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Mudras are gestures that are usually conveyed using the hands,

and bring human consciousness into various states, a tool for a person to work with his body and the space around him, a way of creating and managing creation.

Mudras relieve stress, dissolve congestion in the body, relax tense areas, relieve pain, harmonize the whole body, treat specific organs and diseases, increase overall tone and protective forces the body, help to find peace, concentration and unity with the Universe.

Mudras for the human chakras are used in healing and meditation. Here the palm is the human body, the fingers are usually represented as five chakras

The leading one for performing all mudras is Gyan mudra(forefinger connected to
large with the formation of a “window” ring)

This mudra is one of the most important. Relieves emotional stress, anxiety, restlessness, melancholy, sadness, melancholy and depression. Improves thinking, activates memory, concentrates potential.

Indications: insomnia or excessive sleepiness, high blood pressure. This mudra revives us anew. Many thinkers, philosophers, scientists have used and continue to use this mudra.

Execution technique: the index finger easily connects with the pad of the thumb. The remaining three fingers are straightened (not tense).

Performed before each mudra.


Position of the hand, open hand “pataka”: 2, 3, 4, 5th fingers bent towards the palm, thumb bent and hidden under the rest - “ant behavior”.

Performing this mudra regulates the functions of the kidneys, rectum, spine, and eliminates fear.


Gyan mudra is performed for 10 minutes, then the right hand is placed with the palm on the lower abdomen (between the navel and pubic bone), the left hand - the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are joined together, the thumb is moved to the side. The left hand is open, placed above the right - “butterfly behavior”.

Mudra is used for diseases of the genitourinary system and digestive organs (spleen, large intestine).


“Palace of digestion” - solar plexus - “Brain of the stomach”, locus-minor zone for stress.

The position of the closed hand is “andha sandra”, the right hand is closed, the 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are bent, the thumb touches the nail phalanx of the third, the index finger is straightened and directed forward - “cobra behavior”.

It is used for diseases of the digestive system, nervous disorders, and stress.


Performed with both hands. Position of the open hand "pataca". Both hands are located in the center of the chest (at heart level), as if open for a friendly hug. All fingers are connected, the thumb is adjacent and pressed to the hand - “antelope behavior”.

Mudra is used for heart problems, circulatory problems, emotional instability, and depression.


The position of the hand is “pata-ka” - the right hand is located in the neck area, open with the palm outward, the 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are bent, the index finger is straightened, the thumb is pressed against the index finger - “peacock behavior”.

Mudra is used for speech disorders, respiratory diseases, thyroid gland, nervous system.


The position of the hand is “pataka”, the palm is placed on the area located on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes. An open hand - all fingers are straightened, pressed against each other - “swan behavior”.

Used for eye diseases, headaches, cerebrovascular accidents, and endocrine disorders.


Mudra of the Prayer - “Pure Radiance” - connection with higher spheres Mira.

Used to harmonize the entire body. Performed after all exercises.

Yoga for fingers. Mudras of health, longevity and beauty Ekaterina A. Vinogradova

Concentration on Svadhisthana chakra

This chakra is located in the area of ​​the sacral spine, a few centimeters below the navel, it affects the level of development of the subconscious.

Its element is Fire, and its qualities are the ability to create and acquire knowledge; is the center of influences, feelings, sexuality. Svadhisthana gives hope and optimism, makes you hope for the best even in the most difficult situation. In addition, the chakra is responsible for such a subtle area as taste - artistic taste, taste in clothing, taste in life. Translated from Sanskrit, its name literally means “the place where life lives.” The symbol of this chakra is a lotus with six petals.

Negative psychological aspect This chakra is associated with such external manifestations of a person as the thirst for power, pride, sensual pleasures. If the health of your liver, intestines and gallbladder is important to you, do not suppress your desires and do not isolate yourself.

Balance is very important in yoga practice. When performing many mudras, you need to freeze for a few seconds, keeping your body in a position where you have one point of support. Another position of your tongue will allow you to hear sounds and notice thoughts and feelings without them disturbing your peace. As yogis say, external balance greatly contributes to internal balance.

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Concentration on the Anahata chakra This chakra is located in the area of ​​the heart, in the center of the chest, and is responsible for cardiac activity and normal circulatory function. Its main task is the harmonization of relationships and sensory perception of the world. Translated from Sanskrit

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Concentration on the Vishuddha Chakra This chakra is located at the level of the throat. Through her energy channel, our mundane aspirations are transformed into higher ideas and plans. Vishuddha guides spiritual development and extraordinary abilities. This is the source of spirituality

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Concentration on the Ajna chakra Ajna is located at the level of the bridge of the nose and is intended to control the streams of our consciousness. If its name is translated from Sanskrit, it will literally mean “task”, “demand”. The symbol of this chakra is a lotus with two petals.

