Dmitry Syenduk biography. Dmitry Syenduk: “My neighbor starts his morning with a growl

Metro continues to talk about different directions video blogging to understand what the new web television consists of and how the authors of videos that collect hundreds of thousands of views live. In this issue we will talk about those who voice and create cartoons

Dmitry Karpov is known on the Internet as Syenduk. His voice is well known to fans of modern cartoons - "Rick and Morty", "Gravity Falls" and "Adventure Time". In addition to voice acting, he runs his own YouTube channel, where he posts animations drawn by himself, as well as makes parodies and reviews.

It is not surprising that the passion for cartoons comes from childhood. Dmitry liked to imitate voices from TV, he tried to repeat the “cartoon” intonations. When he got his first computer, he realized that he could turn his hobby into something memorable and turn it into creativity.
“Since childhood, I dreamed of drawing my own cartoons, that is, now I’m just realizing my childhood dreams,” Syenduk told Metro. - I made my first video before YouTube, when my friends and I were just having fun, filming our own films with stupid plots and jokes.

At the same time, Dmitry mastered all the skills necessary for a blogger: he learned to write a script, edit and mix sound.
Gradually, the hobby turned into a source of income. Dmitry trained as a PR manager, so he believes that he is working in his specialty.

Workaholism and perseverance
“Everyone may think that working as a blogger is easy, and people get a lot of money for nothing,” Syenduk complains. - But this is work 24 hours a day, sleepless nights, workaholism. The amount of effort you put into it is the amount you get out of it. Working for yourself is in some ways more difficult, in some ways cooler.

It takes several days to create a cartoon. First, an idea is born and a script is created, then animation and voice acting. By the way, despite the fact that Syenduk is known to the general public as a dubbing actor, voice acting is his least favorite part of his work. Final stage- editing and uploading to video hosting.
“Sometimes you need to order very high-quality animation or call additional actors for voice acting, all this is not cheap,” Syenduk noted. - This is a serious business, and it is difficult to say what the net income is. It depends on the flow of advertisers - for example, in the summer I get less because everyone is on vacation.

Dmitry's YouTube channel is over 5 years old. The blogger believes that he is still alive and gaining views due to the fact that Syenduk is constantly testing various formats; the viewer is always expecting something new.

Profitable hobby
Statistics show that young people now watch more video hosting sites like YouTube and Twitch than traditional television. Syenduk is one of the bloggers who believes that this area of ​​activity needs to be somehow regulated.

From bloggers big influence and, therefore, there must be greater responsibility, says Dmitry. - Every blogger must understand that he is broadcasting to a wide and young audience, so he needs to “filter the market.” For example, among advertisers there is a so-called “code of ethics”. I think bloggers need something similar too.
Syenduk himself is constantly on YouTube as a viewer. His favorite Russian channels are Bad Comedian and Danila Poperechny.

"I can draw a short cartoon in 1-2 days. But this is if I work to the limit of my capabilities, after that
I'm barely alive."
Dmitry Karpov, blogger

Five Russian animators:

Fedor Comix
A 21-year-old Rostovite draws funny cartoons on different topics and makes parodies.
. 504,012 subscribers

Youtube screenshot

Danila Poperechny
Popular stand-up comedian, a video maker and screenwriter, started on YouTube as an animator.
. 1,170,429 subscribers

Youtube screenshot

Shoot Animation Studio
The channel's main project is the animated series "Tankmen's Stories" about World of Tanks.
. 186,807 subscribers

Dmitry Syenduk is the author of re-voices, homemade re-drawings of famous animated series, original videos and translator. The peculiarity of the videos lies in the absurdity of humor and the expressive presentation of the author. Original content in the form of self-drawn cartoons only adds interest to the channel.

Thanks to the work of the media, Syenduk had a misunderstanding involving Leonid Yakubovich, who allegedly wanted to “sue” the blogger. The blogger combined footage from the game in his video Mortal Kombat with phrases from the host of “Field of Miracles”. Journalists presented it as if Dmitry was trying to make money from Yakubovich’s fame, although there is no doubt that the video was purely humorous.

Dmitry Syenduk - full biography, age and height.

Dmitry was born and lives in the city of Tula. Birthday: April 13, exact year unknown. He is not married and has no children, but is dating a girl. Height is unknown. Syenduk prefers to talk more about work. It’s ironic that as a child, Dmitry had a “C” in drawing, and now he makes money by monetizing views of his cartoons on YouTube.

