How to draw a cube without taking your hands off. Constructing figures with one stroke of a pencil

Poems about toys for early and early children before school age: 56 poems on the topic “Toys” for children’s parties, activities, games, themed weeks.

Poems about toys for early and preschool children

Toys and children are an eternal and very interesting topic, because a game is a world in which a child learns to live, gets to know the world, learns to create and create. Poems about toys are always needed - you can read them to your birthday child, giving him a toy on his birthday. You can sign poems on a postcard. You can read poems about toys just for fun or act out dialogues with toys. Or you can make an album “Our toys in verse.” Moreover, this album will be of interest to both a one-year-old toddler and a completely “serious” seven-year-old. And the content of the album will “grow” with the child and constantly change.

I make this album “Toys in pictures, poems, riddles, fairy tales” very simply.

How to make a photo album with poems about your child’s favorite toys:

Step 1. I take:a) a folder with files (I select a folder on the rings so that I can always insert additional files and remove unnecessary ones), b) dense white paper for drawing or cardboard and c) high-quality colored paper (double-sided thick).

Step 2. I make colored pages on colored paper. One page is one toy in verses and pictures. For example, the first page is a favorite doll. The second is our balls. The third one is a bunny. The fourth is your favorite hippo, etc.
How to quickly and easily make a page? On colored paper I paste on a “portrait of a toy - the heroine of the page.” This could be: a) a photo of a child with a toy, or b) a picture of a toy, or c) a photo of the child’s favorite toy in a plot (a bear is sleeping, a doll is eating, a train is traveling along railway, knights in the fortress are fighting, etc. depending on age). Next to it I paste the text of a poem printed on the computer about this toy or plot and - if there is enough space - a story about it, a riddle, a tongue twister, a fable, a fairy tale.

And also - I make sure to glue an empty white rectangle to each page - in it I will later write down either a riddle, or a story, or a fairy tale that the child will compose about this toy. It is very important for me that a child not only “use” something ready-made, but from the first years of life feels like a creator and creates his own little works!

Step 3. Next, inside each file I put drawing paper (for density), and on both sides I put our pages into the file. The result is a colored “page” of the album with poems about toys, from which you can always take out an unnecessary sheet and replace it with another or add something..

This photo album is very dynamic and therefore convenient. It can be given to other families to read - friends, neighbors, grandparents. We include in it from time to time:

  • the baby’s first riddles (“Yellow, not the sun. With paws, not a duckling, Fluffy, not a cloud. Who is it? (chicken)”,
  • first fairy tales,
  • the first fables
  • interesting expressions of a child about this toy - funny ones from the “Through the Mouth of a Baby” series. (I’ll give an example: “When I grow up, I’ll definitely make batteries in the forest.” – Why? – So that the bunny doesn’t freeze in winter!”).

Each page of the book is “living”, speaking, because it is not just a toy, but a toy that the baby plays with every day. And that’s why children of all ages simply adore such “personal” books.

When I worked with groups of children at a children's center, kindergarten, we always made books with children’s poems about toys together with the children during the “Week of Games and Toys”. We had individual photo albums (“My Favorite Toys”) and a common group album “ Big Book poems about our favorite toys." This common album was everyone’s “favorite” - he always “went to visit” some family on the weekends. It was this album that we gave to friends and guests of our group to read. And he always found a lively response from all readers

How to make a shared album for a group of children “A Big Book of Poems about Our Favorite Toys”:

  • Make a folder with files as described above
  • In the general album of the group, give each child 1-2 of your personal pages.
  • Take photos of children with their favorite toys.
  • Design the pages together with the children. On the child’s page there is: a) a photo of him with his favorite toy, b) a story about his favorite toy, recorded under dictation (the child dictates, the adult writes it down). I ask the child this way: “Praise the toy, so that even those who have never seen it will really like it!”, c) 1 – 3 poems about the toy children's poet, d) a riddle about this toy - either folk, or from children's literature, or invented by a child.
  • The book arrives at shared library, where you can take it to read at any time.

Today I want to offer you a collection of poems about toys, which may be useful to you at children’s parties, and at themed weeks at home on the topic “Toys,” and in the design of the photo album “Our Favorite Toys in Poems.”

Many of these poems are suitable for acting out scenes with toys or dialogues.

Section 1. Poems about toys for the little ones (from birth to 3 years)

1.1. Poems about a toy - a rattle

A. Barto. Beanbag

How big Andryushka is sitting
On the carpet in front of the porch,
He has a toy in his hands -
Rattle with a bell.

The boy looks - what a miracle?
The boy is very surprised
He won’t understand: where did he come from?
Is this bell ringing?

L. Razumova. Beanbag

They bought me a rattle
I shake it over my ear.
The balls inside are ringing
I'll put it that they are silent.

S. Loseva. Beanbag

Pavlushka has a rattle.
This is the first toy.
He doesn't understand yet
That everyone plays with a toy.
They put a rattle in my hand:
Our Pavlushka smiled,
He waved his little hand.
The sound was very loud.
Our baby quieted down a little,
He waved his hand again.
The rattle made noise.
Our Pavlushka learned
Play with her. And he knows
If you wave, there will be a ringing sound!

M. Druzhinina

They gave Masha a rattle,
And it thunders over your ear,
Masha is not afraid
Masha smiles!

