.” The advantages, in addition to simplicity, include low resource consumption. But the fact that this system is impractical and has too few combinations is clearly not a plus.

There is another option in Minecraft. It works on the principle of a dragon egg. It’s not that interesting, so it’s not about eggs here, and probably not now.

Allowing players to win various items.

Slot machine type

The most successful and convenient version of the slot machine. It has several combinations, several types of prizes, and is protected from cheating. This version The slot machine can be used on large servers because it is almost completely automatic, except that the prizes in the distributors run out from time to time.

Principle of operation

Externally the slot machine of this type comprises four parts: slots, start buttons, betting systems and prize dispensers.
To start the slot machine, we need to make sure that there are no objects in the slots, place a red torch on the “place for bets” (the Red torch is the bet that we spend to start the machine), press the button to start the machine. Our bet falls and burns in lava (Or it can fall into a special room for subsequent collection of bets by the owner of the machine). Next, either an object randomly falls out of the slot dispensers or an arrow shoots. If an item falls out of the dispenser, it falls on wooden pressure plate. If an arrow is fired from the dispenser, it hits the block and gets stuck in it (the pressure plate is not clamped). To receive a win, you need a certain combination of items dropped into the slots. When a certain combination falls out of the prize dispensers, certain prizes fall out (Depends on the dropped combination). To restart the machine, you need to pick up all the items from the slots (Picked up through the glass of the slot). If you do not pick up items from the slots, the machine will not start. If you do not place a bet, the machine will also not start. Tip #1. If the number of arrows is small, you can replace them with snowballs, but you need to keep in mind that they stack 16 at a time. Tip No. 2. You can use earth or cobblestones as an item.

Winning combinations

Depending on the number of slots, winning combinations may be different. IN this option The slot machine uses three slots and four winning combinations.
This slot machine uses the following combinations ("+" - the item fell out, "-" - the item did not fall out):

  • “+”,”+”,”+” - diamond, gold, iron.
  • "+", "-", "+" - gold.
  • "+", "+", "-" - iron.
  • "-","+","+" - iron.

Pros of the system

  • The system is ideal for servers.
  • The system is as automatic as possible.
  • Due to the lack of randomness generated by redstone circuits, the server does not slow down at all.
  • The player must place a bet to start the machine.
  • Several winning combinations.
  • Protection against "cheating".

Cons of the system

  • Items from the slots are incentive winnings.
  • The difficulty of building and understanding the operating principle of a slot machine.
  • Resource intensity
  • Failures in the system leading to the torch being thrown out immediately after installation.

Simple slot machine

This option has a design flaw - after each launch you will have to wait 5 minutes until the object disappears.

The slot machine is based on the dispenser’s ability to throw out objects with random force.

Principle of operation

When you press the button on the front panel, the dispenser turns on once and with random force throws a random item onto one of three wooden pressure plates.

And here is the dispenser itself, enclosed in an obsidian box - protection from simple scooping

There are a lot of options for the execution of a slot machine, from the simplest in which you just need to poke a button or switch a lever and possibly get a prize, to complex designs that look like large computers, in which you need to place a bet in order to play. Let's look at the relatively simplest and most complex slot machine.

How to make a slot machine in minecraft first option

Of course, to build such a large-scale project, you must have a lot of resources, especially red dust and related elements. The simplest construction option, accordingly, requires much less resources and knowledge to translate into reality. In order to build anything at all, you must have at least basic knowledge of the work of red dust and the simplest mechanisms made on its basis, so first, thoroughly study the basics of how red dust works and experiment with simple mechanisms, and then begin assembling such complex ones as, for example , slot machine.

So, building a simple slot machine. To begin with, we put 4 blocks of stone in a line and place red torches on them, one block at a time, and then move red dust along the ground to a block in the distance, while also placing a red torch on it so that it lights up.

We hide the wiring with blocks as in the picture.

After that, we build a game room, install a dispenser and a button in it, and run wiring to the button from a block with a burning red torch.

We close both pistons and make a connection from them to the distributor. Moreover, the short circuit between the pistons should be carried out through red repeaters. We load prizes into the dispenser and press the button, with some probability a prize will fly out of the dispenser; to increase the chance of winning, you can exclude one of the four blocks with a red torch from the scheme. This is how the simplest slot machine is built; then we will look at a much more complex scheme.

Crafting a slot machine, complex version

It will work based on activation by getting an object into the container, that is, in other words, the player will make a certain bet and try his luck. The design will consist of a bet receiver, signal processing and issuing an arbitrary signal, and accordingly in the case winning combination from the prize distributor.

Externally, the slot machine consists of a dispenser with a button, five lamps and a dispenser for dispensing prizes. An item that you have configured as a bet is placed in the dispenser with a button, then the player presses the button, an arbitrary signal is generated for each lamp, and if all the lamps light up at once, the signal goes to the dispenser, which in turn gives out the prize you placed earlier.

First, let's look at the bet receiver. It consists of a button dispenser and behind it there are three funnels (hopper), the first of which is empty, but in the second you will have to fill all the slots with one piece of the item that will be the bet in your slot machine, for example five gold bars, and now to To activate the game you need to put nothing more than gold into the dispenser. The third hopper is empty and there is a chest under it, where all bets go.

Next to the middle hopper is a comparator, which is made from Nether Quartz, three red torches and three stone blocks. When a gold bar hits the hopper, the comparator calculates the difference in the signal and sends a signal to the red torch located at the top of the hopper. After the third hopper there is also a comparator that compares the signals, and after a gold bar hits the chest, a short signal is sent through the repeater to the mechanism random numbers.

The random number generator consists of five (according to the number of machine lights) ejectors and the same number of funnels located above it. There is a trolley and red dust in the ejector; when a signal is sent to the ejector, it accidentally throws out either red dust into the funnel, next to which the comparator is installed, and gives a weak signal that does not reach the red torch, which powers the machine's light bulb, and when the trolley is ejected, the signal gets to the red torch, which goes out and, accordingly, the light bulb lights up. Red repeaters without delay are additionally installed in front of the red torches responsible for igniting the lights of the slot machine. The winning line is located above the red torches that light the lights, and when all five red torches go out, and all five lights come on, a signal is transmitted along the top to the red torch above the prize ejector, the ejector is activated and the prize is given to the lucky player.

This more complex slot machine is created by adding trolleys, funnels and comparators to the design. To make such a slot machine you will need several times more resources, including such rare ones as Nether quartz. The chance for each light bulb to light up is 50%, that is, in half the cases, adding up all the chances, you get a rather low chance of winning, to increase it, remove one or two light bulbs from the entire circuit with the random number generators attached to them.