What is the difference between hip hop and modern dance? History of origin, description, types and features of hip-hop

In December 2016, Libra will be energetic and active. This period is a favorable time for resolving business issues, holding meetings and negotiations. Success will accompany representatives of your zodiac sign throughout the month, which will give them the opportunity to realize their potential one hundred percent. Now you have every opportunity to make your dream come true, but for this you will have to work a little. In the second half of December 2016, you will have the opportunity to escape from all work and everyday problems and worries and have a good rest. Try to use free time, not lying on the couch, but doing active activities that will help you get emotional release and restore strength for future achievements. Doing what you love will bring not only pleasure, but also good financial profit. Throughout the month, Libra will remain in complete harmony with yourself and the world around you. Their life satisfaction will be high. Your household will delight you, and you will also experience a sense of pride in the excellent results of your labors. Don't get hung up on one thing. Live a full life, developing and improving all its areas. New Year you will meet an absolutely happy and successful person.

The first half of December 2016 will be very productive and eventful. Under the favorable influence of Saturn, in the professional field, Libra will be able to show stunning results that will take them to a new level of development in this area. This period will be especially productive for representatives creative professions. They will be overwhelmed with inspiration, thanks to which they will be able to create real masterpieces. In the middle of the month, negotiations or meetings with business partners are possible. You need to get together and show determination and firmness in decisions, then all business meetings will end with a mutually beneficial proposal and the signing of a long-term contract. Trips and business trips will be very successful.

Perhaps you will have potential partners or investors to create own business or expanding the scope of an existing one. The main condition for achieving their goals for Libra is the ability to organize their work time. Maintain balance. You shouldn’t spend all your energy on solving work issues. Remember that sometimes you need to be distracted in order to start working again with new strength and fresh thoughts.

Representatives of your zodiac sign need to learn one simple truth: if harmony and mutual understanding reign in the family, only then will you be inspired and productive in working for the benefit of this family. Family is a reliable rear and your participation in creating strong and reliable family relations, is the most profitable investment. Favorable influence aspects of Venus will make Libra the most romantic personalities. The attitude of your soulmate will inspire you to new feats, so that greater strength win loyalty and trust. There will be no limits to your imagination. Every day you will be visited by brilliant ideas for a surprise for your loved one. In December 2016, in anticipation of a miracle, you will feel how much more pleasant it is to give than to receive. Every little gift and surprise will bring you a lot of pleasure and will greatly please your partner.

The ambition and energy of representatives of the zodiac sign Libra will not let you get bored. They will be on the move all their free time. You will always want to improve and polish your skills, discover new talents and hobbies. Diverse interests will be an excellent way to realize creative potential, broaden your horizons and gain useful experience.

On the love front, the situation in December 2016 will develop in a way that is very acceptable for Libra. With some exceptions, December can be considered a successful phase in all respects. If any problems arise, they will depend only on you, which means you will definitely be able to cope with them. To do this, you just need to give yourself internal acceleration, since the course of events at the end of the year will be too fast for you, and you will not always keep up with it.

Libra has a lot to go through. emotional experiences, and not always justified. Those around you will not understand, but you yourself should not pay attention to this. If you already consider something important, be sure to think it over carefully, especially since there will be plenty of time. There may also be a period of slight confusion when you want to seek advice from your loved ones. In such a situation, the stars recommend giving in to this impulse, since now a “consultation” will not hurt you. The most objective opinion will be the opinion of your friends, but you will also get a lot from your relatives useful information. The more people you listen to, the more relevant it will be. big picture. And remember that you need to draw final conclusions yourself, because others can also make mistakes.

December 2016 for Libra may be remembered for a lot of creative affairs, communication and travel.

General horoscope for December 2016 for Libra

In December 2016, Libra will have a lot of energy related to communication and relationships. This month, your partner is able to add joy and fun to the relationship.

The planet Venus is in the sign of Capricorn until December 7, 2016, and in a sense, Libra may feel in some kind of confinement, connected with your home, or you will have to deal with serious matters regarding real estate. However, in the period from December 2 to 5, Libra’s life may be quite bright, interesting events related to communication in a large company.

Starting from December 7, 2016, Libra will be able to feel ease in their actions. These days, representatives of the sign will have a lot of energy that has creativity. Most strongly creative potential can be embodied by Libra on December 13 and 14, 2016, when the full moon will occur. At this time, Libra will become so inspired that they will be ready to do all the things at once.

The theme of entertainment will most likely develop from December 8th and will be associated with the New Year holidays.

Career and money horoscope for December 2016 for Libra

In December 2016, career may not occupy the most important place in the life of Libra. However, there are some features that Libra should pay attention to.

