Science fiction definition in literature. Science fiction, its varieties and subgenres

The phenomenon of the network name (usernick) of an Internet user, as one of the most interesting attributes of network communication from the point of view of a linguist, with all its diversity and supposed unpredictability, is subject to the laws of classification developed by onomastics (the science of names), pseudonyms (the science of false, fictitious names), which in turn are equally close to bibliography, linguistics and literary criticism (in in this case- network science).

Traditionally, bibliographers determined who owned a particular pseudonym (attributed it), linguists studied the method of formation of pseudonyms and their semantic meaning, literary scholars (literary scholars) explained the origin of pseudonyms, revealed the reasons (often of a social nature) that forced authors to remain incognito and invent fictitious names for themselves. and even impersonate other persons. I will not dwell in detail on the reasons for the authors’ use of pseudonyms (nicknames), since this problem is not the task of philological research and is of interest to specialists in other scientific disciplines (sociology, jurisprudence, psychiatry, etc.). I would like to demonstrate how the seemingly chaotic world of Internet nicknames fits into the systems of pseudonyms, this particular discipline of general traditional literary criticism.

The principle of classification of pseudonyms is primarily determined by the method of their formation. From this point of view, it is possible to distinguish between pseudonyms associated with real names and those not associated with them. In pseudonyms of the first type true name author hidden different ways, and it can be found by decrypting the signature.

Pseudonyms of the second type are very diverse; they must be distinguished by their functional meaning: some of them characterize the author from one side or another; others present him not as he really is (mask name); Still others set as their task only to provide incognito.

So, let’s turn to the actual classification of pseudonyms (for ease of perception, I will reproduce the system in alphabetical order):

Abbreviation- all pseudonyms formed by abbreviating real names and surnames (atelonims, apokonyms, initials), as well as other words chosen as a signature: Yun. school (Young schoolboy).
Autonym - given name and the author's surname.
Allonym or heteronym- the surname or first name of a real person adopted as a pseudonym.
Anagram- a cryptonym obtained by rearranging letters.
Antionym- a pseudonym formed by the opposite meaning with true surname author or with the name of some famous person.
Apokonym- a cryptonym obtained by discarding the beginning or end of the first and last name.
Aristonym- a name with the addition of a title, which most often does not actually belong to the author.
Astronim- a name consisting of one or more asterisks.
Athelonim- a cryptonym obtained by omitting part of the letters of the first and last name.
Geonym or toponym- a pseudonym associated with a geographical name.
Geronim- the surname of a literary or online character adopted as a pseudonym.
Hydronym- a special case of a geonym - a name based on name of the river, seas, lakes.
Zoonym- a pseudonym based on the name of the animal.
Initials- the initial letters of the first and last names (or first and patronymic, or first, patronymic and last names).
Incognitonym- a name that emphasizes that the author wishes to remain anonymous.
Ichthyonym- a name based on the name of a fish.
Tracing paper- a pseudonym formed by translating a first or last name into another language.
Koinonym- a common pseudonym adopted by several authors writing together.
Contamination- combining two or more words into one.
Latinism- a pseudonym formed by altering the first and last names in the Latin manner.
Matronym- a pseudonym formed from the first or last name of the author’s mother.
Metagram- rearrangement of initial syllables in adjacent words.
Metonym- a pseudonym formed by analogy, by the similarity of meaning with the real surname.
Negatonym- a name that denies the author’s belonging to a particular profession, party, etc.
Neutronim- a pseudonym that does not evoke any associations.
Ornitonym- a name based on the name of a bird.
Paizonym- a comic pseudonym intended to produce a comic effect.
Palinonym- a cryptonym formed by reading the first and last name from right to left.
Paronym- a pseudonym formed by the similarity of sound with a real surname or given name.
Patronymic- a pseudonym formed by the name of the author’s father.
Polyonym- a name that gives an idea of ​​the number of authors writing under it.
Semi-allonym- a pseudonym consisting of a combination of a real surname and someone else's name.
Prenonim- a name consisting of one name of the author.
Proxonym- a pseudonym formed from the names of persons close to the author.
Pseudoandronym - male name and surname adopted by the female author.
Pseudogeonym- a name masking the true place of birth or residence of the author.
Pseudogynism - female name and surname adopted by the male author.
Pseudo-initials- letters that do not correspond to the author’s true initials.
Pseudokoinonym- a signature in which the author attributes his work to the pen of several persons.
Nickname - common name for fictitious or changed first and last names that replace the real first and last names in the signature.
Pseudo-title- a signature indicating the position, title or profession of the author that does not correspond to the true ones.
Pseudophrenonym- a name that gives information about the author’s character that goes against the content of the work.
Pseudo-ethnonym- masking name true nationality author.
Stigmonym- a name consisting of punctuation marks or mathematical symbols.
Tahallus- an artistic designation of the type of phrenonym among authors of the peoples of the East.
Titlonim- 1) name indicating the title or position of the author; 2) a name containing an indication of an already published work by the same author.
Physionym- a pseudonym based on the name of a natural phenomenon.
Phytonym- a name based on the name of the plant.
Phrenonym- an alias pointing to main feature the author's character or main feature his creativity.
Chromatonym- a nickname based on the name of the color.
Digitizer- surname or initials, encrypted by replacing letters with numbers.
Eidonym- a pseudonym that characterizes the author’s appearance.
Entomonym- a pseudonym based on the name of an insect.
Ethnonym- a pseudonym indicating the nationality of the author.
If you suddenly did not find in the above classification the signs that formed the basis for the creation of your username, do not be upset. Firstly, this is a fairly brief classification, and secondly, there are an innumerable number transitional forms and variations in nominal word creation.

