Why doesn't anyone want to be Batman? None of your friends want you to be Batman. Your secret alter ego will quickly be revealed

You don't have to have superpowers to become a superhero. The main thing is to have an iron will and desire to help people. However, without superpowers it is difficult to help someone. Let's briefly tell you how some people became superheroes. famous characters comics and cinema.

Professor X

Professor Xavier is a mutant from birth. To enhance his telepathic abilities, he uses the supercomputer Cerebro. The fight against evil begins with the neutralization of Sebastian Shaw, who plans to start a nuclear war between the USA and the USSR. Paralysis, education and wealth prompt him to open an online school for mutants.


By nature, he has the ability to regenerate, which allows him to survive in any conditions and be practically immortal. His strength increases after implanting adamantium (a super strong metal) into his skeleton and replacing his bone claws with metal ones. Professor X convinces him to use his abilities for the benefit of society and “good” mutants.


Possessed superpowers as a native of the planet Krypton. He became a superhero realizing his simply limitless strength.


Ordinary person. Decided to become a superhero because tragic death their parents at the hands of a criminal. The lack of superpowers is compensated by money, physical training and high technology.

spider man

Gains superpowers after being bitten by a mutant spider. Decides to help people after the death of his uncle, whom he could have saved if he had not relied on the police (“ great strength entails great responsibility."

Captain America

He became much stronger and faster than an ordinary person thanks to his participation in an experiment to create a super soldier (he was injected with a special serum). His capabilities are enhanced by receiving a vibranium shield (the very durable metal in the Universe). He became a superhero by participating in operations against Hydra.


Gained his powers (transforming into a huge green man with terrible force) after irradiation during the explosion of the gamma bomb he created.

Rip off your head

Blinded after getting radioactive waste in his eyes. Because of them, he received his superpower, which consists of an incredible enhancement of all other senses and sonar vision. We decide to become a superhero after the death of our father, who won a boxing fight for the sake of his son.

iron Man

Scientist and billionaire. Becomes a superhero after inventing an armor suit that allows him to fly, shoot laser beams and enhances all the movements of its owner. He begins to do good after realizing all the evil that weapons bring to the world.

Rorschach and others from Watchmen

Police officers with special training and wearing masks. They became superheroes because they believed that ordinary methods could not cope with criminals.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

They were ordinary turtles living in the sewers until they mutated due to radioactive waste. After that, they were trained by the mutant rat Splinter, who made them ninjas. They became superheroes thanks to their friendship with journalist April O'Neil.


An ordinary teenage nerd who one day decides to wear a superhero costume and make the world a better place. He does not have any abilities (except that his nerve endings were damaged). Learned to fight after meeting Hit Girl.


Gains superpowers with the help of a special suit that allows him to shrink to the size of an ant, created by scientist Hank Pym.


Killer soldier Al Simmons ends up in Hell, from where he returns to our world, having made a deal with the devil. Main strength Spawn in a suit of necroplasm. He comes to the side of good after the instructions of Cogliostro, who taught him to use the power of the suit, and revenge on his boss, because of whom he died.

Batman is a fictional superhero from one of the most famous American comic book publishers, DC Comics. The character was created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger. He first appeared in Detective Comics 27 in May 1939. Literal translation The hero's name sounds like "Man-Bat", but is often referred to as " Dark Knight Gotham."

Batman's socialized alter ego is Bruce Wayne, who is a billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and owner of Wayne Enterprises. As a child, Bruce witnessed the murder of his parents Thomas and Martha Wayne, after which he vowed revenge on the criminals. Thanks to many years grueling workouts he prepared his body and spirit, after which, wearing a specially designed suit, he embarked on the path of eradicating crime in hometown.

Batman operates in the fictional city of Gotham, the prototype for which was to some extent Chicago and New York. Together with a few assistants (butler Alfred, city police commissioner Gordon, partner Robin and some others), Batman declares a vendetta against corrupt officials, organized crime and psychopathic maniacs of various stripes.

Batman's opponents

Among the most prominent opponents of the hero are such city villains as:

  • Two-Faced;
  • Penguin;
  • Scarecrow;
  • and of course, the city's greatest villain - the Joker.

Despite the fact that Batman - Bruce Wayne initially does not possess any extraordinary abilities, except extremely acute feeling justice, he was able to equip himself with various technical devices, his trained body and virtuoso mastery of martial arts. Unlike those he fights, Batman does not kill anyone, instead leaving criminals tied up and surrounded by evidence. Thus, acting independently, Bruce Wayne indirectly cooperates with the city's law enforcement agencies, although his activities remain illegal.

From his first appearances, Batman becomes popular character and soon receives a signature series of graphic novels. Over time, the development of Batman continued and already in 1966 a series about the adventures of the hero was released. Actor Adam West, who played main role, so vividly and originally embodied the character of Batman in the cinema that after that the image migrated to comics, becoming “canonical”.

However, later, by the beginning of the eighties, the creators decided to add darkness to the image of the superhero Batman, which was subsequently enhanced by directors Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan. Batman is included in the honorable hundred of the best superheroes, where he ranks second.

