Seeing yourself fainting in a dream. General characteristics of the dream

Sleep and fainting are similar states: the mind does not control a person’s behavior, surrendering to the power of the unconscious. It is surprising when one borderline state occurs in another similar one. Waking up, the observer of the dream experiences curiosity that hides involuntary fear: why did I see such a thing? A solution that reveals the meaning of fainting in a dream will arouse interest. The vision has various explanations, hidden in the details of the plot, feelings immediately after awakening, events that guide the dreamer’s real life.

General interpretation

Fainting in a dream is interpreted in different ways. Depending on the understanding of the nature of dreams, psychological teachings, and the personality of the interpreter, it has the following meanings:

  • strong surprise at the news reported in reality, at the event that occurred;
  • a successful acquaintance leading to long-term friendship and love;
  • possible constant self-deception in which the individual lives;
  • the debilitating boredom felt by the observer of the dream in reality.

Listen to your own inner feeling. Perhaps you are tired of the monotony of the same current days, long for change, and experiencing painful loneliness. All of the above provokes a vision of fainting. It's time to transform the surrounding reality, act decisively: fulfill a long-standing desire, start sports, lose weight, acquire an exciting hobby.

Who lost consciousness

The gender of the person who fainted is important, as is the attitude towards the dream observer. Many dream books pay close attention to the listed details. Let's analyze the person's personality.

I dreamed that a girl fainted

The heroine of the dream should immediately change her own behavior! Lack of seriousness in choosing a life partner, a frivolous attitude towards personal connections will play a bad joke. It's time to give up your usual actions so that others will treat you with respect.

Man lost consciousness

If a guy fainted in a dream, expect serious troubles in reality, perhaps a quarrel with a friend, an illness of a loved one. Anticipating negative changes, the mind interprets them as a loss of consciousness in a dream.

Stranger's fainting attack

Watching a painful attack means life is preparing trials. Events will soon occur that will create serious complications. Signs of impending changes are noticeable in the present, but the dreamer stubbornly closes his eyes, ignoring the warnings. The chosen line of behavior is incorrect: there is still an opportunity to solve problems without consequences, but we must act!

Cause of loss of consciousness

It is equally important to understand the secret meaning of the message to remember why the painful condition occurred. According to dream books, the cause of fainting is a transparent hint of future real events.

From hunger

A sign of a slight loss of finances. Explaining why you dream of fainting from lack of food, interpreters say: expect a weight gain in the store, an unreasonably more expensive purchase than expected, non-repayment of an old insignificant debt.

From illness

The dreamer desperately needs the help of a reliable, close person. The dream book says: if you feel a fainting attack in a dream, in reality you will definitely get the necessary help.

From exhaustion

Seeing an exhausted person means great disappointment in life or the loss of significant sums.


Did the girl pretend to lose consciousness in a dream to check the groom’s reaction? Evaluate the man's actions. Gets excited, brings you to your senses - to a long, happy marriage. Running around fussily - to a quick break in the relationship. Think about it: is a real gentleman the dream of your whole life, and are you as happy on the inside as you show on the outside?

When figuring out what a fainting spell might mean in a dream, evaluate the smallest details of the plot development. Consider your state after waking up. A good “aftertaste” promises positive changes in life, a bad one promises negative future events. A correct assessment of the nuances will provide a solution.

Why do you dream about fainting by day of the week?

From Monday to Tuesday. Most likely, in the near future the observer will receive amazing news related to personal aspirations.

From Tuesday to Wednesday. A vivid, realistic dream - expect fateful acquaintances. A dull dream is a lack of emotions, devastation.

From Wednesday to Thursday. In the middle of the week, work-related dreams come. Seeing someone faint means a change of place or position.

From Thursday to Friday. Often prophetic dreams. Check your health or expect events that will shake you to the core.

From Friday to Saturday. Be sure to pay attention to the health of the person who has fainted.

From Saturday to Sunday. Negative message of the dream: take care of your internal energy, do not spend it unreasonably.

From Sunday to Monday. A short loss of consciousness means leisurely resolution of affairs. Prolonged - to unnecessary troubles and fuss.

A dream in which the dreamer loses consciousness may portend physical disturbances in the functioning of the body, cardiac activity, great experiences and losses.

Losing consciousness in a dream often means that you can avoid some problems and troubles so that everything remains as it is. The dream book does not always interpret this plot, since fainting may be associated with an approaching illness, lack of oxygen, or heart disease.

But a healthy and strong person dreams of fainting in a dream as a sign of shock and trouble. However, a lot depends on whether you actually passed out or just decided to pretend to fall. This is how the dream book interprets such stories most often.

Physiological reasons

Usually, dreams of fainting are seen by those who want not to see or hear some problem or situation. Having seen the obvious in a dream, he faints or falls asleep in his sleep, but wakes up in the morning good and healthy.

Sometimes the dreamer pretends to faint, and then the dream books also begin to interpret the dream.

Miller writes that this kind of night pictures indicate changes in the dreamer’s personal life, new experiences and losses in his life.

But sometimes dreams with dizziness and fainting are a sign of a person’s ill health. They are caused by physical reasons - lack of oxygen, increased or decreased pressure, diseases of cerebral circulation and other reasons.

In this situation, you should consult a doctor - only he will be able to see the cause of the disease and select treatment. Especially if fainting in a dream is repeated often, but there is another reason why the sleeper can see such night visions - hunger, fatigue, lack of sleep.

In such situations, the dreamer turns off his consciousness even while asleep, so he needs to rest more often and try to distract himself from negative events.

It happens that loss of consciousness may indicate a situation that the dreamer does not want to accept and see, so at the moment of tragedy or acute experience, even in a dream, the body shuts down.

This is a sign of difficult experiences and troubles in the dreamer’s life, from which the psyche gradually turns off. Sometimes a sudden blow and falls become signs of a stroke or heart attack, so take care of your health and pay attention to how you feel after waking up.

If you woke up in a dream cheerful and healthy, there is nothing to worry about. The dream book writes that your subconscious mind simply switches off from worries, so you should take time for yourself and try to rest properly and disconnect from worries.

If the cause is thirst or hunger, then reconsider your diet. A pregnant woman may have such a dream before complications or indicate excessive stress and stress.

But if you or someone else faints for fun and does not experience health problems, then the dream should be interpreted symbolically. Look where exactly this happened.