All pseudonyms, no matter what they are, are divided into certain groups, which are based on the principle of their formation.

Many authors of works take their pseudonyms from the groups listed below, but this classification of data does not take into account certain factors, because the Russian language is not Latin, and it is constantly evolving, i.e. New aliases are added, new ways of their formation are added, and new groups of aliases are added accordingly.

I would like to stop and define the following classification groups of pseudonyms.

  • 1. An acrostic is a poem in which the initial letters of the lines form a word or phrase.
  • 2. Allonym or heteronym - the surname or first name of a real person adopted as a pseudonym.
  • 3. Anagram - a cryptonym obtained by rearranging letters. I don’t know why the classics liked this group of pseudonyms, but the “lion’s” share of them refers specifically to them.
  • 4. Anonymous - literary work, published without indicating the author's name.
  • 5. Antionym - a pseudonym formed by contrast, by the opposite meaning with the true surname of the author or with the surname (pseudonym) of some famous person.
  • 6. Apokonym - a cryptonym obtained by discarding the beginning or end of the first and last name.
  • 7. Aristonym - a signature with the addition of a title, most often not actually belonging to the author.
  • 8. Astronim - a signature consisting of one or more asterisks.
  • 9. Athelonym - a cryptonym obtained by omitting part of the letters of the first and last name.
  • 10. Geonym, or troponym, is a pseudonym associated with a geographical one. Geonym can serve as an addition to real name: Mamin - Siberian.
  • 11. Geronym - a surname adopted as a pseudonym literary character: or mythological creature.
  • 12. Hydronym - a special case of geonym - a signature based on the name of a river, sea, lake.
  • 13. Zoonym - a signature based on the name of the animal.
  • 14. Initials - the initial letters of the first and last names (or first and patronymic, or first, middle and last names).
  • 15. Incognitonym - a signature emphasizing that the author wants to remain anonymous.
  • 16. Ichthyonym - a signature based on the name of the fish.
  • 17. Tracing paper - a pseudonym formed by translating the first and last name into another language.
  • 18. Koinonym is a common pseudonym adopted by several authors writing together.
  • 19. Contamination - combining two or more words into one.
  • 20. Latinism - a pseudonym formed by altering the first and last names in the Latin manner.
  • 21. Literary mask - a signature that gives deliberately incorrect information about the author, characterizing the fictitious person to whom he attributes authorship.
  • 22. Matronim - a pseudonym formed from the first or last name of the author’s mother.
  • 23. Mesostich - a poem in which letters taken from the middle of each line form a word or phrase.
  • 24. Metagram - rearrangement of initial syllables in adjacent words.
  • 25. Metonym - a pseudonym formed by analogy, by the similarity of meaning with the real surname.
  • 26. An imaginary pseudonym is the surname of the plagiarist or the surname mistakenly put instead of the real one.
  • 27. Negatonym - a signature that denies the author’s belonging to a particular profession, party, etc. or contrasting it with this or that writer.
  • 28. Neutronim - a fictitious surname that does not evoke any associations and is placed as a signature.
  • 29. Ornithonym - a signature based on the name of a bird.
  • 30. Paizonym is a comic pseudonym intended to produce a comic effect.
  • 31. Palinonym - a cryptonym formed by reading the first and last name from right to left.
  • 32. Paronym - a pseudonym formed by the similarity of sound with the real surname.
  • 33. Patronym - a pseudonym formed from the name of the author’s father.
  • 34. Polyonym - a signature that gives an idea of ​​the number of authors writing together under it.
  • 35. Semi-allonim - a pseudonym consisting of a combination of surnames belonging to to a real person, with something else, not his name.
  • 36. Prenonim - a signature consisting of one name of the author.
  • 37. Proxonym - a pseudonym formed from the names of persons close to the author.
  • 38. Pseudoandronym - a male first and last name adopted by a female author.
  • 39. Pseudogeonym - a signature masking the true place of birth or residence of the author.
  • 40. Pseudogyny - a female first and last name adopted by a male author.
  • 41. Pseudo-initials are letters that do not correspond to the author’s true initials. Some encrypted title names may look like initials.
  • 42. Pseudokoinonym - a signature in which the author attributes his work to the pen of several persons.
  • 43. Pseudo-title - a signature indicating the position, title or profession of the author that does not correspond to the true ones.
  • 44. Pseudophrenonim - a signature that gives information about the author’s character that goes against the content of the work.
  • 45. Pseudo-ethnonym - a signature that masks the true nationality of the author.
  • 46. ​​Stigmonym - a signature consisting of punctuation marks or mathematical symbols.
  • 47. Tahallus - literary name type of phrenonym among writers of the peoples of the East.
  • 48. Telestykh - a poem in which last letters lines form a word or phrase.
  • 49. Title name - a signature indicating the title or position of the author.
  • 50. Physionym is a pseudonym based on the name of a natural phenomenon.
  • 51. Phytonym - a pseudonym based on the name of a plant.
  • 52. Frenonim - a pseudonym indicating the main character trait of the author or the main feature of his work.
  • 53. Chromatonim - a pseudonym based on the name of a color.
  • 54. Digital name - surname or initials, encrypted by replacing letters with numbers. This group of pseudonyms has earned the title of the most rare among known pseudonyms.
  • 55. Eidonym - a pseudonym or nickname that characterizes the author’s appearance.
  • 56. Entomonym - a pseudonym based on the name of an insect.
  • 57. Ethnonym - a pseudonym indicating the nationality of the author.

