What is the name of the ballerina Anastasia. Anastasia Volochkova: weight, height and short biography of the ballerina

Anastasia Volochkova is most likely the most prominent ballet star on the Russian stage. And although you constantly hear not very good gossip about her, there are always envious rumors, all the same, the beautiful ballerina goes through life with her head held high and is not afraid that something might not work out for her. She knows her worth, understands that it depends only on herself how much success she will achieve, and, most importantly, she will be able to win over new fans and retain the attention of her audience. After all, the girl understands that only hard work, perseverance and self-confidence will allow her to continue to act and conquer more and more heights.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Volochkova

Height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Volochkova - all these questions make it clear that Volochkova looks beautiful, if only because she is a ballerina. But it’s not just that, besides the fact that Volochkova dances, she also acts in films. She is also an actress, which confirms that the girl is a public figure, therefore, it is very important for her to be in good shape, to be beautiful and perfect in everything. Today the woman is already 41 years old, although it is very difficult to believe.

This is not surprising, because the ballerina is 171 centimeters tall and weighs only 52 kilograms. That is, the woman’s parameters are simply amazing; she will delight her fans with her excellent physical shape for many years to come. Volochkova is also distinguished by her strong will, because she finds the strength not to pay attention to evil comments addressed to her, to the fact that many believe that she has no place in the world of show business, that she is nothing. Of course, whether someone likes Volochkova or not, everyone can decide for themselves, but we must admit that she has achieved success in life and achieved her goal.

Biography and personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

The biography and personal life of Anastasia Volochkova deserves special attention, if only because she plays with different colors, events and everything that makes life bright, but not always happy. In fact, there are all kinds of rumors about Volochkova, people are interested in information about who Anastasia Volochkova lives with now, 2017, this suggests that the ballerina is always interesting to ordinary people. Nastya’s passion for ballet manifested itself at a young age, when she first went to ballet, she realized that she also wanted to become a ballerina. She entered the choreographic school, but at the same time, she was only accepted for six months, because adults thought that the girl did not and could not have talent. But this did not stop the purposeful girl, after some time, from starting to dance, putting all her soul and strength into it. That is, from early childhood she already understood that she wanted to dance, but not only for herself, but also for others.

After the future ballerina graduated from the choreographic school, she began performing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. True, there are not very worthy facts from the life of Anastasia Volochkova, that they say that she used different men in order to achieve her goal, after which she confidently parted with them. Volochkova herself denies that she did this, but no one can say for sure. She participated in various competitions, where she won prizes, and had the opportunity to show herself as a very talented ballerina. After some time, Volochkova left the Bolshoi Theater and began acting in films, where she also showed herself as a talented actress. It should be noted that Anastasia really likes to concentrate attention around herself.

She often became a key figure in many scandals. It is difficult to imagine why she does this, most likely citing the fact that black PR is, in fact, the same PR. Nowadays, it is not so easy to attract someone’s attention, so Volochkova, most likely, uses any methods in order to always and everywhere be in sight. As for his personal life, there are also rumors and speculations that the star had a lot of affairs with different men. It may be so, but for a bright, beautiful woman, it will always be so. In addition, one cannot reproach a person for building a career, even perhaps in not very worthy ways. After all, many stars could use others in order to build their lives. However, all the speculation and gossip about Volochkova was not particularly confirmed, so who knows how true they are. In any case, Volochkova was able to achieve success where others had no chance. She was able to realize herself not only as an actress and ballerina, but also as a mother and beloved woman.

The family and children of Anastasia Volochkova have always played a big role for the ballerina, despite fame, money and recognition, she wanted basic female happiness. And this is normal, because every person wants to have someone nearby who will make us happy, make us feel needed by someone. For two years, Volochkova dated oligarch Suleiman Kerimov. After the couple broke up, Volochkova, according to her, started having problems at the Bolshoi Theater. Two years later, the dancer had a daughter, Ariadne, who was born from businessman Igor Aleksandrovich Vdovin.

Moreover, the ballerina says that she does not want her daughter to take up dancing, that she should at least become a singer. Today, Volochkova has a new lover, but she is not yet in a hurry to enter into a legal relationship with him, citing the fact that she has already been married and does not want to repeat the bitter experience. But, one way or another, the family and children of Anastasia Volochkova today consist of herself and her daughter Ariadna, whom Volochkova is trying to raise in rigor and control. Although she believes that her daughter can achieve a lot, she still looks at the girl objectively, realizing that things don’t always work out the way you want.