Psychological reasons

If you dream of a familiar situation in which you faint, then the subconscious mind turns off at some point so as not to cripple the psyche. People can have such dreams after experiences and traumas, situations that they do not want to look at from the outside or relive again.

It happens that in a dream this is how fear of responsibility, decisive action or other people’s words manifests itself. Therefore, the dream book says that consciousness turns off when, even in a dream, the dreamer needs to make a decision that he is afraid of.

It is for this reason that at a crucial moment consciousness turns off, and the dreamer begins to switch off. Often such dreams protect the psyche from routine and boredom.

In such a situation, one dreams that a person falls asleep during a boring lecture or before answering at the blackboard. Sometimes a dream suggests that you may lose the respect of others and reveals the subconscious cause of stupor and fear.

Therefore, fainting means excitement, worries and fear of responsibility, loss, including the respect of others. The dream book does not interpret such stories, as they are associated with psychological reasons and the desire to avoid some unpleasant situation.

Interpretation of sleep

To suddenly lose consciousness at work is a sign of success or humiliation that will be difficult to bear. Look where exactly it happened.

If you dreamed that the dreamer passed out in the office of the boss or director, then he could either be rewarded and given a promotion, or humiliated, insulted, or forced to voluntarily write a letter of resignation.

If you want to understand the reason for such a dream, pay attention to your feelings.

Usually such dreams come true the other way around. For example, if you dreamed that you were being scolded and you fainted during a debriefing, then in life you may be rewarded and vice versa, if you are praised and extolled, in reality something completely different will happen.

This also means dreams in which you suddenly lose consciousness in class, at the blackboard, or in the office of the principal or vice-principal.

The Muslim dream book interprets fainting as a sign of success. Sometimes this dream means winning and winning. If you begin to lose consciousness on the street, the illness will pass and you will feel good.

If a woman dreams that she is injured or menstruates and she passes out due to blood loss, in reality she should rest properly and avoid excessive physical exertion. At this time, the body works with increased effort and needs rest.

Losing consciousness when meeting an unfamiliar guy means falling in love and a new hobby. If another man supported you during your fall, then the girl may fall in love with one person and marry a stronger and more reliable man.

If during communication a friend faints, she will fall in love or you will learn news about her. The Islamic dream book indicates that she should not get too carried away with diets, as she could undermine her own health.

If she suddenly loses consciousness specifically to attract the guy’s attention, there will be an affair between them. If this theatrical technique worked, the dream book prophesies that the girl will be able to win over this person. If the guy passed by, then the efforts will be in vain.

Seeing that a loved one has fainted means problems in the family and complications. Sometimes a dream predicts illness or the fact that relatives will have to spend a lot of time and effort to put this person in order and help him solve problems.

If you are drunk, passing out is a warning against alcoholism and rash actions. Sometimes a dream warns that you should not delve deeper into grief, otherwise there is a risk of mental disorder and illness.

It's a surprise to dream about another person you don't know fainting. If a man loses consciousness, you will encounter luck and the fact that your competitors will be weaker. The dream predicts surprise and acquisition.

If a woman has lost consciousness, then the man will fall in love or help some lady. But when his ex-wife or mistress did this, the dream book writes that this woman will behave theatrically, falsely, in order to achieve her goal. Especially if she was pretending.

If a mother faints, then the dream book writes that she can pretend and skillfully manipulate children. But if she really feels bad, beware of the disease. Perhaps in a difficult situation the mother will need your help.

Seeing a colleague, friend or relative feigning a hungry faint or theatrically losing consciousness is a sign of skillful pretense and deception. This dream indicates falsehood and play.

Exposing a cunning person is a favorable sign. But often such a dream warns of deception and theft, as well as vain material support for a deceitful and cunning person who abuses trust. But if he is of the opposite sex, a romance will develop between you.

Why dream of losing consciousness in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream that you have lost consciousness - be extremely careful, there is a high probability of things worsening, as well as failures on the love front.

Seeing someone you know faint is a sign of a series of continuous failures in his life; try to warn him about impending problems.

Why do you dream of Fainting, dream book What does it mean to see Fainting in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Fainting in a dream?

Seeing Fainting in a dream means - Fainting - melancholy, loss of a close friend, unpleasant news, illness of a family member. For a young woman to faint in a dream - to repent of a carefree lifestyle; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does fainting mean in a dream:

According to the dream book Fainting, to see what it means - Fainting - Fainting - you will receive good news. Pretending to faint means a happy marriage. To see someone fainting means that you will need the help of friends to carry out your plans. Hungry fainting portends financial difficulties, debts and family troubles

Summer dream book

Why do you dream of Fainting:

Fainting - Seeing yourself fainting in a dream is a sign of extreme surprise.

Autumn dream book

If you dream of Fainting, what does it mean:

Fainting - Seeing yourself fainting in a dream means a loss of strength, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of Fainting in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Fainting - Fainting is a sign that your loved ones are in danger of a serious illness. For a young woman, a dream in which she loses consciousness portends a deterioration in well-being, which may be associated with emotional distress.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Fainting what does a dream mean:

Seeing Fainting in a dream - Fainting in a dream means unpleasant news. The young woman dreamed that she fainted - in reality she should stop being so careless. Otherwise, she faces disappointment ahead.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Fainting:

Fainting. You will be unsettled by some news.

Lost consciousness in my sleep

Lost consciousness

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams Lost consciousness mean, or what it means to see Lost consciousness in a dream.

Losing consciousness during sleep

Losing consciousness during sleep

Losing earrings in a dream

Losing hours in your sleep

Losing a child in a dream

Lost a child in a dream

Then something is not clear...

Losing a relationship in a dream

Threat. I love this girl.

Lost my memory in my sleep

Losing your wallet in a dream

Losing a wallet in a dream

Losing a ring in a dream

Why is this dream?

Losing shoes in a dream

Why do you dream about Losing Consciousness?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream about Losing consciousness?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream something other than Loss of Consciousness, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

Why do you dream about Losing Consciousness?

Man lost consciousness

Dream Interpretation Man lost consciousness dreamed of why in a dream a man lost consciousness? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a person lose consciousness in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Loss of consciousness

Seeing yourself unconscious is good news.

Seeing your wife lost consciousness means an early birth.

