Indian epic Ramayana summary. The poem "Ramayana" - a journey of thousands of years

This year, the Unified State Exam 2018 forms have been changed, with which graduates in this examination company will work, as well as the Unified State Exam organizers themselves and verification experts. By the way, you can download them from the link at the end of the article.


First of all, it is worth saying that the Unified State Exam 2018 forms, for biology, for chemistry, for the Russian language, in general for all subjects, have become black and white. I say this so that during the exam hysteria you do not fall for rumors. For example, they may start a rumor that the forms are different for each discipline, and then it all starts. So, they are the same - black and white!

This innovation is due to the fact that now they will be printed directly at the points of taking the unified state exam - directly in schools, as well as other exam materials. This eliminates their delivery in packages, and as a result limits leaks about real CMMs.

In addition, all forms have a QR code in the upper left corner. Any new form has this code. Be sure to take the rehearsal Unified State Exam, which must be conducted in all schools. On it you can see the forms with your own eyes, and also practice filling them out correctly. But we will still dwell on some of these rules.

Nuances of filling

  • Unified State Examination forms must be written in black pen: gel or capillary. Colored pens, pencils and other “evil spirits” are prohibited! To correct your answers, if you made a mistake, you can use a corrector (a special liquid, it’s better to have your own with you too)
  • The Unified State Exam participant must depict each number and letter in all fields of the registration form and answer form No. 1, carefully copy the sample of its spelling from the line with samples of character writing located at the top of the registration form and answer form No. 1.
  • All fields of the forms must be filled out from the very first cell, remember this! Otherwise, the computer will not be able to check the first part, or it will make mistakes.
  • If you do not know which answer is correct, you cannot make dashes. Just leave the field blank.
  • Forms No. 1 and No. 2 (including additional form No. 2) should not contain personal information about a student taking the Unified State Exam.
  • You cannot make any unnecessary notes that are not related to the completion of Unified State Examination tasks. You should have a draft where you can make notes for yourself. The draft is not taken into account when checking the Unified State Exam forms!

Separately about the registration form

The top fields of this form contain information about you personally and about the exam you are taking.

Here are its filling rules

1. The Unified State Exam participant must enter the code independently educational organization, class number and letter, audience number.

2. The fields “Region code”, “Code of the Unified State Exam point”, “Subject code”, “Name of the subject”, “Date of the Unified State Exam” are filled in automatically. The field for official use (“Reserve-1”) is not filled in.

3. Information about the participant of the unified state exam are filled out by the Unified State Exam participant independently. The last name, first name and patronymic are entered from the identity document of the Unified State Exam participant. The line “Document” is filled in with Arabic numerals without spaces, starting from the first cell. Here, too, you must definitely check the document so as not to make a mistake.

The middle field is a detailed instruction for the Unified State Exam participant.

Don't waste your time reading this field! It is important not only to read these points carefully and thoughtfully, but also to check the presence of all the forms in the kit, which are mentioned in the instructions!

Only after you check that you have filled out the top field correctly, and also make sure that your IC (individual kit) contains all the forms without exception (and there is nothing superfluous), do you proceed to fill out the third parts of the registration form and put your signature in the special field.

Remember, even before starting to work with the answer forms, the Unified State Exam participant puts his signature in the field specially designated for this. This must be done without going beyond the rectangle (that is, strictly within the window). If your handwriting is sparse, practice it a few times before the exam.

Registration Form for Oral Exams

A registration form is provided for all Unified State Examinations; there is a separate registration form for oral exams. The only difference is in the name and some points of the instructions for the Unified State Examination participant.

Answer form No. 1 is required to enter answers to the test part of the Unified State Exam. This is what he looks like.

Rules for filling out Answer Form No. 1

1. Top part filled out in the same way as the registration form.

2. The short answer is written to the right of the task number in the answer area. The answer to a short answer task must be written in the form required in the instructions for this task.