- (Greek pseudonymos “false name”) a fictitious name that replaces the real one, which for one reason or another must be hidden. According to the conditions for creating a fictitious name, one should distinguish between literary and stage names and numerous other cases... Literary encyclopedia

Nickname- A pseudonym serves a practical purpose: it replaces a real name, which for one reason or another it is desirable to hide. Representatives of art (mainly in theater and literature), less often representatives of science, perform under a pseudonym.... ... Dictionary of literary terms

A fictitious, conventional name of the author of a work of science, literature or art. The right to a pseudonym is the personal non-property right of the author. He may publish, reproduce and distribute under a pseudonym all or some of his works;... ... Financial Dictionary

- (Greek, from pseudos false, onoma name). Fictitious name; an author who writes his articles under a fictitious name. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. A pseudonym is a fictitious name with which authors sign their... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

See name... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. fictitious pseudonym, name; matronym Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

pseudonym- a, m. pseudonyme m. gr. pseudonimos bearing a false name. 1. A fictitious name that some writers, artists, politicians, etc. use to replace their real name. BAS 1. I would like to ask you to sign my letter about Bakunin with my pseudonym... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

- (from pseudo... and Greek onyma name), the conventional name of the author or artist, which replaces his real name or surname (or both). Disclosure of a pseudonym without the consent of the author is not permitted, except in cases where the pseudonym is used for the purpose of... Modern encyclopedia

- (from pseudo... and Greek onyma name) the conventional name of the author or artist, which replaces his real name or surname (or both). By law, disclosure of a pseudonym without the consent of the author is not permitted, except in cases where the pseudonym is used in... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Alias, pseudonym, husband. (Greek pseudonymos bearing a false name) (book). A fictitious name used by writers, artists, and performers public speaking. M. Gorky is the pseudonym of A. M. Peshkov. Gogol signed his first work... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

pseudonym- (incorrect nickname) ... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

pseudonym- The fictitious name with which the author signs the work. [GOST 7.76 96] pseudonym A conventional fictitious name (surname) with which the author signs the work. [GOST R 7.0.3 2006] Subjects of the publication, main types and elements of assembly, ... ... Technical Translator's Guide


  • Pseudonym, Troy D.. The novel “Pseudonym (b)” is based on real facts. Shakespeare Biography Facts and Facts sensational discovery, made by a Russian scientist, one of the prototypes of the hero of the novel. Solution to the riddle...