Seeing yourself lose consciousness from severe wounds is a sign of recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

You will fall madly in love.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

To the booze.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

Dream Interpretation - Loss

Dream Interpretation - Loss of teeth

Dream Interpretation - Loss

Dream Interpretation - Lose (drop)

Dream Interpretation - Lose something

Losing consciousness during sleep

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Loss of consciousness. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

Losing consciousness during sleep

I dreamed that I was taking a bath, in the bath I was kneeling in the water. Then suddenly it gets hot, and I feel like I’m going to lose consciousness. I tried to turn on the cold water, but somehow it spun up a lot and slowly started to fall on my stomach, my hearing was gone, I couldn’t hear what I was saying. He started screaming and calling for help. Then I passed out, darkness... I woke up on my bed, my mother was in front of me, asking something that I couldn’t hear. I started talking, but I couldn’t hear my voice either. Then I started shouting/speaking specifically and somehow gradually my hearing returned..

Losing consciousness during sleep

I'm in Thailand, although it's not far to go. With mom and friend. I'm walking around the city with a friend. Suddenly I begin to lose vision, control over actions (i.e. consciousness), but I still do something, although I don’t remember what. Then I lose consciousness. This is repeated many times within this dream, and in different dreams too. At the end, the doctor tells mom: “her brain is dead”)))

Losing earrings in a dream

For the 2nd day in a row I have seen that I am losing an earring. At first I accidentally sucked it into the vacuum cleaner.

In the second dream I lost it, found it, then lost it again and finally hid it so as not to lose it again. The earrings were diamond.

What could it mean if you dreamed of losing earrings in a dream? By the way, it turns out that in her dream my mother also lost the same earring.

Losing hours in your sleep

Or rather, I didn’t lose them, but exchanged them for some kind of trinket. But this exchange was so disappointing. It's like she was orphaned. I look at my hand, it is bare. Unusual without a watch. Like betraying a friend. This is attachment to the material world. I’ll wake up and look in the closet first, I thought in my sleep. This can't be true. Their husband found them 11 years ago on the street, brand new Swiss ones. Or maybe a copy. I haven't parted with them for so many years. My pride is on you too... Life has lost all meaning. I look at my hand again; they are gone.

I open my eyes, this is a dream. Just a dream. I check myself and... I look into the closet. My sun lies in the same place as it has for many years. This is attachment to the material world. Apparently things also carry information from their owner. I think so.

Losing a loved one in a dream

In the dream I lost my mother (the feeling of complete loneliness did not leave me), my father was completely lost in the dream. We (dad and I) are standing in the kitchen and looking out the window. There is a truck on the street and a man is walking towards it. To the question: Dad, what kind of truck is this!?

Dad replied: “And this truck is taking people, just like our mother, you see, someone won’t have a dad!” After these words, my eyes were drawn to his hands, dad was taking the watch off his wrist, and then I was horrified by the fact that he had watches on all his fingers (instead of rings), and the watch was exactly the one we had before, it was also my watch, which I now wear and the damaged one, which I wore and the watch that my brother wore and wears, and my dad’s old watch, which has long been thrown away.

All these watches were on my dad’s fingers (on each finger), and he unfastened them one by one and laid them near him, when he took off the last watch, I woke up. It's good that it was just a dream. In reality, of course, everything is fine.

Loss of finding a child in a dream

1. 5 years ago, a dream, I lost a 3-year-old child on the street. After 2-3 months, I find the child’s dream, then after some time the loss occurs again, and finally the wife finds the dream. She loses her child. Please help me interpret the dream, I’m in a lot of pain. This topic was not discussed with my wife, but she knew about my dreams.

We will be very grateful and grateful to everyone for the interpretation of the dream Loss of finding a child!

Losing a child in a dream

Please help me understand the dream of Losing a Child.

I was washing the dishes, and my 2-year-old daughter left the house alone in her shorts. I heard the door slam and ran after her, but she was no longer anywhere nearby. She started screaming and running around looking for her. The next morning, passing by some entrance, I saw her there. She stood in old clothes, next to two old grandfathers.

I ran up and hugged her.. One of the grandfathers explained that he saw her last night, in her panties, and took her home, dressed her, and fed her. I was very grateful to him and asked how to thank him. Woke up with very strong emotions and a little fear

Lost a child in a dream

The dream is somehow strange and confusing...

I KNOW that I am pregnant, and I also know that my friend is pregnant. I am walking down the street and see that my friend is leaning out of the window and doing some strange gymnastic exercises (I remember exactly that she was doing the splits). Her husband is doing gymnastic exercises from the OUTSIDE of the balcony. A friend and her husband are happy.

Then something is not clear...

Then I felt SOMETHING in my mouth, I took it out - it turned out to be a figurine (the size of a little finger). Like human, but broken. And then I realized that I had lost my child. I'm not pregnant anymore...

(In fact: I’m raising a daughter, a widow)

Losing a relationship in a dream

I dreamed that a girl with whom I had been communicating on the Internet for a very long time and whom I valued very much, found a guy and didn’t want to see me anymore, i.e., she completely broke off communication.

Now it’s very scary, what if this dream was prophetic?

Threat. I love this girl.

Lost my memory in my sleep

I find myself in an unfamiliar small town and seem to have lost my memory. The city is very clean and pleasant, but there are no inhabitants, and I guess that there was some kind of disaster and everyone left it. A teddy bear was left at the bus stop. The store sign does not say “Kitchens”, but “Kukhanki”.

People began to appear on the street, I understand that no one left the city, it was just very early. I have no money, just a few coins in my pocket. I call someone on the phone and ask - where am I? They answer me - go back, we are in the gray building at number 91, we will help you.

I seem to be in a post office, like in the 70s, I remembered that I have 2 bank cards, I was happy, I gave them to the girl behind the glass window along with the phone. She types something on the phone, looks at the card, then returns everything silently, like she can’t help.

I remember my address and ask how I can get home? No one knows. I ask - what is the name of your city? No one is answering me? I start begging - well, at least name a major city nearby so that I can get my bearings and get home. Everyone is silent.

I see the sea through the window, some children frolicking in the waves, I was happy, I want to go to them. But I remember that I need to get home, because they are waiting at work. And I wake up. Thank you!

Losing your wallet in a dream

Please interpret the dream about the loss or theft of a wallet!

In the dream, my son and I performed some actions, either moving, or searching for some address. While we were walking back and forth, I remembered that I didn’t have my bag with me. I usually buy backpack bags (women's, different colors, usually small). And in the dream, as soon as I thought about the bag, I immediately saw it. She was lying on the asphalt between some beams. Moreover, the backpack bag was large, beige in color (it felt like the material was denim).

