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Knowledgeable people advise treating mirrors with increased caution. caution. Remember how many signs and superstitions there are associated with mirrors. One of the most frightening and alarming signs, according to folk beliefs, is a broken mirror, promising all sorts of troubles and misfortunes.

Therefore, it is natural that for people in the know, throw away the mirror simple movement hands in a trash can or bin - unacceptable action. After all, having broken into an infinite number of fragments, the mirror becomes a sad omen of bad events. Let's find out how to throw away an old mirror so as not to bring trouble to your home and household members.

Even if superstition and belief in omens are not your weakness, the tips below may come in handy. After all, even scientists today know about the power and capabilities of mirrors; perhaps you simply do not believe that tomorrow it will be scientifically proven and will be studied in schools.

Any mirror is a kind of information repository. It carefully, without missing anything, remembers all the information about the events occurring in its field of vision. It is not for nothing that ancient fortune-telling, which has safely survived to this day, is so fond of using mirrors.

The mirror surface is a special territory that requires increased caution and careful attitude. Below are several options describing how to throw away an old mirror without putting your home and family in danger.

1. Salt. Take thick fabric dark color. Wrap an old mirror in it and, carefully taking it out of the house, place it next to the trash can. Then pour salt directly on the mirror, as well as on the place where it is placed. This ritual will help remove your energy from the mirror surface.

2. Water. Remove the mirror and place it under running water, which will safely erase all the information carefully stored by the mirror. Now you can safely leave the mirror near front door, having previously put it in a bag or wrapped in paper. Perhaps one of your neighbors will need your old mirror.

3. Holy water. This is very strong ritual, which works for sure, but for it you will need to get holy water. How to throw away an old mirror using holy water and an ordinary church candle? Having sprinkled the mirror with holy water and crossed it with a candle, mentally say goodbye to it, thanking it for its faithful service. Now you can safely take it outside to the trash container, having previously wrapped it in cellophane.

4. Sale. Great option resolving the issue. Use the Internet by posting an advertisement for the sale of a mirror: indicate the dimensions, cost and attach a photo. Your old mirror will certainly be of interest to visitors to sites such as slando.ru and avito.ru.

5. Bury it in the ground. If you don’t want anyone to use your mirror and at the same time want to protect yourself from trouble, use the old proven method and bury the mirror. Find a remote, difficult place that is inaccessible to stray dogs. It is best to bury it in the forest. Now that you know how to throw away your old mirror, you can safely get rid of it without worrying about the consequences.


Old mirror stores information about the place where it hung, about the owners of the house in which it was located. It is no coincidence that ancient fortune telling, proven by more than one generation, is associated with mirrors. Therefore, mirror surfaces must be treated with care. There is a whole ritual for throwing away old mirrors. Wrap up mirror in a thick piece of dark-colored fabric. Carefully take it out of the house and place it near the street trash can. After this, sprinkle some salt on your own. mirror and the place where you take it. This ritual helps cleanse your energy.

Before you throw away mirror– place it under running water. Thus, information about its previous owners will be “washed off” from it. After that put mirror in a bag and place it near the front door. Perhaps someone will find your piece of furniture useful.

Another ritual that can be performed before throwing away mirror- this is to sprinkle it with holy water and cross it with a church candle. At the moment of this ritual, mentally say goodbye to mirror m, thank him for his service and wrap him in cellophane. Then put it outside in front of the trash bin.

Small mirrors, powder compacts with mirrors, handbags with mirrors put it in an ordinary plastic bag and take it to the trash. If things are still in good condition, you can leave them somewhere on a bench at . Usually such things quickly find new owners.


According to signs, old and broken mirrors should be thrown away only on the waning moon. You should not hang a new mirror or any other object in the place where the mirror hung for one or two weeks.

Helpful advice

It is better to throw away the mirror while wearing rubberized gloves. These gloves are sold in hardware stores. This way you will definitely avoid cuts.

There are many signs and superstitions associated with mirrors. People have long associated this piece of furniture with the other world and endowed mystical power. One of the most unpleasant signs is if a mirror breaks.

Why does a mirror break?

It is believed that if a mirror breaks, then misfortune will haunt you for seven years. This is one of the most unpleasant signs, promising long-term problems and sorrows.

