Chinese mythology about the creation of the world. Chinese myth about the origin of the world

Summary of the game - quiz in the preparatory group on the topic " Lucky case» Author: Marina Vladimirovna Kozlova, teacher at MBDOU CRR – kindergarten No. 7 “Romashka”, Novoaltaisk, Altai Territory.

Description of material: I offer you a summary joint activities parents with children in the preparatory group, with children of OHP (II – III level) on the topic “Happy Accident”. This game will help teachers: consolidate children's knowledge about nature; will contribute to the development moral consciousness and the need to acquire environmental knowledge, through the assimilation of norms and rules of competent interaction with living nature, showing kindness, sensitivity, mercy to animals and flora not only among children, but also among parents of preschoolers.

Summary of the game - quizzes for children and parents in the preparatory group “Happy Occasion”.

Priority: social and personal development.

Integration educational areas: “Health”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Safety”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the natural world around them.


Educational: Help consolidate children's knowledge about plants and animals.

Developmental: Create conditions for the development of visual-figurative and logical thinking, memory.

Speech: To promote the development of coherent speech, the ability to answer questions quickly, with a complete and clear answer.

Educational: Create conditions for emotional rapprochement of family members in joint play. To form a consciously correct attitude towards nature in adults and children.

Preliminary work: Direct educational activities on the topics: “Plants of the forest”, “Wild animals of Russia”, “Trees are our friends!”, “Migratory birds”, “Beware - poisonous!”, “Insects”, “Four seasons”, “Rules of communication with nature!” Reading fairy tales by B. Zakhoder " Gray star", "Rusachok". Didactic games: “Who will be who!”, “Who was who?”. Guessing riddles about animals. Outdoor game “We won’t tell, but we’ll show!”

Material: emblems for teams with images of a squirrel and a bunny; 2 vases, artificial flowers; cards lined into two parts, empty on the left, and an animal or plant on the right; cards with pictures of trees; 2 diagrams of animal tracks; printed song lyrics for parents; medals.

Methodical techniques: intellectual workout, productive activity, sketches, tests, descriptive riddle, problematic situations and questions.

Progress of the game.

Children are divided into two teams: “Bunnies” and “Squirrels”. There is a vase in front of each team. For each correct answer they place a vase artificial flower. The team with the most flowers in the vase wins. Parents sit behind the participants in the game; they are fans. The jury is selected. The quiz is led by a presenter.

Leading: Attention! Attention! We are starting the game “Lucky Chance” and let’s see who will be lucky in this game today. I think that kind, smart and ardent people will be lucky nature lovers. Do you agree with me? Then let's begin.

1 game Warm-up “Question and answer!”

The presenter asks questions that the children must answer quickly and correctly. If they are wrong, the presenter says the correct answer and asks the next question.

Questions for the “Squirrel” team:

1. Where do mushrooms grow? (In the forest, in the meadow).

2. Name the wintering bird. (Any one).

3. Conifer tree. (Fur tree, pine tree).

4. Name the forest nurse. (Woodpecker, wolf, etc.).

5. Who lives in the hole? (Badger, fox, mole, etc.).

6. Name a wild herbivore. (Hare, squirrel, etc.).

7. Red berry. (Any).

8. Which animal sleeps in winter? (Hedgehog, bear, etc.).

9. What are the fruits of an oak tree called? (Acorns).

11. Name a poisonous plant. (Crow's eye, henbane, etc.).

12. The heroine of B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”. (Toad).

13. The warmest time of the year. (Summer).

Questions for the Bunnies team.