The bag was open, all things were in place except my wallet. I remember (in a dream) that my wallet was cute, with a flower, but there was practically no cash in it, because I prefer bank cards. I started reprimanding my son about why he left my bag and so on. We were surrounded by people who treated us kindly.

The panic from the loss was only in the first minutes of losing the wallet. Then I calmed down, those around me supported me. I remember that I was constantly worried about blocking bank cards. Thank you very much in advance!

Losing children and destroying a house in a dream

I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in fact, I don’t really believe in dreams! But for some reason this one made me think! The dream seemed very long to me: it all started with the fact that I left home, I don’t know why, but I felt guilty when I returned, since my house, from which I left, was destroyed! More precisely, the entire roof broke!

There was a lot of debris! There were many children in the house (relative to me), including my son! I couldn’t find anyone in these destroyed walls, then I found everyone except one nephew! We all ran out into the street, since the house was supposed to be completely demolished, all the children ran away, I lost everyone, I couldn’t find people in the crowd! It was very unpleasant, I never remember what happened to my nephew, whom I could not find! The thing is that today I feel lost, very irritable, and cry all the time! What is this for?

It was very unpleasant, I never remember what happened to my nephew, whom I could not find! The thing is that today I feel lost, very irritable, and cry all the time!

Why do you dream about the loss of children and the destruction of a house in a dream?

There were many children in the house (relative to me), including my son! I couldn't find anyone in these destroyed walls, then I found everyone except one

We all ran out into the street, since the house was supposed to be completely demolished, all the children ran away, I lost everyone, I couldn’t find people in the crowd!

Losing a wallet in a dream

I dreamed the following: summer, nature, I was with friends, I lost my wallet in which there were money and credit cards. Soon I remembered that my wallet was lost, I went to my old places of walking, but could no longer find it. I was very upset about the loss, I even woke up.

Please help me solve my wife’s dream!!! This is very important for her!!!

Losing a ring in a dream

I dreamed that I was going up an escalator (in a large shopping center where I now work) and my friends (well, not very close ones) ran up to me and said that they had lost my ring (I wear a silver ring “Save and save" and never take it off), I was very upset...

Why is this dream?

Losing shoes in a dream

I lost my shoes and I’m looking for my shoes under the bed, but there are many, many different shoes, not mine: some are paired, some are not, but mine are not there.

Losing consciousness during sleep

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Loss of consciousness. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of Loss of Consciousness mean, or what it means to see Loss of Consciousness in a dream.

Fainting in a dream

I’m in the apartment of a friend with whom we haven’t talked for a long time, I’m embarrassed - I don’t understand how I ended up here, I’m about to leave. Suddenly I feel dizzy and lose consciousness. I woke up in the hospital, in the ward, I asked what was wrong with me - they told me my blood pressure... I don’t suffer from blood pressure in my life.

Lost shoes in a dream

In an unfamiliar room there are several people, also strangers. We're all standing there because we lost our shoes. We must be taken to another office so that we can find her there. Next to me, a girl, unfamiliar, slightly overweight, is crying, I calm her down, saying that now they will call us into this office and give us our shoes. We are called together with her, apparently, her name is also Natalya, like me. We walk in, I immediately find the shoes, the girl cries, but then she finds them too. I don’t remember my shoes, but she had golden-colored sandals, very large.

Why is this, because losing shoes means separation, will I really separate from my loved one? We have been together for 5 months, have never fought, and are planning to get married. How to interpret a dream?

Ring in a dream

I had a dream in which I lost a gold ring. I had two gold rings on my right hand and one on my left. That's why I lost him. All this happened in some kind of lobby of either a theater or another similar institution.

Then the woman who was letting people through the turnstile (the attendant) said that some man had found a ring. I run after him and say, this is my ring, give it back. At first he refused, saying that I found it, which means it is now mine, but then he gave it away. I looked, and the ring was some kind of old, copper. I returned it, no, I say, I was mistaken. Then I turned around, and my ring was lying on the floor, apparently it had simply flown off my finger.

I picked it up and put it back on my finger.

Button in a dream

I dreamed that I lost a button from my coat and a thread was left hanging. I wasn’t particularly upset about this, because I knew that there was exactly such a spare one in my pocket, I took it out and sewed it in place of the lost one.

Why do you dream about buttons? Dream books interpret everything differently.

Friends in a dream

I dream that I am standing on the street, it is snowing, and I am freezing. I call Reidan on his cell phone and say:

I lost my keys... And I don’t have any money... I want to eat, what should I do?

And he answers me:

Come to VDNKh, I’ll treat you to a cheburek.

I am laughing.

No, I’m off to Prague food with Willy right now, no need.

Then Willie comes up from behind, I only have time to say to her, “Well, shall we go?” and I wake up...

A loved one died in a dream

I dream that I am calling my husband on his mobile phone, and his friend answers me, whom I did not know before, but I clearly remember the name Maxim, (We have a mutual friend Maxim, but in the dream it was not him) and says that my husband died in an accident , and then my life without him follows, I suffer a lot internally, but I stay calm, I cook something in the kitchen and cry, and my friends don’t seem to support me, they make stupid and ugly jokes (you now have large speakers from the music etc.) and at the same time they try not to touch me again, they pass me by. For some reason I’m not immediately interested in how and what happened, only after some time I look for the number of this friend Maxim and call, but the connection is very bad, hissing, some kind of interference, and he talks to me somehow dryly and without desire, and I So I don’t really know anything about where my dead husband is and where he was taken. We were planning to go to his parents in another country soon, and now I don’t know how to call them and tell them everything. I understand in a dream that I loved him very much and appreciated him, I don’t know how to live on, my soul is very heavy, and it’s a shame that I lost such a person. On the eve of sleep, we quarreled a little, and in the dream I regret that I was offended by him, that before his death everything turned out so badly, as if I had not said goodbye to him.

After the dream, I was left with a very heavy aftertaste; now I’m afraid for my loved one, since I almost always have prophetic dreams in which everything is shown verbatim.

Bag in a dream

Hello, please help me understand the dream. I dreamed that I lost my bag. I was in such fear, I rushed around looking for this bag.

And then I found the key to the storage room, with a shaver and number 7. And then I realized that my bag was there. And she calmed down. What is this dream about? Bag, please tell me!

