Lera Kozlova, husband. Compatibility of the names Nikita and Valeria

Since 2009 he has been dating a musician Ukrainian group Quest Pistols- Nikita Goryuk. Woman.ru: Why didn’t it work out with Nikita? Permanent member of the Quest Pistols group Nikita Goryuk launched a solo project called “Zveroboy”.

I don't communicate with them. L.K.: Nikita and I are sincerely happy for each other. I was on show Quest Pistols in November. Nikita also says that I will definitely succeed. According to the group's press service, Goryuk has not left Quest Pistols, he will continue to work solo project parallel.

After a long break, the bright and daring ex-vocalist of the Ranetki group Lera Kozlova returns to the stage. Now she sings in 5sta Family. Woman.ru became the first person to whom Lera told about the betrayal former producer, trying to build a family with the lead singer of the Quest Pistols and working as a florist in a flower shop.

On May 23, Kozlova appeared on the red carpet of the RU.TV awards in the company of members of the 5sta Family group. Woman.ru: Lera, how did you become a member of the 5sta Family group? Lera Kozlova: I’ve known the guys from this team for ten years now. And in March of this year, when I was seriously thinking about returning to the stage, Vasya (lead singer of the group Vasily Kosinsky - approx. Woman.ru) called me and offered to become a member of the group.

Woman.ru: From 2005 to 2008 you were a member of the Ranetki group. L.K.: Our Zhenya, the keyboard player (Evgenia Ogurtsova - member of the Ranetki group - approx. Woman.ru) had an acquaintance, Sergei Melnichenko, a talented arranger and composer. He became our producer. L.K.: We had a girl in our group, but her parents forbade her to study music - they were afraid that she would abandon her studies. She had to leave, and I was assigned to take a place at the microphone.

Everyone liked the songs and became the soundtrack. L.K.: Exactly. It was insulting and ashamed for yesterday’s colleagues. L.K.: I will say this: there were ardent feelings on his part that interfered with sober thinking and work.

L.K.: You can say so. He treated me like a girl, but I saw him only as a friend. And it offended him. L.K.: It happens. There are no more grudges. Now I myself don’t know what I would have done if I were in their place. The girls have their own lives, each trying to realize themselves in a solo career. Both Zhenya and Lena have solo careers. We, of course, depend on them, but it’s still somehow not very pleasant to deal with them. With my friend and Nikita, we started making jewelry - we bought the material ourselves, fantasized, and created earrings.

At one time, I decided that I would build a family, sacrificed my career for this, but it all turned out to be in vain. I had to continue singing, then maybe something would work out with my family. L.K.: You know, when a person says that he is ready, these are words. But in fact, maybe he really wasn’t ready, and if he wanted a family, it would be later.

But I met people with whom we are on the same wavelength. I left it to chance and waited because I don’t quite understand what I need. I wouldn't have joined this group if I didn't like it. In 2012, each of the Ranetki began solo career, while stating that they officially continue to be listed as members of the group.

The group was founded back in 2005 by producer Sergei Milnichenko. He hid his relationship with the lead singer and drummer of the group, Valeria Kozlova, for a long time. After Lera Kozlova left, producer Sergei Milnichenko found happiness with another member of the group, Natalya Shchelkova.

Everything is also fine in Anna's personal life. In April 2011, during a concert of the Ranetki group, a young man went on stage and publicly proposed to Anya to marry him. The singer agreed. She began her solo career in February 2012, but is still in the group.

Solo career of Valeria Kozlova

The ceremony was attended by Zhenya's friends in the group - Anna Rudneva and Natalya Shchelkova with her husband Sergei Milnichenko. It is noteworthy that Zhenya and Pasha got tattoos declaring their love for each other. Now Ogurtsova sings in the punk band “Red and the Devils”.

Photos, interviews, ratings, polls, all the most relevant and interesting things about celebrities - 24/7 on the pages of Starhit.ru. In other words, it makes people's lives easier. Likewise, St. John’s wort’s creativity makes people’s lives easier,” Nikita said.