1. Where do cranberries grow? (In the swamp).

2. Name migratory bird. (Any one).

3. Deciduous tree. (Any).

4. Who pollinates plants? (Bees, bumblebees).

5. Who lives in a hollow? (Owl, squirrel, etc.).

6. Name insectivorous animals. (Hedgehog, mole, etc.)

7. Black berry. (Any).

8. Which animal does not sleep in winter? (Wolf, fox, hare, etc.).

9. Name the tree - the symbol of Russia. (Birch).

10. Name the insect. (Any).

11. Name a poisonous mushroom. (Amanita muscaria, toadstool, etc.).

12. The hero of B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “Little Rusachok”. (Hare).

13. The coldest time of the year. (Winter).

The jury counts the correct number of answers and evaluates.

Game 2 “Who was who?”

Children are given a card lined in half, blank on the left, and a picture of an animal or plant on the right. Children on the card on the left should draw who was who before (a frog - an egg, a hare - a hare, a butterfly - an egg or a caterpillar, a dandelion - a seed, a bird - an egg, a mosquito - a bloodworm, a Christmas tree - a seed, a crocodile - an egg, etc. ). Then each participant speaks, and the jury sums up the results.

Game 3 “Where have you been, what have you seen?”

The children of each team come up with some action, and the other team guesses. (Parents can help children come up with an action)

For example, they pick mushrooms, wash berries and eat them, listen to birds singing, how bees collect nectar, how a hare protects itself from a kite, etc.

Game 4 “Game with spectators”.

The host asks the fans of each team questions (answers are in bold).

1 team:

1) Why can't the gopher sleep?

Afraid of freezing.

b) remembers summer.

c) guards supplies.

2) Who has the strongest claws?

a) at the bear.

At the anteater.

c) at the lion.

3) Which mammal is the fastest?

b) dolphin.


4) Why does a hare have big ears?

a) to hear better;

To avoid overheating;

c) for braking when cornering.

5) Do monkeys brush their teeth?

a) do not clean;

b) sometimes cleaned;

They clean with pleasure.

Team 2:

1) Why does a woodpecker “drum”?

a) cleans the beak;

Tells something to someone;

c) is interested in music.

2) Who is the largest among rodents?


c) brown hare.

3) Which snake is the most poisonous?


c) rattlesnake.

4) Why do dolphins cry?

a) for nervous relaxation.

To protect eyes from damage.

c) to remove excess moisture.

5) Who has ears on their feet?

a) in butterflies and beetles.

b) in flies and mosquitoes.

in grasshoppers and crickets.

Game 5 “Dark Horse”.

The presenter presents the animal with riddles, and the teams must guess. After each proposal addressed to a particular team, the presenter pauses so that the players can make their version.

This animal.

It has a head, body, paws and tail.

Him big house. This animal is clean.

He has sharp teeth. He cannot live without water.

He needs trees to live.

He can swim well. He is called an engineer.

They are also called builders.

Lives in the river.

His house is called a hut.

(An adult comes out dressed as a beaver.)

Questions from the beaver:

– I love trees, so I’ll ask you about them, and you show me the answer (the children have cards with pictures of trees on the table):

1) A coniferous tree, but in winter it stands bare. (Larch).

2) People call this tree “sweet”. (Linden).

3) A tree that doesn’t heat up in the sun? (Birch).

4) In spring this tree is all white, and the smell of its flowers can be felt from afar. It's a pity that people only break it because of the flowers. (Bird cherry).

5) This tree is long-lived. Its fruits are eaten by wild boars, squirrels and many others. (Oak).

6) The berries hang on this tree all winter, it feeds the birds. (Rowan).

And now a riddle for you - the picture “What happened here?”

In one picture the tracks of a hare and a fox are schematically drawn, and in the other picture the tracks of a mouse and a fox are drawn. Children must find out and tell what happened.

- Goodbye, friends! I see that you love and know nature very much.

The jury sums up the results.

Game 6 “Race for the leader”.

The facilitator reads the questions to both teams in turn. If children do not know the answer or are in doubt, they can ask their parents for help. Children explain why they think this way.

1) Is it possible to leave in the forest glass bottles? (No).

2) Can a person live without birch sap? (Yes).

3) Do poisonous mushrooms need to be trampled? (No).