The YouTube channel was created by Syenduk on April 26 back in 2010. The blogger appeared on Twitter a year earlier - in 2009.

The blogger gained popularity among a wide audience thanks to his work on the popular animated series “Rick and Morty.” Syenduk’s amateur voice acting was officially broadcast by the 2x2 channel. Dmitry is still associated with the project and recently translated and voiced the animation “Rick and Morty in Court” - with the permission of the creators of the series themselves.

He also took part in the translation and voice acting of the Disney animated series Gravity Falls.

Syenduk’s channel has many sections: conspiracy theories related to children’s cartoons, funny re-voices, animation about the character Lezheboker, chronicles of AdBlock advertising and others. The blogger reviews stupid or pirated games, strange children's toys, programs on the Carousel channel, and even creates his own video recommendations for creating a successful boy band or a new iPhone. Also popular are videos where Dmitry reads children's messages from VKontakte groups on the topic of becoming a fairy or calling Fixies. The channel does not have any main theme.

There is an assumption that Syenduk and another blogger with a similar voice - Alex Gufovsky - are one and the same person. Gufovsky also makes humorous psychedelic videos without a specific theme.

We promised you an interview with the Youtube star, the voice of Rick, Morty, Dipper and other heroes of your favorite cartoons, Dmitry Syenduk. Our special correspondent Alexey Sokolov selected from the comments, added his own and interrogated Syenduk with passion, simultaneously learning what can be done with a microphone for 70 rubles, why the translator went to a gathering of My fans Little Pony, and why a schoolgirl told him to fuck off at Comiccon.

Who is Syenduk? What kind of word is this anyway?

I also have problems with self-determination. It’s difficult to call yourself a specific term, be it a video blogger, a cartoon translator, or even, at a stretch, an animator. Let's say this: content maker. Well, or just a dude who creates what he likes and even manages to make money from it. And “Syenduk” is the name of a demon from Proto-Indo-European mythology who lived in chests and made frightening sounds at night! Or just my nickname, which, despite such a frightening connection to the forces of evil, appeared by chance when I wrote an old nickname from the time of toys in CS1.6 in the Russian layout.

How did you come to this craft? Tell us about your very first steps, when you didn’t yet know that you would have hundreds of thousands of subscribers and comments with questions about whether you want to become a Winx fairy and your favorite flavor of Blazer.

If you go deep into the depths, it all started when I was hanging out with my grandmother in the Urals. There was a cassette recorder there, and when I was bored, I turned on radio broadcasts where I talked to myself in different voices. Introduced the guests and presenters. Then I listened to it again, got bored, and re-recorded new broadcasts onto the cassette. Unfortunately, there aren’t any of these cassettes left: I treated it somehow simply, with light hand I threw them all away. You know, when you open a cassette, you throw the tape into the sky and it leaves such a cool trail behind it?

Then did you get your hands on the computer?

Then there was a computer, yes. Again, it was boring, and I started translating the Sonic X cartoon series using funny subtitles. I posted everything on some forum, they praised me and said that it turned out well. Although, if you reconsider all this now, it’s not so funny - the level is completely different. But in general, it was thanks to Sonic and this start that I mastered Photoshop and some editing programs. I even made a game about one of the heroes, Shadow the hedgehog! Moreover, it has been preserved - there is a website where some demos are still lying around.

What do you think about Sonic memes? Sanek, is that all?

So I’m the admin of one of the meme groups! But the administration is hidden so that no one bothers you again.

When did you discover Youtube?

That’s where I then started posting funny Sonic jokes. Then I got tired of it, and I set my sights on something more - I even tried to work on information feeds. I made a parody of Stan Eminem, where the reading comes from the perspective of a Ranetok fan - they say, you didn’t give me an autograph, I’ll go kill everyone! But at the same time, I didn’t even think about any money, affiliate programs, I didn’t even imagine that this was real. Everything was purely for fun.

First milestone?

I can say for sure that these were parody translations of My Little Pony videos. Then specific category autistic people were obsessed with these little things. Moreover, they began to invite me to meetings of these bronies. Well, I thought - just for fun, why not go? They had a whole fest in some kind of Moscow hell space. And then I was blown away by the fact that there were people who came up and said, “Wow! It’s Syenduk himself!”

How do you generally feel about armor wearing fedoras and sparse chin hair?

Well, if they like it, then why not? Many people don’t even understand those who watch Adventure Time or . It's the same story with Pony. But all the same, as for me, this is not a topic to get so excited about. Although I have several toys with them at home - they are just visually cool.

