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The fauna of our planet is incredibly diverse. Some representatives of the fauna are so unusual that it’s hard to even imagine! We invite you to meet the funny big-eyed little ones and see their photos.

Galago is a baby mammal belonging to the order of primates. However, it is not very similar to monkeys and lemurs: the tail is like a squirrel, hind legs more powerful than the front ones, the muzzle is sharp, and the ears are spoon-shaped. But the most remarkable thing is the galago's eyes: they are simply huge!

The galago lives in Africa and likes a dry climate.

Galago species

There are 25 species of galagos. But the most common are the following:

  • Southern.
  • Fat-tailed.
  • Somali
  • Senegalese.

The animals are small in size: the body length of the largest, the thick-tailed galago, does not exceed 35 centimeters. The southern galago is half the size - only 16 cm. It has a lighter color.

Features of behavior

The animal is nocturnal. He deftly and silently crawls through the trees, folding his delicate ears into a tube so as not to injure them.

Galago likes to sleep in absolute silence, so he presses his ears to his head so that nothing will distract him from his rest. Waking up in the late afternoon, the galago raises its ears one at a time, listening for danger nearby. His ears are capable of picking up sounds at a very long distance.

Galago prefers to live alone, but sometimes they live in small groups of no more than 10 individuals. They reproduce 1 or 2 times a year. The cubs that are born (usually two of them are born) live with their mother for up to 3 months.

Galagos feed on small vertebrates, bird eggs, insects and plant foods.

Galago cry

During a night hunt with a flock, the animal makes shrill sounds reminiscent of a baby crying. For this he was nicknamed the “bush child.”


A small harmless animal in wildlife many dangers await. The main one is chimpanzees. The primates attack galagos during their sleep by impaling them with sharpened sticks.

People also hunt small animals, most often for the purpose of selling, because a small animal with big eyes Today it is very popular in the exotic animal market. Unfortunately, many babies die during transportation.

Aye-aye from Madagascar

The Madagascar bat - an animal with large eyes and ears - also belongs to the order of primates and is the only species of the family of bats.

The Madagascar monkey has small sizes (36-44 cm), a long fluffy tail that exceeds the body size by 15-20 cm, and dark brown fur. The head of the aye-aye is quite large, with large hairless ears located on it.

Huge, constantly surprised eyes, large front teeth, huge movable ears and elongated toes earned her the nickname Aye-aye.

The aye-aye is found only on the island of Madagascar, in bamboo thickets or dense forests.

Lifestyle of the Madagascar monkey

Aye-aye is nocturnal, and during the day sleeps in a nest, which it builds from palm leaves on the top of a tree or in a hollow.

Due to the secretive nature of this large-eyed animal, photographs of it are considered rare.

The little hand loves to eat the core of bamboo or sugar cane, it will not refuse fruits and coconuts, and it can eat some types of insects. Aye-aye is a solitary animal. Rarely can live in pairs (female with male during mating season or mother with baby).

Interesting facts about the Madagascar bat

The Madagascar bat is one of the most amazing animals on the planet, here are some facts confirming this:

  • The number of these individuals is extremely small, so aye-ayes are included in the Red Book.
  • The front teeth of the arm-shaped animal grow throughout its life.
  • The animals walk very slowly, since the fingers of the limbs have very long nails.
  • The middle finger on the front legs is long and thin, its end is not covered with hair. Aye-aye takes out bugs and insects from the cracks of trees and pushes them down their throats.

  • The female brings offspring once every 2-3 years.
  • Pregnancy lasts approximately 170 days, babies feed on mother's milk for up to 7-8 months and stay with their mother for up to a year or two.
  • The lifespan of the bat is about 30 years (in the zoo).

An animal with unusually large eyes

It would seem that the question: “Which animal has big eyes?” - the answer is clear - “At the biggest one.” But everything is not so simple: the largest animal in the world - the blue whale - is by no means the champion in the largest eyes.