1.2. Poems about a toy - a bunny

I. Tokmakova. Bayinki

Bainki, bainki,
The bunnies came running.
Sat down on the bench
They asked for a watering can,
Watered the garden
Where does cabbage grow?

V. Berestov. Zainki

Little bunnies
They wanted some goodies,
They wanted some goodies
Because they are small.

A. Barto

The owner abandoned the bunny -
A bunny was left in the rain.
I couldn't get off the bench,
I was completely wet.

G. Lagzdyn. Bunny, bunny, dance!

Bunny, Bunny, dance!
Bunny, bunny, dance!
Make our Masha laugh!
Stomp, stomp your paws,
Gray slippers!
Like this! Like this!
The bunny hopak is dancing!

1.3. Poems about a toy pig

P. Sinyavsky. Khryukhryushka's ditty

I'm a piggy, I'm a piggy
I bathe my belly in a puddle.
Why does a piggy need a shower?
Since there are so many puddles in the world?

1.4. Poems about a toy elephant

A. Barto. Elephant

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
He lay down on his side in the box.
The sleepy bear went to bed,
Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He sends his regards to the elephant

1.5. Poems about a toy cow and bull

V. Stepanov. Zorka

- Zorka, Zorka, where have you been?
- Behind the mountain.

- Zorka, Zorka, where is the mountain?
- Over the river.

- Zorka, Zorka, where is the river?
- Behind the bridge.

- Zorka, Zorka, where is the bridge?
- Behind the fishing line.

- Zorka, Zorka, you were far away.
What did you bring to the hostess?

- Milk.

V. Berestov. Goby

Little bull
Yellow barrel,
He steps with his feet,
Shakes his head:
-Where is the herd? Mooo!
It's boring to be alone!

V. Berestov. Cow

Little cow, little cow!
Horned... little head!
Don't butt small children
It’s better for them to have milk... give them!

1.6. Poems about a toy cat

G. Sapgir. Cat

- Cat, what is your name?
- Meow.
-Are you guarding the mouse here?
- Meow.
- Meow, do you want some milk?
- Meow.
- What about a puppy as a friend?
- Frr!

Z. Alexandrova. Stompers

Stomp, stomp, stomp...
The toys are surprised
The cat jumped onto the window:
Olya by semi goes!
He doesn't walk with his hands,
And he stamps his feet,
Little legs
Red boots.
And I'm surprised myself
Why doesn't she fall?

V. Berestov. Kitty

If someone moves from their place,
The kitten will attack him.
If anything goes wrong,
The kitten will grab onto it.
Jumping gallop! Scratch-scratch!
You will not escape from our clutches!

M. Druzhinina. Cat

- Murr - purr - purr -
The cat purrs,
Pet me a little!
From warmth and affection
I'll close my eyes!

1.7. Poems about a toy - a bear

Z. Alexandrova. My bear

I sewed a shirt for a bear
I'll sew some pants for him.
I need to sew a pocket on them
And put some candy.

Porridge was cooked on the stove.
Where is our big spoon?
I'll tell you before you eat
I wash my paws with water.

I'll tie you a napkin -
Eat a cutlet, eat a candy,
Drink your milk
And let's go for a walk soon!

These are chickens, these are ducks,
Black Ball is sleeping at the booth.
We won't call him
Let's run away for a walk together.

The kid drinks from the trough,
He looks at you angrily.
Don't be afraid - it's a goose
I'm afraid of him myself.

We are on a narrow plank
Let's run to swim in the river,
Let's swim, sunbathe,
Wash our panties.

The bear was stomping, playing around,
The light bridge began to shake,
There are circles in the water...
Sharik, Sharik, help!

The bear is wet like a sponge
The plush fur coat is drying.
The ball ran forward.
We'll get it from mom!

1.8. Poems about a toy - cockerel

G. Lagzdyn. Cockerel

- Cockerel, cockerel,
Give me a comb.
Well, please, please
I'll comb my curls.

.M. Druzhinina. Rooster

“I have excellent hearing,”
Once a rooster boasted,
Neither a cow nor a beetle
You can’t sing like that: KU-KA - RE - KU!

1. 9. Poems about a toy horse

M. Klokova. Horse

I got on my horse
And I hold on with my hands.
Look at me, -
I went to my mother.

A. Barto. horse

I love my horse.
I'll comb her fur smoothly,
I'll comb my tail
And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

G. Lagzdyn. I'm galloping

The horse is galloping,
rushes like a whirlwind, like an arrow.
I'm on horseback.
I scream to the whole house.
I'm screaming! I'm galloping!
I'm flying like a fast bird!
do not blame me,
Don't get off your horse.
I'll still jump!
I'll scream some more!

V. Berestov. horse

“But!” we said to the horse.
And they rushed off without looking back.
The mane curls in the wind.
Here is the house. Horse, whoa!

M. Klokova. My horse

Hop! Hop! The horse is alive
And with a tail and a mane.
He shakes his head
That's how beautiful it is!

1. 10. Poems about a doll

M. Druzhinina

My daughter Masha is splashing in the water,
The doll Dasha is splashing in the water.
Mom wipes her Masha,
Masha wipes her Dasha.

Yu. Garey Lullaby

Sleep, my dear,
Favorite doll,
Close your eyes.
I'll undress you
I'll make the bed.
Tomorrow we'll rise together
We'll play again.

