Outdoor games about birch. Traditional Russian games for Trinity and birch tree curling

Two guys with a wreath join hands and, raising them up, form a gate. The rest of the children file through the gate and whine:
The birch tree screamed and called to the girls:
- Go, girls, for a walk in the meadow,
Curl green branches.
- We won’t bend you, birch tree.
We won’t curl wreaths on you.
- I’ll bend over to you, girls, myself,
I'll get caught up in the branches myself.
Curl green wreaths -
You will be cheerful all year.
The children who form the gate throw a wreath on the head of one of the participants and command: “Wreath, wreath, hide in the tower.” And then the participant with the wreath runs away and hides it. Then everyone goes to look for the wreath. Children prompt: “Hot”, “Cold”. Whoever finds the wreath first takes it for himself.


Children stand in a circle and hold hands. A bunny walks to the side. One of the guys asks him:

Bunny, bunny, where is your home?
- My house is under a bush, under a birch leaf.
Then everyone says in unison:
- Little Bunny, little Bunny, come to our meadow and put a wreath on your head!
Bunny enters the circle and uses his movements to depict the actions described in the song.

1. Bunny, pick a flower, pick a flower this way.
2. Bunny, your wreath.
3. Place it on your head.
4. Stomp your foot.
5. Bunny, dance.

Children walk in a circle. Bunny approaches one of the guys standing in a circle and changes places with him. So a new bunny is chosen, and the game continues.

Bunny, bunny, short legs,
red boots,
We fed you
We gave you something to drink
They put me on my feet,
They forced me to dance.
Dance as much as you want
Choose whoever you want!


This is a game for girls.

They put a ring on the ribbon, and then, having tied the ends of the ribbon, the girls stand in a circle and move the ring along the ribbon. One of them, chosen by the counting rhyme, “spins,” that is, walks in a circle and looks for a ring, asking: “Who has the ring?” Each one deceives, saying: “I have it!” - and at this time the ring is transferred to another participant in the game. The driver grabs her hand and discovers that she does not have a ring. The ring ends up in a different place. The "spinner" hurries after him. If he finds it, the girls change places. The one whose ring was found begins to “spun.”

NOSE (Game for boys)

Participants sit in single file, one behind the other, with the driver in front. The second player closes the eyes of the first, someone (the teacher, Berezka can point to him) comes out of the row and, tugging the driver’s nose, sits down. The driver must find the “offender”. If he points to another, then he is taken by the nose to his original place, and the game is repeated. If he guesses correctly, someone else sits in his place.

(After the games, the children stand in a round dance near the birch tree, admire it, and the teacher reminds the girls that they have made friends, and gives the order to all the children not to quarrel, to live in peace and kindness with each other.)

  • December 7, 2013
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Number of players: any
Additional: no
The presenter says:
Index finger right hand touch your nose and say “nose.” Once again, again. I'll do the same. But as soon as I say, for example, “forehead,” you must immediately touch your forehead. It's clear? Let's start! Nose-forehead-nose-nose-forehead-forehead-ear!
Since there was no talk about the ear at the beginning of the game, the children instantly get confused. Moreover, by saying “ear,” the presenter deliberately deceives the guys by pointing his finger not at the ear, but at the forehead or chin, and the guys unwittingly do the same.

Who approached - a game for children

Body parts - game for children

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The leader sits in the middle of the circle, the rest of the players sit around him. The presenter says, for example, “nose, nose, nose, mouth” and first touches the nose 3 times, and then touches some other part of the face. Players should not be hypnotized by the leader's movements and should only do what the leader says. The most attentive one wins.

What do you mean where? Who where? - game for children

Number of players: any
Additional: no
First, you can make an oral tour of familiar places, for example, the rooms of your apartment.
What do we have in our kitchen?
What do we have in the hallway? And so on.
Where is our TV?
Where are our frying pans? (the child can give a one-word answer - in the kitchen, or a more detailed answer - in the kitchen in the closet by the window, on the top shelf).
Then “go” on a trip.

Finger - a game for children

Number of players: at least two
Additionally: pictures
The more pictures there are, the more difficult and tense (and therefore more interesting) the game will be.
For this game, the child definitely needs a partner - preferably a peer. If this is not the case, the role of a partner can be played by an adult (grandmother, grandfather, brother, etc.), who slightly plays along with the baby.