The early years of Valeria Kozlova: “Ranetki”

Nikita admitted that he had written songs for the group before, but did not advertise it. He is the author of such Quest Pistols songs as “Romeo”, “Shards of Ice”, “Professional Man”. Nikita will promote her new creation under the Russian label “Kruzheva Music”.

According to the reports of the same journalists, smearing dirt on the pages of the yellow press, it was the break with Sergei that became the reason to exclude Kozlova from the team. At the same time, Lera herself recorded several singles and in 2010 debuted with the full-length album “Give Me a Sign,” which subsequently received many awards both in Russia and Ukraine.

Biography of Valeria Kozlova

Since childhood, Lera herself has been drawn to creative activities. And in August 2005, together with four of her friends, she decided to organize her own rock band. Soon on musical girls drew the attention of the producers of the Megaliner label, who in 2005 signed a contract with the group and began promoting it.

Lera found love through work

In the same year, Lera Kozlova was recognized as singer of the year according to the RU.TV channel, and a year later she received a gold Bravo statuette. Her debut solo album“Give Me a Sign” was released in 2010 and was popular with fans. She had an affair with the producer of the Ranetki group, Sergei Melnichenko.

Biography of young “Ranetka”

Copyright to articles is protected in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights”. Valeria Kozlova is a popular pop singer who became famous after performing as part of the Ranetki project. In this group she for a long time worked as a drummer and vocalist. However, in last years our today's heroine successfully proves to everyone that she can be interesting to viewers as a solo performer.

L.K.: Then I met Nikita Goryuk and lived in Kyiv, where the company “KRUZHEVA Music”, which also works with Quest Pistols, took care of me. A member of this Ukrainian group, Nikita Goryuk, won the heart of a beautiful blonde. Sergei didn’t like that I started an affair with Nikita from the Quest Pistols (Nikita Goryuk is the lead singer of the Quest Pistols group - approx. Woman.ru).

The young singer compares her orgasms to the flight of a butterfly

Lera KOZLOVA, now better known under the pseudonym Lera-Lera, finally decided to talk about her intimate life. Previously, it was only known that she met with the producer of “Ranetok” Sergei MILNICHENKO. Now Lera has revealed all her cards.

I'm very much in love with Nikita Goryuk, lead singer of the group "Quest Pistols"! I’ve been telling him about this for a long time, but he doesn’t take it seriously. It seems to me that he just doesn’t like me,” the singer confesses to the entertainment portal e-motion.com.ua. - That’s why I found myself in Kyiv young man, similar to Nikita. I talk about my feelings in every interview for him to read, however, so far without results. Really, madly in love with him!
The beautiful Kozlova prefers not to talk about sex. He thinks this is too intimate a topic. However, she admitted that:
- When talking about sex and love, you immediately imagine a big red heart and many, many beautiful butterflies.

Another life

About ex-lover Milnichenko Lera, who recently married another “Ranetka” - Natasha, remembers with warmth:
- I was interested in him, we were connected by many things, there was great understanding and respect between us. I don’t regret anything, I don’t regret that we broke up. This relationship led me to a different life.
Despite the fact that Kozlova has a permanent boyfriend, she is in no hurry to get married. But he does not rule out that this could happen at any time.
- Mom is very afraid of the moment when I leave my home, get married and leave her alone. Of course, she wants peace, how much can she get on her nerves with me, Lera laughs. - Mom still can’t come to terms with the fact that her daughter has grown up, and when I bring up the topic of marriage, she immediately cuts off: “Stop talking to me about it”!

They say that Lera KOZLOV and Stas SHMELEV had more than just a working relationship. Together they played in the series "Ranetki"

The former soloist of the group “Ranetki” was one of its brightest members, moreover, the founder of the group, Sergei Milnichenko, was so carried away by the pretty Lera that things began to spin between them whirlwind romance, despite the fact that Sergei was married at that time, and his daughter was growing up, almost the same age as his ward. How husband of Lera Kozlova Milnichenko never came to fruition, but his own family broke up - the producer’s wife was tired of him spending all his time surrounded young girls, and the affair with Leroy put an end to his family relationships.