G. Boyko. Doll

Who doesn't know this doll?
You won't find a better doll.
Immediately opens his eyes,
Just take it in your arms.

And even though the doll has no tears,
My girl is crying:
- Mom mom! Where are you, where are you?
Well, mom is me.

I will put beads on the doll,
I'll sew a new dress.
Don't take me to grandma
In the old one I wash my doll.

In Berestov. sick doll

Quiet. Quiet. Silence.
The poor doll is sick.
The poor doll is sick
She asks for music.
Sing what she likes
And she will get better.

P. Obraztsov. I'm treating a doll

In a white coat
I'm by the bed.
I can't sleep:
The doll is sick.
Lina has a cough
There is a wheeze in the throat.
Maybe a sore throat?
Maybe the flu?
Tea with raspberries
I sing to the doll.
I'll cure Lina
My doll.

T. Koval. Doll

I baked, cooked,
I fed the dolls.
The dolls listened to me
They quickly ate everything:

And flower soup
And sand pie
And clay cutlets,
And rowan compote.

O. Vysotskaya. Sledging

The sled rolled down.
Hold on tight, doll!
Sit, don't fall -
There's a ditch ahead!

You must drive carefully!
Otherwise you might crash!

Section 2. Poems about toys for children 3-7 years old

2.1. Poems about children playing with toys

I. Tokmakova. Let's play

We rode a horse
We reached the corner.

Got in the car
They poured gasoline.
We were traveling by car,
We reached the river.

Trrr! Stop! U-turn.
There is a steamer on the river.
We were traveling by steamboat,
We reached the mountain.

The ship is unlucky
We need to get on the plane.
The plane is flying,
The motor is humming:

Z. Alexandrova. On a walk

Ball, bucket and spatula,
You are having a hard time.
If they took you for a walk,
You have to dig, carry, jump.

Green ball on the ground
He's been jumping around like a frog for a whole hour.
And the shoulder blade has no time -
I dug everything around.

The bucket is worse -
Draws water from a puddle.
Only in a puddle - that's the problem! —
Water never runs out!

I. Plakida. Toys

Tolya and Katyushka's
Eat various toys:
Pig with piglet,
Cow with calf
Housewife chicken
And yellow chickens.

Z. Alexandrova. Toys

From colored fluffy yarn
We sew toys for kids -
Dolls, balls and bunnies.
There are more and more of them every day.

There's a whole corner of toys here:
White brood of hares,
And the pigtails of fat dolls
They stick out like bows at the top...

Here is a striped tiger cub.
The tiger cub looks kind
Because only with cotton wool
His belly is full.

E. Uspensky. Take care of toys

The stroller has no wheels,
The hedgehog's nose is unglued
The chickens turned black
And cotton wool is coming out of the bear.
There were new toys
And now they are old women.
So let's hurry up
We took brushes and glue,
Threads, spools
And we will cure the toys.

V. Berestov. At the toy store

They don't buy friends
Friends are not for sale.
People find friends
And they also create.
And only with us,
In the toy store
Huge selection
Friends and girlfriends!

V. Berestov. Naughty doll

To our doll every hour
We repeat twenty times:
“What kind of education!
Just a punishment!
They ask the doll to dance,
The doll crawls under the bed.
What kind of education!
Just punishment!
Everybody play - she lies down.
Everyone lie down - she runs.
What kind of education!
Just punishment!
Instead of soup and cutlets
Give her some sweets.
What kind of education!
Just punishment!
Oh, we suffered with her.
It's not like it is with people.
What kind of education!
Just punishment!

V. Volina. Problem about Andryushka

Arranged by Andryushka
Two rows of toys.
Next to the monkey -
Teddy bear.
Together with the fox -
Bunny oblique.
Following them -
Hedgehog and frog.
How many toys
Did Andryushka arrange it?

M. Plyatskovsky. Wind-up toy

I have a lot of toys -
From elephant to rhinoceros.
But so far none
There is no clockwork toy.

I have a lot of toys -
Dolls, cubes and guns,
Drums and accordions,
Vanek-stands and nesting dolls.

But I dream of one like this
To turn the key by hand,
So that the spring is useful,
For the toy to start -
And ran across the table,
And she was spinning on the floor,
Or, jumping out of your hands,
Suddenly flew into the sky!

M. Yasnov. My little tiger

My cotton tiger cub
Just like alive.
But all day long
He is silent with me.

How sad he is
Unhappy looking!
He's in a crib
It's like he's sitting in a cage.

I want to go to the jungle
Run with a tiger cub
I want a paw
Shake the tiger cub.

- You are free,
Free now!.. -
So that the mother of the tiger cub
She opened the door for us,

So that the tiger cub's dad
He pressed us to his chest,
So that my hand is strong
The tiger cub shook!

V. Lunin. Doll

They gave me a doll! To me! Boy!
They couldn't have offended me more!
They always gave me cars, books,
And then suddenly - a doll... What should I do with it?

Carry in a stroller? Babysit? Sew her dresses?
I'm not a girl to play with.
I have more interesting things to do:
Well, for example, assemble a constructor,

Or carry an all-terrain vehicle over potholes,
Or drive trains around the house.
- Could you, doll, play like that?
She closed her eyes:
- Yes!