When did you get the hang of big translations?

When I realized that there was nothing more interesting cartoons to translate on Youtube, I tried to work on Adventure Time. Then the first two seasons were shown in dubbing on Cartoon Network, and there was already a third, untranslated. That’s when everything related to the translation of high-budget and mainstream animation began. I translate what I like, and if people like it based on views and likes, then I continue. For example, I really like “Invaders of Zim” and “Mike Tyson – Detective,” but they didn’t reach the audience, and I gave up on them. But it would be cool to return to them!

How did you organize the space at home to translate? Soundproofing, expensive equipment? Have your neighbors ever hit you?

For the first two years I recorded using an office white long microphone for 70 rubles. Naturally, I didn’t hang any carpets on the walls, the floor was also empty... I myself don’t understand why I don’t collect all the apartment sounds and echoes. This is some kind of recording magic! But of course there is post-processing. And as for the neighbors - my friend lives below me, who starts his morning with a growl, and the neighbors above are constantly working, so there were no problems, it was because of the recording that the police were not called.

Question from the comments: what did you do to speak in different voices?

Well, that story with the radio and the cassette recorder gave it a start. Then he also liked to copy voices from Fox Kids, so that also gave some kind of imprint. Somehow it happens on its own - I hear the voice in the original and adapt to it.

Another question from the comments: will there be a second voice, a female one?

It would seem that the year is 2015, but federal channel as the official voice acting there is one voice... I tried to take a female voice for Gravity Falls, but those who are used to original version, they immediately began to grumble that my Mabel turned out to be more feminine than that girl’s, so I had to abandon this option.

How did it happen that your voice acting ended up on 2x2?

And for Rick and Morty there was no alternative. We just contacted the channel and they didn't mind. And now, roughly speaking, this is considered official Russian voice acting. And the creators of the cartoon are aware: I sent Justin Roiland a trailer for Russian dubbing, a kind of promotional video, on Twitter, and he retweeted it, which means he checked it out.

Do you have much to show for the accuracy of the translation?

Do you communicate with fans?

The fan base is vast, yes. It happens that in one day both small schoolgirls and adult men harass them. People are shouting from cars - hey, Syenduk, give me a lift? Yesterday night I was walking with my girlfriend, and a car passed me in the dark. We think - oh, how polite people are in Tula. And from the car they shout - hey, what's up, trunks? But these are all sudden meetings, but there is no time at all for any correspondence or meetings with fans. Yes, and sometimes it happens strangely with especially active people. We went to St. Petersburg for Comiccon, and that was enough for me to understand: close communication with fans is not for me. We just entered the very first huge hall, I took two steps, and fans surrounded me asking me to take a picture and sign my name. And for half an hour I didn’t move - I took pictures and signed my name. Then he apologized and went to look around, but at every step there were groups of schoolchildren who shoved papers or, much worse, literally stuck their cell phones in our faces and asked us to laugh at the camera or “say something funny.” Then I got tired, told those who wanted to take a photo that they could do it on the go, and some disgruntled schoolgirl told me to fuck off.

Question from the comments: will there be a podcast from Syenduk?

This is difficult. We tried to do it, but there are only three releases. It is difficult to devote time to him, although it seems that it is not difficult. But recording, editing - all this takes time. So if I return to them, it will only be on an irregular basis - maybe once a month, as I have time and desire.

How do you feel about pirates? Not only did you grow up in pirate times, all these unlicensed cartridges and discs from Fargus, but also your voice acting can also be considered pirated.

The grass was greener before, yes. Although this monotonous voice of pirated voice acting on PS One... But still - thanks to them for the games not on English language. And what they are doing now is, of course, an ass. To some extent, I also justify games on torrents, but! Valid for informational purposes only. I definitely buy everything on physical media - I love it when I can turn something in my hands. Oddly enough, I quote games on discs – it’s nice to touch and put on a shelf. I tried to buy on Steam, but I didn’t get much pleasure out of it, to be honest. Am I a disgusting enough man?

Photo: Alexey Sokolov, Anton Kolesnikov

This week the final episode of the famous animated series “Gravity Falls” was released. Less than a day after the premiere, an unofficial Russian translation appeared YouTuber Dmitry Syenduk. Many fans watched the animated series by Alex Hirsch in his voice acting. In honor of the end of summer in Gravity Falls, we decided to chat with Dmitry about his translation experience, future plans and the meaning of his name.

When did you first hear about Gravity Falls?

