The main idea of ​​Tokmak's tale is about happiness.

A Tale of Happiness

Once upon a time there lived one little girl, and then one day she was tired of everything - the house, the kindergarten, the dull grandparents, mother and father, and even all her toys and entertainment.

“I don’t have anything interesting here,” the girl thought, “I’ll go look for my happiness somewhere else.”

And she left the house unnoticed by anyone, because her old grandmother accidentally dozed off in a chair in front of the TV.

Where should I look for my happiness? – the girl asked herself.

And she ran first of all to the playground, and saw a multi-colored ball in the sandbox - one of the children had probably forgotten it.

Ball, don’t you know, maybe my happiness is somewhere here? – the girl asked him.

There is no happiness here,” Ball answered her. - What happiness is there if everyone ran home and left me here!

So what? Now you can jump and play here as much as you want! And this is happiness! - said the girl.

No. Happiness is returning to your home, playing there with your children and enjoying everyone together!

The girl again wanted to object, but then the boy came running, took the ball and ran home.

She walked and walked and looked into every corner to see if her happiness was here, but nothing like that was visible anywhere.

Finally she reached the pastry shop and saw in the window a large, large cake and many other very tasty things.

Here it is, my happiness! Finally I found it! – the girl exclaimed.

Am I your happiness? – Big Cake was surprised.

Certainly! You are so delicious, you are so wonderful! I love all kinds of pastries and cakes. But mom doesn’t give me much - one piece and that’s it! Otherwise, she says, your stomach will hurt!

And she’s absolutely right,” said Big Cake. - No one can eat too much sweets, let alone a whole cake!

But I still don’t quite believe it,” said the girl. “It seems to me that I can eat a whole cake and something else!” And I know for sure that I will like it!

At this time, the door opened and a mother and a little crying boy came out of the candy store.

I want more! - this little boy screamed and cried.

And his mother strictly told him:

You can't eat too much sweets!

Well, again, you can’t have too much sweets... - the girl was surprised.

“Go seek your happiness elsewhere,” Big Cake told her. – Maybe you will find some Little Joy here, but no Great Happiness!

And the girl listened to this advice and moved on.

And so she walked and walked until she reached the embankment, and there she sat down on a bench and began to rest.

A light warm breeze flew in from the sea and began to circle around the girl.

I understood! – the girl immediately exclaimed. – I can find my happiness across the seas and oceans, in distant countries, on distant islands! Travel, cruises, adventures and all that! Isn't it a breeze?

The breeze laughed faintly.

Why do you think that your happiness is waiting for you somewhere far away?.. Your happiness is waiting for you at home...

How surprised the girl was to hear this!

At home?.. Where exactly?..

Well, at least under the pillow,” the breeze answered her. - Run home quickly! Find your happiness and don't lose it again!

And the girl ran home as best she could.

She quietly entered the house, just as quietly crept into her room, ran up to the bed and quickly looked under the pillow.

And under the pillow lay her old teddy bear Misha.

Oh, how I forgot about you! – the girl exclaimed. - I didn’t put you to bed!

And she lay down in her bed next to the bear cub, and made a bed for the bear cub on a pillow. And so that Misha could sleep better, she began to sing him a lullaby - the one that her mother usually sang to her when the girl was very little.

or in a distant kingdom, in far away country wonderful people. And they were wonderful because their eyes were like beads, their ears were like shells, their nose was like a pumpkin, their mouth was like a berry, and they were not very tall. And they called themselves “captics”. Why be surprised, because there are Greeks, Ukrainians, Russians, French... This means there are captics too. This is where the fairy tale begins.

One day, in the evening, a captik named Vamts decided to go and watch the sun set behind the mountain, behind the forest. And I must say that all the captives are very romantic at heart, every morning they greet the dawn, every evening they see off the sunset. So Vamts decided to see the sunset closer. He wandered through dense forest, but apparently he didn’t calculate his strength, he was very tired, and he never reached the end of the forest. It was already dark, and Vamtsu became scared. He became sad, sat down under a wild raspberry bush and cried. And at that time a little fairy flew past, but don’t be surprised, in this fairyland There were also fairies. She froze over Vamets, only her wings flickered. And she liked the pumpkin nose and berry mouth so much that she decided to fulfill Vamets’ two wishes. She knelt down in front of him and asked:

Why are you crying so bitterly?

