Easy chibi drawings. "Mega lesson on drawing Chibi (Chibi)"

Adrenaline or life

Extreme sports help a person either relieve tension or, on the contrary, gain it. Every year there are more and more areas of extreme sports, and the army of its fans is growing just as quickly. Those sports that seemed extreme just 20 years ago are today perceived as ordinary sports, for example, auto racing. Existing extreme sports also do not stand still and are constantly being improved.

Let's look at the most extreme sports today, where getting injured, mutilated, or simply losing your life is as easy as shelling pears.

Shall we jump, friends?

One of the most dangerous and, accordingly, extreme sports is base jumping(English) BASE jumping).

Name B.A.S.E. - acronym for English words: Building(house); Antenna(antenna); Span(floor, bridge); Earth(rock). Its “progenitor” is parachuting. However, unlike skydiving from aircraft, BASE jumps are performed from radically lower altitudes in close proximity from the object from which the jumper is jumping, be it a rock, a building, a factory chimney, or something else.

In base, due to low altitudes, the falling speed when performing jumps very rarely reaches high levels, but the flight time is very short, which often makes it difficult to take correct position bodies before the parachute opens.

Even with a prepared jump and sufficient experience, this sport is extremely dangerous, and in some countries it is completely prohibited by law. And attempts to base jump on your own without the appropriate equipment and skills will definitely lead to death.

Running with obstacles

Another type of extreme sports associated with buildings and structures is parkour.

Parkour (fr. parkour, distorted from parcours, parcours du combatant- distance, obstacle course).
Parkour is the art of moving and overcoming obstacles. The essence of parkour is movement and overcoming obstacles of various types. Such can be considered as existing architectural structures(railings, parapets, walls, etc.), and specially manufactured structures (used during various events and competitions).

Many people who practice it perceive it as a lifestyle. Founded by a group of Frenchmen (David Belle, Sebastien Foucan and others). Currently, it is actively practiced and developed by many associations and individuals in many countries.

Parkour is not much less dangerous than base jumping, since this sport often involves tall buildings and the spans between them.

Ski track! Ski track?

Next on the list for injuries and deaths are coming heliskiing.

Heli-skiing Heliskiing) - a type of skiing, freeride, the essence of which consists in descending along untouched snowy slopes, far from prepared slopes, with a lift to the beginning of the descent by helicopter. Using a helicopter for lifting allows you to find various options descents from the mountains in conditions of pristine nature, untouched by human invasion, where there is no other way to quickly climb.

First, a helicopter flies you to a mountain peak, and then you ski down these mountain slopes.
Off-piste routes allow you to experience indescribable sensations - they are ten times more dangerous due to their unpredictability, and often complete impassability. But the skier, as they say, is already in flight...

Diving(English) diving from English to dive- dive) is scuba diving with special equipment. IN English language, where the word was taken from, English. diving simply means "diving", and is used to describe diving with equipment. scuba diving) or without it (eng. free diving), diving (eng. hooka diving) and - without adjectives - just jumping into the water.

To practice scuba diving, you need to have the skills to solve most diving problems, but even with these same skills, you can easily find yourself face to face with a shark or an electric ray, which often happens to even the most experienced divers. And then, the outcome of events can be very sad.

Cave diving(cave diving, hydrospeleology) - a type of technical diving performed in caves.
This sport is much more dangerous and complex than ordinary diving. After all, in cave diving you will not be able to immediately float to the surface in case of danger or lack of oxygen.

In addition, cave diving is often limited by darkness, narrow spaces and the possibility of encountering very unpleasant underwater creatures when you least expect it. There is also a hidden danger - this is silt. It is found in almost every cave system. Composed of clay and decomposed plants, it is capable of completely depriving a diver of visibility. One wrong move with flippers or your hand - and the water, clear as air, turns cloudy brown. It can remain in this state for several days.
If a diver swam far into the labyrinths of caves, then there is every chance of not getting out of there alive.

Above the water

After underwater sports come surface sports - surfing And wakeboarding.