In the summer of 2012, that is, exactly when the first episodes appeared in English. At that time, I was practicing voice acting for Adventure Time and Regular Show (both series are still alive, oddly enough), but as soon as I saw Gravity Falls, my attention immediately switched to it.

What do you hope people find in this animated series?

The main secret of the success of Gravity Falls is the quality reflected in every detail: script, animation, soundtrack, voice acting, well-developed world. I am very glad that now the most popular animated series are those in which a lot of work has really been put into and which do not make the viewer look like an idiot.

Do you think the series was canceled too early? Is there any chance for a sequel or spin-off?

Alex Hirsch wanted to tell the story of one incredible summer, and he succeeded. Many modern animated series lack completeness, with directors, producers, and scriptwriters changing from season to season and who themselves do not know what they are going for. But I'm sure the decision to end the series was not easy for Hirsch. Speaking of the continuation: if we ever see a spin-off, for example, about the adventures of the Stan twins, then Alex is unlikely to be in charge of its creation, which means it won’t be the same. Now our lover of plaid shirts has been privatized by the FOX channel, for which he is producing a new original animated series. Hirsch grew up watching The Simpsons (the influence of their comedic style is clearly visible in GF), so I personally have very positive expectations for this new project.

Your translation by GF is very popular. When did you first start translating animated series?

About a year before the appearance of Gravity Falls, that is, in 2011. Listening to my old voiceovers, you can trace the growth of voice control with the naked ear and be convinced that in any business one of the main aspects is perseverance.

Many have noted your accuracy and ingenuity in conveying the meaning of the original. Where did you learn such excellent command of the language?

At first I voiced Gravity Falls using Russian fan subtitles. The translation there, as in the vast majority of subs, is far from ideal: it is much easier for a translator to explain a pun in a footnote than to try to adapt it. I had to correct a lot, look up the meaning of idioms on the Internet and select an analogue for them in Russian. Something like a puzzle.

And then I found where to get it English subtitles, and began translating directly during the dubbing process in order to save time and so that the dubbing would come out before the subtitles. Because of this, dubbing could take up to 3-4 hours for a 20-minute episode, but I truly enjoyed the process.

Sometimes it happens that, purely physically, I might not have time to release the voice acting on the day the original series appeared. Then I turned for help with the translation to familiar subtitling specialists, in whose skills I was confident at that time. However, this excessive trust and haste once cost me several missed idioms that were left without adaptation. I still kick myself for not keeping track.

In general, I don’t understand how modern reality You can manage to get the translation right. Okay, still amateurs, but even professionals who work for big screens for money manage to screw up. Either they are banned from Google, or they are too confident in their knowledge.

By the way, more about skills. In your voice acting, all the characters sound differently - rare case for amateur single-voice translations. Do you have any acting training?

No, none acting education I have no. As I already said, if you compare my old voiceovers with the new ones, the difference is very noticeable. The growth of abilities is always due to gaining experience. By "experience" I mean successful attempts, and errors. The main thing is not to give up and practice, move towards the goal.

Where do you find ideas for the incredible theories that you publish on your channel?

Reviewing this or that cartoon from childhood, I can often notice some inconsistencies or oddities in it that I had not thought about before. The more such oddities in the work and the stronger I can build a logical chain between these details, the greater the chance of a cool and fascinating conspiracy theory. Here, as in the case of translating wordplay, the process is similar to putting together a large and fascinating puzzle.

Some of the theories, for example about Scooby Doo, The Simpsons and Pokemon, are inspired by the guesses of like-minded Westerners.

What does the word “Syenduk” even mean? Colleagues build different versions: someone says, they say, cstyler in a different layout, someone points out the consonance with the names North American Indians. Will we find out the truth?

Syenduk is me.

Who is cooler: an elephant or a whale, in the sense of “Gravity Falls” or “Rick and Morty”?

They are not trying to compete in coolness - both animated series say hello to each other every now and then, inserting little Easter eggs here and there. And this is really cool. The question of an elephant and a whale disappears when you see an ELEPHANT WHALE in front of you.

What, in your opinion, is the reason for the recent trend towards the emergence of adult or children's-adult animated series?

Since its inception, animation has been designed not so much for children as for adults. Watch any cartoon from the silent era or the “golden age” and you will see this. The stereotype that cartoons are entertainment only for children arose with the advent of television and the adaptation of animation to the framework of a new cheap format. In the 1980s, the situation worsened due to the influx of animated series created solely for the purpose of advertising toys and merchandise, attractive in bright pictures, but worthless in content. But this does not mean that until now there have been no “adult” cartoons on TV. Once upon a time, the Flintstones were considered “grown-ups.”