“How can I not cry,” Vamts answers, “I went to look at the sunset, but I’m so tired that I can’t go any further, and today I’ll have to sleep in the forest, and I’m so afraid to stay here alone.”

Then the fairy wiped Vamtsa’s tears and said:

Don't cry, I will fulfill your two wishes.

Vamts looked at the fairy, and his little heart beat faster; he did not yet know that this was happening to him and therefore did not pay much attention to it.

“I would really like to be home now,” Vamts said with hope in his voice.

“It’s quite simple,” said the fairy.

And as soon as she hit her hands, they immediately found themselves in Vamts’s house. Vamts simply jumped with happiness. The captics must be said very much reasonable people, and therefore Vamts did not immediately make a second wish; he asked the fairy for a respite until the next evening. The fairy approved of Vamtz’s decision; after all, it’s not every day that you meet fairies. Vamts was very well-mannered, and he liked the fairy more and more, so he invited her to stay with him until the next evening. To which the fairy happily agreed. Vamts prepared raspberry tea, poured milk into cups, put strawberries in them, brought dandelion jam, baked crumpets and set the table for the fairy. And suddenly Vamts realized that he still did not recognize the name of this wonderful fairy, he felt so ashamed. Looking at the floor in shame, he corrected his mistake. The fairy introduced herself, her name “Chinla” seemed to Vamts the most beautiful in the world.

Having had a delicious dinner, Vamts put the fairy to bed in a warm bed, on a soft feather bed. The fairy was delighted. Before going to bed, Vamts tucked the blanket in on all sides, and the fairy found herself in a cozy nest. And Vamts himself spent the whole night thinking about his second wish, but nothing worked out for him. His thoughts kept returning to Chinla. He remembered how he met her, how she smiled at him, how she ate jam and got all dirty. And when the time came to greet the dawn, Vamets still did not have his second wish ready.

As I already said, captics are great romantics, and that’s why they can’t miss the sunrise. Vamts woke up Chinla, and together they went to meet the dawn; they returned home happy and hungry. And they immediately began to prepare breakfast. It was the most delicious breakfast, it consisted of fried mushrooms, buns with cheese and butter, fruit salad and sea buckthorn jam for tea. Chinla asked:

Have you already decided what you will make as your second wish?

Vamts lowered his eyes guiltily. Chinla understood everything and decided to go for a walk so that Vamts would think a little more. Vamts tried very hard, but couldn’t come up with anything...

When the fairy returned, the only thing Vamts could ask was:

I want to be happy.

At this point the fairy had to feel sad. Chinla knew that the word happiness has a different meaning for each person. She thought for a long time about what could make Vamets happy. And she was about to be upset, but suddenly she remembered the words of her mother, her mother was also a captik, but her father was the king of fairies. So, my mother’s words sounded like this: “A person’s happiness can only be made by another person who will love him.” more life" The fairy looked at Vamets, at his pumpkin nose, shell ears, berry mouth and realized that she loved him.

I know how to make your wish come true.

How how? - Vamts exclaimed.

I will create your happiness myself.

Vamts could not even dream about this. He jumped for joy. And they lived happily ever after.

Speech warm-up

- First, let's do a couple of exercises so that later it will be easier for us to read. Look at me and repeat.(brush, chew lips, pierce cheeks)

- Read slowly, pronouncing each sound clearly:Mom, dad and brother,

Mischievous kitten Tishka-

Today we are all at home together.

The kitten got dirty in the dough,

Little brother plays with cubes

Our dad is reading something there,

Mommy is knitting on the sofa,

And I call my friend Anya.

And even if there is bad weather outside,

Being with family is... (happiness)

Name the nouns. Read these words with a questioning intonation. Read, starting in a whisper and gradually increasing the volume. And now it’s the other way around: we start loud, then the voice fades away. Who will try to read it quickly?

How do you understand the word happiness?

Today we will introduce you to a wonderful author and his work.Read the title of the work we will read today on the screen. "A Tale of Happiness"

What could a work with such a title be about?

Open the textbook on p. 50 and tell me who is the author of this work? What do you know about her?

A word about the writer

- Irina Petrovna Tokmakovachildren's poet and prose writer, translator of children's poems, born in Moscow. Father - Pyotr Karpovich Manukov, electrical engineer, mother - Lidia Aleksandrovna Diligenskaya, pediatrician, was in charge of the Foundling House.

