Poor quality food where to complain. Where to complain about a store, how to do it more effectively

The main rule of trading: the buyer is always right. You’re right, but you can’t let your guard down. Even government agencies and organizations that are obliged to keep the quality of products under control do not ensure complete safety. Over the past couple of years, cases of mass poisonings and group diseases of botulism have become more frequent and increased in Russia, from which, according to statistics, up to 100 people die a year.

If the freshness of the product or its quality raises even the slightest doubt, the buyer has the right to request a declaration or quality certificate. Both the first and second documents must be certified by certifying authorities. Refusing to hand over? The time has come to demand a complaint book.

When these measures do not help, the next best thing is to file a complaint with the trade inspectorate or the sanitary and epidemiological station. Any complaint in a book or a personal complaint to a regulatory organization will cost the seller a decent amount, a thorough inspection, up to the closure of the store. You can complain to the Trade and Quality Inspectorate Russian Federation. In general, there are specialists working there for each product group: bakery, fruits and vegetables, alcoholic beverages and others. They are required to listen to all complaints and verify that standards are being met. At the Inspectorate for Trade and Quality of Goods, specialists conduct their own mini-investigation, weigh, inspect the packaging, and conduct an organoleptic examination (color, taste, smell). If a complete analysis of products is required, product samples are sent for laboratory examination.

Stand up for your rights. If you bought moldy bread or rancid butter, don’t be lazy, go back to the store and file a claim with the seller. According to Russian legislation, they, as well as manufacturers, bear full responsibility for the quality of the goods sold.

And even if the receipt is lost, the buyer is still always right. The seller insists on the freshness of the moldy bread; invite her to try a piece in person. If it doesn’t work, promise an examination, a visit from the consumer market department, the trade department, the National Fund for the Protection of Consumer Rights, the Consumer Union and others. And through the court, the injured buyer has the right to demand compensation for moral damages for the purchase of an expired product. If the purchase of a product ends in food poisoning and even there is a doctor’s report, then there is a direct road to court.

If you insist and go to the end, the result will justify the time spent. For failure to comply with the law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” by a store, manufacturer, or even an ordinary market seller who has not ensured compliance with sanitary legislation, those convicted may face administrative and even criminal liability.

Where to complain about a store is tormenting people who have encountered poor service or low-quality goods.

More more problems for those who live in a house with a store.

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Complaint about a regular store

Where to complain about a store, people wonder in different situations. There are different reasons: either you didn’t like the seller, his attitude towards the client, an attempt to sell a bad product, or deception of the buyer associated with a refusal to return money or change the product.

According to the rules for the sale of individual products from 1998, both the individual entrepreneur and the organization must have the book. The absence of a book is punishable by a fine for non-compliance with trade rules, Art. Code of Administrative Offenses 14.15.

If the book is in a store that is run by more than one person, and the seller is an employee, then there is a high probability that the complaint will have an effect. The buyer will be sent a letter of apology and his requirements will be met.

The second option is to write a complaint. A copy of the claim remains with the buyer with an acceptance mark. The second copy is sent to the store.
The fact that the claim was submitted will prove that the client submitted his question on time. This, for example, concerns the replacement of high-quality or low-quality goods.

The complaint states:

  • Buyer's name
  • Name of the store or company operating the store
  • The essence of the complaint or
  • Buyer's requirement (change the product or accept the product and return the money or accept the product to eliminate defects)

The claim must be signed and dated. Next, a decision must be made on it.
The claim is sent within 14 days after the purchase of the product.

By general rule The store must respond within 30 days; where defects need to be removed – 20 days.

Assistance in writing a complaint can be provided by a consumer association; it also has the right, if there is an entry in the charter and the ability to conduct an examination of the quality of goods.

They will also help you file a complaint with the Rospotrebnadzor department, and will also help you go to court. Typically, such organizations have lawyers on staff who do this kind of work.

Complaints to the prosecutor's office make sense given the inaction of other bodies (the same Rospotrebnadzor, the chamber of commerce, the body that issues licenses for certain types of goods).

If the question arises: where to complain about a grocery store, you need to follow the scheme described above.
It is allowed to complain to local municipal administrations or regional authorities if they have been delegated the appropriate powers.

You can complain to the court directly without first writing a complaint, but this is more difficult to achieve a positive court decision, since there is less evidence. If it concerns disputes with telecom operators, carriers of passengers, cargo, domestic towing, a claim is mandatory. Without it, the court will not accept the claim.

How to write a complaint correctly - shown in the video:

Where to complain about a store located in a multi-storey building

The first problem is the legality of the location of the store in the house.

Premises status.

It is prohibited to engage in trading activities if this violates the rules for the use of residential premises.

