Higher specialty education. Bachelor's and specialist's programs: what is special about them, what is better

Often, people who want to start working abroad are faced with a problem related to the acquired education, namely, they have to go through a tedious procedure to confirm it or completely retrain.

Although the Lisbon Convention is now in force, stating that all countries included in it must accept specialists with diplomas from the countries in which they studied, but in fact, everything is happening completely the opposite.

Due to the fact that such concepts as “doctor of science” or “engineer” do not exist abroad, some changes had to be made in our education system. This became necessary so that our specialists could find employment in foreign countries without difficulties and extra costs.

Based on this, in 1999 the Bologna Declaration was signed, stating that the process of obtaining higher education in all countries should be the same and have two levels, that is, after completing four years of study, the student receives a bachelor's degree, and after completing the remaining two years - postgraduate degree. Russia and Ukraine joined this declaration. In Russia, this system officially came into force in 2009.

Although the bulk of higher educational institutions switched to a new two-level education system, some of them still remained faithful to the old “traditions” in teaching.

What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a specialist?

To get an answer to this question, let’s consider in more detail what a specialty is and what a bachelor’s degree is.

  1. A bachelor's degree is considered the first level of higher education out of two possible ones. The second stage is the master's degree. It is worth noting that, unlike the first, the second level is considered optional, and after receiving a bachelor’s degree, the student can begin his working career.
  2. The traditional system of education, which has long been known to everyone, belongs to the specialty. Namely, what is well known to all applicants of past years.

Based on this, many modern students are concerned about one question: what is the best way to get a diploma - by studying in the bachelor's degree system or in the specialty system? To answer this question, let’s look at the differences between the above systems.

The main differences between a bachelor's degree and a specialty degree

Although a bachelor's degree is considered a complete higher education, the common people mistakenly refer to it as incomplete higher education. By going through the process of obtaining higher education through the bachelor's degree system, the student fully masters all the necessary knowledge in the specialty that he has chosen for himself. This training can take place either full-time or part-time. After receiving a diploma, the student has a choice: to begin the process of employment or to continue studying at the second level (master's degree).

Let's consider the advantages of a bachelor's degree:

  • with such a training system, you get a diploma with which you can get a job abroad;
  • is given the opportunity to continue receiving education abroad and obtain a master’s degree there;
  • with such a system, the student receives a certain time, which he can spend on accurately deciding on the question of who he wants to become, and, if necessary, change educational institution.

The disadvantages of a bachelor's degree include:

  • the erroneous opinion of many people, in particular potential employers, that bachelors are significantly inferior to specialists;
  • the missing number of places in master's programs where one could study for free;
  • if you don’t meet the “budget” you have to pay a fairly high amount for training;
  • You can enroll in graduate school only after receiving a master's degree.

A specialty is considered to be a five- or six-year course of study at a higher educational institution, which is familiar to the majority of people.

The question of whether a bachelor's degree is considered higher education worries many applicants. Moreover, despite the fact that the legislation of the Russian Federation clearly gives a positive answer to this question, in fact, when starting their working career, many bachelors may encounter refusals from personnel specialists who consider a bachelor’s diploma to be a certificate of incomplete higher education. In the article, we will look at how a bachelor’s degree differs from a specialist’s degree and a master’s degree in Russia.

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Bachelor in Russian and World Legislation

Traditionally, in the Soviet and post-Soviet educational system there was only one degree of higher education - specialist. Even after the end of the USSR, such a system was used in Russia until 1996, when the concept of a bachelor's degree was introduced.
Subsequently, with the adoption by the Russian Federation of the main provisions of the Bologna education system, a master's degree and corresponding higher education were also introduced in 2003.

In Western countries, at the moment, almost everywhere, only two degrees of general higher education are used - bachelor's and master's degrees. At the same time, there is a basic fundamental division of these training options, declared and applied in practice. Thus, bachelor's education aims to provide the student with practical professional skills for subsequent employment, while master's education, first of all, pursues the goals of the graduate's subsequent scientific activity. In Russia, this division is not so strictly expressed and is interpreted in practice according to different principles.

Now issues of higher education, including those with a bachelor's degree, are considered by the provisions of Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012. In particular, bachelor's education, according to the provisions of this law, is clearly considered higher and entails all relevant legal consequences. The main one of these consequences is the direct possibility of employment for vacancies that require higher education.


