The fool loves, but the wise man loves. A smart person loves to learn, but a fool loves to teach - kaleidoscope

That day, from the very morning, I was doing the usual routine work of a private detective. Calm and relaxed, I sat in the darkened bathroom, watching the fruits of my labors appear on photographic paper - and what do they write about in detective stories? The authors of the above-mentioned reading should see what private detectives have to do! Routine, gentlemen, routine! No romance... The unfortunate lady I was following appeared on the glossy, delighting me with her indecent behavior. True, after a day of my close observation of her, I realized with horror that if the unfortunate horned husband decides to get even with the lover of his traitorous wife, he will have to deal with at least half of our Tarasov.

The lesson was quite boring, and on TV I listened out of the corner of my ear to how Jessica Fletcher was ruining people’s lives with her excessive attachment to justice. In the next photo, my victim was resting in the arms of an oriental handsome man. All that remains is to write a report on my targeted observations, and pleasantly rustling green bills will appear in my pockets.

“Okay, we can take a smoke break,” I told the charming woman in the pictures.

Coming out of the darkness into the light, I sighed happily. sunlight flooded the room, and Jessica continued to persistently search for the unfortunate woman who had saved humanity from the vile type. I looked at the screen with hatred and turned off the TV. I wouldn't do that myself. The law is not always worth respecting. Sometimes you feel much more pity for the killer than for the victim. There are such types, I tell you...

I lit a cigarette and stared dreamily out the window. A fresh spring wind invaded my apartment through the open balcony and was now playing with my notes, in which I carefully tamped down the quiet life of Mrs. Latukhina.

The doorbell rang took me by surprise. Looking sadly at the floor strewn with white leaves, I thought that I would come back and collect everything. The thought that an unexpected visitor would be here for a long time did not particularly bother me - today I had no time at all for communication.

Opening the door, I froze.

That’s who I didn’t expect to see on my doorstep, this shadow from my distant past... I even whistled, forgetting about the bad omen.

“Hello, Tanechka,” the “shadow” said, embarrassed, entering my hallway.

“Hello,” I answered confusedly, painfully realizing how difficult it was to bring it.

I haven’t seen Seryozha Korotkov for five years. Although we were previously connected by close friendship, to say the least, but, as often happens, now everything was forgotten.

He has changed. From a shy boy with an easel he turned into a very self-confident guy. So to speak, I coped with my youthful inferiority complex, replacing it with mild delusions of grandeur.

- I didn’t expect to see you...

He nodded. I’m not a stupid girl and I immediately realized that if your old friend, who has successfully managed without your company for five years, wanted to see you, an urgent need brought him here.

Therefore, I tried to immediately free him from unnecessary formalities.

- State the problem. I’ll try to guess for myself - your spouse is cheating on you, but you have no evidence. So?

He stared at me. Have I really hit the mark?

“No,” he winced, “that’s not the point.” How did you guess that I came to you...

- Hello, tell me that the sun has risen? – I grinned. - Elementary Watson. For five years you carefully did not remember my existence. I don’t believe in bright nostalgia for youthful freshness of feelings. This means that some not very pleasant event happened in your life, which only a private detective can deal with. And most likely, your problem is sensitive, since you came to me, preferring the intervention of a person you trust. That is, to your incredible luck, this is your friend Tatyana Ivanova. Let me make a reservation right away - I’m busy right now. This is the first one. Secondly, I charge dearly. Two hundred a day. Naturally, not rubles.

He smiled.

“You haven’t changed,” he said. – Still the same reactive. Let's assume that I really came to you for a reason. But at least for the sake of decency, you could drink coffee and talk about your life. Still, five years have flown by.

“Coffee, please,” I agreed. - Talk too. We will only discuss your personal life, if you want it.

He laughed:

- Tanya, don’t fidget. I’m glad to see you and I don’t understand why I suddenly began to act on you like a red rag on a white generalo.