Daughter of Anastasia Volochkova - Ariadna

Anastasia Volochkova's daughter Ariadna was born in the marriage of Anastasia Volochkova and Igor Vdovin. The girl was born in 2005, so it’s too early to talk about who she will become in the future. By the way, Volochkova herself is against her daughter becoming a ballerina, like herself. Volochkova believes that it will be better if the girl becomes a singer, then her career will turn out for the better. But Ariadne herself has not yet voiced what she wants, and she doesn’t need it.

After all, in fact, she is still small, so she simply enjoys life, because she can get everything she wants from her parents, from expensive gifts to expensive trips abroad. In addition, she receives an excellent education in an elite school. So there is no need to worry about the girl’s fate; she is perfectly well-adjusted thanks to her mother, who once again separated from her new man.

Former husband of Anastasia Volochkova - Igor Vdovin

Anastasia Volochkova's ex-husband Igor Vdovin is so far the only man with whom Volochkova entered into a legal marriage. But this can also be called into question, because on the “Let's Get Married” program, the woman said that in fact, they did not get married legally, that the luxurious wedding was only for the public, in order to please the audience and raise their rating. But it’s hard to say how it really is, you can only be sure that today, the couple has already separated, and now Anastasia is cohabiting with a completely different man, whose name is Bakhtiyar Salimov.

One can only guess how long the flighty ballerina will be enough this time. In addition, on the Internet you can constantly see other news regarding Volochkova’s personal life. For example, Anastasia Volochkova and Sergei Astakhov got married in Germany, photo, although the rumors have not yet been confirmed. Be that as it may, if Anastasia decides to enter into legal marriage again, persistent journalists will definitely find out about it and write about it. Fans can only wait and guess who Volochkova’s choice will fall on.

Anastasia Volochkova has repeatedly raised her rating by publishing photographs of a provocative nature. One of these were hot photos of Anastasia Volochkova in a swimsuit in the Maldives, when she posed openly against the backdrop of azure water. And this once again provoked a scandal around Anastasia’s personality.

Many critics were dissatisfied, saying that the ballerina did not have the right shape for her to flaunt her body like that. Some said that the woman has no breasts at all, others that her legs are not very straight, but, apparently, Volochkova is the type of person who does not pay attention to anything other than herself. She didn’t stop there; new explicit photos appear on the Internet from time to time.

Anastasia Volochkova latest news

Today, despite the fact that Volochkova is very old for a ballerina, she continues to fight for her popularity. This is evidenced by the notes entitled Anastasia Volochkova, the latest news, which says that she either goes into politics, or comes up with something else that can either outrage or delight the public. Among all this, you can find candid photos where the woman is completely naked, her legs or other parts of the body are clearly visible.

Naked Anastasia Volochkova cannot go unnoticed, however, like another naked woman. Many sarcastically claim that she has no other ways to attract attention. Whether this is true or not, let everyone decide for themselves. Anastasia herself does not hesitate to take ratings by any means, she understands that winning recognition is not so easy, and she, apparently, cannot live without it. You can constantly see her in politics or show business; there is probably no cell where the persistent star has not penetrated.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anastasia Volochkova

But if you wish, you can turn to social networks for help. For example, on her Instagram page (https://www.instagram.com/volochkova_art/?hl=ru), Volochkova shares photographs, often of an explicit nature. You can also find a photo with her daughter, the ballerina talks about her plans, what she is going to do next. Instagram and Wikipedia of Anastasia Volochkova are always at the service of those who want to get acquainted with the life of their idol in as much detail as possible, with all possible details.

Anastasia Volochkova. Height – 171 centimeters, weight – 53 kilograms. Date of birth: January 20, 1976, zodiac sign: Capricorn.

The famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova is a former prima of the Bolshoi Theater, and now a socialite and a frequent heroine of the “yellow press”. In recent years, scandalous news about her personal life has aroused much more interest among the public than her creativity.

The ballerina herself believes that those around her are biased towards her and do not notice her real talent behind her bright appearance. And indeed, during her long career she achieved considerable success, proving herself both in ballet and in other types of creative activity:

  • Critics appreciated the ballerina's acting talent, but, as Anastasia Volochkova herself believes, her filmography is not too large due to her enormous busyness. So far she has only managed to star in two films: “A Place in the Sun” and “The Black Prince,” as well as in one TV series.
  • She took part in successful stage productions, one of which was the infamous play “A Man Came to a Woman.”
  • For some time she was a participant in the show “Ice Age”.
  • She received several prestigious awards not only at Russian competitions, but also at European ones, and also performed leading roles in classical and modern ballet productions.