4) Do birds need to be fed in winter? (Yes).

5) Do animals need salt? (Yes).

6) Is it necessary to take home a chick that has fallen to the ground from the nest? (No).

7) Do plants need snow in winter? (Yes).

8) Is it necessary to save drowning animals in the spring? (Yes).

9) Can a person in the forest listen to music loudly? (No).

10) Can a person live in the world without harming an animal or plant? (Yes, he can try).

Leading: Well done! I congratulate you on completing the game, and while the jury is summing up the results of the last game, I suggest everyone sing a song together.

Joint performance of the song of children with their parents “On the Road of Goodness” lyrics. Yu. En-tina, music. M. Minkova.

The jury announces the winners!

The winners are awarded medals.

Result. The game took place on high level. The children enjoyed playing with their parents. There were small incidents, when the presenter asked questions to the parents, and the children answered, and when the children asked their parents for help, they did not know the correct answer. Many parents have thought about expanding their knowledge about wildlife!


directly educational activities in the older group

Topic: “What? Where? When?"

Quiz “What? Where? When?"

Tasks: Consolidate the knowledge acquired in class. Strengthen children’s ability to construct sentences from 2-4 words, depict it graphically, consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, come up with words with a given sound, the ability to change words - replacing one sound; divide words into syllables and name them. Develop speech and thinking. Cultivate attention, perseverance, and a sense of teamwork.

Equipment: playing field, spinning top, envelopes with images of fairy-tale characters and tasks, black box, bunny, pictures - fox, crayfish; prizes, chips; sheets with images of objects with the sounds “Z” and “S”, pencils.

Musical accompaniment:recordings of a march, a sound signal, music to accompany the spinning roulette arrow, and the performance of a song.


To the sounds of the march, the children enter and sit at the tables.

Attention! Attention! Today at kindergarten No. 11 in the “Dandelion” group there will be a quiz “What? Where? When?". Experts meet senior group, and fairy-tale characters sent questions for them. Heroes from fairy tales decided to test your knowledge acquired in the “Path to School” club.

In front of you is the playing field, in the center of the top, envelopes with tasks are laid out along the edges, they were sent to you by fairy-tale characters.

I explain the rules of the game “What? Where? When?”: spin the spinning top, what number the arrow will point to, I will read out the questions of that envelope, but first you must recognize the hero who sent it by guessing the riddle. And you must answer them correctly and completely. If the arrow points to a number whose task has already been completed, then look clockwise. So, experts are ready, the game begins.

Round 1 (music sounds).

Envelope No. 1 fell out. Who was kicked out of the bast hut?

So, this envelope was sent to us by the fairy-tale hero - the Hare. Attention! Question! Guys, who kicked the hare out of the hut?

Look what this is? (picture diagram) Who is this? How many sounds are in the word fox? What is the first sound in the word fox? (in the word fox, the first sound [l] is a consonant, denoted by a blue chip) What is the second sound? ([i] is a vowel, denoted by a red chip). Third sound? ([s] – consonant, denoted by a blue chip). Fourth sound? ([a] -vowel, denoted by a red chip).

So, what are the sounds? (vowels and consonants). What color do we use to denote vowel and consonant sounds? (vowels in red, consonants in blue). Guys, you have diagrams and pictures on your tables, look at what sounds are hidden and label them with the corresponding chips.

I think the hare is happy with you!

Round 2 (music sounds).

The arrow stopped on the envelope with No. 2. Who did the fox praise, what a nice song? And this envelope was sent to us by the fairy-tale hero - Kolobok. Let's see what question Kolobok asked us! Attention! How many syllables are in a word

(smoke, mushrooms, melon, bun, car)? What is the first syllable in the word car? [ma]

Second syllable [shi], third syllable [na]. Well done!

Round 3 (music sounds).

The arrow stopped on the envelope with No. 3. What was the name of the girl who did not know that it was dangerous to talk with wolves in the forest? Envelope from Little Red Riding Hood.

