Significant dates in the history of rock and roll. Let's celebrate World Rock and Roll Day

I love Rock and Roll. This is an incredibly revolutionary form of self-expression that can change a person so that he no longer recognizes himself.

Nick Cave

Rock and roll is the music of freedom, which exploded the measured 50s, has become a classic today and is not inferior in popularity to other musical generations, while having an incredible number of fans.

Incendiary rhythm, crazy drive and dancing couples doing real... acrobatic stunts– it was a challenge to society and established “white” traditions. Born from musical preferences of various cultural layers, which became a way of life for many, rock and roll spread like a fever across the globe.

World Rock-n-roll Day(World Rock and Roll Day) is still not officially recognized by the UN General Assembly, but this will not stop music lovers around the world from celebrating its 61st anniversary April 13 2015. And some will celebrate and 12th, because debate about when rock and roll was actually born is still ongoing among fans.

The history of Rock and Roll Day

Date confusion associated with the entry one of the first rock and roll hits - “Rock Around the Clock”("Rock around the clock"), American musician Bill Haley. According to one version, the song was recorded late in the evening of April 12, 1954, according to another - at night.

A year later, the same composition became the soundtrack to the film “School Jungle,” which was released on American screens and shocked the conservative older generation rebellious behavior of youth.

With the release of the tape, rock and roll gained wild popularity. And in overcoming racial prejudice new music played, perhaps, a greater role than the activities of individual politicians of that time.

The wild mixture of country and rhythm and blues frightened decent white Americans, who considered order, stability and strict moral principles the pillars of well-being. But rhythmic, loud and full of life melodies erased all boundaries and broke barriers.

To popularize musical creativity African Americans, without scaring the conservative population, and to circumvent the ban on "racial" music, Cleveland radio disc jockey Alan Freed coined the term " rock-and-roll" More precisely, he borrowed it from the sailors who called sea rolling that way. And the name stuck.

The new direction gave the world such stars as Little Richard, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, James Brown and many others. Rock and roll became the direction that brought the Beatles and Rolling Stones.

Rock and Roll Day Celebrations

On this day, rock and roll performances are held in nightclubs. dance parties, concerts are held in cities. Fans get together to listen to old records and have a lot of fun.

Interesting facts related to rock and roll

1. “Rock Around the Clock” became the most popular song among many compositions written in a new style. But since this music did not yet have a name, it was announced on records and radio stations as a foxtrot.

2. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the hit “Rock around the clock” became the best-selling rock and roll single, released by the group and second in sales for the whole modern history pop music. The record sold 25 million copies.

3. Opened on the shores of Lake Erie in Cleveland in 1995 Rock and Roll Fame Museum. Reminiscent of his architectural form a bird with spread wings, it represents freedom, which this music gave to the world.

4. Elvis Presley singles headed music rating Billboard magazine 151 times. And the artist himself is recognized as the best-selling in history.

5. The same legendary Elvis is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, as a musician who released greatest number albums that became hits – 97. In total, Presley’s work includes 150 albums, and the total number of records released to date has exceeded a billion copies.

6. According to Forbes magazine, the King of Rock and Roll also headed list of the most rich people, whose income has been growing since their death.

7. The most grandiose concert ever organized, held Rolling group Stones in Toronto (Canada) in 2003. The performance was attended by 490 thousand people. They also conducted the most successful world tour, which in 2005 brought the musicians $437 million.

Freedom beyond time and space is the quintessence of rock and roll. And it doesn’t matter what day you celebrate this wonderful holiday, just live to the rhythm of the music!

Today, April 13, is Rock and Roll Day all over the world. On this day, many fans of this style organize events to popularize the culture of this music, emphasizing its influence on the lifestyle of several generations.

It is worth noting that although Rock and Roll Day is celebrated on April 13, the basis for the holiday was an event that happened a day earlier (April 12) in 1954. Then Bill Haley recorded a new single, “Rock Around The Clock,” which became a landmark for the new musical direction, which quite quickly managed to overcome the borders of the United States, and then spread across various states and continents, which became a challenge for traditions and society.

In the middle of the 20th century, shortly after the end of World War II, people all over the world wanted peace and a more measured life, in which there would be as little as possible various shocks. The music of this time was a reflection of these aspirations and hopes. It was quite calm, Vocalists were selected with the appropriate voice. Official music in the United States tried to promote as high as possible the idea of ​​​​delineating the culture of whites against the “savage” culture of African Americans and to form a model of a respectable citizen of the state.