This superstition arose because our ancestors were convinced: a mirror is a door to other world. It turns out that if the mirror breaks, then the entities from the afterlife break out and begin to harm the person who dares to disturb them.

However, you cannot take this sign so literally and become despondent at every broken mirror, setting yourself up for seven years of hardship and misfortune.

If you understand the situation from an esoteric point of view, and based on modern knowledge in this area, the mirror is just an energy storage device. It turns out that if a mirror breaks, it simply cannot cope with the negative energy accumulated in it. This is a signal that indicates that it is time to change something in life. It turns out that if nothing is changed, the situation may change for the worse.

Again, the circumstances under which the mirror broke play a huge role, so this sign cannot always be interpreted literally.

Your personal mirror has broken

If a mirror breaks, in which only you mostly look, then this circumstance should be considered as a sign warning you that the time has come to change something in your life. You may be filled with hatred, envy, sadness and dissatisfaction with your current situation. The mirror absorbed your suffering and inner experiences like a sponge, and now all the negativity has come out.

Of course, this does not bode well: the accumulated negativity spilled out, this is especially dangerous if the mirror broke by itself at the moment when you were looking at it, however, you should not panic right away. You need to carefully collect the fragments and throw them away from the house. Try not to look into a broken mirror and don’t pick up the fragments naked - it’s better to wear gloves, which you also need to get rid of later.

Now you don’t need to put yourself in a sad mood and prepare for trouble. Negative energy can be neutralized. Try to restructure your thinking and drive bad thoughts away from yourself. Try not to look in mirrors anymore bad mood. Set yourself up to be positive and under no circumstances think that something bad is going to happen to you now.

A mirror in the house broke

If a mirror in which all members of the family regularly look is broken, then this is a sign that an unhealthy atmosphere reigns in the house and negativity is constantly accumulating.

Perhaps it’s time to change something in your relationships with loved ones and do an energetic cleansing of the room.

The main thing is to remember that a broken mirror does not always guarantee trouble for seven years.

You need to get rid of a broken mirror immediately, even if only a small piece breaks off. Again, do not handle the shards with your bare hands.

When the mirror really breaks unfortunately

There are cases where a mirror does break unfortunately, but this is extremely rare. For example, suddenly, for no apparent reason, a mirror breaks, and some time later news comes of an accident that claimed the life of one of the family members. In this case, the mirror, which has absorbed the energy of the household, gives a signal of approaching grief.

Video on the topic

In order not to bring misfortune to your own abode, you should know whether it is possible to throw mirrors out of the house. It is not for nothing that there are beliefs that say that such home attributes are certain portals and keepers of all the information of their owner. Even if there is no faith in such things, you should not thoughtlessly and carelessly get rid of your own things.

When should you say goodbye to the mirror?

Despite the possibility of a mirror being a ritual object, it is primarily a part of the interior. Under fashion trends and the transience of tastes, a person’s preferences can change. Often after renovation there is a desire to update all the furniture, including mirrors. In this case, there is no need to hide old things and create clutter in the house. You should easily give up everything unnecessary so that life is filled with new wonderful events. Feel free to get rid of the old mirror, even if it has survived several generations, but you are not in love with it.

There are situations when time leaves its inevitable imprint and the mirror surface begins to fade, abrasions and scratches appear on it, and swelling and separation appear in places. This thing definitely needs to be thrown out. All flaws, even at the biofield level, begin to transmit negative destructive energy. Such negative influences should not enter the house and affect its occupants.

If the mirror breaks, then before you panic and mentally invite trouble, you should remove the fragments from your home. The main thing is to make sure that while collecting pieces of glass you do not look at your own reflection. And positive thoughts will help prevent misfortunes.

If the time has come to throw away the mirror, then try to follow a few rules.

First of all, do not break the entire mirror surface.

On a practical level, this is quite dangerous, and the fragments can cause cuts when taking out the garbage, in addition, there is a risk of injury for stray animals and people who often rummage through garbage cans in search of profit. It is better to leave the obsolete part of the interior near the waste tank.

Do not get rid of unnecessary mirrors during the waxing and full moon, this can promise failure and danger. The throwing ceremony is best performed at a time when the moon is in its waning phase. The exception, of course, is accidentally broken mirrors. It is recommended to get rid of them at the same hour.