First there was surfing. Moreover, surfers claim that surfing has always existed, as long as the ocean has existed in general.
Surfing (from the English surfing - riding on a surface) is riding a wave using surfboards of various formats.

In surfing, everything is as simple as shelling pears. I took the board, swam further away, saw a wave 2-3 meters high, caught it and rolled on it like down a mountain. Only instead of a mountain there is a wave itself. Apart from a board, wind and swimming trunks, you don’t need anything at all.
It would seem that there could be something dangerous here? But it's not that simple. After all, you need to find a bigger wave, climb on it, and ride it.

This is where danger awaits in the form of a wave that swallows you, from under which you can no longer get out, or in the form of reefs that unexpectedly stand in the way of the surfer. Not to mention surfing close to sharks.

Catch the wave!

What if the ocean is not nearby and is not in sight? Then you can completely forget about surfing.
It is quite logical that everyone wanted endless and fast boarding and it is not at all surprising that some daredevil once tied a cable to a boat and took a ride in tow. Judging by the fact that wakeboarding emerged from all this tomfoolery, the daredevil’s feat was a success.]

Wakeboarding(often just wake, from English. wakeboard: wake- ship wave, board- board) is one of the most actively developing water sports and recreation in the world. Wakeboarding can be compared to water skiing, the only difference being that the wakeboarder not only rides behind the boat, holding on to a cable, but also performs various tricks using waves and springboards.

Today, special boats are used for wakeboarding, to which a special halyard with a special handle is attached to a special frame, and wakeboarders ride on special boards. These boards don't look like surfing at all. Short and awkward-looking boards. But at high speed it’s just what you need, especially considering that every wave from the boat is an ideal springboard for freestyle. A double somersault on a rope behind a boat is easy. By the way, the boat has a special ballast compartment for adjusting the displacement and, therefore, the size of the wave.

Nowadays wakeboarding is practiced wherever there is a river, big lake, sea or ocean. There are even indoor “veydromes” - swimming pools where instead of a boat there is a winch and the springboards are made of slippery soft material.
However, even soft springboards do not greatly alleviate the risk of injury in this sport, because hitting the water at high speed is not as safe as it might seem.

How to ride through the air?

But a person would not be a person if he had not come up with the idea of ​​riding a board even in the air.
Skysurfing- this is ski jumping to perform various figures in free fall - a relatively young type of parachuting.

Skysurfing appeared relatively recently, but has already received rapid development. Man doing various figures in the air with a board (ski) is called a skier. The aerodynamics of a skier are very different from a simple free fall when jumping with a parachute, so ski jumping is considered almost a different sport. Since all the work takes place in free fall, to evaluate the jump, an aerial operator is needed who films the entire jump, and based on this video recording, an assessment is made.

A skydiver makes a jump with a board strapped to his feet. And “rolls” on it through the air, performing complex acrobatic elements. The board works like a wing, the movements of the legs control the rotation of the body in the air. The board in skysurfing allows the athlete to spin like a propeller, then suddenly stop and start rotating in a different plane. This is not the case in any sport.

This sport is little more dangerous than just skydiving. After all, in addition to the standard risks of a parachutist, such as a parachute not opening, tangled lines or a strong gust of wind, there are all the risks of falling into some kind of dive and not getting out of it. Even with extremely experienced and skilled skydivers and skysurfers, extremely bad things happen.

When there is no ocean

Another dangerous sport is skateboarding, rollerblading, skateboarding (English: skateboard, skate).

Skateboarding originated in America almost 50 years ago. Then Californian surfers, who were missing the ocean wave, invented the skateboard, the same board on wheels, as an analogue of the surfboard.
Skateboarding was brought to the Land of the Soviets in the mid-80s of the last century. And our compatriots liked this type of entertainment and sport. In stores, batches of domestic and imported skateboards were sold out in one day. And already in 1992, our country had its own skateboarding federation, and the first competitions began to be held.

It would seem that there is nothing dangerous in this sport, if not for one “but”. After all, a person cannot just ride a board, he begins to perform various tricks on it.