The colossal squid has the largest eyes in the world. The weight of one of his eyes is 3 kg, and the diameter is 30 cm.

However, the Guinness Book of Records records the animal with the largest eyes (in relation to body size). Similar proportions could be achievable if, for example, a person had eyes the size of a large apple!

What is the name of the animal with big eyes that is so famous? His name is Philippine tarsier.

This animal looks like a cartoon character, instilling horror and awe. Its dimensions do not exceed 10 centimeters (without tail), while it weighs only 120-160 g, and its eyes can reach 1.5 cm.

The large round head has pointed ears, the limbs are thin and graceful, and the fur is red-brown.

The animal lives on Philippine Islands, or rather, on some of the southeastern islands of the Philippine archipelago:

  • Leite;
  • Bohol;
  • Mindanao;
  • Samara.

Tarsier can live in a variety of places:

  • in bamboo thickets;
  • on the treetops;
  • in abandoned front gardens;
  • in gardens and plantations.

He prefers to settle in forests where human access is limited.


These cute, bug-eyed babies are actually predators. A hungry tarsier sits motionless, waiting for prey. As soon as it sees its potential prey (lizard, insect or frog), it makes one long leap and captures the prey with amazing accuracy with its front paws. And then he proceeds to dinner, gnawing the victim with sharp fangs.

Tarsiers are also not averse to eating fish, crabs or crayfish.

The animals move quickly and silently through the trees, and rarely descend to the ground.

Tarsiers do not live in captivity. They are too freedom-loving and even in the zoo they cannot find a place for themselves, trying to break free, even at the cost of their lives.

Unusual abilities

This amazing animal with big eyes also has a number of extraordinary abilities:

  • They are able to turn their heads 180 degrees due to the special structure of their spine.
  • The fingertips have suction pads that allow them to stay on tree trunks and branches for a long time.
  • The tarsier's eyes are designed in such a way that the animal sees perfectly both at dusk and in bright light.
  • During the flight when jumping (and it can have a range of up to two meters), the tarsier can “steer” with its tail, ensuring precision landing.

Lemur loris is a leisurely animal

The slow loris is another animal with large eyes. A loris lemur sitting on a branch looks like a fluffy ball with big eyes. This animal does not have a tail, or rather, it does, but it is very short, only a few centimeters, and under the fur it is completely invisible. The body length of a bug-eyed fluffy can be from 20 to 40 cm, and its weight is no more than 1.5 kg.


Slow lorises sleep during the day and prefer to be awake at night. They see perfectly in the dark, so they hunt small rodents, birds and insects at night. They also eat nectar and fruits.

Lories lead a solitary lifestyle, uniting in pairs or groups only for a short time. In the area where one male lives, several females live. A female ready to bear offspring attracts a male with her own urine, which at this time contains special pheromones.

The female bears offspring for about 3 months, after which she gives birth to one baby. The newborn clings to the mother's fur and spends about 14 days in this position.

The male does not take any part in the “raising” of the cub, even though in captivity the slow loris - the father trusts the baby to the mother only during feeding.

An interesting fact is that all animals with large eyes see perfectly in the dark.

Dangerous pet with big eyes

Slow lorises thrive both in the wild and in captivity. However, before you get this charming animal with big, kind eyes, you should ask the seller what kind of species your potential family member is.

There are five species of slow loris, and one of them, the little slow loris, is poisonous. On the baby's elbow there are glands that secrete a substance that becomes toxic when it interacts with saliva.

The little slow loris uses this poison to protect its cubs from dangerous predators. He simply licks the baby's fur, and it becomes poisonous.

Other species of slow lorises do not pose a danger to humans.

Taking care of your neighbor

Slow lorises are unusually peaceful animals. They never conflict with their relatives, and when they meet, they take interesting “welcome” poses or groom each other’s fur. Especially for this process, the slow loris carries with it a special tool - a long claw growing on index finger legs All other claws of this loris species are short.