Think of words with the sound [r]: fish - [r] at the beginning of the word, basket - [r] in the middle of the word, tractor - [r] at the end of the word.

Name the same sound in the words:

a) spoon, skis, saw, Christmas tree.

b) cheese, fox, bowl, elephant, bus.

c) rake, toy, goose, book.

I think you completed the task.

Physical education lesson “We clap-clap with our hands.”

Round 4 (music sounds).

The arrow stopped at the envelope with number 4. What is the name of the smartest pig who built the strongest house?

Naf-naf asks you his question. Guys, change one sound in a word so that you get another word.

Varnish-cancer; poppy-bak; bark-mountain; table chair; jackdaw stick; goat-bark; rook doctor; house-smoke; house-scrap, com; cat-whale; hand-river; turnip river; ice-honey; oak-tooth; onion beetle; crown cow; raspberry-viburnum; viburnum-cabin; lion-forest; tank sleds; robe-salad; Masha-Pasha, Sasha, Dasha; Kolya-Tolya.

I think it’s very nice Naf-nafu that you know a lot of words

Round 5 (music sounds).

The arrow stopped on the envelope with No. 5. Who said these words: “I’ll sit, sit on a tree stump, eat, eat a pie”? Fairytale hero Bear.

Dear experts! Attention! Black box! (music)

Guess what's in the black box. What kind of forest animal is this?

Stood up like a post under a pine tree,

And stands among the grass -

The ears are larger than the head.

Who is this? There is a hare in the black box.

Now come up with a sentence about the hare: The hare loves carrots.

What is the first word? (second, third). It needs to be shown graphically on the board.

Well done!

Round 6 (music sounds).

The arrow stopped on the envelope with musical instrument. Musical break (child from preparatory group performs a song).

Round 7 (music sounds).

The arrow stopped on the envelope with No. 6. Guys, who is carried away by the fox? dark forests, behind high mountains? The cockerel sends us tasks

Dear experts! Indicate with an arrow which words these letters “z” and “s” appear in.

Guys, we answered all the envelopes with questions and assignments.

What did we do today?

  1. Divide words into syllables;
  2. The number of sounds in a word was determined;
  3. Made proposals;
  4. We came up with words with the sound [r];
  5. They replaced one letter in a word and got a new word;
  6. They named the same sound in words.

The teacher's assistant runs in and says that they have given the children a parcel. We open the parcel and read: “Dear guys, we are very glad that you completed all the tasks and we are treating you to a sweet prize.”

Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy in the preparatory group

Quiz game “Smart guys and girls”