In addition to the music that was officially supported, completely different music could be found in the United States. She was distinguished by loudness, dynamism, greater rhythm, and, in the opinion of the general public, she was distinguished by her love of life. It was rhythm and blues. At that time, at one of the Cleveland radio stations, disc jockey Alan Freed decided to take an unprecedented step at that time - to broadcast a recording of a new style of music. At the same time, in order not to shock the audience of representatives of the “white” public by the fact that they were listening to the condemned rhythm and blues, he announced his own name, invented on the fly - “rock and roll”.

It was with the help of Alan Freed, who uniquely “disguised” rhythm and blues, that this direction became completely new round development. They stopped distinguishing him by the skin color of the musicians. Among the “white” performers, the first famous musician became performer Bill Haley. He presented his own compositions to the public, the basis for which was guitar music. He presented listeners with a mixture of country and rhythm and blues, seasoned with street slang, which brought him stunning success at that time.

One of the founders and main popularizers of the trend was the legendary Elvis Presley, who quickly became an idol for many teenagers. His style of clothing, movements on stage, and demeanor became an example for young people to follow. In the early years of the 1960s, it broke away from rock and roll a new style, called pop rock.

Natives from Liverpool have gathered a huge number of fans with the help of their own compositions. In fact, Beatlemania has become something of an epidemic. In 1964, fans of the genre became acquainted with the music of the Rolling Stones, which was distinguished by a fairly powerful, fast and technical sound. After this, psychedelic rock emerged in the 1970s, prominent representatives which groups such as “ Deep Purple», « Black Sabbath", "Pink Floyd" and " Led Zeppelin" It was this decade that began to be considered the golden era of the development of rock culture.

At the end of the seventies, another new style appeared - punk rock. For this direction, texts and vocals became priorities. Representatives of this trend quite often criticized politics, the government, politics, as well as representatives of the wealthy sections of society. This period brought quite a lot of popularity to the groups “Sex Pistols”, “Stooges”, “The Clash”. During the 1980s, the culture of rock was replenished with a “female” version, and in the practical 1990s, the most bright musician Kurt Cobain and Nirvana became rock and roll.

The concept of “Russian rock” arose in the USSR in the 20th century precisely under the influence of the music of Western countries. The earliest groups were “Falcon” by Alexander Gradsky, “Skomorokhs”, “Scythians” and “Slavs”. Beatlemania reached the states of the USSR and led to the formation of its own rock band in almost every school. Some groups reached the top of the scene in the 1970s. Among them is the well-known “Time Machine”. However, the spread of rock and roll proved difficult due to the influence of censorship.

Despite this, in the first years of the 1980s, a full-fledged rock movement was formed on the territory of the USSR. The followers of the “Thaw” were groups performing compositions in the “new wave” style. The most famous among them were “Alice”, “Kino”, “Obermanken”, “AuktYon” and “Strange Games”. The turning point The development of rock on the territory of the USSR was the creation in 1985 of the Moscow Rock Laboratory, which allowed the capital's groups to completely legalize their own activities. It was then that the groups “Zoo”, “Nautilus Pompilius”, “Brigade S” and others gained popularity.

The end of the 1980s was the time when Russian rock came out of the underground. Today, rock has received a huge number of different directions. Among them are fairly “light” dance rock and roll and brutal grindcore. The semantic content of the lyrics is also quite different. You can find both casual humorous motives and descriptions of rather gloomy events. Pop music is most often contrasted with rock, but there is no clear boundary between the concepts themselves today. Most directions modern music represent something borderline at the junction of these two concepts.

Fans of the popular music genre around the world celebrate World Rock and Roll Day on April 13. Life-affirming rock and roll first made its presence known in the early forties, and on April 12, 1954, the legendary Bill Haley recorded the internationally recognized hit “Rock Around The Clock.” Most likely, this date was taken as a basis international holiday.

Rock and roll gave the world such wonderful performers as Eddie Cochran, Elvis Peresley, Carl Perkins, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, Fats Domino. Despite persecution and oppression, the incendiary genre long years remained popular and beloved among fans of various ages and social level. Today rock and roll is not just music, it is a unique lifestyle that will never die.

Fire in the soul, fire in the blood,
The guitars groan under your fingers.
Rock and roll united us
In a crazy eternal dance.

The dance floor vibrates, trembles,
Challenges modesty.
Rock and Roll Day is a day to live by.
Without rules and conventions.

Dance, fly, live and sing
To a rock 'n' roll hit.
And always be yourself
Let life boil around you.