As a result, skateboarding from its classical form has grown into several directions: vert (ramp skating), street (street skating), mini-ramp skating and pool skating (pool skating). Moreover, the first of those mentioned is the most difficult to implement.
And in these tricks lies an extremely high risk of injury.

If the head is not expensive

Another type of extreme skateboarding is streetlagging.

This extreme sport was invented in California back in the 70s, however, the name was invented much later. The teenagers hit the road, lying on roller boards and speeding along the track next to the cars. In this case, you can brake either with your feet... or by colliding with an obstacle or a car... Sometimes, even safety helmets do not help...

My climber, my climber...

No less dangerous than all of the above is rock climbing- a sport that came out of mountaineering.

Despite the more than half-century history of the development of rock climbing, the safety of the sport associated with lifting athletes along vertical walls to heights is still in question. Falling from cliffs can result in serious injury and death. But many climbers still believe that injury is just something that happens to others.

I'm pedaling, I'm pedaling

Another quite extreme sport is mountain bike.

A bicycle is such a thing that it’s very good to ride down the mountain and very lazy to pedal up the mountain. But if you ride down a very steep mountain, the bike may break. Or rather, it could, until a couple of inventors somewhere in California thought of putting first motorcycle wheels on a bicycle, and then a shock absorber. Who knew that their hobby of riding a bicycle down an unkempt slope would gain worldwide popularity.

Types of mountain biking today great amount and unlike even a snowboard, all bicycles are fundamentally different, although all are mountain bikes.

Cross country bikes are light and fast, but perform well on rough terrain. Cross-country ones are just as light, but durable and ready to quickly rush down the mountain, take sharp turns and fly 5 meters from the springboard to the receiver. Freeride double suspensions can withstand a jump from a second floor height or a landing on a flight of stairs. Hardtails for street and dirt don't weigh much and allow you to perform the most incredible aerial tricks. A trial “stock” with an ultra-low frame and without any hint of a saddle looks a little like a bicycle at all. It's all mountain biking.

To the raft, to the raft!

Well, the last one, in ours is far from full list extreme sports - rafting, rafting on wild rivers with rapids.

Rafting - rafting raft- raft) - types of inflatable boat:
- on stormy, rapid rivers, rafts without frames and oarlocks are used, and the canoe method of rowing (single-bladed oar) is used;
- to transport expeditionary cargo on multi-day tours, rafts are used, reinforced with a stiffening frame with rowlocks for oars, and a swing method of rowing is used. Also, tourists who are unable or unwilling to row with canoe oars are often transported on rafts with swing oars. Rafts with swinging oars can be used on rivers of any complexity category, up to the fifth.

Rafting is fundamentally different from other types of water tourism both in the type of vessel on which the rafting is carried out and in ideology. Rafting can be either tourist, with minimal obstacles and risks, or sports, when the rivers and rapids are steep and dangerous. In any case, this sport can end in failure.

This list of dangerous sports can go on and on, because there is no limit to perfection.

Alexander Ozerov,based on materials from tennishop.ru, sport.crazys.info, liveiternet.ru, ru.wikipedia.org

It has been actively gaining momentum since the 1990s. Society is developing rapidly, giving rise to new interesting views and branches.

This sport is definitely not for the faint of heart - it is a risk and adrenaline that pushes daredevils to achieve new heights. Athletes constantly compete to see who can jump higher, run faster, or fly further.

Often love for such sports leads to injuries and even death.

Extreme Sports

Cliff jumping

An extreme sport with Polynesian origins is cliff jumping. Extreme sports enthusiasts climb a cliff 28-30 meters high and jump from it into the water. Often such jumps end in failure.
In order to tickle your nerves, you don’t have to jump from a great height; first, you can choose a lower rock - in any case, you are guaranteed an adrenaline rush.

Bungee jumping with crocodiles

This unusual and very dangerous sport was invented in Australia. The whole point is that a person is tied with a cable to a bridge from which he jumps. The cable is shorter than the distance from the bridge to the ground, but this does not meanthat such entertainment has no consequences.

If just jumping off a bridge isn't enough for you, the Australians will give you a little bonus - a river under the bridge, infested with hungry crocodiles.