So, in December 2016, Libra will act through their partners in many matters. If Libra, for example, is involved in large projects at work, then they will be able to be implemented in December 2016 only with the participation and support of a friendly team.

Representatives of the Libra sign, whose activities are related to real estate, services and entertainment, as well as cars, may have the idea of ​​​​creating their own small business. In December 2016, in order to implement such an idea, Libra needs to draw up a correct plan and calculate all financial aspects, and be sure to take into account possible risks. In December 2016, it is very important not to get sick of such an idea, but to gradually move towards its implementation. Most likely, Libra’s plans will be realized as early as 2017–2018.

Love horoscope for December 2016 for Libra

In December 2016, Libra will have to communicate a lot with their partner. In addition, this month the planet Mars, symbolizing the partner of the sign Libra, will be in very close connection with the energies of Libra. So, on the days of December 2, 5 and 19, Libra can have interesting spiritual communication. Considering that from December 19, 2016, the planet Mars is making a transition to the sign of Pisces (the 6th house for Libra, responsible for health), Libra may be frightened by situations that will most likely be related to the health of their partners or close relatives.

During the period from December 23 to December 25, events may occur in the life of Libra that, it would seem, have already happened to them once, such a feeling of deja vu.

Representatives of the sign Libra in December 2016 may need to control their partner in terms of consumption alcoholic drinks. This is most relevant closer to New Year's holidays. If Libra does not control this situation in December 2016, this may lead to the partner getting carried away with alcohol. In December 2016, Libra will need to use any tricks and tricks in order to resolve this issue without stress for both.

Most likely, December 2016 will be an interesting and promising month for personal relationships for Libra. This month, representatives of the sign may have many joint events with their partner.

Health horoscope for December 2016 for Libra

The December 2016 horoscope for Libra warns representatives of the sign about possible exacerbations of old or chronic diseases on December 23 or 26. So, in December 2016, Libra in December 2016 may want to turn to specialists in alternative or Eastern medicine. It is necessary to understand that if such treatment is used, the results will be more far-fetched and conditional. psychological mood than the current state of affairs. Therefore, in December 2016, Libra, even if you want to use such health-improving techniques, it is better to find out in advance exactly about all possible diseases and health conditions at the beginning of such treatment, and also check its effectiveness at the end.

December 2016 for Libra is one of the best periods of the year. You are charming, persuasive, grasp everything on the fly and cope with the most difficult tasks. In short, the growth of your authority is almost guaranteed.

According to the Libra horoscope for December 2016, the month will bring you creative inspiration and a heightened sense of beauty. It's time to show yours best qualities and abilities by being socially active. Now the stars are giving you an unusually strong charge of energy and creative forces. Therefore, try to use them effectively and constructively by investing in important projects the first 2 decades of the month. The last decade is more suitable for summing up results, completing things, and paying off debts.

In December 2016, pursuing your hobbies and shopping will bring Libra unprecedented pleasure, and you will spend more than you expected. To ensure that your spending is justified and your purchases bring only pleasant emotions, it is better to shop only until December 19th. Therefore, if you have planned to buy gifts, do it before the specified date. Thus, you will protect yourself and your loved ones from low-quality goods and breakdowns of donated equipment. The same applies to planning trips and purchasing travel packages. This month, the stars teach you not to procrastinate, but to do everything in advance.

In December, according to the 2016 horoscope, Libra is unlikely to be happy with how contacts are developing. It is not easy for sociable Libra to show diplomatic talent and find ways to reach agreements. The resolution of issues that you are really looking forward to may be delayed for a whole month. This situation can be perceived most acutely by Libras born in the first half of the sign. You are faced with tough demands, unpleasant people, forced to decide difficult questions, for which you find yourself unprepared. Old disputes may resume, and efforts will have to be made to resolve past misunderstandings. Keep an eye on your documents: in December, papers may get lost, information may get confused, and the necessary information may not arrive on time. It would be a mistake to plan a trip through the authorities: you can get stuck in institutions for more than a month without results. For Libras born in the middle of the sign, during the period December 16-22, it is not advisable to visit places with large crowds of people, plan important events, or protect scientific works, public speaking.

The pre-New Year days of December 29 and 30 can be filled with bustle, tedious tasks and contacts and, most importantly, fatigue and unsuccessful purchases. These days, there is a chance not only of spending money poorly, but also of buying something of poor quality or unnecessary. Don't rush with preparations. If you don't prepare for the holiday in advance, postpone your shopping trip until the 31st: you should be lucky on this day. Forecast for New Year's Eve very favorable: many Libras will celebrate the holiday in good company and in a wonderful mood.

Libra is not the most vital strong sign, so you need to be extremely calm about possible tense situations in December 2016.