Can you suggest a large number of options for classifying pseudonyms: according to the method of reflecting the real psychological portrait, for example, or take some phonosemantic features as the basis for the classification, but in my opinion, the most optimal option was proposed by V.G. Dmitriev in the book “Hidden their name”. I will now try to present it, as well as lightly comment and give some recommendations on the pressing issue -?

Athelonim is a cryptonym obtained by omitting part of the letters of the first and last name. Vladimir - Vadir, Igor Ivanov - Gor Io. I take the name - Anatoly, skip some of the letters and get - Atiy. I immediately remember the Scythian king Atius and Julius Caesar’s son-in-law, Marcus Atius Balbus. Quite a decent company...

Names that characterize authors from the physical side (eidonyms, from the Greek Eidos - appearance). Cicero received his nickname for his wart (cicero - pea). There are few eidonyms on the Internet, although, when creating an online name for yourself, you can, for example, play on contrasts, comparison of the incomparable (Blind Heavy, Fat Skeleton, Swift Paralytic), although this is more of an originality than an emphasis on physical qualities.

Pseudonyms indicating the author's profession, as well as his social status, title, position, hobby, are called titlonyms (from the Latin titulus - title). Giyas Abul Fatah Omar ibn Ibrahim had a father who made tents (khayyam), and his son took his father’s profession as his pseudonym.

If a person signs with the name of a real person, then such a signature is called an allonym or heteronym. It is possible to use a semi-allonym, that is, some change real name, or adding your own to it. The pseudonym John Gordon Pupkin emphasizes the spiritual relationship between a certain Pupkin and the well-known poet.

Geronyms are the names of literary and mythological characters taken as pseudonyms.

It often happens that a person wants to emphasize his nationality. Hence all sorts of Katsaps, Kaklys and other Chukchi. For example, I am half Ukrainian and therefore I can take the nickname Hotsap or Katshol. Pseudonyms based on nationality are called ethnonyms, from the Greek ethnos - people.

But if I also want to mention my place of birth, then I will call myself Khotsap of Ararat, since I was born in Armenia. This is already a geonym, from the Greek geo - earth.

A pseudonym can be formed according to the opposite meaning with the real name of the author (antionym). Thus, someone with the surname Smirnov can be called Buinov, and Bogoradov - Chertozloev. Sometimes the basis for a pseudonym can be the name of a person close to the author or a relative (proxonym from the Latin proximus - close). Signatures consisting of the last letters of the Latin alphabet: X, Y or Z are incognitonyms.

Pseudonyms in the form of completely ordinary names that do not cause any associations are called neutronims.

Phrenonyms (from the Greek fren - mind) tell us what feature of his character, creativity, life the author wants to emphasize. So known to everyone from the image on the corresponding banknote, Benjamin Franklin published an almanac under the name Good Richard.

If, at the moment of thinking about which nickname to choose, you met the dawn, or, say, you were hit by hail, you can call yourself accordingly natural phenomena. Such a pseudonym is a physionym (from the Greek phisis - nature).

Derivatives from, and the colors themselves, are also used as aliases. Andrey Bely and Sasha Cherny are vivid examples of this. These pseudonyms are called chromatonyms (from the Greek chroma - color). Those who want to warn others about their increased bitchiness and toxicity can take - Hemlock or Ferula Dzhungarskaya, and this will already be a phytonym (from the Greek phitos - plant).

Well, now let's talk about fauna. If you decide to call yourself Archeopteryx, this is an ornithonym (from the Greek ornis - bird). But if Pterodactyl, then it will already be a zoonym, since Pterodactyl is not a bird, unlike Archeopteryx. well and nice nickname Myrmica Rubra (small red ant) ​​will be an entomonym within this classification.

Often it is a modification of the real name or surname (paronym, from the Greek para - near, about). From the surname Korneychuk he formed his literary name, the well-known Korney Chukovsky. If your last name, say, is Popov, then you can call yourself Protopopov, Bishop, etc.

Sometimes the author leaves only one name, without a surname. Although the name is real, nevertheless such a signature is also a pseudonym (since there are many similar names), and it is called a preponim (from the Latin prae - before, because the first name is placed before the surname). Author's Divine Comedy” we know as Dante, although this is not a surname, but a given name, and, moreover, an abbreviated one. Completely this great Italian poet should have been called Durante Alighieri.

It is possible to take your middle name as a pseudonym, changing it slightly or not changing it at all. So the author of “Iron Stream” A.S. Popov signed his work as Serafimovich. Such a pseudonym is called a patronym (from the Latin pater - father).