One, two, three - speak! - game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: pictures
This game can be the first step in the development of focused attention; children as young as 2-3 years old can participate in it.
Usually, when a child is offered a task consisting of two or three actions, he, without listening to it to the end, begins to act and completes only part of it. This happens because the baby cannot hold several conditions for completing a task in his mind and reacts only to the first. This game teaches children to adhere to two different conditions for completing a task: one of them is to recognize the object in the picture and name it correctly; the second is to retain the already known answer and not name the subject ahead of time.

With a calendar sheet - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: desk calendar
Each participant receives a leaf of a desk calendar. A girl is an even number, a boy is an odd number. As the evening progresses, the owners of the calendar sheets are offered a variety of tasks: gather by month, gather by day of the week, compile the number of the year.
Or: form a team of 12 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, etc. (the number does not matter, but each of the 12 months must be represented); find "yesterday" (for example, September 25, looking for September 24, etc.).

Goalkeeper - game for children

Number of players: any
Additional: no
The presenter throws the ball to the child, while simultaneously warning the child where the ball should go. The child must make a goalie movement in the given direction.
It’s not for nothing that I’m called a goalkeeper:
I will always catch the ball.
One two Three -
There's a ball on the right (left, straight), look!

Entertainment script “I love the Russian birch tree” for children of senior preschool age.

The material is intended for kindergarten teachers and music directors.
Author of the work: Budilova Galina Evgenievna, teacher of the preschool department of GBOU school No. 2097, Moscow.
Target: create festive mood in children and parents.
- contribute to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality who has mastered the spiritual values ​​and traditions of the Russian people;
- contribute comprehensive development creativity children through Russian folklore;
- to cultivate in children moral and aesthetic feelings, love for nature and their native land;
- clarify and deepen children’s knowledge about the relationship between man and nature;
- continue to introduce children to the tree, which has become a symbol of Russia.
(There is a birch tree in the center of the hall. Children enter the hall to the sound of a cheerful folk melody. They stand in a semicircle).
Where does the Motherland begin?
Probably from white birches!
From their kingdom, end-to-end, milky
And from plump childhood dreams.

1 Child
The Motherland is the expanses of Russia
And above the river there is a slope,
Pure gold of late autumn,
The noise of white-trunked birches.

2 Child
You are beautiful in spring dress Russia,
You are beautiful at all times
I love your rivers and mountains
And I am proud of you, Motherland!

3 Child
There is no better and nicer Russia
And there are no better songs than ours.
We sing to you that we are the most beautiful of all,
We bring you our greetings.

(Children sing a song about Russia)

(Children sit on chairs)

It is no coincidence that we began our holiday “I love the Russian birch tree...” with these very words. The birch tree is a symbol of Russia, a symbol of youth, beauty, and poetry. Wherever the Russian birch tree grows, everywhere it is joy for people, everywhere it is light for people. She stands as a beauty of the Russian forest and the breeze rustles its branches, the blessed rain waters her, the sun warms her. What heart would not respond with joy when looking at our birch tree! This is our Russia itself, looking at the world with proud and bright eyes.
The poet Sergei Yesenin called Russia “the country of birch calico,” and the birch tree a tender, pure, young girl.

4 Child
The sleepy birches smiled,
Silk braids were disheveled.
Green earrings rustle
And the silver dews burn.

5 Child
I love Russian birch
Sometimes bright, sometimes sad,
In a white sundress,
With handkerchiefs in pockets,
With beautiful clasps
With green earrings.

(Yellow leaves appear on the birch tree)

Guys, look at the birch tree. What happened to her?
(The leaves on the birch tree have turned yellow, which means autumn has come.)
Her braids turned yellow. But the birch tree smiles and does not say goodbye to the guests.

The wind, the wind rustled,
A leaf fell from a tree.
Find a birch leaf
And put it in the basket.

(Game “Collect birch leaves”)

(The birch tree is covered with white scarves)

Everything around has changed.
The wind suddenly became prickly.
Like white fluffs
Snowflakes are falling from the sky.
What's happened? What changed? (Winter has come)
Let's remember what our birch tree looks like in winter.

6 Child
White birch tree under my window
She covered herself with snow, like silver.
On fluffy branches with a snow border
The tassels bloomed with white fringe.
And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence,
And snowflakes burn in golden fire.
And the dawn lazily goes around,
Sprinkles the branches like silver.