Repeats very often in dreams

Very often I dream that I am traveling on a bus or tram, on public transport, in general. I’m about to go out, and then I discover that I’m standing in just my socks. I look around, and under the seats there are many pairs of old shoes. I'm looking for the right size, but they are all too big for me. Somehow I find something suitable and go out. Something similar still happens, only there I am at the station, it’s time to get on the bus, and I’m back in socks, and there are piles of old shoes near the benches. The rest is similar. People around me don't notice that I'm wearing socks. I am married and have a one-year-old daughter.

Wedding ring in a dream

A strange dream. I wore a wedding ring on my left ring toe! And one day I lost it while walking, and I immediately noticed that I had lost it. But I can’t find him. Passers-by began to help me look for him. I’m crying myself (how can I explain to my husband that I’ve lost... And we just got married recently!) I’m searching, digging the earth with my hands. I find all sorts of gold rings, but they are men’s: large and with stones, I find an earring (but there is only one), I found a bunch of jewelry... But everything is not mine!

Lost rings on one finger in a dream

In the dream, I and maybe my boyfriend or older brother, we fought with people, something like zombies, but not really, they had much more opportunities there)

And suddenly I replaced something and realized that it needed to be hidden from their eyes, and when I began to pick it up, I was shocked, because it was a silver ring with my grandmother’s stones, which I lost when I was swimming in the sea, and it was very important to me, and I was so glad and shocked that here it was, and I didn’t lose it forever and at sea, and how it was found, but I don’t remember why, but at some point it suddenly changed, maybe, but I realized that on my (I don’t remember exactly the middle or index) all the rings that I had lost, and I have lost absolutely all the rings in my life, although I love them very much, there were also new ones, from different materials, one was damaged not a lot , and all of them were hardly on my finger, and then the ring that I found became gold with a small triangular stone and 2 more very small ones, I remember well that it was strong, and those on my finger before that were like me I remember them, but very thin, and I put this ring on and began to think about what it was for and whose, by the end of the dream I did not have time to find out.

Ring in a dream

I dreamed of my gold ring with diamonds and sapphires, which my husband gave for 10 years of marriage. The ring was on my finger and I noticed that the diamonds were lost, that’s all. I didn’t search, but the feeling of regret and sadness from the loss was obvious.

Orthodox cross in a dream

I had a dream from Friday to Saturday, I dreamed that some man had lost a golden cross, and somehow he called me himself and suggested that I dodge the cross, he even had a name in the dream - his name was Roman and he also lost icon It depicts “Matrona”, we agreed when we would meet on the phone, but I never saw him because I woke up, and also in this dream I found two silver crosses in my house, but I did not take them with my hands.... This All

Sea in a dream

I'm sitting on the terrace of a house by the sea. The sea is not stormy, but cloudy.

Suddenly I realize that the sea is teeming with animals that look like dolphins. The terrace suddenly breaks away and floats with me into the sea. I am lost. I swam until the water disappeared, and I found myself in a big city, where I also got lost, tried to call somewhere, but the phone couldn’t be dialed.

In general, I was looking for something all the time.

The car was stolen in a dream

Several times, already three or four times over the past year, I dreamed that my car was being stolen.

I go out and the alarm doesn’t go off, I look for the car everywhere - it’s not there. I'm looking for witnesses, I'm crying bitter tears. I call the police, look for friends among the bandits so that they can find the car.

The car was there, but the last time it was after the accident, it was all broken. I'm crying and worried again. Why do you dream about losing a car?

Plane crash in a dream

When I went to bed last night, I asked a question to space to give me a sign of what to do next in life with my own self-realization.

And this is what I dreamed:

Very close, in some kind of enclosed space, I see two planes that are starting to take off, but their wings cling to each other and cannot gain altitude. I know that my mother and my husband are in one of them. After a while, I see that one of the planes has fallen, I know that this is the one where my loved ones are, I see how it is burning, and tears begin to choke me, a feeling of grief clouds my mind. In a dream, I start looking for emotional support, looking for my cat, I’ve been living with her for 15 years. She comes, but not for long, then disappears and I am tormented by a feeling of emptiness and loneliness. I woke up with a feeling of bitter loss. What is this? What did they want to tell me?

Fall and lose consciousness

Dream Interpretation Fall and lose consciousness dreamed of why in a dream you dream about falling and losing consciousness? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Fall and lose consciousness in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Loss of consciousness

Seeing yourself unconscious is good news.

Seeing your wife lost consciousness means an early birth.

Seeing yourself lose consciousness from severe wounds is a sign of recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Fall of an individual, loss of consciousness

Exaggerated ambitions often erect a barrier to childhood fears, but over time the old fear breaks through again.

A life curve consisting of ups and downs.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

Falling in a dream means disgracing oneself.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

Fall: To quickly lower your level.

On the table: it is possible that you were very open to various temptations (passions) that “ate” you.

In the mountains: you need to pay attention to the altitude of your location in the mountains, because... height, Up: this is always good.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

To dream that you have fallen overboard into the sea is a harbinger of illness, poverty, imprisonment and failure in all endeavors. This dream also warns of the treachery of your friend or lover, whose duplicity will cause you great grief. You are in danger of perishing under the burden of misadventures and difficult trials, but in the end you will overcome everything and will be happily rewarded with a new true love. This dream warns the farmer about the possible loss of livestock. For a sailor, on the contrary, the dream foretells a safe long voyage and a happy return home.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

You will fall madly in love.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

You will be looking to borrow money.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

To the booze.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

Repeating mistakes is what this dream predicts.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

It is possible that you will be insulted.

The loved one lost consciousness during

Dream Interpretation Beloved lost consciousness during dreamed of why in a dream your loved one lost consciousness? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your loved one lose consciousness in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Loss of consciousness

Seeing yourself unconscious is good news.

Seeing your wife lost consciousness means an early birth.

Seeing yourself lose consciousness from severe wounds is a sign of recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Fall of an individual, loss of consciousness

Exaggerated ambitions often erect a barrier to childhood fears, but over time the old fear breaks through again.

A life curve consisting of ups and downs.