Together we inflated a huge balloon,
They looked at the sparrows outside the window.
I flew with her on a chair plane
And he built a multi-story building.

She seemed alive to me.
Was I angry when I received it? Lies!
I became a doll younger sister.
I immediately, immediately fell in love with her!

G. Lagzdyn. We are building a house

We are building a house new house,
The toys will live in it!
Here's a brick. Here's the board.
Two pieces of tiles.
There are windows in the house, doors in the house,
Walls - blocks and panels.
We took white crayons,
The ceilings were whitewashed.
The tap goes away, important - important.
The flag on the arrow is lit.
The house is multi-story.
Come in! Entrance is open!

2. 2. Poems about a toy bus

V. Borisov. Bus

It's yellow-red
Brilliant -
Windows, doors,
Six wheels!
Well, just like the real thing!
Who would sit down?
And I was lucky.
Turn the steering wheel
Press on the brake -
How good is the bus!

2.3. Poems about a toy car

V. Viktorov. Car

A car was walking down the street
The car was driving without gasoline,
There was a car without a driver,
Without a traffic light order,
I went where I didn’t know,
The car was running fast.

B. Zakhoder. Chauffeur

I'm rolling,
I'm flying
At full speed.
I am a driver myself.
And the engine itself.
I press
On the pedal -
And the car
Rushing into the distance!

V. Berestov. About the car

Here is the girl Marina.
And here is her car.

On, car, cup.
Eat, car, porridge.
Here's your crib
Sleep, sweet machine.

I treasure you
I'm not winding you up.
So that you don't get tired,
So that you don't catch a cold,
So as not to run in the dust.
Sleep, machine, don't be naughty!

Suddenly the car got sick:
She didn't drink, she didn't eat,
I didn’t sit on the bench,
Didn't play, didn't sleep,
She was sad.

Mishka visited the sick
He treated me to the “Mishka” candy.

Katya doll arrived
In a clean white robe.
Over the patient for an hour
Katya didn’t close her eyes.

The doctor knows everything in the world.
First-class doctor - Petya
(Petya finished first grade)
And the doctor saved the car.

The doctor listened to the patient,
shook his head
And said:
-Why does the body hurt?
He cannot live without cargo.
Because the engine is cold,
That the engine needs air.
Tired of it
Living idle -
And the car got sick.
She doesn't need silence
She needs movement.

How can we save the patient?
Take the key -
And start it!

2.4. Poems about a toy dog

Yu. Kushak. Teddy dog

Guard dog.
He may bark
Like alive.
But he doesn't bark because
That he liked you!

V. Berestov. Puppy

The alarm clock is sleeping. The bell is sleeping.
The puppy wakes up.
Wakes up and barks,
He wishes us pleasant dreams.
“bye-bye! Bye-bye!” —
That's what this barking means.

2.5. Poems about the ball

Ladonshchikov G. Katin ball

The ball jumped away from Katya
And disappeared somewhere.
He is nowhere to be found, even if you cry,
He disappeared, that's the problem!
Behind the sofa, under the table,
In the stove, under the bed
And in the corner behind the chest
Katya is looking for the ball.
He searches and searches but will not find.
And he doesn’t know that
That Barbos and the gray cat
They play volleyball.

V. Berestov. Ball

They beat him, but he is not angry.
He sings and has fun.
Because without beating
There is no life for the ball.

A. Barto

On the lawn in the morning
I'm running with the ball
I'm running, singing
I don’t know what...

And the ball is like the sun
Burns above me
Then he will turn around
The other side
And it will turn green
Like grass in the spring.

2.6. Poems about a toy bunny

V. Berestov. Hare - drummer

For the ears of a hare
They carry it to the drum.
The hare grumbles:
- I won’t drum!
Not in the mood,
There is no situation
No preparation
I don't see any carrots.

A. Barto Bunny in the window

The bunny is sitting in the window
He's wearing a brand new plush fur coat.
Done gray hare
Too much long ears.
In a brand new gray fur coat
He sits, pressed against the frame,
How can you seem brave?
With such funny ears?

Poems about a toy - a lion

B. Zakhoder. My lion

Dad gave it to me
Oh, I was chicken at first!
I've been there for two days
I was afraid of him
And on the third -
It's broken!

More interesting materials for activities with children on the topic “Toys” you will find in the articles on the site:

  • Games and exercises for preschool children on the topic “Toys” You will find in the article
  • Pictures of toys for children You can download it for free in the article


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I. Tokmakova “Let’s Play”

We rode a horse

We reached the corner.

Got in the car

They poured gasoline.

We were traveling by car,

We reached the river.

Trrr! Stop! U-turn.

There is a steamer on the river.

We were traveling by steamboat,

We reached the mountain.

The ship is unlucky

We need to get on the plane.

The plane is flying,

The motor is humming:

A. Barto

From the series “Toys”


Our Tanya cries loudly:

She dropped a ball into the river.

- Hush, Tanya, don’t cry:

The ball will not drown in the river.


The bull is walking, swaying,

Sighs as he walks:

- Oh, the board is ending,

Now I'm going to fall!


Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw.

I still won’t leave him -

Because he's good.


The owner abandoned the bunny,

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench,

I was completely wet.


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

He lay down on his side in the bed.

The sleepy bear went to bed,

Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.