Pseudonyms formed by replacing the first name, last name and patronymic (in Russia) with their initial letters are called initials. A.S. Pushkin repeatedly limited himself to them. D. Minaev talks about this in his poem “What’s in my name for you?” wrote:

Another with a double surname
Will pass in magazines without a trace,
Another under the same letter
Known for many years...

Sometimes the signature was the Greek names of the initial letters, sometimes – Church Slavonic ones.

Sometimes they are put instead of letters serial numbers in the alphabet. Such pseudonyms are digital names.

There are pseudonyms taken by analogy with the real name of the author. They can be called metonyms. For example, if your last name is Chernov, then you could take the nickname Afro-Americans.

It is not uncommon for an author, instead of his original signature puts stars. One, two, three (best of all, of course, five stars). Their location can also be arbitrary. Pushkin, Baratynsky, Leskov, Tyutchev, Bryusov and many others signed their works in this way. There were sometimes too many astronims (from the Greek astros - star), and then the editor had to write something like: “Under these three asterisks there is a different poet than under the three asterisks on page 77.”

Punctuation marks, numbers, paragraphs, etc. also served as signatures. geometric figures, mathematical symbols. Such pseudonyms are called stigmonyms (from the Greek stygmos - sign). In the literature they are quite rare, but on the Internet they are very widespread.

Pseudo-initials - in this case, the author, instead of his real initials, puts letters denoting something else. So, for example, I.I. Ivanov can subscribe – Kh.U. Ivanov, which in this context will mean – Guardian of the Universe Ivanov

Well, that's probably enough. Here I have given the main ones, which in my opinion are most suitable for

I.Introduction _____________________________________ pages 3 – 4

1. Goal, objectives, means, hypothesis _______________________ page 3

2. Questionnaire _____________________________________ pages 3 – 4

II. Main part ____________________________ pp. 5 – 12

Chapter 1 Reasons for the appearance of pseudonyms ________________ pp. 5 – 6

Chapter 2 Classification of pseudonyms ____________________ pp. 7 – 9

Chapter 3 Application Examples

different types of pseudonyms ___________________ pp. 10 – 11

Chapter 4 Nicknames in modern world ________________ page 12

III. Conclusion ________________________________ page 13

IV. References _________________________________ page 14

Appendix 1 ________________________________ page 15

Appendix 2 ________________________________ pages 16 - 18


People who are interested in literature, picking up another book and looking at the author's name, often have no idea what is hidden behind these names - a real surname or a pseudonym. We have no time to think about this seemingly trifle. We are interested in the content. We believe that writers, politicians, artists, and simply famous people are the heroes of our time, as they contribute to the development of culture and science in our country. And we must know our heroes. And that means their real names. Therefore, the topic of our work is relevant.

Target: research into the reasons for the appearance and origin of pseudonyms. Their classification.


    Identify the reasons for the appearance of pseudonyms.

    Explore ways to form pseudonyms.

    Classify them into certain groups.

The object of the study is the science of attribution (heuristics).

Subject of study: pseudonyms of famous people, classics.

The novelty of this work: research into the reasons for the appearance of pseudonyms with their subsequent classification.


    Collection of theoretical material.

    Studying the material.

  1. Classification of pseudonyms.

    General analysis, i.e. drawing up a conclusion.

Hypothesis: Nicknames are usually chosen by people who are popular.

The main reason for the appearance is a silent surname or not matching the image.

To refute or confirm this hypothesis, a survey was conducted among students of school No. 185 in the 8th and 9th grades on the topic: “What is a pseudonym?” (see Appendix 1)

The questionnaire consisted of 5 questions.

1.What is a pseudonym?

2.Name the reasons for the appearance of pseudonyms.

3.Would you take a pseudonym?

4.Give examples of pseudonyms?

5.Who uses pseudonyms?

During the survey process, I interviewed 89 people. The following results were obtained:

What is a pseudonym?

Answered correctly - 93% of respondents

Don’t know or answered incorrectly – 7%

What are the reasons for the appearance of pseudonyms?

Silent surname – 57%

Not consistent with image – 31%

An attempt to hide from censorship – 12%

Would you take a pseudonym?

Would take it - 73%

Wouldn't take it - 21%

Don’t know – 6%

Give examples of nicknames

More than one option – 82%

One example – 11%

No option – 7%

Who uses pseudonyms?

Famous people – 73%

Modest people – 27%

The results are reflected in the diagram. (see Appendix 2)

Thus, this survey confirms the hypothesis that pseudonyms are usually used by people who are popular and well-known. The reason for the appearance of pseudonyms is silent surnames and inconsistency with the image.

Main part

Chapter 1 Reasons for the appearance of pseudonyms.