3. Sequences of numbers or words (if it is a phrase) are written without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

4. Each number, letter, comma or minus sign is written in a separate box.

5. If the short answer must be a word missing in the text of the task, then this word must be written in that grammatical form(gender, number, case, etc.) in which it should appear in the task.

6. If the numerical answer is obtained in the form of a fraction, then it should be rounded to a whole number according to the rounding rules, unless the instructions for completing the task require the answer to be written in the form of a decimal fraction. For example, 2.3 is rounded to 2; 2.5 - up to 3; 2.7 - up to 3. This rule must be followed for those tasks for which the instructions for completing the work do not indicate that the answer must be given in the form of a decimal fraction.

7. In an answer written as a decimal fraction, a comma should be used as a separator.

8. The characters in the answer should not touch each other. The term should be written in full. Any reductions are prohibited. The answer does not indicate the names of units of measurement (degrees, percentages, meters, tons, etc.) because they will not be taken into account when grading.

Special attention deserves the bottom part of the answer sheet No. 1, which is called “Replacing erroneous answers to tasks with a short answer.” It is in this field that you can write down the corrected answer if you discover that you wrote down the wrong answer in form No. 1. Under no circumstances should anything be crossed out. You can only carefully make another entry in the special field for corrections.

Rules for filling out the field “Replacing erroneous answers to tasks with a short answer”

1. To replace the answer entered in answer form No. 1, you need to enter the number of the task in the appropriate replacement fields, the answer to which should be corrected, and write down the new value of the correct answer to the specified task.

2. If in the area for replacing erroneous answers to tasks with a short answer, the field for the task number is filled in, and a new answer is not entered, then an empty answer will be used for assessment (that is, the task will be counted as uncompleted). Therefore, if the assignment number is incorrectly indicated in the area for replacing erroneous answers, the incorrect assignment number should be crossed out.

Answer form No. 2 is intended for detailed answers, so it is a field lined in a box, like in a school notebook we are used to.

The answer form has 2 sheets, they are called: answer form No. 2, sheet 1 and answer form No. 2, sheet 2.

When filling out, it is important not to confuse the numbering of Answer Form No. 2, sheet 1, and Answer Form No. 2, sheet 2. They are absolutely identical, so it’s easy to get confused. Practice test exams this year showed that it is in this question that there are the most errors in filling out the updated Unified State Exam forms!

If two sheets of Form No. 2 are still not enough for you to rewrite the entire answers to exam questions and assignments, then Additional Answer Form No. 2 is also provided.

Rules for filling out Answer Forms No. 2

1. Entries in sheet 1 and sheet 2 of Answer Form No. 2 are made only on the front side, reverse side sheets of Answer Form No. 2 are not filled out.

2. Answers included in each subsequent additional Answer Form No. 2 are evaluated only if the previous additional Answer Form No. 2, Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 of Answer Form No. 2 are completely filled out.

3. If the answer area of ​​answer form No. 2 (sheet 1 and sheet 2) and additional answer forms No. 2 contains blank areas, then the organizers cancel them with a “Z” sign.

For the organizers of the Unified State Exam, Rosobrnadzor has prepared detailed instructions, how to print exam materials directly into the PPE (first 23 minutes of video).


There is also an additional answer form No. 2, which is not included in the kit and is issued by the organizer if you do not have enough space for detailed answers. Photos of the forms are clickable and can be saved in good resolution.

Forms must be filled out in black ink with a gel or capillary pen. If you use ballpoint pen, it is necessary to circle the outlines of the characters 2-3 times to avoid glare. At the top of the registration form and answer form No. 1 there are samples of writing letters, numbers and symbols, which the Unified State Examination participant must copy when filling out the forms.

There are vertical and horizontal barcodes at the top of the registration form; no marks or marks are allowed on them. The “Official Mark” and “Reserve-1” fields are not filled in by Unified State Exam participants. Fields for handwritten information entry are filled in as directed by the organizer in the classroom. The subject code "English" is 9.