In the photo - Lera Kozlova and Sergey Milnichenko

Close relationship with Sergei Milnichenko, who became a common-law husband Lera Kozlova gave her a reason to think that she was in a special position, and the girl began to be capricious, violate the rehearsal schedule, and not come to them simply because she didn’t want to. The relationship between her and Sergei deteriorated, and Leroux was fired from Ranetok for violating discipline.

In the photo - Lera and Nikita Goryuk

After leaving the group young singer found a new producer, and another lover appeared in Lera’s personal life - musician from the Ukrainian group Quest Pistols Nikita Goryuk. At first, the relationship between them was only friendly, Nikita helped her cope with stress and depression after leaving the group, and then Lera fell in love with him. She did everything possible to evoke a reciprocal feeling in Goryuk - she cared for and looked after him like real wife, and the guy gave up. She met his parents, and their friends saw Nikita as the future husband of Lera Kozlova. However, due to the fact that they lived in different cities far from each other, them romantic relationship gradually faded away.

Lera Kozlova completely devoted herself to her career. The singer began performing under the stage name Lera Lera. Valeria has no special music education– she didn’t study at music school or school, did not take vocal lessons, and acquired her first skills at the time when she was a participant in the children's musical group"Pinocchio".

The young singer compares her orgasms to the flight of a butterfly

Lera KOZLOVA, now better known under the pseudonym Lera-Lera, finally decided to talk about her intimate life. Previously, it was only known that she met with the producer of “Ranetok” Sergei MILNICHENKO. Now Lera has revealed all her cards.

I'm very much in love with Nikita Goryuk, lead singer of the group "Quest Pistols"! I’ve been telling him about this for a long time, but he doesn’t take it seriously. It seems to me that he just doesn’t like me,” the singer confesses to the entertainment portal e-motion.com.ua. “That’s why I found a young man in Kyiv who looked like Nikita. I talk about my feelings in every interview for him to read, however, so far without results. Really, madly in love with him!
The beautiful Kozlova prefers not to talk about sex. He thinks this is too intimate a topic. However, she admitted that:
- When talking about sex and love, you immediately imagine a big red heart and many, many beautiful butterflies.

Another life

About ex-lover Milnichenko Lera, who recently married another “Ranetka” - Natasha, remembers with warmth:
- I was interested in him, we were connected by many things, there was great understanding and respect between us. I don’t regret anything, I don’t regret that we broke up. This relationship led me to a different life.
Despite the fact that Kozlova has a permanent boyfriend, she is in no hurry to get married. But he does not rule out that this could happen at any time.
- Mom is very afraid of the moment when I leave my home, get married and leave her alone. Of course, she wants peace, how much can she get on her nerves with me, Lera laughs. - Mom still can’t come to terms with the fact that her daughter has grown up, and when I bring up the topic of marriage, she immediately cuts off: “Stop talking to me about it”!

They say that Lera KOZLOV and Stas SHMELEV had more than just a working relationship. Together they played in the series "Ranetki"

Probably, many still remember the once popular group “Ranetki”, where 5 teenage girls sang about unrequited love. Then it seemed that they were doing the impossible: they were touring all over the country, selling out the Olympic Stadium and starring in the series of the same name. But in 2011, the team unexpectedly suspended its activities - soloist Anya Rudneva left the team. In total, “Ranetki” existed for about 6 years, but then the group members thought that wild popularity would always be with them.

But alas, now the team is almost forgotten. And only one of the Ranetok participants was able to return to big stage– Lera Kozlova recently became the second soloist youth group 5staFamily. A chance helped: Lera has known the musicians of this group for more than 10 years: “The guys and I participated in the MTV project “Making Children” a long time ago, and there we found each other. Their group then had a different composition, but it still survived, unlike ours,” Kozlova tells StarHit.