Childhood and youth of a ballerina

Anastasia Volochkova was born in St. Petersburg. Her mother was a tour guide, and her father was a table tennis champion. The parents divorced, and the girl’s upbringing was entirely occupied by her mother, an intelligent and incredibly insightful woman. When Nastya turned five, her mother brought the girl to the Mariinsky Theater for the first time to see “The Nutcracker,” and this production made an indelible impression on her, Nastya decided to become a ballerina.

The teaching staff of the Academy of Russian Ballet, where Nastya studied, was not delighted with the girl’s abilities, and therefore she was accepted with a six-month probationary period. But Anastasia Volochkova in her childhood and youth was very purposeful and firmly believed that she would certainly become a prima singer in the Bolshoi Theater troupe. At the Ballet Academy, the girl was taken “under the wing” by teacher Natalia Dudinskaya. The ballerina graduated from college with honors; at her graduation she danced the part of Odette from Swan Lake.

Ballet career

B The history of Anastasia Volochkova as a ballerina begins in 1994, immediately after graduating from college she was enrolled in the Mariinsky Theater. In four years, she manages to dance several main roles, and also continues to study with the best teachers. According to ballet connoisseurs, Anastasia Volochkova in her youth was distinguished by extraordinary grace and fragility, and her phenomenal splits still cannot leave anyone indifferent.

This was followed by an invitation to perform on the Bolshoi stage, where Anastasia Volochkova continued her career as a prima. Detractors said that the famous philanthropist Aksentiev, with whom she had been in an intimate relationship for a long time, assigned her to this place. The romance did not last long: as soon as Anastasia realized that her influential admirer could no longer help her, she immediately broke off the relationship.

The role of the Princess from Swan Lake, which ballerina Anastasia Volochkova dances at the Bolshoi, evokes sincere admiration from the public. The ballerina works a lot, she begins to tour Europe and soon receives an invitation to dance the role of Sleeping Beauty on the stage of the London Theater.

But even here they could not do without a man, namely Anthony Kerman, an Englishman by nationality. As the ballerina herself later admitted to journalists, Kerman abandoned his family and went to her, this prevented her from continuing her career on the London stage, and she returned to Russia.

Scandals involving ballerinas

The public is invariably interested in Anastasia Volochkova and news about her. Since 2000, the ballerina’s relationship with the administration of the Bolshoi Theater began to deteriorate, and she had to leave the troupe. However, a little later, Grigorovich invites her to dance the part of Odette.

Although Anastasia Volochkova is recognized by everyone as a prima ballet, there was still some gossip. A little later, rumors about the romance between Grigorovich and the scandalous ballerina were confirmed, however, this did not prevent her from receiving the prestigious “Best Dancer” award at the international ballet competition.

In 2003, the administration of the Bolshoi Theater flatly refused to renew the employment contract with Anastasia, citing the physical parameters of the prima. Previously, it was planned that Anastasia Volochkova and Nikolai Tsiskaridze would perform together, but the dancer refused contact with the theater, and the other soloist left due to a back injury. As the theater management stated, with Volochkova’s weight, “it’s better to be a swimmer, not a ballet prima.” Volochkova sued and won the case, but in the end she was still forced to leave the stage.

The hero of another scandalous story involving a ballerina was Alexander Skirtach, a former driver. Volochkova accused him of stealing three million rubles and called him a gigolo who shamelessly used her. Skirtach’s wife, in turn, replied that the accusation was just the revenge of an offended woman, and asked Volochkova to come to her senses and not leave her children without a father.

Another reason for the scandal was the news that Anastasia Volochkova’s house was robbed. The thieves grabbed safes with jewelry and disappeared without a trace. Only a year later the investigation managed to solve the case, and the ballerina was returned part of the stolen property. Anastasia Volochkova stated that today her home is completely safe and she no longer faces such troubles.

Personal life

There is no doubt that Anastasia Volochkova’s personal life is full of events and scandals, and of course, this could not have happened without the participation of celebrities. Journalists enthusiastically discuss piquant news about Anastasia Volochkova, and her photographs with the splits do not always evoke public approval. Now the ballerina maintains a blog and often shares her creative plans with subscribers.

Suleiman Kerimov became the first oligarch on Volochkova’s list of admirers, but this relationship did not last long. Perhaps the cause of the disagreement was the man’s excessive jealousy. Three years later, the couple broke up, and Volochkova immediately started having problems at the Bolshoi Theater.

Anastasia Volochkova and Igor Vdovin met by chance at a social party, and mutual feelings immediately flared up between them. In 2005, the long-awaited and only daughter of Anastasia Volochkova was born, who, according to her mother’s assurances, would become a singer, but in no case a ballerina.