Dark in the old days winter evenings, in the light of a birch sliver, the women were doing needlework, spinning, weaving, embroidering, but when it gets boring, the owner will take the accordion and play a dance song.

7 child
White snowstorms are swirling merrily,
And our birches have dancing and fun.
So as not to forget the folk style,
Let's dance Russian quadrille.

(Dance "Quadrille")

As soon as the warmth begins to blow, the birches are enveloped in a light, transparent emerald green cloud.
These rolled buds begin to unfold into fragrant glossy birch leaves.
Spring is coming.
Let's call Spring to us, guys.

(Children sing a chant)

(Spring enters).

Hello my friends,
I'm glad to meet you.
Winter has gone with the cold,
The snowdrifts became puddles.
All the rivers overflow
All the buds are opening,
It's time to bloom.
And that means the mood
We all have spring.

(Spring song “Hello, dear Spring!)

It's my turn to get down to business
So that every branch turns green.
Although it is a lot of work, it is not difficult.
Here's an emerald outfit for the cute birches.
I brought a blanket of flowers for the meadows,
I brought new needles for the Christmas tree.
And I haven’t forgotten about you guys
I brought gifts for everyone.

It adorns the head and looks like a flower.
It's all embroidered with patterns, it's very good. (Kokoshnik)

(Spring distributes kokoshniks to girls)

What kind of headdress
Men have been wearing it since a long time?
With jacket, blazer, shirt
They like to wear... (cap).

(Spring hands out caps to the boys)

8 Child
Hey, here, honest people,
Get ready for a round dance.
We will sing and dance.
Glorify the Russian birch!

(Round dance around the birch tree)

Birch is a generous, kind tree! In spring, animals and birds drink birch sap with pleasure. People also collect birch sap, it is very healthy and rich in vitamins. After collecting the sap, the wound on the trunk must be covered so that the tree does not get sick or die. In Rus', the beautiful white-trunked birch has always been loved and considered a symbol of girlish tenderness and beauty. On Trinity Sunday, houses and churches were decorated with birch branches, and the birch tree itself was decorated with multi-colored ribbons.

9 Child
White birch - girls sister
White birch also has braids
Girls will approach the white birch tree
Beautiful ribbons will be woven into braids.

Let's not just give ribbons to the birch tree, but tie them on the branches.

(Children tie ribbons on birch branches)

10 Child
Get up in a circle, kids,
A Russian game is waiting for you.

(Game "Weave")

(The goblin comes out)

What is this noise? Who woke me up? In my forest there is silence, peace, birds are singing, flowers are blooming and suddenly - noise, din, singing loudly, beating drums!

Hello, Leshy! Don't be offended by us. Today we came to visit the birch tree, glorify it, sing songs and dance.

Okay then, I'm not angry. I thought that you came to burn fires, destroy birds’ nests, and destroy forests. I don’t like people like that and I protect the forest from them. And I’ll play with you myself.

(Game “Run!”)

How to play: The goblin stands in the center of the circle, the children holding hands walk in a circle. Everyone says in unison:
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Look at the sky:
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing.
(The goblin, with the words: “One. Two, three - run!” catches up with the children, and they run away from him; whoever the goblin catches, he stands in the center of the circle and will catch up. The game is repeated several times)

Well, guys, you made me happy and amused! I’ll tell you a riddle and listen to the answer.

In a white sundress
I stood in the clearing.
The tits were flying,
They sat on their braids. (birch)

That's right, birch!
Hush, hush, silence.
Someone is rushing here to us
This is Berezka coming to us.
And it brings surprises to everyone.

(A girl enters - Birch with a basket, goes around the hall, stands in the center)

I am a forest tree
I am a beautiful tree!
I decorate green forests with myself.
It's me, birch tree, in a new sundress!
I want, children, to have fun with you.
Happy holiday to you all, I congratulate you,
I wish you happiness, health and joy!

Berezka, we also congratulate you and wish you good health. What do you have in your basket?

I brought you gifts.
Get in line quickly
Choose tools.
Play the instruments
Entertain us today.

(Children take instruments and perform a melody)

I came to you not alone, but with friends.

(Guys come out and sing ditties)

Hey, girls are laughing,
Sing some ditties,
Sing quickly.
Have fun with all your friends!

