Fireworks arts event summary. Scenario of an extra-curricular event for primary classes “fireworks of talents”

Directly educational activities
Educational area“Cognition” “Acquaintance with the surroundings”

Topic: “Wintering birds”

II junior group No. 4 “Cloudberry”

Program content:

Correctional educational tasks:

Continue to form an idea about winter, the signs of winter (it has become cold, the trees are bare, people are wearing warm clothes, migratory birds flew south, etc.), learn to find a picture from a variety of images depicting a given time of year;
- learn to recognize and name wintering birds in color and silhouette images (dove, sparrow, crow). call bird food;
- continue to form artistic skills and skills: holding a brush correctly, picking up glue, etc.;

Correction and development tasks:

Develop constancy visual perception;
- develop coherent speech;
- develop auditory attention;
- develop fine motor skills;
- develop the ability to sort different seeds, relying on a visual analyzer;

Educational tasks:

Cultivate accuracy when working with glue;
- cultivate a desire to take care of wintering birds.

Equipment: flannelographs, paintings depicting the seasons, a feeder, audio recordings of “Birds Singing”, “Cat Meowing”, sunflower seeds, watermelon seeds, rice, millet, saucers, plates, inclined planes, colored and silhouette images wintering birds (pigeon, sparrow, crow), glue, brushes and other materials for applique.

1. Organizational moment

Educator: “Guys, tell me what time of year it is now? How did you find out?"
(Winter. It’s cold outside, the trees are bare, there’s snow all around, people put on warm clothes, the birds have flown south.)

Educator: “Did all the birds fly south or not? What do we call in one word those birds that stayed with us to spend the winter?”
(No. Wintering birds.)

Educator: “Before you are pictures of the seasons. Show me, please, that picture that depicts winter. Look carefully and tell me what wintering birds are depicted on it?”
(Dove, sparrow, crow.)

Educator: “Guys, you named so many wintering birds. But for some reason, no one came to my feeder, which I hung on our site. Why do you think?”
(It is empty. There is no food there.)

Educator: “What do birds eat? Can you tell me what kind of food should be put in there?”
(Millet, seeds, bread, berries, etc.)

Educator: “Thank you, you helped me a lot, now I will constantly fill the feeder with food, and even more wintering birds will fly to our site.”

2. D/i “Sorting”

Teacher-defectologist: “Now let’s see what else can serve as food for birds!? On your tables in green plates are cereals (rice, millet) and seeds (sunflower, watermelon), but while I was carrying the plates, everything got mixed up. Please help me figure it out - you need to put all the seeds into a yellow saucer.”
(Children complete the task.)

3. Dynamic pause"The Birds and the Cat"

Teacher-defectologist: “You and I have worked hard. And now let's rest a little. What do you hear? And now?"
(The teacher includes audio recordings of “Birds Singing” and “Cat Meowing.”
Birds are singing. The cat meows.)
Teacher-defectologist: “As soon as you hear birds singing, you immediately begin to fly. Let's show how birds flap their wings. But as soon as the cat meows, you need to squat down and hide so as not to get caught in the cat’s paws.”

4. Application “Unusual feeders”

Educator: “You and I played and relaxed. And now we offer to help wintering birds survive the winter - make wonderful feeders for them! Before you are silhouettes of wintering birds. Name them. You have jars of glue on your tables, but this is not ordinary glue, it is made from flour and is called paste, so it will not be harmful to birds. Now we take brushes, smear the silhouettes of birds with glue and begin to sprinkle with millet, seeds, etc.”

Teacher-defectologist and educator: “Look at what wonderful and unusual feeders we have made! Today on our walk we will definitely hang them on our site and help the wintering birds survive the winter!”