The elephant nods its head

He bows to the elephant.


I love my horse.

I'll comb her fur smoothly,

I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.


No, we shouldn't have decided

Ride a cat in a car:

The cat is not used to riding -

The truck overturned.


We'll build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests.

Let's fly over the forests,

And then we'll go back to mom.



Rope in hand

I'm pulling the boat

Along a fast river.

And the frogs jump

On my heels

And they ask me:

- Take it for a ride, captain!


I have a little goat,

I herd him myself.

I'm a kid in a green garden

I'll take it early in the morning.

He gets lost in the garden -

I'll find it in the grass.

V. Berestov “Ball”

They beat him, but he is not angry.

He sings and has fun.

Because without beating

There is no life for the ball!

V. Berestov “Polka”

- Meow, Mouse! Let's dance the polka

Let's set an example for the guests!

- I would dance, but only

The cat is not a gentleman for the mouse.

V. Berestov “Sick Doll”

Quiet. Quiet. Silence.

The poor doll is sick.

The poor doll is sick

She asks for music.

Sing what she likes

And she will get better.

V. Berestov “Naughty Doll”

To our doll every hour

We repeat twenty times:

“What kind of education!

Just a punishment!

They ask the doll to dance,

The doll crawls under the bed.

What kind of education!

Just punishment!

Everybody play - she lie down,

All lie down - she runs.

What kind of education!

Just punishment!

Instead of soup and cutlets

Give her some sweets.

What kind of education!

Just punishment!

Oh, we suffered with her.

It's not like it is with people.

What kind of education!

Just punishment!

Boris Zakhoder "My Lion"

Dad gave it to me

Oh, I was chicken at first!

I've been there for two days

I was afraid of him

And on the third -

It's broken!

3. Alexandrova “Hide and Seek”

Olenka plays hide and seek.

Where to look for her, guys?

Looked under the bed -

You can't see it under the bed.

- Where are you, Olya, how far are you?

We miss Olya!

And Olya is not behind the door,

And you can’t see it behind the buffet,

And in the kitchen under the table

We won’t find Olya either.

Olya hides behind a chair:

“No, it’s not interesting to play.

What if they forget and won’t find it?”

- Where are you, Olenka?

3. Alexandrova “One, two, three, four, five!”

One two three four five!

Strong, friendly,

Everyone is so necessary.

On the other hand again:

One two three four five!

Fingers are fast

At least not very clean!

A lot of trouble for fingers:

They're playing get-together,

For some reason they get into my mouth,

Books are torn from grandma...

Having done all the work,

They pull the tablecloth from the table.

They climb into salt and compote,

And then vice versa.

Friendly fingers,

Everyone is so necessary!

N. Sakonskaya “Where is my finger?”

Masha put on her mitten.

- Oh, where am I going?

There is no finger, it’s gone,

I didn’t get to my little house!

Masha took off her mitten.

- Look, I found it!

You search and search and you will find.

Hello, little finger!

How are you?

Boris Zakhoder "Chauffeur"

At full speed.

I am a driver myself.

And the engine itself.

On the pedal -

Rushing into the distance!

Gaida Lagzdyn "I'm galloping"

The horse is galloping,

It rushes like a whirlwind, like an arrow.

I'm on horseback.

I scream to the whole house.

I'm screaming! I'm galloping!

I'm flying like a fast bird!

Do not blame me.

Don't get off your horse.

I'll still jump!

I'll scream some more!

O. Vysotskaya “Snow Bunny”

We made a snowball

The ears were made later

And just

Instead of eyes

We found some coals.

The rabbit came out alive!

He has a tail and a head!

Don't delay -

They are made from straws!

Long, shiny,

Definitely real!

O. Vysotskaya “On a sled”

The sled rolled down.

Hold on tight, doll!

Sit, don’t fall,

There's a ditch ahead!

You must drive carefully!

Otherwise you might crash!

3. Alexandrova “In little mittens...”

In small mittens

Palms hidden.

Help with felt boots

Should I put on my boots...

The first snow fell at night.

We got dressed before everyone else.

I'm pushing a sled -

I want to go for a walk.

M. Plyatskovsky “Wind-up toy”

I have a lot of toys -

From elephant to rhinoceros.

But so far none

There is no clockwork toy.

I have a lot of toys -

Dolls, cubes and guns,

Drums and accordions,

Vanek-stands and nesting dolls.

But I dream of one like this

To turn the key by hand,

So that the spring is useful,

For the toy to start -

And ran across the table,

And she was spinning on the floor,

Or, jumping out of your hands,

Suddenly flew into the sky!

V. Orlov “Timoshkina’s accordion”

At Timoshka's

There is an accordion.

If he sits down to play,

Two short legs are visible,

But Timoshka is nowhere to be seen.

E. Karganova “What happened?”

(A game)

Raise your palms higher

And fold it over your head.

What happened?

The roof is out!

And under the roof we are with you!

A new house with a roof has come out,

And under the roof we are with you!

Raise your palms higher

And then bend it in an arc.

What happened?

The geese are out!

Here's one, and here's another.

Grandma had geese,

Here's one, and here's another!

Raise your palms higher

And, crossing them, wave.

What happened?

The bird is out!

Kids love birds!

A bird flies high.

Kids love birds!

