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The Sun gives the Leo sign a unique style of self-expression. The person radiates nobility and attractiveness. He likes to be visible, this is especially evident in communication, since the Sun in Leo has the innate gift of attracting the attention of other people. It’s as if the spotlights are constantly shining above the individual, and he himself illuminates with his bright personality the place where he is in this moment, subconsciously positioning himself on stage. An individual has noble convictions, knows how to joke beautifully, and his self-confidence, charisma and will energize those around him positive energy. A person fills the world with joy, creative energy and sparkling charm. Next to him you want to love and be loved, to live rich life and stop wasting your life on trifles.

Negative qualities of the Sun in Leo

Bright appearance and pompous manners hide great vulnerability and fear that a person will not be appreciated by others, which turns into a bright show that hides insecurity. The Sun in Leo wants to please people and always be the center of their attention, which can cause rejection and even hostility among others. A person subconsciously wants to control everything around him. He is terribly afraid of refusals, so he can tell other people what they want to hear. The individual does not want to admit obvious mistakes and is overly boastful and pompous. In order to receive the desired recognition from other people, the Sun in Leo only needs to give up manipulation and the desire to please, become natural, and show innate warmth and nobility.

Leos are born kings. They strive for leadership and can hold the throne for a long time. Independent, self-reliant and self-confident. It is difficult for them to be on the sidelines. Leos are afraid of looking bad and losing themselves outwardly.

Leo is a gambler, but he doesn’t like to lose. Loves to be the center. He does not see his shortcomings and does not like to admit his mistakes. He shows his emotions vividly and constantly needs an audience. If he loves something or someone, then with all his heart.

Leos are great lovers of a good life, earthly pleasures and pleasures. They have the strongest lordly inclinations of the entire Zodiac; they love luxury, pomp, and brilliance like no one else.

He infects everyone around with his emotions. He even likes to exaggerate his feelings. But you will not find a more noble and generous person than Leo.

For Leo, his own internal attitudes are important; it is difficult for you and me to influence him. You have to adapt to him, since he himself cannot adapt. The losses are hard to bear. He is very selective in his contacts. You can't tell him. A bright individualist.

There are many contradictions in the character of Leo, on the one hand, they can be kind and generous to the point of extravagance, on the other hand, they can be harsh, rude and arrogant. It costs them nothing to offend another, even for no apparent reason. Deep feelings and readiness for self-sacrifice are surprisingly combined with prudence, so they never forget to take care of their own well-being.

It is very important for Leo to clearly express his talent, give the opportunity to manifest creativity. They need to be flattered and they will blossom before your eyes. It is important for Leo to live in harmony with his heart: to do only what he loves, to reveal his talents. Otherwise - diseases. For Leo, it is important to be yourself. They have a little trouble with discipline.

Those born under this sign are very skilled in creating and executing their own plans. They are capable of making various crafts, emphasizing their individuality. Having your own workshop for the production of any works will increase the significance of the work.

Leo's job is to impress. Sin is selfishness.

If the Sun is damaged by negative aspects, the negative traits of the Sun, such as swagger, conceit, and boastfulness, begin to appear. Such Leos live beyond their capabilities, trying to convince others of their importance and wealth.

Leos love children very much and talented people. They are constant in the family, men can be henpecked. They love holidays, going to restaurants and theaters.

Leos know how to organize events so that those around them get maximum pleasure from the celebration. Starting with the role of toastmaster, they subsequently become entertainers, presenters of performances, owners of nightclubs, discos and casinos.

In addition to social and material success, Leo's high position, his professionalism and wisdom provide him with respect and recognition, which is very important for Leos.