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Concentration on the Sahasrara chakra This chakra is located in the crown area and directly connects a person with the energies of the Universe. Translated from Sanskrit, its name literally means “thousand”, since the chakra symbolizes a lotus flower with a thousand petals. Sahasrara region -

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Svadhisthana Svadhisthana is located in Sushumna at the level of the genital organs, it also governs the kidneys. Here is the sphere of the element of water, and the opening of this chakra means something more than just an increase in sexuality. Conscious mastery of activity

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Mudra is the key to the “Sahasrara” chakra Mudra of the Prayer – “Pure Radiance” – connection with the higher spheres of the world. Used to harmonize the entire body. Performing the mudra: palms folded together, fingers up. The Mudra of the Prayer strengthens and concentrates

Mudras are gestures that are usually conveyed using the hands and bring human consciousness into various states. Mudras can also be performed using the eyes, body and through breathing practices.

Mudras for the human chakras are used in healing and meditation. Here the palm is the human body, the fingers are usually represented as.

Mudras for the earth chakras

For the Muladhara chakra, three mudras are used: the mudra of survival, the mudra of life and the mudra of earth.

  • Survival mudra helps to feel self-confidence and also to merge with the world around us. You can perform the mudra as follows: press the thumbs of both hands to the palm. And with everyone else, kind of hug these fingers. As a result, you will get a fist - this is the mudra of survival.
  • Mudra of life: connect the thumbs and ring fingers on both hands and curl the little fingers.
  • Earth mudra: connect the thumbs and ring fingers, pointing the little fingers upward.

Mudra for the Svadhisthana chakra: Place your right palm on the Svadhisthana chakra area, and place your left palm on top of the right, palm up, with the thumb pointing to the side and all the rest pressed together. This mudra improves control over love energy and gives a feeling of satisfaction. Liquid mudra is also used to activate Svadhisthana. To implement it, you need to connect the thumbs and little fingers of both hands. And point the index, middle and ring fingers upward.

Mudra for the Manipura chakra - press your middle, ring and little fingers into your palm. Connect the pads of the middle and thumbs, and straighten your index fingers. Then bring your hands together so that your index fingers touch your sides. Mudra develops a person’s strong-willed qualities and increases vitality.

Mudra for chakra Anahata: Squeeze and press the little, ring and middle fingers of both hands together. Straighten your index fingers forward and place your thumbs on your middle nails. This mudra helps cope with cardiovascular diseases, depression, and emotions.

Mudra for chakra Vishudhi: Bend the middle finger, ring finger and little finger towards the center of the palm. Straighten your index fingers forward. Large ones - press to the side surfaces of the index fingers. All mudras must be performed within 10 minutes. This mudra is used to treat the respiratory system, nervous system, as well as speech disorders. Sky mudra is also used to activate the Vishuddhi chakra. To perform it, you need to connect the thumbs of both hands with the middle fingers in the middle of the first phalanges of the fingers. The index fingers, ring fingers and little fingers should point upward.

Mudras for the celestial chakras

Mudra for the Ajna chakra: All fingers on both hands must be straightened and pressed together. Then place your hands at head level with your palms facing away from you. This mudra is called “swan behavior” and is used for problems with blood circulation in the brain, diseases of the eyes and endocrine system, as well as for headaches.