Climbing the rock by car

This sport will challenge any driver. You will need to drive your car along a terrible road, riddled with boulders and ravines.

The slightest miscalculation can cause the car to overturn or, even worse, throw it off a cliff. Buckle up!

Walking on a tightrope

You've probably seen more than once how stunt performers in the circus walk aroundrope under the very dome.A slackline line is not quite the rope we are used to. In fact, it is made of nylonnew threads that can stretch.

It is often used as a trampoline to perform various tricks, but some have gone further.The bravest athletes stretch lines over ravines or between buildings. The spectacle is truly mesmerizing.

Higher and higher

Relatively the new kind extreme sport, the pioneers of which were the Russians, is to climb the most high point any building.

Many extreme sports enthusiasts even write their own blogs, where they talk about the peaks they have conquered. The climbing site can be a construction crane, a skyscraper, or even a monument.

On the wings of the wind

Those who like to tickle their nerves cannot sit still, and they came up with another extreme and very unusual look sports It involves strapping you to the top wing of a biplane for safety, which will then accelerate to 135 mph.

For special extreme sports fans, the pilot will be happy to perform several aerobatic maneuvers that you will definitely never forget.

BASE jumping

Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of learning to fly. Fortunately, today everyone has the opportunity to experience the beauty of free flight.

Be prepared to be put on a special suit, which in its structure resembles a flying squirrel. This suit increases the total area of ​​your body, so you can glide for a long time in the air.

For a soft landing, you will, of course, need a parachute. The mortality rate among fans of this sport is quite high, since many athletes prefer to fly as close to the rocks as possible.

Train surfing

The creator of this sport is clearly not all at home. Train surfing is banned in many countries.

The fact is that a person doing train surfing climbs onto the roof of a train and tries to stay on it while it moves. People all over the world are dying trying to do this. This type The sport was popular in the 80s and 90s, and then reappeared in 2005.


Parkour is the art of overcoming obstacles quickly, clearly and efficiently. This sport does not require any special equipment - it can be practiced in any accessible place.

The steeper the obstacle, the greater the risk and the rush of adrenaline. Since there is no need for special equipment, parkour is one of the most accessible extreme sports.

Speed ​​skateboarding

These unusual skateboarders use long boards with softer wheels and a wider wheelbase, allowing them to reach incredibly high speeds.

They can reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour, and the slightest miscalculation could be their last.

Hang gliding

Although all extreme sports pose risks, statistics show that the highest mortality rate occurs among hang gliding athletes.

Pilots use special equipment - a hang glider, and jump with it from great heights. The large wingspan of a hang glider creates enough lift to keep a person in the air. It sounds quite fun and relaxing, but it is very dangerous.


For most people who have visited Spain, the encierro, or running of the bulls, is an interesting tourist experience. However, it is worth remembering that the slightest mistake can lead to serious injury and even death.

Angry bulls are released into the streets of the city, and the task of the race participants is to escape from them. Pure madness.

Water extreme sports


Westerners first learned about surfing on James Cook's maiden voyage when his ship docked on the island of Tahiti. Surfing was an integral part of ancient Polynesian culture and certainly dates back to before Europeans arrived on the island.

Today, surfing is common in many countries with access to the sea or ocean, and thousands of fans of this sport, despite the risk, consider it the best pastime.

Diving without scuba gear

Many people don’t even realize that in order for diving to become an extreme sport, a person’s scuba gear must simply be taken away. Imagine that some divers dive to depths of up to 100 meters without the oxygen tank that is usually attached to their back.

These athletes have larger lungs than ordinary people. This happens because they train long and hard, holding their breath.

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw chibi step by step. As the lesson progresses, we will draw the base for a chibi girl and three outfits: for a party, for prom and for sports.

What is chibi? This is one of the graphic styles of manga in which the characters are given overly childish features (small body, big head and eyes) to make them look funny and cute. It is precisely because of such exaggerations that chibi is very easy to draw - you do not need serious knowledge of human anatomy! And once you learn how to draw the basic chibi, you can create an endless number of costumes, hairstyles and facial variations. So drawing chibi is a great activity for beginners!