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A LION. Natural Leo.
Characteristic for the entire design zone (guna tamas) is the awareness of the sign of one’s element, a certain pride and responsibility for it. Here the elements find their most consistent expression.
Leo man.
Unlike Aries, Leo (permanent cross) has a stable energy flow and is aware of his (or rather, his) strength, energy and power over people and circumstances. If Aries is a spontaneous enthusiast, then Leo of the lower octave is a ruler, a dictator, and the higher one is a conscious and responsible executor of the will of the flow. Of course, both the lower Aries and inferior Leo are puppets of their threads, but the threads treat them differently. If the egregor often deprives the disobedient (and often obedient) obstinate Aries of strength (i.e. the flow is turned off), then in the case of Leo this is already an extreme measure. The flow punishes the disobedient Leo with a change in character, life circumstances and obstacles that become more and more difficult, but the flow still does not turn off for a long time.
The lower octave Leo is aware of his power and uses it for selfish purposes. The lower the evolutionary level of Leo, the more inflated his ego is, sometimes to such an extent that he wants to be shown in a zoo. At the same time, the general nobility fire element affects the lower octave of Leo. He will not torture his victim with sadistic pleasure (he will kill him with one powerful blow); he often (especially if he is flattered) has certain parodies of highest manifestations, peculiar (at its level) generosity, etc.
Leo's big problem is with his energy flow. Although it is constant, it does not have the deafening force that manifests itself during periods of ascension in Aries, and therefore Leo needs an outside assessment of himself as a conductor of the flow. Aries is above this: it is important for him that the flow reaches, and what his, Aries, role is is not so important to him; Aries, therefore, carries the idea, and Leo himself is in the idea. The latter circumstance makes Leo extremely vulnerable; he begins to depend on someone else’s assessment of his personality; but it also gives him some opportunity for conscious control of the flow, which makes him more flexible than Aries (who in the lower octave is completely subordinate to the flow) and more attentive to his surroundings. On the other hand, Leo (permanent cross) is much more stubborn than Aries, if we take his behavior into account. large gap time. Having realized (to the extent of your understanding) your energy flow, your energy idea, i.e. direction of activity, he becomes tightly attached to it; Aries, on the other hand, is regularly deprived of flow and is depressed ( cardinal sign) can easily change one flow to another, change the type of activity, and most importantly, his energy idea.
Leo is a natural leader. With the help of his constant energy flow, he reliably holds a group of his followers, students or slaves in submission, and, receiving from them a certain dose of admiration, admiration, jubilation and obedience, he becomes happy and behaves quite nobly and even sometimes in a chivalrous manner. If the situation becomes complicated and gets out of Leo’s control, he tries to increase the pressure (for starters, he emits a menacing roar), and then there is philanthropy, which is already represented in limited quantities (for now we're talking about about the lower and middle octaves of Leo), disappears completely and the usual proud appearance appears and passes into a qualitatively different state. For if for Aries, deprivation of the energy flow, depression, is in some sense a natural (albeit unpleasant) state, then for Leo, designed for life in the energy flow, deprivation of the latter is tantamount to a catastrophe, this is death in the midst of life (this is why Leo happens like this merciless in the battle for the energy channel). Reintegration into the energy flow for Leo is, in principle, possible, but not immediately, with with great difficulty, and most importantly, this one will not be the same as before, but a broken Leo, with a big scar on his psyche for the rest of his life.
Leo's selfishness is very different from Aries's. If Aries (being in the flow) sees nothing at all, then Leo sees nothing but the flow, and there is a big difference. Aries is an instinctive, spontaneous egoist - he must be accepted with everything that comes through him, or rejected. Leo consciously believes that the whole world must submit to his energetic idea, and whoever does not want to is a fool or an enemy, and so much the worse for him - and this is not a spontaneous feeling, but life position, which is very difficult for Leo to soften (not to mention revise). Although Leo hears criticism, he does not react in any way, unlike Aries, who does not hear it at all.
The rule of the Sun gives Leo the feeling that his personal will is directly the will of God; hence his fantastic self-confidence in spite of any facts and circumstances: to admit his mistake means for Leo to doubt His infallibility or even existence. In reality, however, the Sun does not personify the Absolute, but the egregor leading a person at a given moment, and the dominance of the Sun in Leo means that Leo broadcasts a certain program of action that is imperative for a person, subjectively experienced as a corresponding impulse of personal will. Leo, therefore, needs to figure out where his highest karmic egregor operates, where the current egregor is, and where the will of his own lower self is - a task, apparently, not an easy one, especially if there are few planets in the signs of water and Leo rules day home.
The imprisonment of Uranus limits the originality of Leo, transferring it into hidden forms. Leo is still a practitioner, and also a leader, he has to adapt to reality and, by the way, to the level of his followers. At the same time, the law of all flows from the subtle world is creativity and, in particular, originality and novelty, which Leo instinctively strives for and which he ultimately often does so poorly at. Imprisonment higher planets can be worked out with great difficulty.
