The tale of prince chlorine analysis. Literary activity of Catherine II

“Dream” Konstantin Batyushkov

Oh, sweet dream, daughter of the silent night,
Come down to me from the sky in the misty clouds
Or in the sweet image of a fearful wife,
With tears shining in fiery eyes!
You, into the poet's tender soul
Penetrating with a ray of light,
You burn like the fire of dawn and color its song,
The favorite of the pure sisters, your favorite,
And sorrow is sweet:
He dreams in sorrow.
Then suddenly he is carried to the Selma forests,
Where the wind rustles, the thunder roars,
Where is Oscar's shadow, clothed in fog,
It spreads across the sky above the foamy ocean;
Then with a cup of joy in hands
He sings a song with the bard - and the moon is in the clouds,
And Kromly the noisy forest silently listens,
And the echo in the distance repeats the song loudly.
Oh, sweet dream, you brighten a winter day,
You crown the sad winter with flowers,
You fly through the flowers like marshmallows
And between the light floes you reveal the shadow of the myrtles!

Goddess you, dream! Your gifts are priceless
The slaves themselves are in tears.
Hands are weighed down with chains,
Cast iron locks on doors
Decorated with a dream... What a consolation
Decorate the conclusion
Exchange the shackles for a chain of cheerful roses!..
Have you lost a friend, a source of eternal tears,
Go to the sad grove,
Sit on the mournful grave,
Think, sigh - and a friend of your soul,
Dressed in a robe as transparent as fog,
With a charming look, a slender figure,
Like a light nymph of the fields,
Will press you with trembling hearts,
He will press himself against your burning chest.
A hundred times we are happy with fleeting dreams!

Dreaming is the soul of poets and poems.
And the causticity is strong for centuries
Anacreon cannot hide his charms,
Love still burns in Safina’s dreams.
And you, Apollo's favorite,
Lying on flowers
In sweet oblivion, between nymphs and gentle graces,
Singer of rejoicing, Horace,
You dreamed sweetly in songs,
Dreamed amid feasts both noisy and cheerful
And he crowned gloomy death with flowers!
Will we find the truths naked
Sad stoics and firm sages
A lifetime of mortal sweetness?
Their joy is ethereal
Flies like a butterfly from thorn bushes.
For them there is no coolness even in the luxury of nature;
The maidens do not sing to them, they flock together in round dances;
For them, as for the blind,
Spring without charms and summer without flowers.
Alas, with youth, dreams will disappear,
The grace of kissing will disappear!
Like bright rays on dark clouds,
Fun on the wings
The days of youth are rushing:
Not long on flowers
They wallow in carelessness.
Sometimes in spring
Only a butterfly flies
Cupids gentle swarm
Doesn't kiss wrinkles.
Winged Dreams
They don't shower us with flowers,

Where dim experience lights a lamp.
Happy dream, live, live with me!
Neither light nor glory shine empty
Your gifts will not replace me.
Let fools value brilliance dearly,
Kissing the golden ashes at the marble porches!
But the singers' happiness
The destiny is a modest canopy, peace, freedom and tranquility.
Souls of poets property:
Walking the path of oblivion,
Finding bliss is a dream.
A little precious to their hearts:
Like a butterfly in love
Flies from grass to flower,
Considering a stream to be a sea,
So the poet considers his hut a palace
And happy!.. He dreams.

Analysis of Batyushkov’s poem “Dream”

The poem “Dream,” written by Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkov in 1806, is an example of the author’s masterful command of words and artistically. Under the poet’s hand, the Russian language becomes an obedient, pliable material that takes on the most expressive forms at the master’s request.

The poem “Dream” has several editions. The poet did not like the first version too much, so the work was changed. He crossed out some weak points, consulted with authoritative poet friends, for example, Zhukovsky, and by 1817 the poem took on a finished form. This version begins with the words: “Friend of the tender Muses, messenger of heaven...”

Already from this line the reader can grasp the romantic mood that permeates the entire work. You could even call it an ode to a dream, it’s so enthusiastic and inspired. In the poem, the poet uses many sublime images, epithets, metaphors, and draws various scenes to glorify the dream. This phenomenon occupies such a significant place in his life that the poet addresses her as a real being and calls her by name with a capital letter - Dream.

A dream, according to the poet, is an amazing phenomenon. With its help it is easy to travel to distant lands. The poet shows how, indulging in dreams, he overcomes distances:
Then suddenly he was transported to the Selma forests,
Where the wind rustles, the thunder roars...