If the premises are not owned by one person, but are considered common property, a decision of all owners is mandatory.

If residents cannot be collected, which some unscrupulous persons take advantage of, they must be notified and a written survey conducted.

The procedure is not simple, which is due to the desire to reduce abuse to a minimum.

In this regard, if the legislation is not followed, a number of specific problems arise:

  • noise in the store
  • violation of the rules for the import of products or products

Residents of the first floors suffer mainly; the extent of the problems depends on the level of insulation. What should you pay attention to?

The adopted SanPin - 01 contains requirements for trading enterprises. In edition 01, it is prohibited to build fish and vegetable shops in residential buildings or in extensions to residential ones.

It is prohibited to place in residential buildings a store selling:

  • chemical goods
  • flammable liquids, gases, and other substances that can burn when interacting with oxygen or water
  • synthetic carpets, tires, automobile oils;

It is prohibited to locate ritual enterprises, and enterprises operating after 11 pm and before 7.00 am - at night. The exit from the store, as well as the store, must be completely isolated from the entrances to residential premises.

Transport carrying goods must be located outside the local area.

Transport is unloaded in special unloading chambers, and unloading cannot be done under windows.

The yard of a residential building must be fenced off from activities related to the operation of the store.

Retail space with an area of ​​less than 150 sq. m. It is not necessary to equip with loading chambers.

At the same time, we must not allow living conditions to become at least to some extent worse.

A complaint about violations is sent to Rospotrebnadzor, which, in particular, is responsible for ensuring compliance with sanitary regulations.

Inspectors must conduct an inspection, take measurements of noise, dust and other parameters, depending on what the complaint is being made. An inspection report and protocol are drawn up.

It is imperative to check the accuracy of the entries in the documents; for example, they may record measurements that were not made in reality. Based on the inspection materials, an order and the time frame within which it must be fulfilled are drawn up.

An appeal against the decision of the inspection body is made in the arbitration court. Residents, as interested parties, are usually not called.

Where to complain about a store in a residential building - to Rospotrebnadzor, to the management organization that services the building. If the housing office does not take action, a complaint against it is written to the housing inspectorate. But they are contacted on issues that Rospotrebnadzor does not deal with.

Citizens who are trying to legally defend their interests, themselves or with the help of organizations that unite consumers, have a chance to achieve this by acting in accordance with the law. True, this may take a lot of time. However, next time officials treat such citizens more carefully.

Submit your question in the form below

We live in a country where our rights are violated at every step, we are deceived, cheated, robbed, fooled, misrepresented false information, poisoned with medicines, low-quality products, poor ecology. Sometimes this becomes so obvious that a person reaches an extreme degree of indignation and is ready to spend his nerves to restore justice. This is exactly what happens when spoiled food purchased at the nearest supermarket spoils our mood and health. Where to go to complain in such cases is a question that worries many people.

IN Western countries Excellent practice has developed: complain to higher authorities about any violation that infringes on the rights of buyers or harms their health. And these complaints really work there. In Russia they also like to complain, but only behind the scenes, in kitchens, in get-togethers. And if one, another, a third, a tenth, a twenty-fifth complained, the supervisory authorities would begin to work in full force. But where should one go to complain?

The first thing that comes to mind- bring the damaged product back to the store along with the receipt and demand its replacement with a quality one or a refund. Yes, that would be an easy option. But even if they replace your product with another or return your money, this will not set a precedent, and unscrupulous sellers will deceive customers again and again. It's better to file a complaint.

Regarding spoiled food, deception in stores, poor quality service, all this will be of interest to an organization called Rospotrebnadzor. Every city has reception offices at the city administration. You can come in person , write a statement in 2 copies. One of the copies must be stamped with a stamp indicating acceptance of the application. You can also send an application by mail with notification of acceptance. You can even call by phone , but it’s not a fact that phone conversation it will work - we are used to trusting paper more than people.

With such a complaint you will create a precedent, a problem. The complaint must state the claim and attach evidence in the form of a receipt and a photograph of the spoiled food product.

If Rospotrebnadzor did not take any measures, did not respond to your application, or even refused to accept it, you can complain about this organization to the prosecutor’s office. Or you can complain to the head office Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer protection on the website rospotrebnadzor

All kinds Consumer Rights Protection Society also at your service: they have experienced lawyers who will help you competently write a complaint or lawsuit.

But the best part is that you can file a complaint against a store selling low-quality products. via the Internet . The same Rospotrebnadzor provides this opportunity. A complaint can be sent to specialists using a special form. The letter must be formatted according to certain rules: your details, last name, first name and patronymic, postal address with zip code, all information about the store - address, name, product and all data from the receipt must be indicated.