In the middle part of the registration form there is information about the Unified State Examination participant. Last name, first name, patronymic are filled in block letters, in accordance with the letter writing pattern. In the "Series" and "Number" fields, fill in the passport data - Arabic numerals without spaces, a check mark is placed in the "Gender" field. The service fields “Reserve-2, Reserve-3, Reserve-4” are not filled in by the Unified State Exam participant.

After familiarizing yourself with the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam, at the bottom of the registration form you place your signature strictly inside the window. Below is an area for the organizer to make notes about the facts of deletion or inability to complete the exam for a valid reason.

At the top of answer form No. 1 there are vertical and horizontal barcodes, as well as the service field “Reserve-5”, which is not filled out by the Unified State Exam participant. The Unified State Exam participant must duplicate the information about the region code, code and name of the subject in the appropriate field, and also put his signature.

Answer form No. 1 contains the numbers of tasks of type A and B. The first section of the Unified State Examination English language - listening- tasks IN 1, A1-A14. Type A tasks - choosing an answer from the proposed options - are located in the middle part of the form. The task numbers are located horizontally, under each number there is a vertical column of four cells - answer options. To select an answer option, you must check this box. Accidental marks, blots and other blots should not be allowed, because with automated processing, this can be recognized as a response to a task. Answers to tasks of type B are filled out at the bottom of the form. Letters or numbers are allowed without spaces.

Second section of the Unified State Exam - reading- tasks AT 2, AT 3, A15-A21.

Third section - grammar and vocabulary- tasks B4-B16, A22-A28.

If you made a mistake in answering type A tasks, then there is a way to correct it. special area in answer form No. 1, which is located immediately below the task numbers A. To do this, you put the number of the task in which the error was made and mark the box with the correct answer. You can replace no more than 12 erroneous answers to assignment type A. The fields “Reserve-6, Reserve-7” are not filled in by the Unified State Exam participant.

Errors in tasks of type B are corrected in the same way - in a field specially designated for this. The maximum number of incorrect answers for type B replacement is 6.

Fourth section - letter- tasks C1, C2. Answer form No. 2 is used, intended for tasks with a detailed answer. At the top of the form there are vertical and horizontal barcodes. The region code, code and name of the subject must correspond to the previously filled out information in the registration form and answer form No. 1. The service field “Additional answer form No. 2”, “Sheet No.” is filled out by the organizer in the audience if you were given an additional form due to a shortage places. “Reserve-8” is not filled out by the Unified State Examination participant. In the area for recording answers, you must indicate the task number, for example, “C1,” and then immediately begin a letter to your friend in accordance with the rules for writing a letter. If you do not have enough space on the front side, you should make a note “look on back” at the bottom of the form. After finishing the letter to a friend, you need to indicate the next task number “C2” and write an essay on the given topic.

The Ramayana is an ancient Indian epic of smriti (non-divine origin) written in Sanskrit. Presumably, the time of creation of the text of the Ramayana dates back to the 3rd–2nd centuries BC. e., sometimes IV, and the events described in the epic occur much earlier. Researchers attribute these events to the 12th–10th centuries BC. e., and the Hindus themselves believe that they occurred back in the era of Treta Yuga, i.e. about 1 million years ago.

The history of the creation of the poem "Ramayana" and its author

However, if you look more realistically, the recording of the epic in ancient times was always carried out with some time lag, which, by the way, also applies to the ancient Greek epic “Iliad”. It was written down several centuries later than the events that took place. Moreover, it is interesting that the events of the Ramayana and the Iliad are in many ways similar (correspondences: the abduction of Helen - the abduction of Sita, Odysseus - Hanuman, Patroclus - Lakshmana, Hector - Indrajit, etc.) and chronologically they also practically coincide.