Center No. 1 – (MULADHARA chakra). The chakra is located at the base of the spine. The survival center gives energy and psychological stability in life. Controls the skeletal system, legs, large intestines. Disturbance in the functioning of this chakra manifests itself in rapid fatigue, irritability, and weakness. The following diseases appear: obesity, constipation, hemorrhoids, sciatica, prostate problems.
The color of energy is RED.
Number of petals – 4.
The geometric symbol is a square.
The taste is sweet.
The smell is rose.
Note – DO.
Mantra – LAM.
Element – ​​EARTH.
The feeling is SMELL.
Desire – Physical contact.
The challenge is to think before you act.
The key word is MATERIAL.
Crystals – red garnet, smoky quartz, ruby.
Fear that blocks the chakra is Fear for your life force.
The sensation on the palms is a hot tingling sensation.
Endocrine glands - prostate.
Chakra No. 2 – SVADHISTANA. The chakra is located in the pelvic area, above the pubic bone. Chakra of intimate feelings and emotionality. Controls the genitourinary system. Chakra dysfunction leads to problems with sex, procreation, family creation, and diseases of the genitourinary system. If this chakra is damaged, it can be argued that there can be no family happiness.
The color of energy is ORANGE.
Number of petals – 6.
The geometric symbol is the crescent moon.
The taste is astringent.
The smell is chamomile.
Note – RE.
The mantra is for YOU.
Element – ​​WATER.
Feeling - TASTE.
The key word is PUBLIC.
Fear blocking the chakra - Fear for your sexuality.
The feeling on the palms is hot.
Endocrine glands - adrenal glands, liver, spleen.
Chakra No. 3 – MANIPURA. The chakra is located at the level of the solar plexus. This is a repository of energy necessary for life in this world. In terms of fate, the chakra is responsible for will, success in business and other matters, power, success, and intelligence. Controls the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas. If the chakra works well, then a person strong will And high intelligence. When the 3rd chakra is damaged, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas occur.
The color of energy is YELLOW.
Number of petals – 10.
The geometric symbol is a triangle.
The taste is pepper.
The smell is mint.
The note is MI.
Mantra – RAM.
Element – ​​FIRE.
Feeling – VISION.
The key word is INTELLIGENCE.
Fear blocking the chakra - Fear of an evil, sarcastic, envious, powerful person or situation.
The feeling on the palms is warm.
Endocrine glands - liver, pancreas.
Center No. 4 – (ANAHATA chakra). The chakra is located in the center of the chest. In terms of fate, the chakra is responsible for love, family happiness, support, protection. In terms of health, it is responsible for the lungs, heart, arms and thymus gland. Malfunction of the chakra leads to bronchial asthma, hypertension or hypotension, dystonia, heart and lung diseases.
The color of energy is GREEN.
Number of petals – 12.
The geometric symbol is a hexagon.
Taste: lemon.
The smell is geranium.
The note is FA.
Mantra – AM.
Element – ​​AIR.
Feeling – TOUCH.
The desire is to LOVE AND BE LOVED.
The key word is EMOTIONS.
The fear that blocks the chakra is the FEAR OF LOSSING A LOVEDONE.
The feeling on the palms is neutral.
Endocrine glands - thymus.
Chakra No. 5 – VISHUDHA. The Throat Chakra is located at the base of the neck and governs communication. creative activity, – communication skills, self-realization, speech. The ability to telepathy. In terms of health, it is responsible for the upper lungs, thyroid and parathyroid glands. Consequences of malfunction: sore throats, runny nose, chest diseases, stuttering, other speech disorders, mental disorders and diseases of the central nervous system.
The color of energy is BLUE.
Number of petals – 16.

The taste is bitter.
The smell is wormwood.
The note is SALT.
Mantra – HAM.
Element – ​​AKASH.
The task is to TAKE RISKS.
The key word is IDEAS.
Fear blocking the chakra - Fear of communication.
The feeling on the palms is cool.
Endocrine glands – thyroid gland.
In addition to the listed energy centers, a person has 2 more chakras, which are responsible for supernatural abilities man and his connection with the cosmos.
Chakra No. 6 – AJNA or “third eye”. The chakra is located in the area between the eyebrows. With the active work of this energy center, a person develops supernatural abilities, such as clairvoyance and clairvoyance. The sphere of influence of the chakra is the midbrain, diencephalon, and pineal gland.
The color of energy is BLUE.
Number of petals – 2.
The geometric symbol is a circle.
Taste - no.
No smell.
The note is LA.
Mantra - OM.
Feeling – INTUITION.
The key word is INTUITION.
Fear blocking the chakra - Fear of responsibility.
The feeling on the palms is cold.
Endocrine glands - pituitary gland.
Chakra No. 7 – SAHASRARA. The chakra is located at the top of the head. This center is responsible for spirituality, religiosity, and connection with Higher Powers.
The color of energy is PURPLE.
Number of petals – 960.
Geometric symbol - no.
Taste - no.
No smell.
The note is SI.
Mantra – AUM.
Element – ​​ABSOLUTE.
The key word is SPIRITUALITY.
Crystals – ROCK CRYSTAL.
Fear blocking the chakra - Fear of trusting yourself.
The sensation on the palms is a cold tingling sensation.
Endocrine glands - pineal gland.

Mudras for activating chakras
The leading one for performing all mudras is gyan mudra (“Mudra of knowledge”). Connect the tips of your index and thumb with the formation of a ring - a “window”. Straighten the remaining fingers, connecting them together. Place your hands on your thighs without straining them. The mudra is performed with both hands. Gyan mudra can be performed in two ways. In the first case, the tips of the large and index finger. In another case, the tip of the index finger touches the first joint of the thumb. The second method is more energetically active. Gyan mudra is performed before each “chakra” mudra.

Mudras are performed in the lotus position or while sitting on a chair with a straight back. Both feet are on the floor, with an even load on them. For classes, choose a place where no one will disturb you. But, if necessary, it can be performed in any situation and anywhere. Breathing is calm, slow, full. Mudras are performed from 3 to 11 minutes at a time.