S. Mikhalkov “Kittens”


Listen guys

I want to tell you:

Our kittens were born -

There are exactly five of them.

We decided, we wondered:

What should we name the kittens?

Finally we named them:


ONCE - the kitten is the whitest,

TWO - the kitten is the bravest,

THREE - the kitten is the smartest,

And FOUR is the noisiest.

FIVE is similar to THREE and TWO -

The same tail and head

The same spot on the back,

He also sleeps all day in a basket.

Our kittens are good -


Come visit us guys

Questions to discuss with children

Did you like V. Berestov’s poem “Naughty Doll”? What words are repeated several times in this poem? Tell me what the doll is doing wrong.

What kind of toy does the boy dream of from M. Plyatskovsky’s poem “A Wind-Up Toy”? What is a wind-up toy? What wind-up toys have you seen?

It's dark outside
The moon is looking out our window.
It will shine all night
The lamp needs to be turned off.
It's time to sleep, toys
A crib and pillows are waiting for us.
You're tired, I know
I'm already yawning myself.

I. Darnina

So toys we've played enough!
They tried all day.
Carefully into the corner again
I'll put them back.

L. Aleynikova

I'll rock the Bunny and Mishka to sleep,
I'll give the doll a pacifier for the night,
I wish you good night
To all baby toys.
Sleep, dear toys!
It's time for me to rest too!
Tomorrow there will be better games
Than today and yesterday!
The clock is ticking quietly:
"Sleep, sleep, kids!"

S. Rusanovskaya

Hares in beautiful scarves,
Bears in fancy shorts,
Horses in black boots
And mice in colored jackets!
There's a holiday in the doll's house,
Eating plasticine cake
And even from small mugs
Let's drink watercolor compote!
I decorated the cake with roses:
Nine orange roses.
Eat it more carefully
And don't get your nose dirty!

Poems about a toy horse

K. Zhuravlev

I once dreamed:
I'm riding a horse.
And I woke up - there was no horse:
He galloped away from me.
Toy horse me
It won't work like that.
Only there is no better horse -
He doesn't run away!

Zh. Polegaeva

Do you have favorite toys?
At my sister's, at my friend's.
I have a toy -
So similar to a horse!
For your beloved horse,
I eat porridge and chocolate!
I do everything myself -
I even sing songs!
E-and-go-go-o! - As soon as I scream,
I'll jump around in circles! –
All neighbors on the site
They know where the horse lives!

Poems about the toy top

G. Hamal

Click-click, click-click -
I spin the top deftly!
I press and press
I accelerate and accelerate.
The top is buzzing, the top is ringing,
Now it will probably take off.
He rushed along the path,
Got caught on a blade of grass
And then sideways
And straight into the ditch!
Now the two of us are flying -
There's a top in the mud, and I'm following it.
I'm bringing the top home,
I'm in the bathroom, and he's in the basin.
Plop-plop, plop-plop -
Mom washes both of us!

Poems about a kitten toy:

My kitten is very strange -
He doesn't want to eat sour cream
Didn't touch the milk
And he refused the fish.
Amazing pussy -
She refused to eat sausage.
He didn’t even eat meat
My kitten... is made of plastic.

L. Aksenova

I have toys
Ball, new car,
Monkey, elephant, bear.
Want? You can see!
I will help my mother
Clean up all toys.
Grandfather and grandmother will say at once
- Our granddaughter is smart!

E. Ranneva

The days go, go, go,
A toys don't grow.
Even a plush watchdog
He hasn't grown at all in a year.
I took it from Aunt Nina
Vitamins for toys,
I give them so many dishes! –
But toys don’t grow, -
Soup, scrambled eggs, salad...
My brother is laughing at me.
The monkey got all dirty,
A hare with a white mouse in the wash
My bear is in rich cream.
Well, I'm going to cry.

B. Crane

My favorite toys:
Bunnies, hedgehogs, frogs.
Giraffe, baby squirrel, hippopotamus
Bear, tiger cub and raccoon.
In my toy box
I'll find a place for the animals.
And even if they are made of soft fabric,
They are alive, look for yourself!
Bunny with long ears
Gnawing on carrots and vegetables.
And on the hedgehog's pins and needles
There are mushrooms lying around - friends of the honey fungus.
Giraffe - poor thing with a long neck
He wears a scarf. It's warmer with him.
The little squirrel keeps gnawing on nuts,
Bear has such a sweet tooth!
Tiger cub with long mustache
And red fur with stripes.
Raccoon, he loves fish very much,
The frog will torture you with its croaking.
In a large toy box
There is still room for animals.

M. Piudunen

Today we are for toys
We will build a new house.
Bright ribbons and spools
And we’ll get some pictures.
Lots of cubes and boards
Trucks will be brought
Instead of light bulbs and candles
There are garlands of lights.
We'll decorate everything, paint it -
There will be fun here!
Dolls in brand new outfits
Let's have a housewarming party!