On Volochkova’s birthday, Vdovin gives her a huge bouquet and proposes marriage. Soon, Anastasia Volochkova’s stunning wedding with the famous businessman Vdovin took place, but after a while they publicly announced that they were breaking up.

During a creative tour around the country, Volochkova meets Bakhtiyar Salimov, a famous oil tycoon. He showers Volochkova with flowers and gifts and eventually wins her favor. Nine months later, the ballerina wrote on her blog that she wanted to break up with Salimov in order to maintain a good relationship. In her opinion, there comes an age in people’s lives when love develops into friendship, and in order to maintain it, you need to be ready to take decisive action.

The news that Anastasia Volochkova and Nikolai Baskov are dating left no one indifferent. A romantic kiss in front of journalists and frequent joint appearances at social events strengthened the couple’s fans in their opinion about the imminent wedding of their idols. Soon intimate photographs appeared on the Internet in which Anastasia Volochkova and Nikolai Baskov indulged in passion. But the romance also did not last long, and the couple broke up.

Anastasia Volochkova and Sergei Astakhov began dating after working together on the play “Lady”. It is not known for certain how their romance developed, but Anastasia Volochkova, during an interview after the Voronezh premiere of the play, openly stated about her “excellent relationship” with this talented actor. Astakhov himself also did not deny his connection with the ballerina and spoke of her as a “beautiful woman.”

As Anastasia Volochkova herself admits, her personal life sometimes gives her a lot of trouble. One of the scandals was provoked by businessman Chermen Dzotov, when intimate photos from his phone went online, which caused a flood of criticism against the ballerina. Volochkova did not deny an intimate relationship with Dzotov, but she spoke very unflatteringly about the businessman’s masculine qualities.

Anastasia Volochkova is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, a bright and talented ballerina, a scandalous and media figure in Russian show business. The name of this famous ballerina is associated with many intrigues and scandals, which constantly attract attention to her person. Some believe that Anastasia Volochkova deliberately arranges situations in which she constantly finds herself for the purpose of black PR, which brings even greater popularity to the celebrity.

Be that as it may, Anastasia Volochkova, even after completing her successful career, is engaged in filming, singing, publishing her own book, participating in various events, and one can only envy her drive and hard work.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Volochkova

The parameters of the Russian ballerina have always been widely known; a scandal even broke out about this, due to which her professional suitability was allegedly disputed. Height, weight, age, how old is Anastasia Volochkova - all this is discussed today with particular passion. The 42-year-old ex-ballerina today weighs 55 kg with a height of 171 cm. It was Anastasia Volochkova’s weight that became the main reason for her dismissal from the Bolshoi Theater, but then she was clearly slimmer than she is today. Well, to be fair, it’s worth noting that not everyone at 42 weighs 55 kg and can do the splits, which quite often infuriates many visitors to the ballerina’s social networks.

Biography and personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

An interesting, rich, voluminous biography and personal life of Anastasia Volochkova is a topic that is often of interest to the media and fans. The popular Russian ballerina was born in Soviet Leningrad in 1976.

Anastasia Volochkova's parents were not ordinary Soviet citizens. Yuri Fedorovich Volochkov, the ballerina’s father, devoted the lion’s share of his life to sports, namely table tennis. He managed to achieve good results, becoming the champion of the USSR and an honored master of sports at the international level. Anastasia’s mother, Tamara Vladimirovna Antonova, succeeded in the field of engineering, having worked at the design institute of the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg. In her spare time, she studied the history of her native Leningrad, and also worked for some time as a tour guide.

Today, the famous Russian ballerina recalls her childhood and youth with warmth and trepidation, and thanks her parents for their upbringing, instilled hard work and support at the beginning of her career. Most parents want to see their children in a necessary and important profession, sometimes interfering with their child’s calling and leading him astray. Anastasia Volochkova's father and mother supported her choice to become a ballerina and were always proud of their daughter's successes.

The Mariinsky Theater helped Anastasia Volochkova decide on her future profession when she and her mother attended the ballet. Then she was only 5 years old, but she was so fired up by this idea that she carried it through her entire childhood.

After graduating from school, Anastasia Volochkova chose to enter the Academy of Russian Ballet named after. Vaganova. Although passing the exams for the future ballerina was a real test, she still remembers with excitement those important days in her life, touching and exciting. Then, for Anastasia Volochkova, famous and famous judges on the commission, a beautiful hall - all this was something fabulous and incredible.

