Real photo of Big Russian Boss. Big Russian Boss – biography, photos, songs, personal life, albums, height, weight

Big Russian Boss- one second of a duet with, both in a musical role and as the host of the most popular talk show on YouTube and Runet, which has an extremely “original” name - Big Russian Boss Show.

It can also be said that Big Russian Boss- it is Russian Snoop Dogg our days, a major rap artist whose creative method consists of a postmodern approach. Big Russian Boss- a kind of commercial version of Pasha Technique, only more parody. You can also compare creativity with what Dzharakhov and Khovansky do. The boss and companion are so popular that they are even parodied:

Great Big Russian Boss even in the summer heat he performs in a blue fur coat, which is why he is regularly on the streets. with a drunken, hoarse voice and an exclusive hard satirical primitive style of reading about everyday life and more; well, just very significant in the world of Russian rap this moment character, yeah; born of the gods and raised by the street, a true gangsta rapper, troll, pulling out a fragment of a toilet bowl with his teeth and licking with a sharp flexible tongue the wrinkled bloody tampons of the public morality of our time.

Personally proclaimed emperor of Russian rap Big Russian Boss became widely famous among the people thanks to his own commercial prestige, disrespectful punch lines and the phenomenal Big Russian Boss mixtape “Biggest Dick, Similar Money”. The subject is a cool and juicy portrayal of Rick Civet accompanied by cue balls from Araabmuzik and 4eu3. Big Russian Boss regularly maintains an interesting twitter and goes over Russian-speaking MCs in such a way that they are obliged to kill him a long time ago. Despite the fact that from the texts of this very Boss, it turns out that the friend lives in Miami, there are rumors that BRB actually has a Samara residence permit.

Big Russian Boss I started reading rap in the first half of the 2010s. Long time joined the Guilty Splash group, however, he was given the bolts. Then Big Russian Boss clung to the collective “HustleHard Flava”, whose members at that time were Young P&H (Young Pimp & Hustla) and MC boGomol.

About the first half of the creative route, Big Russian Boss said the following in one of his quick interviews: “We came up with tougher nicknames for ourselves, recorded a couple of tracks, and usually screamed. And in the future, a program was written out with our assistance, and then they began to positively dislike us, and we felt that we needed to create further.”

Members of the group distributed their own microrecordings on the global network. Then the Big Russian Boss comrades began a campaign of performances in Miami. In 2013 there was a release of a personal album big Russian boss with the name "BDSM". Its assortment included 14 tracks, including 3 manufacturers: Young P&H, FVCKFISH and GOLDENPHILL.

Big Russian Boss cooperates with some domestic beatmakers. For the tracks Big Russian Boss sent own music 4eu3, Araabmuzik and Lera Tekel. In 1 music from the brand new album “Word of God”, the release of which was planned for June 2013, the Capella cue ball was used. In July 2013, the popular Polish-Russian rapper Napalm Paint Killer wrote disrespect on Big Russian Boss for the purpose of self-promotion, calling him an obese pig.

Big Russian Boss style

Style readings Big Russian Boss he is hostile, and his texts often use obscene language. In some tracks the subject responds in a bad way about Slavic rap artists, ridiculing and insulting them. In one of the express interviews, BRB said about own creativity followed by: “I didn’t learn how to read a rap, everything was destined by heaven. They say that it is permissible to study for the rest of your life. If there were any secrets, I didn’t open them. A personal twist of genius, I write the text of an aria for 10-20 minutes, and in the future people will listen to this for centuries.”

Big Russian Boss gives performances from time to time. The vast majority of concerts take place in his hometown of Miami, but there were also performances in Moscow City and other towns. On stage, the friend comes out wearing a fur coat, a false beard and black eyepieces. Big Russian Boss appeared as one of the key idols of rap folklore in 2013. Everything started with congratulations from the visitors of the MozgoYo program! With New Year's holidays, continued with the mixtape “BDSM” and today - a full-fledged album from the Chief and the whole movement of Hustle Hard Flava. Visitors to L’One and Yanix.

Typical creative manifestations in the Big Russian Boss Show format:

Big Russian Boss is a Russian rapper who was born on April 18 (according to the horoscope Aries) 1991 in Samara. His real name is Igor Lavrov. He is known to many as the host of the program on YouTube channel.

In the past, that is, before popularity, he was an ordinary guy, who loved listening to old school rap. It is at these very creative moments the young man was thinking about creating new wave rap. To do this, he began to write and read it on his own in 2000, together with his friend and fellow rapper Stas Kochenkov.

In his recent youth, Igor received two higher educations: in global economics and in finance and credit. He worked at the bank for a short period until it closed due to the loss of its license.