In the 1990s, active experiments began in TV animation. “The Simpsons”, Batman The Animated Series, Animaniacs, “Gargoyles”... These and other amazing cartoons paved the way to what we have now.

Times change, standards change, and generations change. All of today's top cartoons are made by the hands of those who grew up absorbing the pop culture of the eighties and nineties. This is a generation of kidults, geeks, nerds - you can call them differently. These are the creators. They have developed taste and more options than ever. They create content that they themselves would like.

Just five years ago, the situation was completely different: Cartoon Network canceled the masterpiece animated series Sym-Bionic Titan only because it did not have time to acquire its own successful toy line. And this year we will already have a continuation of “Samurai Jack”, which for 12 years was considered a dead project. Large animation companies little by little they reconsider their ideas about the target audience and begin to trust young authors. Did you know that the director of the DuckTales reboot slated for 2017 is Alex Hirsch's girlfriend, Dana Terrace? Believe me, in the future cartoons will be even better than they are now.

Now that the GF is finished, have you already thought about what series you would like to translate?

I was thinking about taking on Steven Universe, but decided against it: there were already too many episodes out. This cartoon, in my opinion, was in second place in quality after Gravity Falls. Now he will take the first position altogether. At least until something cooler comes along. And it will definitely appear.

Real name: Dmitry
Date of birth: 13.04
Place of birth: Tula

Syenduk is another well-known character on YouTube, whose personal life is shrouded in fog. Animated series such as Gravity Falls, Rick and Morty and many others speak in Syenduk’s voice.

School years and university studies

Syenduka's real name is Dmitry, but no one knows his last name. Dmitry was born in Russia in the city of Tula. Already at the age of 13, Dima discovered his talent for voice acting. He found out about this completely by accident, during summer holidays which he spent in small town In the Urals, at his grandmother’s, the boy became bored, he found a small tape recorder with a recording function and rewrote dozens of popular tracks for his own radio “Ryba-fm”. However, the guy, playing the roles of presenters, correspondents, invited guests and other media persons, was simply having fun.
After school, Dima decided to become a translator, but the Unified State Exam scores were not enough for a budget place. He passed Russian and English with 90 points, and social studies with 50 points. Then the guy decides to become a PR specialist. In one of his interviews, Syenduk said that he did not gain any useful specialized knowledge on advertising, because there is no normal practice there, just a theory, and a very outdated one. The only thing that was useful was lectures on psychology and philosophy for conspiracy videos.

Creating a channel on youtube

When Dima got a computer, the guy began translating Sonic X series with subtitles; he posted his work on one of the forums, where he was praised. We can say that Sonic X has become Starting point on the way to fame. It was thanks to him that Dima mastered Photoshop and editing programs.
When the guy was into Counter-strike 1.6, his nickname was cstyler. One day, Dima completely accidentally typed his nickname on the Russian keyboard. After reading what came out (syenduk), he was pleased. In terms of sonority, the result surpassed the previous nickname, so Dmitry got a new nickname Syenduk.

In the summer of 2012, the first episodes of Gravity Falls were released, while Dima was practicing voice acting for the TV series Adventure Time and Regular Show. On this moment Syenduk is quite an active character on YouTube, it is difficult to call him by any term, be it a video blogger, translator or even an animator - the range of his activities is quite wide.

Syenduk doesn’t have a single channel; in addition to the main one, there are 3 more channels: sndk/voiceover, sys tv, [ПШ] - I heard it. The Poslavlos channel was created in order not to clog the main channel. Syenduk also runs his own public page on Vk, where he also posts reviews and animations, humorous clips, experiments with formats and colorful translations and voice-overs of the best foreign animation. In 2016 at Russian festival video bloggers of Vidfest in the category “like for humor” for which they fought famous channels like: Yuri Khovansky, Room Factory, Red21, thebrainmaps Syenduk won.
In the fall of this year, Dmitry published a video on his live channel in which he superimposed several lines from the host of the “Field of Miracles” program Leonid Yakubovich over the Mortal Kombat game; news about the video spread throughout the Internet in “ yellow style“Even a major media outlet wrote about him and then turned to Yakubovich for comments, who called the authors of the video flawed people, but it is still not clear how this was presented to him, perhaps Yakubovich did not even watch this video.

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