Batman - Publication History

After Superman received a warm welcome among readers at the beginning of the distant 1939, the creators began to think about expanding the universe with other characters. Then Bob Kane came up with a hero named Batman, that is, literally “man-bat.” Early concepts depicting his appearance vary somewhat in style, but the idea remains the same - a masked man in a cloak resembling bat wings.

So, in the 27th issue of Detective Comics, published in May 1939, a character named Batman appeared as one of the main characters. He immediately received the approval of readers and, together with Superman and Wonder Woman, became one of the components of the success of the entire publishing house as a whole.

During the decline in readership for graphic novels that occurred in the 1950s and 1960s, Batman was one of the few characters whose series continued to be published. However, in the mid-fifties, amid increased teenage crime, comics practically ceased to be published. Many saw them as excessive aggression, which forced them to introduce some censorship on publications. In 1960, Batman entered the so-called. Justice League, and later became one of its permanent members.

Batman - Fictional Biography

Over more than sixty years of publication history, fictional biography Batman's character has undergone several changes. Often this was due to an internal change in the publishing concept or external reasons. We can highlight a number of fundamental events in the life of Bruce Wayne and his formation as a hero, Batman.

As a child, little Bruce witnessed the murder of his parents during a street robbery, after which he suffered psychological trauma. However, this event set him on the path of fighting all manifestations of crime in his hometown. Parents of the future super hero Batman's family were fairly wealthy people - owners of a large industrial company, but their father worked in the evenings as a doctor at a city hospital. After their death, Bruce inherited the business and considerable savings. He uses all this to fight crime.

Alternate versions and other characters who have worn the Batman costume

As for the canonical universe of the DC Comics publishing house, there were several acts in the Batman costume different characters. So, for example, after the supervillain Hugo Strange found out true name hero, he temporarily began to act in his costume.

In addition, a character named Dick Grayson, at least twice, stood in for Baten, Bruce Wayne, who was recovering from his injuries. Similar functions were once performed by Jean-Paul Valley, whom readers may know under the name Azrael.

There are also many non-canonical publications and series where the action takes place in alternate universes, however, the Batman character is in almost every one of them. So, for example, there is:

  • Owlman (Owl Man);
  • Leatherwing (Nazi Batman);
  • and even Batmankoff (terrorist from Russia).

Minor characters

Throughout the entire series of publications, Batman, to varying degrees of effectiveness, collaborates with many minor characters. Among them we can mention:

  • Commissioner James Gordon. A Gotham police officer who assists Batman in every possible way.
  • Alfred Pennyworth. Wayne Manor's butler and Bruce's assistant.
  • Lucius Fox. Works on the Batcomputer.
  • Robin. Batman's most prominent sidekick. IN different period Three characters worked under this name, replacing each other after death.
  • Justice League and Outsiders. Batman often collaborates with representatives of these superhero groups, such as Superman.

As for enemies, Batman is especially “revered” by Two-Face, Scarecrow, Penguin and Joker, who is connected with Bruce Wayne by a truly karmic thread.

Powers and abilities - Batman

Bruce Wayne (Batman), apart from his extremely keen sense of justice and multi-billion dollar corporate assets, a common person, who does not have any superpowers. However, he has extraordinary physical characteristics that allow him to successfully stand against the evil of Gotham. In addition, Batman is excellent in many martial arts. In addition to this, Wayne is intellectually developed and has good detective skills. He has achieved high success in camouflage, criminology and is well versed in the psychology of criminals.

Batman Costume and Equipment

The Batman costume is his business card. One of its purposes is to have a psychological effect on criminals; in addition, it is literally crammed with various devices, such as shooting hooks.

The Batman belt deserves special attention, as it is a multi-item gadget in its essence, where the most needed items in a particular situation are stored. It should also be noted that the cloak is made of a special material that allows the hero to fly. Batman's arsenal also includes a large number of techniques like:

  • Batmobile;
  • bat-cycle;
  • and beta plan.
Of all the classic Justice League, he is the most mortal and physically weak character.

In fact, the most mortal and physically weak in the classical composition - Green Lantern. He is physically weaker than Batman, he is not trained in martial arts, and in those years anyone could neutralize him yellow object. If we take current situation characters, then the most mortal of the classic cast is Martian Manhunter, since ordinary fire affects him like kryptonite affects Kryptonians.
He knew more grief than all the other heroes