Throw away this kind attributes should be alone. Do not involve strangers or relatives in this process. If, due to its large dimensions, it is impossible to carry the mirror out on your own, then be sure to wrap it in black cloth.

Rituals for throwing away mirrors

Mirrors are endowed with special properties; even scientists have stopped arguing with this. They store information and can reproduce it again, regardless of whether it is positive or negative. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate all the energy contained in the mirror space and thereby prevent unnecessary manifestations.

Water procedures. Water can wash away and renew everything around, it gives vitality and promotes rebirth. Therefore, before taking out the mirror that served long years faithfully, wash it under the stream. Just a few minutes are enough to extract everything personal that the mirror surface stores.

If it is not possible to direct a stream of water, then you can fill a container of suitable size and place a mirror in it. Let it sit in this state for about 24 hours, then drain the liquid and carefully remove the item. Now you can give it to those in need without fear that someone will be able to use the former property against you.

Salt. Salt has long been revered and preserved, because it is a great helper in everyday affairs. You should always stock up on Thursday salt, which is prepared on Maundy Thursday before Easter.

Wrap the mirror in a dark, thick cloth and take it to the trash. Leave it near the tanks, and salt it three times with Thursday salt. In an empty house, do not rush to install new items. You should also salt this area and burn church candles for a week. Fire helps to further cleanse all the energy in the house.

Holy water. Very powerful ritual can be done before disposing of the mirrors. He will certainly protect the former owners and protect the new ones. To do this, the mirror surface should be washed with holy water. Using a church candle, draw a cross and ask for forgiveness from your old mirror friend. In addition, you need to mentally say goodbye and take it out for disposal, after placing it in a piece of fabric.

Funeral of the mirror. This ritual does not foretell anything terrible or mystical. But for those people who do not want their mirrors to be used in the future, this great option. To do this, you also need to get rid of accumulated energy. This effect can be achieved using a white silk cut, which is used to cover the reflective surface. Or place the mirror in the closet so that only concrete wall. Leave it in this position for at least 2 weeks, but ideally it should last a month.

Then select a site in the forest so that people and animals do not have open access to that place. Dig a hole of appropriate size and bury your old mirror there. This way you can be absolutely sure that no one will take your old favorite.

Mirrors are as much a part of the interior as any other piece of furniture. Over time, damage and chips may form on their surface. When a product loses its original appearance, it is replaced with a new one. It is recommended to throw away an item in the following cases:

  • major or change of scenery. If a person’s preferences have changed, and the old product does not fit into the new environment, you should not try to find a place for it after repair. This can only spoil the new interior;
  • tarnishing and other damage to the mirror surface. Seeing your darkened reflection is not only inconvenient, but also not very pleasant. If you notice scuffs or scratches, do not delay replacing the product. It is believed that even small flaws on a product can emit negative energy the person looking into it;
  • breaking the mirror. One careless movement is enough for the product to shatter into small fragments. In this case, you need to try to collect the scattered particles as much as possible and go to the store for a new mirror, without thinking about the bad. When collecting broken pieces of a product, try not to look at your reflection;
  • dysfunctional owners. If the mirror was left in the house from the old owners, who were also dysfunctional, it is necessary to get rid of the item as soon as possible.

Don’t be afraid to throw away old mirrors; modern ones will take their place.

Often you don’t want to part with an item if it was inherited and has survived several generations. They try to find a place for such family values ​​in country house, but sometimes they settle in storage rooms on landings or on balconies. You can save one or two things in this way without damaging the overall situation. If we're talking about about the whole headset, it’s impossible to avoid clutter. Don’t be afraid to get rid of old and unnecessary things; they will give way to modern products and give the atmosphere freshness and lightness.

How to properly throw away an old mirror

Whether it is possible to throw away mirrors is up to everyone to decide for themselves. If you belong to the category of people who do not believe in superstitions, feel free to get rid of unnecessary things. If you are haunted by the danger of getting into trouble, use the following rules to protect yourself from any bad weather.

If a mirror breaks, its fragments are carefully collected and taken out of the house. What to do with a whole product that you just want to replace? Firstly, under no circumstances should you break it. The insidious fragments cut through polyethylene and pierce gloves, which is why a person can get more than one cut from dangerous pieces.