Kulinka Olga Yurievna

OBJECTIVES: 1) Improve children's reading skills. 2) Strengthen knowledge of letters, the ability to compose sentences according to the proposed scheme, and conduct a sound analysis of a word. 3) Develop attention and auditory perception. 4) Repeat the vowels that are written after soft and hard consonant sounds. 5) Develop the ability to work in a team, skills educational activities. Educator: Today we will have unusual activity on literacy training. A quiz awaits you and me in teams, but you will compete not in strength and dexterity, but in your knowledge and skills. (The children hold the vowels A, O, Z, E, E, E, U, Yu, I, Y in their hands. The tables are grouped into two groups, on each table there is a circle, one team has a green one, the other has a blue one. A separate easel has been prepared for each team). Educator: It was no coincidence that I gave you letters before class; with their help, you must divide into teams. Pay attention to the tables. On one table there is a blue circle (a large blue chip). What consonant sounds do we represent with blue chips? Children: Hard consonants. Educator: Children should sit at this table with vowels in their hands, which are written after hard consonant sounds. (A, O, E, Y, U) There is a green circle on the second table. What sounds do we represent with green chips? Children: Soft consonants. Educator: Children should sit at this table with letters that are written after soft consonant sounds (I, I, E, Yo, Yu). (Children sit at tables and put their letters near the circles on the table.) Educator: Now check each other, has everyone found their place correctly? (Children check whether the task is completed correctly). For each task you will receive prize letters and will add them to those already on your table. Educator: Before we start the competition, let's play with your tongue. Articulation warm-up “Circus”. The circus is walking down the street, Everyone is standing with their mouths open! (Round your lips, draw highest degree surprise). A circus performance will lift our spirits! (Keep your lips stretched in a smile for a long time). The bear walks on a tightrope! He will receive honey as a reward. (Lick your upper lip with the wide tip of your tongue). Having performed a successful trick, the turkey sings joyfully. (Make quick movements along the upper lip with the wide tip of your tongue back and forth). The chickens sat on the swing, flew up under the dome: Up - down... Up - down. Hold on tight, chicken! (Rhythmically raise and lower the tip of the tongue). Two acrobat monkeys deftly gallop on a horse. (Click tongue). The Leopard shoots honey at the cubs with a machine gun! (Imitate shooting: “Trrrrr.”) Clown Bunny makes everyone laugh: He rings a bell. (Say: “Ding, ding”). But he sings like a balalaika, that bell of the Bunny! (Say: “Drin, drank”). Task 1: Working with a sentence diagram (a sentence diagram of 4 - 5 words is offered on the easel for each team). Educator: Now for each team I will provide a proposal diagram, according to which you will have to compose a proposal. The team that completes this challenge will win. more offers according to your own scheme. For each sentence I will give a letter. Task 2: Lay out a word from the counting sticks and do a sound analysis. Educator: The next task is for the captains - the captain of the green team will make up the word “SOUND”, and the captain of the blue team will make up the word “LETTER” from counting sticks. You will then have to do a sound analysis of your word using the counters. For a correctly completed task you will receive a letter. (After completing the task, the children check the correct execution of the opposite team). PHYSICAL ACTIVITY MINUTE: Children get up and leave the table. Game "Sound - letter". Educator: Now I will name letters and sounds. If I name a sound, you raise your hands up; if I name a letter, you squat down. ES, T, DE, G, KA, S, D, ER, L, EN, ER, Sh, PE, TE, M, K, EL, ZE, etc. Task 3: “Convert the word” - each team is offered two words that must be converted into other words, removing extra letters. Educator: I will give each team two words, and you will turn them into other words, but for this you need to remove the extra letters. For each correct transformation, the team will receive one letter. HORIZON - UMBRELLA SLINGSHOT - HORN SNAIL - DUCK DRAGONFLY - RIVER (The correctness of the execution is assessed by the opposite team). Task 4: Riddles. Educator: I will give each team in turn a riddle, but be careful, this is not simple riddles. For each correct answer you will receive a letter. 1. At night, each window is dimly illuminated... (moon). 2. Any girl knows that carrots... (orange). 3. The whole street heard how ... (cow) mooed. 4. The mouse counts the holes in the cheese - 3+2 equals... (5). 5. The leaves have fallen off the maple tree, the trunk has become... (_brown) by autumn. 6. Everything is covered in white snow, which means it has come... (winter). 7. I found 5 berries in the grass and ate 1, left... (4). 8. I know perfectly well, cloud... (white). PHYSICAL MINUTE: “Big and little brother.” Children stand in a circle. Educator: I will name hard and soft consonant sounds. When I call a soft consonant, you must sit down, and when I call a hard consonant, you must stand up. Task 5: “Add a word.” Educator: Each team will receive a word, but the word is not whole, it is broken up into syllables. You must put a word together from syllables. The team that completes the task correctly will receive a letter. HAMMER BOOTS Task 6: “Which letter is written incorrectly?” Children are given a piece of paper with letters written on them, some of which are written incorrectly. The task is given to cross out the letters that are written incorrectly. SUMMARY OF THE GAME: Let's count which team earned more letters. (Children count and answer).