At the entrance exams, the jury considered that the girl lacked talent, but the situation was saved by the famous Russian choreographer Konstantin Sergeev. He was able to see in the ballerina something that others did not see.

As Anastasia Volochkova recalls today, during her studies the teachers were very demanding of her and often found fault, which aroused pity among her fellow students. After some time, the famous teacher Natalia Dudinskaya begins to collaborate with the ballerina, with the help of whom Anastasia manages to graduate from the university with honors.

The start of Volochkova’s career took place while passing her final exam on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, where she would subsequently perform. The ballerina worked here for four years, participating in the most famous productions and becoming a favorite of the public. Despite the amazing successes in her career as a ballerina, Anastasia Volochkova still recalls the numerous envious people and spiteful critics who made her work in this theater impossible. The endless stream of rumors and dirt that constantly accompanied the ballerina became the basis for her ousting from Marriinka.

This period in Anastasia Volochkova’s career had both black and white stripes. On the one hand, she was saddened by leaving the Mariinsky Theater, where they first started talking about her as a talented artist, on the other hand, she was invited to the Bolshoi Theater - the dream of all domestic ballerinas.

Since Anastasia Volochkova began performing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, her solo career has also developed. At the beginning of the 21st century in Austria, she receives a prestigious award as the best ballerina in Europe. Then Anastasia Volochkova is invited to perform in England. A year later, the ballerina made the difficult decision to leave the famous theater, but after another year, she triumphantly returned. This was the peak of Anastasia Volochkova’s career; it was during this period of time that she gained unprecedented popularity and gathered entire halls of fans of her work. Thanks to her talent, hard work and audience love, the ballerina received the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Despite her increased success, the ballerina has a disagreement with the theater administration, then a series of conflict situations ensues, leading to the dismissal of Anastasia Volochkova. Then, she challenged the illegality of this decision through the court, and achieved her goal. But, not wanting to work in a hostile environment, the famous Russian ballerina unofficially said goodbye to the Bolshoi stage; to this day she is listed as an employee of the theater, although she has not performed here for a long time.

The ballerina's popularity went far beyond the country, as evidenced by the support of the Western press during the trial.

After leaving the Bolshoi Theater, Anastasia Volochkova performed on the stage of the Krasnodar Ballet Theater as a prima ballerina.

The ballerina also tried herself as an actress, starring in several TV series and a film.

In the same year, the popular ballerina takes part in the New Year's performance of the Prima Donna, where she tries herself as a singer. Anastasia Volochkova sang a song that Igor Nikolaev wrote especially for her.

15 years ago, Anastasia Volochkova first entered politics as a State Duma deputy from the United Russia party. This gave her the opportunity to conduct charity events and introduce social packages into the development of the state. Even after the ballerina left the party, she did not stop her activities.

The Anastasia Volochkova Creative Center project, which the ballerina plans to expand, is also considered successful.

To this day, Anastasia Volochkova does not stop doing charity work, and also regularly finds herself at the center of scandals, which allows her to always be in the public eye and enjoy great popularity.

A large page of the ballerina’s biography is her personal life. She repeatedly had romantic relationships with wealthy businessmen and other popular men.

The romance between Anastasia Volochkova and oligarch Suleiman Kerimov was one of the very first and loudest. After two years of relationship, the couple broke up; the reason was disagreements with the man’s relatives, who believed that such a public persona was too interfering with Suleiman Kerimov’s business. According to the ballerina, it was the difficult relationship with her ex-boyfriend that caused her failures and rumors at the Bolshoi Theater, which did not pass without his participation.

The sensational and luxurious wedding of Anastasia Volochkova with businessman Igor Vdovin later turned out to be fictitious. The fact is that there was no official part of the wedding, which means the marriage was not registered. But there was a magnificent celebration, which was trumpeted by all the country's media. By the way, the ballerina and businessman had a daughter, Ariadne, in 2005; only two years later they allegedly arranged a wedding, which many considered strange. And although the relationship between Anastasia and Igor turned out to be unsuccessful, they remained friends.

5 years ago, the country learned about the ballerina’s affair with the influential head of an oil company, Bakhtiyar Salimov. Anastasia Volochkova joyfully shared with the public her impressions of the relationship and the endlessly beautiful romance that her attentive chosen one provided her with. In the same year, she was credited with an affair with the famous singer Nikolai Baskov. In photos on social networks, the couple tenderly embraces, and in some of them the ballerina next to the singer is practically naked.

Maybe some stars of Russian show business suffer from loneliness, but not Anastasia Volochkova. It is not known for certain who the ballerina lives with now (2018), but the fact that she has a wealthy and handsome chosen one is for sure.