In addition, both time and reality itself are subject to dreams. By calling on her, the author manages to go back to ancient times, sing with medieval bards, see the battle of heroes from the Scandinavian sagas and get with them to Valhalla. As if with his own eyes, the poet follows the life of Roman authors, discovering the presence of a Dream in it.

A dream helps to maintain presence of mind in Hard time. To illustrate this ability, Konstantin Nikolaevich paints a picture of imprisonment in a gloomy dungeon. However, when the hero is visited by a Dream, the prison ceases to be a scary place. The poet uses numerous pompous epithets to show how insignificant the worldly is before the spell of the Dream. He calls her “sweet,” “a good gift from heaven,” a goddess. It is capable of illuminating even a miserable hut, which is why the poet values ​​it above all other benefits and virtues.

The poetic skill of Konstantin Nikolaevich, demonstrated in this poem, can be compared with the delicate work of a sculptor or jeweler. To put words into elegant rhymes, the poet selects the most accurate from a variety of synonyms, changes the form of the word and uses archaic expressions. In the poem there are such expressions as “the song is sonorous”, “the wind is rustling”, “mysterious flight”, however, even changed, these words draw beautiful paintings in the reader's imagination.

Contemporaries believed that in the hands of Batyushkov the language became flexible and harmonious. This is clearly visible in the work “Dream”, in which magnificent images and elegant turns of phrase are intertwined.

Catherine the Great (her name at birth was Sophia Augusta Frederica) was born in the city of Stetin (Prussia), where her father, Christian Augustus, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbsky, Field Marshal General of the Prussian service, was the governor. A simple and stern warrior, one of those who were many under the banner of Frederick, King of Prussia, paid little attention to his home life and even less to raising his children, leaving the care of the younger generation to John Elizabeth, his wife. She came from a Holstein house, passionately loved social life and shine. She did not seriously deal with the issues of raising and educating her daughter.

Catherine owes herself alone for the development of her famous character and the extensive education she had.

At that time, French secular customs and French began to spread in the upper strata of German society, so Catherine’s initial upbringing was also given a French direction.

Her first mentors were the French emigrant Laurent and the French governess Gardel. But these mentors could not give much; the most advantageous aspect of her upbringing was that from childhood and early youth She was not spoiled by any luxury, grew up in a modest environment and learned to understand people early.

In 1744, at the age of fifteen, Catherine and her mother came to Russia and never left. From the beginning of her arrival, she actively began to study the Russian language and very soon managed to get used to it so much that she could not only speak it, but also write. Her first Russian language teacher was the famous scientist, adjutant of the Academy of Sciences Adadurov. Life future empress Catherine the Great's time in Russia was spent in solitude at first, and she developed a passion for reading.

She read many essays on different directions modern French, English, Italian and German literature. Being strongly influenced by the new philosophical direction, coming from France and being already an empress, Catherine fully sympathized with the new trends. Supported by correspondence with Voltaire, which lasted from 1763 to 1777, and relationships with Diderot and Dalamberg, she decided to use new knowledge as the basis for the important reforms with which she planned to mark her activities. This knowledge concerns two important aspects: social legislation and education, in which she saw the main means to improve living standards.

In 1768, Catherine issued the famous “Order of the Commission on the Drafting of a New Code” and at the same time she took up issues of improving the moral and material conditions for the education of Russian youth. In addition to many wonderful reforms in educational institutions, Catherine established one of the most charitable institutions in the Empire in 1763 - the Educational Home in Moscow and soon founded an educational society for girls of the nobility and bourgeois class at the Resurrection Smolny Monastery in St. Petersburg. And this laid the first foundation for youth education in Russia.

Until the end of her life, Catherine the Great cared about her upbringing, and a significant part of her literary works dedicated to this. These include her moral tales: “About Tsarevich Fevey”, “About Tsarevich Chlorus”, pedagogical essays, “Collection of appendices to elementary teaching”, “Notes compiled from stories and conversations between a father or mother and son”. They briefly and clearly present an analysis of the general moral issues. In addition, Catherine, as a European-educated woman, was fully aware of the importance of literature as a powerful tool for the dissemination of new ideas in society, and soon after writing “Instruction”, she appeared in the field of magazine polemics in the satirical magazine “Everything.” Catherine wrote comedies for the court theater, opera, historical plays, satirical essays.

The age of Catherine is not without dubious events, but it remains a brilliant page in the history of our literature, and in general political history XVIII century.

Possessing literary talent, Catherine the Great understood the importance of literature as a powerful tool for disseminating new ideas in society necessary for the good and prosperity of Russia.