What do we need

To draw on paper:

  • Sheets of paper
  • Pencil
  • Something darker and richer regular pencil(marker, liner, etc.)

To draw on a graphics tablet:

  • Graphics tablet
  • One sketch layer (low opacity)
  • One layer for a “finish” outline (with maximum opacity)

Drawing the Chibi Base

Using light movements, we make a basic sketch so that we can outline it with dark lines later.

Step 1

Draw a circle. Don't try too hard to do it perfectly smooth circle. We draw with strokes, not one continuous line.

Step 2

From the lower center of the circle we draw vertical line height equal to the diameter of the circle. It will help us determine the length of the character's body. Please note that these are classic chibi proportions, but you can change them to get a different result.

Step 3

We divide the line into three segments.

Step 4

Sketch out the base of the body using two curved vertical lines.

Step 5

We carry out horizontal line at the bottom of the head to indicate the location of the neck.

Step 6

Just below the neck we draw a small circle - this will be the torso.

Step 7

Below we draw half a circle - these are the hips.

Step 8

From the lower center of the semicircle, draw two lines down.

Step 9

Using two curved lines we draw hands.

Step 10

We finish the arms by drawing an arc at the level of the torso.

Step 11

Using a horizontal line we divide the head into two parts.

Step 12

Chibi has a big head, but small face. Using an oval, we outline the area of ​​the face in the lower left quarter of the head.

Step 13

Adding brushes...

…then thumbs.

Step 14

Using two circles on the body, draw the chest. You shouldn’t make them too big; the peculiarity of chibi is its miniature size.

Step 15

Let's move on to big eyes! For chibi they are not very detailed, however, they should be bright and express emotions. At the top of the face we draw two curves.

Step 16

Above we draw two more lines in the shape of an arch.

Step 17

To better imagine the facial expression, draw a small mouth.

Step 18

And a pair of simple eyebrows.

Step 19

Now the ears.

Step 20

We've almost finished the face, all that's left is to finish drawing the eyes. We add two ovals inside - this is the iris.

Step 21

Then we draw two small ovals inside – the pupils.

Step 22

Using wavy lines we add eyelashes.

Step 23

Finishing the drawing top part eyelashes They should be wide and bright.

Step 24

We draw chiaroscuro on the eyes.

Step 25

You can finish the drawing at this stage; to do this, use a dark marker/liner on a separate layer to draw “clean” lines. If you want to draw a suit, then skip this step and move on to the next section.

How to Draw a Chibi Girl in a Party Costume

Step 1

Draw the top part of the dress.

Step 2

Then draw the bottom outline of the dress around the legs.

Step 3

Add a frill along the contour.

Step 4

Then the vertical folds of the skirt.

Step 5

Add accessories: shoes, jewelry. Don't overcomplicate these elements. They should fit into the overall minimalistic style of the chibi character.

Step 6

Now we draw the chibi hair. They are no different from the standard manga style, only a little simpler. Draw the base in the shape of a helmet. To make the hairstyle look airy, add distance between the head and the “helmet”.

Step 7

By using wavy line draw bangs.

Step 8

Using additional lines, we set the direction of the hair curls.

Step 9

Step 10

Adding details to the curls.

Step 11

We draw the last detail of the costume - a bow in the hair.

Step 12

We outline the finished suit with a marker/liner. Now our chibi is ready to go to the party!

Note that the eyebrows are visible through the bangs. This is a feature of manga characters - no matter how dense and massive the hairstyle is, the eyebrows should always be visible.

How to Draw a Chibi Girl in a Prom Suit

Step 1

First, let's adjust the chibi's pose. After all, she will be holding an important accessory in her hand - a diploma! Using two curves we draw an arm bent at the elbow.

Step 2

At the end of the hand we draw a clenched fist.

Step 3

Using a straight line, outline the length of the bundle and add spirals at the ends.

Step 4

Adding the sides.

Step 5

Draw a thumb.

Step 6

We draw the characteristic “collar” of the mantle.

Step 7

We outline the length of the mantle and sleeves.

Step 8

We draw the main contours of the mantle.