Daughter of Anastasia Volochkova - Ariadna

The first and only daughter of Anastasia Volochkova, Ariadna, was born in 2005. Ariadne's beauty has already been noted by many publishing houses; she has her mother's azure eyes and her father's beautiful dark hair.

Ariadna studied at a dance school, attended English courses, and the girl also runs her own channel on the popular YouTube video hosting site.

Anastasia Volochkova often pampers her daughter, allowing her almost everything, but her father takes her upbringing more seriously, believing that there should also be strictness.

Although her parents are not going to tell Ariadne what she should become in the future, Anastasia Volochkova does not hide that her daughter will not be able to build a successful career in ballet because of her mother’s reputation.

Former husband of Anastasia Volochkova - Igor Vdovin

The ex-husband of Anastasia Volochkova is Igor Vdovin, who, in fact, is not officially her husband, maintains friendly relations with the ex-ballerina and takes an active part in raising her daughter.

In addition to business, Igor Vdovin is involved in law. After Anastasia Volochkova, he had several novels, which also ended unsuccessfully.

Anastasia Volochkova had a conflict with one of Igor Vdovin’s last chosen ones, which ended only a year ago. The man constantly comes to his daughter’s birthdays and supports her in all her endeavors.

The ballerina herself also never ceases to amaze with new novels and rumors. One of the recent ones said that Anastasia Volochkova and Sergei Astakhov got married in Germany. There are no photos online, no matter how hard anyone tries to find them.

Hot photos of Anastasia Volochkova in a swimsuit in the Maldives

The attention-lover often posts her piquant photographs online. Hot photos of Anastasia Volochkova in a swimsuit in the Maldives are discussed with particular passion. She spoils the public and haters with pictures in which she is in skimpy swimwear. Almost every vacation of the Russian ballet prima is accompanied by a photo report of Volochkova doing the splits. Some people are amazed by Anastasia’s good physical shape, her stretching is good, while others criticize her for the numerous splits with which the net is filled.

Anastasia Volochkova latest news

Today everyone is talking about the popular diva Anastasia Volochkova. The latest news has excited the public. As you know, the former ballerina previously did not welcome the political decision of the President of the Russian Federation to accept Crimea into the country, but now she has sharply changed her opinion. Anastasia Volochkova often visits Crimea and loves to vacation there, and recently stated that she considers the peninsula an integral part of the Russian state.

Because of this, the former ballerina ended up on the famous Ukrainian website of traitors to the homeland “Peacemaker,” but this did not sadden Anastasia Volochkova.

Among other things, a famous and scandalous personality regularly posts new candid photos on social networks, which depict almost naked Anastasia Volochkova. In many of these photographs she is almost naked, and her special pride is her beautiful and toned legs.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anastasia Volochkova

Instagram and Wikipedia Anastasia Volochkova are sources of fresh information about the ballerina, which are very popular. A woman lives for her own pleasure, without hiding it. Most of the ex-ballerina’s haters believe that she lives off of black PR, but many forget that she worked on the ballet stage for many years and made a name for herself.

On the popular Instagram page, Anastasia Volochkova has over 800 thousand subscribers. Here she posts family photos, vacation photos, and pictures of workouts that she regularly does.

The famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova is perhaps the most famous ballet star and not only in Russian show business. You constantly hear something about her - all kinds of gossip, rumors, and other sometimes even completely unpleasant things. But Anastasia ignores them and continues to proudly walk through life, without any fear of what others will think about her.

A woman knows her own worth very well. As well as the fact that her success, the conquest of new fans and the retention of existing fans, depends only on her. The ballerina, like no one else, understands that only hard work and self-confidence will help her conquer new heights.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Volochkova

Anastasia Volochkova attracts a lot of attention, not only because she is a ballerina. She has many fans who want to know her height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Volochkova is a special question. After all, when you see this woman, you don’t get the impression that she looks her age. Be that as it may, she is already 42 years old. But she still looks good. Tall, slender, curvy - comparing the photos of Anastasia Volochkova in her youth and now, you understand that in fact little has changed. The ballerina is still in great shape.

With a height of 171 centimeters and a weight of 52 kilograms, at her age she can give odds to any young girl.

Biography and personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

Perhaps such an aspect as the biography and personal life of Anastasia Volochkova deserves special attention from the public. At least because they are ambiguous. The life of the famous ballerina, although it was bright, was not always as cloudless as we would like. Father, Yuri Volochkov, is a Soviet tennis champion, and mother, Tamara Antonova, leads excursions around St. Petersburg.