S. Subbotin

When I take a bath, I take toys with me.
Immediately the Fish swims up: “Hello, boy!” - speaks.
And behind her a little bunny swims, with only ears out of the water.
Nearby is a clubfooted bear, tumbling and playing pranks.
They are all alive. Oh, and they love to splash around!
I tell them: “Don’t splash! Mom will scold us.
In the bath you need to wash with soap and a washcloth. Try.
And then you can swim and dive a little.”
But the toys float away: they don’t want to wash themselves with a washcloth.
Here comes the soap - jump! from the fingers and dived deep...
Of course, I’ll catch everyone, but I’ll have to work hard.
I'll wash them, of course, but it won't be easy.
I will wash with a brush, a brush, and a washcloth, and soap,
Razzevaku Hippopotamus, proboscis Elephant,
And the teaser Monkey, the mean beech Crocodile,
Calling Parrot and Mishutka naughty.
And then mom will arrange a fun shower for us...
We'll scream and laugh: it's pouring rain!
How I love to swim in the bathtub among my toys,
Because all the toys also float with me.

T. Lilo

How to find your toy
In this multitude of things?
I need to get under my pillow,
Behind the bed, And into this gap -
If dad gives you a flashlight,
Shine, And, searching
Between the wall and the closet,
Then look under the closet...
It's not hard to look under the table -
It seems like a long time to search...
There they lie quietly in a heap
My construction set and notebook,
Pen, Eraser, Sheet of paper
With a painted elephant, Key,
Two brave knights... Saber,
Gun and album
Cover from the textbook...
And where did it all come from?!
I'll rest a little...
There were so many different things!
I’ll probably look in the table...
Or in your nightstand?..
Oh, I forgot! What was I looking for?
In this multitude of things?..
And why I was looking - I don’t remember!
I only understood one thing:
That I climbed to my heart's content,
It's already completely dark,
What to play? I have no strength,
No desire, But...
Everything mom said
Ready to repeat!
Who wants to find a toy?
And at the same time not get tired,
Traveling until the night
In the closet, under the table and under the bed,
Who owns their favorite things
Decided to be the owner -
You need to know:
“Did you take it?!. “Put it in its place!”

D. Nikulin

The house is a mess again!
And still no toys,
They don’t want to, even if you crack them,
sit still!
An elephant came into my mother's bedroom,
the bear hid under the table.
Well, the cubes are a disaster,
ran away in all directions!
The dolls, having taken off their clothes,
scattered them a little.
They dumped their belongings anywhere
and littered with cookies!
Bunny, little hooligan,
jump, yes, jump and under the sofa!
I'm tired of calling him
doesn't want to get out!
Pyramids, tumblers,
multi-colored glass.
Fall apart on the way
neither pass nor pass!
Oh, these are toys for me,
restless pigs!
Don't be afraid of punishment!
It's time for mom to clean up again!


Here is Vanka-Vstanka, who does not sleep,
and this is a snake, but it doesn’t hiss,
and this is a dog, it doesn’t growl,
and this is a cow, she doesn’t moo,
this is a frog with rubber skin,
This is a car that can't drive...
I play with them all day long
they became my friends.
Machine guns, pistols,
ships, bicycles,
sabers, spinning tops, rattles...-
all the toys are broken,
everything is in a box on the floor
piled up in a corner.
Mom and dad scold
that I'm bad at them.
How long can you play them?!
It’s more interesting to break:
break it and see
what is inside.

N. Snezhnaya

Quietly, quietly sleeping toys,
wherever you have to, without a pillow...
The bear bowed his head
put it on the baby elephant.
On the other side of the elephant,
The hippopotamus is sleeping, couch potato.
Next to the crib
quietly dozing, sweet-sweet,
soft and fluffy bunny,
ears placed on the ball.
Very, poor, tired,
They played with them all day.

V. Tkacheva

Natasha played happily
But the blue evening is coming,
And you need to put away the toys -
She gives them commands
(Toys don’t listen to her):
- Go quickly to your places!
But they lie stubbornly on the floor -
No one moves on their own.
And they don't go in the box,
But they were just playing
And the toys pretend
It's like they don't hear anything!

T. Goette

If only everyone had such courage -
Conquering your boredom
I can fall into the mouth of a crocodile
Run up to your elbow!
If only everyone had such strength -
Despite his small stature,
I can pull a lion's mane,
And also dragging by the tail!
Why are the little animals so submissive?
Courage has nothing to do with strength!
Crocodile and lion toys,
My mother gave them to me!

I. Statement of the problem situation.

Probably everyone remembers from childhood that the following task was very popular: without lifting the pencil from the paper and without drawing along the same line twice, draw an “open envelope”:

Try drawing an “open envelope”.
As you can see, some people succeed and some don't. Why is this happening? How to draw correctly to make it work? And what is it for? To answer these questions, I will tell you one historical fact.

The city of Koenigsberg (after the World War it was called Kaliningrad) stands on the Pregol River. Once there were 7 bridges that connected the shores and two islands. Residents of the city noticed that they could not take a walk across all seven bridges, walking on each of them exactly once. This is how the puzzle arose: “Is it possible to cross all seven Königsberg bridges exactly once and return to the starting place?”

Try it too, maybe someone else will succeed.

In 1735, this problem became known to Leonhard Euler. Euler found out that there is no such way, i.e. he proved that this problem is unsolvable. Of course, Euler solved not only the problem of the Königsberg bridges, but a whole class of similar problems, for which he developed a solution method. You can see that the task is to draw a route on the map - a line, without lifting the pencil from the paper, go around all seven bridges and return to the starting point. Therefore, Euler began to consider a diagram of points and lines instead of a map of bridges, discarding bridges, islands and shores as non-mathematical concepts. Here's what he got:

A, B are islands, M, N are shores, and seven curves are seven bridges.