Opening of the show on YouTube

Igor met Stas in high school and together with him decided to start a rap career. At first, the guys simply decided to show their friends in Samara their work, but later these songs leaked onto the Internet, where the path to fame began. People paid attention to the amateurish, but very interesting song and began to post quotes from it in the famous social network– Twitter.

As soon as the guys realized that fame was just around the corner, they decided to release their own show called "Big Russian Boss Show". But first they choose for themselves cool nicknames. Igor decided to become Big Russian Boss, and Stas Young P&H.
The main theme of their show is that they ridicule and parody the stereotyped rap of Americans, which always involves hot chicks, crack, beards, cars and, of course, gold pendants.
Igor himself chose the image of a cool " bad guy” from the hot Miami, who certainly has a beard and a gold pendant.

Resounding success

This image caused many enthusiastic exclamations from subscribers. In just a year, the show was able to gain more than 2 million subscribers. People began to visit their channel more often and also invited them to various parties.
In just a short period of time, rappers became very popular and entered the top 50 best rappers Russia. Many people note Igor’s creative image and clearly recognize his talent not only as a rap artist, but also as an excellent showman.
At their show you can see many popular and famous personalities, which undoubtedly increase the number of views on YouTube.

Big Russian Boss burst onto the Russian Internet completely unexpectedly for many. Having sharply gained popularity, it continues to remain in the top of Russian YouTube. It would seem that he and Young Pemp (better known as Pimp) got their fame by accident, but in reality this is not at all the case. Popularity was preceded by a lot of work on oneself and creativity (but this is not certain).

Boss's real name is Igor Lavrov. He was born on June 8, 1991 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. As a child, he moved to Samara with his family. Received two higher educations in specialties world economy, finance and credit. After graduating from university, I worked for a year in a bank, which subsequently lost its accreditation. After this, the future BRB decided to devote himself entirely to creativity.

In high school, Igor met Stas Konchenkov (Young Pemp), with whom they initially had enmity and frequent clashes. After graduating from school, they met in a neutral environment and, after talking, found many common interests. In particular, both guys became interested in rapping and drawing graffiti.

Their first tracks were available only to friends and sounded no different from hundreds of similar songs. Performed under pseudonyms Lowrydr and SlippahNeSpi. After little success from their first video, quotes from which were circulating on Twitter the very next day, they took on the new pseudonyms Big Russian Boss and Young P&H.

Below we present a photo of Big Russian Boss - Igor without a beard, wig and glasses.

The guys came up with new images. The boss wore colored fur coats, bright scarves on his head, many rings, fashionable bright sneakers, a crown hung with colored stones and sunglasses. A thick black beard and vaping became part of his image. Pimp began wearing black clothes and a black mask with slits for the eyes and the Chanel symbol on the forehead.

They came up with a legend for the images: living in Miami Boss, How King of the world, the owner of all the money and the favorite of the beauties, and Pemp, like his lesser colleague.

After the release of the very first tracks in the new image, they began to receive a lot of negative comments and hate, after which they realized that they began to hook people and decided to move further along this road.

They borrowed the style of singing songs from Lil Jonah, rapper from America, representative of " new school" The lyrics of Boss's songs contain a lot of obscenities, self-irony and insults, which does not leave anyone indifferent.

Igor Lavrov’s career in a new image began with New Year's greetings viewers of the program “MozgoYo!”, then there was the mixtape “BDSM” and was released in 2013 Boss and Pimp's first album "Word of God". According to the performers, it is performed in the “Christian rap” genre.

Already at the very beginning of his career, Big Russian Boss became the face of the most popular MDK public page on VKontakte. It was there that the most powerful promotion of his work began. The springboard created by MDK allowed the Greatest to become famous far beyond the rap community, and his videos became popular throughout the RuNet. On a wave of hype, Boss releases his second album “In Bo$$ We Trust.”

It is worth noting that Igor Lavrov was “inflamed” by promotion in the rap industry, although Stas Konchenkov was not particularly enthusiastic about this. But despite this, the guys released another album, which was named as "International Turnip God."

In the summer of 2016, Boss and Young Pemp began running their own channel on YouTube, where they hosted the “Big Russian Boss Show,” which collected millions of views from the first episode.

YouTube stars such as Eldar Dzharakhov, Danila Poperechny, Yuri Khovansky, Ruslan Usachev, Yang Guo and others are invited to the show, as well as pop stars such as Olga Buzova, LSP, Dmitry Malikov, Serebro. The guest of the program was basketball player Timofey Mozgov. The boss, in the form of the Greatest, conducts an interview with the guest, asking him provocative, offensive, tricky questions, putting the guest in an awkward position.