Dream Interpretation - Favorite

Beloved - A dream in which you kiss your beloved in the dark warns you that you are under the gun of numerous gossipers and envious people. If the kiss took place in the light, then you will be able to avoid scandals and intrigues. If you dreamed that your fiancé married someone else, prepare your heart for an attack of jealousy. And in reality, everything is perfect. If in a dream you are upset that your chosen one is indifferent to you, then you simply cannot decide whether to get married or continue to live on your own. A dream in which you feel love from your chosen one promises you the joys of family life and true love. If in a dream you allowed yourself to cheat on your loved one, it means that you will just as easily deceive him. However, if you dreamed that your loved one was cheating on you, then in reality he may do the same. A dream in which you receive a photograph from your loved one warns of the selfish feelings of your chosen one. He doesn't love you at all, he's just using you. So think about whether you should date him.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

You will fall madly in love.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

To the booze.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

It is possible that you will be insulted.

Dream Interpretation - Loss

A dream in which you lost your luggage in the chaos of the station foreshadows failure in business. If you lost your companion in the crowd, a family quarrel awaits you in reality, and for unmarried people this means parting with a boyfriend who has found someone else.

Losing jewelry in a dream means that in reality you will deal with flatterers who will fool you to the point that you simply send them away. If you have lost your wedding ring, in reality such a dream can entail shame and need. Losing a pearl necklace - to suffering and sadness, a gold chain - due to your own shortsightedness, you will miss, perhaps, your only chance to get significantly rich.

A dream in which you lost small money means a disdainful attitude towards people below you on the social ladder, which will lead to annoying losses. Losing a significant amount means that an unexpected misfortune will come to the house and the situation will be aggravated by troubles in the service.

If in a dream you lost and cannot find a needle or pin, it means that you will soon suffer minor damage or quarrel with a friend. Losing your oars in a dream and being carried away far from the shore - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts in this direction will be crowned with failure.

Losing a powder compact or lipstick in a dream means good luck in business. Lost keys foretell loss of freedom or separation due to jealousy. Losing a medallion is a sign of sad events among true friends.

Losing brand new fur gloves is a sign of unreasonable behavior with people who are well disposed toward you. Losing a handkerchief means unfulfilled hopes, glasses - you will get a slight injury due to your own inattention and idleness.

The loss of some part of the toilet at an unexpected moment and in a crowded place foreshadows interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. Losing your wig while drunk and returning to a restaurant table without it foretells that you will be given favors by being mistaken for another person.

A dream where you lost your coat foreshadows that you will have to re-arrange your destiny and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for your own short-sightedness and indiscretion. Losing your shoes in a dream while fleeing persecution means that you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength within yourself to maintain cheerfulness and faith in human decency.

Losing documents in a dream means that you will be involved in a business that is obviously doomed to failure. If in a dream you lost the right to significant property such as a house or car, this foreshadows the failure of important plans.

A dream in which you lost your teeth predicts a difficult time of humiliation and need for you. Losing your nose in a dream means that in reality you will be ridiculed by unfriendly colleagues. Losing an arm or leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Beloved, beloved

Meeting soon; to love someone is deception, sadness; lover, mistress - shame; admiring yourself is a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Favorite

Seeing your loved one in a dream indicates that you are satisfied with life and your surroundings.

Dream Interpretation - Loss of teeth

Loss of teeth - an unexpected love affair, adultery / death of a relative / a secret and hidden from consciousness desire for the death of one of your loved ones / a feeling of one’s involution (reverse development, degradation), a feeling of “loss of the future”, a feeling that one is falling into childhood.

Losing a molar is a misfortune for an elderly person.

Losing a front tooth is a misfortune for a young person; with brothers, sisters, children.

Seeing a pulled out tooth in the blood means misfortune with your parents or people very dear to you.

Taking out the tooth, examining it and putting it back in the mouth means misfortune with the wife (husband) or their relatives.

Knocking out a tooth(s) with your tongue is good luck.

Losing consciousness

Dream Interpretation Loss of consciousness dreamed of why you dream about losing consciousness? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Loss of consciousness in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Loss of consciousness

Seeing yourself unconscious is good news.

Seeing your wife lost consciousness means an early birth.

Seeing yourself lose consciousness from severe wounds is a sign of recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Fall of an individual, loss of consciousness

Exaggerated ambitions often erect a barrier to childhood fears, but over time the old fear breaks through again.

A life curve consisting of ups and downs.

Dream Interpretation - Loss

A dream in which you lost your luggage in the chaos of the station foreshadows failure in business. If you lost your companion in the crowd, a family quarrel awaits you in reality, and for unmarried people this means parting with a boyfriend who has found someone else.

Losing jewelry in a dream means that in reality you will deal with flatterers who will fool you to the point that you simply send them away. If you have lost your wedding ring, in reality such a dream can entail shame and need. Losing a pearl necklace - to suffering and sadness, a gold chain - due to your own shortsightedness, you will miss, perhaps, your only chance to get significantly rich.

A dream in which you lost small money means a disdainful attitude towards people below you on the social ladder, which will lead to annoying losses. Losing a significant amount means that an unexpected misfortune will come to the house and the situation will be aggravated by troubles in the service.

If in a dream you lost and cannot find a needle or pin, it means that you will soon suffer minor damage or quarrel with a friend. Losing your oars in a dream and being carried away far from the shore - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts in this direction will be crowned with failure.

Losing a powder compact or lipstick in a dream means good luck in business. Lost keys foretell loss of freedom or separation due to jealousy. Losing a medallion is a sign of sad events among true friends.

Losing brand new fur gloves is a sign of unreasonable behavior with people who are well disposed toward you. Losing a handkerchief means unfulfilled hopes, glasses - you will get a slight injury due to your own inattention and idleness.

The loss of some part of the toilet at an unexpected moment and in a crowded place foreshadows interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. Losing your wig while drunk and returning to a restaurant table without it foretells that you will be given favors by being mistaken for another person.

A dream where you lost your coat foreshadows that you will have to re-arrange your destiny and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for your own short-sightedness and indiscretion. Losing your shoes in a dream while fleeing persecution means that you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength within yourself to maintain cheerfulness and faith in human decency.

Losing documents in a dream means that you will be involved in a business that is obviously doomed to failure. If in a dream you lost the right to significant property such as a house or car, this foreshadows the failure of important plans.

A dream in which you lost your teeth predicts a difficult time of humiliation and need for you. Losing your nose in a dream means that in reality you will be ridiculed by unfriendly colleagues. Losing an arm or leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

You will fall madly in love.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

To the booze.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

It is possible that you will be insulted.

Dream Interpretation - Loss of teeth

Loss of teeth - an unexpected love affair, adultery / death of a relative / a secret and hidden from consciousness desire for the death of one of your loved ones / a feeling of one’s involution (reverse development, degradation), a feeling of “loss of the future”, a feeling that one is falling into childhood.