Happy Rock and Roll Day! It's time to have fun
Spin with your friends to the rhythms!
I wish you good, positive,
Life is interesting, tasteful, beautiful,
Listen to music, dance, smile,
And laugh loudly at problems,
Keep vigor, share optimism
And marvel at the wonders of this world!

Congratulations to the wild at heart,
Ageless soul,
Those who are young and forever young,
No one is in a hurry to retire.

Happy holiday, dear ones,
My rock and rollers,
Of course, I wish you
Lots of happiness and love.

So that you love each other,
Music, friends and drive,
Well, the dregs of all the gray everyday life,
Let her pass by - she’s not enjoying herself!

A day full of fun
When the music plays.
World Rock and Roll Celebration
It flies towards us on the wings of the wind.

Let's sing and have fun,
And we dance from the heart,
Rock and roll will flow
In the depths of the gloomy wilderness.

May fun always reign
Let the motive always sound.
Rock 'n' roll is for everyone, no doubt
He lived and will live forever!

Let's start our lesson:
Rock was born in April.
This is originality.
For this Hale is grateful.

You can remember a lot of stars,
That the style multiplied the essence.
They gave to generations
Revival of the spirit of rebellion.

What about us, ordinary people?
Without us, fashion doesn’t work.
Quickly drive away the shadow of sadness:
Today is rock and roll day.

Let's all go away
And let's make an explosion of emotions.
Let him dance in a hurry,
We'll tear sadness apart at the seams.

To the sound of guitars and drums
Let us imagine fate without flaws.
So, friend, quickly pour some lei into glasses:
Rock is the strength of my youth.

Let rock and roll play
On this colorful day,
Let everyone turn it on
The flow of joy catches!

Rock 'n' roll is fun
Gives a lot of positivity!
Everyone will be in a better mood
Rock and roll motives!

Happy Rock and Roll Day
Congratulations to the whole world,
The planet is dancing
Let the rhythm not slow down.

Let her be
One dance floor
Let the hearts beat
To the beat of rock and roll.

At rock'n'roll
Many faces
For his age
Knows no boundaries.

Captivated by rock and roll
Took the whole planet
It will become eternal
Let this music.

Happy World Rock and Roll Day
Congratulations guys
The music will be good
Let your life be rich.

Charges with positivity
Let the melody always
Sounds of beautiful music
They will never get bored.

To the rhythm of super rock and roll
Let life always go by
The rhythm is cheerful, catchy
May it guide you to luck.

There are many stories about rock and roll.
He conquered the world with himself.
Like a dance it is varied
And it requires a lot of strength!
We wish the dancers to know him,
Easy, free to perform.
And from movements to patterns
It’s not easy for everyone to create!
We wish you to admire the dance
And enjoy the performance.

Rock 'n' roll is a spectacular dance.
Everything flies in aspiration.
The rhythm and music gets you going,
Sometimes everything around is jammed!
This dance is a burst of scale
Feelings, worries, trials.
There is freedom - there are no barriers.
And give yourself over to the dance - honestly,
If I could, everyone would be happy.
Well, strive to learn
And then be proud of it.
Be cheerful then
Ro-n-roll! Always be alive!

The UN has not yet recognized World (International) Rock and Roll Day official holiday. But this fact does not in any way prevent lovers of this movement from celebrating the date. True, there is still debate among fans of the genre as to which day is considered the birthday of rock and roll - April 12 or 13. Such discrepancies are associated with the date when one of the first hits, performed by the American Bill Haley, was recorded - Rock Around the Clock, which translated means “Rock around the clock”. Some sources claim that the recording took place late in the evening of April 12, 1954, others - that at night. There are more supporters of the second version, so we celebrate World Rock and Roll Day 2019 on April 13 - its 65th anniversary.

Originating in the USA, rock and roll, like a fever, quickly spread throughout the world. Even in the USSR, hidden behind " iron curtain", Hayley's song was listened to by many. This was not just a new musical direction. It was new image life, a way of self-expression, a challenge to established traditions and moral principles. Rock and roll combined the tastes in music of different cultural backgrounds and became a hybrid of country and blues. Incendiary rhythms, melodies full of life, drive, dancing almost with acrobatic pirouettes - the music of freedom united around itself great amount people of different generations.

It is impossible to forget about rock and roll even for those who are not particularly interested in it or are interested in it. They won't let you forget legendary names, which are forever inscribed in the history of the musical movement. Elvis Presley, the Beatles, Chuck Berry, the Rolling Stones - if not everyone, then very many know them. Despite the underground existence of Russian rock and roll, its representatives are also well-known: the groups “Nautilus Pompilius”, “Kino”, “Alice”, “Slavs” and many others.