Due to the fact that the law clearly defines a bachelor's degree as a higher education, refusal of employment on the basis of having an incomplete higher education with a bachelor's degree is entirely illegal. Incomplete or incomplete higher education means solely the absence of a diploma with the confirmed fact of completing at least one course of study at a higher educational institution.

Differences between specialist, bachelor and master's education

One of the main differences between a bachelor, specialist and master is the duration of study. Thus, the minimum terms for obtaining each of the relevant degrees of higher education are established by law. Namely:

  • Bachelor - 4 years of study;
  • Specialist – 5 years of training;
  • Master - any previous degree and at least one year of study.

Important fact

These restrictions relate to the minimum duration of the educational program. In some cases, bachelor's studies can last more than four years. The same applies to specialists and masters. Most often, extended training duration is used in the medical field.

However, there are other differences. In particular, having a bachelor's degree does not provide the right to subsequently enter graduate school. However, having a bachelor's degree gives you full rights to enter a master's program without training to become a specialist. Moreover, a bachelor has the right to enroll in a master’s program and in any other university in a similar specialty, including several years after completing his studies and receiving a diploma.

Important fact

The specialist degree in Russia is becoming an increasingly limited education program every year. In particular, its preservation at the legislative level is provided only for areas that are strategically important for national and state security. At the same time, an increasing number of universities in practice cease to train specialists in most areas.

Another significant difference between a bachelor and a specialist and a master is the absence of the need to write and defend a dissertation. Bachelors and specialists perform only diploma theses. At the same time, proof of effective completion of a master's course is the defense of a master's thesis. The difference between a dissertation and a thesis should be expressed in the strictly expressed practical usefulness of such work and the disclosure of new issues not previously considered by science.

Finding a job with a bachelor's degree - possible problems

In practice, in Russia, some employers, as mentioned above, practice refusal to hire bachelors due to incomplete higher education. It is believed that a four-year bachelor's degree does not provide the necessary set of practical skills in comparison with a specialist and master's degree. However, this practice is illegal. A bachelor's degree in Russia is considered a higher education, absolutely complete and complete. Thus, if a refusal to hire is due to the lack of higher education and a bachelor’s degree, this refusal can be challenged in court.


The opportunity to challenge a refusal to hire in the situation described above is present only if the requirements for the vacancy only mentioned the presence of a higher education in the specialty, and only when the wording of the refusal included non-compliance with the requirements for the presence of such education.

In addition, individual employers may clearly indicate in the requirements for a vacancy the presence of a master's or specialist degree. This practice is absolutely legal and the employer cannot be held liable on the basis of such requirements. In fact, today the misconception about the “inferiority” of a bachelor’s education is becoming less widespread, but it does occur among personnel specialists in some cases.

The higher education system in Russia provides an applicant with a choice of obtaining different degrees of qualification.

Before entering the university, many applicants are faced with the question of the differences between bachelor's and specialty degrees.

These two forms are the most popular in the country, after which you can continue your studies in master’s and postgraduate programs. It is very important to understand the main differences between these systems so as not to make a mistake with your choice.

What does a bachelor's degree mean?

Bachelor's degree is the initial stage of higher education. This means that the applicant, having chosen a specialty, will receive all the necessary basic knowledge and skills about his future profession.

He will have an entry level qualification. You can study full-time, part-time or freely, combining it with work.

After receiving a diploma, a student can continue his studies at any university in Russia or abroad in a master's program (in his specialty, choosing a narrower focus, or change it).

Complete higher education or not

A bachelor's degree is recognized as completed higher education. Although people often call this form "unfinished supreme." Above the bachelor's degree, the second stage of education is the master's degree.

It is not necessary to study for a master's degree; after graduating from university, you can get a job straight away. Those who want to engage in scientific activities cannot do without obtaining a master's degree.

Note: The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly states that students who have studied only half of the time allotted at the institute have incomplete higher education.

What is a specialty at a university?

A specialty is a traditional form of Russian education. After graduation, the student receives the qualification “certified specialist”.

Young people study for 5 years, in the first two years they study general education subjects, and then receive more specialized knowledge. After defending the thesis and receiving the document, the student can immediately enter graduate school.

Many people believe that specialists receive better training and are more valuable personnel.

Please note: After graduating from a specialty, a student cannot enroll in a master's program on a budget, since this will be considered a second higher education course, which is paid in Russia.