Now the task is to go around the contour in the figure so that each curve is drawn exactly once.
Nowadays, such diagrams of points and lines are called graphs, the points are called the vertices of the graph, and the lines are called the edges of the graph. Several lines converge at each vertex of the graph. If the number of lines is even, then the vertex is called even; if the number of vertices is odd, then the vertex is called odd.

Let us prove the unsolvability of our problem.
As we can see, in our graph all vertices are odd. First, let's prove that if the traversal of a graph does not start from an odd point, then it must end at this point

Let's take an example of a vertex with three lines. If we came along one line, left along another, and returned again along the third. There is nowhere to go further (there are no more ribs). In our problem, we said that all the points are odd, which means that when we leave one of them, we must end up at the other three odd points at once, which cannot happen.
Before Euler, no one had thought that the bridge puzzle and other path-traversal puzzles had anything to do with mathematics. Euler's analysis of such problems “is the first germ of a new branch of mathematics, today known as topology.”

Topology is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of figures that do not change during deformations performed without tearing or gluing.
For example, from the point of view of topology, a circle, ellipse, square and triangle have the same properties and are the same figure, since one can be deformed into another, but a ring does not apply to them, since in order to deform it into a circle, gluing is required.

II. Signs of drawing a graph.

1. If there are no odd points in the graph, then it can be drawn with one stroke, without lifting the pencil from the paper, starting from any place.
2. If there are two odd vertices in the graph, then it can be drawn with one stroke, without lifting the pencil from the paper, and you need to start drawing at one odd point and end at the other.
3. If there are more than two odd points in a graph, then it cannot be drawn with one stroke of a pencil.

Let's return to our open envelope problem. Let's count the number of even and odd points: 2 odd and 3 even, which means this figure can be drawn with one stroke, and you need to start at the odd point. Try it, now everyone succeeded?

Let's consolidate the acquired knowledge. Determine which figures can be built and which cannot.

a) All points are even, so this figure can be constructed starting from any place, for example:

b) This figure has two odd points, so it can be constructed without lifting the pencil from the paper, starting from the odd point.
c) This figure has four odd points, so it cannot be constructed.
d) All points here are even, so it can be constructed starting from any place.

Let's check how you have learned new knowledge.

III. Independent work on cards with individual tasks.

Exercise: check whether it is possible to walk across all the bridges by walking on each of them exactly once. And if possible, then draw a path.

IV. Results of the lesson.

Without lifting the pencil

Goal: to teach students to identify, depict and compose geometric shapes,
which can be drawn without lifting the pencil from the paper;
formulate the signs of drawing figures with one stroke;
attract students to various types activities: observation, research,
the ability to draw conclusions.

During the classes.
I. introduction teachers:
Many people put their signature continuous line, and it is specific for each person. Are there any such people among you? (Show a sample of your signature).
It is known from history that Mohammed (Muhammad - the founder of the Muslim religion), instead of a signature, described with one stroke a sign consisting of two horns of the moon: I hope that at the end of our lesson you will be able to do this too.
Give examples geometric shapes and the letters of our alphabet that can be drawn without lifting the pencil (circle, square, triangle; G, L, M, P, S). Draw a triangle. To solve such problems, there are signs by which you can check whether this figure can be constructed without lifting the pencil from the paper. If so, at what point should this drawing begin?

There is a section in mathematics that studies the properties of such figures (find the answer by solving keyword crossword)

1. Part of a straight line (segment).
2. A figure consisting of two identical squares (dominoes).
3. The sum of the lengths of all sides of a triangle (perimeter).
4. A device for measuring angles (protractor).
5. Angles 1 and 2 _______ (vertical).
6. The end of these words is a mathematical term of 5 letters.
FOR (..) (dot).
7. Unit of measurement of angles (degree).
8. A segment connecting the vertex of a triangle with the middle of the opposite side (median).
9. Author of the textbook “Geometry 7-9 grades” (Atanasyan).

Topology is a branch of mathematics that studies properties of figures that do not change when the figures are deformed without breaking or gluing.
For example, from a topological point of view, a circle, ellipse, square and triangle have the same properties and are the same figure, since one can be transformed into another. But the ring is not one of these: to turn it into a circle, gluing is necessary.
A planar graph is a set of points on a plane.
The vertex of the graph is points of the plane connected to each other
Edges are lines connecting vertices.

Let’s agree to call a vertex at which an even number of lines converge “even,” and a vertex at which an odd number of lines converge “odd.”

A(n), C (n), B(h), D (h)

1. if the figure does not have odd vertices, then it can be drawn without lifting the pencil.
2. If there are no more than two odd vertices, then you can draw a figure, and you need to start at one of the odd vertices and end at the other (if the figure has one odd vertex, then it also has a second one).

There are two envelopes on the board, one open and the other closed.
Assignment: redraw envelopes in a notebook and outline them in a different color, adhering to the rule - do not lift the pencil from the paper and do not pass it twice along any line.
If there are no more than two odd points, then you can draw a figure, and you need to start at one of the odd points and end at the other (if the figure has one odd point, it also has a second one).

The picture shows various figures. Determine which shapes can be drawn without lifting the pencil from the paper, and which cannot.