1. Girl
I'll wear a sundress.
I'll braid my hair,
We will be close to the birch
Girls are sisters!

2. Boy
I love your earrings
And a smart sundress.
I'll run along the path
I will hug your thin figure.

3. Boy
The wind is rushing towards you,
Your sundress is rustling.
Curls flutter
The girls are having fun.

4. Girl
I'll come to you in the summer
And I’ll sit in the shade.
You will refresh with coolness.
And in the heat you will cool.

5. Girl
And in winter you are beautiful,
Snow-white. proud.
Everyone admires you
Looking at the forest outfit!

6. Boy
Well, since spring has come -
You stand all green.
Your outfit is so beautiful.
He is dear to every heart!

Good ditties, I really liked them, I even wanted to sing them myself.
Make way, honest people,
The goblin will sing for you now.
Oh, you, clap your hands.
Don't spare your hands.

(Leshy's ditties)

Who am I? Who am I? Just Leshy.
Just a forest guy.
Scary, of course, outwardly,
But with an open soul.

When I came here,
I was angry, I was angry
But now I'm very happy
That a kindergarten has come to my forest.

Leshy with a long beard
With a lush mustache,
But as a young guy,
Dancing with you.

I don't understand what's wrong with the legs
They rush to the right, to the left,
They don't stand still
This is how they ask to dance.

(General dance)

The joyful holiday was a great success,
We think everyone loved it!
We sang and danced and read poems for you.
And a little tired.
We'll sit down and relax
Let's have some tea with you.

11 Child
We welcome guests and loved ones
We offer aromatic sweet tea.
From all adversity, from all illnesses
Russian tea is always healthy.

12 Child
Our guest today, don't be bored
Drink hot tea to your heart's content.
Experience its fragrant taste,
Move forward in life with him.

13 Child
The tea is hot, aromatic,
And it tastes very good,
Heals from illness
And fatigue drives away,
Gives new strength
And he invites his friends to the table.
With gratitude the whole world
Praises the miracle elixir.

(Song about tea)

(Leshy and Vesna treat guests and children to tea with bagels)

Well, dear guests!
The time has come for us to say goodbye
And you in long journey set off
Remember our holiday
And take care of the birch tree, respect it.

Goodbye friends!

(Children leave the hall)

In the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov, birch - deciduous tree with white bark and heart-shaped leaves.

We consider this tree to be ours, a Russian tree, but its name is familiar to most peoples. It goes back to the root bhe, which meant shine, whiteness.
The word birch meant the name of a white tree, a shining birch, and this wonderful tree was named so for its sparkling, silver trunk, unlike all others.

How do people affectionately call birch? - birch tree, birch tree.
One word can describe a birch forest - a birch forest.
What do you call an edible mushroom with a brown-black cap that grows under a birch tree? - boletus.

Poems about birch

Read poems about birch with your children. Draw their attention to how the authors talk about birch, what colorful definitions they use, with whom they compare it, and justify whether such comparisons are successful.

The sun warmed the slopes a little
And it became warmer in the forest,
Birch green braids
I hung it from thin branches.
All in White dress dressed,
In earrings, in lace foliage,
Welcomes the hot summer
She is at the edge of the forest.

Her light outfit is wonderful,
There is no tree dearer to my heart,
And so many thoughtful songs
People sing about her!
He shares joy and tears with her,
And she's so good
What seems - in the noise of a birch
Our soul is Russian.

White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.
And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.
And the dawn is lazy
Walking around
sprinkles branches
New silver.
S. Yesenin
"I love Russian birch…»
I love Russian birch
Sometimes bright, sometimes sad,
In a white sundress,
With handkerchiefs in pockets,
With red clasps
With green earrings.
I love how elegant she is
Dear, beloved,
Then clear, ebullient,
Then sad, crying.
I love Russian birch,
She's always with her friends
Bends low in the wind
And it bends but does not break
A. Prokofiev
"Birch, my little birch..."
My birch, birch tree,
My white birch
My curly birch!
You are standing there, little birch,
In the middle of the valley,
On you, birch tree,
Paper leaves,
Below you, birch tree,
Silk grass,
Close to you, little birch,
The girls are red
In Semik they sing,
Below you, birch tree,
The girls are red
A wreath is being woven.
Russian folk song

Riddles about birch
You can tell children riddles about the birch tree. And ask them to explain the answers.