Martian Manhunter was forcibly torn from his world, and then learned that he had nowhere to return.
Starfire spent years as a slave and then lost her homeworld twice.
Ted Kord went bankrupt several times, suffered romantic fiascoes, developed heart disease, and was also murdered in cold blood by a friend while the entire league turned against him.
Sue Dibny, the wife of the Elongated Man, was first raped by Doctor Light and then unceremoniously killed by a madwoman, and this all took its toll on Ralph himself.
Superman was forced to send the last of his species into the Phantom Zone after the events of New Krypton.
Through the fault of John Stewart, an entire planet died, which he could not forget.
Jessica Cruz saw all her friends killed in cold blood, developed extreme agorophobia, couldn't leave her room for several years, was held hostage by an evil version of a Green Lantern ring, then became a normal Lantern and had to fulfill her duty as a Green Lantern despite that she panics just by leaving the house.
The Doom Patrol is basically made up of people who got into rigged accidents and were "disfigured" by a madman who wanted to create a super team.
Roy Harper was kicked out onto the street after becoming addicted to heroin, rehabilitated, became a hero in his own right, had a daughter, and then in one day lost his daughter and his arm, as a result of which he again turned to heroin.
But with all this, Batman suffered the most, who at the age of 10 was left with a billion-dollar fortune and a personal butler, after which he successfully created a “family”, had his own son, and will soon marry the woman he loves. Poor, poor bets.
He trained for years, overcame himself, looked death in the eyes.

Green Arrow, Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), Booster Gold, Batgirl, Steel - all without powers, all ordinary people, everyone is facing death, everyone is constantly improving. And unlike Betts, they all decided to become heroes not out of revenge, but because it was the right thing to do... or, in the case of Booster, for the sake of money, but Booster is cool, he can do it.
Batman clearly understands that all his opponents are much stronger than him physically

Joker? Hatter? Two-faced? Ridler? Penguin? Reish al Ghul? Scar? Which one is physically stronger? They are either weaker or equal in strength. He doesn't have many enemies who are physically stronger.
The Dark Knight is able to defeat the entire Justice League, as he has a plan to neutralize each of them

Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter are capable of doing this without a plan. Moreover, in comics anyone can defeat anyone if the author so wishes, such is the specificity of superheroics that you would know if you were familiar with comics personally.
Batman is a simple man

As are many other DC heroes, several of which I've listed. Question, Batwoman, Huntress, Vigilante (although there is more of an anti-hero here), Guardian, Wildcat, Spoiler, Nightwing, Roy Harper - here are a few more for you. So what makes Batman so special, besides the number of film adaptations?
No one and nothing can break his spirit; he never gives up.

So does Superman. Just like Wonder Woman. Just like Flash. Like most DC heroes.
If we take Batman, his mask is Bruce Wayne, this character he himself abandoned one personality in order to accept another.

Which suggests that he is not human at all. And one of two things is either subjectivity, which cannot be used after the title “why is he the best,” or you contradict yourself by first saying that you can empathize with him, and then adding that Betts is inhuman.
And then you quote cartoons...

So, just as a DC fan who is fucked by this, I ask - do not go and write articles from the series “Why is this hero the best” if you only know him from films, TV series and cartoons, without being familiar with the DC universe itself. Sorry, but I went through your blog very lightly, and here almost every sentence is disputed by objective facts.

Now let me explain why Betts really stands out:
1) He is the world's greatest detective. In my memory, from the film adaptations, only TAS showed this side.
2) Despite the loss of his biological family, he created a new one, consisting of his father (Alfred), loving sons(Robins) and daughters (Batgirl), and now his future wife.
3) He almost the last superhero, which still has a sidekick in the classic sense.

What you described is Doug Moank's understanding of the character or late (I emphasize late) Frank Miller, who would be ready to suck Batman if given the opportunity. Well, or the understanding of it by Scott Snyder, who starts with good health and ends with a plan/gadget that came out of nowhere.

And once again, finally - please, if you are familiar with the character only from third-party media, and are not familiar with the universe itself, then you should not write blogs like this.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the question was relevant: “If a whale and an elephant come together, who will win?” At the beginning of the 21st century, for a certain part of humanity, it is important who will win the fight between Batman and Flash. Let's try to understand this issue and draw conclusions.


This superhero appeared on the pages of comic books in 1939. He does not have unique abilities, but his own intelligence and physical training will impress anyone.

Batman is the world's best detective. He has the greatest analytical skills in the world, and his level of intelligence is simply off the charts. The capabilities of his mind can amaze anyone.

He studied many different sciences, has super memory and unique deductive abilities. We can safely say about Batman that he is the most a dangerous person on Earth, which can even cope with aliens from other planets.

He is an unsurpassed master of disguise and greatest master martial arts, and can fight anyone.


This superhero appeared in comics in 1940. The name Flash has been used as an alias by four characters.

And they all had the ability to move at supersonic speeds and use reflexes beyond human ones.

Flash is able to think, react and, of course, move at incredible speeds. It’s not for nothing that his name is translated from English as “flash, lightning.” Flash is capable of making huge jumps and moving through space even faster than lightning.

In addition, it can pass through solids. A special suit protects him from air friction. This superhero has the ability to move not only in time and space, but also in parallel worlds.

This guy just needs to put his hands on a building or the ground and start vibrating.

Flash is more durable than a normal person. He has a very fast metabolism and can regenerate instantly.

Alcohol and drugs do not affect him. He can control his age and slow down the aging of those close to him. Flash is a person with unlimited possibilities.

If the fight took place

It is quite obvious that there is only one winner in this fight. And this is Flash. In this battle, superpowers will definitely prevail over intelligence.