Since childhood, she wrote poetry, but believed that she had no literary abilities, so she chose the profession of linguist,simultaneously worked as a translator

Initial acquaintance with the work

Now I will read this work to you, you listen carefully and get ready to answer questions. Follow the text carefully. Pay attention to my intonation.

Primary analysis

Who or what is the work about?(about a king who was looking for happiness)

What impression did this fairy tale make on you? What kind of fairy tale is this: funny, instructive, amusing, interesting? Why? Prove that this is a fairy tale. Read on p. 53 question number 7, let's answer it.


Now read this fairy tale in a whisper, observing intonation and, with a pencil in your hands, mark the incomprehensible words.

Vocabulary work

1. Difficult to read. (The words are written on the board, divided into syllables. Read silently by syllables, read aloud by syllables, and read aloud in their entirety with the correct stress.)

2. Words are difficult to understand. (The words are written on the board. Children explain the meaning of the words and select synonyms)

Secondary analysis

Why didn't the king want to help the girl, the soldier and the old woman? How would you describe the king's behavior at the beginning of the story? (selfish) Why do you think the king changed? Do such changes always happen in life? Has it happened to you similar stories? Have you changed anything about yourself after your shortcomings were pointed out to you? What qualities did the king lack before meeting the elder? (compassion, mercy, kindness, responsiveness) Did the king have a goal in life before meeting the elder? Did she change after the meeting? What does this tale teach us about the plague?

Now let's take a little rest. "Mole"

What heroes are there in this fairy tale? (author, king, soldier, old man, old woman, girl)

What heroes are there in this fairy tale?(author, king, soldier, old man, old woman, girl in a tattered dress)

Now let's read by roles.

There lived one king in the world,
Rich and powerful.
He was always sad. And sometimes
It was darker than a cloud.
He walked, slept, had dinner,
And he knew no happiness!

But always whine and grieve
The poor guy has had enough.
The king cried out: “You can’t live like this!” —
And he jumped off the throne boldly.
Yes, instantly destroy your lot
Not in royal power?

And so the king got into the carriage
And he went for happiness.
The king looks out the window,
The carriage is rolling fast.
Wait a minute, who's on the way?
A girl in a tattered dress.

- Oh, my almighty king,
Please give me at least a penny.
- Hey, beggar, let me in
Hurry up my carriage.
Get off the path immediately
After all, I'm going for happiness!
The king said and drove off.
And in blue sky the month is cold
The carriage rushes at random
God knows in which direction.
Suddenly a soldier stands in the way,
Wounded, ragged.

“Oh, my king,” cried the soldier, “
I'm very glad to see you!
I humbly ask: arrange
You are at my service,
I stood up for you,
I really fought like a hero,
I won the battle.

- Come on, servant, let me in.
Hurry up my carriage.
Get off the path immediately
After all, I'm going for happiness!
The king said and drove off,
And in the blue sky the month froze
The carriage rushes at full speed,
The horse gallops as fast as he can.
Suddenly she came out onto the road from the mountains
Stooped old woman.

- Forgive me, my dear king,
Lonely old woman.
My house is over there, you see, behind the mountain,
I've gone far in the morning.
I carry firewood from the forest
Hard work.
I look around, barely alive:
What if someone helps

- Come on, old woman, let me pass
Hurry up my carriage.
Get off the path immediately
After all, I'm going for happiness!
The king said and drove off,
And in the blue sky the month froze

Summer is over. Heat
Gives way to bad weather.
The king hurries:
- It's time to go,
A little more - and hurray!
I will find my happiness!

And it would all end in disaster
There is no doubt about it.
Yes, an old man with a white beard
He stopped the carriage.
Having crossed himself, slowly,
Solemnly and strictly
Said: "Lost soul,
King, fear God!

Are you looking for happiness for yourself?
You are traveling around the world.
But, only loving your neighbor,
You will find this happiness.
Quickly listen to me:
Turn your horse back around
Warm and feed the child,
Hire a soldier as a watchman,
Do it all, but first
You can help the old lady:
You will bring firewood from home,
You’ll cut it and lay it down...”

Then the full moon came out.
And she illuminated the way.
Not an easy path Return trip.
The path to happiness is not just anywhere.
The king is still in the palace
Helps all people.
And happiness on his face
It shines like a clear day!