Bachelor's and Specialist's Degrees - What's the Difference?

Main differences:

  1. Training period. Specialist course - 5 years, bachelor degree - 4 years.
  2. Specialists can freely enroll in graduate school, teach at higher educational institutions and work in government agencies in the field of management. A bachelor can enter graduate school. But this is only possible after completing a master's degree.
  3. Specialists study disciplines of a narrower focus in their profession, while a bachelor receives basic knowledge and skills.
  4. After completing a bachelor's degree, a graduate can work in any field of profession, a specialist in a narrower field.
  5. Specialists cannot enroll in a master's program on a budget; bachelors are given this opportunity.
  6. Abroad, a “specialty” degree is not valued; it is equated to a bachelor’s degree, which is recognized by the international education system. If a professional student wants to work in a foreign company, he will have the difficult task of defending his diploma in another country.
  7. Bachelors are given a deferment from the army for 2 years of master's degree. If specialists want to study further, there will be no delay.

What is better: bachelor or specialist?

It is difficult to say unequivocally which form of training is better. Depending on the goals, a person chooses the most suitable qualification for him.

Graduates of both forms are currently valued in the labor market. But many employers believe that a specialty provides the most complete knowledge in narrow areas of the profession.

However, graduating with a bachelor's qualification, the student is also endowed with all the necessary knowledge and skills for successful work. A student also has the opportunity to transfer from a bachelor's degree to a specialty degree and vice versa - both within his own university and to other universities. Transfer is possible in the manner established by the regulations of the educational institution.

The choice of program depends on your future plans for life. Having answered the questions: where, by whom, in what company does a person want to work, and how long is he willing to study, you can choose the most suitable form of training.

If the applicant is not entirely sure in which area he wants to realize his potential, then a bachelor’s degree is suitable. As well as for those who want to start working or continue studying abroad as soon as possible.

If a student has already chosen a narrow field of activity and is ready to devote himself to long-term study (and perhaps scientific activity), a specialty is perfect for these purposes.

By taking a responsible approach to choosing not only a profession and a university, but also a qualification, education will become an excellent assistant in the implementation of professional plans.

What is a specialty

Specialty is a traditional type of higher education for Russia. Students in the specialty program study at the university for 5 years, and after that receive a “certified specialist” degree.

In 2003, Russia signed the Bologna Declaration and began the transition to the European higher education system. This is how a two-level system of higher education appeared in Russian universities: bachelor’s degree plus master’s degree.

How does a bachelor's degree differ from a master's degree?

Bachelor's degree - This is the first level of higher education, it lasts 4 years. During your studies, you will receive basic knowledge in your specialty and a bachelor's degree. A bachelor's degree is considered a completed higher education.

Master's degree - This is the second level of higher education, which lasts 2 years. Unlike a bachelor's degree, a master's degree gives the opportunity to choose a narrow specialization. For example, if you have a bachelor's degree in management, you can go to a master's degree in trade or tourism management.

Advantages of bachelor's and master's degrees

The diploma is recognized abroad.If you received a bachelor's degree in Russia and want to further study abroad, a foreign university will confirm your diploma. It is easier to get a job abroad with a bachelor's or master's degree than with a specialist's degree.

It's easy to change profession. Bachelor's and master's programs are structured in such a way that you can study for 4 years and then enroll in a master's degree in management. As a result, you will have two specialties. In addition, you can study for a master's degree at another university.

Deferment from the army. If a student enters a master's program in the year of graduation from a bachelor's degree, he will receive a 2-year deferment from the army. A specialist is not given such a deferment when applying for a master's degree.

Disadvantages of bachelor's and master's degrees

Mistrust of employers.Some employers are wary of bachelors because they study 1-2 years less than specialists. Therefore, specialists are more often hired.

Paid master's degree.Not all bachelors who studied on a budget will be able to complete a master's program for free. There are budget places for the master's degree, but there are much fewer of them than for the bachelor's degree. If you don’t have enough money for a master’s degree, you can take a break from studying, work and save up for a second diploma.

Pros and cons of the specialty

Employers appreciate it.Employers are willing to hire specialists because they study in a narrow profile, while bachelors receive general knowledge.

It's easier to get into graduate school.If you are going to study science or go to graduate school, choose a specialty. You can become a graduate student immediately after completing your specialty, while a bachelor will first have to complete a master's degree.