However, it is not customary to focus on this for quite a long time, because these literary monuments belong very much to antiquity different cultures(according to researchers), but for those who are interested alternative history, there is something to think about.

The Ramayana, an epic of 24,000 verses written in meter of 32 syllables by the sage Valmika, is also called the Journey of Rama. It consists of 7 parts or kand, where the 6th and 7th parts are considered added, and originally there were only 5 parts. But for logical conclusion In accordance with the mentality of the people of that era, two more parts were added, an epilogue. Such insertions-additions or continuations, and sometimes, as in the Mahabharata, and episodes completely unrelated to the narrative were quite a common occurrence for the literature of that time. Therefore, we will talk about a version of the Ramayana, consisting of exactly 7 parts.

There are several translations of the Ramayana into different languages. Initially, like other texts of both canons, shruti and smriti, they were transmitted exclusively orally, but later they began to be written down. Therefore, it is considered that finally the most important books Indian epic, such as the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, were written down already in our era and were finally formed closer to the 4th–5th centuries AD.

Comparison of the epic text of the Iliad and Ramayana

So, taking into account that the Ramayana is 4 times larger in volume than the Iliad, before reading it, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the summary of the book in order to better understand the structure of the text and its meaning. Someone might think that if you already know summary, then there will be no point in reading the work in full, but wait, dear reader, let me convince you.

Once upon a time, several centuries ago, in European society there was a tradition of visiting the theater to watch a drama or some kind of performance. But before going to the theater, the viewer was already familiarized with the content of what was expected to be seen on stage, and they often attended the same performance several times, not at all because of the lack of the theater’s repertoire, but because it was considered interesting to find each time something new in a play, drama or performance, look at it with a new eye.

This is what our culture is now so lacking, accustomed to consuming without thinking and expecting new products to appear every time, that even last year’s premieres are of little interest to anyone, not to mention the fact that interest in revision or re-reading has dropped to zero. We need to learn again to find the new in the old, to look at it with a new look, because every time we wake up in the morning, we greet a new day. It is new, and you need to be like little children, to be surprised by those things that have already become familiar, and you can only be surprised by them when your gaze is open and the essence of things is obvious, it is not clouded by the memory of the past, but is completely free for the present, therefore with such a philosophy the pursuit of the new will stop, and we will rediscover the beauty of the already known, but forgotten old.

Perhaps our ancestors, although raised Christian, Western tradition, reviewing and rereading works of art, stood much closer to the Buddhist ideal of observation and contemplation. By the way, this kind of attitude towards art and culture also develops a largely unbiased and unattached attitude towards the world. You know what will happen to the characters in the next act of the play, perhaps they will die, but you will not be amazed by this, because the plot is already known to you, and you continue to follow not because of only one storyline. You learn to look, as if through it, at what is hidden behind the plot. You find an Idea deep meaning, allegories. You are not lost in the emotions, not consumed by them and no longer empathize with the characters or even identify with them, but have managed to take over the emotions, which has created a natural control and the ability to see more than what is depicted on the surface.

Perhaps what is written above contradicts the usual views and even denies the highly extolled concept of catharsis through works of art, which has been known to us since the time of Aristotle. However, try to become a Buddha, because everyone knows that anyone can become a Buddha, and moreover, that deep down, in the heart, every person is already a Buddha - you just need to realize this. From this position you will understand that the above contains much more meaning than you might initially assume.

Let's start describing the Ramayana, and after that you will become familiar with it in all its details by reading the text of the Ramayana in Russian on the website or purchasing the book.

Rama, the beloved son of King Dasharatha, has already been proclaimed heir to the throne, but one of the king’s wives is far from happy with this state of affairs. She dreams of seeing her son Bharata on the throne. By cunning, the woman manages to ensure that the king fulfills her conditions and appoints Bharata as heir, and banishes Rama to the forest for 14 years.