Nastya developed a passion for ballet dancing at an early age, when she first attended ballet. First of all, it is worth noting that the girl was accepted into the dance school only six months after the first attempt at admission. The managers were sure that the baby had no talent for ballet. But, nevertheless, this did not stop Volochkova and some time later she began to dance, giving her all. After all, even then she realized that she wanted to perform on a public stage. interested in information.

After graduating from college, the ballerina almost immediately began performing on stage at the Bolshoi Theater. Honestly, there are many less than flattering facts and rumors about the life of a prima ballerina. For example, like the rumor that Anastasia used different men only to achieve some of her own goals, and then simply abandoned them. Whether this is true or not, no one will tell. But the ballerina herself completely denies such rumors. Perhaps this is partly why the public is interested in Anastasia Volochkova, who she lives with now, 2018.

She often took part in a variety of competitions, where she showed herself as an exceptionally talented ballerina and therefore deservedly took prizes. Over time, Volochkova left the theater and moved to cinema, surprising her fans with her good acting talent. It's hard not to notice that Anastasia loves to be in the spotlight. And it hardly matters to her for what reason. Take, for example, the fact that she often became the central character in many scandalous situations. It’s quite difficult to understand why she needs all this. Unless the ballerina acts on the principle “black PR is also PR.”

If we talk about her personal life, there are also a lot of unclear moments and gossip. It has been argued more than once that the celebrity had many men and romantic relationships. Which, in general, is not surprising, because Anastasia is a very noticeable woman. True, all rumors remain rumors in the absence of confirmation or refutation. Volochkova was able to fully realize herself, and not only in dance terms.

Family and children of Anastasia Volochkova

Despite all the rumors about relationships with men, the ballerina was and remains, first and foremost, a woman. Which, like anyone else, wants ordinary female happiness. Money, recognition and fame, of course, play an important role in her life, but the main priority has always been the family and children of Anastasia Volochkova. She also wants to feel loved not only by fans and this is absolutely normal.

For example, for a couple of years Anastasia was in a relationship with the rich man Suleiman Kerimov. According to the prima herself, it was after breaking up with this man that she began to have problems with the theater.

A couple of years later, while in a relationship with businessman Igor Vdovin, the ballerina gave birth to a beautiful girl, whom she endowed with the rarest name - Ariadne. It’s interesting that the famous mother is against the girl’s dancing career. Like, if Ariadne wants to follow her mother, then let her become a singer or actress.

Today, Anastasia already has a new love, but the ballerina is in no hurry to get married. In her own words, she has already been there and does not want to repeat the experience yet. Thus, this woman’s family can only be called her daughter, whom she raises quite strictly. Nevertheless, Volochkova believes unconditionally in her daughter’s creative abilities.

Daughter of Anastasia Volochkova - Ariadna

The daughter of Anastasia Volochkova, Ariadna, was born 13 years ago, when her mother was married to the aforementioned Igor Vdovin. She is still a teenager, so it is not yet clear what the girl will be in the future. There is information that the baby is not against repeating her mother’s career, but Anastasia herself, as already mentioned, is against such turns. Meanwhile, Ariadne herself has not yet decided on her profession and says nothing about this.

She is still a child and for now can enjoy her own childhood and get the most out of life, from expensive gifts to frequent travel around the world. Ariadne studies at a prestigious school, so it hardly makes sense to worry about her future fate.

Former husband of Anastasia Volochkova - Igor Vdovin

The ex-husband of Anastasia Volochkova, Igor Vdovin, is the only man whom the famous ballerina agreed to marry. However, one can still argue here. Let us recall that Volochkova took part in the popular program “Let's Get Married.” And there the woman shared such interesting information that shocked her fans. It’s as if she and Vdovin didn’t officially get married, and the beautiful wedding was just a fiction to raise their mutual ratings. Maybe the dancer was lying here too. But now there is evidence that the ballerina lives with a completely different man, it seems, not even of Slavic nationality.

How long Anastasia’s frivolity will last is hardly known even to herself. Among other things, on the Internet you can often spot completely different opinions about the ballerina’s personal life. For example, about the fact that Anastasia Volochkova and Sergei Astakhov got married in Germany, photo. But these, again, are just unconfirmed rumors. But it is unlikely that if Volochkova decides to get married, the press will not know anything about it. And fans can only wait and hope that the famous ballerina will settle down very soon.

As everyone has known for a long time, Anastasia has repeatedly raised the level of her popularity by exposing not the most chaste photos to the public. Take, for example, hot photos of Anastasia Volochkova in a swimsuit in the Maldives. When a woman openly showed off by the sea. And this, ultimately, only provoked another scandalous news.