Pemp speaks his comments very rarely and goes about his business in the background, occasionally exchanging taunts with the Boss. The show has its own quirks, such as the dwarf and the "boobs of complaints and suggestions."

By the end of 2016, the show was gaining such popularity that Boss was invited to Moscow State University to give a lecture on how to promote your brand. The boss appears before the students in his famous image And conducts a lecture in his usual manner of communication.

Igor Lavrov has been married for several years to a girl born in 1994, Diana Manakhova. Igor keeps his personal life secret and the marriage became known only from the answers on the website “Ask Fm” by Stas Konchenkov.

Now Big Russian Boss and Young Pump are giving concerts all over the country, making new music, continue to produce the popular show, as well new format, where two guests are pitted against each other in the form of a competition.

Big Russian Boss is a Russian rap artist, video blogger, and host of a show of the same name on YouTube. The provocative image of the self-proclaimed king of “Russian rap” is recognizable: dark glasses, a beard, a crown and a fur coat, as well as his signature sense of humor and self-irony.

Childhood and youth

Big Russian Boss (real name Igor Lavrov, in some sources - Igor Sirotkin) was born on June 8, 1991 in Samara (in some sources - in Alma-Ata). According to Lavrov, he has two higher economic educations - in the field of world economics, finance and credit.

Having received a diploma about higher education, Igor worked for some time in a bank, which was later deprived of its license. After this, the guy decided to devote his life exclusively to creativity.


“Big Russian Boss” is not only Lavrov, but also his colleague Pimp - Stas Konchenkov (Young P&H). The colleagues met in high school. Their first songs together could only be heard by friends, but when one of their compositions ended up in public access, the very next day phrases from it began to flash on Twitter.

It was then that Igor and Stas, who had previously performed under the names Lowrydr and SlippahNeSpi, chose bright pseudonyms and began to actively work on the development of their team. It is worth noting that the image of the soloist is a parody of American gangster hip-hop. Appearance Igor spotted the future thunderstorm of the rap scene from the American hip-hop artist Rick Ross: a colored fur coat, massive chains and rings, a lush black beard, dark glasses and a semblance of an Arab keffiyeh (scarf on the head), secured with a crown with “precious” stones.

The musician borrowed the image of performing his songs from American rapper Lil Jon. The following legend was invented: Big Russian Boss - a brutal boor and bad guy from Miami, surrounded by the attention of beauties, wasting money and using expensive drugs.

The lyrics of the Boss's songs correspond to his image - full of sarcasm, vivid comparisons, black humor and self-irony. “Music of stupid blacks,” as the performers themselves described their work.

In a new look, Big Russian Boss and Young P&H began to conquer Russian show business. It all started with congratulations from the viewers of the program “MozgoYo!” Happy New Year, continued with the “BDSM” mixtape, and soon (in 2013) the album from the Boss and the Hustle Hard Flava movement, “Word of God,” was released. The genre in which this album was created was designated as “Christian rap.”

Big Russian Boss ft. Young P&H - Russian Rap

The promotion of the group at first took place in the “MDK” community on VKontakte, but subsequently the fame of the group spread beyond the rap community. About a year after the first concerts and the release of the album, information about the unusual rapper spread throughout the RuNet. At the same time, the musician released his second album “In Bo$$ We Trust” and recorded the single “Black Snow” with the performer Bumble Beezy.

It is noteworthy that Stas reacted to the growing popularity without much enthusiasm, while Lavrov was quite determined to promote from simple songs to full-fledged entertainment content. Nevertheless, the guys successfully released the album “I.G.O.R.”, deciphering the acronym as “International God of Rap”.

Lecture Big Russian Boss Show at Moscow State University

By 2016, according to the portal RAP.RU, Big Russian Boss entered the top 50 most popular domestic rap artists. The team released the next album “B.U.N.T.” and mini-album "X EP". At the end of 2016, Lavrov was invited to the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University to give a lecture on brand promotion in the media space. Igor spoke to the students in a traditional manner.


In the summer of 2016, Lavrov began hosting the “Big Russian Boss Show” program on YouTube, during which he conducted interviews with stars that were crazy in content. Issues of a humorous nature were replete with obscene language, impudence and insolence towards guests, which were such famous people, as Roberto Panchvidze (founder of the MDK community), vlogger Eldar Dzharakhov, faces of the label Black Star and Russian rapper Slim.

Big Russian Boss Show and Eldar Dzharakhov

The first season of the show was very successful, so the musicians soon launched the second season, calling it “St. Petersburg” - this time the guests were natives northern capital: rapper Dan Cheney, scandalous vlogger Khovansky. In subsequent episodes of the show, people far from rap culture came to the Big Russian Boss studio: singer