Takes longer.A specialist studies 1-2 years longer than a bachelor. If you regret this time and want to start working faster, choose a bachelor's degree.

It is difficult to confirm a diploma abroad.There is no specialty abroad, so it will be more difficult for you to confirm a specialist diploma for studying or working abroad.

What type of training to choose

It is impossible to say unequivocally what is better to choose: a specialty or a bachelor’s degree with a master’s degree. To make it easier for you to decide and see the difference between them, we have collected the pros and cons of each form of training in a table.


Bachelor's degree

Master's degree

Diploma of Higher Education




Training period

5-6 years

4 years

2 years

Opportunity to study for free

many budget places

many budget places

few budget places

Employers' attitude




Recognition of diploma abroad

hardly admit

easily recognized

easily recognized

In the modern world, having a higher education diploma serves not only as a body of knowledge that confirms a person’s worth, but also as an excellent chance to get an interesting specialty and a well-paid job. Even before graduation, the future graduate begins to think about continuing his education, collecting information about what this or that stage of its acquisition represents. A lot is known about the prestige of entering a master's program. But what can you say when deciding on entering university for the first time? There are two forms of higher education: specialist and bachelor's degrees.

What does a bachelor's degree provide?

This form of education as a bachelor's degree came to Russia from Europe, first appearing there in the Middle Ages. Today, in pursuit of the goal of maintaining international standards, Russian students are well acquainted with the two-level system of higher education. A bachelor is a graduate who has received a diploma from a university.

To obtain a full-time bachelor's degree, a student will need to complete 4 years of study. In the third year of study, students begin to gain knowledge by mastering a wider range of subjects aimed at the general profile of education. After completing four courses and defending his final thesis, the student receives the coveted diploma of general higher education, which allows him to immediately get a job. If the diploma holder is determined to continue his studies, then he has the right to enter the master's program, and then to graduate school.

This principle of obtaining several levels of education allows the graduate, if desired or if necessary, to change his profession while studying in a master's program. Also, upon receiving a bachelor's degree, graduates can confirm their diploma abroad.

  • an open opportunity to obtain a diploma in accordance with European standards, which opens up the chance to enroll in master's programs at universities in other countries;
  • European employers accept bachelors willingly, restructuring them and training them to suit their requirements;
  • a possible change not only of the university, but also of a previously chosen specialty.

You can also observe a number of disadvantages of the bottom form of the diploma:

  • Many employers, out of old habit, consider a bachelor’s degree to be an insufficient basis for employment, giving preference to another form of education or higher level of education;
  • a bachelor does not have the opportunity to enroll in graduate school without completing a master's degree;
  • a limited number of budget places for master's studies and the high cost of obtaining this educational level.

It should be noted that training in this form has come to Russia since 1996.

What does a specialist diploma provide?

This form of education remains standard and familiar to Russia and the CIS countries. Most countries have already abolished the specialist degree. Full-time training lasts for 5 years, in some cases 6 years. Starting from the third year, instead of studying subjects aimed at obtaining a general higher education, specialists are given a narrow focus in their chosen profession, studying a specific specialty to perfection. A specialist is more of a qualification than an academic degree. Graduate has the right to enroll in both a master's program and later in graduate school.

The advantages of the specialty, of course, are:

  • Russian employers have a good attitude towards the completed form of training, they are quite willing to hire a graduate;
  • With this form, a graduate can immediately enter graduate school, bypassing the master's level.

But there are also several significant disadvantages:

  • a specialist diploma is not quoted in Europe and America and may not be accepted;
  • admission to a master's program is equivalent to a second higher education and is only paid, which means it requires considerable financial investments;
  • A specialist needs to think carefully about his chosen specialty; there is a high risk of not finding a use for it.

Which form of training to choose depends only on the desires and goals that a particular person sets for himself for the future. If you know exactly what field you want to become a specialist in and want to master this profession to perfection, then it makes sense to choose specialty training.

If your goal is to obtain general knowledge confirmed by a diploma of higher education, then this form of education as a bachelor's degree will undoubtedly suit you fully. Obtaining this diploma gives a person the opportunity to work in several fields of activity that have similar requirements for employees.

It is also worth keeping in mind that finding a job abroad with an international diploma will be easier than for a graduate who has received a specialist qualification, which is so well received on the Russian employment market.