Despite this, loyal fans have been writing messages to Kozlova on social networks all these years: “Lera, we are really waiting for you and love you! Come back soon!" But the artist never managed to return solo, and a couple of years after the collapse of Ranetki, she completely moved to Kyiv to live with her beloved soloist popular group“Quest Pistols” by Nikita Goryuk. “My boyfriend turned out to be a real man and fully provided for me while I was trying to find myself and was not earning money. But I really tried. First, I completed a special course in floristry and went to make bouquets - working with flowers, of course, is pleasant, but I didn’t like selling them at all. Then, together with Nikita and my friend, we created a group “VKontakte” and in the evenings we made jewelry: earrings, bracelets from beads... It turned out to be very monotonous, painstaking work, but still sometimes messages come with questions about where they can be bought, although this group has already no,” Kozlova confesses.

As a result, the couple of Lera and Nikita did not work out - the young people decided to leave. But the singer still recalls: “Nikita’s apartment was undergoing renovations, and we had to rent a house. But since we had a cat and a dog, we lied to the landlords that we lived without animals, but as soon as they realized otherwise, they kicked us out and we looked for housing again. But there was at least some movement.”

But while moving and looking for work, the ex-Ranetka still did not give up trying to write a hit and wrote down her lyrics in phone notes: “I can only write when I’m sad, that’s why the songs turned out depressive. And then two months ago I accidentally drowned my phone and was left completely without communication for two weeks. Then I realized that all the notes remained in it. Now I’m sure that everything is for the better, because we need to sing about happiness and love! In addition, it turned out that during this period many people called and wrote to me for some suggestions. It’s good that I didn’t know, because now I’m in the 5staFamily group and my dream has come true!”

By the way, Lera also got into the group by luck: “I have a hairdresser, Arina. And one day she was doing my hair, and in the process I mentioned that I was ready to return to show business, but I had absolutely no idea how to do it. After a while it turned out that my group colleague Vasya was also sleeping with her. So Arina told him everything and he called me: “Lera, hello! There is a proposal. Let's meet?". I didn’t think for a second, I immediately said “Yes!”

Now the group appears at events and broadcasts in updated composition and introduces a new vocalist everywhere. Of course, many still associate sweet-voiced Lera with Ranetki, but the singer herself believes that everything is in the past. “It doesn’t matter how they perceive me, because if Ranetok had not been in my life, then 5staFamily would not have happened either. My fans are very happy! Although I now also have a lot of 5sta fans - in a week I had 15 thousand subscribers on Instagram. My colleagues on stage also support me in every possible way. Recently Dakota and Aiza Dolmatova, Anya Rudneva and Nyuta from Ranetki wrote, and a little earlier the director of the group himself asked when new album. It was very unexpected,” the singer shares.

The new team strongly supports Kozlova, despite some difficulties - at first Lera forgot the words and did not reach the high notes, which the second soloist Yulianna Karaulova succeeded in: “I was worried that not everything was working out, but Vasya advised me to have an excellent vocal teacher and now I’m calmly taking over.”

In addition, according to the girl, she is not at all eager to take Karaulova’s place, despite the rumors about her leaving: “I’m very comfortable like this, the four of us. Of course, maybe the guys played it safe and took me, because Yulianna is recording solo songs, and if everything works out, she may leave the group. In any case, I will be happy for her!”

Now, having finally found her place, the girl is grateful for everything that happened in her life and most importantly for the fact that now she is happy: “I am a believer, when it was especially difficult during this break, I read spiritual literature and went to church. I didn't ask for a house, a car or a husband. I just said: “Lord, you know what I need. I will try, and you help and guide.” And then at some point everything happened. Now the schedule is such that there is not even time to go to church and give thanks. But I will definitely do it!”

Lera is happy to return to show business and be part of the 5"staFamily group // Photo: Instagram