“You don’t have any effect on me,” I smiled sweetly, noting, not without satisfaction, how fleeting confusion knitted his eyebrows on the bridge of his nose. I took a step towards the kitchen and stopped when I heard behind me:

– Instant coffee will suit me.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. She turned around and took in his impressive figure. He clearly believes that I tremble in his presence, like a young child. Why did he even think that I intended to spend time and effort making real coffee in his honor? It flashed through my head great amount barbs that could put him in his place. The barbs touched my inflamed pride with their wings and cooled it down. It seems, dear girl, you are still under the influence of, excuse me, unnecessary feelings, but why the hell do you need them? And if childhood resentment still dominates your psyche, then have the pride not to show it to him.

My lips parted in a welcoming smile, and I said:

- No, I’ll try for you. Still, pleasant memories of my youth, my friend. For the sake of memories, you can strain yourself.

More than anything, men don't like to be called a memory. Believe me, each of them dreams of being the one and only in your life. So that all your subsequent companions will be only weak reflections of His Majesty. And here you brazenly put it in the category of memories. And it would be okay – unpleasant. To sob and cry all my life over my sad fate. But no - he only pleasant memory. A passing incident.

I cooled my ardor in the kitchen. In the room, my uninvited guest turned on the tape recorder, and now the whole apartment was filled with Sting's mellifluous voice. Looks like they decided to bring back memories on me. Relax professional female vigilance. I grinned. Time, mon cher, does not stand still. Pathological changes occur in our fragile and vulnerable soul from constant contact with the realities of life. I have already developed a different taste. Refined boys no longer bother my girlish imagination. And you, my friend, it looks like you will remain this boy until you are very old.

Oddly enough, the excitement quickly subsided, as soon as I tried to break free with coffee in the cezve. Bring it to a boil three more times - and you are guaranteed a delicious foam on the brown surface. Taking out small Turkish cups and placing all this splendor on a tray, I went into the room.

He sat, slightly bent, on the edge of the chair. I was a little surprised that my appearance went unnoticed.

“Apparently, his problems are really tough,” I decided. Having placed the tray on the table, I sat down in the chair opposite him and said:

- Start. I see that a dark spot has appeared in your life.

He looked up at me and sighed:

- Yes. But not in mine. The point, Tanya, is about my sister. Like. Do you remember her?

* * *

I remembered Lika well. Just like what happened five years ago. Then Tanechka, a graduate of the law institute, got punched in the nose. Just from my current counterpart. The story is simple. There was a long romance, which seemed to the naive Tanya as real and genuine love. Night stars, rolling into the open palms of the soul, dreamy Sting, helping to hang more spaghetti on your ears about the passionate feelings tearing apart the gentleman. In short, roses, dreams and other rubbish. All this was very quickly ruined by a small, lap-dog-like girl who came from God knows where with the assurance that she was pregnant from my friend Seryozha.

For this reason, my blushing friend asked me for forgiveness, kissed my hand and disappeared. Dissolved in the arms of the lapdog. It’s not that he broke my heart - no one will expect that from me! It’s just that for the first time I felt like a complete idiot, and therefore I was offended. I even had the thought of taking revenge on everything masculine- seducing them and abandoning them, so that they too could be imbued with this bright and joyful feeling of their own idiocy. But then I realized that this was a troublesome and unprofitable business, and I could give them the opportunity to feel stupider than me using another method. Which is what I am doing now to the best of my ability. There is profit and self-satisfaction.

* * *

Now about Lika. Lika was then beautiful girl about fourteen years old, with a thick wheaten braid and turquoise eyes. Smart and well-read, I liked her. Having figured in my mind that she should now be about twenty years old, I was surprised. What problems might such a young lady have?

- Lika? She’s just a child...” I said out loud.

“This child is the whole problem,” Sergei grinned sadly. – Firstly, our “child” has been married for a long time. Actually, I am indirectly to blame for the current situation.

He paused, stirring his coffee with a spoon. The spoon clinked unpleasantly in the ensuing silence, and I rearranged the cassette so that this scratching on the edges of the cup would not get on my nerves.

– Two years ago Lika suffered a tragedy. In one year she lost both her lover and her health. An idiotic story - a girl came down with a regular flu, and the flu caused complications in her heart. I won’t tell you about medical matters, but only Lika decided that she was now disabled and tried to break up with her boy. All this had a terrible impact on her. Can you imagine - the girl cried all day long! Her boyfriend didn’t have the courage to overcome his fear of her illness, and he disappeared from the horizon...

I said nothing. Although I liked his righteous indignation. For ten whole minutes he described to me in a stern and accusatory tone what a scoundrel this Lika friend was. Abandoning an innocent child - it’s necessary!

“Then I found out about this agency. They match you with a candidate abroad via the Internet.

- Candidate where? - I did not understand.

“To be a husband,” he explained patiently.

- Ah, that's the thing...

I thought that this was not the worst decision. They select this same candidate for you somewhere in Holland. And the rest of my life proceeds in a happy and calm rhythm, among the Dutch tulips. Detective Ivanova is in the bliss of idleness, since he can try to choose the candidate whose cash is in order. My dreams are soon over. Because from idleness I will very quickly go crazy, and my “candidate” will have to turn to private detectives so that they can keep an eye on me. And since I ate the dog myself in this matter, I know how to cover my tracks. So, well, them, “candidates”...

“I turned there, realizing that Lika would not be happy in Russia.

- Why did you decide for her? – I asked quietly. “She could figure out for herself whether she would be happy here...

- Because she is still stupid child, he snapped.

Looks like our boy has become cool, I thought. I began to decide for those around me what they needed in this life. This is what it means to become “cool” in the service sector... I knew from mutual friends that Seryozha Korotkov designs all the supermarkets and shops. As well as the fact that now he has no problems with money.

- So, was she deceived? – I asked. – They ripped off the money, but didn’t hand over the candidate?

- No. Everything is fine. Out of her stupidity, she did not want to leave Russia. If Rodney had not come here from the States, she would not have agreed. But Rodney is irresistible...

He smiled dreamily, which gave me a sneaking suspicion that he, the poor fellow, could not resist the charms of this unknown Rodney.

– At first they corresponded, surfed the Internet... In general, Lika treated everything like a child, not intending to marry him. Then he unexpectedly came to us. Mom didn’t even have time to prepare for his arrival. So they greeted him with old furniture...

– Did he bring old furniture with him? – I couldn’t resist.

– What does this have to do with it? – Sergei was sincerely surprised. “We just didn’t have time to buy a new one.”

– What, is there an indispensable condition for the purchase of new furniture for a foreigner’s visit to our apartment? It’s good that you warned me... I will now refrain from inviting foreign nationals to my apartment.

Sergei pretended that he didn’t notice my joke. And he continued:

- She fell in love. And everything was fine - the wedding was on his ranch. He is interested in horses, and he has a whole stable there. Lika was happy. You know, he treated her very well. In addition, there are our emigrants in Norton Bay. Lika made friends. She wrote about one of them, Rosalia, quite often. Everything was like in a fairy tale. And then... She gets sick again. She is taken to the hospital and literally pulled out of the other world. The doctors there are really great. The situation was very serious. Death passed very close to Lika. Therefore, she was forbidden to engage in physical work and think about children. That is, Lika cannot give birth.

After that, Rodney changed. Lika didn’t say or write anything, but my last visit upset me. Lika was very nervous and was clearly afraid of Rodney. Every time he appeared in the room, she flinched. Like a gust of cold wind. This was two and a half months ago.

And two months ago Lika disappeared. And all our attempts to find her are in vain. She doesn't write. Does not call. Rosalia didn’t see her, moreover... A week ago she called and said that she was very worried about Lika. I contacted Rodney and he was surprised. He said that everything was fine, Lika had gone to his mother. I asked for my mother's phone number, but Rodney said that my mother was unwell and there was no need to bother her. He himself will call Lika and ask her to contact me. Tanya, I'm afraid for Lika. I don't like this whole story. That's why I took the risk of contacting you.

- But what can I do? – I was surprised. – I’m not a clairvoyant... There is no exit to America from my window. How can I help you?

- To go there.

I opened my mouth. This is an application! Go to America, Tanya, figure out what this Clinton is doing... Am I an international detective?

- Why me? There are a lot of detectives there. Any of them will willingly work for you for the same money. It will be even cheaper...

- No, It is Immpossible. I tried. They refuse when they find out who Rodney is.

- By the way, who is he? Senator-Congressman? Why did he intimidate the detectives so much?

- It’s worse, Tanya.

He hesitated, looking at the drawing on my parquet floor.

- Tanyusha, I will pay for your journey. Your accommodation is there. Anything you want.

“I’ve already been to America,” I said. - I don’t want to go there. It would be better if you sent me to Easter Island. At least you can look at idols there. And America is a boring country. Besides, you never told me which Al Capone you gave your sister in marriage to.

- He's worse than Al Capone.

In America, only some people are considered worse than senators and mafiosi. With whom no one wants to get involved. I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach with the unpleasant feeling that I was getting into a very nasty story.

My crazy guess needed to be clarified.

I looked into Korotkov’s shameless eyes and said more affirmatively than questioningly:

- He's a cop.

Korotkov jerked as if from an electric shock. Well, let me be wrong, I prayed. May he be better than Clinton's son. Not just…

- Police officer. Norton Bay Sheriff's Deputy.

“No,” I said sternly. - No, Seryozha. Look for another idiot to expose himself like this. I'm not going to play cat and mouse with cops, especially those like them. You should have thought earlier when you passed off your sister as a cop. And I’m quite successful in finding trouble in Russia too. I don’t have time to go to America to get them.

I stood up, showing with all my appearance that our conversation was over and I remained adamant, like the Statue of Liberty.

- Tanya, why bother? Just need to find out if everything is okay there. After all, I’m asking you not to kill him. We need to go and make sure everything is in order.

- Listen, Korotkov, why do you need me for this? Take your money and go. Look, make sure and relax in California at the same time. I don’t want to rest, I have a lot of work. If I want to fight with the police, I would prefer to do it at my home training ground. Despite all their bad inclinations, representatives of our police are easier to communicate with than deputy sheriffs in America. Therefore, dear, I’m sorry - but I refuse... Of course, I don’t argue, I have romantic moods that deprive me of a certain amount of reason, but not to such an extent that I want to watch the personal life of a cop.

He stood and looked at me with the eyes of a beaten dog. The situation must have really depressed him. I could enjoy the moment of my revenge for that girl Tanka, whose feelings no one cared about five years ago. But…

“Goodbye,” he said quietly, opening the front door.

A girl with a wheat braid appeared before my eyes. A clear smile and turquoise eyes. A girl with a heart problem. Our Russian girl, who may be in danger. Because Tanya was adrift and didn’t want to get involved with the vile cop. And this means that the nasty cops, whom no one wants to fight back, can show up at Tanya’s and start downloading her license.

“Wait,” I stopped him.

He stopped. Probably, if I sometimes tend to do things first and then think, I can’t cope with this.

“I’ll think about it,” I tried to find it. Solomon's solution I. He sighed with relief.

“Tanya...” he began his grateful panegyric.

“I said I’ll think about it,” I snapped sternly. He nodded. The look on his face made me soften. You know, sometimes suddenly a person becomes like a homeless dog looking for an owner. I just want to cry, looking at such crushing. Therefore, I said the next phrase in a less stern voice.

“Let’s agree this way,” I said, “I’ll call you in the evening.” Then we meet again if I agree, and you answer all my questions. Even if these questions don’t seem too pleasant to you.

He nodded happily - like a Chinese dummy.

When the door closed behind him, I looked longingly into the heavens. Lord, I mentally turned to him, why don’t you ever give me the opportunity to take a break from adventures?

It seemed to me that the heavens smiled rather sarcastically. Well, that’s right, I agreed. Why take a break from them? Life should be in full swing. Like on a roller coaster...

* * *

Of course, going to America at Korotkov’s expense is not a bad idea. And the girl is most likely all right. But something in this story bothered me. You know, sometimes, out of the blue, a feeling of vague anxiety appears. For me, this very feeling, unfortunately, is also mixed with abnormal excitement. It’s not that I’m such a fearless supermensch, but I just like it when my life invites me, winking, to play Russian roulette. The cartridge may be blank, or it may fire, my dear. Well, how? Do you agree to play?

A normal person will twirl his finger at his temple and move away. I am reaching out with my playful little hands towards the pistol.

Okay, let's not think about it for too long. I'm used to asking fortunetelling bones for advice. To be honest, most of my successes are directly related to them. These little friends of mine can help out in Hard time, suggesting the right solution. They can warn of danger. You just need to learn to understand them. I will not deny that understanding them is sometimes difficult. For example, they once answered my question in a very strange way: “The time will come when you will ask your husband to watch his weight.”

I considered this answer random, as if it was not addressed to me. Because I have never had a husband, much less one whom I had to ask for a diet. In general, I put this answer aside in the most distant corner of my consciousness and unraveled the matter on my own. When there was half a step left to the solution, I again turned to the bones, and again I got the answer about this incomprehensible “husband.”

I decided that they were fixated. They probably hinted that it was high time for me to get married. So the whole joke was that in that case there really was a husband who collaborated with a multi-level company, where they are busy with your figure and their own enrichment. And it was exactly this that my dear and lovely advisers pointed out to me!

So after that incident, I began to trust them unconditionally.

A slight movement of my hand - and three twelve-sided bones jumped, released, on the table. Stopping at the edge of the table, they froze, creating the combination: “30+16+12.”

"You'll get stuck business relationship with stingy and not very noble partners.”

I grinned. If they hint to me that Korotkov is stingy and not very noble, I can do something simpler. Money up front and everything is fine. If he doesn't pay, we'll turn away. But I was more interested in Leakey's problem. Is there real danger? Or is the girl okay, is it just that her brother’s concern for his sister makes him panic?

Let's try to quit one more time.

"33+19+4". “There is a possibility for you to suffer at the hands of an attacker.”

I didn't like the answer. This means that something is unclean there. And Korotkov fears a real threat.

I stood up and looked at the phone. Sergei was waiting for my call with the answer - I’m going to damned America to fight with a cop who has such a disgusting name - Rodney, or not.

Each of us has had hard times. And we all survived them. However, some people cope with them more easily than others. What is their secret? Professor Carol Morgan believed that it all comes down to our attitude towards what is happening.

1. What is, is.

The Buddha famously says, “Your suffering is caused by your resistance to what is.” Think about this for a minute. This means that suffering is only possible when we refuse to accept what is happening. If you can change something, take action. But if change is impossible, then you have two options: accept the situation and let go of the negativity, or suffer for a long time, enthusiastically and passionately.

2. A problem only becomes a problem when you call it one.

We often become worst enemies to ourselves. Happiness truly depends on perspective. If you consider something a problem, then your emotions and thoughts will be filled with negativity. Think about what lessons you can learn from the situation, and suddenly it won't be a problem anymore.

3. If you want to change things, start by changing yourself.

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. You probably know people whose lives are full of chaos and stress. And doesn’t this happen because they themselves are in a completely random order? We like to think that changing circumstances change us. In fact, it works in the opposite direction: we must change ourselves in order to change our circumstances.

4. There is no concept of “failure” - only an opportunity to learn something.

You should simply eliminate the word "failure" from your vocabulary. All great people failed over and over again before they succeeded. I think Thomas Edison said this: “I did not fail in inventing the light bulb. I just found 99 ways it doesn't work." Learn something from your so-called failures. Find out how to do it better next time.

5. If you don't get what you want, something better is on the way.

I know it's hard to believe sometimes. But it's true. Usually when you look back on your life, you realize that good things happened after things didn't work out. Perhaps the job you weren't hired for would have alienated you from your family, unlike the one you ended up getting. Just trust that everything is happening exactly as it should be.

6. Appreciate the present moment.

It will never come again. Every moment of life has something valuable, don't let it pass you by. Soon everything will become a memory. Perhaps one day you will miss even those moments that do not seem happy now.

7. Let go of desires.

Most people live with a “tied mind.” This means that they give great importance their desires, and if they don’t get what they intended, then their emotions turn negative. Instead, try practicing detached mind: if you want something, you will still be happy whether you get it or not. Your emotions in this state remain neutral or positive.

8. Understand your fears and be grateful for them.

Fear can be a great teacher. And overcoming fear often brings you closer to victory. For example, when I was in college, I was afraid of public speaking. So now I find it funny that not only do I speak in front of a group of people every day as a teacher, but I also teach art public speaking. Overcoming fear just takes practice. Fear is just an illusion.

9. Allow yourself to experience joy.

Believe it or not, I know too many people who don't allow themselves to have fun. They don't even know how to be happy. Some are so dependent on their problems and inner chaos that they have no idea who they are without it all. So try to allow yourself to be happy. It may be a small moment, but it is important to focus on the joys rather than the difficulties.

10. Don't compare yourself to others.

But if you compare, then only with those who are worse off than you. Unemployed? At least be grateful that you are receiving unemployment benefits. The majority of the world's people live in extreme poverty. Don't look like Angelina Jolie? I think there are very few people like her. And even without makeup she's just so-so. And you're probably a lot more attractive than most. Focus on this.

11. You are not a victim.

You are only a victim of your own thoughts, words and actions. Nobody does anything specifically for you or against you. You create your own experience. Take personal responsibility and realize that you can survive difficulties. You just need to start by changing your thoughts and actions. Give up the victim mentality and become a winner.

12. Everything can and will change.

“This too shall pass” is one of my favorite sayings. When we are stuck in a bad situation, we feel like there is no way out. It seems that nothing will change. But you know what? There will be changes! Nothing lasts forever except death. So give up the habit of thinking that everything will remain this way forever. It won't stay. But you will have to take some action to change the situation. She won't be able to magically change on her own.

13. Anything is possible.

Miracles happen every day. This is true. It’s a pity that it’s impossible to describe in one article all the amazing things that happened to my friends - from healing of the fourth stage of cancer to a sudden meeting with my soul mate. This happens all the time. You just have to believe that it happens. Once you believe, you can already win the battle.

Other articles in this section:

  • Mental health! Complete mental health!
  • Reflex - Reflexus - Reflex! A reflex is a reaction of a living organism that provides the most important principles of self-regulation of a living organism for the purpose of survival!
  • Instinct – Instinctus – Instinct! Instincts! What is instinct? Is it instinct?
  • Human character and ways to study it, personality testing
  • Intelligence - intellectus – intellect! What do we know about intelligence? Intelligence as a category and concept of intelligent action! Properties of intelligent systems!
  • Imagination. Paradoxes of the imagination. Functions of the imagination.
  • Anticipation. Anticipation is one of the unique properties of the human psyche.
  • Thinking. Thinking is a unique evolutionary phenomenon of living nature. Human thinking. A thinking person is a reasonable person!
  • Critical thinking. What is critical thinking? Is this critical thinking?
  • Uncritical thinking. Professional help is needed in these matters!
  • Illusion! Illusions and delusions! World of illusion! Illusory world!
  • Sorrow. Loss of a loved one. Death of a loved one. Grief for loved ones. Psychological assistance in the event of the loss of a loved one.
  • Neuropsychology. Research of the brain and psyche. Methods of research in modern neuropsychology.
  • Pathopsychology and psychology. Practical application of pathopsychology. Interaction of pathopsychology and psychology.
  • Psychopathology. General psychopathology. Private psychopathology.
  • Apathy and Abulia. Apathy and abulia are symptoms of diseases that require attention and treatment.
  • Anhedonia and Agedonia are two similar-sounding words that mean the same thing, a phenomenon in the field of a person’s personal psychological problems.
  • Perseveration. Perseveration, perseveration, what is it? How serious is this?
  • Confabulation. Confabulations are hallucinations of memories.
  • Hallucination. Hallucinations. Hallucinations as a process of mental perception of a non-existent object or phenomenon. Types of hallucinations. Types of hallucinations.
  • Rigidity. Types of rigidity. Personal and group rigidity. Problems of rigidity for groups and organizations, and their practical significance.
  • Lability. Emotional lability. What causes emotional lability? A person with emotional lability in groups and teams.
  • The paradoxes we discover! Paradoxes we don't know about yet!
  • Problem children, our special children, our beloved children!

“Anton Palych Chekhov once remarked
A smart person loves to learn, and a fool loves to teach.
How many fools have I met in my life -
It’s high time for me to receive the order.
Fools love to gather in packs.
Ahead is their chief in all his glory.
As a child I believed that one day I would rise,
but there are no fools - they all flew away..."

Indeed, why are those who can hardly be called... smart the most zealous and persistently trying to teach others? Why is this happening?

Many such lovers of teaching people wisdom are always in full confidence that they know everything. As a rule, they have a ready answer to every question. Despite all the love of smart people for learning, they intuitively run away from such “teachers.” They are rather frightened than attracted by the teacher’s overconfidence in his knowledge.

Such “all-knowing” teachers cannot be left without students and they are there. But these are, as a rule, those students who want to learn only one thing - how to quickly move from the category of student to the category of teacher, and the learning process itself is perceived as an unpleasant, but obligatory procedure in order to finally begin to teach others.

Thus, the fool-teacher gathers around himself fool-students, who, in turn, quickly become teachers themselves. But Socrates, for example, had many smart students. Who knows, maybe the reason is that he owns famous expression: “I know that I don’t know anything.”

Today, it’s easier than ever to quickly start teaching instead of studying. Huge amounts of information are available, you just need to type in a search engine the right word. And now it seems to us that after a couple of hours we know about something no less than any specialist and we ourselves are ready to teach everyone and talk about what we had no idea about yesterday - be it issues of cardiology, history, theology, or anything.

And yet for smart person learning is always primary. He, as Chekhov noted, loves to study. Not because it is necessary, not in order to get a diploma, not in order to get it faster more people called him his teacher. It is simply impossible for him to live without getting to know himself and the world around him.

A smart person loves to learn, but a fool loves to teach.

  • - It is said in the case when some kind of shortcoming, damage in something is obvious, but you don’t want to correct, improve, redo the work - therefore, you can come to terms with it...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - the speaker invites the interlocutor to be satisfied with three objects; The respondent suggests increasing the quantity required...

    Live speech. Dictionary colloquial expressions

  • - ...

    Dictionary of Russian argot

  • - See MIND -...
  • - Big hands fool: unapproachable fool; with a padlock, squeezing, under pressure, inveterate fool...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people


    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see Landfill - plenty of space for fools...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See MIND -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See MIND -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See RANKS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See PRAISE - PRAISE See MIND -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See FAMILY -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See FAMILY -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See TALK -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See MIND -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See MIND -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

“A smart person loves to learn, but a fool loves to teach.” in books

Bead seventy-seven – Study, study and study!

From the book Rosary author Saidov Golib

Bead seventy-seven – Study, study and study! I’m walking along Dekabristov Street towards Voznesensky Prospekt. Suddenly, an elderly couple of foreigners - Englishmen - appears on my way. - Excuse me (“Sorry” in English) - a gentleman in neat clothes turns to me

Everyone has something to learn and something to teach.

From the book The End of Marketing as We Know It author Zimen Sergio

Everyone has something to learn and teach. Do not misunderstand what has been said as if I am a supporter of “non-intervention” in management. I believe that it is my job to ensure that every employee fully understands the strategy, direction and goals of the enterprise. And I often argue quite harshly, trying

LXXIV. To teach means to learn and at the same time be ahead

From the book How to become general director. Rules for ascending to the heights of power in any organization author Fox Jeffrey J.

LXXIV. To teach means to learn and at the same time to be ahead. Never miss an opportunity to speak at advanced training courses or at training for employees of your company. Whatever you do in the company, you can contribute to its improvement and

Teach and learn

From the book Discipline Without Stress. To teachers and parents. How to develop responsibility and desire to learn in children without punishment or encouragement by Marshall Marvin

Teach and learn The owner of the dog tells his friend: “Last Thursday I taught the dog to whistle. It was very difficult, but I put in a lot of effort, tried my best. Of course, the dog didn’t learn to whistle, but I taught it. Do you feel the difference between teaching and learning? Training

For teachers and students: how to teach and how to learn

From the book Mother. Science of living by Aurobindo Sri

For teachers and students: how to teach and how to learn Our goals The goal is not at all to prepare students to read certain works. The goal is to help those who are capable of this to completely transcend the limits of the world of thoughts, feelings, actions inherent in

Teach or learn on your own as much as you need

From the book IT security: is it worth risking the corporation? by Linda McCarthy

Teach or study as much as necessary For the security system to work, each employee needs to know the basic rules of its operation. Although they know the rules, it won't hurt anyone if you tell them to follow the rules. Use electronic

Personnel training: why teach, what to teach and who to trust

From book Retail store: where to start, how to succeed author Bocharova Anna Alexandrovna

Personnel training: why teach, what to teach and who to entrust Correct selection of personnel according to professional qualifications and personal characteristics significantly reduces staff turnover. But, as I wrote earlier, the staff turnover rate in the retail business

Chapter 5 What to learn, what to teach

From the book What is psychotherapy by Haley Jay

Chapter 5 What to learn, what to teach The supervisor, as a person teaching psychotherapy, must have his own opinion on the most various issues: who to teach, what to teach, how to teach and how to make sure that you have taught. These are serious and very specific issues, and every supervisor should

by Weber Gunthard


Peer group as a market of opportunities. Learn, teach and share experiences. Michael Knorr

From the book Family Constellation Practice. System solutions according to Bert Hellinger by Weber Gunthard

Peer group as a market of opportunities. Learn, teach and share experiences. Michael Knorr Dear Uwe, So you are planning to create a peer group for family constellations, similar to ours in Wiesbaden. I will be happy to tell you about how it came into being, its original goals and

"A fool enjoys adventure, a wise man enjoys peace"

From the book Self-Teacher of Wisdom, or Textbook for those who love to learn, but do not like to be taught author Kazakevich Alexander

“A fool rejoices in adventure, a wise man enjoys peace.” “There is no gray life and gray nature, but there are gray people,” said Nikolai Nekrasov. To gray people bored when alone with themselves: after all, they are accustomed not to think, but only to feel. And what constitutes food for feelings? Miscellaneous

Step 4. Direct your thoughts in a new direction! Study, study and study!

From the book Brain Training to Generate Golden Ideas [Evard de Bono School] author Stern Valentin

Step 4. Direct your thoughts in a new direction! Study, study and study! If new idea appeared, it can no longer be discarded. This is the immortality of a new idea. Edward de Bono. Lateral thinking There are many correct solutions to your problem By setting your mind to search


From the book Man with a Ruble author Mikhail Khodorkovsky

IVAN, WHO IS A CLEVER FOOL Favorite plot arrangement of forces: Ivan the Fool pretends to prize place in the poverty championship, and the rich man opposing him, a royal or khan's confidant with a fat bag, is stupid, greedy and treacherous. IN rare fairy tale wealth and intelligence

Who doesn't love to study?

From the book Karma. Reflections author Khakimov Alexander Gennadievich

Who doesn't love to study? I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything comes from Me. The wise, who know this perfectly, engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts. Bhagavad Gita. 9.8 A person must learn and teach others. It is everyone's duty

Teach or study?

From the book When God Laughs (collection of stories-meditations) author Mello Anthony De

Teach or study? A man who had worked for forty-seven years as a reporter and literary editor one day called the local Board of Education and, talking about his many years of experience in the newspaper business, said that he would like to participate in a local education program.