Girlfriends are standing at the edge of the forest: their dresses are white, their hats are green
White is not snow, green is not a meadow, curly is not a person
In a white sundress she stood in a clearing. The tits flew and sat on their braids

Proverbs and sayings
Birches, like girls, in white sundresses.

As is the birch tree, so is the shoot. The meaning of the proverb is that offspring always adopt habits and character traits from their parents. More often they talk about children who have inherited behavior patterns, etc. from their parents.

Game “Walk and take a closer look!”
Children can be offered game form select adjectives and verbs that suit the meaning of the word birch. Based on their life beliefs and also based on what they learned from reading fiction.

Children need to correctly and as many words as possible select attribute words and action words for the word birch.
Birch (which one?) - curly, spreading, white-trunked, golden, Russian, sad, across the river, tall, weeping, young, slender, clear, dear, beautiful, branched, etc.
Birch (what is it doing?) - growing, turning green, showing off, etc.

Game "Guess which word is missing?"
Children need to choose nouns that are suitable in meaning and combine with the adjectives birch, birch.
Birch... (mushroom, sap, broom, leaf, stump...)
Birch... (foliage, grove, bark, alley...)

From S.I. Ozhegov’s “Dictionary of the Russian Language”: “birch is a deciduous tree with white bark and heart-shaped leaves.”

We consider this tree to be ours, a Russian tree, but its name is familiar to most peoples. It goes back to the root “ber”, meaning shine, whiteness.
The word birch meant the name of a white tree, a shining birch, and this wonderful tree was named so for its sparkling, silver trunk, unlike all others.

Ask your child:
* How do people affectionately call birch?(birch tree, birch tree)
* How can you call a birch forest in one word?(birch forest)
* What do you call an edible mushroom with a brown-black cap that grows under a birch tree?(boletus)

Read poems about birch with your children. Draw their attention to how the authors talk about birch, what colorful definitions they use, with whom (what) they compare it, and whether such comparisons are successful.

The sun warmed the slopes a little
And it became warmer in the forest,
Birch green braids
I hung it from thin branches.
All in white dress is on,
In earrings, in lace foliage,
Welcomes the hot summer
She is at the edge of the forest.
Her light outfit is wonderful,
There is no tree dearer to my heart,
And so many thoughtful songs
People sing about her!
He shares joy and tears with her,
And she's so good
What seems - in the noise of the birch
Our soul is Russian.
Sun. Christmas

White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.
And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.
And the dawn is lazy
Walking around
sprinkles branches
New silver.
S. Yesenin

“I love Russian birch...”
I love Russian birch
Sometimes bright, sometimes sad,
In a white sundress,
With handkerchiefs in pockets,
With red clasps
With green earrings.
I love how elegant she is
Dear, beloved,
Then clear, ebullient,
Then sad, crying.
I love Russian birch,
She's always with her friends
Bends low in the wind
And it bends but does not break
A. Prokofiev

"Birch, my little birch..."
My birch, birch tree,
My white birch
My curly birch!
You are standing there, little birch,
In the middle of the valley,
On you, birch tree,
Paper leaves,
Below you, birch tree,
Silk grass,
Close to you, little birch,
The girls are red
In Semik they sing,
Below you, birch tree,
The girls are red
A wreath is being woven.
(Russian folk song)

Riddles about birch:
You can ask children riddles about the birch tree and ask them to explain the answers.

The girlfriends are standing at the edge of the forest: their dresses are white, their hats are green.

In a white sundress she stood in a clearing. The tits flew and sat on their braids.Green, not a meadow, henbane, not snow, curly, not a person.

No matter how small or big, where it stands, it makes noise.

Game “Walk and take a closer look!”
Children can be invited to playfully select adjectives and verbs that suit the meaning of the word birch. Based on their ideas about life, as well as on what they learned from reading fiction.

Children need to correctly and as many words as possible select attribute words and action words for the word birch.
Birch (which one?) - curly, spreading, white-trunked, golden, Russian, sad, across the river, tall, weeping, young, slender, clear, dear, beautiful, branched, etc.
Birch (what is it doing?) – growing, turning green, showing off, etc.

Game "Guess which word is missing?"
Children need to choose nouns that are suitable in meaning and combine with the adjectives birch, birch.
Birch... (mushroom, sap, broom, leaf, stump...)
Birch... (foliage, grove, bark, alley...)