Traditions of celebrating World Rock and Roll Day

April 13, on the day world rock and roll There are festivals, concerts, and dance parties. Fans of the genre meet to remember the wild, fun rock and roll youth, listen to old tunes and dance. The repertoire of which includes compositions in this style will help to recreate the musical atmosphere of past years. On the portal website big choice VIA, so you can choose the most suitable option for yourself. It’s a good idea to order and organize a flash mob with rock and roll motifs. Or organize a training master class with participation professional dancers- even those who have never danced in this genre will easily master the movements. How about a rock 'n' roll party? , which can also be found and ordered through our portal, will select a music library that suits the theme of the holiday, and you will get an excellent disco. Do you want to remember world hits and perform them yourself? Then go with the company to, having previously selected the optimal establishment for yourself on the site.
Where and no matter how you celebrate World Rock and Roll Day, do it with fire, drive and dance!

(World Rock-n-roll Day) is a celebration of like-minded people for whom rock and roll has become not only music, but a style and way of life.

The holiday is celebrated annually, although historical event, which served as the basis for the holiday, happened the day before: 1954 Bill Haley recorded the single “Rock Around The Clock”, which became a landmark in the new musical direction, which quickly crossed the borders of the United States and spread across countries and continents, challenging society and traditions.

In the mid-20th century, shortly after World War II, people sought peace and a slow-paced life. Nobody wanted shocks. The music of that period was a reflection of public sentiment - calm and sentimental, with sweet-voiced vocals. On the official musical Olympus The United States promoted the idea of ​​​​protecting white culture from wild culture blacks and create a good image of a respectable American.

Along with official music, there was something completely different in America - loud, rhythmic, full of life- rhythm and blues. One evening, Cleveland radio disc jockey Alan Freed took it upon himself to play rhythm and blues records on the air. And in order not to shock the “white” public, he came up with another name for it - “rock and roll”. Thanks to Alan Freed, disguised rhythm and blues sounded in full force, becoming accessible to everyone, regardless of skin color.

The first white rock and roll star was singer-guitarist Bill Haley. His cocktail of rhythm and blues, country and street slang was a resounding success.

Bill Haley and his hit "Rock" around the Clock"

Among the founders of the direction was the legendary Elvis Presley, who became an idol of teenagers and youth. His clothing style, manners and movements became an example to follow.

In the early 1960s, a new style of rock and roll emerged - pop rock. The Fab Four launched an epidemic of “Beatlemania” into the world with their compositions.

In 1964, the Rolling Stones appeared with a fast, powerful and technical sound. In the 1970s, psychedelic rock was born, the prominent representatives of which were the groups Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, and Black Sabbath. This decade is considered the golden era in the development of rock culture.

The late seventies saw the emergence of punk rock (“trashy rock”). Simplified musical scheme brought vocals and lyrics to the fore. They often contained criticism of the government, politics, and wealthy sections of society. On the wave of punk, the groups “Sex Pistols”, “The Clash”, “Stooges”, Iggy Pop took off. In the 1980s there appeared female rock, and in the practical 1990s, the brightest rock and roller was Kurt Cobain and his band Nirvana.

Russian rock originated in the USSR in the second half of the 20th century under the influence of western music. Among the most early groups were created by Alexander Gradsky “Falcon”, “Scythians”, “Skomorokhs” and “Slavs”. The wave of Beatlemania that reached the USSR led to the creation of its own rock band in almost every school. Some of these groups later became the main faces of the 1970s scene, including the famous “Time Machine”. But the spread of rock and roll was held back Soviet policy cultural censorship.

Viktor Tsoi and the Kino group

Despite this, by the early 1980s, a full-fledged rock movement had formed in the USSR. “The Thaw” gave birth to groups in the “new wave” style - “Kino”, “Alice”, “AuktYon”, “Obermaneken”, “Strange Games” and others.

In 1985, the Moscow Rock Laboratory was opened, which allowed the capital's bands to legalize their activities. Popularity comes to the groups “Nautilus Pompilius”, “Zoo” and “Brigade S”.

The end of the 1980s was marked by the final emergence of Russian rock from the underground.

Today, rock music has many directions: from light danceable rock and roll to brutal aggressive grindcore. The lyrics range from casual and playful to dark, deep and philosophical. Rock music is often contrasted with pop music, although there is no clear boundary between the concepts of “rock” and “pop”. Many musical phenomena balance on the brink between them.