Dasharatha, bound by an oath, has no choice but to fulfill his wife’s demands. Rama, also learning about this, encourages his father to keep his word. Rama retires to the forest, Sita and his brother Lakshmana also go into exile with him. Sita and Rama are living in a hut in the forest as devas when news arrives that King Dasaratha has died, unable to bear separation from his son. The time has come for Bharata to take the throne. He came to Rama, persuading him to return, but Rama honors his duty and only gives Bharata his sandals, which his brother places on the throne as a symbol and declares himself just a temporary ruler of Ayodhya until Rama returns.

Rama, his brother Lakshmana and Sita live quietly in Dandak until Ravana’s sister comes to visit them. She has long been in love with Rama and wants to get him by getting rid of Sita, but she fails. Returning ingloriously to the palace, she inspires brother Ravana with the desire to kidnap Sita, thus planning to take revenge on Rama.

Ravana heeded his sister's words and raced across the skies in his chariot to kidnap Sita. But in order to divert Rama's attention, Ravana sends a demon who has turned into a golden deer. Rama pursues him and only later realizes that this is not an animal, but a demon, but it is too late, Lakshmana fails to save Sita, and Ravana forces her into his chariot. Having already arrived at his home, Ravana tries to woo the beauty, but to no avail. Then he puts her in custody.

At this time, Rama and Lakshmana learn the name of the kidnapper from the kite Jatayus, but they still do not know where she is.

Only with the help of the king of the monkeys, Sugriva, and his advisor Hanuman, the son of the wind god Vayu, who is the 11th avatar of Shiva, do they manage to find out that Sita is imprisoned in Lanka. Rama gives Hanuman a ring, which he must give to Sita, and from it she learns that Hanuman is Rama's messenger.

Hanuman tries to save Sita, but for this she needs to sit on his back, and Sita makes a promise that she will not touch any other body except that of her husband. Meanwhile, Rama gathers an army to go rescue Sita and defeat Ravana. Ravana's brother, foreseeing evil, tries to persuade his brother to give up Sita in order to avoid the destruction of the state, but Ravana refuses, and then Ravana's brother goes over to Rama's side.

During the battle, Indrajit, the son of Ravana, manages to mortally wound Rama and Lakshmana, but Hanuman brings Mount Kailash in time, on which they grow healing herbs. So, miraculously, both brothers are healed and can continue the battle. The decisive moment comes when Rama meets Ravana. Rama cuts off all of Ravana's heads, but they grow back, and it is only when he strikes Ravana at the very center of his being with the arrow he received from Brahma that Ravana is finally finally defeated.

Rama frees Sita, but, however, doubts her loyalty, and therefore asks her to go through the fire as proof of her honor, which Sita obediently does and emerges from the fire unharmed. Rama declares that he never doubted her honesty, but did this in order to demonstrate to others Sita's purity. Bharata returns the throne to his brother, and Rama becomes the head of Ayodhya.

In the seventh part, which is the epilogue, Rama was again informed that Sita was dishonest, so he again had to put his wife to the test and exile to the forest, where she gave birth to two sons, and they live under the protection of the sage Valmiki, who wrote down the text of the Ramayana " One day, during the sacrifices, the now grown-up sons of Rama read aloud a poem that Valmika taught them in the presence of Rama. The father recognizes them as his sons and orders them to bring Sita and the sage. Valmika confirms that Sita is faithful, but Rama asks Sita to prove this to all the people, to which Sita again meekly agrees, but this time she asks Mother Earth to accept her. This should serve as proof. The earth opens up and swallows Sita.

Rama and Sita will meet again only in heaven.

This is briefly the content of the Ramayana, written down by Valmika. It must be remembered that, like many texts of a similar nature, they are almost always allegorical and allegorical. So Sita is not Sita at all, or even Lakshmi, but the consciousness of a person, etc. You can guess the rest yourself. The key is in your hands, you have already read the summary. It's time to turn to full text and the unknown will be revealed to you.