Step 9

Draw the bottom outline of the dress under the mantle.

Step 10

Step 11

Draw the front part of the hairstyle.

Step 12

We set the direction of the curls.

Step 13

Adding a hat:

Step 14

On the right side of the hat we draw a tassel.

Step 15

Add volume to curls.

Step 16

And we finish the drawing with a dark stroke.

Drawing a chibi girl in a tracksuit

Step 1

First, let's work with the pose and draw the raised arms. As at the very beginning of the lesson, we draw two curves, only directed upward.

Step 2

Add brushes.

Step 3

Draw the shirt collar.

Step 4

Mark the length of the bottom of the shirt and sleeves.

Step 5

We draw the main lines.

Step 6

Adding details.

Step 7

Determine the length of the shorts.

Step 8

Add side contours.

Step 9

Let's move on to shoes:

Step 10

Draw a medal in the chest area.

Step 11

Now the hairstyle. As usual, we start with the shape of the helmet.

Step 12

Draw the side contour of the hair.

Step 13

We set the direction for the curls of the hairstyle.

Step 14

Add details and finish the hairstyle.

Step 15

Outline the drawing with a dark marker (or other suitable tool).

Now you know how to draw chibi. As part of the lesson, we created a chibi base, then drew three costumes for different occasions. If you want to know how to learn how to draw chibi animals, I recommend watching.

In this tutorial we will cover the basics Chibi drawing characters.

Chibi are super deformed characters to convey vivid emotions.

Chibi are drawn in different styles and genres, however, despite this, they retain the main distinctive features:

Big head. Chibi's head is much larger relative to the body, it is 1/3 or 1/2 of the height.

Simplicity. Chibi characters are drawn in a simplified manner.

Roundness. To convey youth and charm, Chibi characters are drawn with a plump body.

Differences between a regular character's head and a chibi one.

Let's take a closer look at the main differences between the head of a regular character and a chibi one.

  1. Medium forehead
  2. Eyes of medium size, well-drawn eyelashes, medium-sized highlights.
  3. Regular nose length.
  4. The mouth is medium in size, the line of the lower lip is drawn.
  5. Pointed chin.
  6. The neck is medium size.


  1. A huge forehead like that of small children.
  2. Eyes big size, dilated pupils, simplified drawn eyelashes, large highlights.
  3. Only the tip of the nose is visible.
  4. The mouth is large, the lower lip is not marked.
  5. Rounded chin, plump cheeks.
  6. The neck is very thin or non-existent.

Draw a circle, and then a little lower a rounded chin. Chibi's eyes are very large, so it is important to draw them correctly, for this we draw auxiliary lines.

We outline the upper and lower eyelids and draw the pupil. The upper eyelashes should be large, and the lower eyelashes, on the contrary, thin.

Using an auxiliary circle we outline the border of future hair.

When outlining your hair, remember that there should be a lot of it.

We complicate the eyes and add hair.

We draw a blank for the future Chibi figure.

We outline the figure and erase the blank.

We draw the face in detail: add a nose, mouth and complicate the eyes.

We remove the auxiliary lines and draw the hands in detail.

Let's decorate. And our miracle is ready.

As we said earlier, Chibi is drawn in order to more clearly convey the character’s emotions. So let's look at the basic emotions.

Calm state without showing any strong emotions.

Joy. The mouth is wide open. Eyes and eyebrows in the form of straight lines.

Happiness. The upper eyelids are drawn with lines in the form of an arc.

Goofiness. The eyes are in the form of curved circles and the pupils are indicated by dots. The mouth is open.

Embarrassment. Eyes in the form of dots. Pronounced cheeks.

Sadness. Cry. The eyes are simplified to large pupils with glare from tears. Streams of tears flow from the eyes. Eyebrows are simplified to straight lines.

Stunned. Upper eyelid are drawn as straight lines. The pupils of the eyes are in the form of small dots. The mouth is wide open. A droplet is drawn on the side. Under the eyes you can add shadow in the form of vertical stripes.

Severe stupor. Eyes in the form of crossed lines. Shadow across the face with strokes. The mouth is slightly open.