The imprisonment of Saturn gives Leo a certain inner cruelty, and in case of defeat, bitterness, Saturn (internally) fixes Leo on his energy flow, idea, on the one hand, giving him stability, and on the other, depriving him of plasticity. As a result, Leo, when faced with reality, receives significant injuries from other zodiac signs (which he despises in his lower octave): Scorpio bites him painfully, Taurus tramples him, Aquarius unexpectedly knocks him down, etc. These traumas are the lesson of Saturn, which turns Leo towards understanding himself, his idea and the world around him. With good elaboration (which is in in this case rarely happens before age 40, i.e. opposition of transit Uranus to radical Uranus) Leo realizes his will as a refraction of the will of his leading egregor and finds his place in the world, however, it is very difficult for Leo, with his cruelty, conceit and conscious narcissism, to master the principles of modesty and humility before the higher cosmic will. But if he succeeds, he becomes a true general of the spirit, a practical spiritual leader. If the lessons of Saturn pass by, Leo is either deprived of the flow and (forever, i.e. until the next incarnation) falls into the realm of the lower octave of Saturn (lack of energy, depression and dull despair), or crystallizes, falling into the dead flow of the hard egregor, and becomes a dictator of one kind or another, having a certain power over people and circumstances and completely deprived of free will and creativity.
The culmination of Pluto in Leo symbolizes the principle of the highest practical power of Leo in the dynamics of the development of the world.
For the average Leo, this position of Pluto gives a thirst for concrete practical power over the world with the goal of restructuring it from bottom to top (to the extent that a given Leo can understand) in accordance with the idea that he transmits. Thus, the highest Leo is the practical ruler of the world, carrying out both management and all, even the most profound types of its restructuring and transformation in accordance with the tasks of evolutionary development.
In its unprocessed form, the culmination of Pluto gives Leo a false sense of insight into another's soul and a complex of practical power (i.e. power over the outside world).
If there is no practical power, then you really want it, and if there is, then its size in Leo’s mind is greatly exaggerated. It is difficult for him to believe that administrative and implementation power are not the same thing.
The fall of Mercury does not symbolize the stupidity of Leo, but his disdain for fruitless reasoning produced outside the energy flow. The energy flow has its own logic, which it imposes on Leo and which Leo instinctively (and correctly) feels, cannot be replaced by ordinary human Mercurian logic. Nevertheless, it is necessary for all signs to track their actions with their minds, including Leo, and with poor development and in his youth he tends to rely not on the mind or even on intuition, but rather on his own impulse, that is, the energy flow, which is in isolation can take him very far from reality. In addition, the fall of Mercury gives Leo difficulties in purely mental-informational contact with the world: he does not perceive information without an energy component, and during contacts he often puts too much pressure; he feels out of place at the peace negotiation table. At careful study Mercury problem (which is very difficult) Leo gains the ability to finely control his mental flow and masters the synthesis of the mental and energy plans; if it is ignored, there is poor perception of non-energy (often mental) information and contacts and stupid behavior.
The Leo situation is perceived by the participants as imperative, possessing strong energetic pressure and requiring energetic practical actions. In a harmonious version, this could be (the sunny version) an enthusiastic celebration by the public of their favorite on stage. Here the energy flow is focused on the artist and dissipates from him to the admiring fans, and from them there is a reverse flow to him; the spectators, exhausted by the flow, which they subjectively experience as a feeling of love and admiration, practically express themselves in applause, ovation, the desire to take possession of part of their idol’s clothes or car, and in exceptional cases, in ecstasy, tear it into small pieces.
Another classic (plutonic) version of the Leo situation is the battlefield from the point of view of the general who leads the battle: placing regiments, inspiring soldiers, determining the sequence of units entering the battle, trying to anticipate the enemy’s actions, etc. Here people are perceived as pawns and the logic and ethics of a dark energy flow reigns, which is characterized by famous aphorism“in war as in war.”
The mixed solar-plutonic version of the lower octave Leo situation is a dictatorship based on the force of arms and has not yet manifested itself on a global scale; this will be a spiritual revival of humanity with elements of the Last Judgment picture.
The Sun in a sign always makes the program of this sign tense, and as a ruler - doubly so. Solar Leo deals with rigid energy flows that have great power over the outside world (and over Leo himself) and therefore require very precise actions; the cost of error is great and apparently material. The sun highlights leadership skills Leo and the sense of the divine origin of his personal will. This is true to some extent; however, having such a feeling, it is very difficult to admit the influence of one’s own lower subconscious programs on this divine will; it is even more difficult for Leo, who is not endowed (except for the highest type) with special empathy and psychological abilities, as well as a tendency to introspection and introspection, to understand his subconscious and separate higher programs from the lower ones - it seems to him that this is all unimportant and he needs to get down to business (in his understanding), i.e. outside world. Nevertheless, the subconscious takes its toll, and if the solar Leo does not conduct a regular sewage campaign in his soul, he gradually degrades, and, unnoticed by himself, his leading egregor changes to a more crystallized and primitive one. Leo becomes a rude despot and loses touch with reality and the original idea.