Before naming the reasons for the appearance of pseudonyms, you need to turn to an explanatory dictionary and understand what a pseudonym is with scientific point vision.

Nickname- a general name for a fictitious or changed name and surname that has replaced the real name and surname in the signature. 1

And the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary tells us that pseudonym - the conventional name of the author or artist, which replaces his real name or surname (or both). Disclosure of a pseudonym without the consent of the author is not permitted, except in cases where the pseudonym is used for the purpose of falsifying authorship.

Turning to the etymology of the word, we read Nickname - borrowed in the 19th century from French and Greek and translated as “false name.”

That is, our assumption that famous people use pseudonyms is reflected in the definition.

Despite the fact that many authors hide behind pseudonyms, they can be found, i.e. find out their true name. This is what science does ATTRIBUTION or Heuristic. She studies anonymous names, pseudonyms, cryptonyms, because many works can be recognized by their writing style or, if the writer left a pseudonym, it can be deciphered. There are many ways to encode (compose) a pseudonym, such as rearranging the letters and initials of one’s real name or surname, or the author leaves some kind of pseudonym that reflects his character traits or the type of activity he is engaged in (of course, except for writing works). For example: “Exile”, “Regimental commander”, etc.

There are many reasons for the appearance of pseudonyms. Conventionally, they can be divided into groups. One of the main reasons is the reason fear of your debut. An author entering the literary field wishes not to be ridiculed if his work fails.

Not everyone and not every one of us is lucky with a surname. Silent surnames- this is how we figuratively talk about funny and absurd surnames. Vorona, Galushko, these names make us smile and sometimes laugh. Therefore, the author does not want the whole world to read his last name.

Release of pamphlets- an eternal headache for many authors, because these

the works were directed against various types of infringement of interests, therefore the authors who wrote these texts were forced to hide their real names, because exile could await these people, or maybe something worse.

Release of revelations- Very common reason, of course, a person, having lived part of his life, begins to repent and decides to tell everyone about the terrible deeds he has committed, but for unknown reasons, at the last moment he still does not dare to reveal his name.

In general, it is not customary for writers to be the editor of their own book, although if you really want to, you can, but you need to take a pseudonym. So, here comes another reason - the author of the book is the editor and its publisher.

created his own unique image for readers and does not want to violate it by writing a serious and deeply meaningful work, respectively, new reason- publication of literature that does not correspond to the image of the writer.

During the time of the great writers, it was forbidden for officials and military personnel to write various literary works (that was the law), but, nevertheless, they were written. Another reason for the appearance of pseudonyms is so as not to commit a crime. So... the author of the literature is a military man or official

There were times when the creation of various literary works was not fashionable, and in order not to lose reputation and respect, the authors of those times did not give their real names. And again a new reason emerged - the release of literature at a time of its unpopularity.

Some writers were forbidden to write works, but talent did not give rest, and works were published, but with fictitious names of the authors. Or maybe the work simply did not meet those standards and moral concepts. It follows that using fictitious names is also a way to evade censorship.

Many people did not want them to have crowds of fans, many imitators and envious people, because many find it difficult to experience the inconvenience of fame , therefore... pseudonym.

Eat popular surnames, and then suddenly you realize how difficult it is to live when your last name is too popular, naturally the authors would not want to confuse people and appropriate their fame to others.

Simple modesty, because often people did not want everyone they met to praise and congratulate them, so they used pseudonyms.

Thus, the reasons for the appearance of pseudonyms are varied. But one thing is clear: the people who use them have good reasons for doing so.

Chapter 2. Classification of pseudonyms.

All pseudonyms, no matter what they are, are divided into certain groups, which are based on the principle of their formation.

Many authors of works take their pseudonyms from the groups listed below, but this classification of data does not take into account certain factors, because the Russian language is not Latin, and it is constantly evolving, i.e. New aliases are added, new ways of their formation are added, and new groups of aliases are added accordingly. There are, of course, special (unique) pseudonyms that are very rare, and they came across my “surgical table”, on their detailed analysis and analysis. There is such an interesting fact! There is a merger of several groups or even three when forming an alias, and all of them must be indicated during the analysis.

I would like to stop and define the following groups of pseudonyms. Maybe someone will find this group useful when creating their own pseudonym.

    An acrostic is a poem in which the initial letters of the lines form a word or phrase.

    Allonym or heteronym is the surname or first name of a real person adopted as a pseudonym.

    An anagram is a cryptonym obtained by rearranging letters. I don’t know why the classics liked this group of pseudonyms, but the “lion’s” share of them refers specifically to them.