Chibi is shining example world-famous ultra-modern Japanese These are super-deformed favorite characters that serve to convey a variety of emotions to the audience. There are a number of basic distinctive features images of these cute and unusual creatures. These features are considered:

  • The head is proportional to the body.
  • Easy to draw.
  • Correspondence general style kawaii (kawainish).
  • Huge eyes.

Character in the manga

SailorCosmos, who has the appearance of a two-year-old girl, is the Last Reincarnation of Sailor Moon. The manga states that Sailor Cosmos came from the future. Although Chibi-Chibi herself says in the manga that only Sailormoon can be considered the true Sailor Cosmos, since only she can defeat chaos, although such an act can be considered her self-destruction.

Brief description of the character in the anime

Everything is simpler here. This character is the “light of hope”, the so-called star grain of Galaxia, released by it, in order to avoid its own death, in search of the strongest warrior of the Universe, after Galaxia itself was captured by Chaos.

General principles of image

In our article we will try to tell you how to draw Chibi. Chibi is not only a separate character, but also a whole style. You should know that his image must accurately convey the character of the hero. Individual parts reflect emotions (we will dwell on them in more detail later). His body is approximately 1/4-1/3 the size of a typical anime character. So, let's begin.

Basic information

Before drawing a chibi anime, let's remember its main features. In addition to what is indicated above, the image looks somewhat well-fed, even full. The roundness serves to emphasize the youth of the characters. The creatures' round heads lengthen as they grow older. This part of the body is quite large, relative to the size of the body (if for ordinary manga characters the head has an approximate size of 1/7-1/6 of the height, then for a chibi it is about 1/3 or even up to 1/2 the length of the creature’s body and seems simple huge against the background of a small body). The pupils of huge eyes should be mostly dilated (with some exceptions). Their eyelashes are drawn in a simplified style, and there should also be large highlights. The mouth should be rather large, the lower lip should not be marked, and the small tip of the nose should also be visible. The chin is rounded, the cheeks are plump, the neck is absent or thin. The more simply a chibi character is portrayed, the more charming he is perceived to be. For example, the fingers on the warrior’s fists are not drawn, nor are the muscles on his arms. All these nuances should be taken into account, since it will be easier to draw Chibi anime with their help. Next, the process itself will be described.

How to draw a chibi step by step

  1. First of all, we draw the main contour of the head, the designation of the guide lines of the eyes and soft forms We make the bodies in a triangle. We build circles for the ears in the circle of the head. Please note that a chibi boy should have larger ears than a girl.
  2. Let's move on to the eyes. Their thick shapes should occupy more than 3/4 of the circle, then draw along thin line. The mouth resembles an inverted D, or is depicted in the form of a small smile. The nose is almost invisible.
  3. Erase the lines for the eyes and 1/2 of the circles for the ears, add lines for the legs and arms.
  4. Let's continue learning how to draw a chibi. Chibi, of course, has certain clothes. Let's start depicting these details. Draw a shirt and scarf. The latter should be quite thick, wrapped around the neck, with the ends hanging down. The shirt should be loose, as if a little too big for a creature of such a small size; the body and arms can only be slightly uncovered by clothing.
  5. We erase the parts of the body that are covered by a shirt or T-shirt, and move on to the pants. A girl's trousers should simply widen at the bottom, that's all. For a boy, don’t forget to draw wrinkles and baggy pants.
  6. We erase the lines of the legs that fall under the trousers and move on to the chibi girl, emphasizing her gender with the help of her hairstyle? It's simple. The girl's bangs are long and fall into strands; her hair is pulled together in front of her ear. For a boy we draw only a lot of ragged lines from the top of the ear to the central part of the head.
  7. We draw more eyelashes on a chibi girl than on a boy. They should be much longer at the top than at the bottom. For a boy, we highlight the eyebrows brighter and make them thicker. Both have vortices near their ears. Here's how to draw a chibi with a pencil.

Expressing emotions

Above we have given the basic principles of how to draw a chibi. Chibi is an emotional character. There are several techniques to illustrate the mood of the characters. Here are the main ones: