Full-length cartoons "Smeshariki". Smeshariki: New Adventures

About People with a capital P :)

I was telling a friend about this man today. Now I’ve decided to tell you too).. Because thinking about him lifts my spirits, and maybe it will lift some of you too.

An old man lives in the house next to mine. He’s really an old man, he’s already 85 years old! He is a former military man, there is no family and children, no one, except for the dog. He has bright, radiant eyes, he is always clean-shaven, and will never pass by in silence if he sees some kind of mess, be it boys breaking a tree or a lady walking a dog in a hockey box. Moreover, he does not yell obscenities, does not shout and does not shake his stick (he doesn’t have a stick at all). He just comes up and sternly, but restrainedly explains that you don’t need to do this. And he also explains why it’s not necessary. He always wears a “military uniform” (in fact, overalls in khaki colors) - it’s more familiar, and in sneakers - it’s more comfortable :) At the same time, the overalls are clean and ironed, and for some reason the sneakers are always white)) In winter, he fills the boys’ skating rink (carefully and competently!), and when he goes for a walk with the dog, morning and evening, he takes a shovel with him and clears the snow on our alley. Thanks to him, this year it was possible to walk on our alley. SpetsATH only cleaned the roads, filling the pedestrian area with snowdrifts. And he walked and scattered these snowdrifts. 85 years old!

One evening I went out for a walk with my Radka, and he and Naida were already heading back. Afterwards I walk between our houses, and it’s so slippery there that you don’t know where to put your foot, and add to this the dark time of day and the lack of clear lighting... In general, I overcame the “dangerous section” with curse words, wondering how it was there Grandfather had just passed... And when Rada and I were returning back, the dangerous area was no longer there. The ice on the path has already been broken. The old man noticed the problem, took the tool, fixed the problem)) 85 years old!

Recently, one of the dog walkers and I were chatting while our sands were playing, and we remembered the old man. And just remembered - he and his dog are walking past. We said hello, he walked by... And then (the grandfather had gone far away, he was near the sports and children's playgrounds) I suddenly looked, he got up from the ground and stretched his arm as if after a bruise. I am terrified! It's slippery! Grandfather fell! And you can’t run far, even in no time... But before I had time to get scared, he hooted down again and let’s do push-ups))).. 85... well, you know))

And three days later in the evening, Radka and I were returning from a walk, and grandfather and his Naida came to meet us. We actually don’t go for walks together; for some reason our dogs bark at each other. Therefore, when we are with dogs, we only say hello. And then he stopped me. “Look,” he says, “can you see the stars in the sky?” I lifted my head up into my favorite sky, which I also admire when I walk. “Apparently, I say, but it’s not enough.” “Here I am,” he says, “I look, it’s not enough. There’s some kind of haze.” He smiled and walked on, looking at the sky... At 85 years old!

This is the kind of Man who lives next to me. A Soviet man in the best sense of the word! Cheerful, strong, doing something for other people all his life. And it doesn’t matter what these people are like. It's not his concern. He can change something for the better around him - he changes this something for the better. Doesn't whine, doesn't complain, doesn't scold the authorities and neighbors. He takes a shovel and clears the snow, takes a crowbar and breaks the ice, fills the skating rink and repairs bird feeders. He does push-ups... and admires the stars like a boy. At 85 years old!

Smeshariki got its name from the abbreviation of the phrase funny balls. These are fictional spherical creatures living in the fictional country of Smeshariki, which is separated from the Big World. The Smeshariki team is large and friendly, they do ordinary things, but often find themselves in funny situations and embark on desperate adventures.


All Smeshariki look like balls and are stylized as one of certain animals. There are ten main characters in total, but guests periodically appear in the world of Smeshariki. Conventionally, the creators divide them into children: Nyusha, Barash, Hedgehog, Krosh and Bibi and adults: Kar-Karych, Losyash, Kopatych, Pin, Sovunya. Each has its own character, habits and behavioral characteristics.


Nyusha is a cute pink pig, beautiful and dreamy, loves fairy tales about princesses and princes, and is always up to date with fashion trends. Loves attention and compliments from other Smeshariki. Sanguine by nature. She loves to be feminine, but at the same time she plays with boys or takes part in some adventures. She is most attached to Barash, but often demonstratively ignores his feelings, or openly manipulates them, thereby offending him.


Lamb - lilac lamb. Melancholic by nature, poet by occupation. He is demanding of the attention of others, feeds on their approval and gets terribly upset if one of the Smeshariki is dissatisfied with his actions; in general, he is extremely suspicious and suggestible. The rhythm of life is “night owl”, there is creative chaos at home. Falling in love with Nyusha does not add order to his mind. He doesn't like science and constantly grumbles at his fellow inventors. Suffering from sleepwalking.

Hedgehog – a crimson colored hedgehog. Close friend of Krosh. Well brought up, careful and reasonable. Phlegmatic by nature. Very sensitive to the mood of others, likes everything to be quiet and peaceful. Shy and leisurely. He is a collector of cacti and candy wrappers, a fan of order. Subject to attacks of claustrophobia. Constantly helps the hot-tempered Krosh find a common language with other Smeshariki.


Krosh is a rabbit made in blue. He is susceptible to everything new and unusual, is constantly in a great mood and under the influence of some innovative ideas, however, due to his flighty nature, he often leaves things unfinished. He is overly active, which often borders on unceremoniousness, but he is friendly. He loves adventure, but because of his irresponsibility and short-sightedness, any of his undertakings becomes an adventure. Choleric by nature, he is friends with Hedgehog, who helps him find a common language with the rest of Smeshariki.

Bibi, the robot that Pin made, considers this Smesharik to be his father. He can't speak, but he understands everything. He spends almost all his time surfing the expanses of the Universe, occasionally visiting Smeshariki, but more often simply sending photographs and letters.

Kopatych is a brown bear. A gardening enthusiast, he supplies all Smeshariki with vegetables and fruits. Likes to keep everything under control. He is an ardent fan of any sport. Does not like holidays and celebrations of any format. In winter, they almost always hibernate, as all bears should. Kopatych has a brother named Yasha and a niece Stepanida, aka Pandi, aka Stesha. He hides his hobbies from his father, who does not encourage gardening, considering it not a bad activity.

Elk is an animal elk. Sanguine character. Smesharik scientist, brilliantly versed in chemistry, biology, astronomy, physics. Despite this, he is also interested in many other sciences. Received the Nobel Prize for his research into the relationship between horn length and intelligence. The absolute realist. Questions everything that cannot be confirmed by facts or the laws of science. Has a complex related to the fact that his horns are too short. One of my favorite pastimes is reading books.

Kar-Karych is a raven. Sanguine by nature. A bird with a very interesting past, a former circus performer and an avid traveler. He has a keen ear for music, loves to sing, paint, play the piano, violin, and guitar. Has a very optimistic attitude. He loves to surprise his Smeshariki friends with tricks and tricks. The keeper of all possible secrets of Smeshariki.

Pin is a penguin. Talented designer, inventor. Personality: sanguine. He is constantly making something and simply loves creating robots for Smeshariki. The house is a constant mess, which he unsuccessfully and regularly eliminates. He sleeps in the refrigerator.

Sovunya is a purple owl. Sanguine by nature. A former physical education teacher, he loves fresh air and sports. She is strong in medicine, so she treats all sick Smeshariki. In addition, she is very economical and pragmatic, always ready to feed all the Smeshariki. However, she is somewhat absent-minded and takes everything too to heart. Believes he can predict the future using a glass ball.

Character information

Names of heroes and their affiliations:

Hedgehog - hedgehog, Krosh - rabbit, Barash - ram, Nyusha - pig, Losyash - elk, Kopatych - bear, Kar Karych - raven, Pin - penguin, Sovunya - owl


Country of Smeshariki

Series release dates:


Full-length movies:

“Smeshariki. Beginning" - 2011, "Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon" - 2016, "Smeshariki. Deja vu” – 2017


“Smeshariki. Pin code" - 2012, "Smeshariki. ABC" - 2006-2011 "Smeshariki. New adventures” – 2012

Hero Quotes:

“I don’t even have enough imagination to imagine how you can be more beautiful.” (Nyusha)
“Being a sailor is so amazing! Swim the seas, feed the seagulls.” (Krosh)
"I am a girl. I do not want to decide anything. I want to close my eyes, and when I open them, everything will be fine!” (Nyusha)
"Let's! Hedgehog, come on! Another 30 laps and we'll sleep like babies!
“Another half a circle and I’ll fall asleep forever.” (Krosh and Hedgehog)
“You are a rarity, I am a rarity. It turns out that you and I are some kind of unique collection.” (Hedgehog)


The Russian cartoon “Smeshariki” is a colorful story about animals who build their own lives, find themselves in a variety of situations, but always help each other in everything and never do evil. Unpredictable ball animals exist as a friendly company in the fictional Land of Smeshariki, which is separated from the Big World by forest, sea, mountains and desert, but is very similar to it. Each hero has his own story, recognizable character, as well as individual habits and interests. They have fun and encounter something new every day, be it a natural phenomenon, a technical device, or even a previously unknown feeling.

The Computer Animation Studio “Petersburg” created Smeshariki as part of the socio-cultural program “A World without Violence”. According to the idea of ​​the team of creators, positive cartoons are designed to develop the spiritual world of a child and foster an interest in education.

The uniqueness of the film “Smeshariki” lies in the fact that the instructive nature in it is expressed implicitly. The authors deliberately moved away from the usual gradation of characters into good and bad and created Smeshariki as friendly children and adults. The restless rabbit Krosh is constantly looking for adventures, which his well-bred friend Hedgehog is not very happy about. The romantic poet Barash is in love with the frivolous pig Nyusha, who loves fairy tales about princesses and knights. These “children,” although they behave quite independently, still recognize the authority of their elders and combine games with serious matters. “Adults” from time to time fall into forgotten spontaneity, but more often they try to pass on their experience to the younger generation.

The main screensaver of the cartoon "Smeshariki"

Former physical education teacher and local doctor Sovunya shares her culinary skills with Nyusha. The inventive Penguin Pin designs a variety of installations and cannot live without flying a seaplane. The economic bear Kopatych tends to his garden and feeds all the Smeshariki, and the scientist Losyash tells his friends about the wonders of science. The old raven Kar-Karych likes to be the center of attention of this company. He plays the piano, sings, draws, performs magic tricks and often recalls stories from his youth. Also, episodic characters appear in the action, who are most often tied to some holidays like New Year. The characters are voiced by Russian theater and film actors.

The first episodes of “Smeshariki” appeared on the STS TV channel in 2003 and immediately gained incredible popularity. Soon, in 2D format, “Smeshariki” settled on other entertainment channels. High ratings, children's products and souvenirs depicting the heroes were a true recognition of the audience. The masterpiece catchphrases spouted by charismatic cartoons have become firmly entrenched in the captivated audience. In 2008, the series was translated into 15 languages, and broadcast was launched in 60 countries, including the USA, Germany, Italy, France and the CIS countries. Cartoons "Smeshariki" are confidently conquering the planet!

Each hero of “Smeshariki” is unique in its own way: the inventive penguin Pin, the economic bear Kopatych, the scientist Losyash and other characters

The main series consists of 450 episodes ranging from 6 to 13 minutes. In each episode, friends work together to cope with a situation that a child may encounter in life. Being the heroes of a comedy-satirical animated series, Smeshariki fully justify their name. Little viewers watch with excitement the behavior of their favorites on the screen, laugh heartily and worry with them.

The short but meaningful 2D episodes about Smeshariki were so loved by the public that the authors decided to give the cartoons further development. In 2011, the Riki group of companies released the prequel film “Smeshariki. Beginning" in 3D format. In it, the characters find themselves in a modern metropolis in the roles of superheroes, who, of course, must save the world. In 2015, the release of the full-length animation “Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon" in the same 3D. In addition, for fans of “Smeshariki”, in addition to the series, a number of episodes in 2D format “Pin Code” and “ABC” were created.

“Smeshariki” has established itself as a well-thought-out commercial brand and quickly won audience choice. Thanks to its simple form, the bright characters of the cartoon are remembered by children, and the philosophical questions that “Smeshariki” often touches on attract the attention of adults. This is truly the most ambitious and definitely recommended family project.

Animated series

In season 1, Smeshariki meet the audience, reveal their characters and hobbies. These are children and adults who explore the world together, have fun and work. Rabbit Krosh and Hedgehog, pig Nyusha and Barash spend most of their time playing and dreaming. Medved Kopatych, scientist Losyash and engineer Pin work for the benefit of the team. And the raven Kar-Karych and Sovunya share advice and accumulated life experience.

Since episode 1, Smeshariki have been talking about the importance of friendship and mutual assistance. In the opening episode, “The Bench,” children learn from them how to spend time productively, be inspired to be creative, and help each other out. Behind the external simplicity of the plot is hidden the philosophical orientation of the project, which can be traced throughout all the series of “Smeshariki”.

The first season has 32 episodes, in each of which the cartoons find themselves in situations that a child can understand. Smeshariki love music, celebrate holidays together, play sports and get rid of bad habits. Mischievous children in difficult moments turn to adults, who occasionally remember their youth.

In season 2, Smeshariki acquire habits that are characteristic of human society. They understand how difficult it is, but still pleasant to keep your word, not lie to your friends and be yourself. The heroes learn courage, patience, and respect for nature. Already familiar characters talk about the attraction of opposites, about the fact that they love for nothing, and that anyone can become brave.

Smeshariki speak in a light manner about the importance of friendship and mutual assistance.

Compared to the previous season, 23 new episodes of the cartoon about Smeshariki carry a more informative message. The cartoons learn that each of them has their own living clock inside, which dictates the time of sleep and awakening. The heroes are engaged in excavations, meteorology, and think about space. Smeshariki still believe in miracles and get into comical stories, but they talk more, sometimes even argue, expressing their opinions.

Season 3 of “Smeshariki” has 28 episodes and is designed for older children, who, together with their favorite characters, will be able to understand how important it is to obey and not upset their elders. Smeshariki learn to always tell the truth and keep promises on time. The heroes actively advocate a healthy lifestyle, as they realize that being sick is not as fun as it seems.

A new character appears this season. Engineer Pin creates a robot son, Bibi, who flies into space to gain knowledge. And Smeshariki in their country learn to read and write a chronicle. While everyone is busy with their health and science, Barash suddenly discovers that he is not indifferent to Nyusha. Smeshariki value each other's unique characteristics and respect each other's personal secrets.

The new “Smeshariki” are becoming smarter. The characters learn to think logically, use comparative phrases in speech, and get used to not taking everything literally.

In season 4, Smeshariki study theories about the shape of the Earth, train the vestibular system and learn cooking. This season takes the theme of friendship to the next level. Smeshariki talk about trust and real values. For them, the peace of mind of their loved ones is much more important than any victories. In addition, like real adults, they make elections and learn to control their desires. This season has only 18 episodes, but they also show the leitmotif of all seasons of “Smeshariki” - teamwork and the pursuit of knowledge.

Episode of Smeshariki “Plus Snow, Minus Christmas Tree”, in which Krosh and Hedgehog decided to get a Christmas tree

This season, the old Smeshariki have grown noticeably. The heroes are only 4 years older, but they think like adults. In season 5, Smeshariki are looking for the meaning of life, they understand that happiness is intangible and cannot be explained by science. Cartoons consider themselves as part of society and become familiar with the rules of the community.

Good and evil, fear and laughter are new concepts for Smeshariki. Together with them, the youngest viewer gets used to relying only on himself, admitting his mistakes in time and apologizing. Loyal fans of Smeshariki, looking at their favorites, learn self-defense lessons and learn to fight back the blows of fate.

New episodes bring new adventures to Smeshariki. For Kopatych’s birthday, friends give the bear a seemingly useful structure. However, later it turns out that this is a time machine that transports heroes from the times of serfdom - the bull Mulentiy and the cow Darling - to the Land of Smeshariki. Meanwhile, Nyusha gradually responds to signs of attention from Barash.

New cartoons about Smeshariki are educational in nature. The characters of the animated series are already old enough to get to know the world around them in detail. As before, they love to play and look for adventures, but it is no less interesting and exciting for them to study rare animals from the Red Book and educate themselves in the field of botany.

Unlike the old episodes of Smeshariki, this season has more exciting episodes. The heroes go on hikes, learn to navigate the terrain using a map and survive in extreme natural conditions. In the episode “Somnambulist,” Krosh and Hedgehog protect Barash, who, suffering from sleepwalking, risks himself. In the “Sweet Life” series, Nyusha receives an extraordinary gift and fills the entire Country with chocolate.

In the 6th season of “Smeshariki” another new character appears – the fairy Tigritsia. She comes to her friends on New Year's and makes even Kopatych, who usually hibernates during winter, believe in a fairy tale and celebrate the holiday with everyone.

This season ends with the series “Pin Code,” unique in its concept. Learn to see new things,” which develop an interest in invention, programming and science. In the future, these series will develop into an independent cartoon about Smeshariki, where new adventures will certainly await them. In the meantime, your favorite characters are getting acquainted with atoms, proportions and nanotechnology.

In the new season, Smeshariki develops the theme of human relationships. In the episode "Nannies" the characters touch on a very important topic - the interaction of generations. The cartoon shows how a growing child mistakes simple parental care for excessive care, and how important it is to maintain mutual understanding at such a moment. Toons discover the importance of communication. They get used to not being offended by each other, but to talk more and find compromises. After each season, viewers waited for new episodes of “Smeshariki” to be released.

Sovunya is the most homely of all the characters

Season 7 teaches Smeshariki to be purposeful and develop willpower. In "Hockey," the friends show how great results can be achieved through good planning, training, and teamwork. Fans of the animated series will learn what patriarchy, tornado and macrame are, and how much everything changes around them due to a bad mood. Sovunya tells how you can save your nerves with the help of healthy sleep and music therapy. Krosh takes on the profession of a decorator and rebuilds Hedgehog's house. Losyash explains the theory of relativity, and Barash and Nyusha go on a date.

Cartoons about “Smesharikov” and new series continued to delight little fans. In the 8th season of “Smeshariki” the audience was in for a lot of surprises. Nyusha awakened a maternal instinct (not without the help of Krosh), poetic talent, and then an extraordinary gift. The hedgehog became scrupulous in matters of his own health, and also sheltered a relative of Ezhidze. Kar-Karych decided to write the history of Smeshariki, and Pin, using a machine gun, turned Smeshariki into avid gamers.

Season 9 of the TV series “Smeshariki” does not exist as such. Since 2005, more than 450 episodes of the main story, as well as additional series “Pin Code” and “ABC”, have been released. The latest episodes of “Smeshariki” were made using complex three-dimensional graphics, which had a positive effect on the ratings.

The newest episodes of the cartoon “Smeshariki” were released in 2012 in the series “Smeshariki. New Adventures". The premiere was expected in 2015, but instead viewers had to wait longer.

“Smeshariki” 2016 is a full-length film “The Legend of the Golden Dragon”. Instead of releasing new episodes of “Smeshariki” in 2016, the creators spent a long time preparing and working on the 3D cartoon in detail.

The new season of “Smeshariki” was not released in 2016, and in the near future it will not be the new season of “Smeshariki” that will be released, but the new cartoon “Deja Vu”. The premiere is scheduled for 2017.

Smeshariki are very friendly: if one of the Smeshariki gets into trouble, everyone tries to help him

Popular episodes of the TV series “Smeshariki”

Among the many episodes of the cartoon “Smeshariki,” viewers often highlighted the most beloved and popular episodes.

In the series “Smeshariki. Iron Nanny,” mechanic Pin created an Iron Nanny as a gift for Krosh. However, she turned out to be too caring, a downright aggressively caring nanny, from whom she had to run away and save herself. Smeshariki decided that the Nanny Robot was broken, but it was just Pin who overdid it in his invention.

In the episode “Pest,” Kopatych came across a worm in a watermelon. Smeshariki tried to scientifically identify it and get rid of it so that it wouldn’t get into other vegetables and fruits.

In the series “Smeshariki. Football" between Losyash and Kopatych, passionate football fans, a serious dispute broke out about what is most important in football: tactics or the mindset to win. Each of them was sure that his opinion was correct.

From the book, Nyusha learned that in the old days, princes and knights performed incredible feats in honor of their beautiful ladies. Nyusha is not used to sitting idly by, and she goes in search. Who will be that prince for Nyusha is told in the “Smesharikov” series.

In the series “Smeshariki. With a new Khrum” Hedgehog and Krosh find a little dragon named Khrum. But Nyusha and Barash arrive, draw water from the ice hole, and, without knowing it, take him away.

Pandi is Kopatych’s niece, who came to stay with him for the summer. She immediately won Krosh’s heart

In the series “Smeshariki. Parallel Worlds" heroes decided to celebrate Inventor's Day. In search of a motor for a kite, Krosh and Hedgehog find themselves in a machine invented by Losyash and Pin, and are transported to a parallel plasticine Universe.

In the series “Smeshariki. Shusha" for the New Year holiday, it was decided to organize international competition talents. Preparations were in full swing, when suddenly an unexpected contestant appears in the Land of Smeshariki.

Series “Smeshariki. April 1” talks about how humor is when it’s funny without harming others. Sovunya, who was the first to suffer from April Fools' pranks, is convinced of this. Armed with her sense of humor, she goes on pranks herself.

In the series “Smeshariki. A Space Odyssey" has two episodes. In the story, Pin is alarmed by the long silence of his beloved Bibi, who has flown to the moon. He goes in search of Bibi. Already in space, Smeshariki discover unexpected passengers. The expedition was aborted.

In the series “Smeshariki. Sandwich” Losyash decided to lose weight, but as a result, the diet turned into a hunger strike and he began to hallucinate in the form of a talking hamburger.

Series “Smeshariki. Hockey" is divided into 2 parts. Smeshariki organized a hockey tournament, and only Hedgehog did not like this game. Krosh was injured on the ice and asked Hedgehog to replace him so as not to let the team down.

Barash once again falls into depression, which he tries to get out of by talking about his friends. At the end of the film, Smeshariki need to help Barash become himself

Who said penguins don't fly?! Nonsense! In the series “Smeshariki. Flights in a dream and in reality” Pin creates an airplane, on which he goes on a long journey.

In the “Panic Room” series, Smeshariki decided to start having fun in a modern way and opened their own amusement park, in which they made swings, carousels, a laughter room and a fear room. Krosh and Hedgehog took on the construction of the room.

In the “Room of Laughter” series, Smeshariki decided to open their own laughter room with distorting mirrors. Barash came to look at these mirrors, and something strange happened to him.

In the series “Smeshariki. Smart home" Krosh became interested in computer games. He completely abandoned household chores. Suddenly Krosh learns about a “smart home” and thinks that this is the solution to his problems.

In the series “Smeshariki. Vestibular apparatus" Krosh and Hedgehog stand on their heads, and Barash explains how important it is to maintain balance.

In the series “Smeshariki. "La" Barash comes to the conclusion that he has musical abilities. But he forgot that everything good should be in moderation, and is too annoying to his friends.

In the series “Smeshariki. Cooking" Losyash teaches Kopatych, Krosh and Hedgehog culinary wisdom - how, for example, to cook carrots. However, any dish will seem tasteless if there is no appetite.

The main character in the series “Smeshariki. Marathon Runner" became Barash. The great poet lost inspiration, and Kar Karych told him to switch gears and run. It all ended with a victory in the running marathon.

In the series “Smeshariki. One way ticket”, a railway is being built in the country. But very quickly all the routes become known and uninteresting. Then Krosh decides to change everything and buys a one-way ticket only.

In the series “Smeshariki. Baranka” everyone celebrated the onset of 2015, and Barash got offended at everyone and made it so that he ended up in a parallel universe, where all the boys turned into girls and vice versa. Barash became Baranka.

In the series “Smeshariki. Butterfly” Losyash learned that in a past life he was a butterfly, and decided to become one in this life. He put on his wings and flew to collect nectar in a flower meadow.

In the series “Smeshariki. The Butterfly Effect has three parts. Kopatych's friends prepared him an unusual watch as a gift, which both shows the time and squeezes out the juice. But one night something very strange begins to happen. To avoid the effect of changing the present by interfering with the past, Smeshariki decides to play along with Mula and Muna, who believe that the year is 1808. Mulya thinks that all the Smeshariki are his peasants, and is looking for her own estate. Suspecting that the “peasants” burned down his estate, Mulya begins to engage in educational activities and teach Smeshariki wisdom. Having found out that all his peasants are geniuses, he thinks about writing his own educational program, and at this time Mulya and Munya are transported back to the past.

In the series “The Dream Maker,” Smeshariki count sheep, so Barash comes to them in a dream and fulfills any wishes. He makes different dreams: cheerful, funny, romantic.

In the series “Smeshariki. Stepanida" a guest unexpectedly comes to Kopatych from afar - his niece the bamboo panda. Stepanida is a modern young lady who leads a very active lifestyle. The bear has seen a lot in his life, but such a miracle is the first time.

Heroes Krosh, Hedgehog and Karych

In the series “Smeshariki. Two wizards" Nyusha and Barash were walking and wandered into a mysterious cave. After tasting the apple found there, they gained miraculous abilities.

One day Krosh decided to fish, and his bait was a chocolate bar. He had a very surprising catch that day. So Smeshariki got a new friend named Khrum.

Series “Smeshariki. New Year" several pieces were released at once so that children would have something to watch during the New Year holidays. The series “Where does the old year go” became popular when Smeshariki wanted to delay the year.

In the “Savage” series, Smeshariki discovers an amazing savage in the forest. Losyash decides to investigate it, but Sovunya is worried about unknown infections.

In the series “Smeshariki. Collection" Hedgehog is a collector. He spent a lot of effort to collect exclusive pieces. But when it comes to saving a friend, he sacrifices everything.

In the series “Smeshariki. Labyrinth” Kopatych was going to plant a strip of fast-growing shrubs around the house to protect the area from the wind. But then the smart Losyash came with his advice.

In the series “Smeshariki. Kindergarten" Krosh and Hedgehog are already quite adults. They are constantly busy with important and serious matters. All pranks are kindergarten. They have no time left for games.

In the series “Smeshariki. Clone” it turns out that in his youth Losyash was ill-mannered and arrogant, and no one wanted to be friends with him. The elk was lonely, but he found a way out and made himself a friend, just like him.

In the series “Smeshariki. Olympics" in the country of Smeshariki, preparations for the Olympics are in full swing. Top athletes compete in strength, agility, speed and accuracy. Smeshariki sets records in front of thousands of spectators, but it suddenly turns out that there was no Olympics.

In the series “Smeshariki. Horror stories for Nyusha" Krosh and Hedgehog tell Nyusha scary stories while sitting by the fire at night. This has a great effect on her, and she begins to invent things that don’t exist.

Kopatych and Losyash plan to spend New Year's Eve playing a measured game of checkers, but the restless Fisa radically changes their plans and turns what promised to be a quiet holiday into an active and very sporty one.

In the series “Smeshariki. Insomnia”, some dream of a UFO, some of a flying crocodile, some of a black crocodile, and the Hedgehog dreamed of a monkey and began to dream about it forever.

In the series “Smeshariki. Library" Barash was upset that Nyusha was not paying attention to him, and called her a "hypertrophied mansipama." Nyusha, hearing an unfamiliar word, goes to study Losyash’s library.

Series “Smeshariki. Disco Dancer” everyone is wondering why Kopatych no longer dances disco and frowns menacingly. One day Sovunya announced a competition for the best disco dance. Everyone took part in it except Barash, who could not dance at all.

In the series “Smeshariki. Pure Sport" Smeshariki warm up at the start before the race, and the Hedgehog drinks milk. Krosh is confident that he will overtake everyone, and therefore is not worried. Imagine his surprise when Hedgehog was the first at the finish line.

In the series “Smeshariki. Gotcha, sharanoid.” The hedgehog is faced with the fact that his good ability to play computer games helps him in real life.

In the series “Smeshariki. Post office Krosh and Hedgehog decided to organize a post office in the valley - something that Smeshariki lacked so much, as they considered. At first this idea was good, but then the volume of work plunged our enthusiasts, and at the same time everyone else, into chaos.

Other series "Smeshariki"

In addition to the main seasons of the series “Smeshariki”, so-called spin-offs were also released, i.e. continuations or some additions to the plot. There are three main spin-offs of the cartoon “Smeshariki”: “Smeshariki. Pin code", "Smeshariki. ABC", "Smeshariki. New Adventures".

Smeshariki: Pin code

The goal of the cartoon “Smeshariki: Pin Code” is to develop interest in invention, programming and science in children from 4 to 14 years old. Initially, the cartoons “Smeshariki. Pin Code" were supposed to be filmed in flash animation, but later this idea was abandoned and they switched to 3D computer animation.

All new episodes of the cartoon “Smeshariki: Pin Code” were aired on Channel One on Sundays at 8:45. From January 18, 2015 to February 7, 2016, the new season of the cartoon “Smeshariki: Pin Code: Jump to the Future” was shown.

The animated series "PIN Code" is an animated journey into the world of nano-, bio- and information technologies. This is a project whose goal is to develop children's interest in invention.

In general, the cartoons “Smeshariki: Pin Code” glorified the inventor Pin even more, because in them he is the main instigator of adventures. All episodes of the cartoon “Smeshariki: Pin Code” are educational and understandable for children of all ages.

In season 1 of the series “Smeshariki: Pin Code” the heroes travel on a Charolet invented by Pin. The adventures of the heroes are accompanied by stories from Losyash and Pina about the world around them. The season's episodes, subtitled “Nobel Season,” end with information about Nobel laureate scientists. After that, everyone was looking forward to the new series of “Smeshariki: Pin Code”. This season there are many episodes about space, where Smeshariki travel to other universes and end up on other planets.

Season 2 of the TV series “Smeshariki: Pin Code” entitled “Smeshariki: Pin Code 2: Leap into the Future” delighted viewers with the adventures and time travel of the characters with the help of Pin’s new invention “Sharoscope-3000”. Literally, Smeshariki took a leap into the future. Pin believed that it was impossible to interfere with the future, but Losyash, on the contrary, wants to know everything. Now all Smeshariki use the Sharoscope and this is how they learn about the inventions of the future.

In the series “Smeshariki: Pin code. Gotcha, sharanoid,” which became one of the most beloved, Hedgehog spilled tea on Charolet’s panel and the characters of the computer game became real. The hero had to save his friends because of his offense. This series is available in the cartoon "Smeshariki: Pin Code 2".

Smeshariki will prepare young scientists both for the development of their invention and for its widespread implementation

In season 3 of “Smeshariki: Pin Code,” adults and children have the opportunity to learn a little more about nanotechnology and biotechnology. Smeshariki teaches its viewers to respect other people's intellectual property, to love science and study. New episodes of 2016 series “Smeshariki: Pin Code” teach children that any invention must be brought to perfection, and also a patent must be filed for it. Without this, various problems arise, but there is always a way out. The continuation of the series of episodes in the new 2016 season of the series “Smeshariki: Pin Code” is not yet expected. But due to the success and response from the audience, the creators of the cartoon definitely decided to make a continuation - a new season of “Smeshariki: Pin Code”.

While the creators are thinking about ideas and coming up with the newest episodes of the series “Smeshariki: Pin Code”, in 2016 children can watch the previous parts and episodes again.

Smeshariki: ABC

In 2006 and 2007, a spin-off with Smeshariki called “Smeshariki: The ABC” was presented on TV screens, and it was divided into three parts: “Smeshariki: The ABC of Safety”, “Smeshariki: The ABC of Health” and “Smeshariki: The ABC goodwill." Short videos lasting from 30 seconds to 6 minutes carried an important mission.

“Smeshariki: The ABC of Safety” is a series of short cartoons in which Smeshariki tell the rules of the road and explain them to children using simple examples. Where there is traffic, Smeshariki are taught to always be very attentive and careful. Even if you are a pedestrian, you need to know the traffic rules. Smeshariki explains very clearly about traffic lights, pedestrian crossings and paths, special vehicles and special signals. Thanks to these series, children are more attentive to what adults say about their behavior on the street.

The series of episodes “Smeshariki: The ABC of Health” helps answer questions such as: “Why is it so important to wash your hands regularly?”, “Why do exercises?”, “How to eat healthy?”, “How to train yourself to follow a certain regime?”, “What are the benefits of walking in the fresh air?” Smeshariki teach that you need to take care of your health, and you need to take care of yourself at any age.

There is nothing better than showing friendliness towards your peers, adults, acquaintances and strangers, in return receiving gratitude and smiles. Kindness, faith in yourself and others makes a person better. This is exactly what the “Smeshariki” series is about. The ABC of Friendliness."

Smeshariki: New Adventures

“Smeshariki: New Adventures” is a three-dimensional continuation of “Smeshariki”. Cartoons “Smeshariki. New Adventures" was shown from October 27, 2012 to December 28, 2013. A total of 57 episodes were released. Enterprising Krosh, inquisitive Hedgehog, dreamy Barash, charming Nyusha, wise Karych, charming Sovunya, economical Kopatych, intellectual Losyash, inventor Pin - they all united again to give more funny and instructive stories. The new adventures of Smeshariki delighted with updated graphics and exciting stories.

The newest adventures from the 2016 series “Smeshariki” are not yet available on television, but they can always be found on Youtube and the official channel.

Smeshariki. Malyshariki

The animated series “Smeshariki” undoubtedly fell in love with both adults and children. However, many parents believed that for children under 3 years of age most of the information remains unclear and the series is intended for an older audience. The creators of the series listened to their opinion and released something interesting - the series “Baby Kids”. This cartoon is about kids: Smeshariki are just discovering the world and learning everything from the very beginning. Little Smeshariki are just beginning to distinguish hot from cold, heavy from light, red from blue. Like “Smeshariki,” “Malyshariki” is a series that is primarily educational and educational.

The kids explain how to distinguish between light and heavy, small and large, and also help to understand what friendship and trust, kindness and helping others are.

Full-length cartoons "Smeshariki"

After the success of the series “Smeshariki”, the creators began releasing a full-length cartoon. The first film “Smeshariki” was called “The Beginning” and was released on December 22, 2011. It was produced by the Ricky group of companies and the Bazelevs studio. Filming took place from 2007 to 2011.

“Smeshariki. The Beginning" tells about the events that took place in the country of Smeshariki before we met the heroes in the series. Krosh and Hedgehog find an old TV and bring it to Losyash so that he can fix it. Then the heroes watch the program "Lucien's Show", in which this same Lucien fights the evil character Dr. Caligari, who wants to take over the world. Without figuring out what the matter is, Hedgehog, Krosh, Nyusha and Kar Karych decide to help Lucien. To do this, they make a raft and go on a journey. At sea, the heroes meet the Titanic and a storm begins, in which Hedgehog and Krosh lose their things, and they themselves lose consciousness.

Cartoon “Smeshariki. The Beginning" turned out to have a very complicated plot, with the presence of a negative hero, which was not in the usual series, as well as with action elements.

The heroes find themselves in the city, where they are arrested and taken to the hospital. Thinking that these are the tricks of Dr. Kligari, Krosh, Nyusha and Barash decide that Lucien must save them. The hedgehog remained on the raft all this time, and when he regained consciousness, he went to look for his friends in the city. After wandering the streets, he meets Ping. Meanwhile, Barash escapes from the hospital to find Lucien at the television studio. It turns out that this is just a fictional character, played by Kopatych. Next in the cartoon “Smeshariki. The Beginning" complete confusion begins and the plot becomes even more confusing. Lucien, that is, Kopatych, is fired from the show, the program is renamed “Julien's Show,” and all the property of the poor bear is taken away for debts. Barash becomes a weather forecaster, and the city museum, which was guarded by Hedgehog, is robbed by bandits. The police put Pina and Hedgehog in prison, but that’s not all. Film “Smeshariki. The Beginning" was in the cinema, so the creators tried to add as much action as possible that was not typical for the cute characters in the series.

Barash, during a weather forecast rehearsal, accidentally turns on the camera and records how the bandits who robbed the museum enter the Sharostankino television studio to give the loot to the main producer of the show, Boss Nosor, who turned out to be the real villain in the film Smeshariki. Start". The only thing left to do is save the Hedgehog from prison. To do this, they, together with Kopatych, turn to the actor Gusen, who played Dr. Kilagari, and he comes up with a plan for liberation.

Throughout the full-length cartoon “Smeshariki”, Barash wants to open his feelings to Nyusha, but as always, something is stopping him.

Returning to their country, the Smeshariki build a house for Kopatych and take a photo as a souvenir.

For children who sincerely loved the series, the full-length film “Smeshariki” became the main event of 2011. The film received rave reviews, and viewers began to look forward to the movie “Smeshariki. Beginning 2", but the cartoon "Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon.

“Smeshariki. The Beginning" is a full-length animated film released on December 22, 2011 in 3D format. This is a prequel to the animated series "Smeshariki"

So, the film premiere of 2016 was the cartoon “Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon. The film was released in 3D format, directed by Denis Chernov, and created by the same group of companies "Rikki". It was planned that “Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon will be released in 2015, then the release date was announced as March 17, 2016. First, teasers appeared, then several official trailers, and then the full version of the cartoon “Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon" was released on schedule.

First, the cartoon “Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon" they wanted to call it "Smeshariki. The Secret of the Golden Dragon. Both names look advantageous, but for unknown reasons they chose the second option.

The plot of the film “Smeshariki 2”, of course, became even more confusing than “Smeshariki 1”. The story begins with Nyusha, Hedgehog, Krosh and Barash, who are playing a computer game. Barash loses and is very upset about it. Meanwhile, Losyash, who invented the Improver device, is preparing for a presentation at a scientific conference. Barash decides to use the device on the eve of the heroes' departure on a long journey. He gets into the plane, turns on the Improver, but mistakenly switches his body with an ordinary green caterpillar.

In the cartoon “The Legend of the Golden Dragon,” Smeshariki suffer a plane crash and are captured by the natives.

While traveling to a scientific conference, the heroes suffer a plane crash and end up on a desert island. A sheep, aka a caterpillar, sits in a jar, is accidentally lost and floats down the river. In search of their friend, the heroes run into a tribe of local Indians who found Barash earlier than the Smeshariki, and mistake him for a golden dragon, the legend of which says about saving the tribe from death. The caterpillar with Barash in its head is found by tomb robbers Lara and Diesel. Next is the plot of “Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon takes some incredible turns. Lara and Diesel help the Barash caterpillar; the natives worship Barash’s body like a golden dragon, and they want to execute the rest of the Smeshariki for wanting to steal their legend.

Meanwhile, after some events, Lara receives the Improver and ends up in Barash's body, while Barash's mind remains in the caterpillar. The tomb robbers want, with the help of Barash, in whom the natives believe, to steal all their gold.

Things get even more confusing when Diesel blows up the only stone bridge and the natives' village begins to collapse and the volcano begins to erupt. Nyusha and Sovunya flew in to help their friends and saved all the Smeshariki. Lara and Diesel's dynamite explodes, sending the golden dragon statue flying back to the native village.

Barash returns to his senses and all the Smeshariki fly home, remembering the legend of the golden dragon

They learn that the legend of the golden dragon is just a fiction, and try to save their lives from death after a volcanic eruption. The Smeshariki begin to look for Barash’s body, find it and prepare to return everything to its place, but the Improver breaks down, taking away their last hope. But then Kopatych hits Barash on the back of the head, and the device goes off. Barash returns to his senses and all the Smeshariki fly home, remembering the legend of the golden dragon. 2016 was remembered by young viewers for the release of a wonderful cartoon, in which everyone was eventually saved, and the nasty Lara and Diesel were punished.

Many people thought that the cartoon “Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon" in 2016 will begin a series of episodes, but expectations were not met. But at the end, after the credits in the cartoon “Smeshariki. Legendary about the golden dragon,” Krosh accidentally picks up the business card of the Deja Vu agency, which turns out to be an announcement for a new full-length film about Smeshariki.

Cartoon “Smeshariki. Deja Vu" will be the third full-length film. The release date has not yet been announced, but it is expected to be autumn 2017.

Cartoon “Smeshariki. Deja Vu" will be filmed in 3D and will tell about Krosh's time travels.

Smeshariki decide to organize Kopatych’s birthday and contact the Deja Vu agency. They are the ones who promise unforgettable time travel. Classically, something goes wrong, and Krosh goes to collect his friends from different eras.

Characters of the series "Smeshariki"

In the series “Smeshariki” the characters are divided into adults and children, as well as sanguine people, choleric people, phlegmatic people and melancholic people. Such a subtle development of characters became one of the main features of the cartoon, and the names of the characters in the cartoon “Smeshariki” were chosen carefully in order to make the right associations about them.

Barash is one of the main characters in the series “Smeshariki”, who was born on April 29. He writes poetry and is generally lyrical. He writes mostly sad quatrains and is prone to melancholy. Barash is easy to offend; he loves to suffer and attract attention to himself. Often remains misunderstood, which is why he is very unhappy. Smesharik Barash is vulnerable and can sometimes cry. At the same time, he is very kind and is not capable of harming anyone. Barash shows his sympathy for Nyusha, but he doesn’t always manage to do it right. The hero believes that he is very talented, and this is enough to write poetry. Inspiration rarely comes to him, but he does not create a masterpiece, because in order to become a real poet, you need to study, train and practice.

Still from the film “The Legend of the Golden Dragon”

Hedgehog is Krosh’s friend, born on February 14th. By nature he is phlegmatic with a serious character. Like all the heroes of Smeshariki, he is round in shape. Krosh is well-mannered, smart and very conscientious. Unlike his persistent friend, Hedgehog knows how to stop in time and tries not to make mistakes. The Hedgehog from Smeshariki is hindered by his slowness and shyness. Often he is embarrassed to express his opinion and act. The hedgehog collects mushrooms, cacti and candy wrappers. His house is always clean and tidy. He is excellent at reconciling friends who have quarreled. Hypochondriac.

Krosh is a blue rabbit, the ringleader from the cartoon “Smeshariki”, a friend of the Hedgehog. He is a very cheerful and energetic character who never sits still. Choleric by temperament. Krosh often interrupts his friends, loves to go on adventures and always invites Hedgehog with him. Krosh has a habit of blinking first his left and then his right eye when talking with friends. By nature, this rabbit is optimistic about the situation and is not afraid to try something new, as well as directly express its opinion. In the series “Smeshariki” Krosh and Hedgehog are best friends.

Nyusha is a girl from the cartoon “Smeshariki”, a pink pig, born on July 13th. By nature she is sanguine. Nyusha loves herself very much, since childhood she dreamed of becoming a princess, considers herself a fashionista, a beauty, takes care of herself and behaves very girlishly. Like a real girl, she loves to manipulate the boys around her, loves to be the center of attention.

Pandi is a panda from the cartoon “Smeshariki”, Kopatych’s niece, a girl with boyish habits. She came to visit her uncle for the summer and made friends with other Smeshariki. Her real name is Stepanida, but everyone calls her Pandi or Stesha. In the TV series Smeshariki, Pandi is the smallest. Likes to wear a pink bow and play with dolls.

Pandi's real name is Stepanida, in the series she is the smallest

Kar Karych is a raven and an important character in the TV series “Smeshariki”. He was born either on March 23 or June 1. Kar Karych in the past is a real artist with a lot of interesting stories. He performed in the circus, sang in the theater, visited different countries and is now resting in retirement. Karych from the series “Smeshariki”, like any artist, loves to be in the spotlight, talking about his past exploits to the rest of Smeshariki. He talks a lot and often brags. In many moments, Kar Karych is a sentimental and touching character. As an older comrade, many turn to him for advice, because he is very well-read and wise.

Kopatych is a bear from the series “Smeshariki”, the same age as Kar Karych. He was born on October 8th, and in the episode "The Grandma Effect" it is revealed that he is 54 years old. Kopatych keeps his own garden, grows fruits and vegetables for Smeshariki. By nature he is kind and caring. Like a bear, Kopatych is strong, and in winter he hibernates. But in the episode “Where the Old Year Goes,” he celebrated the New Year with other characters.

Losyash is a moose from the cartoon “Smeshariki”, born on May 25. A distinctive feature of Losyash is his scholarship. He studies astronomy and other sciences and also has a Nobel Prize. The kind and trusting Losyash is very absent-minded and forgetful, and his house is a constant mess. He enjoys reading books, so he has a huge library at home and conducts experiments. Elk loves to eat delicious food and knock out ice figures. He can be called a versatile and very interesting character. Thanks to his curiosity, Losyash is very erudite and knows how to work on a computer.

Pin is a penguin, born in Liechtenstein on August 9th. He often uses German words in his speech and has a strange accent. Pin, unlike the rest of the Smeshariki, lives in the refrigerator, comes up with various inventions and does not really like to communicate with other Smeshariki. Pin's inventions most often turn out to be unnecessary or devoid of logic, but he still continues to come up with something new and work. He is always ready to come to the aid of other characters, despite his isolation. In the spin-off “Smeshariki. Pin code" new series of 2015 affected the popularity of Pin. Especially when part 2 of the episode series came out. In the series “Smeshariki. Pin code" new series of 2016 and new products of 2016 were associated with Pin's inventions. Thanks to his Charolet, the heroes traveled to the future and got into all sorts of trouble.

Robot Bibi was designed by Pin and endowed with intelligence.

Sovunya is an owl from the cartoon “Smeshariki”, born on September 15. Sovunya used to be a physical education teacher, and then became a doctor. She loves to walk outdoors and play sports. Sovunya is very neat, economical and pragmatic. Thanks to his extensive life experience, he gives wise advice. His favorite pastime is skiing from his house, located high in a tree.

Bibi is a robot created on June 10, 2006. Bibi from the cartoon “Smeshariki” designed Pin and endowed him with intelligence. He doesn't talk, but only makes sounds that imitate speech, like R2D2 from the Star Wars movie. At first, Bibi annoyed the Smeshariki because he couldn’t do anything and Pin showed and explained simple things to him. Then the robot flew into space to study at the academy, but sometimes returned to Smeshariki.

Lily is a hedgehog with whom the Hedgehog fell in love. In one of the Smeshariki cartoons, he found her portrait and thought that Lily was in trouble on a desert island. Together with Krosh, they went on a boat to save her, but in the end it turned out that it was just a character on a lemonade label.

Mulya and Munya are a bull and a cow, embodying the landowners who lived 200 years ago in the country of Smeshariki.

Mysharik is a swindler mouse, born on January 2. In the cartoon, he pretended to be a world-famous designer and deceived Nyusha by taking money from her for a dress.

Lucien is a character from the cartoon “Smeshariki”, the main character of “Lucien’s Show”. He is a brave bear superhero who saves the city from the evil Dr. Cligary. In fact, this is Kopatych, who simply plays the role of Lucien in the cartoon “Smeshariki. Start".

Iron Nanny is another robot created by Ping. In one of the episodes of “Smeshariki” she cared about the characters so much that everyone ran away from her.

Black Lovelace is a character from the cartoon “Smeshariki”, invented by Krosh and Hedgehog. According to the story, a black womanizer played the guitar and lured girls, driving them crazy. Smeshariki told this story to Nyusha, and after hearing what she heard, she met the stranger under a pine tree, thinking that this was the Black Lovelace.

The story of how Krosh and Hedgehog decided to scare Nyusha with a story about the Black Lovelace

Khrum is a small green dragon, the symbol of 2012.

Shusha is a green snake girl who came to Smeshariki with jam and her talented songs. Symbol of 2013.

Igogosha is a horse-journalist, symbol of 2014. I came to Smeshariki to film a report about the New Year.

Fisa is an ill-mannered monkey, a symbol of 2016.

Voice actors of the cartoon "Smeshariki"

Dubbing the series “Smeshariki” was a real challenge and difficult task. These had to be not exactly children's voices for the little characters, but there was a special requirement for adult characters. The voices had to arouse interest and a desire to understand the meaning of what this or that character wants to convey.

The following actors took part in the voice acting of the characters in the series “Smeshariki”:

Igor Dmitriev is a narrator. His voice sounds at the beginning and end of the episodes, introduces the plot of the film and pronounces the final phrases. The actor began his career back in 1940, and in our times he played roles in the TV series “Cops”, “Poor Nastya”, “Golden Calf”, “Madcap”.

Anton Vinogradov voiced Hedgehog and Krosh. He is a professional voice actor, Russian announcer, composer, official voice of the TV channel “TRK Channel 5”, “Radio Record”, “Eldoradio” and the “Pirate Station” festival.

Cartoon characters

There were rumors among fans about who voiced Nyusha from Smeshariki. Initially, Svetlana Pismichenko was given the important mission of voicing Nyusha, the Smeshariki character beloved by many children. She can be seen in various Russian films and TV series, but not in the leading role. Her main works were the film “Morphine”, the series “SashaTanya”, “Love Without Rules”. Then Nyusha was voiced by actress Ksenia Brzhezovskaya, a professional with an extensive track record in the field of voice acting and dubbing. The series “Doctor House”, “Kim Plus”, “The Lion King” and “Cars” and “Barboskins” are just some of Ksenia’s works.

Vadim Bochanov voiced Barash. Vadim is a Russian theater and film actor, playwright, screenwriter. During his career, he became the author of theatrical plays, played film roles in TV series and films, but dubbing Barash was his first work in this field.

Mikhail Chernyak was responsible for the voices of Losyash, Kapotych and Pin. His voice can be heard in films about Transformers, and the actor can be seen in the films “The Khabarov Principle”, “The Wanderings of Sinbad”, “Trouble” and “Chasing the Past”.

It is interesting, but it is a fact that Kar Karych and Sovunya were voiced by the same person - Sergei Mardar. This became one of his main and lasting works. In addition to film roles, Sergei takes part in many performances at the Theater of Generations.

Songs and music of the series “Smeshariki”

In the series “Smeshariki” songs play an important role. Despite the fact that it is not a musical, the music of the series “Smeshariki” has long won the hearts of children and has become no less popular than the cartoon. You can easily download “Smesharikov” songs on the Internet and play them for your children. The lyrics of songs about “Smesharikov” have been translated into many languages, as well as the series itself. The main song of “Smeshariki”, or rather the melody that sounds at the beginning, was written by composers Marina Landa, Sergei Vasiliev, Evgenia Zaritskaya, Sergei Kiselev. It is worth noting that Marina Landa is the artistic director of the Children's Musical Theater and a member of the St. Petersburg Union of Journalists. She was the leader of the vocal group of the Rainbow ensemble, which performed songs for the children's television film Gum-Gum. Marina also worked as a music editor for the children's edition of Leningrad Radio, as a music editor for Radio Russia, and hosted her own programs “Musical Stories.” When the song about Smeshariki was being prepared, Marina’s experience turned out to be very useful.

In general, songs from the cartoon “Smeshariki” are liked not only by children, but also by adults. These compositions are discussed on forums and thematic websites, and guitar chords are selected for them so that they can be performed on hikes, around a campfire, and in groups.

Cover of the album of songs from the TV series “Smeshariki”

By the way, a song from one episode of “Smeshariki” about the city of Omsk has become a kind of anthem. In the cartoon, it was performed by the whole team, which created the impression of some kind of unity. Residents of Omsk did not ignore the series “Smeshariki” after this song and reacted to it very positively.

One of the most popular songs from “Smeshariki” was the composition “From the Screw”. It was published in 2004, and was written by composers Sergei Vasiliev and Marina Landa. In the series “Flying in Dreams and in Reality,” the song “From the Screw” from the cartoon “Smeshariki” was performed by Anton Vinogradov, but then children sang it more than once and even made clips available on Youtube.

After the series " Sunny bunny In the cartoon “Smeshariki,” everyone loved the song “Good Mood,” performed by Anton Vinogradov, Sergei Mardar and Sergei Vasiliev. After this song from the series “Smeshariki” a good mood really appears.

When the song “The Troublemaker and the Scoundrel” was performed for the first time in the TV series “Smeshariki,” it immediately received an alternative name – the song “He Lives Inside Me.” All because this line was repeated many times:

lives inside me
He doesn't give me peace
Amazing sly
A troublemaker and a fool.
He does everything on the sly
So much so that your head is spinning
He's a troublemaker and a fool
He takes me lightly.

The series "Smeshariki" contains songs from old films that have been remade. For example, Sovunya sings “Yellow leaves are spinning over the city” or “Why, why, why is it so bright for me.”

The round song from the cartoon “Smeshariki” was performed musical ensemble“Fidgets”, written by composers Sergei Vasiliev and Marina Landa:

A round wind flies on a round planet
The clouds are driving around in circles
On a round planet there is a place for everyone in the world
Although it is small

No less favorite was the song for the cartoon “Smeshariki” “Pin Code”. For the new series, the creators tried to make the musical accompaniment memorable.

In the full-length cartoon “Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon" music and songs were written by Marina Landa, as for the rest of this series. Soundtrack to the film “Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon" turned out to be diverse with original and original compositions. The main song from Smeshariki “The Legend of the Golden Dragon” was performed by Sergei Vasiliev.

Video games "Smeshariki"

Video games “Smeshariki” differ from similar ones in the variety of plots, brightness and colorfulness. Their huge advantage is that you can choose which hero the game will be played with. Also, the Smeshariki games allow players to immerse themselves in the real world of balls and pay attention to their favorite character.

The video game “Smeshariki” allows you to plunge into the real world of balls

Based on the series, the game “Shararam” was created. In the land of Smeshariki." Entering “Sharam-shararam. Smeshariki", you find yourself in a kind of virtual world where your Smeshariki can not only play and have fun, but also communicate with other Smeshariki and fully exist, namely live in your own house, change the decor in it to your liking, buy clothes.

The country of Smeshariki is a special place where you must follow the rules of behavior and be polite to other players. To prevent users from getting bored, “Shararam. In the Land of Smeshariki” releases updated Smeshariki maps at least 2 times a year, where players walk and level up their character. Inside this game there are separate modules, such as “Save Smeshariki from evil jokes” and “Smeshariki. Hide and seek on the map."

In addition to the official game, there are also mini-games that are no less interesting and varied. Among the games we can highlight “Smeshariki. Catch-up games”, where you have to run away from the iron catch-up, “Smeshariki. Adventure games,” in which you have to walk along the road with Smeshariki, collect bonuses and solve riddles, and “Smeshariki. Racing", where you can ride various types of transport against the clock.

In the game “Smeshariki. Looking for Bibi” Nyusha invited her friends to her birthday. Everyone came except Bibi. This is the beginning of an exciting adventure with quests, riddles and logic puzzles.

The games “Smeshariki. Five in a Line" and "Smeshariki. Five in line 2”, where you need to fold the balls so that they disappear. The very strange game “5 Nights with Smeshariki” was created by fans of the series. It does not contain the usual children's images and is more reminiscent of a horror quest. For fans of sports games there is “Smeshariki. Volleyball”, where you can show your dexterity in catching the ball. And if you get bored alone, you can select the “Smeshariki” mode. Volleyball for two."

In the series of games “Smeshariki. Round company” Pin came up with a game room with charades and logic tasks that help children develop. Thanks to the game “Smeshariki. Nyusha the Princess" girls learn the rules of etiquette, how to behave correctly at home and when visiting, how to clean and run the house. In addition, you can show your imagination in the game “Create your own Smesharik”. If you want to test the skills of a screenwriter and director, then the game “Smeshariki. Multimasterskaya". Well, if friends come to visit, you can choose the game “Smeshariki for two” to share the fun.

Books and magazines "Smeshariki"

Thanks to the popularity of the Smeshariki cartoons, print producers approached the creators with a proposal to create a Smeshariki magazine and publish Smeshariki children's books.

“Smeshariki” magazine is for everyone who likes to spend time usefully and interestingly. Comics, coloring books, amazing stories and discoveries, tricky puzzles, as well as competitions and prizes

The magazine “Smeshariki” has been published since 2006 and is published monthly. In addition, sometimes special issues are published. The magazine was created for children and their parents as entertaining and educational. Each character leads his own section. Krosh reports the latest news, Pin is responsible for the section with crafts, Nyusha talks about the upcoming holidays and gives beauty tips. Each Smeshariki magazine comes with a set of multi-colored stickers as a gift. The issue also includes new comics, Smeshariki coloring books, stories, puzzles and creative competitions.

For the little ones, various fairy tales "Smeshariki" were released, telling new stories about heroes from colorful illustrations. The book “Smesharikov Academy” has become a lifesaver for many parents who want to prepare their children for school early.

Toys "Smeshariki"

What kind of toys based on the series “Smeshariki” were not invented at the peak of the cartoon’s popularity. It seemed that the share of products with Smeshariki in children's toy stores was more than half of the entire assortment. First of all, the children really liked the soft and fluffy Smeshariki toys. You could also collect a whole collection of miniature plastic characters and place them on your shelf.

Now, for any holiday, you can safely choose a gift for your kinder with the characters from the series “Smeshariki”.

The little ones have a huge selection of rattles, modules and rugs. Those with a sweet tooth will be happy to receive a delicious Kinder Surprise with Smeshariki toys inside. The taste of familiar chocolate and the opportunity to bring all the characters together has always remained one of the favorite childhood activities of many. In addition, a series of Chupa Chups Smeshariki candies were released, which can be given almost every day for good behavior.

A cake with your favorite Smeshariki characters will be a great gift for little cartoon fans

For children who are interested in drawing, “Smeshariki” coloring books can be an excellent gift. A huge number of them were released with pictures of individual characters and entire plot stories. Coloring pages “Smeshariki” are available on the Internet. Therefore, you can simply download and print them.

Little athletes will be pleased to receive the long-awaited Smeshariki bicycle, which is made in colors in accordance with their favorite character and with other decorative elements.

Preschoolers will be interested in putting together puzzles with scenes from the cartoon “Smeshariki”, as well as understanding the “Smeshariki” construction set. By the way, the cooperation with the Lego company did not work out, and Smeshariki did not integrate into this industry.

For a birthday, a little fan of the cartoon “Smeshariki” will love the cake. In addition, private confectioners have learned to make a cake with Smeshariki so realistic and colorful that it could become a decoration not only for a child’s birthday.

Criticism and public perception

Such a phenomenon as the cartoon “Smeshariki” has received various and numerous reviews. The heroes who spread all over the world made children and their parents rejoice. The opinions of adults were divided into positive and negative, but the former were still the majority, which proves the popularity of the series.

The series “Smeshariki” is often called a modernized version of Soviet cartoons. After watching them, my soul is calm and warm, the characters are kind, without a catch or a hint of vulgarity. However, the plot cannot be called simple and banal, because each episode is tailored from subtle jokes and instructive situations. “Smeshariki” is suitable for children and their parents. There is no denying the fact that the public received the cartoon with great enthusiasm and approval. Each person seems to have their own Smesharik: the smart Losyash, the inventive Pin, the thrifty Sovunya, the experienced Kar Karych, the carefree Krosh and the shy Hedgehog.

Computer game "Smeshariki"

“Smeshariki” is a series that does not copy or parody Western analogues. He is original and original. The most positive feature of this cartoon is the complete absence of cruelty and false information. Smesharikov exudes kindness, but not feigned naivety. The main characters do not call each other names and do not plot intrigues. Thanks to the fact that the creators managed to interest and attract the attention of children, the process of learning other subjects and creativity became more malleable and desirable. With the help of related products branded by Smeshariki, children are more willing to agree to any actions. “Even independent reading of books, if they are about Smeshariki, is easier and more confident for my child, given that it is difficult to force him to sit down and read,” the parents note.

In addition to rave reviews, “Smeshariki” met real resistance. The cartoon also caused negative impressions, supported by facts. Some adults believe that “Smeshariki” is the worst thing ever seen on television, and it is harmful for children to watch such cartoons. This is due to the excessive cartoonishness of the characters and the distance from reality. Children with an immature psyche and worldview may accept spherical animals with unnatural skin colors as the norm. They might easily think that pigs are bright pink, bears are friends with hedgehogs and moose, and penguins live in the forest. In this case, I would like to note that such a literal perception of cartoons can be a signal for the parents themselves.

As for the full-length cartoon “Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon,” then, judging by the reviews, the audience did not receive it entirely enthusiastically, although all fans of the “Smeshariki” series were waiting for this film in 2016. From a harmless story about good heroes, forest dwellers, they turned it into an action movie, stuffed with childish jokes and hopeless situations that were resolved in a very illogical way. This added dynamism to the film, reducing the number of boring scenes. But still, for a children's movie, some moments were superfluous.

  • Contrary to popular belief that “Smeshariki” has a goblin translation, this is not the case at all. There are many alternative versions of the Smeshariki series on Youtube, but Goblin (Dmitry Puchkov) has nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, false Smeshariki in Goblin go unpunished.
  • In 2008, “Smeshariki” was awarded a State Prize in the amount of five million rubles.
  • In 2008, the series “Smeshariki” was released on US television screens. In the series, the names of Smeshariki were changed to the American style.
  • The name of Smesharikov in Germany became known only after the launch of the series on the CW channel. The cartoon has acquired another name - Kikoriki.
  • Young enthusiasts created the website “The World of Smeshariki”, where you can watch all the episodes, discuss them with other fans, find games and all the information about your favorite characters.
  • Initially, the beloved and funny “Smeshariki” were created as heroes for packaging chocolates round shape. The first to be drawn was a hare, which the artists liked so much that they came up with the rest of the characters and began work on preparing the cartoon.
  • In the working version, the name of the cartoon was “Sweet People”, not “Smeshariki”, and the screensaver would include scenes of eating sweets and candies.
  • Another original idea of ​​the creators was that Smeshariki live in the city, and not in the forest.
  • Characters in the full-length cartoon “Smeshariki. The Beginning" were depicted as superheroes: Captain Karkar, Pigwoman, Moose-X, Spidercrush, Superram.
  • According to the ratings, Krosh became the children's favorite character, with Pin in second place. Boys and girls love him, like almost all the heroes of Smeshariki, and the boys speak of Nyusha as a troublemaker and a flirt.
  • In the episode “New Year's Mail”, Mysharik says to Nyusha after she poured water on him: “What do you allow yourself” - this is a reference to the film “The Irony of Fate”.
  • Fans of the computer game Minecraft created the “Smeshariki” mod, where you can play for the main characters, complete missions and play with friends online.