Losing a molar is a misfortune for an elderly person.

Losing a front tooth is a misfortune for a young person; with brothers, sisters, children.

Seeing a pulled out tooth in the blood means misfortune with your parents or people very dear to you.

Taking out the tooth, examining it and putting it back in the mouth means misfortune with the wife (husband) or their relatives.

Knocking out a tooth(s) with your tongue is good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Loss

Loss - if you dream: you have lost something - separation, losses.

Dream Interpretation - Lose (drop)

Unexpected find // you will cry, failure, death (to the patient), troubles, separation, losses; lose and find - you will see the person you are thinking about again; lost and not found - the person you are thinking about will not return.

Dream Interpretation - Lose something

The dream is the opposite. If you lost something in a dream, this means a very useful find in reality.

Imagine that you are very sad about a loss. So that you cry burning tears (see Tears).

Loss of consciousness

Dream Interpretation Loss of consciousness dreamed of why you dream about loss of consciousness? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Loss of Consciousness in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Loss of consciousness

Seeing yourself unconscious is good news.

Seeing your wife lost consciousness means an early birth.

Seeing yourself lose consciousness from severe wounds is a sign of recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Fall of an individual, loss of consciousness

Exaggerated ambitions often erect a barrier to childhood fears, but over time the old fear breaks through again.

A life curve consisting of ups and downs.

Dream Interpretation - Loss

A dream in which you lost your luggage in the chaos of the station foreshadows failure in business. If you lost your companion in the crowd, a family quarrel awaits you in reality, and for unmarried people this means parting with a boyfriend who has found someone else.

Losing jewelry in a dream means that in reality you will deal with flatterers who will fool you to the point that you simply send them away. If you have lost your wedding ring, in reality such a dream can entail shame and need. Losing a pearl necklace - to suffering and sadness, a gold chain - due to your own shortsightedness, you will miss, perhaps, your only chance to get significantly rich.

A dream in which you lost small money means a disdainful attitude towards people below you on the social ladder, which will lead to annoying losses. Losing a significant amount means that an unexpected misfortune will come to the house and the situation will be aggravated by troubles in the service.

If in a dream you lost and cannot find a needle or pin, it means that you will soon suffer minor damage or quarrel with a friend. Losing your oars in a dream and being carried away far from the shore - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts in this direction will be crowned with failure.

Losing a powder compact or lipstick in a dream means good luck in business. Lost keys foretell loss of freedom or separation due to jealousy. Losing a medallion is a sign of sad events among true friends.

Losing brand new fur gloves is a sign of unreasonable behavior with people who are well disposed toward you. Losing a handkerchief means unfulfilled hopes, glasses - you will get a slight injury due to your own inattention and idleness.

The loss of some part of the toilet at an unexpected moment and in a crowded place foreshadows interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. Losing your wig while drunk and returning to a restaurant table without it foretells that you will be given favors by being mistaken for another person.

A dream where you lost your coat foreshadows that you will have to re-arrange your destiny and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for your own short-sightedness and indiscretion. Losing your shoes in a dream while fleeing persecution means that you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength within yourself to maintain cheerfulness and faith in human decency.

Losing documents in a dream means that you will be involved in a business that is obviously doomed to failure. If in a dream you lost the right to significant property such as a house or car, this foreshadows the failure of important plans.

A dream in which you lost your teeth predicts a difficult time of humiliation and need for you. Losing your nose in a dream means that in reality you will be ridiculed by unfriendly colleagues. Losing an arm or leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

You will fall madly in love.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

To the booze.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

It is possible that you will be insulted.

Dream Interpretation - Loss of teeth

Loss of teeth - an unexpected love affair, adultery / death of a relative / a secret and hidden from consciousness desire for the death of one of your loved ones / a feeling of one’s involution (reverse development, degradation), a feeling of “loss of the future”, a feeling that one is falling into childhood.

Losing a molar is a misfortune for an elderly person.

Losing a front tooth is a misfortune for a young person; with brothers, sisters, children.

Seeing a pulled out tooth in the blood means misfortune with your parents or people very dear to you.

Taking out the tooth, examining it and putting it back in the mouth means misfortune with the wife (husband) or their relatives.

Knocking out a tooth(s) with your tongue is good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Loss

Loss - if you dream: you have lost something - separation, losses.

Dream Interpretation - Lose (drop)

Unexpected find // you will cry, failure, death (to the patient), troubles, separation, losses; lose and find - you will see the person you are thinking about again; lost and not found - the person you are thinking about will not return.

Dream Interpretation - Lose something

The dream is the opposite. If you lost something in a dream, this means a very useful find in reality.

Imagine that you are very sad about a loss. So that you cry burning tears (see Tears).

Sleep loss of consciousness

Dream Interpretation Dream loss of consciousness p dreamed of why in a dream Dream loss of consciousness n? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see loss of consciousness in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Loss of consciousness

Seeing yourself unconscious is good news.

Seeing your wife lost consciousness means an early birth.

Seeing yourself lose consciousness from severe wounds is a sign of recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Fall of an individual, loss of consciousness

Exaggerated ambitions often erect a barrier to childhood fears, but over time the old fear breaks through again.

A life curve consisting of ups and downs.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

You will fall madly in love.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

To the booze.

Dream Interpretation - Losing consciousness

It is possible that you will be insulted.

Dream Interpretation - Loss

A dream in which you lost your luggage in the chaos of the station foreshadows failure in business. If you lost your companion in the crowd, a family quarrel awaits you in reality, and for unmarried people this means parting with a boyfriend who has found someone else.

Losing jewelry in a dream means that in reality you will deal with flatterers who will fool you to the point that you simply send them away. If you have lost your wedding ring, in reality such a dream can entail shame and need. Losing a pearl necklace - to suffering and sadness, a gold chain - due to your own shortsightedness, you will miss, perhaps, your only chance to get significantly rich.

A dream in which you lost small money means a disdainful attitude towards people below you on the social ladder, which will lead to annoying losses. Losing a significant amount means that an unexpected misfortune will come to the house and the situation will be aggravated by troubles in the service.

If in a dream you lost and cannot find a needle or pin, it means that you will soon suffer minor damage or quarrel with a friend. Losing your oars in a dream and being carried away far from the shore - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts in this direction will be crowned with failure.

Losing a powder compact or lipstick in a dream means good luck in business. Lost keys foretell loss of freedom or separation due to jealousy. Losing a medallion is a sign of sad events among true friends.

Losing brand new fur gloves is a sign of unreasonable behavior with people who are well disposed toward you. Losing a handkerchief means unfulfilled hopes, glasses - you will get a slight injury due to your own inattention and idleness.

The loss of some part of the toilet at an unexpected moment and in a crowded place foreshadows interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. Losing your wig while drunk and returning to a restaurant table without it foretells that you will be given favors by being mistaken for another person.

A dream where you lost your coat foreshadows that you will have to re-arrange your destiny and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for your own short-sightedness and indiscretion. Losing your shoes in a dream while fleeing persecution means that you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength within yourself to maintain cheerfulness and faith in human decency.

Losing documents in a dream means that you will be involved in a business that is obviously doomed to failure. If in a dream you lost the right to significant property such as a house or car, this foreshadows the failure of important plans.

A dream in which you lost your teeth predicts a difficult time of humiliation and need for you. Losing your nose in a dream means that in reality you will be ridiculed by unfriendly colleagues. Losing an arm or leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Loss of teeth

Loss of teeth - an unexpected love affair, adultery / death of a relative / a secret and hidden from consciousness desire for the death of one of your loved ones / a feeling of one’s involution (reverse development, degradation), a feeling of “loss of the future”, a feeling that one is falling into childhood.

Losing a molar is a misfortune for an elderly person.

Losing a front tooth is a misfortune for a young person; with brothers, sisters, children.

Seeing a pulled out tooth in the blood means misfortune with your parents or people very dear to you.

Taking out the tooth, examining it and putting it back in the mouth means misfortune with the wife (husband) or their relatives.

Knocking out a tooth(s) with your tongue is good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Loss

Loss - if you dream: you have lost something - separation, losses.

Dream Interpretation - Lose (drop)

Unexpected find // you will cry, failure, death (to the patient), troubles, separation, losses; lose and find - you will see the person you are thinking about again; lost and not found - the person you are thinking about will not return.

Dream Interpretation - Lose something

The dream is the opposite. If you lost something in a dream, this means a very useful find in reality.

Imagine that you are very sad about a loss. So that you cry burning tears (see Tears).

Fainting in a dream means that someone close to you needs urgent treatment. Loss of consciousness symbolizes a serious illness that may be asymptomatic. According to Miller’s dream book, this dream promises major troubles for a young woman and disappointment for a mature person. Fainting on purpose to check how your beloved man will react means a happy and strong relationship with your lover. Losing consciousness from unpleasant news means good news from close relatives. If a joyful message turns your head, it is a symbol of success in all matters and prosperity.

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Fainting from hunger symbolizes material difficulties, financial losses and outstanding debts. To lose consciousness due to an irresistible thirst means experiencing dissatisfaction with life, unsuccessful completion of an important project at work.

    Interpretation of a dream about fainting

    If a fainting state in a dream occurred on the eve of preparing for an important task or on the eve of an important conversation, this indicates the dreamer’s excessive excitement, increased sensitivity and general overwork of the body. You should put everything aside and fully relax, because health always comes first.

    Lose consciousness - shift responsibility to someone else, avoid making important decisions. If a person who became ill was quickly given first aid, this indicates strong friendship and good support from loved ones in difficult times. The inaction of others indicates the absence of true friends and the dreamer’s loneliness.

    To correctly interpret a dream, it is necessary to take into account important factors: where the dreamer became ill and what caused the loss of consciousness:

    • To lose consciousness in church due to a serious illness means a speedy recovery, spiritual cleansing, and personal growth.
    • If you dream of a theatrical loss of consciousness on the street - hypocrisy, lies, feigned feelings.
    • A house falling due to weakness symbolizes unpleasant news from a loved one.
    • Losing consciousness from sunstroke means receiving sad news, learning about a tragic event, or being in a stressful situation.
    • If you feel bad because of the stale air in crowded public transport, you will lose control over the current situation and lose your temper.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    The meaning of a dream in different dream books

    According to Maly Velesov’s dream book, fainting is a warning of danger that may threaten the dreamer’s relatives. The Autumn Dream Book interprets a night dream as moral exhaustion, overwork, and the Summer Dream Book interprets it as shocking news.

Dreams tend to repeat themselves. But if a person sees the same dream many times, then he should pay attention to it - such a dream is a hint from the subconscious or a warning that problems may arise very soon.

Science beyond reality: discoveries made in dreams

The progress of mankind took place not only in stuffy scientific laboratories, but also outside of consciousness. Dozens of discoveries were made in a dream, and the most sensational of them became the heroes of this article.

Modern dream book - the key to solving mysteries

Why do we have orange dreams? Which is a good dream and which is negative? How to unravel the secrets of dreams? A modern dream book opens the door to the wonderful world of dreams and allows you to decipher any dream you have as accurately as possible.

Men are more likely than women to have erotic dreams

Dreams are the eternal companion of man. Dreams have been studied by scientists at all times. Many facts have appeared and been refuted, but there are eternal facts that are undeniable theorems. One of them reads: “Men are much more likely than women to have dreams with erotic content.” The question automatically arises: why?

Why do you dream of Fainting?

Fainting in a modern dream book

Dreams in which you see that you suddenly fainted or someone you know fainted in front of you is a bad sign, as this is an omen of a serious illness that will overtake you or a person close to you. Overcoming this disease will take a lot of mental strength and money and can test the strength of your family. Also, fainting in a dream can mean that you will soon learn a very unpleasant truth for you or receive bad news. If a young girl dreams that she is fainting, this means that in the future she will have disagreements with loved ones and strong emotional experiences that can lead to stress, depression or deterioration in health.

Fainting in Miller's dream book

To dream that you have fainted is evidence that soon a very unpleasant event will force you to postpone all your plans and forget about your interests and hobbies, since you will have to spend all your energy and time on solving the problem. Also, dreaming of your own fainting may mean that bad news awaits you or you will have to urgently solve problems that have accumulated over a long time. If you dream that a relative or just a friend of yours has fainted in your presence, it means that the health of one of your loved ones will be undermined by a serious illness or that trouble will happen to someone dear to you. For a girl or unmarried woman, a dream that she fainted is a warning that her careless lifestyle and frivolous actions do not have the best effect on her reputation. If a girl does not take life more seriously, she will soon face disappointment and the collapse of her hopes.