    Anonymous is a literary work published without indicating the name of the author.

    An antionym is a pseudonym formed by contrast, by the opposite meaning, with the true surname of the author or with the surname (pseudonym) of some famous person.

    Apokonym is a cryptonym obtained by discarding the beginning or end of the first and last name.

    Aristonym - a signature with the addition of a title, most often not actually belonging to the author.

    An astronym is a signature consisting of one or more asterisks.

    Athelonim is a cryptonym obtained by omitting part of the letters of the first and last name.

    Geonym, or troponym, is a pseudonym associated with a geographical one. The geonym can serve as an addition to the real surname: Mamin - Sibiryak.

    Geronym is the surname of a literary character or mythological creature adopted as a pseudonym.

    Hydronym is a special case of geonim - a signature based on the name of a river, sea, or lake.

    A zoonym is a signature based on the name of an animal.

    Initials are the initial letters of the first and last names (or first and patronymic, or first, patronymic and last names).

    Incognitonym is a signature that emphasizes that the author wants to remain anonymous.

    Ichthyonym is a signature based on the name of the fish.

    Tracing paper is a pseudonym formed by translating a first and last name into another language.

    Koinonym is a common pseudonym adopted by several authors writing together.

    Contamination is the combination of two or more words into one.

    Latinism is a pseudonym formed by altering the first and last names in the Latin manner.

    A literary mask is a signature that gives deliberately incorrect information about the author, characterizing the fictitious person to whom he attributes authorship.

    Matronym is a pseudonym formed from the first or last name of the author’s mother.

    A mesostich is a poem in which the letters taken from the middle of each line form a word or phrase.

    Metagram is a rearrangement of the initial syllables in adjacent words.

    A metonym is a pseudonym formed by analogy, by the similarity of meaning with a real surname.

    An imaginary pseudonym is the surname of the plagiarist or a surname mistakenly put instead of the real one.

    Negatonym is a signature that denies the author’s belonging to a particular profession, party, etc. or contrasting it with this or that writer.

    Neutronim is a fictitious surname that does not evoke any associations and is placed as a signature.

    Ornithonym is a signature based on the name of a bird.

    Paizonym is a comic pseudonym intended to produce a comic effect.

    Palinonym is a cryptonym formed by reading the first and last name from right to left.

    Paronym is a pseudonym formed by the similarity of sound to the real surname.

    Patronym is a pseudonym formed from the name of the author’s father.

    A polyonym is a signature that gives an idea of ​​the number of authors writing together under it.

    Semi-allonym is a pseudonym consisting of a combination of a surname belonging to a real person with another name, not his name.

    Prenonim - a signature consisting of one name of the author.

    Proxonym is a pseudonym formed from the names of persons close to the author.

    Pseudoandronym is a male first and last name adopted by a female author.

    A pseudogeonym is a signature that masks the true place of birth or residence of the author.

    Pseudogynism is a female first and last name adopted by a male author.

    Pseudo-initials are letters that do not correspond to the author’s true initials. Some encrypted title names may look like initials.

    Pseudotitle - a signature indicating the position, title or profession of the author that does not correspond to the true ones.

    Pseudophrenonym is a signature that gives information about the author’s character that goes against the content of the work.

    Pseudo-ethnonym is a signature that masks the true nationality of the author.

    Stigmonym is a signature consisting of punctuation marks or mathematical symbols.

    Tahallus is a literary name of the phrenonym type among writers of the peoples of the East.

    A telestich is a poem in which the last letters of the lines form a word or phrase.

    Title name - a signature indicating the title or position of the author.

    A physionym is a pseudonym based on the name of a natural phenomenon.

    Phytonym is a pseudonym based on the name of a plant.

    Frenonim is a pseudonym that indicates the main character trait of the author or the main feature of his work.

    Chromatonim is a pseudonym based on the name of a color.

    A digital name is a surname or initials encrypted by replacing letters with numbers. This group of pseudonyms has earned the title of the most rare among known pseudonyms.

    Eidonym is a pseudonym or nickname that characterizes the author’s appearance.

    An entomonym is a pseudonym based on the name of an insect.

    Ethnonym is a pseudonym indicating the nationality of the author 2.

Chapter 3 Examples of using different types


Now let’s turn to those who hide their names and try to determine the type of pseudonyms they chose, that is, what method was used by this or that person.