Many critics have openly expressed their own dissatisfaction. It’s as if swimsuits, and indeed the outfits in such photos of a ballerina, always hide little from prying eyes and flaunting your body on social networks, especially at that age, should somehow be embarrassing. They even paid attention to the dancer’s legs, which many thought were not straight enough. But Anastasia is one of those people who only considers her own opinion. That’s why new candid pictures appear on the Internet with enviable regularity.

Anastasia Volochkova latest news

We can say that today Anastasia Volochkova has reached an age that is considered quite advanced for a ballerina. But the woman is still fighting for her fame. Apparently, this is why the search query “Anastasia Volochkova latest news” has gained particular popularity, which tells about everything that the ballerina has been “getting up to” lately. She constantly does at least something to evoke emotions in the audience - no matter what. That's probably why she takes these candid photos. Like just recently in the bath complex, where the ballerina stood in the bathhouse completely naked, showing off her slender legs, and wisely covering everything else with a bath broom.

Naked Anastasia Volochkova is a fact that simply cannot be ignored. Most people sarcastically notice that this artist simply has no other options to arouse at least some interest among the public. Although still, perhaps, a transverse twine. Anastasia knows very well how important ratings are in show business, and how important it is to be able to attract prying eyes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anastasia Volochkova

Volochkova can be considered one of those stars, and, in general, people whose “souls are wide open.” They hide absolutely nothing from their fans (including their bodies). On the Internet you can always find recent news in which she is involved, no matter if it is rumors or not. Therefore, Instagram and Wikipedia of Anastasia Volochkova are the most reliable sources of information about the famous ballerina, which certainly will not lie.

In the Internet encyclopedia, in addition to general information, you can find lists of her performances in the theater and filming, as well as a list of roles that the ballerina performed. As for social networks, the artist regularly updates her Instagram, posting a variety of, even candid, pictures. Under each photo there is a short explanation of the situation photographed. People leave comments both positive and negative, but Anastasia doesn’t seem to care at all about her ill-wishers.

  • Anastasia is an Honored Artist of Russia (2002), People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia and People's Artist of North Ossetia-Alania.
  • Anastasia dreamed of becoming a ballerina from the age of five, ever since her mother took her to the Nutcracker ballet at the Mariinsky Theater.
  • Volochkova graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet. In 1994, while still a 2nd year student, Anastasia began her career as a leading ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater.
  • In 1998, he received an invitation from Vladimir Vasiliev to the Bolshoi Theater for the main role. Swan Princess in his new production of Swan Lake. Along with working in the Bolshoi Theater troupe, the ballerina begins a solo career, performing with her own concert numbers and in the troupe of other theaters.
  • From 2000 to 2005, with interruptions, Volochkova’s conflict with the administration of the Bolshoi Theater continued. In 2003, Volochkova was fired from the Bolshoi Theater with a scandal.
  • The formal reason for the dismissal was that the ballerina did not meet the physical fitness requirements and it was impossible for her to find a partner (Evgeniy Ivanchenko, the only partner of the ballerina, left the theater after being injured). Volochkova herself connects her dismissal from the theater with the personal revenge of the billionaire and deputy Suleiman Kerimov, with whom she broke up shortly before her dismissal. The ballerina explains the “problem” of excess weight by the fact that the director of the Bolshoi Theater A. Iksanov forced the male part of the troupe (Nikolai Tsiskaridze refused) to sign a letter in which they refuse to dance with Volochkova.
  • On June 17, 2010, Volochkova defended her dissertation on the topic of creative schools in the regions of Russia and received an MBA degree from the Higher School of Economics.
  • On January 11, 2011, Volochkova posted erotic photographs from her vacation in the Maldives on her blog. According to the ballerina, she took such a step “to spite the paparazzi” and because she has nothing to be ashamed of. The photographs caused a great stir in the press.
  • On the night of April 29, 2013, the mansion rented by Volochkova on Molokova Street in the Moscow district of Lianozovo was raided by robbers who stole two safes with jewelry from the house. The artist herself was on tour in Warsaw at that time. After the robbery, the ballerina, in a press interview, estimated the value of the stolen jewelry at several hundred thousand dollars.
  • In an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel 1+1 in April 2014, she noted that for her Crimea will always be part of Ukraine. Regarding the “Crimean topic,” Volochkova spoke negatively about the public position of the singer and her husband, producer Joseph Prigozhin, calling these two show business figures “political prostitutes.”