If a mirror breaks, carefully pick up the pieces and throw away the trash.

By throwing the fragments into the trash can, you can harm homeless animals or low-income people, who often look for things they need in the waste. It is better to place an unnecessary piece of furniture between two trash cans. In this position it will not fall and will not harm anyone.

If you decide to throw away your old mirror, you need to do this during the waning moon. Knowledgeable people They believed that throwing a mirror item onto the waxing moon would bring bad luck and troubles. This does not apply to products that are suddenly broken. It is recommended to get rid of them immediately.

A small or medium-sized mirror can be taken out of the house alone without assistance. A massive object should be wrapped in black dense material and taken down to the trash cans with one of your relatives.

Throw away a massive broken mirror by wrapping it in waste cloth

Numerous signs and rituals associated with the use of mirror surfaces indicate that our ancestors were extremely careful about their use. Even modern scientists do not deny that reflective surfaces are capable of accumulating information and reflecting it on others.

To eliminate the negative manifestations of energy that the mirror has absorbed and accumulated from year to year, it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures. There are several effective ways neutralize the energy of the item and make sure that if you throw away the item, you will not experience any negative consequences.

There are some beliefs regarding mirrors

Cool water is an excellent cleansing tool. She has amazing abilities to renew and restore the original properties of objects. I wonder what hot water has opposite properties. She consolidates information well.

To cleanse the energy of a mirror, it must be placed in the bathroom. A terry towel is first laid on the bottom to prevent the product from slipping and scratches. By directing the shower jet, the surface is thoroughly washed for several minutes. This will help clear personal experiences, emotions and make the mirror clean again, like on the first day of purchase.

To clear the energy of a mirror from its previous owner, it should be washed with water

Small-sized products are placed in a container with cool water for a day, after which it can already be given to commission shop, donate it to those in need or throw it away, since it will not be able to be used for dubious purposes and rituals aimed at the previous owner.

Along with cool water, salt has an excellent ability to absorb and remove energy. For cleansing procedures and rituals, salt prepared in Maundy Thursday before the bright holiday of Easter. After the mirror has been wrapped in thick material, it is taken to trash cans and generously sprinkled with salt.

Easter (Thursday) salt

The place where the mirror was previously located also needs to be cleared of any remaining energy. Church candles, incense and various incense should be burned throughout the week. The element of fire perfectly cleanses the energy of not only one specific room, but the entire house.

Use fire - it perfectly cleanses energy

Except church candles You can cleanse the mirror of the information it has accumulated over many years using the procedure of ablution with holy water. Having added a small amount of holy water to a spray bottle, it is sprayed onto a piece of dense material in which it is planned to take the product to the trash.

Holy water will also help cleanse the mirror of accumulated energy

This method involves cleaning in two stages. First, the mirror is put away in the pantry so that the mirror surface reflects only the wall. If this is not possible, then it is covered with a silk piece of fabric. The piece of furniture is left in this position for a month to get rid of accumulated energy.

Don't keep broken mirrors

After the 4-week period, the product is buried in the ground in a forest or place remote from people or animals. This way you can be sure that no one else will use it.

To throw away an antique product that has been passed down for several generations, without negative consequences, you need to thank him out loud for his long, good service, and when handing him over to the new owners, mentally say goodbye to him.

Knowing how to properly throw away a mirror, you will no longer worry about failure. You can also forget about cluttered pantries and enjoy a new, suitable environment mirror. If you neglect the recommendations for cleansing the energy of the mirror, a powerful energy rollback towards the owners of the product is possible.

What to do with a broken mirror

No matter how expensive the product is, if it falls and cracks, you need to part with it without any regret. Don't try to glue it together or cover up the cracks so you can continue to use it. Any reflective surface has the ability to remember and retain information about a person. If you look at your reflection in a cracked mirror, there is a high probability that the person will first begin to get very tired, and then he may feel even more tired. serious problems with health.

You need to throw away mirrors that have broken as soon as possible. Large fragments are collected by hand, making sure to protect your hands from cuts with thick gloves. Small fragments are swept up with a broom. You will have to throw it away later, as tiny sharp particles may remain on the rods.