Leo is the element of Fire, a fixed cross.

Planet - ruler: Sun .

"Four-legged sign." The planet Sun rules here and burns brightly for everyone. Therefore, it is a sign of nobility and beauty.

a lion- a sign of creativity that accumulates over many years, and sometimes over a lifetime. A creative person walks, looks, is filled with impressions, once... And he wrote a poem, came up with music, painted a picture, that is, he matured and produced a product. And again he calmed down and began to look for something else, to mature. He needs to mature in order to create.

When a husband and wife are from different energy crosses, one is immediately ready to do something, while the other needs to mature, without understanding these cosmic laws, we cause a lot of harm, insults and claims to each other.

Zodiac sign Leo is a stable, constantly burning fire that both shines and warms. It's warm and pleasant around him. Leo is an informal leader, behind festive table- Toastmaster, in the theater and in life - an actor. Strive to reign in the family, at work, among friends and in your own kingdom! None of human joys is alien to him. Demonstrative. In childhood, this is the child with whom all other children “want to hang out.” If the girl he is courting gives preference to another, he is sincerely surprised, because he is the best!

a lion always strive to be the center of attention. If he is not handsome, smart or educated enough to become a true leader among his peers, he will become a braggart and an inventor, will exaggerate his own importance in every possible way, or maybe become a leader among those younger in age (for children, any adult is Leo). In all situations, always and everywhere, he does not forget to think about how he looks from the outside. Leo is an egoist. He knows everything “Better than anyone”, needs a trail of fans and admirers, but he also knows how to “shine” those around him, warm them. And he often gives much more than he receives.

Sun in Leo

The brightness of the lion gives best expression The sun, its activity of independence, independence, creative forces. The Sun in Leo is the creator, the creator. He is already an adult, a young man. Poorly correlates his actions with the outside world. His goals, desires and actions are based on his inner motivation.

The Sun in Leo is pure creation and creativity, the sphere of manifestation of the higher “I”. The world for the Sun in Leo is both a spectacle and a stage. His manifestations are natural and do not require effort; all he cares about is the presence of space. He himself creates the world out of nothing. This is a director, an artist, and an artist. It manifests itself as will in the world, as a plan that is realized directly.

Leo is a creative will that wants to find its realization - hence brightness, openness, naturalness, independence. The Sun in Leo strives to find an isolated space in order to create its own independent world and its own laws in it. The Sun in Leo finds support in itself. He does not need external confirmation of his rightness; he feels that his ideas and plans are correct.

He is not a fighter, he stubbornly and calmly implements his plans, and when there is resistance, he goes to the side and continues them there. He creates his own space and reigns in it.

Of all the zodiac signs, Leo is the most direct, does not know how to bypass obstacles, and when he finds himself under pressure, he strives to escape from it, because he cannot take any other form except the only one that he owns, through which he expresses his natural state.

The Sun in Leo most often remains as it is. Raising Leo most often comes down to trying to suppress his will, and if this succeeds, then Leo has a hard time.

His desire to study himself as best as possible is so great that he can consider the whole world as a giant seminar dedicated to the search for his self. Very often he overestimates his own importance, but if this search ends in success, he acquires true greatness.