An interesting fact, in our opinion, is that Anton Pavlovich Chekhov had about 40 pseudonyms. Here are some of them: A.Ch., Chekhonte, Anche, Doctor and others. I could dwell on this; I think this is the topic of my next work. Still, we were interested in finding out as many interesting pseudonyms as possible and identifying their group. To do this, we did not limit ourselves only to our classics; we also tried to turn to foreign literature. We found exactly what pseudonyms they used, and correlated the pseudonyms with their classification, resulting in a small guide to exposing the authors of the work, and this work also shows with examples how widely pseudonyms were used. All this data is reflected in the table.

Table 1 Use of classic pseudonyms

Nickname type


E. Lozinsky



Francois Rabelais

Alcofribas Nazier


Anton Chekhov


O. Senkovsky

Baron Brambeus


Vasily Pushkin

Vsl. Pshkn.

G. Plekhanov

N. Vanger

Purr Cat

Peter Weinberg

Vinogorov Stone






Vasily Aksenov

Aksilii Vasenov

N. Chernyshevsky


ON THE. Nekrasov

Feklist Bob


M. Gorky

Yehudiel Chlamys


L.N. Andreev

Horace C. Rutabaga


I.A. Krylov

Navi Volyrk


K.A. Fedin



A.S. Popov









M. Jalilov


Aurora Dudevant

George Sand


A. Panaeva

N. Stanitsky


Lope de Vega

Tome from Burguillos


Clara Gazul



N. Voskresenskaya


A.S. Pushkin


A. Lazarev

Br. Kaygorodovs


Major Bourbonov




N. Dobrolyubov

Konrad Lilienschwager


A.S. Pushkin

Chapter 4 Pseudonyms in the modern world.

If earlier the appearance of pseudonyms was explained by certain historical and political factors, then what influences the choice of pseudonyms now , in our modern world.

Almost every pop star has a pseudonym, most often due to the fact that their real surnames are somewhat silent. For example, what does the name Vera Galushko tell us? Many will now shrug their shoulders. And this is the pop star - Vera Brezhneva. Why she chose a pseudonym, in my opinion, is understandable. VERA BREZHNEVA - born on February 3, in the suburbs of Dnepropetrovsk, the town of Dneprodzerzhinsk - the birthplace of Leonid Brezhnev. It was the surname of the outstanding fellow countryman that became her pseudonym. This pseudonym is a heteronym, but with shades of an associative geonym.

No less famous is the man with the sonorous pseudonym Marshall. This is our next hero.

MARSHAL (MINKOV) ALEXANDER VITALIEVICH (b. 06/07/1957) - author and performer, was born in the city of Korenovsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the family of a military pilot. This is what influenced the choice of a pseudonym, as if in honor of his father. This pseudonym refers to a modified title name.

And who doesn’t know the nimble, funny girl – Sparrow. She quickly captivated and fascinated us with her jokes from the TV screens.


Elena Vorobey was born on June 5, 1967 in Brest, not far from the Brest Fortress. “A hooligan serf girl,” is how Sparrow characterizes herself in her childhood. Yard games, trees, fences are the main memories of those years. Accordingly, these memories of childhood prompted Elena to take this pseudonym. It relates more to paizonyms than to phrenonyms.


Carrying out this work, it was very interesting for us. It was possible, at least for a second, to look into the mystery of the name, to understand the reasons that prompt people to take this or that pseudonym. Groups are identified using classification. It's amazing the variety of pseudonyms that exist in the world. And it’s amazing how popular the use of pseudonyms is in the modern world. The work can be continued, because as stated above: new pseudonyms and new groups appear. And also in the future I would like to consider such a broad topic as logins, the popularity of which is now invariably growing with the introduction of computer technology into our lives.

Thus, returning to the tasks set, we came to the following conclusions:

    The main reasons for the appearance of pseudonyms are a silent surname or works that do not correspond to the image of the author.

    The methods for forming pseudonyms are varied. There is a classification that includes 57 species.

    The most commonly used are the following: anonymous, titlonym and metonym.

The work can be used for teachers in preparation for optional and elective classes, as well as a scientific guide for students and those who want to correctly and competently choose a pseudonym.


    Dmitriev V.G. Hiding their name. - M.: Education, 1996.

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    Russian-language sites found by the search engines Rambler and Google.

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    Some features of the reflection of the emotional connotation of a word in “ Explanatory dictionary Russian language” S.I. Ozhegova, N.Yu. Shvedova.//Language and culture:

    Abstracts of reports of the 1st international conference. - Voronezh: Kvadrat, 1996. - Materials of the All-Russian scientific and methodological conference. - Voronezh: Publishing house of the Voronezh Pedagogical University. 1996.

    Materials of the International scientific conference. - Solikamsk, 1997.

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Annex 1


Questionnaire for 8th grade parallel.