✅ 1. "Mudra of Survival"- the key to the muladhara chakra.
All fingers (except the thumb) are bent and pressed against the palm, the thumb is bent and hidden under the others (“ant behavior”).
Performing this mudra regulates the functions of the kidneys, rectum, spine, and eliminates fear.
✅ 2. Mudra "Palace of Reproduction"- the key to the svadhisthana chakra.
Gyan mudra is performed for 10 minutes, then the right hand is placed with the palm on the lower abdomen (between the navel and pubic bone), the left hand - all fingers (except the thumb) are joined together, the thumb is moved to the side. The left hand is open, placed above the right (“butterfly behavior”).
Mudra is used for diseases of the genitourinary system and digestive organs (spleen, large intestine).
✅ 3. Mudra "Palace of Digestion"- the key to the manipura chakra.
The right hand is closed. Average, ring fingers and little finger are bent, the thumb touches the nail phalanx of the middle finger, the index finger is straightened and directed forward (“cobra behavior”).
It is used for diseases of the digestive system, nervous disorders, and stress.
✅ 4. Mudra is the key to the anahata chakra.
Performed with both hands. Both hands are located in the center of the chest (at heart level), as if open for a friendly hug. All fingers are connected, the thumb is pressed to the hand (“antelope behavior”).
Mudra is used for heart problems, circulatory problems, emotional instability, and depression.
✅ 5. Mudra "Palace of Communication"- the key to the Vishuddha chakra.
The right hand is located in the neck area, with the palm outward. The middle, ring and little fingers are bent, the index finger is straightened, the thumb is pressed against the index finger (“peacock behavior”).
Mudra is used for speech disorders, diseases of the respiratory system, thyroid gland, and nervous system.
✅ 6. Mudra "Palace of Clairvoyance"- the key to the ajna chakra.
The palm is placed on the area located on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes. The hand is open, all fingers are straightened, pressed against each other (“swan behavior”).
Used for eye diseases, headaches, cerebrovascular accidents, and endocrine disorders.
✅ 7. "Prayer's Wisdom"- the key to the sahasrara chakra.
Used to harmonize the entire body.

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Mudras are the keys to the sacred chakras
The presented practice of harmonizing a person’s chakras with the help of sequentially performed mudras is best performed to the sound of Tibetan bowls, holding each mudra at the corresponding chakra. The time to hold the mudra depends on the state of the chakra and the need to balance it. The state of your chakras and analysis of your psycho-emotional state can be determined using color diagnostics. The practice presented works well with appropriate color therapy. This unique complex, so simple and accessible, leads to a harmonious state of the chakras and accordingly improves the psycho-emotional and physical state of a person.
The leading one for performing all mudras is Gyan mudra - knowledge mudra(the index finger is connected to the thumb to form a ring) Performed before each mudra.
1.Mudra of Survival - the key to the Muladhara chakra
the fingers are bent towards the palm, the thumb is bent and hidden under the rest - “ant behavior”.
Performing this mudra regulates the functions of the kidneys, rectum, spine, and eliminates fear.
2. Mudra “Palace of Reproduction” - the key to the Svadhisthana chakra
Gyan mudra is performed, then the right hand is placed with the palm on the lower abdomen (between the navel and pubic bone), the left hand - the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are joined together, the thumb is moved to the side. The left hand is open, placed above the right - “butterfly behavior”.
Mudra is used for diseases of the genitourinary system and digestive organs (spleen, large intestine).
3. Mudra “Palace of Digestion” - the key to the Manipura chakra
Gyan mudra is performed, then
The right hand is closed, the 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers are bent, the thumb touches the nail phalanx of the third, the index finger is straightened and directed forward - Used for diseases of the digestive system, nervous disorders, stress.
4. Mudra is the key to the Anahata chakra
Gyan mudra is performed, then
Performed with both hands. Both hands are located in the center of the chest (at heart level), as if open for a friendly hug. All fingers are connected, the thumb is adjacent and pressed to the hand
Mudra is used for heart problems, circulatory problems, emotional instability, and depression.
5. Mudra “Palace of Communication” - the key to the Vishuddha chakra
Gyan mudra is performed, then
The right hand is located in the neck area, palm outward, 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers bent, index finger straightened, thumb pressed to index finger -
Mudra is used for speech disorders, diseases of the respiratory system, thyroid gland, and nervous system.
6. Mudra “Palace of Clairvoyance” - the key to the Ajna chakra
Gyan mudra is performed, then
The palm is placed on the area located on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes. Open hand - all fingers are straightened, pressed against each other.
Used for eye diseases, headaches, cerebrovascular accidents, and endocrine disorders.
7. Mudra “Pure Radiance” - the key to the Sahasrara chakra
Gyan mudra is performed, then
The Mudra of the Prayer is a connection with the higher spheres of the World.
Used to harmonize the entire body. Performed after all exercises.